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Page 1: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com 1

Agile Scrum Training, Day 2 Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com 9 Dec 2014

Scrum: Team(s) working as a unit

Image: Harald Selke, Creative Commons

Page 2: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

• Recapping some of the day 1 items (Scrum overview)

• Other real world issues

• Practicalities creating a product backlog

• Kanban

• Materials

• Hands-on workshop -> Session desired

• Q&A

Agile Training - Day 2 agenda

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 3: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Selected issues from session 1 revisited

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 4: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

PO prioritizes the bugs too

– Can delegate this, e.g. part of sprint is ok for bug fixing.

– In practice, this is part of backlog grooming

Bugs are part of product backlog

– This is considered as a clear way, as there is only 1 prioritized list

– On the other hand, in case of many bugs, the stories (non-bug) can get unclear (unless you can filter them out)

Alternative: Bugs and product backlog are separate prioritized lists

– 2 lists: Product Backlog and Defect Management systems

– Especially, if there is a separate Defect Management system

– Bugs are pulled to the (single) Sprint Backlog from both lists according to PO guidance

Sprint backlog and bugs

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 5: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

If the team has also maintenance responsibilities, there are often some critical issues, that require fast resolution

– Aborting Sprint and re-planning is impractical

– Consider reserving a share of capacity for bug fixing

– You can make task for this, e.g. 10% of sprint reserved for critical bug fixes

– Create tasks for the bugs that are fixed. You can mark them differently for clarity

– Product Owner must be aligned with the procedure

– Review fixed bugs in sprint review

– If bug is really small, just fix it

Adding bugs during to an ongoing sprint backlog

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 6: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Technical debt refers to the consequences of poor system design

• For example, business can cause the release of imperfect code

On short term, technical debt can be tempting

On the long term, mounting technical debt causes large costs

• More defects, slower velocity, higher cost of maintenance, developer repulsion, …

Backlogs should have tasks for managing the technical debt (refactoring code)

• Backlogs can have everything that needs to be done for the software to be complete

• Often separated from stories as “Tasks”

Sprint backlog and Technical Debt

Refactoring code

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 7: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

There is evidence that doing TDD takes about 15% longer than not doing TDD.

But there is also evidence that TDD leads to fewer defects. Two studies at Microsoft found that the number of bugs found went down by 2 4% and 3 8% with the use of TDD.

TDD may take longer initially, but the time will come back to the team in the form of reduced bug fixing and maintenance time.

An anecdote on technical debt and test driven development

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 8: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Continuous integration and automated tests help managing technical debt

Splits big integration issues to normal daily business

• Builds can be done multiple a day

If build process is long, initial smoke tests can be used

Facilitates team work

• More here: http://www.martinfowler.com/articles/originalContinuousIntegration.html

Continuous integration also reduces technical debt

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com



Page 9: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Sometimes cumulating technical debt is ok

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 10: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

What happens if the team finishes the sprint early

• You can take new tasks from top of the sprint backlog, but you should be able finish these by the end of the sprint

• Fix bugs

• Reduce technical debt

Finishing sprint early

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: shortCHINESEguy, Creative Commons

Page 11: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

For stories and tasks to be completed, they should be preferably tested and verified. This can be problematic, especially if many items are finished at the end of the sprint

Means to avoid congestion at the end of sprint

– Continuous acceptance (and possible continuous live deployment)

– Small stories/tasks, so that you can submit to QA early

– Build/deployment automation running automated tests

– Developers should also test as far as possible

– Limit work in progress (WIP), as stories will then hit QA earlier as a continuous stream

As a side note, testers should be at sprint planning, as acceptance criteria is defined and testing can contribute

Testing features done during the sprint

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 12: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Revisiting a release

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

At the end of the sprint, there should be a working increment of software

– This could be a release candidate, that goes to end user testing

– Release candidate can have bugs, that are found in end user testing (Staging), as the sprint has finished

Make bug task

– Allocate bug to a sprint

– Can go to a current sprint, if you have this kind of practice

– Fix only the bug, test and make a new release

– Submit again to end user testing (Staging)

Page 13: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Team can work in Agile mode, but often organizations still follow waterfall.

• Stage gates can require certain items

• Provide minimum documentation feasible to pass the gate

• For example, contractual reasons can mandate a release date

• Consider splitting content to

• Mandatory functionality (MVP – Minimum Viable Product) • There should be enough confidence to reach this on time

• Planned content • In case of issues, drop the planned content

• Your realistic plan should aim for completing the planned content

Mixing scrum and waterfall

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: Chris Golightly, Creative Commons

Page 14: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Communication is more challenging

– More support materials are needed for verifying common goals

– Over communicating is better than under communicating

– Has significant overhead compared to co-location

– Can succeed, but is more tricky aligning the teams

Non co-located teams

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 15: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Making Product Backlog in practice

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: ilker ender, Creative Commons

Page 16: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Backlogs can be comprised of very different types of items

• Features

• Bugs (often a separate defect management system)

• Technical work

• Knowledge acquisition

In theory, you should document all stories and tasks, that are needed to be completed

Product backlog content

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: Andy McLemore, Creative Commons

Page 17: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

As a [role], I want to [do something] so that [reason/benefit]

– This is the brief description

– Template originally developed at Connextra.

Discussing the story during backlog grooming

– Fleshing out the details with the team

– Potentially making additional materials, e.g.

Acceptance criteria

– So that we know when the story is complete

– Testing should be also around and discussing this

Good user stories

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 18: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Feature: Shovel Snow

– As a Home Owner

– I want to Shovel Snow

– So that I can get out of my driveway to get to work

Problem with the above it describes the solution in too much detail. Less is better. Team can look for the best possible solution

Feature: Accessible Driveway

– As a Home Owner

– I want my driveway to be cleared of snow

– So that I can drive in and out of my driveway to get to work

Describe the problem, not the solution

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 19: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

1. Focus on the user

2. Use stories to facilitate a conversation

3. Story writing is teamwork

4. Keep your stories simple and concise

5. Progressively decompose

6. Don’t forget the acceptance criteria

7. Consider grouping user stories into themes

8. Use paper cards

9. Keep your stories visible .

10.Some things aren’t stories

Backup: Roman Pichler’s 10 tips for user stories

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 20: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Independent We want to be able to develop in any sequence.

Negotiable Avoid too much detail; keep them flexible so the team can adjust how much of the story to implement.

Valuable Users or customers get some value from the story.

Estimatable The team must be able to use them for planning.


Large stories are harder to estimate and plan. By the time of iteration planning, the story should be able to be designed, coded, and tested within the iteration.

Testable Document acceptance criteria, or the definition of done for the story, which lead to test cases.

Backup: Bill Wake's INVEST for user stories

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 21: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Product Backlog, a simple example

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 22: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

• Minimum Viable Product (MVP) - ASAP

• Order that makes sense for optimal execution

– You can’t build roof first

• Customer value, e.g. ROI

– End user value / Cost of execution (generally using rough estimates, and needs to be done on high enough level)

• Releasing stories together that make a meaningful theme

• Risky items

– Difficult and complex items should be addressed early

Prioritization of Product Backlog is multi-objective optimization

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 23: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

•Product focus is on users/customers

•Product Owner should be actively discussing with users or their representatives, e.g. sales

•Typically different people have differing opinions, and you can’t please all

– One way is to gather feedback from users and document this, and use it as guidance

– There are many scoring schemes

• Releases need to be meaningful, so Product Owner can’t rely only on user feedback, but use her own judgment

• Users/customers should be able to access the product backlog

– … or a release plan, if that is available and easier to understand

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Prioritization of stories with customers

Page 24: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Usually some users are more insightful than the others users

Identifying and using these lead users, you can reduce somewhat the communication on the stories and priorities, and better understand the future evolution

Lead users

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 25: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

A Minimum Viable Product has just those features that allow the product to be deployed, and no more.

– In practice this is the product, that you can consider shipping

You can make releases to select users, e.g. lead users, already prior to the MVP

– Release early and release often


Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 26: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Defines the longer term evolution and release plan in a simplified form for stakeholders

– Can have impact on planning the architecture

Release plan or roadmap

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 27: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)


The name 'Kanban' originates from Japanese, and translates roughly as "signal card"

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 28: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

• Scrum

• Kanban

• Methodologies can be characterized according to how prescriptive they are

• The methodology matters more than the tools used to implement it

About Agile SW Methodologies = Tools

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 29: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Kanban (method) = An approach to incremental, evolutionary process improvement for organizations = Change management tool = Managing flow

Scrum = an iterative and incremental agile software development framework for managing software projects and product or application development = Managing iterations

Underlying difference between Kanban and Scrum

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 30: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Kanban is a tool, that is not specifically a software development tool, but can be used for it.

Kanban is a change management tool

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 31: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

As Kanban is less descriptive, teams using Kanban actually need more discipline

With little rules, it’s easy to avoid them, e.g. setting high WIP limit

– With high WIP limit, it’s in theory Kanban, but Kanban principle is rendered pointless

Kanban requires discipline

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: Gabriela Pinto, Creative Commons Image: Ray Morris, Creative Commons

Page 32: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

1. Limit Work In Progress

2. Visualize the workflow

3. Manage flow

4. Make policies explicit

5. Implement feedback loops

6. Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally (using models and the scientific method)

These can be typically complemented with further elements

– This also applies to Scrum

– You can extend Kanban towards Scrum

Kanban is simple and has only 6 key principles

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 33: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

How many items can be in each phase at a time, e.g. in ”To Do” or ”In Progress”

Idea is to limit items per phase, so that they will efficiently flow through

– Analogy to traffic:. Flow with high speed sparsely rather than progress in a slow traffic jam

When a WIP limit for a certain task has been reached, the team stops and works together to clear the bottleneck. The goal of working in this manner is meant to ensure that the entire team takes ownership of the project and produces high quality code.

Limit Work In Progress (WIP)

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 34: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Hitting WIP (Work in progress) limit causes pain, as it blocks others tasks

In effect, this should encourage the immediate resolution of the issue

Resolution will then restore the effective flow of tasks

In effect: Smooth flow with some quickly resolved issues is better than having more issues per stage slowing each other down (with less pain and efficiency)

Hitting WIP limit causes pain, thus encouraging quick resolution

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 35: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Only small number of items should be in a single stage for more even flow.

• Good for testing

• Clear and reduces the number of unfinished items

Work in progress limit for Scrum

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 36: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Visualizing your work flow using a Kanban board shows which stage of development each feature is in. This is very helpful in seeing what the total backlog is and what work has been completed.

The stages can be freely defined

Looking a the Kanban board, immediately see where a team is

Visualize the workflow

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 37: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

A specific Kanban board physically limiting the flow

Many SW tools support limiting work items too

Visualize the workflow

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 38: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

For example, only start new work when an existing work is complete

– Keep the traffic density in check, as with work in progress (WIP) limits

– Not many unfinished tasks cluttering the flow and impeding work of others

Getting a constant and predictable stream of work through, whilst improving efficiency and quality. Rather than viewing work as a series of projects, view our work as a constant stream of work of varying kinds.

Manage flow

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Image: Ray Morris, Creative Commons

Page 39: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Until the mechanism of a process is made explicit it is often hard or impossible to hold a discussion about improving it.

–Organization identifies opportunities to improve the system,

–Evolutionary, collaborative change

Allows to capture and preserve organizational learning by building it into the system that is used to manage the work

Make policies explicit

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 40: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

• Improve beyond local teams through operations reviews

• Collaboration to review flow of work

• Organizations that have not implemented the second level of feedback - the operations review - have generally not seen process improvements beyond a localized team level

Implement feedback loops

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 41: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

The Kanban method encourages small continuous, incremental and evolutionary changes that stick.

When teams have a shared understanding, they are more likely to be able to build a shared comprehension of a problem and suggest improvement actions which can be agreed by consensus.

Measure improvement

Improve collaboratively, evolve experimentally

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 42: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Kanban Board, with WIP limits

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 43: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

The little difference between Scrum and Kanban boards

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 44: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Scrum board is reset between each iteration

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 45: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

More on this

– http://zsoltfabok.com/blog/2010/09/never-move-items-back/

Don‘t move items back on Kanban board

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 46: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

If you want, you can add more rules, e.g. a product owner for prioritizing the items

Kanban + more rules … leads us towards scrum

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 47: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Scrum has built in feedback loops

Scrum has clear roles

Kanban is directed primarily to change management

Scrum has more extensive product backlog

Scrum is more structured

Kanban has more freedom

Scrum backlog items must fit in a sprint

See Scrum vs. Kanban PDF

– http://www.slideshare.net/RossC0/kanban-vs-scrum

Scrum vs. Kanban, selected differences … you can also see scrum as extension of Kanban

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 48: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Scrum vs. Kanban, more detailed differences

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 49: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

For example Scrum-Ban

– http://leansoftwareengineering.com/ksse/scrum-ban/

You can also see scrum as extension of Kanban

What ever works is fine

– Agile is a toolset, not a religion

– Remember the agile manifesto

Mixing methodoligies is ok

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 50: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Visualizing the workflow

Limiting work in progress (and managing flow) for getting testing done on time for the end of sprint

Late binding of work

Leave out estimation, and use a task limit for sprint

Kanban ideas worth considering to use in Scrum

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 51: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Having roles, e.g. product owner

– Product owner can prioritize continuously

Timeboxed iterations

Estimating velocity, if you need to estimate a product completion date

Scrum ideas worth considering to use in Kanban

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 52: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

General software development -> Scrum

– You can generally plan pretty well ahead

Bug management or maintenance mode -> Kanban

– It’s hard to plan out the bugs

– Kanban can be also great for research, as the next steps depend on the previous and are not foreseeable

You can extend the other with the other

When to use Scrum or Kanban

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 53: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Recommended materials

– Scrum Guide – a brief overview

– Scrum vs. Kanban

– For the CSP – Certified Scrum Professional

1. Succeeding with Agile: Software Development Using Scrum

2. Agile Estimating and Planning

3. Agile Software Development with Scrum

For more info

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com

Page 54: Agile Scrum Training (+ Kanban), Day 2 (2/2)

Jens Wilke, LangFox, www.langfox.com


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