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Page 1: Agile Testing - LAST Conference 2015

Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Agile Testing - Shifting quality to the left

Page 2: Agile Testing - LAST Conference 2015

Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

What you will get out of this talk

1. Theresa will a. provide some context about the mindset of agile

testingb. give an overview of the rituals of agile testingc. workshop some pragmatic approaches to agile testing

2. Bharat willa. give an overview of the adaptive role of an agile testerb. discuss depth of testing in shifting quality leftc. provide an example of a shift left scenario d. discuss ways quality can shift left

3. Summary and questions


Page 3: Agile Testing - LAST Conference 2015

Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Introducing Bharathttps://au.linkedin.com/in/bsangekar

Barrat, maybeBrett = Not bad

Brad = Cool

Just not, BORAT


Page 4: Agile Testing - LAST Conference 2015

Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Introducing Theresa



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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

“Agile” vs agile


More reading @ James Shore’s blog: http://bit.ly/1UIIJ7Y

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Some differences between agile and traditional testing



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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Shifting quality to the left - the mindset

credit: http://www.growingagile.co.za/


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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Workshop - tester touch points


image credit: Anand Bagmar, ThoughtWorks

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Famous 5 words...


● Five words every tester is afraid to face after a release?○ How did this slip testing?


● Now imagine a developer’s response to this, famous 5 words:○ It works on my machine.

● The question is not: ○ How did this slip testing?

● The question is:○ How did the team not address the technical debt?

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Shifting Quality Left


● Testing that enables Agility.○ Building quality in code.○ Tester to be an integrated part of a self organised team.○ Tests to uncover ambiguous requirements.○ Tests to uncover technical debt.

● What stays?○ Context driven concepts and heuristics-based techniques.

● What changes?○ Focus on the learning & the doing, not the planning of the doing.

● Who tests? ○ You Do.

● But WHY, you ask?○ I am glad you asked.

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Different Roles, Different Strokes


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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Depth of Field ~Fabio Pereira



Depth of field (DoF) - is the distance between the nearest and the farthest objects in a scene that appear acceptably sharp in an image.

Page 13: Agile Testing - LAST Conference 2015

Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Shallow Depth of Testing ~Fabio Pereira


Depth of Testing (DoT) - is the distance between the nearest and farthest components that get visited during the execution of a test.

Shallow Automated tests = Cheaper + Faster.


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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Case study - Deep ImpactTypical Data - driven

application.Legacy product.Linq2SQL framework.Rich Windows UI.Manual testing, Auto tests

at UI layer to check againstthe database.

Auto tests took 2 days torun.

Reset the database beforetest.


UI ● No auto tests at UI.● Build service layer to

describe events.● Tests not to run against

database.● Auto tests at business

layer by abstracting everything north of Linq.

● Test against hibernate.● Build optimizing compiler

for Linq.

● Focus was on testing business operations at the service/business layer.● Can we do Business Driven Development (BDD) at the service layer?● Subject Matter Expert (BA) and Technical Tester define and write tests at service layer to

drive the development aimed at defect prevented.● Waste? What Waste. No tech debt. ● Tests took minutes to run not hours or days.● Very heavy collaboration.● No ambiguity.

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

What’s the best automation tool to shift quality left?

Cucumber, Specflow, Selenium, Sahi, Watir, Fitnesse, JBehave, Concordion, Geb, Groovy, Spock,Fit, FitNesse, Spock, ScalaTest, Spec 2, RSpec, Protractor…

...and then some.


The right tool is one

that gets thebest support from your team.

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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Type of Shift Left testingThe past

Traditional = Unit + Integration

Also, the pastIncremental = Development Testing + Operational


Where we are:Agile/DevOps = Test Driven Dev, Behaviour Driven Dev

The future:Model Based = Testing Executable requirements, Architecture & Design



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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

To SummariseTesting that enables Agility.

Move away from:It works on my machine.How did this slip testing?Embrace: How did the team not address the technical debt?Tests to uncover ambiguous requirements.Tests to uncover Technical Debt.What else:QA’s do Quality analysis, not assurance.Who tests? You do.Empower the tester to help Shift Quality Left.


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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

Recommended reading/study:

Use your rediscovered curiosity, and learn!

“ThoughtWorks Anthology” v1 (2008)“Agile Testing” (Janet Gregory & Lisa Crispin)“Evil Tester” blog and courses (Alan Richardson)“Explore it!” (Elizabeth Hendrickson)Online technical courses on Udemy, Code School,

CodeAcademy, etc.All the above authors’ blogs, Twitter accounts,

webinars, etc.Keep attending conferences and meetups to

LEARN, not just network, and ask questions


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Theresa Neate & Bharat Sangekar - LAST Conference 2015

In closing


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