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Page 1: Agility ERP custom desktop + mobile ui examples with the Openbravo platform


Custom Desktop + Mobile UI Examples

What’s Possible for “Consumer User Experience”

With the Openbravo Platform

Page 2: Agility ERP custom desktop + mobile ui examples with the Openbravo platform



Desktop UI Screenshots Mobile UI Screenshots Conclusions

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Branded Login

Custom authentication & authorization to mainframe Single sign on between desktop & mobile

Page 4: Agility ERP custom desktop + mobile ui examples with the Openbravo platform


Streamlined New User Experience

Simplified / styled dashboard for “walk up” use

Custom App (Projects) automatically appears in its own non-closeable tab

Irrelevant links removed from left navigation

Page 5: Agility ERP custom desktop + mobile ui examples with the Openbravo platform


Widgets Link to Custom App

Click Open to access the selected project in the Projects tab

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Mobile – Active Project List

Easy to find / maintain info offline

Fast sync to central DB

Page 7: Agility ERP custom desktop + mobile ui examples with the Openbravo platform


Searchable Tiles for Casual Users

Visualization of project status & contents, with drill to project details

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Grid View for Power Users

Column sorting & filtering

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Project Details Contract View 1

PDF style simulates paper contract, for casual users

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Mobile - Contract View 1

Taller buttons for mobile form factor

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Project Details Contract View 2

Online form style, for power users

Personal info always masked & encrypted

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Mobile - Contract View 2

Responsive design for mobile, including swipe actions

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Project Details – Completion Info

Easily maintain complex, multi-table data relationships directly on 1 screen

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Conclusion on Openbravo UX

Openbravo automatically generates a powerful set of screens from its Application Dictionary• Great for back office users

The OB platform also allows for development of apps with “Consumer Style UX” that:• Cover desktop & mobile (disconnected) use cases

• Leverage many core features

• Are modular and sustainable

Remember:• The UI possibilities are not constrained with Openbravo

• “You can’t tell a book by it’s cover!”

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