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Grading/soarting at Village

Value addition -Food Processing

Agro Tourism

Green house

Agribusiness and

Food processing An emerging business


Compiled by : MAYANK MEHTA 1/5/2015 C/o THE CENTRE FOR ENTREPRENEURSHIP DEVELOPMENT 1/9, Udyog Bhavan, Gandhinagar. Ph. 079-23243847, (M) 9099195679 E-mail : [email protected]


Dedicated to

Saraswatidevi -Goddess of Knowledge

Certainly, there is no purifier in this world like 'Knowledge. ' He

who is himself perfected in YOGA finds it in the Self in time.

Shrimad Bhagwad Geeta || 4.38 ||

Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on

Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet.

Albert Einstein

Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is

not to stop questioning. Keep on sowing your seed, for you never know which will

grow - perhaps it all will.

Albert Einstein

AlwAys dreAm “to do sometHnInG”


“to Be sometHInG”

Narendra Modi

Prime Minister (India)

I am inspired by “ VANCHE GUJARAT “ the movement initiated by Shri Narendra Modi

then Honorable then Chief Minister of Gujarat


By the grace and inspiration of Goddess Saraswati Devi, I have been able to

write this note / paper on Agri. Entrepreneurship. Neither I possess any

benchmark degree nor do I possess influencing / higher position in my

organisation. I have tried my level best to cover major areas, related to

Agri. Entrepreneurship, which I have learnt from my training/by attending

various talks, conferences, sharing of knowledge from various eminent

personalities of this industry, by reading of Books/ magazines and of course

Internet - the modern gate way of knowledge and information.

I am very much thankful to Dr. Chandan Chatterjee, Director CED and Dr. P

Chandra Shekhara, Director MANAGE Hyderabad, who have always

encouraged me and guided me for advanced learning. I cannot forget my

colleagues (family members of CED), for complementing at this juncture, who

have supported me in my day to day work.

For accuracy, I have tried to collect statistics from various web sites. Hope

this note may be useful to Entrepreneur and of course policy maker. Gujarat

should focus on Agri. Entrepreneurship by conducting Agri. Entrepreneurship

Development programmes.

As this is my first experience, and I am at learning stage, there is possibility

of mistake; I am expecting suggestions and guidance from readers.

Before implementing new idea, Entrepreneur / progressive farmer should

check viability of project / idea and its impact, then he should implement it.

I am very much thankful to my colleague, especially to Shri I K Nair for

extending his help to complete this paper.

With regards,

Mayank Mehta

Most of the images printed here are downloaded from internet, I am very much thankful

for concern website owners.


Content Sequence

Sequence Content

01 Importance of Agriculture – Food by Shri Krishna

02 Indian agriculture at a glance

03 Specific opportunities in Agribusiness sector

04 Scenario of Gujarat / Initiatives for Agriculture Sector

05 New opportunity in fiber / floriculture

06 Spices / natural color

07 Agro forestry/Medicinal plants

08 Organic farming / contract plantation/farming

09 Crop production / management

10 Precision farming / agriculture

11 Women empowerment

12 Post harvest management

13 Entrepreneurship

14 What is agri. business

15 Value addition / food processing

16 Biscuit / bakery 17 Important Law / licensing authority

18 Tips to became successful entrepreneur

19 Bio coal

20 Agro tourism

21 Automation / mechanized farming

22 Important address / web site

23 Pictures/ Graph


executive Summary

Agriculture is considered as the backbone of our economy. In our country,

agriculture has been practiced since ancient time; India is the third largest

producer of food in the world. Frozen, canned, processed food, dairy to

beverages & soft drinks, spices and food grain, thus our agro sector / industry

has many diversified area. Indian Agriculture produce / food processing industry

are in stage of development, influenced by changing life style. Growing income of

mass middle and upper middle class will obviously a driving force for Agro and

Food processing industry.

Cost benefit, profit and quality can be added in Agri. Output by way of

Entrepreneurship and management. A right kind of knowledge and managerial

soft skill can be provided through entrepreneurship. An approach for cultivating

Entrepreneurship for the rural population is the need of the hour and also

essential. Agribusiness includes the producing of any food item (Food grain –

Fruits – Vegetables- Flowers), processing, and supply of agricultural goods which

range from Corn to Cornflake, Fruits to Fruit juice and of course Cotton to Cloth.

Organic farming requires great concentration, consideration and

research. In recent past so many people continuously started

concentration to take healthy and balanced diet particularly chemical


Post harvest management – operations (…need of an hour)

Indian farmers have started to adopt modern farming technology. This has

resulted in to increase crop intensity and higher yields, which has resulted in

marketable surplus which has to be stored in hygienic storage, till actually it is


In India post harvest losses is estimated 25%. (Approx.20 million tons a year).

Processed Food, Food Processing Industry –

In our country, at one side there is surplus of agro produce and other side there

is shortage of quality nutritious food or one has to pay higher price for food. Lack

of food processing development activities and shortage of proper infrastructure

for storage of agro produce is root cause for this.

Development of food processing sector helps to improve the value of Agri.

produce, which ultimately helps to boost farmer‟s income.


Highly efficient food processing industry could contribute in the nation's food

security by post harvest management of Fruits and Vegetables, around 30% of

our fruits and vegetables produce are wasted due to lack of proper post harvest


By processing of vegetables and fruits, Agripreneur can reduce this loss that will

give better returns and improve the income level of the farmers. In recent years

concept of Conventional farming to Commercial farming is popular, which

means shifting from traditional food grains growing to horticulture produce like

exotic fruit and vegetables, medicinal, aromatic and ornamental plants, spices,

plantation crops which include coconut, cashew nuts. The Ministry of Food

Processing Industries, Government of India has started to assist in Infrastructure

development, setting up of Mega Food Parks, cold chain infrastructure, value

added centers and Packaging centers.


Opening up of Indian economy has made Indian manufacturers to access international suppliers

of raw material and technology, results is to ease availability of important inputs (raw material)

and machinery. Thus baking became affordable to Indian consumers.

Gujarat aims to become world class producer and supplier of Agriculture

produce, in which it is competitive and highest in productive. Diversified cropping

pattern, Varied Soil and climatic conditions has made Gujarat preferable place for

agriculture activities.

Tourism industry in India is growing at the rate of 10% which is more than double

times higher that the growth rate at global level. By introducing Agro-Tourism

concept, not only present growth rate is sustained, but also this value addition

contributes to further growth.


Post globalization in India, floriculture has become an important commercial

activity in the Agriculture sector. India is considered as one of the fastest and

largest growing retail market and it is estimated to cross US$200 billion by 2016.

Government should stop acquisition of fertile Agriculture land. The youth of

villages should be motivated to go for farming. More schools and colleges for

Agriculture – farming study should be established in rural area so that Scientific

and advance knowledge in agriculture sectors can be provided to farmers /


youth. Entrepreneurship Awareness camp should be organized to motivate

Farming / Agriculture activity in rural area. Women‟s contribution to agriculture

development has been continues to be very important and crucial to the National

Economy, yet many women in this sector remain informal and invisible. Women

can be considered to be a valuable resource and needed to be organised and

should be recognised in the field of entrepreneurship, especially in the rural

agricultural sector

Herbal plantation is an emerging opportunity. Generally, Herbal plants grow

without many efforts i.e. naturally, in different Forest areas or near habitats and

some are cultivated. Ayurvedic medicines and cosmetics are manufactured from

herbal plants (leaf). Mostly in tribal area and now, by health consciousness

people, Herbal plants are also used as food and for flavouring. Farmers /

Entrepreneurs can earn more without investing more money.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) (in Agri. Business)

Today, Information Technology Enabled Services ITES are becoming the

backbone of every activity of agriculture / Agribusiness. Information &

Communication Technology (ICT) is playing crucial role in context of


Thus we can summaries

o Farmers should be encouraged to adopt modern farming techniques. o Industry should stop encroach fertile land. o Next generation of farmer should be motivated so that they continue the

farming activity. o Farmers should be asked to adopt new technology. o Diversified new cropping pattern should be adopted. o Should try to cultivate Entrepreneurship among the rural population

through special Agripreneurship programme. o Foreign Direct Investment should be attracted for infrastructure and

modern food processing technology. o Farmers should be encouraged and trained for using modern farming

tools. o Focus should be given on post harvest management. o Skill training should be imparted to farmers / un employed youths of

villages for use of modern farm tools/ equipments.


Shri Krishna in Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, has shown necessity and importance of

Food for entire life cycle on earth.

Indian economy is agrarian in nature (Agricultural Economics) and agriculture

is considered as the backbone of our economy. In our country, agriculture has

been practiced since ancient time, when other developed sectors were not even

in existence; farming was only life sustaining activity.

“Agriculture is locomotive of our economy and a prosperous rural

economy based on agriculture will ultimately make the nation

prosperous “

Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

India is the third largest producer of food in the world. Indian market for fresh

fruits and vegetables is estimated at $35 billion. Organised retailing is $73 million

which is growing at the rate of 30 percent.

Frozen, canned, processed food, dairy to beverages & soft drinks, spices and

food grain,…. thus our agro sector / industry has many diversified area to choose

for business activity. For Indian Agri. entrepreneur, there are ample trade

opportunities in Agribusiness because of competitive pricing advantages,

excellent export potential and availability of internationally comparable agri.


“All living bodies subsist of food grains, which are

produced by rains. Rains are produced by performance

of yajna [sacrifice], and yajna is born of prescribed



Indian Agriculture produce / food industry is in stage of development, influenced

by changing life style (hygienic and healthy food).Growing income of mass

middle and upper middle class (Fortune at the bottom of Pyramid that what

Management guru Dr. C K Prahalad called) will, obviously a driving force for Agro

and Food processing industry.

Kellogs (Corn flakes) is best example. People have started eating healthy and

nutritious food as a breakfast / snacks and leaving traditional food in breakfast.

12th FIVE YEAR Plan seeks to achieve 4 per cent agriculture sector growth

during 2012-17. - Source http://www.indianexpress.com/

India at a glance

Irrigated area 57 million acres

India rank 1st in world production of Mango, Pomegranate and Cashew

Horticulture crops like fruit, vegetables occupy about 65% of are under

cultivation (91 million hectares)

Production of fruit has grown at the rate of 129 % and of vegetables @ 125

% during 1991-92 to 2007-2008

Plenty of opportunity in Food, Fruit, Vegetable processing, Logistic and

storage as post harvest los in India is very high.

Many multinational companies keen on India as a sourcing hub for


India is largest consumer and also exporter spices (Rs.464 crore in the

year 2009)

India is large global producer of food grain (234 million tonnes)

Export of fresh fruit / vegetables have grown to about Rs.2000 crores.

Source: http://efreshglobal.com/eFresh/Content/AgriProfile.aspx?u=indprof

Major fruits in india: Mango, Banana, Pomegranate, Grape, Sweet orange, Guava,

Papaya,Lichi, Apples, Pineapples and Sapota

Major vegetables in india: Potato, Tomato, Carrot, Brinjal, Cabbage, Cauliflower,

guards, Ladyfinger, Onion, Major leafy vegetables

Major spices in india: Chilies, Cardamom, Ginger, Turmeric, Saffron,

Other area is Cut flower, Oil seed, Fiber, Pulses, Cearls


Indian Agri. sector needs to focus on major three activities

Indian farmer should adopt mechanized farming; new equipments should be

used by farmers, Information Technology should be deployed for helping agri.

sector and small land of marginal farmers which is not used for cropping due to

non availability of water should be utilized for farming / cultivation activity.

Classification of land in terms of Agriculture


There are 3 types of land so far agriculture is concerned (1) MEADOWS –

where the grass is growing automatically (naturally) this land is used for grazing

of live stock (2) ORCHARDS – where there are permanent crops is grown for

example fruit plants, and , (3) ARABLE land – where annual crops such as

cereals, cotton, potatoes and other vegetables and food grains are grown, this

Arable land is called FALLOW land which means temporarily uncultivated land.

So far as, Entrepreneurial opportunities / Business opportunities in Agri. Sector

are concern agriculture sector can be divided into main two segments

Major focus area

Increase agriculture production

Crop management

Food preservation/



(1) Farming / Pre harvest (2) Post harvest segment

Farming / Pre harvest Post Harvest Some Other New & emerging



Fresh Fruits

Green House

Herbal Plantation

Agro Forestry


Organic farming


Food processing

Cold storage

Value addition


Fast food/ Food

items produce

Herbal produce

cleaning, sorting,

grading and packing

Organic fertilizer

Natural Dyes / Color

Agri. Clinic

Agro. Waste fuel

Waste land plantation

Salicornia, Jatropha

Bio fuel),

Tree planting service

Farm Equipments/ tools , Agri. Tourism, Floriculture, Health and wellness , Tree

plantation, Bio fuel are other components of Agri. sector

Components of


Baby food


Canned food






Scenario of Gujarat

Gujarat possess 1.96 lakh sq. K.ms. total geographical areas, total cultivable

area is around 107.02 lakh hectares (sourcehttp://agri.gujarat.gov.in), this is

enough to select Agri. Business activity in Gujarat. Gujarat has achieved

Agricultural Growth rate at 9.6 percent.

Gujarat aims to become world class producer and supplier of Agriculture

produce, in which it is competitive and highest in productive.

Diversified cropping pattern, Varied Soil and climatic conditions has made

Gujarat preferable place for agriculture activities.

Gujarat is the fourth in the country in terms of per capita agricultural output.

Gujarat has achieved highest efficiency (in productivity per hector) in Guava,

Potato, Fennel, Cotton, Onion, Isabgul etc.

Gujarat is largest producer of Castor and Cumin in the world.

Stages of farm equipments involved in agriculture

Land leveling/tillage

Seed sowing & planting

Protection of Plant / crop


Post harvesting



Population, living below the poverty line in Gujarat is sizable. Agricultural growth

will help for reducing poverty in rural areas. Agricultural growth directly impact in

reduction of poverty. To reduce poverty it is necessary to give priority to growth

of agriculture and agriculture related activities. Cultivable Area in Gujarat is 86.00

lakh ha.

Gujarat needs to look at protecting farmer‟s interest which may help farmer to

increase their revenue, Government through its various departments should

focus on marketing linkage and agri-business infrastructure, a holistic frame work

should be done through Skill Development / Skill up-gradation, which also

increases employment opportunities in Agriculture sector. If we focus on Skill

development, up-gradation of Skill, automatically Global player will come to

Gujarat and build export infrastructure which will enable us to tap every

opportunity for our presence in International market of vegetables and fruits and

other Agro. produce. To grab competitive advantage a strategy should be made

for more and more use of Information and communication technology (ICT),

establishing of Food parks, Agri. Specialised Economic Zones and Common

processing hub near farms.

However Gujarat has achieved tremendous growth in horticulture during last five

years. The area & production of horticulture crop has reached 13.54 lakh per

hector, in 2010-11 which was 5.89 lakh Per hector, in 1998-99 Horticulture

produce reached to 173 lakh tons in 2010/11 which was 59.49 lakh tons in 1998-


There are 265 cold storages having 12.50 lakh mt. storage capacities in the

State. There are around 42 Fruit & Vegetable co-operative marketing societies

and 197 Agriculture Produce Market Committees (APMCs) which are selling &

buying of horticulture produce in the State of Gujarat.

Advantages Gujarat

Gujarat should see agro industry as the offshoot of agriculture. Agro-industry

which mainly consists of the post-harvest activities includes processing and

preserving of agricultural produce for interim storage or for final consumption.

Like India, in Gujarat too, Agri. industry is a very important/ backbone of the

manufacturing industry to increase the industrial capabilities. Being closest to

Middle East / Gulf countries, Gujarat enjoys location advantages. Most of land

portion in Middle East / Gulf countries is dry, there is less rain; there is no


possibility of Agriculture. Gulf countries have to import most of Food / Agri.

produce. Gujarat should grab this opportunity by exporting Agro produce.

Focus area of infrastructure may be as below:

Itamised focus area of opportunities in Agri. Business

Food grains


Carrot, Cabbage, Cauliflower, Beans,

Okra, Peppers, Tomato, Bell peppers,

Gherkins, Onion, Peas etc.


Mango, Papaya, Pineapple, Guava,

Pomegranate, Lime, Sweet orange,

Banana, Grape, Sapota


Rose, Coronations, Gerbera

Processed Fruit :

Fruit pulp, concentrates, flavors,

extracts, frozen fruits, frozen

vegetables, pickle, assorted products.

Medicinal ,Aromatic plants, Essential


Dairy products

Butter, Ghee ,Milk, Milk powder, cheese,


Organic products

Fruits, Vegetables, Food grains,

Mushrooms, Medicinal & Aromatic


Gujarat is good at infrastructure by having 200 APMC and 401 Market yards.

Added advantage of Gujarat.

1600 Km long coastal area.

Diversified Crops and Cropping systems.

Good transport facilities -- Ports & Airports.

Strong Agri.marketing system, Agro based Industries & Co-


Farmers having business instincts.

Narmada canal - irrigation – main resource of water.

Eight agro climatic zones.

In future, commercial Agriculture research will start through collaboration with

farmers / industry and focus area will be bio fertilizer, organic food and

biotechnology which will increase exportability of agro produce and help in

environment management.

Collection centres at village Grading / sorting shades Storage halls Pre-cooling Cold storage Primary Processing Centers (PPC)

Pack house Silo (an air tight structure for fresh crop)

Large logistic parks / warehouse


Under the World Trade Organisation (WTO) norms, Gujarat will capitalize on

large developed market for horticulture produce.

In short opportunities in Gujarat in the area of Agriculture and Horticulture can

be classified as below :-

Cold storage

Fresh fruit and Vegetable pack house

Mechanised grain clean and sorting, handling

Storage at ports

Food parks (Mega and mini)

Terminal marketing

Irradiation centres

Terminal market

“Terminal Market is a central site, often in a metropolitan area,

that serves as an assembly and trading place for agricultural


(US House Committee on Agriculture)

Cotton agronomy:

India is the 2nd largest producer of cotton. Cotton textile demand is continuously

increasing across the globe particularly Asian countries. Gujarat is a largest

producer of cotton constituting around 35% share of India‟s production. Gujarat

farmers are delivering cotton lint and cotton yarn to global market Gujarat will

have lion share in handpicked cotton. Now Gujarati entrepreneurs need to

establish more and more spinning and weaving units so that by value addition

chain cotton – fabric (yarn) – to fashion (garment) employment can be generated.

Keeping in mind importance of cotton to cloth the Gujarat Government has

introduced new Textile policy “Resolution no TEX/102012/65117/T dated 25/6/13

where in many incentive has been declared for cotton / textile related industries.

In spite of good Agriculture growth, Gujarat lags behind in Agri. Business and

Agro. Tourism sector compared to Maharashtra, Andhra, Karnataka and Kerala.

In Gujarat, there is a need to adopt Common Facility Approach like Common Soil

testing laboratory at Taluka H.Q, Common Tractor providing by Govt. to marginal

farmer (on nominal charges), Taluka level food grain common storage / sorting /


grading facility, speedy transport / logistic facility, Common packing house,

Common internet access facility, as a part of ICT in agriculture etc.

By using latest technology – Biotechnology, Green house farming, Micro and drip

irrigation, Gujarat can achieve higher productivity of various Agro. Produce, and

by processing of Agri. produce Gujarat can make lion share in Agri. business.

Floriculture & Horticulture also needs to be addressed as the top priority by the

farmers / Agri. entrepreneurs they should cultivate exotic flowers, fruits and

vegetables in Green House. Rose, Mogra, Marigold and Lilly are major flowers

which are produced in Gujarat. Mango, Cheeku ,Guava, Banana, Papaya and

Citrus are major fruit produced in Gujarat. State is also leading in Milk production

which gives ample opportunities for Milk and Dairy produce business activity.

Gujarat Government has targeted to increase the number of Greenhouses from

current 150 to around 1,000 in next three years.

Agriculture Export Zone (AEZ) for dehydrated onion & zone for fruits - vegetables

has been established, which will boost horticultural development in the state.

State has set up Gujarat State Horticulture Mission (GSHM) for implementation

of NHM in the state. Sustainable agribusiness ventures whether it is small,

medium of large, can promote job-led economic growth in rural areas of Gujarat.

Gujarat Agro. Policy (new Agro policy will be announced in short while (The Times of

India 28/05/2013)

In the new industrial policy the state has identified agro industries as the major

thrust area. The policy aims to spur investments in agro processing, agro

infrastructure and hi tech agriculture by monetary and non-monetary incentives.

The key features of the state policy are:

Interest subsidy to agro industrial units and infrastructure projects.

Assistance in preparation of project reports.

Assistance in setting up of excellence / specific crop development


Assistance in quality certification.

Assistance in patent registration.

Airfreight subsidy for agro exports.

Assistance in research and development activities in the sector.

Equity participation in joint sector format to facilitate private


Provision of Government land on long lease basis at concessional rate.

(Source:- http://www.gujexim.com)


Gujarat Government’s Initiatives for Agriculture Sector

(Source:- http://www.gujagro.org/initiatives.htm

1 Canalizing For Onion

2 Integrated Pack House for Fruits & Vegetables

3 Banana Pack House at Uchchab

4 Centre for Perishable Cargo

5 Modern Potato Cold storage at Deesa

6 Onion Cold storage at Mahuva

7 Gamma Irradiation processing plant Three main sources of growth in Gujarat's agriculture are:

Increased cotton output.

The rapid growth of the high value segment, viz. livestock, fruits

& vegetables.

Wheat produces, growing at average rate of 28% annually.

Government of Gujarat is trying to uplift urban and rural needy people by various

schemes for sustainable livelihood approach. Mission Mangalam is one of them,

which is helping in improving sustainable livelihood of urban / rural needy people.

New opportunity in natural Fibre – Textile

Cotton, flax and hemp, are the most used vegetables fibres. Sisal, Jute, Kenaf,

Bamboo and Coconut are other source of natural fibre. Fibres made out of Hemp

are mainly used for ropes and aerofoils and can resist against an aggressive

environment. For example, they are used as a seal against the heating and

sanitary industries.

Flax - Hemp (Images –Picture -2)

By encouraging use of Natural fibres we can develop our economy, as imported

material will be replaced by natural fibres.

Increasing prices of crude oil, is matter of concern and also of environmental consideration; growth has been shown in use of natural fibres within the plastic, automobile, building industries, apart from textile.


Gujarati entrepreneur are known for their opportune in everything particularly in

business…! Where there is money matters. Gujarati entrepreneur should come

forward for opportunities as a new source of Fabric.

Saluyot Picture – 3

Saluyot (http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-207292281.html)

Saluyot has been chosen one of the 15 of the world‟s major natural fibres by The

United Nations (UN) General Assembly. This announcement was made in Year

2009 (International Year of Natural Fibres).

Fabric made out of Saluyot , possess fineness, tensile strength and residual gum

properties. The Philippine Textile Research Institute (PTRI) has introduced

natural Fabric made out of saluyot, maguey. The fabrics made out of this plant

can ideally be used in Furnishing / home textile, apparels (Source:- PTRI


Maguey TO VISUALISE Please see Picture – 4

Maguey is a crop that produces fibre to use in clothing textiles, rope, and heavy


Our progressive farmer should find out the possibility of cultivation of this plant in

Gujarat,just like [[olives being grown in a nursery in north Gujarat could do the

same for the edible oil industry. THE TIMES OF INDIA - 17 May 2011,]] our

Government should help farmers to find out possibilities of commercially

cultivation of this plant. However before going further, one should study related

aspects properly.

We should also find out source of Natural dyes (colors) for cloth printing, which is

of high demand worldwide.

Floriculture ……an emerging opportunity

Post globalization in India, floriculture has become an important commercial

activity in the Agriculture sector. India is considered as one of the fastest and

largest growing retail market and it is estimated to cross US$ 200 billion by 2016.

Rising income and increasing consumerism in urban area will add fuel in growth

of rural consumption. Total area under flower crops is estimated around 34,000



The estimated growth rate is about 8%, while this sector will be growing at 15%

annually. Government of India has identified Floriculture as the sunrise industry

and accorded it 100% export oriented status. As per ASSOCHAM this sector will

grow at a compounded annual growth rate of about 30 %, India‟s floriculture

industry is likely to cross Rs 8,000 crore mark by 2015.

Gradually, floriculture is taking strong roots in India, as globalization has

influence local culture. Here, for an example, we can quote increasing number of

events celebration ….Father‟s day, Mother‟s day, Children‟s day, Teacher‟s day,

Parent‟s day etc. that has increased the demand for gifting the flower.

Considering of increasing in domestic and international demand, large corporate

house like TATA, BIRLA, ESSAR have also entered in this field. Most important

in India for floriculture is India is having variety of Agro Climatic Zone, which is

suitable for cultivation of flowers; Green house technology is an artificial way to

support for cultivating flowers (to grow flowers in controlled climate / condition).

India is considered as one of the reliable floriculture supplier to the world.

Floriculture industry comprises mainly….

o Essential oil from flower i.e. rose, jasmine,etc.

o Seed / bulb production

o Nursery plants

o Ornamental plant / flower Florist trade

International seasonal opportunity Domestic seasonal opportunity

High demand * Low demand

May, June and July

Are extreme low demand Season







High demand Low demand










European countries are largest importer of dried, cut flower while Australia and

Japan ranked 2nd and 3rd respectively.

India / Gujarat should focus on tropical flowers and plants as demand for this is

increasing worldwide; Gujarat should address the shortage of trained manpower

for modern commercial floriculture, class room and field training centres and

programmes for skill development in floriculture should be established.

With more than 8 climatic zone, our floriculture industry has strength in soil,

environment, labour cost, growing economy, surplus fund for investment,

entrepreneurial ability, geographical situation.

Government support to floriculture

Government of India through National Horticulture Mission (NHM) and Agriculture

Produce Export Development Authority (APEDA) encouraging Indian floriculture


Zero import duties on imported plant material

Duty free imports on certain components of green house


Employment opportunities:

In this sector Entrepreneurial / Employment opportunities as..


Greenhouse / Farm or estate manager

Plantation expert

Project manager / coordinator supervisor,

Researcher / Trainer


Landscape architect

Floral designer

National level training institutes

Indian Agricultural Research Institute, New Delhi

Indian Institute of Horticultural Research, Bangalore

National Botanical Research Institute, Lucknow




No cooked food in India or around the world is considered complete until it is

mixed with flavored Spices. Apart from smell, spices contains high medicinal

value. Basil (Tulsi/Fudina), Cardmom (Elaichi),Celery (Kalajira), Fenugreek

(Methi), Garlic, Ginger, Kokam, Chilly, Ferula asafoetida (Hing), Turmeric and

many more are popular spices cultivated in India.

India is popular as a land of rich cultural exotic spicy food. Somebody has

described India as “THE HOME OF SPICES”. India grows more than 45 types of

spices mainly

Chilli , Pepper, Turmeric, Ginger, Cardamom, Fennel, Cinnamon, Cumin,

Coriander, Ajwain, Clove and many more….

Spices are used in food as additional taste and also for medicinal use, as some

of spices possess medicinal values. However it is very difficult to grow spices

plants as some of spices grow only in suitable conditions. Green house, net

house can make it possible to grow plants of spices in non suitable geographic


However share of Gujarat is very less by producing only Fennel (Gujarati name

Variali) , Fenugreek (Methi) , Cumin (Jeera), Dill (Ajmo), Chilli etc. as climate is

also not that much suitable.

Natural dyes

Natural dyes were the only source for colouring of fabric / cloth before first

chemical colour invented by Parkins in 1856 in Germany. As this is eco-friendly

many countries are encouraging to adopt natural dyes.

Material obtained primarily from natural sources is called Natural dyes, no other

manufactured chemicals are used in Natural dyes. Looking to new trends of

market, natural dyes are in high demand in developed countries, mainly in fabric

/ cloth production, hence, this is export oriented business; it is also good for


Great source for Natural dyes can be found in Farm, Forest or Back yard.

Few common natural ways or source of natural dyes is plants, tree roots, flowers etc.

Some of the sources of natural dyes, color

Natural Indigo, Indigo, and Indian Indigo:


Indian Indigo is one of the most ancient Natural Dyes used by man in textiles.

The extract form of dye is supplied in powder form. This gives deep blue color on

wool, silk, cotton etc. other sources of natural dyes are…….

Madder, Lac, Mayrabolan , Kamala, Pomegranate, Catechu, Himalayan Rubrub

Agro forestry (Herbal plantation)

What is agro forestry?

In this system land is used both for growing of crops and plants which are

generally belongings to forest. Also livestock are living and growing with this.

Farmers are benefitted by sustainable land use systems.

In Agri. business sector Herbal plantation is an emerging opportunity. Generally,

Herbal plants grow without many efforts i.e. naturally, in different Forest areas or

near habitats and some are cultivated. Ayurvedic medicines and cosmetics are

manufactured from herbal plants (leaf). Mostly in tribal area and now, by health

conscious people, herbal plants are also used as food and for flavouring.

Farmers / Entrepreneurs can earn more without investing more money. They

have to utilize borders of their farmland that is not utilized now a days. They can

sow herbal plants, trees and can earn extra from herbal leaves, fruits, and

seeds of these plants.

Medicinal plants – emerging opportunity

"The greatest service which can be rendered any country is to add a useful

plant to its culture."

- Thomas Jefferson

(1743-1826, 3rd President of the US)

According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), the goal of „Health for All‟

cannot be achieved without herbal medicines. There are indications that

consumers, in developed countries are becoming aware and searching

alternatives in traditional medicines which lead an increasing consumer demand

for herbal medicines. India has the potential of becoming a major global player in

market for medicinal plants the source of herbal medicine. It is said that 80

percent of India‟s forest export earning is contributed by Medicinal plants, which

is one of the most important components of the non-wood forest produces.


India is considered as a treasure house of valuable medicinal and aromatic

plants. Pharmacy, cosmetics and fragrance industry uses raw material provided

by Medicinal, Herbal and Aromatic plants. It is estimated that medicinal plants

contribute to cater 80% of the raw materials used in the preparation of Ayurvedic

medicine, cosmetics etc.

W.H.O. report says, over 80% of the world population depends upon traditional

medicine; flower, leaf, branch, root of medicinal plants are main source of raw

material for medicine. The international market of herbal products is estimated to

be US $ 62 billion which is poised to grow to US $ 5 trillion by the year 2050.

(The EXIM bank of India, in its report (1997))

This shows that production and consumption of medicinal plant based drug is

going to grow. To grab this opportunity India should

Aware farmers to cultivate medicinal plants scientifically

Impart better post harvest management

Increasing processing and develop storage capacity

Increase patenting

Motivate farmers to cultivate medicinal plants

Mostly poor people of Indian underdeveloped States farmers and tribal, pupils of

hilly area involved in medicinal plantations, they should be trained. Government

should involve them in the process of marketing and commercialization of

medicinal plants crop.

Around 45,000 plants species are found in the India, out of these 500 medicinal

plant species used by the Ayurvedic and Herbal medicine industry. More than 75

percent of medicinal plants in India are grown in forest area, while Medicinal

plants procured from cultivated private fields / farmers in farm account only 10

per cent. This is the area to be focused more and more farmers should be

encouraged to cultivate medicinal plants. Green house can be used to maintain

the effect of agro-climatic conditions. Stake holders -Government / Farmers / R &

D institutes should develop appropriate technologies for cultivation of medicinal

plants which ensures quality, continuous and uniform supply of raw material for

herbal medicine industry.

Ayurveda is constantly popularizing now a days. People are opting for natural /

Ayurveda treatment Ayurveda wellness industry is booming. Even it has been

noticed of increasing demand for natural cosmetics. This has opened the door for


farmers to look for new opportunity in medicinal plantation. In agriculture sector it

has been extremely profitable to grow crops/plants which are highly in demand

this is called "green gold" crops.

Land is very precious, industry is demanding more and more land, it has been

suggested that Government should not handover fertile land to industry.

Progressive farmer should utilize cent percent of land available in their farm. It

has been noticed that each farmer is leaving at least 15 to 20 feet land and then

start sowing. Instead they should utilize that land in growing medicinal plants like

Aloe vera , PLEASE Picture no:7, 8

Under the Ministry of Agriculture, The Department of Agriculture and Cooperation

, is the main agency for promoting the development of aromatic and herbal

plantations in India. The National Medicinal Plants Board (NMPB) has been set

up at the Central level to promote medicinal plantation activity.

Voluntary Certification Scheme for Ayush Products



Voluntary Certification Scheme for Medicinal Plant Produce



Stevia….. New trend in farming

Important web site: http://www.indiasteviaassociation.in, www.steviainfo.in

Stevia is also commonly known as Sweet Leaf, Sugar Leaf, Stevia is becoming

major source of natural sweetener (alternate of sugar). Processed stevia powder

has started to replace chemical sweetener. There is high potential of returns as

compared to some of traditional crop. Farming of stevia can be started by sowing

seeds. One can also procure baby plants from supplier and started farming his



Benefits of stevia

Zero Calories and no


Natural sweetener no

chemical components

Known to cure varied


Completely natural herbal


Helps reduce blood pressure

Control blood sugar levels,

unlike sugarcane sugar does

Natural Flavour enhancer

Great alternative for sugar

and safe for diabetics and

the health conscious

Recently The Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI)

recommended the approval of stevia as natural alternative to sugar for soft drink

concentrates, chewing gums and other processed food products.

Major area of usages of stevia

Soft drinks, Jam, Ice cream, Pastries, Chewing gum and many more.

In some country there are negative report of stevial farming, Farmer are

requested to go ahead carefully.

Organic Farming

Adverse (Negative) effect was experienced by using hazardous chemical

fertilizers by western countries and they wake up in 1970, they started going for

Organic farming. European and American large organizations have started this


International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) founded in

FRANCE in 1972, Oekozentrum Imsbach, 66636, Tholey - Theley, Germany,Tel: +49 6853 919 890

Fax: +49 6853 919 899, Email: [email protected] Website: http://www.ifoam.org/

(Source: http://www.biodynamics.in).

The study revealed large benefit of Organic farming, thus Organic farming

movement has been spread throughout the world. India is one of the members of

IFOAM that is having more than 700 members. India has adopted the National

Programme for Organic Production (NPOP) and set some national standards.

From 1980, Organic farming adoption has started to take place in India and

continuously growing, as demand is increasing in both domestic and international



Last decade has shown significant growth of organically grown food produces.

The organic food is also scientifically proved to be better for our health.

Organic farming requires great concentration, consideration and research. In

recent past so many people continuously started concentration to take healthy

and balanced diet particularly chemical free.

Organic (natural fertilizer produced by using traditional agri. waste) is most

important and critical component for Organic farming which helps farmers to

maintain healthy garden / farm and help produce more grain, fruits, vegetables.

Organic farming is based on certification programmes , by the law it prohibits

the use of all synthetic and chemical used fertilizer - inputs, soil health is

recognised as the theme of the method.

India has made progress in this direction by setting up of National Standards for

Organic Production (NSOP) in 2000 and a National Institute of Organic Farming.

Some private agencies with the assistance of international bodies are also

working in the field of inspection and certification for Organic Agri.


To grow plants organically one must use Organic fertilizer, Compost, which is

one of the best and hence many gardeners and farmers use organic agro


Organic certification agency in India


Organic certification (ECOCERT) programme is launched to meet some

international organic standards

Ecocert inspection and certification program is designed to meet the requirements of the various standards like….

[1] NPOP (Indian) [2] USDA (NOP) (US) [3] EC 83482007

[4] JAS (Japanese) [5] 889/2008 (European),

Steps for certification ( Source : http://ecocert.in/certification.html) which

may be useful to any entrepreneur / farmer to get Organic certification.

Apart from this, there are many agencies / organizations working in India.

The steps followed by ECOCERT for certification are :


1. Submission of application in prescribed format.

2. Cost Estimation

3. Invoicing and payment of fees

4. Signing of inspection contract

5. Inspection and submitting the inspection report to the certification department

6. Issuance of certification decision

7. Compliance of certification decision and issuance of certificate

8. Issue of Transaction Certificates/Inspection Certificates for traded lots

According to the organic regulations, one annual inspection is compulsory for all the clients.

Address for Submission of application (Email : [email protected])

ECOCERT India PVT LTD. Sector 3, Hindustan Awas Ltd, Walmi - Waluj Road, Nakshatrawadi,

Aurangabad, Maharashtra State - 431 002, Tel: 240-6607101, 2377120, Fax: 240-6607135


Contract farming:

Contract farming is new concept in India and accepted by many Entrepreneurs /

Farmers / Govt. agencies and Big Industrial houses like Hindustan lever,

Reliance, ITC etc. Contract farming is in benefit of both parties, Farmer

Entrepreneur We can say it win-win situation for both.

In brief …Contract farming includes sowing, cultivating, caring of crops

harvesting for and on behalf of any individual, business establishment or

Government… the produce is supplied to party at a pre-determined prices.

In India, opportunity for contract farming has been increased due to liberalization

of Indian economy.

Interest in the business of contract farming is being taken (more and more) by

business houses / multinationals, as retail business in India is becoming more


The growth of farm retail has been effected by the growth of retail industry in

India, especially of Fresh fruits and vegetables.


Contract tree plantation (for specific industries..for example Paper)

Tree pulp is the key source of raw material for paper industry, many paper manufacturing companies have started to enter in contract tree plantation with farmers, tribal farmers who reside nearby forest land.

Some plants…

Eucalyptus, Acacia, Albizzia falls in hard wood trees category, which have a very high rate of growth, useful for making of paper.

Spruce, pine etc. falls in soft wood tree category, used for paper making

Bamboo is also useful for paper industry. Apart from this, if farmers grow grass many paper industries are procuring to manufacture paper.

Some major players of Paper industry

ITC paper board, BILT Paper Industries, J.K Paper Mill etc.

Urban farming Lesson for us from western countries ….

History shows …. Economy is continuously go up and down, industry…

particularly manufacturing non food items like Car, AC, Fridge, TV, Plane,

Textile, Plastic, Entertainment and many more are badly affected by recession.

Major part of fertile land is grabbed by Industries and remaining by Road and

other infrastructure,…result very less land for Agriculture.

Recession has forced many developed countries to opt for de-industrialisation,

they have started the outsourcing of production to under developed countries.

For economic potential, is Urban Agriculture a new idea which is emerging today?

The answer is YES. In western countries particularly which are badly affected by

recent recession, building, particularly closed factory unit or large warehouse owners

are looking for new uses and revitalize their unused spaces. Now a day‟s Urban

Agriculture is viable which may provide fresh and healthy food (vegetables /

fruits) without the added costs of long-distance transportation.

Green minded entrepreneurs / farmers in partnership with the local authorities

(local government i.e. Municipalities, Nagarpalikas) or Big Township owners,

can convert enormous, unused spaces of township / open space of big

building into fertile and productive farms, within a short period of time, fresh

vegetables / fruits grown just outside of town or abovementioned land, can fills

the farmers' markets and the supermarket shelves.


Urban farming creates more attractive jobs in urban area, and also much-

needed business opportunities for entrepreneurs, it is also environmental

friendly as it use less water and energy - all waste water used in kitchen / bath

can be collected and send to urban farms.

Vertical farming we should think ahead…

“ Vertical farming is a concept that argues, that it is economically and

environmentally viable to cultivate plant or animal life within skyscrapers, or on

vertically inclined surfaces. The idea of a vertical farm has existed at least

since the early 1950s….” Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

If fertile land is converted into farm house, Industry, or Infrastructure we must

start to think right now for vertical farming at urban area.

However, there are different opinion - favour and against of vertical farming.

This is seen as solution for food supply in the future. As population grows and

the city will be dense hence land will be an issue. Vertical farming can

minimize land use by growing upwards. However, according to me, for

vegetable this may be ideal and not for food grains.

Role model– Team work at rural area.

Perishable vegetables / fruits need controlled atmosphere, which may be under

roof, controlled temperature (air conditioned), proper storage material (soft

paper / plastic tray, carets)etc. There are lots of things to do for infrastructure in

India and Gujarat. Oil price is increasing day by day. Now a day‟s vegetables /

fruits are brought from villages / rural area to the urban area on as it is basis (un

sorted). Wholesaler/Retailer are sorting or cleaning them at urban place. These

vegetables / fruits / flowers waste added into another waste of city, which is a

big problem.

Now…. see what is happening in above process.

To understand visually please SEE Picture - 6

We are carrying waste (unnecessary leaf, rotten vegetables / fruit) and bring

them to urban / market place, this total weight may be in tones.

For example 3 farmers in group bring 15 tones of unsorted / unprocessed

Cabbage to urban. At urban subjimandi / wholesalers place rotten leaves of

Cabbage will be removed this rotten leaf weight might be 500 Kg. know if this

process is done at village lever these 3 farmers could have bring more 500 Kg

eatable Cabbage, which will reduce transport cost.


We can understand more through these pictures shown here. Say for example,

10 farmers at one village growing Vegetables / fruits

Now, if Gram Panchayat / Taluka Panchayat provide common place which may

be covered with roof. All farmers who stay in respected villages will bring their

agro produce Vegetables / Fruits / Flowers at this common place where a team

of expert (may be trained rural youth) will sort good and rotten agro produce,

remove unnecessary leaf and put this sorted agro produce in hygienic container.

Now out of rotten vegetables, removed leaves (which were removed from

vegetables/ fruits / flowers) one can produce bio fertilizer.

Thus we can save costly fuel by bringing only eatable / usable agro produce,

which results in to low transport cost, we can produce bio fertilizer and solve the

garbage problems of urban area….

By doing all these activities at village level results in to:-

Employment generation at village level.

Reduce transportation cost.

Produce of bio fertilizer from rotten vegetables, flowers, fruits.

Reduction of urban waste.

Water used for washing of these can be recycled and reused for farming.

This is only one idea / case study; there are many opportunities in Agriculture Business. Topics related to Dairy and other allied subjects are uncovered in this article, however I will try my level best to include in part II of this article / paper.

Farming in Controlled Condition (GREENHOUSE (G.H.)

Picture – 5

Green house farming innovation is blessing for farmers / Agri. Entrepreneurs

particularly for exotic vegetables, flowers.

In Gujarat number of five star hotels is increasing. Fast food chains like PIZZA

HUT, MACDONALD, FREEZELAND , SUB WAY are entering and some are

spreading their network .Changing life style - events & special days Valentine

day, Mother‟s day, Teacher‟s day etc. are being celebrated for which exotic

flowers and vegetables are in great demand.

Need base climate/ atmosphere is created in poly house. Green house is useful



To grow crops throughout the year / in all the seasons.

To grow crops not adapted to the locality.

To increase the growth of crops.

Generally the project cost of G.H is Rs 26 lakh per greenhouse per acre.

Cultivators can earn an average profit of Rs 5 to 6 Lakh per greenhouse.

Subsidy is available from Government of Gujarat for detail please contact Gujarat

Agro Industries Corporation Ltd (Govt. of Gujarat ) nodal agency for Agri.

Business. Address is available on important address page.

Agricultural Marketing Management

In agricultural marketing management, all business activities are involved from

Farm to consumer (end user).

It is monitoring demand patterns, Logistic, Sorting, Storing, packaging designing /

labeling, Advertising, Processing food by adding value, Analyzing consumer‟s

need, Studying consumer behaviour and consumer motivation etc..

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) (in Agri. Business)

Today, Information Technology Enabled Services ITES are becoming the

backbone of every activity of agriculture / Agri. Business. Information &

Communication Technology (ICT) is playing crucial role in context of

globalisation and domestic market awareness. Expansion of introduction of ICT

in Agriculture is must. This will be an important tool for hands on availability of

information. The infrastructure of ICT should focus on Villages; villages should be

connected with Agriculture Universities, R & D institutes, Market yards. A

Community Access Point should be established at Taluka level or big village

place, community place.

To transform the Indian Agriculture, Information Communication Technology

tools is very important.

Skill development (in Agri. Sector)

Lord Krishna, in Shrimad Bhagvad Geeta, has described importance of Skill and

Knowledge. Skill and Knowledge plays an important role in development of any

human being and Nation, it is also essential for social development. Challenges

can be met effectively by Skill and knowledge. In other word we can define

Knowledge and skill as driving force of any National economic growth. Any


Nation having higher level of skilled manpower, has more shares in world of


We (India) should focus on up-gradation / advancement in skilled workforce

development, as new and advanced technologies is adopted in all fields.

Segment of Technical / hard and Soft Skill in Agriculture sector are as below:-

Farm Management

Record keeping

It include accurate enterprise records, budgeting for livestock or crop

Cash flow and projection report, major soil reports, farm map

Make cash flow projections for several years.

Financial Management

Find out source of finance for crop, equipment etc

Preparing books of account

Planning effective repayment of loan


Information & Communication Technologies (ICT)

Labor management // Estate / yard management

Crop production management

Expertise in growth of plants, crop, Fertiliser quality how and when spray of

pesticides etc.Planting and harvesting techniques, to know technique and

operation of various equipments for planting and harvesting

Agriculture mechanics skill

Repairing of various equipments

Knowing operating and repairing of various trimming, cutting,

plucking instruments.

Precision Agriculture / farming, Yield Mapping and Site-

specific Farming

Precision farming (Agriculture)(PA) Satellite farming or site specific crop

management (SSCM) is a farming management concept based on observing,

measuring and responding to inter and intra-field variability in crops. Crop

variability typically has both a spatial and temporal component which makes

statistical/computational treatments quite involved. The holy grail of precision

agriculture research will be the ability to define a Decision Support System (DSS)

for whole farm management with the goal of optimizing returns on inputs while

preserving resources.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precision_agriculture


In 21st century adoption of Precision Agriculture is necessary to meet the growing

demand of food across the globe.

Like manufacturing and other sectors management inputs should also be given in

Agriculture sector. For it an integrated management approach is required where

in Management experts, scientist, engineers must be involved in entire process.

Mainly there are two components of Precision farming data is collected and

inputs are applied at variable rate across the field. Both farmers and service

providers should join the hand to make thing happen in precision farming.

Geographic Information System (GIS) an important component in precision


Big changes are underway due to availability of satellite for Information and

Communication Technology. Agriculture sector must take benefit of this, thanks

to Geographic Information System (GIS) and related technologies.

A GIS is, “An information system that is designed to work with data referenced

by spatial or geographic coordinates. In other words, a GIS is both a database

system with specific capabilities for spatially-referenced data, as well as a set of


Field data card

Yield maps soil analysis

Application map




Plant protection


operations for working [analysis] with the data.” Geographic Information

Systems J. Star and J. Estes, 1990

By using GIS, farmers will be benefiting in cost saving, it also help in increasing

of agro produce (yield). Field management is based on averages of field data

collected largely which dominate management action.

Future farmers of India should convert Information technology and geographic

data (information) Into Geographic Management systems which may increase

their efficiency and reduce cost, they should deploy of overall farm management

tools and techniques.

The precision farming process can <1> data logging, <2> point sampling, <3>

data analysis and <4> spatial modeling.

Future farmers of India should consider "What you know about - what you can

grow". This is the key to farm management. In India the agricultural industry will

become increasingly involved in planting, growing, harvesting and processing

(value addition) by using information/knowledge and will grow value-added crops.

Modern farmers will do right thing at right place and at right time in right (proper)


Thus in Precision farming management and effective use of data and machinery

is a key factor.

Women empowerment …..a key change agent

“Women empowerment is linked to different achievement in their lives in their social and

economic contexts such as increases in income, confidence to speak in public, awareness

of their rights and participation in decision making at the household and community

levels. www.iiste.org

Women constitute about 45% agriculture workforce in our country. In addition to

their routine household activities they contribute more than 65% of the labour

required for farming and post harvesting activities.

We all are aware as women bear almost all responsibilities for basic needs of the

family even though there is lack of power, freedom, money and also lack of


Women‟s contribution to agriculture development has been continues to be very

important and crucial to the National Economy, yet many women in this sector

remain informal and invisible. Women can be considered to be a valuable

resource and needed to be organised and should be recognised in the field of

entrepreneurship, especially in the rural agricultural sector. Literacy ratio of rural


women is increasing as Government is focusing on educating rural women. It is a

need of an hour to mainstream women as a human resource to national

development. By encouraging women Agri. Entrepreneur in food / fruit /

vegetable processing, sorting and packing, India can curb huge loss of fresh fruit,

vegetable which are rotten due to lack of proper storage facility.

Advanced technical skills and inputs should be made available to Agri. Women

Entrepreneurs viz. hygienic storage, testing laboratory facilities, modern farm

tools/equipments, good infrastructure and transport facility.

Women in Farm Operations

Women working in the farms or in engaged in post harvest activities have to live

a life with full of difficulties or we can say full of drudgery. Together these

activities can be defined as below:

Sowing watering crop in farm Spraying / applying fertilizer

removing weed Drying removing dust

In post harvest activity so many works are carried out manually. We should try to

give technical training to women so that they can operate tools easily which will

not only save time but they can be freed from drudgery. Following are some tool

machineries which can reduce the drudgery in post harvest operations.



Maize, Groundnuts and other pulse shelling

Solar dryer

Improved tools and equipment need better skills and training. There is a need to

impart training so that they too can use these technologies.

Action to be taken

Entrepreneurship Development Training especially to women should imparted to

catalyse entrepreneurship in rural communities.

Technical and management soft skill training should be provided for agriculture/

agri. produce based small industry, environmental conservation and food

processing methods, operation of agri. equipment etc.


Technical skill Soft skill

Fruit / vegetable cultivation Finance

Medicinal plants cultivation Saving

Organic farming Costing

Bio fertilizer making Banking transaction

Farm tools / equipments




Those women who has no land can be motivated to start

Vermicompost preparing units

Wasteland development: Wild tree plantation

Herbal medicines: nearby village women group can grow medicinal

plants in herbal garden.


New programmes should be designed that focus on beyond agriculture (crop

production) after specific needs assessment.

Women should be encouraged to work in group, networks

Back up services should be made available to women group like web site,

computer, internet, economic literacy programme etc.

Women groups should be encouraged to adopt new techniques

They should be provided direct linkage with city, big business house, sharing

of knowledge, easy credit etc.

Importance must be given to Economic Literacy Programme for women who own

micro enterprise in Agri. sector.

Components of Economic Literacy programme:

Business planning , Project report preparation Budget Costing Book keeping

(preliminary/basics of accounting) Banking transaction, Market survey and

Marketing management.

Especially for women, there are wide range of opportunities in floriculture in

terms of employment, which helps in income generation for empowerment and

self fulfillment of women. It also provides entrepreneurial opportunities to women

in outskirts of urban and rural area. Department of Women and Child


Development is focusing on empowerment and training for women to make them

self reliance.

Post harvest management – operations (…need of an hour)

Indian farmers have started to adopt modern farming technology. Usage of

Genetically Modified seed, research and documentation in Farming sector,

Increasing irrigation facility, easy availability of fertilizer has resulted in to

increase crop intensity and higher yields, which has resulted in marketable

surplus which has to be stored in hygienic storage, till actually it is sold.

In India post harvest losses is estimated 25%. (Approx.20 million tons a year)

Operations carried out after harvesting may be Threshing, Drying (Dehydrate),

Processing, Freezing etc. Government of India holding, Food Corporation of

India, other Governments and State Governments corporations can hold 30% of

Agro. Produce, rest is to be stored by private sector. Cold storage is playing

crucial role in post harvest management.

“In agriculture, postharvest handling is the stage of crop production immediately

following harvest, including cooling, cleaning, sorting and packing. The instant a

crop is removed from the ground, or separated from its parent plant, it begins to

deteriorate. Postharvest treatment largely determines final quality, whether a

crop is sold for fresh consumption, or used as an ingredient in a processed food

product” Source http://en.wikipedia.org

Lots of business opportunities for entrepreneurs are lying here, i.e. Storing,

sorting, cleaning, drying, freezing, dehydrating, packing and many more…..

What is the Goal of post harvest management?

In one sentence … to keep crop in eatable condition whether it is fruit, vegetable,

leaf or food grain. If we elaborate it we can say…. post-harvest handling is

keeping the produce cool, maintain moisture (avoid moisture loss), stop or slow

down undesirable chemical changes, and avoiding physical damage to crop.

Following causes loss of quality and freshness.

Improper temperature


Mechanical injury Wounds cause higher rotten rate and more water

lost through broken cuticle (upper skin of fruit, vegetable)


Attacks by bacteria or fungi after damage to vegetables, fruits or


How to maintain crop quality post harvest:

Maintain moisture

Promptly and thoroughly cool your crop

Maintain the crops' optimum storage temp

Avoid water loss (as it is on plant)

Avoid mechanical injury

Good postharvest handling can ensure farmers competitive edge he can earn

more money as his produce will fetch higher price.

When to harvest:

Harvest when outside temperatures are cool, most ideal time are early morning

or do it in the evening after sun set, or when it's cloudy. Be gentle. Use proper

tool/ equipment for harvesting the crop. Prevent wounds or puncture, Don‟t over

compress vegetables, fruits while packing. Construct storage nearest to your

farm, Put crop into cool place as early as possible. To control temperature is

most important.


Air movement and humidity can be controlled through proper packing. Don‟t

under fill or overfill crop in pack. Put cushion pad material.

Why Agri. Entrepreneurship.?

Cost benefit, profit and quality can be added in Agri. Output by way of

Entrepreneurship and management, that dominates resource and its effective

utilization, systematic social change, availability of support, self confidence and

of course motivation.

A right kind of knowledge and managerial soft skill can be provided through entrepreneurship. In view of World Trade Organisation (WTO) and General Agreement on Tariff and Trade (GATT) agreement, Indian farmer and farming has to change.


Table- 1 (Pages at End of this paper) shows that there are ample opportunities in Agro, Food Industry

Today agriculture sector has achieved commercial importance and has

tremendous potential of being one of the powerful sectors contributing to

nation‟s GDP. Apart from Government initiative, Public Private Partnership and

farmers‟ organizations have contributed to the agricultural growth. At present,

Agribusiness education is one of the promising qualifications, which has made it

possible to manage Agriculture sector as a professional enterprise like other

sectors such as Automobile, Engineering, Information Technology, Textile etc.


An approach for cultivating Entrepreneurship for the rural population is the need

of the hour and also essential. Gujarat Government is working on the

„Sustainable Livelihoods‟ approach. “Livelihoods” is the root of human

development and economic growth.

There are deep roots of Entrepreneurship in civic structure of community. It is the

Entrepreneurship, which is adding economic profit and cost-benefit ratios to

Agricultural produce. Entrepreneur must be equipped with “KNOWLEDGE”.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) is playing important role in

reducing the gaps and increasing productivity in Agri. Business.

We are producing more literates and not trained youth to earn their own bread.

Our graduates in Agriculture sector and allied sectors, are hunting beg for job. By

giving them entrepreneurial training we should make these graduates as

employers and not employees or in other words not simply Learned Farmer but

Agri. Entrepreneur. Both our Farming and Farmers must change to meet

Challenges / opportunities of World Trade Organisation (WTO) and General

Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) agreement.

The Agriculture sector needs 1 lac + young entrepreneurs to achieve national


What is Agri. Business..? It is a business of farming.

“All the activities concerned with agriculture including farming,

management, financing, processing, marketing, growing of seeds and

nursery stock, manufacturing of fertilizers, chemicals, implements,


processing machinery, transportation equipment and the process of

transportation itself. “ is Agri. Business.

John H. Davis

Who is Agri. Entrepreneur?

“He, who is in the business of agriculture produce”

What is an Agri.-enterprise?

An Agri.-enterprise is any business in the agricultural industry, which includes

production of agriculture, food, natural fiber, the environment and natural


Agribusiness includes the producing of any food item (Food grain – Fruits –

Vegetables- Flowers), processing, and supply of agricultural goods which range

from Corn to Cornflake, Fruits to Fruit juice and of course Cotton to Cloth. Apart

from these produce, by products of farming like fuels derived from farm waste

and farming equipment, machinery, chemicals etc., can also be included in

Agri.Business. In 21st century even Information Communication Technology

(ICT) can also be included in Agri. Business – Kisan kiosk, Krishi related web

site, Agri. Business portals and many more. For Agri. Business successful

farmers should produce what the market wants and not at which farmer is

good / capable of producing Agriculture item .Today Science & technology i.e.

ICI,Green House, Sprinklers / Drip irrigation, Tissue culture etc. is playing crucial

role in Agriculture farm produce.

Day by day, as population is increasing, Food consumption in India is increasing.

Government of India from several decades, making efforts to overcome

weaknesses in the agricultural sector like over-dependence on monsoon, which

is resulting in continuous increasing of Agriculture produce.

The graph T-2 shows how fast food consumption is increasing in India. This is

the main reason for entrepreneur to enter in the field of Agri. Entrepreneurship.

Table -2 (3rd last page of this paper) data is enough for Entrepreneur to go for Agri.


Specific business opportunities in Agribusiness sector

Farm inputs


Biotechnology / Biological inputs, Crop nutrients, Crop protection, Farm

equipment, Farm technology, Seeds & planting material.

Agri. Services

Agri. equipment repairing / servicing,

Organic Certification,

Commodity trading,

Contract farming,

E-commerce etc.

Crops Vegetables, Exotic Flowers/ Vegetables, Cereals, Fiber crops, Farm crops,

Floriculture, Forestry, Gardening, Grassland, Horticulture, Medicinal and

Herbal plants.

Food Agro produce processing

Fresh Juice, Dairy, Canned food, Sorting-cleaning-grading, De-hydrating,

Baked food, Confectionery – chocolate made from fruit pulp.

Fuel from agro waste

Spinning (using manually operated machine Charkha)

Weaving (Handloom)

Manufacturing shopping bags of cloth

Wick from cotton (gujarati name „vat‟ for lamp(diya) used for pooja)

Agro tourism

Natural dyes

Information and Communication Technology

Krishi portal, Krishi Vignan Kendra, Krishi magazine, E-commerce in agri.


Organic fertilizer

Sorting, grading, packing

Contract plantation of tree for Industry for example Paper industry

Processed Food, Food Processing Industry –

Everybody knows that Indian food processing industry is recognized as a sunrise

industry. It has a huge potential which uplift Indian Agri. economy .We should

focus on for employment generation & increase export earning. Fruits &

vegetables are most important & fast growing sub sector of food processing

Industry. Due to Change of lifestyle in urbanization & higher disposable income

in India. We have seen positive & remarkable growth in …….

Ready to serve beverages


Fruit , juice /pulp

Dehydrated & Frozen fruit

Processed & Sorted Vegetables

Processed Tomato produce

Spice pastes

Agripreneurs can play very important role in agriculture value chain. They can

generate employment & also play vital role to increase Agriculture GPP. By their

entrepreneurial activities in value addition & process of Agri. produce like pulse,

Fruit, Vegetable etc.

Our Agripreneur should turn local traditional Farming in to global business

Component Of Agri. Business

Highly efficient food processing industry could contribute in the nation's food

security by post harvest management of Fruits and Vegetables, around 30% of

our fruits and vegetables produce are wasted due to lack of proper post harvest


By processing of vegetables and fruits, Agri.entrepreneur can reduce this loss,

that will give better returns and improve the income level of the farmers.

Food processing industry has put India on global map in terms of processed food

consumption, export and production. In India it is considered as highest export

growth prospect industry. Large number of young consuming class and growing

higher middle class with growing disposable income is influencing for

development of this industry that will make India a world player in the field of food

processing. India is making its position on global map as large producer and

exporter in Agriculture produce.

Even though India is second largest producer of food in world, accounts for only

1.6 % of total international food trade .The Government of India has targeted to

increase this share to 3 percent. This indicates vast potential for Agri.


Food processing industry in Agriculture sector, can play a crucial role for

employment generation and can reduce national waste of costly agro produce /

food. This sector is widely comprise of milk, fruits and vegetables, alcoholic

beverages – fresh fruit juice, Food grain milling / processing, convenient food and

packaged drinks etc. In recent years concept of Conventional farming to

Commercial farming is popular, which means shifting from traditional food


grains growing to horticulture produce like exotic fruit and vegetables, medicinal,

aromatic and ornamental plants, spices, plantation crops which include coconut,

cashew nuts. Our huge population of 1.05 billion plus at growth rate about 1.6 %,

is resulting in continuous growth of large market for food produce. We have 350

million plus urban middle class with their changing food habits and increasing

disposable income resulting in to a huge market for processed food.

Government of India has planned to increase level of processing of perishable

food from 6% to 20%, value addition in agro- produce, from 20% to 35%The

National policy on food processing aims to increase food processing level from

10% to 25% by 2025.

Food Grain flour, Biscuits and bakery items, Fruit pulp, different kinds of Sauce

are the segments which are expected to record high growth rate i.e. more than

10 percent.

Value addition

"Value-added" is simply anything you can do to raise the value of your product in

the market, anything you can add to it that enables you to increase your profit


It is said that, by arresting post harvest wastages and converting them as

marketable and value added products; India can earn an additional US$ 50

billion a year.

Value addition is very much important in Agri. Business.So far as value addition

in Farm produce is concerned, India is far behind, value addition to raw food

material in India is only 7% while it is 23%, 45% and 188 % in China, Philippines

and UK, respectively (as per National Food Processing Policy Document). In

India less than 2.2 % of fruits and vegetables produce are processed, compared

to 30 % in Thailand and 80 % in Malaysia.

Mega Food Park – heaven for entrepreneurs wish to start


The Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Government of India has started to

assist in Infrastructure development, setting up of Mega Food Parks, cold chain

infrastructure, value added centres and packaging centres. The Mega Food Park

Scheme is also provide support to Food processing units.

Ministry of Food Processing Industry (MOFPI) – Government of India has

introduced Mega Food Park (MFP) scheme . According MOFPI, aim of this

scheme is to providing a mechanism to link agri. produce to the market. At Mega

Food Park farmers, processors and retailers are bringing together to ensure

highest value addition, minimizing wastages/loss, by doing this, income of the


farmers will be increased and it will create employment opportunities in rural

area. The Mega Food Park Scheme is based on Cluster development theme.

How this MFP operates is shown in this pictorial graph


Pre cooling



Exporting Wholesale Retail Domestic market Distribution

Stage wise business opportunity in Mega Food Park for an entrepreneur

Cleaning Grading Sorting Packing facilities Controlled

Atmosphere Chambers

Dry warehouses Specialized cold stores Pre-cooling chambers Mobile collection vans Humidity Stores

Packaging Unit Steam Sterilization


Reefer vans Ripening chambers Mobile pre-coolers Testing Laboratory Ripening Chambers

Irradiation Facilities

Steam Generating Unit

Following sanctioned MFP in Gujarat are as below :(Source MOFPI – Govt. of


Individual farmer, farmer’s

co-operative society,

Self help group















Value addition activity (Potential for Entrepreneurs)

Churning Extracting Packing/Branding

Cutting Mixing Boiling

Crushing Grinding Dehydrating


1. Gujarat Agro Infrastructure Mega Food Park Mangrol Taluka SURAT

2. Fanidhar Mega Food Park Ltd. near Mehsana

Food processing - GOLDAN business opportunity

Food processing is the transformation of raw ingredients into food, or of

food into other forms. Food processing typically takes clean, harvested

crops and uses these to produce attractive, marketable and often long

shelf-life food products

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org

Agro and Food processing industry is considered to be sunrise sector. The

industry which utilize farm produce, forestry produce or dairy produce as a raw

material are cover under Agro food processing sector.

Rice, Flour, Sugar, Jaggery, Ghee – Edible oil….etc. are some of the ancient and

the traditional food processing industry.

Corn flake, Chocolate, Ice-cream, Ready to eat snacks, Chikki, Fruit juice,

Biscuit, Fruit juice / pulp, Canned / sorted vegetables are gift of modern food

processing industry. By using latest technology modern food processing is

capable of higher recovery of food product and also useful byproduct. Agro-food

processing industry should located near the source of raw material i.e. near farm

/ forest especially when they use perishable agri. produce like vegetables, fruits

of medicinal plants leaves or fruits.

As fruits and vegetables are living commodities, proper post harvest

management for storing, processing and handling is needed. There is opportunity

for processing of Papaya, Sapota (Chikoo), Banana, Guava, Aonla (amla) and

carambola which is also known as star fruit.

In our country, at one side there is surplus of agro produce and other side there

is shortage of quality nutritious food or one has to pay higher price for food. Lack

of food processing development activities and shortage of proper infrastructure

for storage of agro produce is root cause for this.

Development of food processing sector helps to improve the value of Agri.

produce, which ultimately helps to boost farmer‟s income.


Food processing technology is necessary to improve “FOOD SAFETY” and

strengthening our “FOOD SECURITY” (Food for all). Food processing can play a

vital role in Post Harvest losses.

The food processing can play vital role and can provide vital linkage between

Farming and Industry. Both Central and Gujarat State Government have

accorded Food processing a high priority, with a number of fiscal reliefs and

incentives, to encourage commercialization and value addition to agricultural

produce, with aim for minimizing post harvest wastage, generating employment

and export growth. By taking note of this The Cabinet Committee on Economic

Affairs has approved a new centrally sponsored scheme titled "National Mission

on Food Processing (NMFP)", This will be implemented during the year 2012/13

in co operation with State Governments. A National Food Processing

Development Council (NFPDC) has been set up for implementation and

monitoring this.

Processed food is better for long distance transportation between sources to

market / consumer, it also improve overall nutrition of population and also help to

make balance in demand and supply. By processing the Agro produce (mass

production) food will be cheaper, new food processing technology is helping to

add nutrients which ultimately improve quality of life.

Advantage India :-

Largest producer of milk

Largest livestock

Second largest producer of fruits and vegetables

Third largest producer of food grain

More than 52% arable land variety of soil type more than 40 types

Various (around 20) climate zones

Key source of raw materials of food processing sector:-

Our food processing sector covers varieties of agro produce like fruit and

vegetables, milk, food grain, cocoa , dry fruits and many more….

Key growth drivers of food processing sector in India

Rapid urbanization, rising per capita income, changing life style and continuously

increasing working women workforce, increasing spending on health and


nutritional food, plays key role in increasing growth and opportunities in Food

(Processed food) and dairy and beverages sector.

Key segments of food processing industry

Fresh vegetables / fruits, Food grain, Milk and dairy, and consumer food produce

like Noodles, Cornflake, Ready to cook / eat food produce, Biscuits – Bread etc

are key segments in food processing industry.

Government of India (Ministry of Food Processing Industries) by its Vision 2015

documents has put target to increase processing of perishable agro produce

from 6% to 20 %, value addition from 20 % to 35 %.

Benefits of food processing

Removal of toxin Easing in Marketing

Convenient for transportation Availability in non season

Save wastage of food Convenience for eating

Long shelf life Stabilize the price

Modern supermarket would not exist without Food Processing.

Performance parameters for food processing industry:-

Looking to the trends in modern food processing for designing process for food

processing industry Entrepreneur should keep in mind following

parameters :-

1> Hygiene: As literacy rate is increasing and consumer give priority to

health hygiene plays vital role.

Energy consumption: Any process should energy efficiencies energy audit is

important tool

2> Reduce / minimize of waste : Aim of food processing sector is to

reduce the waste of agro produce

3> Minimizing of cleaning stops try to reduce number of hours between

cleaning stop

4> Health.. Consumers are concerned about their health, reduction of fat

content in final product should be target of entrepreneur, and

entrepreneurs should also try to maintain its original (natural) taste.

Street food vendors

Gujarat should take benefit of The National Policy on Urban Street Vendors.,

Street Food which is also a large source of employment generation which is not


only inexpensive and convenient, but also palatable (tasty). Gujarat should focus

on development of Street Food Vendor. Soft skills like communication, hospitality

lesson should be taught. Focus should be make on hygiene.

Further, street food is a treasure pot of local culinary traditions and is increasingly

playing an important role as an enhancer, supporting, and multiplier of tourism

sector all over the world.Agriculture and allied services, animal husbandry, non-

timber forest produces etc can be linked with Mission Mangalam project.


AGMARK is a certification mark employed on agricultural products in India,

assuring that they conform to a set of standards approved by the Directorate of

Marketing and Inspection, an agency of the Government of India.The AGMARK

is legally enforced in India by the Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marking) Act

of 1937 (and amended in 1986).The present AGMARK standards cover quality

guidelines for 205 different commodities.

Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agmark

The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection (DMI) headed by the Agricultural

Marketing Advisor, Department of Agriculture & Co-operation (DAC) implements

agricultural marketing policies and programmes of the Government of India.

Agricultural Produce (Grading and Marketing) Act, 1937 (Agmark):

The Directorate of Marketing and Inspection enforces the Agricultural Produce

(Grading and Marketing) Act, 1937. Under this Act Grade standards are

prescribed for agricultural and allied commodities. These are known as Agmark'

standards. Grading under the provisions of this Act is voluntary.

One may check the following link for details regarding the AGMARK and

procedure for AGMARK certification –


Bakery – an emerging opportunity in Food products

In India, Bakery and Biscuits industries have a lion‟s share in Food industries

(annual turnover of about Rs.3000+ crore). India is the 2nd largest producer of

bakery (including biscuits) items while US stands first. Approximate value of this

industry is worth US$ 69+ billion. Generally Bread, biscuits, pastries, buns and

Rusk are produced by bakery sectors from which 82% share is of Bread and

Biscuit. Changing life style of Indian middle and upper middle class population,

increasing disposable income and time constraints in working hours is main


cause for fast catching up of bakery products and making their place in breakfast

plates. As bakery produces are most convenient to carry and eat, it is becoming

fast popular in working women class which is continuously increasing in urban


Large volumes and strong distribution network is key factors for the growth of this

industry. In India, per capita consumption of bakery products stands 3 to 4 Kg.

per annum against 40 to 50 Kg. in developed countries. Urban population

consumes 80% of total bakery food consumption in India. This industry is

growing at the rate of 7 to 8 % annually, however unorganized sectors

contributing 70% of the total production of bakery products in India.

Due to Globalisation and cultural integration, consumer trend is continuously

changing. Consumers are looking for new product, nutrition value, conveniences

as well as value for money. Most popular trends in the market are introducing low

calories /light for digesting, functional, natural and organic products. It is

assumed that demand for bread is likely to grow faster than the demand for

biscuits in bakery sectors. Among hotels / restaurants and hospitality segments,

bakery cafes and bakery restaurants that cater to the needs of fast food are

emerging. In 21st Century, as lifestyle becoming stressful, consumers are opting “

Food For Comfort” concept. Number of on-site manufacturing of bakery products

in small shops (bakeries) and supermarkets are increasing. Premium, gourmet

and exotic products are in demand; result in to high profit for entrepreneurs.

The bakery units are unevenly spread among states. These are mainly

concentrated in the states of Maharashtra, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh,

Karnataka and Uttar Pradesh. States like Maharashtra and West Bengal have

very large number of bakery units. The per capita consumption is very high in

industrialised states. The biscuits are becoming quite popular in rural areas as

well. Nearly 55% of the biscuits are consumed by the rural sector. This higher

consumption of biscuits in the rural area could be attributed to its position as a

snack; longer shelf life and better taste, which is liked by a cross-section of the

population. Bakery products still remain the cheapest of the processed ready-to-

eat products in the country. It has increased from 5.19 lakh tones to 18.95 lakh

tones in 15 years. It is produced by the small-scale sector consisting of both

factory and non-factory units. The growth rate for bakery products is estimated at

an average of 9.8% per annum. The demand for these products will continue to

increase in the future. The estimated growth rate of 9.8% is on the lower side

considering the present potentiality of bakery products, particularly in the rural

areas; where about 70% of the total population of India lives. Encouraging


trends, in consumption of bakery products, by population of lower and middle

income groups indicate vast scope for consideration of nutritional enrichment of

bakery products. .

Opening up of Indian economy has made Indian manufacturers to access

international suppliers of raw material and technology, results is to ease

availability of important inputs (raw material) and machinery. Thus baking

became affordable to Indian consumers.

Bread and gourmet falls in bakery sectors. Today bread demand is likely to grow

faster than the biscuits as snacks patterns are changing very fast in urban area.

At present bread is consumed in large cities, which will start in small towns also.

Biscuits – most popular among bakery products

Highly industrialized states in India consume more bakery products and biscuits.

Government of India encourages Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to those

who are interested in establishing the bakery as an enterprise. Opportunities are

opened up not only to SMEs but also to small entrepreneurs as small bakery

units need less capital.

Recently, bakery parlours are taking place as fast food / convenient food corner

due to cultural integration, changing of eating habits affected by globalization and

industrialization. The bakery industry is becoming more and more organized,

lots of national and international brand has started their chains in India and

Gujarat also. Demand for Exotic products, Cakes, pastries and Premium biscuits

are also increasing in this segment.

In the State like Gujarat where per capita income continues to increase will

results in the consumption of bakery products. .

Food safety

Hazard Analysis & Critical Control Points (HACCP)

HACCP is a management system in which food safety is addressed through the

analysis and control of biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw

material production, procurement and handling, to manufacturing, distribution

and consumption of the finished product.


Some of the Law which entrepreneur should keep in mind

Important web site http://www.fssai.gov.in/


To ensure hygienic, safe and wholesome food for human, Government of India

has established Food Safety and Standard authority of India (FSSAI) under the

Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006 which is laying down science based

standards for any articles of food and also regulating manufacturing, processing,

distribution, sales and import of any food items.

some important Food Safety and Standard Regulations 2011 (FSS)

FSS (Licensing and Registration of Food businesses)

regulation, 2011

This regulation is applicable to “Petty Food Manufacturer” very short definition

of Petty food manufactures is those whose turnover is less than Rs.12 Lakh, or

production capacity of food (other than milk and milk products) does not exceed

100 kg/ltr per day or procurement or handling and collection of milk is up to 500

litres of milk per day.

FSS (Packaging and Labelling) regulation, 2011

This regulation is applicable for Labelling of food container like Best before,

Date of packaging, Infant, Lot no, Repackaged etc.

FSS (Food product standards and Food Additives) regulation, 2011

(part I)(part II) This regulation is generally related to Liquid, Mild, Edible oil, Vegetable ghee

etc, double toned milk , Hydrogen added to an vegetable oil etc.

Part II various ingredients like Acidity regulatory, Stabilizing agent, Improver,

Flour treatment agent, Preservative, Color, Synthetic, Flavor, Nutrition‟s etc.

FSS (Prohibition and Restriction on sales) regulation, 2011

This regulation contains “Sale of certain admixtures prohibited”

FSS (contaminates, toxins and residues) regulation, 2011


This regulation applicable to various crop - any substance not intentionally

added to food, beverages, baking powder etc.

FSS (Laboratory and sampling analysis) regulation, 2011

Entrepreneur can refer http://foodlicensing.fssai.gov.in to know how to get Food License

In India it is mandatory for all Food Business Operators (FBO) to be registered or

licensed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the regulation.

Above portal of FSSAI provide facility for online registration For license :

Food Business Operators (FBO's) are required to have an active and valid

personal e-mail ID and Mobile Number.

For Registration:

FBO's are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID OR Mobile number

Gujarat State address:

Food Safety Commissioner for Gujarat & Commissioner,

Food and Drugs Control Administration, ( Government of Gujarat ),

Block No. 8, 1st Floor,Dr. Jivraj Mehta Bhavan,

Gandhinagar-382010, Gujarat.

Tel: 079-23253417, 23253399, Fax: 079-23253400,

How to start Agro./ Food processing Industry / business.

First of all let us learn about definition of Agro industry.

As per Government of Gujarat Agro Policy definition of Agro

industry is…..

“Agro industries are those units which add value to agriculture

products/residues, both food and non-food, by processing into products which

are marketable or usable or edible or by improving storability or by providing

the link from farm to the market or part thereof. Agro industry also includes

Hi-Tech and Bio-technology based agriculture.

“Agricultural Product” …..means produce of agriculture, horticulture,

sericulture, floriculture, fisheries and includes minor forest produce and live

stock based products, except dairy and dairy based products. “

Source :- http://www.gujagro.org


Features of Agro industry

Agricultural products means produce of Agriculture/Horticulture-Sericulture,

Floriculture, Fisheries (except conventional technology process of crushing oil

from edible oilseeds) and it also includes minor forest produce and live stock

based products (except dairy and dairy- based products).

Hi-tech and Bio-technology based Agriculture means project/s which involve any one of the

processes such as Tissue culture, Production of Transgenic Plant, Mass

Multiplication of parasites/predators, Fermentation plant for bio fertilizers,

Gene Mapping, Cloning and Genetic engineering, Green house, Aquaculture etc.

As per Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation, the scope of

Agro Industry……

It includes all elements of food chain it means from FARM to

MARKET its components are …….

Grading – Sorting – Pre-cooling - Packing – Refrigerated transport –

Warehousing – Cold storage – Retail outlets for Agro produce / Horticulture /

Floriculture produce.

Some tips to entrepreneurs…..for food / agri. business

Seek proper advice and collect data.

Entrepreneur can seek advice from Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation,

Industrial Extension Bureau, Gujarat Industrial Technical consultancy

Organization (Address / Website address available on last page) or Agriculture

universities of Gujarat situated at Junagadh, Anand, Navsari and Danta. There

are also National Science and R&D institute like Indian Council of Agriculture

Research (I.C.A.R.), Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (C.S.I.R.),

Central Food Technology Research Institute (Mysore)(C.F.T.R.I.)

Entrepreneur should get information about statistics of crop / vegetables/ fruits

(availability and price trends) opportunities in post harvest management and

value addition by processing of Agro produce

Identify location:-

Entrepreneur should preferable select the location of unit in the radius of 60 kms.

of availability of Agro produce to reduce waste, particularly in the case of


perishable agro produce like fruit, vegetables etc. Export oriented unit should

identify location near Airport, Port or express highway.

At present Any agro industry set up anywhere in Gujarat is eligible for incentives

except areas covered under jurisdiction of Ahmedabad, Baroda, Rajkot, Surat

and Jamnagar and Bhavnagar municipality. However cold chain and retail outlet

for perishable will be exempted from this.

State Government Incentives at a glance

Interest subsidy to Agro industry and Infrastructure project

Assistance for preparation of project report

Assistance for patent registration Assistance for quality certification mark

Air freight subsidy Assistance for sending samples abroad

Details of subsidy is available on the web site of Gujarat Agro Industry

Corporation Ltd.

Procedure for claiming subsidy / assistance

First of all entrepreneur is required to take Agri.Business Registration Number


For this he should approach Gujarat Agro Industry Corporation (GAIC) for claim

of all other subsidy / assistance prescribed form is available at GAIC, or all

District Industry Centre or website of GAIC, iNDEXTb. There is also various

Assistance / subsidy scheme of Central Government is shown in Table A

Table – A

Setting up / expansion / modernization of food processing industry

Setting up of pulse mill

Setting up of mobile fruit & vegetable processing

Establishing of post harvest infrastructure

Food processing industry estate – food park

Setting up of innovative dairy product

National Horticulture Board (NHB) Schemes

Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority (APEDA)- this authority mainly give assistance to export oriented unit.


Detail is available on website of respective authority office. Web site address is

available on last page.

Quality certification

Food Product Order (FPO) for food processing of vegetable

/ fruit units)

ISI Indian Standard Institute


ISO 9000/14000

HACCP : The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points

(This is essential for the product which is to be exported.)

Government permissions required for setting up agro industrial project in Gujarat

In India it is mandatory for all Food Business Operators (FBO) to be registered

or licensed in accordance with the procedures laid down in the regulation.

Various licensing authority

Subject Authority

Starting the agro Industries Commisionerate, industrial project

Approval of Factory Lay out Town Planning Dept.

Village Panchayat

NOC on Pollution Control State Pollution Control Board

AGMARK Certification Directorate of Marketing and Inspection, Ministry of Rural Development, GOI

License under Shop and Establishment Act

Municipal Corporation

Sales tax number Government of Gujarat commercial Tax dept.

Approval of Factory Lay out Village Panchayat / Town Planning Department

ISI Certification Bureau of Indian Standards

Boiler Inspection and verification of smoke Nuisance

Steam Boiler and Smoke Nuisance Department

License / Registration Food Safety Commissioner for Gujarat & Commissioner, Food and Drugs Control Administration, Government of Gujarat,

Classification of Agro / Food industry in terms of process:

Manual / Mechanical


Cleaning – Grading – Packing – Pre-cooling – Refrigerated van – Cold

storage with multi storage


Ginning – Milling – Cutting – Mixing


Cooking – Preservation - Canning – Dehydration – Freezing – Weaving –



Chemical – Alteration

To grab a larger share of world trade, Agri. entrepreneur have to strictly adhere

to international food safety standards. Agri. entrepreneur must take care of Food

safety, which is a very important concern. World Health Organisation (WHO) has

introduced agreement which has increased, adheres of safety norms and other


As per IFPRI (International Food Policy Research Institute)


Steps to start Food processing business

Convert your idea in to success

1> Select your product….

2> What is your product idea

3> What are the features of product / What type of product is?

• Think

• Dream

No money required

• Meet people

• Prepare business plan

Work hard

• Implement with determination

• (Money required)



Handpicked, Fresh, Handmade, Homemade etc….

4> How it will be available

In leading store, only by order, all season, all days, Festival etc

Packing size 100 gm, 30 no

5> Do market survey

6> Prepare Business plan / Project report

It is very important to do market survey before you start to prepare

business plan (Detailed Project Report). Business plan is most important to

document a path shower it will be most important guideline to make

smooth running of your venture and became successful entrepreneur.

Market research will help to find out is there a market for your product?,

The market survey will help in deciding

How to distribute

What the price will be?

How you will promote your product.

Scenario of industry

Who and where are your competitors

Who are your customers

7> How you will organize your business (form/nature of entity of your


8> Business name

9> Various business structure:- Proprietor, Partnership, Co-op society, Pvt./

Public ltd company, Self help group etc.

10> Know Business law/regulations / food safety health license

To protect both businessman and consumer Government (Central , State and

Local) has created / formed law and regulations. Various licensing authorities has

been constituted :-

Food Safety and Standard Act, 2006

Food Safety and Standard Regulations 2011 (FSS)

Local Govt. Food / health license is required to start food related business.

Collect information of Business law/regulations / food safety health license

Insurance :Insurance is most important to reduce risk, entrepreneur should

collect information regarding different insurance and should call insurance

advisor to select best insurance plan and company.


Financial / Accounting system

Finance and accounts is most important area for any businessman. Proper books

of accounts must be maintained from very beginning, it will help you to calculate

your Tax, and save tax also. You can use your Income Tax return, Balance sheet

to submit financial institution for borrowing.

Strategy – manufacturing, trading, job work

Now you are starting business. Select place where will be your manufacturing

plant, whether plant, shop, storage building will be rental or ownership how far is

sourcing of raw material, how far is storage facility where is your market etc.

Tip: initially to reduce risk and reduce investment you can enter contract with

existing unit which process, or custom pack on behalf of you.

Unique product development / Innovation

After taking trial you should develop your own product, if needed you should

modify existing product by taste, size, color etc.You can consult Product

Development expert, Food technologist. For example Ice cream for diabetic

patient, Low calorie food for people having cholesterol etc.

Human resource

You have started with limited manpower, you yourself might be involved in many

task to control your preliminary and operating expenses. After your product is

accepted and planning to reach the next level you should focus on your

manpower planning, you should gradually start recruit manpower like marketing,

accounting, supporting staff etc.

Packaging / labeling

Packaging is most important for any product, because first thing customer sees is

packing and not the product. Your packing must be

Attractive Easy to carry

Un breakable Environment friendly

Easy to open, Reusable


Mass marketing

Now you have tested your product in market if it is accepted try to expand your

market increase your market share, increase your outlets, redesign your market

plant, mass marketing will reduce your market expenses and increase your profit

Important standards



Food Safety and Standards Authority of India QUALITY CIRCLE……

How to start own Business….. Important tips

You decided to be an Entrepreneur / Businessman…! OK









Now ask yourself is it a right time, right place, right product…? Be honest for self


One can ask more questions…. Like

Are business responsibilities likely to conflict with my lifestyle or

family priorities?

Do I possess the skill required for business? Soft or hard

Do I have necessary energy and determination..?

Am I ready to take more risk..?

Can I afford to lose present income (if doing job or any other activity)

If an entrepreneur proceed right way it will be easy for him to achieve goal. If one

want to start a small business one should precede in right way. By following the

process one‟s business will definitely grow and sustain for long time.

Step -1

First of all choose the business format:

Trading – Service providing – Manufacturing - / Partnership, Proprietor, Private

Ltd. Company

Choose product (item)

While selecting product / item entrepreneur should have expert knowledge of his

business if no knowledge hire a consultant or make a partner who has

knowledge of this, give time to hard work with determination.

First generation entrepreneur should start with small (preferably) trading / selling,

instead of purchasing property, shop office he should take on rent. In 21st century

internet is best, ideal and cheapest way to start trading business to which we call

E-commerce. This small start will save money even if you fail.

Gradually, one will gain knowledge and get experience in low budget


Think of source of fund, source of funds can be

Your own saving * Family members / relatives / friends who are ready to lend

you money

Bank / financial institutions


Step – 3

Start legal formalities

License from local Government / Jilla panchayat etc.

Registration with State / Central Government

Sales Tax now (VAT) / Service Tax registration

PAN registration for Income Tax

Study / collect information of applicable law related to your business

/ product etc.

Step – 4

Keep your accounting system perfect maintain your day to accounts Income –

Expenditure / Payment transaction accurately.

Now business process which include Sourcing / Selling etc.

Collect information and analyze it.

o What is my target market

o Is it consumer or industrial?

o Is it expanding..? If yes, find out at what rate..?

o Who are my potential customers..?

o How I will approach them..

o How I will build relationship with my customers..

o Find out hard core of your product

o What will be main selling points of my product..?

It may be Price, Color, Taste, Size, Appearance, Culture of customer, Worldly

situation, Season and many more.

What will be my repeat order period?

How I will distribute my product.

Collect information of competitors.

Supplier’s information

Who are my suppliers?

How much they are reliable?

Are they capable of supplying me in quantity I required..?

What their financial strength is

Whether their price is competitive and quality is good


Good practice to become successful businessman


Keep your preliminary expenses as low as possible

Select the product fills market need and should be in continues demand

Set goal and work hard to achieve it Get advice from professional advisor

Adhere to your business plan – monitor it

Constantly collect customers‟ feedback

Make use of information technology tools

Adopt new trends and technology

Update your knowledge Develop your own web site, create your e-mail ID

To become a successful entrepreneur Learn lesson from Shri Ganesha

Shri Krishna Be a leader, Bureaucratic, strategic -- Care for nature /

environment, Adopt change.

Shri Hanuman Be Brave, Accept responsibility, Take challenge

Shri Arjuna Stick to your Goal

Maharshi Narad Be good communicator, travel extensively

Narsinh Mehta Keep faith in self

Mahatma Gandhi Try to DO something and no to BE something

Tiny man without having any powerful position end the British rule and Rules

millions of Indian heart and rest of the world.

Not last but least: -- No matter your size, strength in comparison of other By

using intellectual, using resources properly you can compete your competitor

….Guess…..! who…..? it is kids favorite JERRY of TOM and JERRY

We can learn lot more from our ancient wisdom stories and Birbal stories.

Listen carefully - particularly to your customer

Observe sharply

Think big

Gather knowledge

Be intellectual


Tips for Starting / Running Small Farm Business

Prepare Business Plan (All the details must be followed for successful venture)

Specific knowledge in Agriculture OR hire Agri. expert

Identify product

Product Resource (raw material)

Human Resource

Place / Land (availability)

Brand / Logo

Selection of financial institution

Information of local culture, traditions, festivals etc

Financial projections

1> Own fund 2> Loan, Financial institution, Project report

Present financial information

Market analysis

1> Market survey 2> Take note of demand & supply

Marketing plan

Retail Outlet / Distributors

Researching about your competition and market

Competing strategies

Other formalities

Business description and mission statement

Feeling up of forms in Government state which includes business


To take licenses with regard to agriculture and farming.

Set up of an accounting system with the use of the computer.

Agro waste…. source of energy – fuel

It is estimated that India generates about 500 million tons of agro waste annually.

Source of agro waste is Baggage, Rice and wheat straw and husk, Cotton stalk,

ground nut shell, banana stalk and jute, sisal and vegetables residues.

Agro Fuel (image pl refer second last page) Picture - 1


Agro fuel first came in light aftermath of oil crisis in 1980. Many countries and

their policy makers came forward in support of production of Agro-fuels as a

substitute of petrolium product and it is promoted aggressively. Jathropa and

Corn are two main plants / crop for the source of agro fuel. Jathropha seeds

contain more than 30 % content of non-edible oil. Main benefit of Jatropha is

that it grows in the wild, does not require irrigation projects and can be harvested

about two years of planting.

Bio Coal

The Agri and Forest waste can be converted in to Bio fuel (Briquetters) which can

be substitute for coal, lignite or crude oil, and also help to minimize carbon foot


Here are some raw materials (Agro waste) useful for manufacturing Agro fuel :

Bagasse (Bagasse is the fiber left over after the juice has been squeezed

out of sugarcane stalks.

Ground Nut Shell

Husk of Coffee, Rice, Peddu, Sunflower, Chana, Cotton, Soyabean

Saw dust is also an important source

Pellet are small particles which are created by compressing Bagasse, Groundnut

shell, Husk of coffee, rice, sunflower, etc.

This pellet is ideal option of fuel for household as well as industrial use, this is

non conventional, eco friendly and non polluting.

Biomass, as a renewable energy source, is biological material from

living, or recently living organisms. As an energy source, biomass

can either be used directly, or converted into other energy

products such as biofuel. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org)

Agri. waste is most important reusable source which can be divided in to four

main categories as per usages

Bio fuel

Direct used for boiler or by making pellet, briquette

Bio power

Electricity is generated by use of Bio mass resource

Bio products

By products manufactured from Agro. Waste or plant


Automobile Interior material, carpet or cloth from corn or corn waste

some article / products made from Agrowaste/plant leafs





To-go Containers



Soufflé Cups/Lids


Bags Straws/Sleeves

Main benefit of these products is that these are eco friendly and biodegradable

Biodegradation or biotic-degradation or biotic decomposition is the

chemical dissolution of materials by bacteria or other biological

means. The term is often used in relation to ecology, waste

management, biomedicine, and the natural environment

(bioremediation)and is now commonly associated with

environmentally friendly products that are capable of

decomposing back into natural elements. Organic material can be

degraded aerobically with oxygen, or an aerobically, without

oxygen. A term related to biodegradation is bio mineralisation, in

which organic matter is converted into minerals. Bio surfactant,

an extracellular surfactant secreted by microorganisms, enhances

the biodegradation process. (Source: http://en.wikipedia.org)

Our innovative entrepreneur should find out new source of Agro waste material to

manufacture Bio products.

Lesson from Developed countries…over- industrialization..

After adding tons of Greenhouse Gases emitted from burning fossil fuels, all

developed countries suddenly have started crying… to reduce Carbon foot print

- level of Carbon dioxide. To save their environment they have started de-

industrialization, the outsourcing of production to under developed country.

Over industrialization must be stopped, Fertile land must not be grab for industry.

All countries, particularly India, must wake up to focus on Agriculture sector to

save Mother Earth, and feed its hungry population. If not wake up now, time will

come to go for Vertical farming.


Agro tourism

“It is tourism that focuses on agricultural areas.”

Agro tourism is a style of vacation, in which hospitality is offered on FARM.

This is like killing two birds with one stone. Earning from farm produce and

earning from tourist through same farm. Tourism is an instrument for recreation

and very much important for employment generation and sustainable human


In the present context, Agro-Tourism has great scope for many reasons.

Such as…….

People are now health conscious.

Demand is for wholesome family oriented recreational activities.

Tourists are in search for peace and tranquillity (these two are part

of Agri. Tourism.

Urban population and foreign tourist are leaning towards nature.

Urban new generation are very much curious about agriculture.

and not last but least this is inexpensive.

Tourism industry in India is growing at the rate of 10% which is more than double

times higher that the growth rate at global level. By introducing Agro-Tourism

concept, not only present growth rate is sustained, but also this value addition

contributes to further growth.

As per Conde Nast Travellor –(European Travel Magazine) India has taken its

place amongst the top 10 tourist destinations list. We are one of the top tourist

destinations in the World. A novel concept like Agro-tourism would strengthen the

competitiveness of Indian tourism industry in global tourism market.

People typically visit farms, ranches, groves, orchards and other agricultural


Agro-Tourism is very popular in Australia and North America, it relatively new in

India, and especially in Gujarat.Main benefit of Agro-Tourism is that it is in

expensive and need less investment. Urban population is fade up with noisy and

polluted environment they are leaning towards nature. Agro tourism provides

tourist totally different natural and pollution free atmosphere that they can forget

their busy urban life and enjoy.


Agro-Tourism is, of attracting travellers or visitors to a place of land which is

used for agricultural/farming purposes. Focused are is on education and may

be small scale. Main benefit of Agro-tourism is that it doubles income generating

tool Agro produce and Tourist income. Many Agri.-tourism activities require only

a small farm. Many small communities have started giving strong support to

Agro. Tourism as rural people have realised the benefits of natural travel, which

brings sustainable development.

Global warming / Carbon foot print – Carbon dioxide (CO2) is most dangerous

and important issue to be addressed .By encouraging Agro. Tourism,

Government can cut down Carbon dioxide emission as this is climate friendly


Agro tourism – Entrepreneur should ensure that:-

Tourist should have something to do i.e. planting, tractor driving, bullock cart

driving, fetching water, participating in rural game, animal riding, swimming in

pond or river etc.

Or they should have something to see / watch i.e. Animals, birds, rural cultural

activity, festivals.

Or they have something to purchase – Crafts, local traditional dress, farm fresh

produce – vegetables, fruits etc,

Agro tourism operator may offer to tourists like Traditional food, youth camp,

Farm stay, Picking fruit/vegetables, Cart riding – tractor driving, Harvest festival,

Rural festival etc.

The ideal place for Agro.- tourism is locations nearby Big city examples of

Gujarat is like Ahmedabad , Rajkot, Bhavnagar, Surat, Vadodara etc.

Gujarat government is planning to focus on Agriculture tourism in a big way, with

the help of Sardar Krushinagar Agriculture University Dantiwada (SAUD).

Government of Gujarat has initiated to setup an Agriculture Tourism and Training

Centre (ATTC) which will provide traditional wisdom of agriculture to the tourists

which will help in the growth of rural economy.

Possible activity at Agri. tourist place / at agriculture farm.

Visit in farm on foot Watering to crop Animal feeding Rural Festivals/ Yatra Farmers' markets at the

Guided farm visit Crop /Vegetables / Fruits

Watching domestic animals and How to care for cattle

Fruit / vegetable plucking Operations


village and taluka place Taluka Milk Collection

centers Village fairs. Roadside produce stands Animal riding Rural game

Harvest festivals Milking the Cow Religious Temples Visits Agricultural education programs: how

to grow sugar cane, grapes, pomegranate, guava, watermelon, tomato, other vegetables,

Evening Entertainment Programs

Rural folk dance, music, campfire & lot of fun filled games.

Rural games to be played

Bullock cart and tractor Rides Kabaddi Langadi

Gilli danda Kho-Kho Bullock Ploughing

Gotya Lagore & Gallori

Automation / Mechanism in Agriculture:

Higher productivity and raising more crops through Agricultural Mechanization

Development is the need of an hour for Indian agriculture. Looking to the present

population growth and food consumption pattern in India, growth in food grain

production is essential for our country. The Central Institute of Agricultural

Engineering (CIAE) and other institutions are trying to meet the challenges.

Indian farmer should adopt mechanical farming by increasing usages of Agri.

equipment / Farm tools / Information and communication Technology tools. It

also helps in removing the drudgery.

Some of Farm equipment / tools- a lucrative business opportunity


Power tillers



Sprinkler irrigation equipment

Irrigation equipment

Hand tools

Precision planter

Zero till drill

Seed cum fertilizer drill

Raised bed planter


Plant protection equipment

Harvesting &threshing machines

Micro sprinkler

There is a scope of entrepreneurship (small business service providing)

development on Agri. mechanisation is very high in rural area such as:

Repairs and maintenance of agri. equipments

Farm equipment hiring service

Solar power generation

Biomass collection van

Skill training centers


Prospective entrepreneur should take advantage of CIAE Prototype Production

Centre equipped with modern machine tools for fabrication of farm equipment

Address of The Central Institute of Agricultural Engineering

Prototype Production Centre

Nabi Bagh, Berasia Road, Bhopal – 462 038

Phone No: 91-755-2521142 e-mail: [email protected]


At present in India the agriculture sector supports 58% of the total population,

which was about 75% at 50 years back. It is a matter of concern the slow growth

observed in the agriculture sector for the future food and nutritional security of

the country. The contribution of agri. sector to the Gross Domestic Product

(GDP) has sharply fallen from 61 to 19% as of today. It is projected that demand

of food grains would be 345 million tons in 2030 which was 192 million

tones In year 2000.Availability of water for agriculture plays important role. India

needs to re utllise (recycled / treated waste water) as natural resources are

decreasing and demand is increasing. India should promote the micro irrigation

system and resource conservation technologies like Standardized raised &

sunken bed system for higher productivity in waterlogged lands, zero tillage,

integrated nutrient management in agri. sector.

Farm Equipment / Tools:

Farm equipment mfg. sector is playing a key role in supporting of farm sector

development. Government support and farmers started adopting mechanized

farm practice which has been a major booster in developing of this sector,

despite the fact that the agriculture sector‟s share in the GDP has little fallen. It is

assumed that Indian demand for farm equipment has been increasing approx. @

6% p.a. The demand of Agri. equipment which was US $ 5.8 billion in 2007 has

been increased to $ 7.9 billion in 2012.

Farm sector business opportunities in farm equipment / tools can be define in

main two areas (1) Farming/pre harvest and (2) post harvest. There is ample

opportunity in manufacturing and exporting of Farm / Garden tools / machinery.

Share of both Human and animal power is showing declining since 1971 and

continuously showing declining trend (reduced up to 45+%)


Western Europe USA and China has great demand, however Indian

manufacturers can grab domestic market as mechanization in Agriculture has

been adopted for last 20+ years only.

Farm equipments and machinery can also be related with Agr. Sector

Matter of concern.... need to act

Son of farmers is never willing to go for farming, industry is encroaching farm

land, in comparison to the middlemen farmers are not earning more, whereas

middleman are making money without any risk – hard work. Government should

stop acquisition of fertile Agriculture land. The youth of villages should be

motivated to go for farming. More schools and colleges for Agriculture – farming

study should be established in rural area so that Scientific and advance

knowledge in agriculture sectors can be provided to farmers / youth.

Entrepreneurship Awareness camp should be organized to motivate Farming /

Agriculture activity in rural area. Managerial inputs should be given to farmers for

effective farming management, Soft skill through Entrepreneurship Development

Programme may also be given, so that more and more Agri. Business enterprise

can be established in Gujarat which ultimately generate more and more

employment and results in to rural development . Various organization / institutes

should teach advanced Agri. subject to Farmers / persons who are willing to opt

for Agriculture as profession.

In India, almost all States are having Entrepreneurship Development Institutes,

respective State should promote Entrepreneurship Development Programme

exclusive for Agri. Business.

Some leading player in Agro food industries


H. J. Heinz Phalada Agro Research Foundation Ltd.


Advanta India Ltd.

Poabs Organic Estates

DuPont India

Rasi Seeds

National Agro Industries

Vadilal Industries

ABT Industries

Vivante foods

Godrej Agro Parle product Bafna Agro Industries Ltd



Poor monsoon continuously increasing price of raw material (iron and steel) and

threat from China (Low cost) are major challenges apart from shortage of skill


Various equipments, tools manufacturing opportunities in pictures is available at

last page.




IMPORTANT:- Following information is neither for any commercial purpose, nor

we have any connection, this information is downloaded from various websites,

only to give quick information. Various search engines like google, yahoo has

helped us to find this information.

Gujarat Agro Industries Corporation Ltd.


Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MOFPI)

www.mofpi.nic.in National Horticulture Board (NHB)

www.hortibizindia.nic.in Agriculture and Processed food products Export Development Authority

www.apeda.com www.indextb.com


Department of Horticulture Under (DAC) Govt. of Gujarat, Krushi Bhavan, Sector-10A, GandhiNagar, Gujarat-382010.

079-23256104 Fax: 23256113

E-mail: [email protected]

National Institute of Agricultural Extension

Management (MANAGE)

Rajendranagar, Hyderabad - 500 030,

Phone : 040 - 24016702-709,

Central Food Technological Research Inst. Mysore www.cftri.com

Pruthvi Green House Construction Mr. Kadam S. S. ( Propritor ) 34, Vatan Nagar Talegoan Dhabade, Station, Taluka Maval Pune, Maharashtra - 410 507, http://www.pruthvigreenhouse.com

Kanak Exim

No. 302, Mother Palace,

Thobha Street, Mahidharpura Surat,

Gujarat - 395 003,



NABARD - http://nabard.org/

SIDBI - www.sidbi.com

(for natural dyes)



http://www.niir.org for various project profiles





Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation Urban Health Centre- Navrangpura Nr. Lalbunglow Off. C G Road – Ahmedabad For FSSI 2006 specification





Table – 1 Please refer “Why Agri. Entrepreneurship.?

Source: National Council for Applied Economic Research (NCAER)

Above table shows that there are ample opportunities in Agro, Food Industry

Table-2 (Chart -2) Page 5 of this paper

Food/Grocery, 57

Personal Care, 5

Home & Textile, 1

Saving, 9

Clothig /Footwear, 5

Home appl., 7

Vacation, 3

Eating out, 6

Entertainment/Book etc, 7

Rupee SPENDING by Indian Food/Grocery

Personal Care

Home & Textile


Clothig /Footwear

Home appl.

0 50 100 150 200 250












229.7 -Estimated

Food Consumption in INDIA USB$-Source-BMI &CSO (iNDEXTb presentation Vibrant Gujarat 2011-12-13



Picture - 4


Picture – 5 Green house “Farming in Controlled Condition (GREENHOUSE (G.H.)

Green house farming innovation is bless full for farmers / Agri. Entrepreneurs particularly for exotic

vegetables, flowers.

Stevia is an exceptional aid in weight management as it

contains no calories and reduces one's craving for fatty

foods & sweets.


Picture - 6 Please refer title) Role model– Team work at rural area.

10 Farms of one village

Value addition activity like removing rotten leaf of vegetables, rotten vegetables /

fruits / flower etc. can be done at farm site / village.

Picking at farm Sorting at village

Processing / packing at village Actul market (end user)


Some of medicinal plants…..Picture - 7











Aloe verra

Important web sites http://agri.gujarat.gov.in/hods/dir-agriculture.htm



Picture -8


Area to grow herbal plants (Boarder area of Farm)

Farm for

main crop


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