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Page 1: Agricultural research for nutrition outcomes rethinking the agenda · 2017-08-25 · clude addressing micronutrient deficiencies among women and children and stunting among children


Agricultural research for nutrition outcomes – rethinkingthe agenda

John McDermott1 & Nancy Johnson1& Suneetha Kadiyala2 & Gina Kennedy3 &

Amanda J. Wyatt1

Received: 21 January 2015 /Accepted: 30 March 2015 /Published online: 14 May 2015# The Author(s) 2015. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract Agriculture and food are assumed to be critical de-terminants of stunting and micronutrient deficiency. However,agriculture research for development has not translated as ex-pected into better nutrition outcomes. We argue that to do so,agriculture research needs to be fundamentally changed, fromthe current emphasis on supply-side production and productiv-ity goals to understanding consumption and addressing factorsthat can improve diet quality. Some of the research will be toimprove the efficiency of supply for more nutritious foods.Other research will need to focus on factors that promote dietquality rather than focus on food security goals through stocksof staple cereals. Because of its importance in low-income,high-burden countries, agriculture can also contribute more ef-fectively to multisectoral nutrition-sensitive development strat-egies and programs. Critical roles for agricultural research inmultisectoral actions will be better metrics, indicators and re-search studies for diet quality and better evaluation methods –both randomized trials for specific interventions and contribu-tion analysis through theories of change for more complexmultisectoral system interventions to prevent stunting and mi-cronutrient deficiencies. To achieve improvements in nutritionoutcomes at scale, researchers must engage in new partner-ships. In food systems, these partnerships must include more

disciplines from agriculture and food science through econom-ics and social science to business and delivery science. Foodsystem researchers will also need to engage more with valuechain actors and policy makers. Current efforts to improve nu-trition outcomes at scale are severely hampered by data andevidence gaps that prevent better decisions and faster learning.

Keywords Agriculture-nutrition . Evidence . Research . Dietquality . Stunting

Current conversation in agricultural researchfor development

The goals of international agricultural research for develop-ment are changing. Today, development-oriented investments,including agriculture, need to show how they contribute tohigher-level goals such as poverty reduction, better nutritionand environmental sustainability. This is especially true ofCGIAR, a global partnership that unites organizations en-gaged in research for a food secure future.1 A major goal ofrecent CGIAR reforms is to better align research, carried outby the 15 CGIAR centers with hundreds of partners, to con-tribute to these goals. The creation of the CGIAR ResearchProgram on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH) 2

reflects CGIAR’s commitment to enhancing the ability of ag-riculture to contribute to better nutrition and health.

Key nutrition goals on the global development agenda in-clude addressing micronutrient deficiencies among womenand children and stunting among children (growth retarda-tion). It is generally accepted that the main determinants ofnutrition are food, health and care (UNICEF 1990). Agricul-ture contributes to improved nutrition primarily, though notexclusively, through food. Both quality and quantity of food

1 http://www.cgiar.org/2 http://www.a4nh.cgiar.org/

Special section series Strengthening the links between nutrition andhealth outcomes and agricultural research

* John [email protected]

1 International Food Policy Research Institute, 2033 K Street NW,Washington, DC 20006, USA

2 London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, LeverhulmeCentre for Integrative Research on Agriculture and Health, 36Gordon Square, London WC1H 0PD, UK

3 Bioversity International, Via dei Tre Denari, 472/a,00057 Maccarese, Fiumicino, Italy

Food Sec. (2015) 7:593–607DOI 10.1007/s12571-015-0462-9

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matter for good nutrition and health. Historically, agriculturalresearch has focused on improving food security through im-provements in yields of staple commodities. Relatively littleattention has been paid to improving the quality of diets, andthis is the major gap that A4NH seeks to address. This newfocus on diets – the types and amounts of food consumed byindividuals – as an outcome for agricultural research has im-plications for the types of research that should be conducted,where, and with what partners.

In addition to enhancing agriculture’s contribution to im-proved diet quality, achieving impacts on the higher level nu-trition goals will require understanding how best to align agri-culture’s contributions with those of other sectors working onthe other underlying determinants. In 2013, at the Nutrition forGrowth Summit, USD 23 billion was committed by govern-ments, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and the privatesector for nutrition actions - USD 4 billion for nutrition-specificactions and USD 19 billion for nutrition-sensitive actions. Sub-sequently, a Nutrition for Growth Compact was signed by theseparties.3 This concept of nutrition-sensitive operates on the as-sumption that the achievement of nutrition goals is more likelywhen we leverage other development sectors, such as agricul-ture, social protection, and water and sanitation, to incorporateexplicit nutrition objectives in their research and programs. Thisconcept has gained traction, as evidenced by the Scaling upNutrition (SUN) movement and the Amsterdam Initiativeagainst Malnutrition, and illustrates the importance of under-standing and embracing multisectoral partnership models if weare to reach nutrition goals.

This paper examines promising opportunities for agricultur-al research in CGIAR to enhance its contribution to improvingnutrition. The next section looks at the research issues aroundimproving diets and enhancing multisectoral collaboration.Next, we discuss the implications of a nutrition objective forhow agricultural research is monitored and evaluated, includingboth the pathways through which agricultural research outputscan contribute to improvements in diets and nutrition outcomes,and key indicators for tracking outcomes along the pathway.Then we outline the new partnership opportunities a nutrition-sensitive agricultural research and development agenda willneed to embrace. The last section concludes with final thoughtson how to move this agenda forward.

New nutrition-sensitive agricultural research to meetnutrition challenges

Agricultural research should address improvements in dietquality, and there is also scope for research on how to better

align policies and investments with other sectors to reducestunting and reduce micronutrient deficiencies. For CGIAR,new approaches will be required. The first is to put greateremphasis on diet quality, which can encompass concepts ofnutrient adequacy (adequate intake of fat, protein, carbohy-drates, vitamins and minerals), dietary moderation and bal-ance, as well as food safety (Ruel 2003). This will require amuch greater emphasis on understanding healthy consump-tion and the drivers for improving diet quality and safety.Ideally, this will be linked to considerations of the sustainabil-ity of diets so that diets are both healthy and sustainable. Inthis section we will focus on healthy diets. The second majorchallenge is how agricultural research for development cancoordinate with other development sectors to support acceler-ated actions to decrease stunting and micronutrient deficien-cies. This will include both improving public sector programsand investments and linking these effectively to actions by theprivate sector and civil society.

Agricultural research needs to help us understand the con-straints and opportunities on both the supply side – promotingproduction and delivery of a variety of safe and nutritiousfoods – and the demand side, as people must be made awareof the importance of eating diverse diets. This is where re-search on demand creation including social marketing strate-gies are needed to help consumers embrace and maintainhealthy eating (World Bank 2014). For CGIAR, shifting re-search from an almost exclusively supply side agenda to moreemphasis on consumption and demand, including policies andsocial norms that guide consumer preferences, is essential tomeeting the goals of improving nutrition.

Reshaping agricultural research to contributeto affordable, nutritious and safe diets

For CGIAR, nutrition-sensitive agricultural research mustshift to understanding healthy diets – how they have changedand the supply and demand side drivers.4 We need more con-sumption studies, including tracking what is commonlyknown as the dietary transition and assessing key determi-nants associated with consumption such as price and availabil-ity. This constitutes a major and overdue shift in research,given that in most low- and middle-income countries (LMIC),farmers are growing less food for their own consumption andare increasingly more influenced by demand-side factors inagricultural decisions. In this rapidly changing Bproduction-consumption^ relationship, we need research that improvesour understanding of markets and how different types of mar-ket interventions (knowledge, institutional arrangements,

3 A copy of the Nutrition for Growth Compact is available online athttps://www.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/248760/Endorserscompact_update7_10_2013.pdf.

4 For a proposed framework to identify, design and evaluate nutrition-sensitive value chain interventions, see the draft publication from Gelliet al. (2014) available online at http://www.a4nh.cgiar.org/files/2012/07/Value-Chains-for-Nutrition-Framework-V-1.1.pdf.

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enabling policy and investments) support the availability andaccessibility of a more diverse food basket. This research willhelp us identify both the income opportunities for poor peopleto participate in higher value markets as well as how to im-prove the diversity, quality, and safety of foods in markets insmaller cities and towns and in rural areas.

Another research priority in this new agenda is on improv-ing the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply of nutritiousfoods, particularly fruits and vegetables; animal source foods,such as milk, meat, eggs, and fish; and pulses, which includevarious types of beans and peas, groundnuts, and lentils, inorder to improve their quality and safety and reduce theirrelative prices. For the value chains of individual commodi-ties, both diet quality and sustainability need to play a greaterrole in how we prioritize research. Historically, productivityand production criteria have dominated commodity invest-ment and policy decisions at international and national levels(Pinstrup-Andersen and Watson 2011).

A greater emphasis on research that contributes to improv-ing diet quality will naturally lead CGIAR to expand its focusfrom the value chains of individual commodities to collabo-rating with others in a more holistic view of diets, whether itbe through food systems, food webs, or other systematic per-spectives. There will be more opportunities for research ontechnical innovations, particularly for perishable nutritiousfoods. Agricultural researchers will need to collaborate moreclosely with food scientists on innovations in food safety, coldchains, processing, and other solutions to post-harvest chal-lenges. The technical research may be as much about adaptinginnovations from other settings as de novo innovation. Forexample, simple testing kits for milk hygiene have beenadapted for use in quality and safety testing in informal milkvalue chains in Kenya and India.

A food system approach naturally leads to research thatintegrates technical, business, and social (including institu-tional) innovations – so called convergent innovation (Dubéet al. 2014). This paradigm promotes the joint goals of im-proving health and wealth and the participation of public,private and civil society actors. This and other innovationsystem approaches look to lever the power of private sectorknow-how with social mobilization and public policy andinvestments. Research into the performance of private sectorfood systems, public-private partnerships for more nutritiousfood systems, or the performance of different hybrid modelsof public, private and social enterprise systems will be impor-tant. The Pulse Innovation Partnership is one such innovationstarting in India to support pulse-based food innovation atscale (Jha et al. 2014). Such partnerships bring together op-portunities for supporting small- and medium-size enterpriseswith technical innovation support as well as providing themwith insights into policy and market information.

Finally, food systems in LMIC are changing fast. The tripleburden of malnutrition – undernutrition, micronutrient

deficiencies, and overweight and obesity – is a critical issue(Ng et al. 2014). Foresight studies linking agricultural produc-tivity with food consumption and nutrition and health out-comes are an initial place to start for CGIAR research (Headey2013; Khoury et al. 2014), but research that improves an over-all understanding of the convergence between socio-econom-ic, nutritional and environmental sustainability factors in foodsystems for optimal nutrition and health outcomes is critical(Dubé et al. 2014).

Agriculture as part of a multisectoral response to stunting

Childhood stunting is largely an irreversible outcome of inad-equate nutrition and frequent infections during the 1000 dayswindow (from conception to the child’s 2nd birthday), (Blacket al. 2008; Black et al. 2013). It is well understood thatstunting is a complex problem that requires multisectoral so-lutions. An updated analysis of stunting data from 116 coun-tries suggests that one third of stunting is correlated to foodand agriculture factors, one third to water and sanitation fac-tors and one third to social factors, particularly gender (Smithand Haddad 2014). One set of sectoral actions will not solvethe problem; we know we need multisectoral responses (seeexamples in Garrett and Natalicchio 2011). The challenge forboth research and development actors, is how to design andimplement multisectoral programs at scale.

One general assumption about nutrition-sensitive develop-ment is that pilot programs, demonstrated to work, can bescaled out. However, experience shows it is not so simple.Given international and national ambitions for scaling up nu-trition actions for impacts at scale, we need to understand howimplementation happens at scale. This has spurred strong in-terest in delivery science – studies on the processes, contexts,and determinants of how to deliver interventions to targetedpopulations – and the formation of the International Societyfor Implementation Science in Nutrition.5 What we can learnabout implementation is very important to understanding howand why some programs achieve their goals and how to scaleup such programs. Rigorous assessment of the factors tied tothe successes and failures of multisectoral programs to im-prove nutrition are particularly important to share withdecision-makers in governments, civil society, and NGOs.For example, as with almost all Indian states, Maharashtrahas invested in multisectoral programs to reduce stuntingand micronutrient deficiency. Historically, Maharashtra’s per-formance in stunting reduction, and associated program eval-uation indicators, has been no better than average. However,in the recent past (2006 to 2012) stunting has been dramati-cally reduced from 39 to 24 % or approximately an averageannual reduction rate of 7 %. These rates of stunting reductionare much higher than expected compared to the previous

5 http://www.implementationsciencesociety.org/

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period or to other LMIC like Bangladesh or Ethiopia, forexample (Haddad et al. 2014). This success has been attribut-ed to two factors: attention to implementation, including great-er efforts at training and filling all front-line implementationpositions, and government and civil society leadership com-mitted to program performance (Haddad et al. 2014).

How a supportive and enabling multisectoral environmentfor policy and action can be promoted to maximize thenutrition-sensitivity of agriculture is another key area for re-search where A4NH is contributing. The conceptual startingpoint for the research is based upon the enabling environmentframework from the paper by Gillespie et al. (2013) in TheLancet Maternal and Child Nutrition Series. A number ofongoing studies are exploring the political economy of agri-culture and agrifood systems and of policymaking and imple-mentation processes, such as the prevailing incentives, disin-centives, opportunities, constraints, trade-offs and potentialsynergies for strengthening the nutrition sensitivity of agricul-ture. A4NH is supporting the development of case studiesusing an approach called ‘stories of change’, which will beused to document the country-specific political and social pro-cesses that influence multisectoral policies and programs ad-dressing malnutrition (Garrett et al. 2014). The lessons canhelp stakeholders improve their understanding about whatdrives impact and how multisectoral nutrition policies andprocesses can be promoted and sustained.6

Lastly, the multisectoral nature of the nutrition-sensitive agenda has put the spotlight on the issue of data.The first annual Global Nutrition Report highlighted thecurrent gaps in nutrition data that are necessary to evalu-ate country program performance (IFPRI 2014). For ex-ample, almost half of all countries cannot assess if theyare on or off course for four of six key World HealthAssembly monitoring targets. In countries with data, datais often outdated: 40 % of the most recent child growthsurveys which countries were using were more than5 years old. A number of questions need to be addressedto improve this data monitoring and evaluation picture.One set of questions is to develop alternative methodsand approaches to make data collection and analysis morefeasible, reduce the costs, and improve the quality. A sec-ond set of questions relates to the cost and benefits ofdifferent types of monitoring and evaluation for assessingprogress over time and across different locations, andinforming policy and investment decision making. Ifsmarter and faster progress in interventions to reducestunting and micronutrient deficiencies are to be achieved,improved metrics and indicators and different methods formonitoring, evaluation and learning are needed.

Monitoring, evaluating and learningfrom nutrition-sensitive agricultural researchand development

There is consensus about the need for more and betterevidence of the impact of different types of agriculturalinvestments on diets and other nutrition outcomes (Bertiet al. 2004; Girard et al. 2012; Leroy and Frongillo 2007;Masset et al. 2012; Randolph et al. 2007). One importantsource of this evidence will be evaluations of agriculturaldevelopment programs. Greater attention to issues of eval-uation design will be essential to be able to detect im-pacts. In most cases, doing this will require close collab-oration with program implementers, with the latter agree-ing to implement programs in such a way that appropriateparticipants and control groups can be identified and theiroutcomes compared. The outcomes of such evaluation arecrucial for providing evidence for the nutrition and publichealth communities, however their cost means that it willbe important to select programs carefully to maximize notonly the potential to detect impact, but also the usefulnessof the information for future action in programs, policyand research.

One way to enhance the usefulness and generalizability ofthe results of impact evaluations is to be sure that they arebased on a clear program theory, often represented by a pro-gram impact pathway (Mayne and Stern 2013; UNEG 2013;White 2009). The impact pathway shows the links betweenprogram interventions and the series of outcomes leading ul-timately to nutrition impact (Avula et al. 2013; Kim et al.2011; Olney et al. 2009; Rawat et al. 2013). Impact pathwaysinform program design and implementation by ensuring thatthere are no gaps in the intervention logic and that all activitiesbelieved necessary to achieve the expected outcome are antic-ipated and included in the program. Given the multiple poten-tial pathways between agriculture and nutrition (Gillespieet al. 2012), it is especially important to develop an impactpathway that identifies which pathways each project isexpecting to influence and how.

The impact pathway can also be used during implementa-tion to ensure that the program is being implemented asplanned and to verify whether the intermediate outcomes,for example, changes in nutrition knowledge, attitudes orpractices, or women’s control of resources or participation indecision making, are happening as expected. Monitoring thechanges along the pathway in real time— often referred to asprocess evaluation or operations research — is important forseveral reasons. First, it ensures that the program is beingimplemented as intended, which is crucial in interpretingany impact results. Program implementers might also find ituseful to know which aspects of implementation tend to bemost challenging to implement as planned and why, so thatthey can plan accordingly.

6 More information about how the stories of change approach is beingused in programs such as Transform Nutrition is available online at http://www.transformnutrition.org/2014/12/11/stories-of-change-in-nutrition/.

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Second, documenting intermediate outcomes along thepathway is especially important for understanding why a pro-gram may not have the intended impact. The program evalu-ation is basically a test of the program theory which can onlybe done if there is a way to know which parts of the theoryworked as expected and which did not. Finally, not only canhaving a good impact pathway increase the amount that can belearned from an evaluation, it can also help make the lessonsaccessible and useful to a broader audience. The more detailthat is available on the program theory, the easier it is forothers to see why a program worked in a specific contextand to use that information to inform decisions about how itmight need to be adapted for another context, which is espe-cially important for scaling up.

Diet quality and other nutrition-related outcomes are newobjectives for CGIAR research, and it cannot be assumed thatthe kinds of research outputs that were successful when mea-sured against traditional objectives such as productivity orincome will also be effective in delivering nutrition-relatedoutcomes. Working back from intended outcomes to currentactivities is also useful for planning and managing nutrition-sensitive agricultural research. While in some cases re-searchers and partners have clearly identified these pathways,in most cases they are implicit. The process of making thepathways more explicit can reveal logical inconsistencies, ev-idence and capacity gaps, or the critical roles of previouslyunrecognized actors. As their research progresses, CGIARresearch will need to address these gaps, as well as monitor

their progress along their pathways, and ultimately show thattheir research has contributed to development outcomes.

One example for how research programs can use im-pact pathways and theories of change is provided byHarvestPlus, which breeds micronutrient enhanced varietiesof important staple crops and conducts related research onhow to develop and disseminate these innovations. Tolook more closely at what is needed to have impact onthe ground with biofortified varieties, A4NH andHarvestPlus developed theories of change for three targetcountries (Johnson 2014). See Fig. 1 for an example ofthe theory of change developed for orange maize in Zam-bia. The types of behavior changes and developmentoutcomes are similar to the program theory developed byMasset et al. (2012) in their systematic review ofagriculture-nutrition interventions. The ultimate goal ofbiofortification is to improve micronutrient status by re-ducing the prevalence of inadequate dietary micronutrientintakes. Home consumption within farm households is ex-pected to be the major pathway through which target con-sumers (members of rural farm households) and especiallytarget beneficiaries (micronutrient-deficient women andchildren) will obtain biofortified crops. The market is,however, expected to play a role both in reaching targetconsumers and in making biofortified varieties commer-cially sustainable. Farmers are assumed to access andadopt biofortified varieties and to consume them in theirhouseholds and sell any surplus on the market.

Processors appreciate the benefits of orange maize and use it in products

Prevalence of inadequate vitamin A intake reduced

Target consumers (or those who make decisions about theirdiets) are aware and convinced of the benefits of orange maize

Target consumers consume orange maize

Assumptions Box 4–Appropriate information about how orange maize reaches intermediaries –Orange maize that meets their needs is available

Assumptions Box 2–Orange maize is available and accessible to target consumers or those who are responsible for their food

Assumptions Box 1--Accurate targeting of consumers –Vitamin A is retained after storage and processing and is bioavailable –No other changes in diet or nutrition/health status

Traders appreciate the benefits of orange maize and buy and sell it

Farmers adopt orange maize

Farmers are aware and convinced of the benefits of orange maize

Assumptions Box 3–Appropriate information about how orange maize reaches people responsible for food consumption decisions –Processors and traders target consumers who are vitamin A deficient

Seed companies, agro-dealers, and other seedsystem actors make orange maize available

Assumptions Box 6–Appropriate information about how orange maize reaches the right decisionmakers in households

Assumptions Box 5 –Seed is available, and there are no barriers or disincentives to adoption (e.g., price of hybrid seed) –Orange maize delivers expected benefits (traits, price) –Health benefits are considered in adoptiondecisions

Fig. 1 Theory of change forprovitamin A maize in Zambia.Source: adapted from Johnson,Guedenet, and Saltzman (2015),p. 8

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For each of these outcomes, the theory of change identifiesthe key assumptions that must hold in order for the linksbetween outcomes to occur. For each of these assumptions,evidence was assembled about whether the assumption waslikely to hold. In many cases, this evidence was available frompast HarvestPlus research, for example on retention and bio-availability of micronutrients in crops under local conditions(see Assumption Box 1 in Fig. 1), from consumer acceptancestudies (see Assumption Box 3 in Fig. 1), or from farmerevaluation of crop varieties (see Assumption Box 5 inFig. 1). Important gaps that were identified related to howtarget consumers accessed the crop — through which combi-nations of own production and markets — and who in thehousehold makes decisions related to production, sale, andconsumption. The results of the exercise for all three countriesare summarized in Table 1. More information from research orfrom program monitoring can help fill gaps and improve im-pact and learning (Table 2).

Theory of change is also being used to guide work onimproving food safety in informal dairy value chains. In-creased consumption of meat, milk, eggs, and fish amongpoor consumers in developing countries has the potential toimprove diets as well as drive pro-poor economic develop-ment. Achieving this outcome will require not only makinganimal source foods more available and accessible to targetconsumers, but also maintaining or improving their safety.Animal source foods are considered to be the main cause offood borne disease, and the poor generally purchase meat,milk and fish in informal or wet markets (Grace et al. 2008;Vorley 2013). Achieving increased consumption of safermeat, milk, and fish by target consumers will require address-ing a range of outcomes along the impact pathway and fordifferent target groups in an integrated way (Fig. 2). To ac-complish this, A4NH is working closely with the CGIARResearch Program on Livestock and Fish.7

Past research has identified an institutional innovation— atraining, certification and branding scheme for informal valuechain actors — designed to improve the safety of animalsource foods sold in informal markets (Omore and Baker2011). The innovation was developed as part of a dairy re-search project in Kenya, and the approach has been adaptedand tested in other contexts. As in the case of HarvestPlus, thetheory of change identifies the expected outcomes along thepathway from research to impact, explains the links and sum-marizes the evidence that supports underlying assumptionsand risks. Working through the theory of change suggestspossible approaches to addressing specific issues in a givencontext, and at different stages of the research and implemen-tation process. For example, more research is needed to un-derstand and test the efficacy and effectiveness of the inter-vention in different contexts and fill evidence gaps, especially





































































7 http://livestockfish.cgiar.org/

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related to the impact of such schemes on consumer behavior.To date most pilot studies have focused on traders’ participa-tion and impact on product quality.

The work on theories of change made explicit the need tothink not only about how the intervention, if implemented,would lead to food safety and nutrition outcomes, but alsoabout what kinds of partners — NGOs, government regula-tors, private sector certification agencies, trader associations— would have the incentive to implement the training pro-grams, in which types of value chain or economic and policycontexts. The feasibility and sustainability of impact at scalewill depend on the cost-effectiveness of the intervention andthe performance of the implementing organization. More at-tention to these parts of research is needed.

What needs to be measured – indicators and targetsfor impact

As the previous section suggests, what needs to be measuredand monitored is not a simple question since there are out-comes all along the impact pathway that could be usefullytracked at different times for different purposes. While moni-toring and evaluating the impacts of agricultural research fordevelopment on nutrition goes beyond nutrition outcomes—and in some cases may not even require measuring nutritionoutcomes depending onwhich segment of the impact pathwaythe analysis is focused— there are two areas of indicators thatare especially important for monitoring the impact of agricul-tural research on nutrition outcomes. These are diets andgender.

Measuring diet quality

Diet quality can encompass concepts of nutrient adequacy(adequate intake of fat, protein, carbohydrates, vitamins andminerals), dietary moderation and balance (Ruel 2003) as wellas food safety. There are different methods, which can be usedto measure food intake directly or serve as proxies. The goldstandard of dietary intake is the 24-h recall method of foodintake measured at the level of an individual (as compared tohousehold or even larger aggregate levels), (FAO 2003). The24-h recall method is not widely employed in large scale sur-veys and data derived from this method is particularly lackingin developing countries due to the time and resources requiredto collect and analyze quantitative food intake data. There aremany alternative ways to collect and analyze food consump-tion information using indicators that are proxies for actualcaloric intake and/or diet quality (WFP 2008). Some examplesof food-based indicators at national, household andindividual-level of data collection are shown in Table 3.

Food Balance Sheet data, collected by FAO since 1960,report estimates of national level food availability. To addressT































































































































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the agriculture-nutrition agenda, these data can be useful toidentify broad time series trends in quality of national level percapita availability, as for example the trend in increase in percapita availability of meat, fish and poultry (FAO 2006) oredible fats and oils (Popkin 2006). The interpretation of thedata is limited to national level assessment and cannot be usedto infer the distribution of adequacy of intakes for individualswithin the population.

Indicators for diet quality

Household level information on food intake has been usedmostwidely in food security and vulnerability assessments, theHousehold Dietary Diversity Score (HDDS) has been mostcommonly used in USAID-funded food security programs,while the Food Consumption Score (FCS) is used by theWorldFood Programme in Comprehensive Food Security and Vul-nerability Analysis (CSFVA) and similar food security surveys.Both indicators offer the advantage of a standardized, replicablemethodology that can be used for temporal and internationalcomparisons and both are considered good proxy indicators forhousehold food consumption (Kennedy et al. 2010). The vali-dation of these indicators has been limited to household dietaryenergy intakes which, strictly interpreted, reflect quantity offood consumed and do not capture diet quality or adequacyof the diet in terms of nutrients other than dietary energy(e.g., adequate intake of vitamins and minerals).

The most commonly used individual indicators of dietarydiversity involve counting the number of food groups con-sumed by the individual over a reference period of the previ-ous day. The twomost frequently used individual indicators of

dietary diversity, MinimumDietary Diversity (MDD) for chil-dren 6–23 months of age and Women’s Dietary Diversity,have been validated as proxy indicators of the nutrient ade-quacy of the diet (Arimond et al. 2010; FAO and IRD 2014;WHO 2008). Many studies have shown positive associationsbetween dietary diversity scores and nutritional outcomes(Ruel et al. 2013b) and dietary diversity indicators are collect-ed by large scale programs such as the Demographic andHealth Surveys, Feed the Future, and CGIAR. Guidance onhow to collect information and how to construct indicators ofdietary diversity are available from WHO for children 6–23 months of age (WHO 2008; WHO 2010) and from FAOfor women of reproductive age (FAO 2011).

Dietary patterns in developing countries show increasingreliance on processed and prepared foods. As food systemsbecome more globalized and problems related to over con-sumption and diet-related non communicable disease in-crease, there is a pressing need to expand the set of indicatorsused to assess diet quality. A report on the double burden ofmalnutrition in six developing countries concluded that therewas a lack of systematically collected data on indicatorsreflecting additional aspects of diet quality such as intakes offruits and vegetables, saturated fat, and processed foods (FAO2006). The lack of temporal evidence on diets, which could beused to monitor trends, hampers national level efforts to un-derstand and act upon dietary changes which can dramaticallyimpact large proportions of populations.

Translation of these desirable population-level dietary in-take goals into easily measurable yet meaningful indicators,which can be used for monitoring trends and evaluating prog-ress of programs, requires additional research. There are more

Improved diet quality

More, safer milk, meat and fish consumed by target beneficiaries

Increased quality of animal products sold

Women maintain or increase control of dairy income and assets

ToC for Producer Supply

ToC for Gender

Reduced exposure to food borne diseases

ToC for Enabling Environment

More equitable distribution of the benefits from quality

animal products

ToCforTrader Supply

Nutrition Intermediate Development Outcome (IDO)

Income IDO Productivity IDO Environment IDO

Gender IDO Policy IDO

Fig. 2 Overview theory ofchange (TOC) for improvingnutrition and health in livestockvalue chains. Source: Adaptedfrom Johnson 2014

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complex indices based on 24-h recall or food frequency data,such as the Healthy Eating Index or the Diet Quality Index,however they are seldom employed in the context of develop-ing countries due to the need for more sophisticated dietaryintake and food composition data (e.g., to understand the con-tribution of saturated fat intakes, this element must be presentin the food composition data for the food system being ana-lyzed). A number of authors propose greater attention to con-sideration of the local food environment that could be mea-sured, such as cost of a healthy diet, relative prices of differentfood groups, biodiversity, and other local level factorsinfluencing food access and consumer choice (Burlingameand Dernini 2012; Igumbor et al. 2012;).

Moving forward there is a need to conduct further re-search work on how to operationalize some of these addi-tional concepts into indicators which can be measured easilyand quickly so that information on diet quality can be col-lected in a timely fashion and is not too onerous for users tocollect and analyze. Another important area of research isabout how better use can be made of existing data, both forresearch and for monitoring. For example, despite theirshortcomings household income and expenditure survey da-ta are often widely and regularly available and could bebetter used to capture household trends in purchasing deci-sions which may be usefully related and combined withinformation on the local food environment (cost of freshand highly processed food items, market accessibility offresh as compared to highly processed foods).

Measures of women’s empowerment

The need to integrate gender into agricultural research anddevelopment, and design interventions specifically to benefitwomen is not new. We know that women’s empowerment ispositive for maternal nutrition, and the nutrition of their chil-dren and other household members. In Africa, women’s con-trol of resources has been linked to larger allocations of re-sources for food (Doss 2006; Duflo and Udry 2004; Hoddinottand Haddad 1995). Links between maternal resources such aseducation, work load, and support networks, and child out-comes have been documented in both observational and ex-perimental studies (Cunningham et al. 2014; Quisumbing2003; Yoong et al. 2012). Progress has been made, but moreneeds to be done (FAO 2013). The addition of a nutritionobjective to agricultural research reinforces the need to payattention to gender, and identifies specific areas whereagriculture-gender-nutrition linkages are likely to be especial-ly strong (Herforth and Harris 2014; Ruel et al. 2013a). Threeareas which are important for nutritional outcomes and whichcan be affected by agricultural interventions are: women’scontrol over resources (assets, inputs, income), women’s timeburden, and women’s energy expenditure. A better under-standing of howwomen’s control over resources can influenceT










































































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their ability to produce, purchase or otherwise access food andwhat factors determine their ability to make food choices forthemselves and their families is an important area of research.Agricultural development may influence demand for house-hold labor, which could increase women’s time burden andhave negative effects on child nutrition through reduction intime spent on child care (Kadiyala et al. 2014). Finally, work-ing in agriculture is often physically demanding which canaffect women’s own nutritional status and that of their children(Herforth et al. 2012).

Agricultural research and development projects shouldpay careful attention to how they might impact women inthese areas, not only if they are seeking to improve agri-culture’s contribution to nutrition but also to ensure thatthey do not inadvertently do harm. There is a range oftools and methods for integrating gender in agricultureand for assessing gender disaggregated impact on a rangeof variables.8 Greater use of these tools can provide im-portant evidence on how agricultural interventions can bemore nutrition sensitive.

There is also a need for work on more generalizableindicators of empowerment that can be used to monitorchange at scale and across different types of interventionsand contents. One such indicator that has been developedand is currently in the process of being validated is thewomen’s empowerment in agriculture index (WEAI) (Alkireet al. 2013). Analysis of WEAI data has provided importantinsights into the gendered considerations of the agricultureto nutrition pathway. Results from Ghana and Nepal haveallowed researchers to distinguish which domains ofempowerment influence nutritional status and dietarydiversity for mothers and children, including the strengthsof these impacts, and the differential effects for male andfemale children. In Ghana, Malapit and Quisumbing(2014) found strong associations between women’s empow-erment and infant and young child feeding practices, but amuch weaker association between women’s empowermentand child nutritional status. Empowerment, as measured bywomen’s participation in making decisions about credit, wasassociated with improved nutritional outcomes for mothersand girls (Malapit and Quisumbing 2014). In Nepal,women’s autonomy in agriculture production was associatedwith multiple outcomes of child nutrition and the mother’sown dietary diversity (Malapit et al. 2013). Metrics, like theWEAI, will go far in improving our understanding of how tomeasure women’s empowerment and understand its functionin addressing maternal and child dietary diversity andundernutrition.

Re-thinking partnerships in nutrition-sensitiveagriculture for development research

The focus on diet quality and on multisectoral collaboration toreduce stunting has important implications for research part-nerships and the partnerships between research and develop-ment actors, including the implementing and enabling organi-zations that will contribute to faster and broader impacts.

For research on improving diet quality and its contributionsto reducing stunting, we need new disciplinary partnerships.Traditionally, agricultural research has focused on the farm level,looking at inputs into the farm and outputs from the farm. How-ever, in changing the focus to consumption and demand-sidefactors, there will be more emphasis on nutrition, marketing,food science, economics, social science, and business sciences.Collaboration among these different disciplines will be increas-ingly natural as LMIC transform and have a greater proportionof added value in the agri-food sector beyond the farm. Researchopportunities in value chain and food system research, includingareas such as the efficient production of nutrient-rich foods,nutrition-sensitive food processing, reducing food waste, in-creasing food safety at different stages of the value chain, andmarketing and consumer education strategies to influencehealthier food habits are all areas of natural collaboration be-tween agriculture and food science. Technical innovations, par-ticularly frugal innovation for low-cost appropriate technologiesfor post-harvest will be needed.9 Some of these may be adaptedfrom technologies currently available. However even more im-portant are likely to be institutional and social innovations toengage poor people in value chains. Partnerships with businessschools, social innovation researchers and others will be criticalto support the newmix of needed innovations. Business schoolsand others will be particularly valuable partners in thinkingabout metrics and indicators for monitoring, evaluating andadapting value chains in real time to new opportunities.

For improving impacts at scale, the impact pathway and the-ory of change approach described in the previous section can beextremely valuable for both developing appropriate partnershipsand in evaluating and improving the performance of value chains/ food systems for delivering diverse and quality diets. For infor-mal and formalizing value chains, theories of change similar toFig. 2 for improving nutrition and health in animal source foodvalue chains will be useful, emphasizing the importance of part-nerships with associations of traders who play a key role inlinking farmers to food markets as well as the enabling by policymakers to allow appropriate risk management and quality / pricetradeoffs. A good example is the public health risks and enablingpolicy research for informal milk markets in Kenya (Kaitibie

8 Examples of tools andmethods are available online at http://www.a4nh.cgiar.org/category/gender-2/gender-nutrition-idea-exchange/ and http://gaap.ifpri.info/.

9 Frugal innovation is a term used to describe products that are redesignedwith the demands and constraints of poor consumers in mind and alsoimplies that care was taken to use the least amount of raw materials withthe least impact on the environment (The Economist 2010).

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et al. 2010). As value chains and food systems become morecomplex, private sector companies will be more important andthe relationship with enabling policy, investment and regulationmore complex. In the transition between informal and formalvalue chains, different types of actors such as non-profit NGOswith a more social-welfare approach or for-profit social enter-prises can be useful organizations that can bridge the gap inlocations where there are too many risks for regular for-profitbusinesses. There are also opportunities for novel public-privatepartnerships to foster and accelerate technical, business, socialand policy innovations, such as the Amsterdam Initiative forMalnutrition, Partners in Food Solutions, or the developing PulseInnovation Partnership mentioned earlier in this paper.

For improving the contribution of agriculture to nutritionoutcomes, research partnerships between agriculture and pub-lic nutrition are critical. A number of Indian states are goodexamples of places in which high rates of stunting havepersisted together with relatively strong economic and agricul-tural growth. This so-called agriculture – nutrition disconnecthas prompted new partnerships between agriculture, genderand nutrition research for an Bagriculture plus^ set of interven-tions including agriculture to improve diet quality and diversitylinked to women’s empowerment, nutrition education, and be-havior change communication (Kadiyala et al. 2014).

With regard to partnerships to evaluate such nutrition-sensitive development interventions, researchers need to work

closely with development implementers. Over several years,IFPRI has worked closely with Concern Worldwide and HelenKeller International in detailed impact and implementation eval-uations of nutrition interventions (Iannotti et al. 2009; Olneyet al. 2009; Spielman and Pandya-Lorch 2009). An importantpartnership question is how to extend the reach of this type ofresearch – implementation partnership to a broader group ofnon-governmental and even governmental partners. In consid-ering implementation, partnership tools such as net mapping(Schiffer 2007) are very useful in identifying who the key part-ners are. To strengthen these partnerships, we can again considerthese from the perspective of impact pathways and theories ofchange. Figure 3 shows an impact pathway / theory of changefor expanding the reach of research with international NGOprogram implementers and will allow the testing of partnershipperformance and assumptions with the goal of enhancing theuptake and use of research findings by development partners.

The major advances in multisectoral nutrition programsand policies in recent times are country-owned and led initia-tives, most notably the SUN movement and more recent ef-forts in the Comprehensive African Agriculture DevelopmentProgram (CAADP) for agriculture to contribute to nutritionoutcomes. This has provided new opportunities for agriculture(and agriculture plus) research teams to support SUN andCAADP country teams in the formulation of strategies andimplementation plans. This has worked very well in some

INGO program designers incorporate evidence-based recommendations in new or modified designs for integratedagriculture-nutrition programs

Integrated agriculture-nutrition (AN) programs have positive impact on beneficiaries’ nutrition-related outcomes

Local INGO staff implement activities called for by new or modified AN program design

Senior managers of funding agencies are convinced of utility of evidence-based recommendations for programs that they finance and instruct implementing agencies to adopt them

Information about evaluation results reaches INGO and funding agency experts and country staff through formal and informal networks

Technical experts in funding agencies discover and read technical reports about evaluation results

Evaluation results for CGIAR and other experimental AN projects yield useful programming recommendations

INGOs and researchers design pilot AN projects collaboratively; evaluation results for collaborative CGIAR/INGO or internal INGO pilot AN projects yield useful programming recommendations

INGO experts and country staff discover and read technical reports about evaluation results

Information about useful programming recommendations is passed to senior management of interested funding agencies

Information about useful programming recommendations is passed to senior management of interested INGOs

Senior managers of INGOs are convinced of utility of evidence-based recommendations for programs that they implement or are required to adopt them by their funders

Fig. 3 Theory of Change for useof Bevidence^ by INGOs indesigning and implementingintegrated agriculture-nutritionprograms. Source: adapted fromTANGO 2015, p. 23–25

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countries such as Zambia.10 In many cases, human resourcecapacity is a major constraint to implementing multisectoralnutrition-specific and -sensitive programs. Again the impactpathways and theories of change can highlight the capacitydevelopment requirement (Menon et al. 2013).

In addressing the multisectoral nutrition challenge, the rolesof enabling policy, investment and political process are critical.As we learn more about the importance of the enabling envi-ronment in achieving nutrition goals, partnerships between re-searchers and policy makers are essential. The recent GlobalNutrition Report (IFPRI 2014) is a good example of such apartnership. This is critical, as research on how policy process-es, governance, and champions shape public nutrition hasfound associations between reduced child stunting and betterquality governance, with law and order and the restraint ofcorruption demonstrating the strongest impact (Smith andHaddad 2014). Nisbett et al. (2014) note how more recentresearch on nutrition politics has brought greater attention tothree important areas of further research – communication ofknowledge and evidence on nutrition; political economy andgovernance of stakeholders; and capacity and use of financialresources. As an example, the authors note that to date therehas been no systematic attempt to examine the experience ofother sectors that have successfully, and quickly, scaled uptreatment and prevention, such as in the case of HIV/AIDs,in order to apply that to nutrition (Nisbett et al. 2014). A morecomprehensive review of enabling actions and the partnershipsrequired for those has been published in The Lancet Maternaland Child Nutrition Series (Gillespie et al. 2013).

Finally, how multisectoral partnerships are formed andsustained is a research area in and of itself. There has been akeen interest in multisectoral actions, particularly how theseactions are initiated, implemented, and sustained (see examplesin Garrett and Natalicchio 2011). The coordination needed formultisectoral actions, given how government, development or-ganizations and private organizations are organized, is com-plex. Past experiences in integrated development have provento be very complicated to implement. What we know is thatbuilding convergence across sectors requires clear and measur-able goals; performance indicators relevant for use at commu-nity level; local management of government interventions; andfrequent and transparent monitoring of progress toward goals(ISPC 2014).


Donors, national governments, civil society and private sectorentities around the world have all expressed growing interest

in changing agriculture and food systems to optimize nutritionoutcomes. Many publications have noted the potential foragriculture-food systems to influence nutrition on a largescale, while acknowledging uncertainty about how best tofulfill that potential with equity and environmental sustain-ability. Demand is high for a new research agenda that canguide agriculture and food investments and policy and pro-gram investments towards this end. In this paper we argue thatthe new nutrition-sensitive agriculture research agenda muststart from a focus on consumption of nutritious diets. This willrequire an in-depth understanding of what drives food (wholediet) consumption choices both from supply and demand per-spectives, and how these can be influenced. Agricultural re-search clearly influences the relative availability and prices(accessibility) of different foods. To ensure that agriculturalresearch contributes to better diets, our research partnershipsnecessarily need to broaden from a commodity value chainperspective to a broader food systems agenda with contribu-tions from a broader array of expertise. Translation of the newresearch agenda into policies and programs will require a cleararticulation of program impact pathways, theories of change,and an analysis of necessary conditions and cost-effectivenessfor scaling-up. A new relationship between researchers, foodsystem implementers and policy makers is needed to guideresearch and link research more intimately with actions.

The SUN movement, the World Health Assembly, and ac-tions by governments have drawn attention to the economicand human imperatives for preventing stunting and micronu-trient deficiencies through country-owned strategies, imple-mentation plans, and policies. Improving diet quality throughagriculture and food systems is necessary, but not sufficientfor preventing stunting. As part of the broader multisectoralapproach to stunting prevention, agriculture plus programs,including gender empowerment, nutrition education, and pos-sibly other elements can make an important contribution. Giv-en the importance of agriculture in many low-income, high-burden countries, agriculture can play a catalytic role in themultisectoral nutrition-sensitive programs. As many of thesystematic reviews cited in this paper have highlighted, evi-dence is needed to better inform design, implementation andadjustment of nutrition-sensitive actions. Much greater effortsare needed to fill the evidence gaps but data are lacking. Ashighlighted in the first Global Nutrition Report (IFPRI 2014),data are unavailable for almost half of countries and for manyindicators. Agricultural research can make an important con-tribution to informing country-led multisectoral actions.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of theCreative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use,distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appro-priate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to theCreative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made.

10 More details on Zambia’s strategic processes and accomplishments toscale up nutrition, including the Zambia Nutrition Strategy, are availableonline at http://scalingupnutrition.org/sun-countries/zambia.

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J o h n M cD e rm o t t J o h nMcDermott is the Director of thenew CGIAR research program onagriculture for nutrition andhealth, led by the InternationalFood Policy Research Institute(IFPRI). He has lived and workedin Africa and Asia for 25 years,conducting research on publichealth and agriculture, particular-ly in the areas of mixed crop-livestock smallholder agricultureand in zoonoses, emerging dis-eases and food safety. John has astrong background in quantitative

methods, is the author or co-author of 200 peer-reviewed publications,book chapters and conference papers and has directly advised over 30post-graduate students, including 20 PhD graduates.

Nancy Johnson Nancy Johnsonis an agricultural economist andSenior Research Fellow at the In-ternational Food Policy researchInstitute (IFPRI) where she leadsevaluation and impact assessmentfor the CGIARResearch Programon Agriculture for Nutrition andHealth. She studies the economic,poverty and gender impacts ofagricultural and natural resourcemanagement research and devel-opment, and has worked on cropand livestock improvement; landand water management; and insti-

tutional innovation in Latin America, Eastern and Southern Africa, andSouth and SE Asia.

Suneetha Kadiyala SuneethaKadiyala is a Senior Lecturer inNutrition-sensitive Developmentat the London School of Hygieneand Tropical Medicine. She is al-so a core faculty member of theLeverhulme Centre for Integra-tive Research on Agriculture andHealth (LCIRAH). She has ex-tensive research experience relat-ed to HIV, livelihoods and nutri-tion security in Africa. In India,she established and co-led twolarge multistakeholder researchprograms–TANDI (Tackling the

Agriculture- Nutrition Disconnect in India) and POSHAN (Partnershipsand Opportunities to Strengthen and Harmonize Actions for Nutrition inIndia). She is the Principal Investigator of IMMANA (InnovativeMethods and Metrics for Agriculture and Nutrition Actions), which isdesigned to stimulate the development and application of scientificallysound methods and metrics in agriculture, health and nutrition research.

Gina Kennedy Gina Kennedy isa Scientist with the Nutrition andMarketing Diversity Programmeof Bioversity International. Forthe past 10 years she has workedon nutrition assessment in devel-oping countries, includingassessing the contribution of ag-ricultural biodiversity on nutrientintake. Prior to joining Bioversityshe worked for the Nutrition Di-vision of FAO on food-based in-dicators for use in food and nutri-tion security programs, nutritionassessment and nutrient require-

ments. She has a PhD in public health nutrition from Wageningen Uni-versity and her Master of Public Health from the University of Alabama,Birmingham.

Amanda Wyatt Amanda Wyattis the program manager for theCGIAR Research Program onAgriculture for Nutrition andHealth at the International FoodPolicy Research Institute. Shehas been involved in research int h e a r ea s o f ag r i cu l t u r e -associated diseases, gender, andtheory-based evaluation method-ology of complex programs suchas A4NH. Amanda holds a Mas-ter of Public Health from EmoryUniversity with a focus on globalhealth and public nutrition. Dur-

ing graduate school, she conducted research with the International Live-stock Research Institute in Kenya on how dairy development may influ-ence household and young child nutrition in smallholder farminghouseholds.

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