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Page 1: Agudas Chai Lites

Summertime! A

time of year for

which we have all

been waiting. The

new Bearfootin’

bears have been re-

vealed on Main

Street, Rhythm and

Brews is back, and most days, the

sun is warming the grass. And while

we are engaging in activities around

town, I want to encourage us to also

remember Shabbat. I do not only

mean coming to services at Agudas,

but also what Shabbat can mean. It is

the marker of the week. It differenti-

ates the everyday from the sacred. It

is a time for us to be intentional.

Kavvanah, the Hebrew word for

intention, is often used as a counter

to keva, the Hebrew word for fixed.

The idea that the act we are doing is

with full intention, full present-ness.

While these words are frequently

used to describe prayer, I believe

they can describe our Shabbat prac-

tices, as well as our daily ones.

For example, pausing before eating

in order to take a moment to appreci-

ate what it took for the food to be in

front of you. Or hesitating a moment

when stepping outside to feel the

humidity, the temperature, the smell

of the air. While walking downtown,

looking at people in the eyes to see

Agudas Chai Lites Agudas Israel Congregation

Synagogue and Community Center, established 1922

Rabbi Rachael Jackson Located at 505 Glasgow Lane, Hendersonville, NC 28739

Phone: 828-693-9838

Website: www.agudasisraelsynagogue.org E-mail: [email protected]

June 2017 - 7 Sivan - 6 Tammuz 5777

(Continued page 2)

RABBI’S MESSAGE Rabbi Rachael Jackson

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Agudas Chai Lites page 2 June 2017

(Rabbi continued from page 1)


one another can add to our humanity.

We can take the same ideas for Shabbat kavvanah.

Perhaps we will take the time to kindle the Shabbat

candlesticks. Perhaps we will take the time to go for

an extended walk around the park. Perhaps we will

not rush when we are on the phone with a long-

distance friend. Perhaps we will just be.

These moments of kavvanah can create a sense of

peoplehood. Our hope is that we take these instances

and translate them to actions of humanness. This is

captured in the poem:

“With a Kiss” by Danny Siegel:

It is the little acts, positioned in the day, that make us: the kissing of the fallen book which doesn’t feel; not using the chumash , the Talmud, as a thing to lean on for other words; be they poetry books or tax forms (they take no precedence, watch where you lean); not mistaking a pushka for a paperweight; kissing (again) the mezuzah as we pass through or pass from (both passages ordained, be cognizant); the covering of the challah till the time, wine blessed, tasted, hands washed, is right; the kissing (again) of tzitzit; the kissing of the Torah scrolls when they are marched by, the kissing (yet again), before closing, of the siddur. From these, justice, and menschlichkeit. Lifting the fallen back we may, just may some day lift the fallen neighbor, the stranger, who feels, with a kiss.

May this month bring us closer to lifting up one another.

With many blessings for moments of kavvanah,

Rabbi Rachael Jackson

June brings summer, a full complement of our con-

gregants, endings and beginnings. At Agudas Israel,

June marks the end of our fiscal year. It is a time to look

back and reflect on what we accomplished during the

year. I will try to touch on the highlights.

This past year, our fundraising began with a won-

drously successful Mountain Jewish Festival. This set

the stage for what was to come. Our cooking and bak-

ing was so well received that the balabustas have con-

tinued to bake and cook for fun and profit. In Septem-

ber, we put on a well received and profitable concert

featuring pianist Christopher Tavernier. Finally, in

January we were entertained by Amici Music’s Jewish

Jazz program.

Our Membership Committee had a busy year. Under

their leadership we enjoyed Trivia Night, Wine and

Cheese Social, and Bring a Friend Shabbat. Upcoming

is our New Member Recognition Shabbat. The commit-

tee is also working on a new membership packet and we

have a template for a beautiful new membership bro-


Under the auspices of our Caring Committee, those of

our members who are ill and or isolated have been vis-

ited, received holiday gifts, offered follow up from our

congregational nurse, and generally been watched over.

The Caring Committee is also responsible for working

with families who have suffered a loss, offering comfort

and providing assistance with bereavement arrange-

ments. Nurse Judy works with the Caring Committee

and also has provided wellness programs for the congre-


The Ritual Committee has been very busy. Our Jewish

year began with beautiful High Holy Day services

where we were introduced to the new Machzors avail-

able. I am delighted to say that we received generous

donations that allowed us to purchase these books in

time for the next High Holy Days. We ended Yom Kip-

pur as a community at Break the Fast. What else? We

celebrated Sukkot under our beautiful new pergola, en-

joyed a delicious Hannukah dinner complements of Sis-

terhood, heard the story of Purim a la Dr. Seuss (what a

hoot!), indulged in a delicious Chocolate Seder and held

a wonderful Congregational Seder. Coming up! A

Cheesecake Bakeoff to celebrate Shavuot. Yom

Hashoah brought us Walter Ziffer who shared his ex-

perience as a Holocaust survivor.

Our work for Tikkun Olam began with Mitzvah Day.

Once again we had almost 100 people participate. More

than 10 agencies received the fruits of our labor,

whether painting, cleaning, building, providing peanut

butter and jelly sandwiches and cookies baked and

given to our police and firemen. To more fully engage

in social action and at the recommendation of our Mitz-

vah Day chairpersons and with the support of the board,

we have initiated a Mitzvah Opportunity of the Month

program. We feature agencies each month that are look-

ing for volunteers to support their work. As part of this

endeavor we participated in MLK: A Day on: A day of

Service, enlisted volunteers for feed the kids and IAM.

Keep your eye out for projects that may interest you.

There is so much more. Jewish Family Services began

a satellite program for their Elder Club that meets each

Wednesday. Rabbi Jackson has adult education pro-

grams on Tuesday nights, Lunch n’ Learn on Wednes-

(Continued page 3)

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Agudas Chai Lites page 3 June 2017

Bonnie's Byline

Have you placed your Bloomin’ Buddies Holland

Bulb orders for Spring 2018? (They will be shipped to

us in October). This year’s bulbs are gorgeous. If you do

not have a garden, consider purchasing them as a gift.

Additional order forms (to share with your family,

friends and neighbors) can be picked up in the office.

The Sisterhood momentum of activities continues…

Our May program was a guided docent tour of the


TER on Thursday, May 18.

Our June program will be a Game Day on Monday,

June 19. A summer lunch will be provided. Cost $10

members; $15 guests. Contact Joan Kershner to make

your reservation at [email protected] or call her:

828-243-2929 and let her know what game you want to

play. A brief meeting will be held to present the revised

By-Laws and Policies and Procedures (that the Board of

Trustees has voted to accept) for the general Sisterhood

membership to review and approve (they will be emailed

the week before the meeting). Bakers are needed for des-


Save the date for our annual Sisterhood Fashion Show

on Tuesday, July 25 at the Hendersonville Country Club

with fashions by Chico’s. Our chair, Teri Nadler-Thorz is

planning another fabulous event…Watch your mail…

Invitations coming soon...make your reservations as soon

as possible, space will be limited.

We are pleased to announce that the Woman of Valor

committee has chosen TOBY LINDER as our next re-

cipient. The event will be on Friday, August 4 at a spe-

cial Shabbat Service and Oneg in Toby’s honor with mu-

sic with our favorite song leader, Penny White. Volun-

teers are needed to bake, service readers (English and

Hebrew), and ushers.

We continue to plan exciting programs every month for

you to enjoy (thank you to our Programming Vice Presi-

dent Joan Kershner); giving you a reason to be part of a

very special Sisterhood. We hope you will take advan-

tage of our programs and participate. If you have a pro-

gram suggestion, please do not hesitate to contact Joan or


It is never too late to join Sisterhood…we welcome new

and returning members every day. Contact Sherry Harris,

Membership Secretary, for more information. Sisterhood

continues to be an integral part of the workings of Agu-

das Israel. Join the fun! Let me know how I can help

make your membership more rewarding.


Bonnie Cooper, Sisterhood President

days, and Torah study on alternating Saturdays. Come

and join her. Her classes are packed as we all enjoy her

engaging and informative classes. Our speaker series

continues. Its intent is to more fully inform us of the

resources within our community. We heard from the

CEO of St. Gerard’s House , Pisgah Legal Services,

and most recently from Police Chief Bobbie Trotter.

You will notice a few new things within Agudas Is-

rael. We have enhanced security cameras to further

improve our safety. We have an electronic directory for

your use. All you have to do is download an APP. We

now have Shabbat siddurs thanks to another generous

donation. These are smaller than the original books and

easier to handle.

Finally, we have embarked on a long-range, strategic

planning initiative. Our aim is to clarify our Mission

and Vision, establish objectives and strategies that will

enable us to make decisions that are in the best interest

of the congregation. You all received the member sur-

vey. That information has been collated and the results

are helping to drive our thinking. A Strategic Planning

Committee has been at work and has developed a Mis-

sion and Vision statement. We will present this at the

annual meeting. There is still much work to be done

and I am hoping and looking forward to your feedback

and participation as we move forward in this effort.

I am sure I have left things out. We have been so

busy. The most important thing to know is that none of

this could have been done without the help of each of

you. Your being a member, working on a committee,

spearheading a project, giving us ideas, making a dona-

tion; all of these things enable us to do what we do.

You each bring us a special gift and I am so thankful

for every one of you. Together we will continue to suc-

ceed and continue in our commitment to assure that

Agudas Israel’s future is secure.


Dr. Linda Perkel, President

(Pres. continued from page 2)

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The Chai Lites Newsletter…


BY THAT DATE. Please do give us your stories, thoughts, ideas and especially your Mitzvahs and Mazel Tovs, as well as Misheberachs.

This is YOUR newsletter—let’s share our lives.

EDITORIAL STAFF: Editor/coordinator, Marilyn Rosen 828-290-5333 or [email protected]; Vicky Lieber, Allen Rosen, Iris Stewart, Joe Stewart.

FINAL PREP & MAILING: Susan Bohnen, Dr. Steve & Lois Goldberg, Toby Linder, Iris Stewart, Joe Stewart and the Editorial Staff.

Agudas Chai Lites page 4 June 2017



The President’s club is proud to announce the current and

growing membership. Membership requires that a five year

commitment of at least $500 per year, in excess of current dues

be made.

It is the objective of the members of the President’s Club to

erase our deficit. We intend for it to become nothing but a his-

torical memory.

Natalie Zitnick

Deanna & Marshall Warshauer

Dr. Teri Nadler-Thorz & Michael Thorz

Iris & Joe Stewart

Teddi Segal

Sharon & Jerry Salatino

Stuart Rubin

Sid Prakin

Dr. Linda & Peter Perkel

Sandy Morse

Susan (Ginger) & Dr. Sanford Marx

Vicky & Edward Lieber

Rebecca & Dr. Arthur Lebowitz

Carol & Salem Leaman

C. Susan & Joseph Kaplan

Frieda & Michael Hodes

Sherry Harris

Barbara Gittleman

Barbara & Dr. Jack Gabel

Bonnie & Alan Cooper

Sarah & Steven Bookspan

Dr. Judith Berson-Levinson & Steven Z. Levinson

Becky Banadyga

Carola & Dr. Stuart Cohn

Barbara & Dr. Michael Beckerman

Shalom, We are now into our 9th year of the

Agudas Angels. Thanks to so many of you, this project has been very

successful. It is wonderful that our congregational family is so generous.

Since your Angels contribution is in addition to your dues, we would like to recognize you in our Chai Lites during this fiscal

year 2016-2017.

____________________________________________ SPONSORS $180+


MARC KOMISAROW & BRENDA MOONEY ________________________________________________________________________________________

FRIENDS $360+ ________________________________________________________________________________________


BARBARA & DR. MICHAEL BECKERMAN ________________________________________________________________________________________


JAN FINANDER SCOTT ________________________________________________________________________________________



NANCY SCHWARTZ & SEAN BAILEY In Honor of Charlotte’s Bat Mitzvah



ANONYMOUS ________________________________________________________________________________________






MR. & MRS. BRENTON SAUNDERS In Honor of Maya’s Bat Mitzvah

TEDDI SEGAL ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________

May the coming year bring to you and yours, good health, peace, and abun-dant blessings. L’Shalom




I(we) would prefer not to have my(our) names listed in Chai Lites______ Please cut this form out and return to the synagogue with your donations.

Agudas Angels

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Agudas Chai Lites page 5 June 2017

Jewish Family Services of WNC 2 Doctors Park Suite E Asheville, NC 28801 (828) 253-2900

[email protected] www.jfswnc.org

Jewish Family Services of WNC is a participating vendor at the Elder Abuse Awareness Walk

World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (WEEAD)

June 15th, 2017 with a Family-friendly Awareness Walk

5:30-7:30pm at Carrier Park

This is an opportunity for you, your organization, and your

family to take action to protect seniors by raising awareness

about elder abuse.

JFS SpringFest 2017 Thank you to everyone who contributed to help make our JFS SpringFest a great success! Volun-

teers, Corporate Sponsors, Donors, all the people who at-tended the event, and those who purchased items from our Silent & Live Auctions: we couldn’t do it without you! Check out our web-site later in June for acknowledgements and thanks to all of you! Note: if you are reading this prior to May 25

th, there may still be

time to make a reservation and be part of the fun! Call us at (828)253-2900

Jewish Family Services of WNC Provides:

Elder Club Group Respite Program

Older adults who want more social interaction, have difficulty getting

out on their own, and those with some physical and or memory impair-

ments, will enjoy peer companionship, kosher lunches, and stimulating

activities in this structured social program. Family caregivers receive

much-needed respite to attend to their own needs. Located in Hender-

sonville at Agudas Israel Congregation on Wednesdays, and in Ashe-

ville on Tuesdays & Thursdays. Call for an appointment!

Mental Health Services

JFS is now accepting referrals and appointments for Mental Health

Counseling Services, with sliding scale fees available based on income.

Direct Assistance

Food pantry, grocery cards, and bus tickets available to all. Administra-

tion of WNC Jewish Federation Keren Ami Funds for Jewish house-

holds, providing assistance for housing, utilities, transportation & other

emergency needs.

Case Management & Resource Coordination

Person-centered assessments, goal planning, and guided access to re-


Senior Services

Holiday kosher meal deliveries, friendly visitors, and family consulta-

tion on retirement, long term care options, and other aging issues.

College Funding Resources

Local Administrator for Jewish Educational Loan Fund (JELF) for inter-

est-free loans to qualified Jewish college students; referrals to college

funding advisors.

Outreach and Community Service

Identifying needs and assisting underserved Jewish communities

throughout Western North Carolina

Volunteer Opportunities

Visiting and assisting older adults and other isolated individuals; serving

on the JFS Board or committees; assisting with fundraising and other

agency events.

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Agudas Chai Lites page 6 June 2017

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Agudas Chai Lites page 7 June 2017



If you change the thermostat setting to be warmer or cooler, please be so kind as to reset the

temperature to 65 degrees in the winter and

75 degrees

in the summer.

Thank you for your cooperation. Al Rosen, VP Building & Grounds

Update your Directory of Members

If you make note of any changes found in this

column throughout the year, your Directory will

always offer you new, correct information.

. Please add an S after Lisa Wolford’s name

to denote that she has become a member of


Vicky Lieber,

“Directory of Members” Coordinator


Page 8: Agudas Chai Lites

Agudas Chai Lites page 8 June 2017

The following names will be read at Shabbat services on Friday and Saturday

PLEASE NOTE: * DENOTES HAVING A MEMORIAL PLAQUE. The Yahrzeit policy of our Temple is as follows:

You have the choice of when to observe this anniversary. The date can be celebrated by the English calendar or the Hebrew.

Please inform the office of which way you would prefer.

A letter to remind you about your upcoming Yahrzeit is sent to you two weeks before the actual date.

The name of your loved is read at the Friday evening service Immediately prior to the date of the Yahrzeit.

Please keep the Temple Office informed of any incorrect dates. or new dates you wish to include.

CORRECTION TO 05/12/2017 YAHRZEIT LIST Correct spelling of Edith Werther (Marlene Wiener's mother)

06/02/2017- 06/03/2017 MEMBER OBSERVER Martin Carl Beckerman * .Dr. Michael Beckerman (father) Irving J. Caine * Lawrence Diamond * Gladys Dorfman ………...Audrey Shemesh (aunt) Etta Friedberg Gaeser * Joseph Gold * Jerald Herman * Kit Jacob ………………...Rabbi Rachael Jackson (aunt) Louis Kaplan …………….Joseph Kaplan (father) Doris Kurzmann ………...Richard Lewis (sister) Harriet W. Mann * Muriel Fellerman Oxer * Alex Patterson * Morris Segal * …………...Teddi Segal (father-in-law) Sylvia Skolnick ……….....Frank Skolnick (mother) Goldie R. Tannenbaum * Meyer Warshauer ……....Marshall Warshauer (father) Louis Williams * ………...Sidney Williams (grandfather) …………….Sharon Wooten (grandfather)……………..David Kaplan (grandfather) …………….Eileen Stang (grandfather)

06/09/2017 Tillie Barazani * George Becker * Sol Berlin ………………...Barbara Gittleman (father) Philip Greenstein * Jason Hacker …………...Nancy Silver (son) Morris Kerner * Rebecca Rackear * Fannie Reihs …………….Perry Reihs (mother) Regina Willinger *

06/16/2017- 06/17/2017 George Beretta ………….Barbara Monoson (father) Gerson Blatt ……………..Avery Blatt (grandfather) Barbara J. Brown ……….Kathy Simkin (mother) Sadie Buchman ………...Vicky Lieber (mother) Helen P. Horowitz *

MEMBER OBSERVER Harry Kaplan * Irving Katz ……………………..…..Dr. Francine Varady (grandfather) Xenia Kellerman * Nathan Kessler, MD * Dorothy Morse ………………..…...Sandy Morse (mother) Rachael Nadler ………………..…..Dr. Teri Nadler-Thorz (daughter) Richard B. Pinks * Maxine Roth ………………….…....Nancy Weintraub (sister) Edith Segal * …………….………...Teddi Segal (sister-in-law) Robert Snyder ………….………….Audrey Snyder (husband) Madeline Renee Katz Turkeltaub * ..Dr. Francine Varady (sister) Fannie Patla Winter *

06/23/2017 Rose Brachfeld * Sidney Chaplin …………….….…..Sarah Bookspan (father) Barbara Feeney …………….…….Diane Stricker (mother) Abraham Kalin * James Karlin………………..……...Deborah Kalin (husband) Jack Kershner ……………….…….Irving Kershner (father) Suzanne Lois Lerner *…………....Mildred Lerner (daughter) Benjamin Lessing * Charles Lessing * Abraham M. Lewis * Jerry Oxer * Allan A. Pollack * Eleanor Vorheis Steinhardt *

06/30/17-07/01/17 Russell Ames …………………..….Beverly French (husband) Joseph Emile Berman * Sonia Brodes * Rosalind Harris * Samuel M. Kind * Mary Lou Lennert ……………..…..Joe Lennert (mother) Sidney Levine ……………….…….Vicky Lieber (1st father-in-law) Sharon Lussier ………………….…Natalie Zitnick (sister) Annie Mandelbaum ……………....Debbie Lavine (mother)

MEMBER OBSERVER Rose D. Oliner * Abraham Rathman * Irene Singer …...Sheldon D. Goldsmith (aunt) Hyman Sokoloff .Sander Sokoloff (father) Bertha Uhler * Marilyn Zide …...Barry Rudes (sister)

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Agudas Chai Lites page 9 June 2017

Tzedakah– Acts of Loving Kindness

It is through the generosity of people like these that we prosper and grow.

Thank You.

BIRTHDAYS JUNE & JULY 2017 ANNIVERSARIES JUNE &JULY Iris Stewart…………...….Tues. June 6 Cantor Debra Winston….Tues. June 6 Phyllis Fish……………….Wed. June 7 Susan LaRue…………….Wed. June 7 Beverly French…………..Thur. June 8 Marlene W. Wiener……...Sat. June 10 Shirley Younger………….Mon. June 12 Dr. Stephen Goldberg…..Tues. June 13 Stuart Rubin……………...Thur. June 15 Barry Rudes……………...Tues. June 20 Steven Z. Levinson……...Fri. June 23 Diane Aldrich Eskenasy..Sun. June 25 Mildred Lerner…………...Sun. June 25 Lois Goldberg…………….Mon. June 26 Jacob Monoson………….Thur. June 29

Cynthia & Gregg Ashley………..….Mon. June 5 ………….18th anniv. Jayne & Darin Jennings……….…..Fri. June 9…………….16th anniv. Esther & Dale Roberts……...….….Thur. June 15………...27th anniv. Iris & Joe Stewart ……………..…...Fri. June 16…………..40th anniv. Carola & Dr. Stuart Cohn………....Mon. June 19…...…….68th anniv. Susan & Jerry Garfinkle……….…..Wed. June 21………..46th anniv. Joan & Irving Kershner……….…...Wed. June 21………..58th anniv. Audrey & Uzi Shemesh…………....Fri. June 23………….37th anniv. Sharon & Mark Lemelman………..Sat. June 24 …………..7th anniv. Janie & Frank Skolnick……….…...Sun. June 25………...45th anniv. Dr. Francine & Roger Varady…....Thur. June 29………..48th anniv. Barbara & David Monoson……..…Tues. July 4………….19th anniv. Barbara & Dr. Jack Gabel……..….Thur. July 6…………..43rd anniv. Norma & Albert Pasternack……....Fri. July 7……………..74th anniv. Susan & Sidney Williams………....Thur. July 13………….37th anniv. Rabbi Rachael & Danyul Jackson..Mon. July 17…………..6th anniv. Recebba & Rex Banadyga………..Sat. July 22……….....44th anniv.

Dr. Teri Nadler-Thorz..Sun. July 2 Joyce Lennert………...Mon. July 3 Michael Thorz………...Mon. July 3 Sarah Monoson……...Tues. July 4 Joe Stewart…………...Fri. July 7 Alan Pollack…………..Mon. July 10 Sander Sokoloff….......Mon. July 10 Sherry Harris………….Wed. July 12 Linda Reihs…………...Wed. July 12 Claire Flores………….Sun. July 23 Scott Foster…………..Sun. July 23 Irving Kershner……….Sun. July 23 Sidney Williams…...….Mon. July 24 Allen Stricker ………….Wed. July 26 Susan Williams……….Thur. July 27 Teddi Segal…………...Sun. July 30


7 Piece lawn set with chairs

By Deanna Warshauer


May Ryttenberg

By Harry Ryttenberg

Evelyn Katz

By Linda & Tom Sauter

Irving Martin Schuster

By Estelle Schuster

Esther Citrin & Elaine Rubin Sevin

By Carole Sitzer



Frank Skolnick’s 70th Birthday

By Rosemary & Sam Gess

Thank you Rabbi

By Sheila McKinna


Evelyn Katz

By Susan Aronowitz

By Linda Fitzpatrick

By Shirley & Dr. George Goldstein

By Cynthia & Mike McCurdy

Sam Weis

By Natalie Zitnick



Frances Bloom

By Nancy & Mark Bloom

Mollie Levine; Rose Samuels

By Vicky & Edward Lieber

Helen & Meyer Warshauer

By Deanna & Marshall Warshauer



Solomon Amelkin

By Susan Lipton

David Stang

By Eileen & Dr. Michael Stang

Florence (Flossie) Williams

By Susan & Sidney Williams



Evelyn Katz

By Frieda & Michael Hodes




Evelyn Katz

By Barbara & Alan Ehrlich

A. Daniel Michalove

By Donald Michalove

Edith Werther

By Marlene & Raymond Wiener

Page 10: Agudas Chai Lites

Agudas Chai Lites page 10 June 2017

“Organizational resources for the busy

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309 N. Main Street Hendersonville, NC 28739 693-4256

Michael W. Cole




This is an open invitation. Celebrate a birthday, anniversary or special event

by having Friday night Bimah Honors. Please call Marilyn Rosen at 828-290-5333

or email at [email protected]. Thank you.

Please be available to be near the front door to greet congregants and guests on Friday evening Shabbat.

Thank you.

Page 11: Agudas Chai Lites

Agudas Chai Lites page 11 June 2017

I am indeed awed

to be chosen as this

year’s Woman of

Valor. Thanks to all

of you for honoring

me in this way.

Like so many of

you, my roots are in

New York. I am a

graduate of City Col-

lege where I not only

earned a degree but

also met Bernie, my

favorite spouse of 57 years.

I lived in Stoneham, Mass and King of Prussia, Pa.

before moving to Hendersonville in 1970 when

Bernie accepted a job transfer with General Electric.

During those early years, I was a stay at home mom

very busy parenting our three daughters.

In the early seventies, I went back to school at

UNCA to get my North Carolina teaching certifica-

tion. I was hired by the Henderson County school

system and spent many years in the first grade with-

out ever getting promoted. I enjoyed teaching very

much and was witness to a great deal of progress in

our schools. During that time I earned a Master’s de-

gree from Gardner-Webb College. I was only the sec-

ond Jewish student they ever had!

When Bernie retired from GE, he began a second

career as a Financial Advisor and created his own

firm. I joined the business in 1995 and served as the

Compliance Officer. This meant that I dealt with the

Feds and the State – a far cry from a classroom but I

learned a lot. (And the food at conferences was much


My children are married and live in Atlanta. I am

the very proud grandmother of six terrific grandchil-


Currently, I spend my volunteer time at Agudas or

with the Blue Ridge Center for Lifelong Learning

where I serve as the Treasurer. I enjoy reading, exer-

cising, playing bridge and traveling.

My family and I are looking forward to August 4th

and the wonderful Woman of Valor service. This will

indeed be a special night for me. I hope many of you

will join us.

Toby Linder

Woman of Valor

On Sunday, June 18th

, during our Annual Meeting we will be having a

“Committee Rush.” This will be your chance to learn

about the important work each of our committees does for our Congregation.

All of our committees will be represented and you will have a chance to find out

how you can GET INVOLVED! Hope to see you on Sunday morning,

June 18th

at 10:00am

Submitted by Debbie Lavine

Page 12: Agudas Chai Lites


1. MEMORIAL PLAQUES: To honor someone of blessed memory. Please call Susan LaRue at the Temple office, 693-9838.

2. YAHRZEIT MEMORIAL PLAQUES: In memory of loved ones. Yahrzeit Memorial Plaques are available. Please contact the Temple office – Susan LaRue, 693-9838.

3. GOLDEN BOOK: In honor of, or in memory of, an individual or in recognition of a Mitzvah, Golden Book cards can be purchased in the Judaica Shop. The minimum donation is $10.00. The cards are to be filled out by the donor and Becky Banadyga (828-692-7074) is to be notified if entry into the Golden Book is desired. All proceeds are to be used to purchase items such as carpeting, office equipment, furniture, and other items needed for our synagogue.

4. JNF TREES IN ISRAEL: Anyone interested in honoring or memorializing someone with a JNF Tree in Israel, contact Linda Reihs at 954-240-0287. Trees are $18 each. Make checks payable to Agudas Israel Sisterhood. Please include the following information: 1) 1)Name of deceased or honoree; 2) To whom the tree certificate should

be mailed; include name and address; 3) Message (In Loving Memory of…); 4) Sender’s name, address, phone number. You will be notified when tree order Is placed.

5. BOOK PLATES: Dedicated to a loved one with a special event, or honoring someone of blessed memory. This donation will help sustain our Synagogue Book Fund. The cost is $36 per book plate.

Judie Cohen, RN Congregational Nurse

Office Hours: Thursdays, 2-4pm

Visit Judie to discuss any health care questions, get

your blood pressure checked,

and just get to know her.

Sponsored by the BJH Foundation


The Nominating Committee has created the following slate to be considered by the Congregation at the June 2017 Annual Meet-ing. Three trustee positions and one officer position are up for election this year.

Secretary: Lenore Foster Trustee: Cya Ashley Trustee: Sam Gess Trustee: Sidney Williams

In addition, anyone may have their name placed on the ballot for any position. The following Nomination-by-Petition procedure is taken from Article XIII, Section 3 of the Agudas Israel Bylaws:

“Nominations may also be made by a written petition signed by at least 25 members of the congregation in good standing, filed with the Chairperson of the Nominating Committee, not less than 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting. Each petition must be submit-ted for each nominee for each office.”

For additional information on the Nomination-by-Petition proce-dure, please contact Paul Vanek (828-697-0787) or [email protected].

2017 Nominating Committee: Michael Beckerman, Bonnie Cooper, Teri-Nadler-Thorz, Natalie Zitnick and Paul Vanek, Chairman

MISHEBERACHS Speedy Recovery and Get Well Wishes to:

Scott Foster, Deb Karlin, Mitzi Lerner,

Edward Lieber, Vicky Lieber,

Frank Skolnick

Agudas Chai Lites page 12 June 2017

The Coopers Visit to Hong Kong and Japan

Bonnie and Alan have just returned home from a 32

day trip, spending

the first three

weeks in Hong

Kong where they

visited with their

son Corey and

their daughter-in-

law, Bella. They

had a Passover

Seder with Matzah

Ball soup, Cha-

roset, and homemade macaroons (which Bonnie car-

ried from home, along with a Seder plate and Hag-

gadahs!), and they even made horseradish from


Then the four of them spent 10 days touring Japan.

Japan is just a beautiful and clean country with a

tremendous contrast of new and old, said Bonnie. We

visited Osaka,

Nara, Kyoto, Lake


Mt. Fuji, and To-

kyo. We stayed in

two traditional

Japanese hotels

with Japanese-

style bedding on a

tatami (woven-

straw) floor plus hot springs guest’s bath. It was

great to see the sights together with our children.

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Agudas Chai Lites page 13 June 2017






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Agudas Israel Congregation

Synagogue and Community Center 505 Glasgow Lane,

Hendersonville, NC 28739

828-693-9838 www.agudasisraelsynagogue.org



Rabbi Rachael Jackson


President: Dr. Linda Perkel 685-1683 Vice President: Allen H. Rosen 595-1497

Secretary: Lenore Foster 595-9885 Treasurer: Phyllis Bentley 697-1954 Past President: Dr. Paul Vanek 697-0787 Trustees: Sam Gess 676-6720 Barbara Gittleman 329-2839 Larry Kosowsky 891-8179 Debbie Lavine 630-202-8731 David Monoson 891-2531 Peter Perkel 685-1683 Marilyn Rosen 290-5333

Brotherhood President: Michael Thorz 891-8528 Sisterhood President: Bonnie Cooper 901-233-9465 Membership Committee: Barbara Gittleman 329-2838 Librarians: Allen Rosen 595-1497 Esther Roberts 702-3272 Marilyn Rosen 290-5333 Webmaster: Bonnie Cooper 901-233-9465 Linda Reihs 954-240-0297 URJ Representatives: Iris Vanek 697-0787 Dr. Paul Vanek 697-0787 Marshall Warshauer 273-4241

Congregational Nurse: Judie Cohen (h)670-8332 (c)337-2107 Office Manager: Susan LaRue 693-9838

SISTERHOOD 2016-2018

President: Bonnie Cooper 1st VP Hospitality: Barbara Monoson 2nd VP Fundraising: Karen Murray 3rd VP Program: Joan Kershner Recording Secretary: C. Susan Kaplan Corresponding Secretary: Marilyn Rosen Treasurer: Phyllis Bentley Past President & Liaison to the Board: Natalie Zitnick Trustees: Lenore Foster Dr. Teri Nadler-Thorz Iris Stewart Phyllis Fish Toby Linder Parliamentarian: JNF Trustee: Linda Reihs

COMMITTEES: Membership: Sherry Harris Judaica: Dr. Teri Nadler-Thorz & Bonnie Cooper Golden Book: Becky Banadyga


President: Michael Thorz Vice President: Samuel Gess Secretary: Alan Cooper Treasurer: Larry Kosowsky

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