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Page 1: Aiesec constantine compendium july 2014

Updated by Mohamed Alla Eddine ATIK President AIESEC Constantine 2013-2014



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Contents 1 Constitution ..................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.1 Name ....................................................................................................................................................... 4

1.2 The AIESEC Way ...................................................................................................................................... 4

1.3 Language and logo .................................................................................................................................. 5

1.4 Membership ............................................................................................................................................ 5

1.5 AIESEC Constantine ................................................................................................................................. 5

1.6 General Meeting / Local Legislation Meeting ......................................................................................... 6

1.7 Amendments to the Constitution and Dissolution ................................................................................. 7

1.8 General Provisions .................................................................................................................................. 7

2 THE STANDING ORDER OF AIESEC CONSTANTINE .......................................................................................... 9

2.1 Chair ........................................................................................................................................................ 9

2.2 Roll Call .................................................................................................................................................... 9

2.3 Quorum ................................................................................................................................................... 9

2.4 Voting ...................................................................................................................................................... 9

2.5 Minutes ................................................................................................................................................. 10

2.6 Representation ...................................................................................................................................... 10

2.7 Motions ................................................................................................................................................. 10

2.8 Amendments ......................................................................................................................................... 11

2.9 Order of Presence ................................................................................................................................. 11

2.10 Point of Order ....................................................................................................................................... 11

2.11 Conduct of Meeting .............................................................................................................................. 12

2.12 Standing Order ...................................................................................................................................... 12

3 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE ..................................................................................................................... 13

3.1 Local Committee ................................................................................................................................... 13

3.2 Language ............................................................................................................................................... 13

3.3 Governing Body/Executive Board ......................................................................................................... 13

3.4 Power and Duties of the Governing Body (Executive Board): .............................................................. 14

3.5 Local Committee President ................................................................................................................... 15

3.6 Board of Advisors (BoA): ....................................................................................................................... 15

4 EXCHANGE PROGRAMMES ........................................................................................................................... 17

5 ELECTION AND SELECTION PROCEDURE ....................................................................................................... 18

5.1 LCP ......................................................................................................................................................... 18

5.2 Application ............................................................................................................................................ 18

5.3 Election Procedure: ............................................................................................................................... 18

5.4 Voting Procedure: ................................................................................................................................. 19

5.5 Local Committee Vice Presidents Applications and Selections: ........................................................... 19

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5.6 Impeachment: ....................................................................................................................................... 19

6 MEMBERSHIP ................................................................................................................................................ 21

6.1 AIESEC CONSTANTINE Membership ..................................................................................................... 21

6.2 Application for Membership in AIESEC Constantine:............................................................................ 22

6.3 Procedure of Membership Review and Removal of Membership: ...................................................... 22

6.4 Procedure for Membership Evaluation: ................................................................................................ 22

7 FINANCIAL REGULATIONS ............................................................................................................................. 23

7.2 Financial Regulation for the LC: ............................................................................................................ 23

8 LOCAL MEETINGS AND CONFERENCES: ........................................................................................................ 25

8.1 Definition ............................................................................................................................................... 25

8.2 March LLM: ........................................................................................................................................... 25

8.3 National and International Conferences: .............................................................................................. 25

9 APPENDICES .................................................................................................................................................. 26

9.1 Definition: ............................................................................................................................................. 26

9.2 Procedure for Minutes: ......................................................................................................................... 26

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1 Constitution 1.1 Name

Art.1. The name of the Local Committee shall be AIESEC Constantine. Represented officially by:

الشباب قدرات تنمیة جمعیة

1.2 The AIESEC Way

Art.2. What is AIESEC :

AIESEC is a global, non-political, independent, not-for-profit organization run by students and recent

graduates of institutions of higher education. Its members are interested in world issues, leadership

and management. AIESEC does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual

orientation, creed, religion or ethnic origin

Art.3. What we envision

Peace and fulfillment of Humankind’s potential

Art.4. Our impact

Our international platform enables young people to explore and develop their leadership potential for them to have a positive impact in society.

Art.5. The way we do it

AIESEC provides its members with an integrated development experience comprised of

leadership opportunities, international internships and participation in a global learning


Art.6. Our values

Activating Leadership

We lead by example and inspire leadership through actions and results. We take full responsibility for developing the potential of other people.

Enjoying Participation

We have a dynamic environment created by active and enthusiastic involvement of Individuals. We enjoy being involved in AIESEC.

Striving for Excellence

We aim to deliver the highest quality performance in everything we do. Through creativity and innovation we seek to continuously improve our results.

Living Diversity

We seek to learn from the different ways of life and opinions represented in our multicultural environment. We respect and actively encourage the contribution of every individual.

Acting Sustainable

We act in a way that is sustainable for our organization and society. Our decisions take into account the needs of future generations.

Demonstrating Integrity

We are consistent and transparent in our decisions and actions. We fulfill our commitments and conduct ourselves in a way that is true to our ideals

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1.3 Language and logo

Art.7. English is the sole official language of the local committee. French and Arabic shall be used for legal, administration, external relation and external communication purposes.

Art.8. The logo approved at the International Presidents Meeting 1990 (Hong Kong) is the official logo of the organization AIESEC.

1.4 Membership

Art.9. Only persons meeting membership criteria specified by LC shall be considered Members of AIESEC Constantine all matters referred to in this compendium.

Art.10. The LC shall be represented in the AIESEC network by one name. That name shall be AIESEC CONSTANTINE

Art.11. Admission of new members shall be done during the recruitments period in accordance with this Compendium, and updating the status of the members shall be done each quarter.

Art.12. Admission, disbandment or removal of members shall be decided through the procedures set out in this Compendium.

Art.13. Any member may resign at any time by giving a two weeks’ notice to be delivered in writing to AIESEC Constantine’s EB.

Art.14. Any member who resigns, or is disbanded or removed shall lose the right to utilize the AIESEC name or logo for any purpose, activities or communication. The member shall also lose the right to use myaiesec.net and their account shall be blocked or deleted

1.5 AIESEC Constantine

Art.15. The LC shall be administered by AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s local Committee executive board (LC EB) which is consisting of a President (LCP), and a number of Vice-Presidents (LC VPs), and EB members, all physical persons. If AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s LC EB is incomplete, the LC EB shall still retain all of their powers.

Art.16. The local Committee President Elect (LCPe) shall be elected by the present voting members, as

described in this compendium, at the annual Local Legislative Meeting (LLM) in March.

Art.17. The Local Committee Vice Presidents (LC VPs) are selected by the LCPe, as described in this compendium

Art.18. In decision-making within the LC EB, each EB member shall have one vote. A majority of the Members of the EB shall constitute quorum for a decision-making forum of AIESEC CONSTANTINE. Decision shall be made by a simple majority vote of present EB members. In case of a tie during a vote (same number of YES and NO), the LCP shall be the final decision-maker.

Abstentions shall not be counted as votes.

Art.19. The EB shall have full power of management and administration of AIESEC CONSTANTINE, subject to the prerogatives of the LC.

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Art.20. The LCP is the ultimate decision-maker and sole person responsible for the activities and actions of AIESEC CONSTANTINE. The LCP, together with the EB member responsible for Finance is responsible for the financial control and management of AIESEC CONSTANTINE.

Art.21. All documents committing transactions from the bank account of the LC shall be signed and approved by the LCP and the EB member responsible for Finance of AIESEC CONSTANTINE. The EB member responsible for Finance can be an independent LCVP F, or can be another EB member responsible for other area(s).

Art.22. The President will cease to hold office:

i By her/his death; ii By her/his retirement; iii By removal from office by the court in the cases provided for in the Algerian law; iv Not fulfilling legal criteria to govern and administrate the association; v By her/his removal from office by the full members for important reasons; vi At the end of her/his term;

1.6 General Meeting / Local Legislation Meeting

Art.23. Any meeting of the LC members can be considered a General Meeting or an LC meeting, if quorum met.

Art.24. Any appropriate question or business may be brought before a GM without prior thereof.

Art.25. A member may be represented at a GM by another member, this member have to be a full member. No member shall hold more than one proxy

Art.26. Local Legislation Meetings (LLMs) shall validly be held if and only if the quorum of AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s full members is present or represented by proxy, if this number is not met a reminder is sent and the number of members who will attend will be consider as quorum.

Art.27. Only the full Members of AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall be entitled to vote at legislative meetings. Each member of the LC shall have one vote.

Art.28. The decisions during LLMs shall be carried by a simple majority vote of all voting members present or represented, unless provided otherwise by the Compendium or the Standing Orders of AIESEC CONSTANTINE.

Art.29. The decisions taken during LLMs shall be ratified by the EBs of AIESEC CONSTANTINE in a meeting held no later than 30 days after the completion of the respective LLM.

Art.30. LLMs shall be presided over by a Chairperson elected by the voting members present or represented. The Chairperson shall neither vote nor take part in the discussions of the meeting. The Chairperson must not be directly or indirectly related to any topic being under discussion by the General meeting. In case such a situation occurs, the chairperson shall step down for the duration of the topic as described in this Compendium.

Art.31. The capital of the committee shall be formed by contributions of members, grants, subsidies, gifts, legacies, service fees, and other contributions.

Art.32. The financial year of the organization shall follow the legal financial year of the association (1st

January to 31st

December, unless legal financial year changes).

Art.33. AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall keep filed records of its financial operations for a period of ten years

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1.7 Amendments to the Constitution and Dissolution

Art.34. If four fifths of all full members of the LC decide, at LLM, to dissolve the LC, this decision must be communicate to the MC who will develop an operational plan for dissolution of the LC.

Art.35. The Compendium automatically inherits any relevant changes from the National Compendium

Art.36. The LC may only amend the Compendium at LLM. Any amendment shall be adopted if it receives a simple majority of the members recorded during that GM.

Art.37. No amendments may be made to the compendium that would cause it to conflict with the provisions of the Algerian’s association law and/or Local and/or the National Compendium and/or global compendium.

1.8 General Provisions

Art.38. In case of silence of this Compendium, it will be referred to the (in order): Democratic and People’s Republic of Algeria’s association law, principal law of the local association, Global Compendium, National Compendium of AIESEC in Algeria. The EB shall have final decision making to settle situation of silence in the compendium, or to interpret applicable laws or motions.

Art.39. This compendium is applicable as long as it does not violate the Democratic and People’s Republic of Algeria’s association law and/or principal law of the local association.

Art.40. This constitution is made of 9 parts and 40 articles and approved by the Local Plenary of AIESEC

CONSTANTINE as of July 05th 2014. It may be amended at any LLM by the Local Plenary.

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Part two:


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2.1 Chair

Each LLM shall be chaired by a Chairperson, selected by the EB and ratified by all the Members of AIESEC CONSTANTINE. In her/his absence, the LCP shall occupy the chair and a new chair shall be appointed at the next plenary during the LLM.

The Chairperson shall neither vote nor take part in the discussion of the meeting. If the official ordinarily entitled to take the Chair is so affected by or interested in any motion as to render it advisable, in the opinion of the members, that he/she vacate the Chair during the discussion of that motion. It shall be permissible for members to move, second and vote upon a motion that he/she vacates the Chair during the discussion. If the motion is carried, the LCP shall temporarily conduct the meeting.

The Chairperson shall be the sole interpreter of the Standing Orders.

The EB shall be the final interpreter of the provisions of the Compendium, apart from standing orders and except in cases where they are interested parties, the Chairperson shall make the final ruling.

At the start of the first session, the Chairperson shall inform delegates of those procedures related to the functioning of the meeting.

2.2 Roll Call

A Roll Call shall be taken at the commencement of all Sessions of Meetings.

Further, should delegates subsequently join / leave the session, they shall inform the Chairperson of their presence / absence and this shall be recorded in the minutes.

2.3 Quorum The quorum for Plenary Sessions at any LLM shall be the simple majority (half + 1) of all voting members.

2.4 Voting

Voting shall be by members of AIESEC CONSTANTINE only. Each Voting member shall be entitled to one (1) vote. Each EB member shall be entitled one (1) vote.

Proxy voting at Legislative Meetings shall be permitted. Such proxy representation shall be in writing and submitted to the Chairperson of the meeting.

Should the individual issuing the proxy wish it to be valid on only certain questions, such limitations

are to be contained in the proxy. Disagreement concerning the interpretations of such limitations shall

be settled by EB.

Proxies shall not be used to propose or second a motion.

No member may receive more than one proxy.

In voting, motions shall be carried by a simple majority, unless the Constitution or Compendium provides otherwise. The casting of votes shall be in the following order:

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Votes for, against, abstentions. If the numbers of votes for and against a motion are equal, the motion

shall be regarded as not carried. Members abstaining shall be considered as non-voting unless

otherwise specified in this Compendium.

For the purpose of the Compendium simple majority shall be defined as follows: Simple majority is when more votes are in favor of the motion than against it.

2.5 Minutes

For Minutes taking during Legislative Meetings the procedure outlined in Appendix 2 shall be adopted.

2.6 Representation

All members shall be allowed to attend all sessions of the Legislative Meeting. Only the EB and LCP shall have speaking rights.

Any individual member in the AIESEC network shall be allowed to attend elections.

2.7 Motions

No Motion or Amendment shall be open for discussion until it has been seconded, but the proposer shall have the right to speak on a Motion in order to find a seconder.

No matter shall be discussed unless it concerns an approved subject on the Agenda, except at the discretion of the Chair.

Legislations which have been approved in working groups and sub-committees or tracks shall be

circulated in writing at least 24 hours before the matter can be voted upon, where this is not possible,

there must at least be ample opportunities provided for discussion by all delegates.

A Motion shall only be open for discussion or Amendment after the proposer and seconder have been given the opportunity to speak in support of the Motion.

No Motion or Amendment, which has been accepted by the Chair, shall be withdrawn without the

consent of the chair. Neither shall any addendum be added to a Motion once accepted without consent

of the chair, the proposer and seconder.

The following forms of legislation shall be allowed at legislation meetings:

Motions - remain indefinitely in the Compendium unless amended or deleted during subsequent LLMs.

One Year Motions - binding until the legislative meeting one year from the one at which the motion is passed.

Two Year Motions - binding until the legislative meeting two years from the one at which it is passed.

Mandates - to a recognized body of the organization binding for a specified period of time to perform a

function outside of their ordinary course of duty. The mandate must be discussed within and accepted

by the body.

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Members shall have the right to propose or second motions and amendments. EB shall have the right

to propose motions and amendments subject to their being seconded by two members.

2.8 Amendments

No Amendment shall be moved which, by the Chairperson's ruling, rescinds, negates or destroys the original motion.

No other Amendment shall be moved until the first Amendment has been disposed off, but notice of further Amendments may be given.

If an Amendment is rejected, other Amendments may be moved on the original motion. If an

Amendment is carried, the Motion as amended shall become the motion and shall be the question to

which any further discussion may be moved or upon which the final vote is taken.

The proposer of the Motion, but not amendment, shall have the right to reply directly before a vote is taken.

2.9 Order of Presence

That the Chairperson shall allow the following Procedural Motions to be put when there is already a proposition on the floor, in the following order of precedence:

i. That the motion now be put ii. A Motion to postpone or adjourn the matter to a specified later meeting iii. A Motion to refer matter to a committee or sub-committee for investigation for report iv. A Motion to limit the debate to a certain specified time period v. That a matter lies on the table vi. A Motion of no confidence in the Chair vii. A Motion to adjourn the meeting to a later specified date

Motions provided for by clause i), v), vi) must receive a majority of two thirds (2/3) of the votes cast, i.e. excluding abstentions.

If the motion "That the Motion now be put" has been seconded, no further discussion of the original

question shall be allowed but a member may give notice of her/his desire to speak further on the

original question. If the Motion is carried, only the proposer of the original question under discussion

shall be allowed to speak before the original question is put to the vote.

If the Motion "to limit debate to a certain specified period of time" is carried, the Chairperson shall draw

up a list of those wishing to make their first speech on the subject and allot each one an equal

proportion of the specified period. The proposer shall be allowed five minutes to sum up before the

original Motion is put to a vote.

Should any procedural motion under Section 2.9 be defeated, twenty minutes (20) shall elapse

before such a motion may be proposed again, unless the Chair is of the opinion that the

circumstances have materially altered in the meantime

2.10 Point of Order

In addition to discussion on a Motion, the Chairperson shall allow the following points in order of precedence:

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i. Point of Order ii. Point of Information to/from Somebody

A point of order must be heard at all times and the Chairperson shall give her/his ruling before the

Motion is further discussed. Points of order shall deal with the conduct of procedure of the debate.

The member rising to put the point of order shall prove one or more of the following:

That the speaker is traveling outside the scope of the Motion under discussion.

He/she is using unparliamentarily language.

That he/she is infringing upon the Constitution or Standing Orders.

2.11 Conduct of Meeting

A speaker shall direct her/his speech directly to the Motion or Amendment under discussion.

If no definite Motion or Amendment is before the meeting, the speaker shall direct her/his speech strictly to the point on the agenda under discussion.

Every member shall address herself/himself solely to the Chair.

The Chairperson shall have the right to make a speakers list and close it according to her/his discretion

2.12 Standing Order

Standing Orders may be changed at any Legislative Meeting provided there is a 2/3 majority of quorum at the meeting.

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3.1 Local Committee

The membership in AIESEC CONSTANTINE is as follow:

Executive Board Member: Are member that are part of the LC EB. EB member do not go through membership status review. They shall always be entitled voting rights. Full Members: Are members with more than four (4) months in the LC and who fulfill the criteria of full membership as mentioned in Article XXX from Compendium Part XX Membership.

Newbies: Are members with less than 4 months of Active work

Members in Alert: Are members who have been in the LC for at least four (4) months and

don’t fill all the criteria of full membership, if this member stay a member in Alert more than 3

other months, this member is discharged by the TM.

If a member is discharged 2 times, this person cannot anymore join AIESEC


3.2 Language

English is the sole official language of the local committee. French and Arabic shall be used for legal, administration, external relation and external communication purposes.

3.3 Governing Body/Executive Board

3.3.1 The EB shall consist of the Local Committee President and Vice Presidents.

3.3.2 The Term of office of the EB shall be as mentioned in the National Compendium. The EB Elect

shall commence work under the outgoing EB from the date of election to 30th


3.3.3 The Outgoing EB shall be discharged at a GM upon satisfactory completion of their


3.3.4 Each EB member shall be responsible for:

i. Assist MC in National Planning and review; ; ii. Maintain relevant documents for their roles; iii. Execution of the action inherited by the national plan in their respective roles;

iv. That the EB is responsible for proposing suitable EB structure, roles and

responsibilities of each of the EB positions for the next term and male it legislated

before the EB elections;

v. Coach and develop members;

vi. Insure sustainability and legality of the LC;

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3.3.5 An EB will cease to hold office:

i By her/his death; ii By her/his retirement; iii By removal from office by the court in the cases provided for in the Algerian law; iv By her/his removal from office by the LCP for important reasons. v Not fulfilling legal criteria to govern and administrate the association; vi At the end of her/his term.

3.4 Power and Duties of the Governing Body (Executive Board)

3.4.1 The Local Committee Executive Board shall have full powers of management and administration,

subject to the prerogatives of Local Legislative Meeting, Algerian Law and principle law of the


3.4.2 The EB members shall always have voting rights and do not go through membership status

review. Unless an EB member does not fulfill a legal requirement to govern and administrate the

LC and/or the association.

3.4.3 The Local Committee Executive Board shall regulate financial accounts as it may think proper

and in the best interests of AIESEC CONSTANTINE.

3.4.4 The Local Committee Executive Board (LC EB) shall put all finances belonging to AIESEC

CONSTANTINE in any Reserve Bank/Recognized Bank.

3.4.5 The LC EB may use a cashbox for operational financial management as long as the LC EB

insures ability to track and has confidence in the management of the cashbox.

3.4.6 The Local Committee Executive Board may invite any person, in view of their standing,

knowledge and experience as special invitees, to attend Local Legislative Meetings.

3.4.7 The Local Committee Executive Board shall seek legal opinion on matters connected with the

welfare of the organization and appoint advocates/attorneys to file or defend any suit or other

legal proceedings whenever necessary.

3.4.8 The Member Committee shall take necessary steps in case a legal suit is filed against the LC,

and the Local Committee Executive Board shall take the necessary steps to ensure the expenses

for the same.

3.4.9 EB Position are part time job. The Local Committee Head office is based in CONSTANTINE.

3.4.10 The Local Committee Executive Board shall be responsible for using any donations or grants

given to the LC and that the donation or grant should be executed for its intended purpose. If

Local Committee Executive Board is unable to do so, during presentation of financial updates at

LLMs or NLMs, the Finance responsible on the Local Committee must explain why the grant or

donation was not used for its intended purpose.

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3.4.11 A detailed report shall also be presented with the Local Committee year plan updates at each


3.5 Local Committee President

The Local Committee President shall be the Chief Executive Officer of the LC. He/She is directly

responsible to the Member Committee President. That person shall carry out the decisions and

policies of the Executive Board Meetings and shall exercise a general control and supervision over

the affairs of the LC.

3.6 Board of Advisors (BoA)

3.6.1 The Board of Advisors shall be composed of prominent business, Academy and leaders with a

keen interest in the development of tomorrow’s young leaders. They are drawn from all sectors

and areas of society except from those sectors disallowed by the International Compendium and

Code of Ethics

3.6.2 The Local Committee EB nominates members to the Board of Advisors to be approved by all the

full members. The role of the Board of Advisors would entail that of an advisory nature, financial

nature and/or both.

3.6.3 A Board of Advisors shall convene to give input and advice to AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s EB and

also to monitor their activities and finances, using their professional experience for the growth

and development of the LC. Its role will be:

- Monitoring main activities of the LC and assessing performance of the LC based on stated targets for the year which are included in the LC year plan

- Monitoring finances of the LC and approving major investments and exceptional expenditure - Giving strategic advice based on their assessment of the LC’s performance and results - Overseeing legal and governance related issues and LC team structure

3.6.4 Each member of the Board of Advisors will serve a one-year term that can be renewed. This term

can be extended by invitation of LC and the approval of the Board of Advisors. The Board of

Advisors will consist of up to six people, each representing themselves individually, with the

following profiles:

- Current executives or managers with a strong understanding of, and commitment to AIESEC CONSTANTINE;

- Former AIESEC CONSTANTINE EB members and/or AIESEC in Algeria MC members and other AIESEC alumni;

- Retired executives or managers; - Highly Qualified Lawyers; - Highly Qualified PhDs; - Highly Qualified administrators/Managers within Governmental, Non-Governmental and

Business Organizations; - The former Local Committee President of AIESEC CONSTANTINE, for a one-year term

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3.6.5 If the outgoing LCP is unable to fulfill the requirements of being a member of the Board of

Advisors, then he/she should let the incoming LCP know by August 1st of the year of her/his

term. By the same time, he/she should nominate someone from her/his team that fulfills the

following criteria

a. Availability to attend all Board of Advisors meetings b. Experience with important agenda items of the LC

3.6.6 The outgoing LCP should also notify the current Board of Advisors of the reasons of not being

able to be a member and also which person he/she is endorsing and why. The Board of Advisors

should discuss the issue and give the final confirmation to the LC EB. The LC EB is responsible

to contact the recommended person. A decision should be made before the LLM.

3.6.7 If the ex-LCP becomes unavailable during her/his BOARD OF ADVISORS term, then the above

procedure is to be followed before the next LLM.

3.6.8 The Board of Advisors shall not have any decision-making power, or legal and financial

responsibility for the operations of the Local Committee Executive Board.

3.6.9 The Board of Advisors shall meet at least two times per year and a maximum of three times per

year. Both the incoming and outgoing LC EB teams shall be present at least at one of these


3.6.10 A monthly update on current year’s budget, payables, and receivables shall be sent to the Board

of Advisors. Recommendations should be given by the Board of Advisors, to which the Local

Committee Executive Board shall be held accountable.

3.6.11 Local Committee Vice President Finance or another member of the Local Committee Executive

Board shall be the secretary of the Board of Advisors and ensuring communication as outlined

above is consistent.

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4.1.1 AIESEC CONSTANTINE adopts the AIESEC in Algeria Exchange Program Code and process as

described the national compendium. This includes: EP fees, TN fees.

4.1.2 AIESEC CONSTANTINE can have Exchange-related Partnerships with other AIESEC

Expansions in Algeria. Those are subject to discussions and agreement from/of the concerned

parties. The Partnership should be ratified in a Partnership Contract before going into effect. The

Contract should include all the points and topics of the Partnership agreed by the responsible of

the concerned parties.

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5.1 LCP

The Local Election of LCP shall be held at the annual Local Legislative Meeting of March.

Unless for high reasons, the LCP election shall be held at an LLM at the soonest occasion.

5.2 Application

5.2.1 All Candidates must submit an application form to the AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s Executive

Board. AIESEC CONSTANTINE will announce the deadline and send application forms latest by

March 1st.

5.2.2 AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall decide on the requirements as well as the documents to be

attached in order to apply for the position.

5.2.3 The LC Executive board shall send out all the application forms and endorsement letters to the

LC after the deadline.

5.2.4 Candidates for the position of LCP shall stand for elections without a team.

5.2.5 Application for LCP, that fulfill the requirements and are complete, shall be submitted to the

chairperson before the first day of the Local Legislative Meeting.

5.2.6 The deadline for withdrawal of applications for LCP candidates is 24 hours before the opening

session of the Local Legislative Meeting.

5.3 Election Procedure Each candidate will participate in the election process outlined below at the March Local Legislative Meeting: Each candidate will have 7 minutes opening speech to the local plenary.

For each candidate a round of Q&A shall take place. All voting member shall have right to ask questions.

The duration of the Q&As shall be decided by the LC EB and communicated to the candidates and voting


Each Candidate will have 5 minutes closing speech to the plenary.

Immediately after all the above sessions, ballot papers will be distributed and a vote of yes, no or abstention

will be taken if there is one candidate. For more than one candidate votes shall: name of the one of the

candidate to whom the full member gives his/her vote, abstention.

When the result is counted, the Chair shall call all LCP candidates before the general plenary and declare

the result of the elected LCP (LCPe).

Candidates who were not elected as LCP are eligible to apply for an LC VP position.

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5.4 Voting Procedure

5.4.1 The Chairperson of the LLM shall conduct the whole voting procedure. One Returning Officer

from the LC shall be elected by the present voting members by simple majority

In voting, each full member from AIESEC CONSTANTINE has a single vote. The votes of individual members of the LC have to be dropped into a ballot box according to the roll call of the Chairperson.

5.4.2 In case of more than 50% of the votes being invalid, the round shall be void and there be fresh


5.4.3 In case of over 50% of the votes being abstentions, the election shall deem to have lapsed, and a

fresh round of applications and new election will be called for.

5.4.4 Each voter may cast either i. A vote for one of the candidates ii. An abstention

5.4.5 The Returning Officers in the presence of the Chairperson shall do counting of votes; the final

tally shall be disclosed.

5.5 Local Committee Vice Presidents Applications and Selections

5.5.1 Each Vice President candidate will participate in the selection process outlined below after the

March local Legislative Meeting.

i. Each candidate is required to submit an application form in the required format to AIESEC

CONSTANTINE’s EB by the deadline set. ii. The candidates shall go through a selection process with the LCPe and current EB, then the LCPe

shall make the final decision on his/her team. iii. The application forms for LC VPs shall be released within 15 days after the Local Legislative

Meeting. Unless for important reasons.

5.5.2 In case some LC VP positions have not been filled, the LC EB will open as many rounds as

needed until the whole LC EB team is selected

5.6 Impeachment

5.6.1 To impeach the LCP, an impeachment motion has to be passed in a meeting of the Local

Committee Leadership Team (consisting of all LC EBs and TLs) and representatives of the Board

of Advisors, legislated for the purpose with majority. A case has to be presented by the proposer

and seconder of the motion.

5.6.2 An Extraordinary LLM has to be convened for a special notice of two weeks. The LCP shall have

an opportunity to present her/his case at such a meeting.

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5.6.3 The Impeachment Committee (Local Leadership Team and BoA) will reach a final decision on the

impeachment proceedings.

5.6.4 If the Leadership Team and BoA reach decision to impeach the LCP, a clear and detailed

reasons shall be communicated to the local plenary.

5.6.5 If the LCP do not attend the impeachment proceeding, the Impeachment Committee will take its

decision without him/her

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6.1.1 The membership criteria define the minimum criteria for: i. New People to join the AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s network; ii. Current Members to stay in the AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s network; iii. Which current members will have voting rights at LLMs;

6.1.2 Membership status of members shall be reviewed every quarter.

6.1.3 Newbie (Nbie) AIESEC CONSTANTINE adopts the AIESEC in Algeria’s Criteria of selection of new members as mentioned in the National Compendium. In addition each person who wants to join the LC must satisfy the criteria listed below: i. Have at least average English; ii. Be able to give at least 5h per week to AIESEC; iii. ID and integrity checking; iv. Read and approve the principle association law, and this Compendium; v. Additional Criteria decided by the TM; vi. Provide Legal Document:

- 2 photos;

- Certified copy of an ID;

- Birth Certificate;

- Pay membership fees;

6.1.4 Full Members (FM): To be a full member of the Local Committee, each member must satisfy the criteria listed below for a period of three months. The criteria will be evaluated in an ongoing way (each Quarter) by the EB and TM department. The criteria are:

i Have joined AIESEC since at least 4 months (120days); ii Be an active member and brings added value for the past 3 months. Determined by EB. iii Must attend at least 2/3 of the meeting of her/his team; iv Must attend at least 2/3 of LCMs of the quarter, and did not attend less than 1/3 of the previous

quarter. v Must attend at least 2/3 of his/her team meeting (departments or OC meeting) of the quarter, and did

not attend less than 1/3 of his/her team meeting (departments or OC meeting) of the previous quarter.

vi Behaves in accordance with the AIESEC way (spirit, values). Determined by EB. vii Respects and does not violate this compendium. viii Pay Membership fees to AIESEC CONSTANTINE;

For criteria where “Determined by EB” figures, the satisfaction or non-satisfaction of these criteria is determined by the EB and the LCVP responsible for the member.

6.1.5 Members in Alert (MiA):

If one or more of the above criterion is not met the Member is downgraded to Member in Alert. If a member remains MiA for two consecutive quarters, the member will be discharged from the LC and local association.

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6.2 Application for Membership in AIESEC Constantine The procedure of Application for membership in AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall be set by the EB and TM structure regarding the situation. In the last month of each quarter, the EB opens application for full membership for the upcoming quarter.

6.3 Procedure of Membership Review and Removal of Membership

The Procedure for membership review and removal shall be set by the TM structure regarding the situation. If a member is removed he/she shall do all the process of recruitment again to be able de be a member of AIESEC CONSTANTINE.

6.4 Procedure for Membership Evaluation:

6.4.1 A member can evolve from TMP to TLP and/or TLP to X and/or TMP to X and/or X to TLP.

6.4.2 Only Full members can go from TMP to TLP and from TMP to X and from TLP to X.

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7.1.1 The revenue of the organization shall consist of sponsorships, advertisements, internships fees

(EP and TN side), projects income as well as any other sources the organization may decide.

7.1.2 The Registered Act’s financial responsibility shall be limited to assets. Members shall not be

liable personally.

7.1.3 Every year the LC EB shall submit audited accounts of the closed financial year for the approval

of the LC following the close of the financial year.

7.2 Financial Regulation for the LC

7.2.1 Members’ Financial Obligations:

The Members shall have financial obligation toward the local committee.

7.2.2 All members regardless of their membership status, shall pay membership to AIESEC

CONSANTINE. The membership fees are 500.00 DZD per Quarter.

7.2.3 The EB and LCVP F shall set procedure for the payment of membership fees, including deadline

for members to pay the fees.

7.2.4 The EB and Finance department shall provide members with a payment proofs;

7.2.5 AIESEC CONSTANTINE Shall provide payment proof of any money it receives, such as

membership fees, exchange fees, conference fees, etc. The payment proof shall include:

i. Date of the payment; ii. Full name of the payer;

iii. Amount of the payment; iv. Reason of the payment; v. Signature of the receiver;

vi. Stamp of the local association;

7.2.6 AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s Financial Management: The financial regulations rule the employment of the funds and fees of AIESEC CONSTANTINE. The LCP is responsible for the funds and fees of the LC within the limits of the budget and the decisions taken by AIESEC CONSTANTINE and AIESEC in Algeria. The LCP is also responsible for the daily expenditures incurred by the LC.

The LC VP F, if exist, is responsible for maintaining complete records of the financial transactions of the LC.

At the end of each financial year, AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall have an external audit done by the MC VP F. Or through other process set by the MC.

The financial year for AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall be from January 1st

to December 31st

, as mentioned in the National Compendium.

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7.2.7 AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s Budget: The budget is the basis for the administration of all income and expenditure and for the audit. The LCP in office for the next financial year presents the budget information for the following year to the LC at the September General Meeting. The final budget shall be presented to the MC of AIESEC in Algeria before the December National Legislative Meeting.

7.2.8 AIESEC CONSTANTINE’s Reports: AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall present an up-to-date financial report to the MC each year. The report has to be distributed before the start of the meeting. The Financial regulations of AIESEC CONSTANTINE independently ruled by AIESEC CONSTANTINE.

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8.1 Definition

AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall have the following LC Meetings every year; i. Local Legislative Meeting (LLM) for elections, planning and legislation; ii. A kick-off in the beginning of a new term; iii. A MOVEDAY every quarter for trainings and members’ development purposes;

iv. Local leadership Development Seminar, for training, planning, strategy and

members’ development purposes;

8.2 March LLM

This Annual LLM shall be an election meeting for AIESEC CONSTANTINE as well as legislative meeting.

8.3 National and International Conferences

8.3.1 Only the full members and Newbies of AIESEC CONSTANTINE are allowed to attend National


8.3.2 Only the full members and newbies of AIESEC CONSTANTINE are allowed to attend

International Conferences.

8.3.3 For members in Alert, the EB shall decide whether to grant right for these members to go for

local, national and international conferences

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9.1 Definition

AAB Alumni Advisory Board

AI AIESEC International

BoA Board of Advisors

EB Executive Body

EP Exchange Participant

ER External Relations

FM Full membership

GBM General Body Meeting

GCDP Global Community Development Program

GEP Global Exchange Program

GIP Global Internship Program

GM General Meeting

ICB Internal Control Board

LC Local Committee

LC EB Local CommitteeExecutiveBoard

LC VP Local Committee Vice President

LCP Local Committee President

LCPe Local CommitteePresidentelected

LLM Local Legislative Meeting

MC Member Committee


MemberCommittee Vice president

MCEC Member Committee Exchange Controller

MCP Member Committee President

MCPe Member Committee President elected

MiA Member in Alert

NM National Meetings

NST National Support Team

NYDS National Youth Development Seminar

OC OrganizingCommittee

OCP Organizing Committee President

PAI President of AIESEC International

9.2 Procedure for Minutes

The Procedures for minuting at AIESEC CONSTANTINE shall be the same as in the National Compendium.

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