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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Aircraft Corrosion Control &


    For Aero Officers & Technicians

    July 2010

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    What is Corrosion?

    It is a electro chemical deteriorationofmetal because of its chemical reaction

    with the surrounding environment

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    Is it a Problem?

    Corrosion is most often a slow processof metaldeteriorationtakes considerable time period

    Eg Pitting, Exfoliation Also sometimes occurs very quickly(In days or

    hours) - Can leads to catastrophic failures

    Eg Stress Corrosion cracks, Corrosion fatigue


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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Why is it Important?

    Aging SLAF aircrafts fleetover 25 -30 years Kafir Year of Mfc 19791984

    Mi 24/35 19851996

    Bell 412 19841997

    Bell 212 1979 -1984

    Mig 27 1981 -1985

    Corrosion is unavoidableone of the most

    critical maintenance problem (Aircraft structures& Ground Equipment)

    Because metals are unstable in their refined forms(Tends to revert back to its natural forming state)

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Then What?

    It is important as technical officers &Technicians To inspectcorrosion frequently

    To identifyCorrosion types To Treat Corrosion

    These are the responsibilities of the operator Should be accomplished based on

    Manufacturers recommendation Common advisory circular Operators own program

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Corrosion Control & PreventionProgram (CCPP)

    Is a Preventive Maintenance and control Is required to prevent In-flight mishap or

    excessive down time for repairs Effectiveness Depends directly on

    operating Environment Exposed to salt

    Atmospheric Industrial Pollutions

    Over water operations

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    Corrosion Control & PreventionProgram (CCPP)contd

    Requirements to prevent corrosion Constant Cycle of cleaning

    Inspection Operational preservation


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    Corrosion Control & PreventionProgram (CCPP)contd

    The basic philosophyof CCPP Should adequately trained staff

    Knowledge of corrosion identification techniques

    Emphasis on the responsibility of program Inspectionson Schedule basis

    Aircraft washingat regular scheduled intervals

    Routine cleaningof all exposed unpainted surfaces

    Keep drain holes free

    Inspection removal & re application of preservation compounds Prompt Corrosion treatmentafter detection

    Accurate record keeping

    Use appropriate materials, equipmentetc

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    Corrosion Theory

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    Chemical Definitions Element: Any substance that cannot be separatedinto different substances by

    ordinary chemical methods.

    Atom: The smallest unit of an element. Consists of three parts, the proton (positivecharge), electron (negative charge), and neutron (no charge).

    Electron: A negatively charged particle. An electric current charge occurs whenelectrons are forced to move through metal conductors. Electrons flow through

    water solutions only in the presence of ions.

    Ions: Atoms or groups of atoms bound together, which are positively or negativelycharged. An electric current occurs when ions are forced to move through watersolutions. Ions cannot move through metal conductors.

    Electrolyte: A liquid (usually water) solution containing ions. Salt water is an


    Ionization: The formation of one or more ions by the addition of electrons to or theremoval of electrons from an electrically neutral atomic or molecular configuration

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010



    Fourcomponents ANODE: A metal, which has a tendency to


    CATHODE: A dissimilar material, or aprotected part of the same metal. Its size

    (large or small) determines rate of corrosiveaction.

    METAL PATH: An electrical contact, orconductor, that allows transfer of electronsfrom anode to cathode.

    ELECTROLYTE: Any form of liquid thatcontains ions and conducts electricity.

    electrolyte is the only factor we can control

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Corrosion Theory

    It is a natural Phenomenon Attacks metal by chemical or Electro chemical

    action Convert metalinto metallic compoundOxide,

    Hydroxide, Sulfate.

    Erosionis not a corrosion. It is a metaldestruction by mechanical action

    Noble Metals(Gold, Platinum) do no corrode

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    Elimination of ANY of these conditions willstop Corrosion

    ExamplesApplication of a paint film on the metal


    Passive filming (invisible Oxide film)Corrosion products are tightly bound to thecorroding metale.g. Stainless Steel,Titanium

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    ALL corrosive attacks begins on theSurface of metal. Then go inside

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010



    Paint coating can MASK the initial stagesof corrosionInspect paint for Blisters,

    Flakes, Chips or Lumps Corrosive products generally X5 higher

    than the original volume of material.

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Factors influencing Corrosion

    Type of metal Most active metals (Which tend to lose electrons

    easily) corrode easily eg; Mg, Al

    Most noble metals (do not lose electrons easily) donot corrode easily eg; Gold, Silver

    Heat treatment & Grain direction Leaves stresses inside the material

    Allows moisture at saturation in air

    Presence of electrolyte Hard water, dirt, Salt, battery fluid, engine exhaust

    gases will increase the rate of corrosion

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    Factors influencing CorrosionContd

    Temperatureaccelerate chemical reaction Anode & Cathode surface area(in galvanic


    Mechanical stressesleft on the material- duringmanufacturing processes (machining, forming,welding or heat treatments)

    Presence of biological organisms Molds, Fungi & other living organism grow on dampsurfaces

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Types/Forms of Corrosion

    Uniform Etch Corrosion Direct chemical Attackon the metal surface

    Involves ONLY the metal surface

    Initially a dull surface later become rough

    Discolouration due to temperature is not a UE

    This type of corrosion appears to be uniform

    because of the microscopic anodes andcathodes are constantly shiftingfrom onearea to another

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    Types/Forms of CorrosionContd

    Pitting Corrosion Most common in Al & Mg Alloys

    First noticeable as a white or gray powderdeposits

    Once removed tiny pits or holescan be seen

    This localized corrosion is rapid and severe

    because its molecular construction iscomprised of large passive cathodes and smallactive anodes

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Types/Forms of CorrosionContd

    Galvanic Corrosion Occurs when two dissimilar metals contact with


    Recognizable by the presence of build up of corrosion

    at thejoint between metals(mainly anode)- verycommon around fasteners

    Surface area of the anode is smaller than the cathodeRapid & Severe

    Greater the difference in activity table, the faster thecorrosion occurs

    Aluminum & GoldfasterAluminum & Cadmiumslower

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Types/Forms of CorrosionContd

    Concentration cell/ Crevice Corrosion Most commonly found in faying (overlapping) areas

    The electrolyte seeps into crevicesdue to capillaryaction

    It becomes stagnated and create potential differenceof Oxygen and iron

    It has Three categories Metal Iron Concentration cellcorrosion just outsidethe

    crevice, usually occurs in similar meals

    Oxygen Concentration Cellcorrosion occurs within thecrevice, usually formed in metal to non metal couples

    Active Passive Celloccurs on metals with oxide films(passive films). Deposit of dirt of contaminants willdeteriorate the oxide film

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Types/Forms of CorrosionContd

    Filiform corrosion It is a special form of oxygen concentration cell corrosion

    occurs on metal surfaceshaving an organic coatingsystem(paints)

    corrosion actually takes place between the metal surface and the

    coating worm like traces

    occurs on aluminum, magnesium, and steel and may lead tomore serious corrosion

    Occurs due to paint deteriorationdue to the Sun or aging

    more prominent when the relative humidity is between 78-90%and the surface is slightly acidic

    It starts at breaks in the coating system, such as scratches, andcracks around fasteners and seams

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Types/Forms of CorrosionContd

    IntergranularCorrosion Occurs AROUND the grains

    High strength Al Alloys (2014,7075) are more susceptible

    Grain boundary & Grain centercan react with each other asAnode & Cathode

    MOST Dangerous types ofcorrosion

    Unnoticed during Visual

    inspection Detected ONLY through NDT

    7075 T-6 Aluminum Alloy

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Forms of Corrosion

    Exfoliation Corrosion-Advance form of intergranular corrosion

    Surface grains of metal are lifted by the forcesof expanding corrosion products just bellowthe surface

    Most prone in wrought products asExtrusions, Thick sheets, thin plates

    Occurs ALONG the grain boundaries

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  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Corrosion and Mechanical Factors

    Two major Mechanical factors which aggravate corrosion Residual stresses (with in the part)

    Cyclic loads applied (Outside the part)

    Three types Stress Corrosion cracksintergranular cracks

    Corrosion fatiguecombine effect of cyclic loadsandcorrosion

    Fretting Corrosion cracksoccurs at two highlyloaded surfaces

    Erosion by sand or rain remove surface protective filmsand leads to corrosion

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Stress Corrosion & FatigueCorrosion Cracks identification

    O O O O O

    O O O O O

    O O O O OFatigue CracksStress Cracks

    along the grainboundaries

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    Common Corrosive Agents


    Salt SubstancesAtmosphere Water

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    Common Corrosive Agents

    Acids Most destructive is Sulfuric (Battery Acid)

    Halogen Acids (Hydrofluoric, Hydrochloric) Nitrous Oxide compounds

    Organic Acids (Urine)

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Common Corrosive Agents

    Alkaline Not corrosive as Acids

    Al & Mg Alloys are prone to corrosive attack Washing soda, Potash (wood ashes), Lime(cement dust)


    Good electrolyte Some stainless steels are resistance to attack

    Mg & Al alloys are highly Vulnerable to attack

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Common Corrosive Agents

    Atmosphere Oxygen

    High humidity Marine Precipitation

    Acid Rains

    Water Contaminated with industrial wastes

    Salt in natural water

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Inspection Requirements

    Should be a part of a routine maintenance job(i.e. daily, pre flight)

    Inspection is a continuous need

    Arrange inspection in such a way to minimizedown time Always Refer manufactures recommendations If trouble areas observed-pay more attention

    Concern of the area of operation (salty, dry etc) In addition to routine inspections introduce

    special inspection frequencies

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Inspection RequirementsContd

    If aircraft operate in sever conditionsmore frequent inspections (Eg: 15 days)

    Aircraft should be washed prior to ANYinspection Instruct technicians with specific

    objectives and areas to look for corrosion

    If utilization is low, corrosion inspectionshould be based on calendar (not hrs)

  • 8/12/2019 Aircraft Corrosion for Off & Tech July 2010


    Corrosion Inspection

    Primary approach Should be regular & Schedule basis

    All inspection should starts with thoroughcleaning

    Visual inspection

    Detail inspection Done through NDT

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    General Safety Procedure

    Handling solvents, special cleaners, surface activationmaterials (alodine ) Avoid prolong breathing of vapours (use respirators, adequate


    Never add water to acid, always add acid to water

    Mixing chemicals as per manufacturers advice

    Make access to emergency water source

    Avoid prolong usage or contact of solvent

    Wash immediately if solvents are body contacted

    Do not eat or keep food in close areas (will absorb)

    Wash hands before eating or smoke

    Ensure proper disposal of waste material

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