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D. W. Drake and H. W. Foster Research Group Engineers

Lockheed Aircraft Corporation Burbank, california


The typical airplane landing sear is basicaJ.l.y a rather s:f.lllple shock absorb­ing device whose characteristic8 can nonal.l.y' be described with considerable accuracy by a system of three or four s1Jmltaneous differential equations. How­ever, due to the fact that the system includes a number of non-l1Dear and discontinuous elements, it has been :lmpractical to obtain ~ical solutions ot the equations without making s1mpli~ assumptions which severely' l1lll1ted the value ot the results. For this reason the shock strut energy absorbing cbaracter­istics have general.ly been developed exper:lmen~ by laboratory drop tests of an actual landing sear, and the landing gear evaluation has been accClllplished by extensive laboratory and flight tests. This design method is obvi0u8~ tar traa ideal, since all structure ef'f'ected by landing loads must origiDal~ be desisned to assumed landing gear cbaracteristics, and the landing gear test results do not becane available in t1me to allow design cbanges to be made econamicaJ.l.y.

The developaent ot cheap and reliable electronic differential a.na.ly'zers suggested that practical ~ical solutions of landing gear characteristics might now be possible. To investigate this possibility a stuely' was initiated ot a landing gear for which relatively ccaplete drop test data were available. This paper reports the results of the study and ccape.res the drop test results with

. ana~ical solutions obtained on Boeing Electronic ADalogue Caaputers. The work was done at Lockheed Aircraft Corp. by the Structures Research and MatheE.tical Analysis Departments.

Description of Landing Gear

A typical main landing gear system consists essentialq of a large Jll88S

(usually' considered to be one-half the mass of the airplane), coupled throqh a shock absorber (oleo strut) to a wheel and tire assembly. 'l'h.e shock absorber itself' normally consists of a cylinder and piston assembly' so a.rranp4 that closure is resisted by (a) the flow of oil through a fixed or variable orifice to provide a force which is a tunction of the velocity of closure, and (b) by a gas pressure prOviding a force which is a function of the closure displacement. The shock strut cylinder is rigidly attached and braced to the airplane structure, but the shock strut piston carries fore and aft (drag) and side loads in cantilever bending; closure of the strut is therefore also resisted by a friction load ot significant magnitude.

The most critical function ot the landing gear, the function that cantrole the design ot the shock strut, is to stop the vertical motion ot the airplane during landing at a controlled deceleration rate which limits the forces aDd accelerations on the airplane structure to values within the design strength envelope. It is normal to design for airplane sinking speeds ot the order of 10 ttf sec and to require the landing gear to limit accelerations to values not


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to exceed 1-1/2 to 3 times gravity. During the impact period the airplane is still tlying, that is, all or a large percentage of the weight of the airplane is still carried by the wings, so the landing gear is required to absorb little it a.u:y more than the kinetic energy stored in vertical velocity.

The most 1DIportant degrees of freedom tor defining the landing gear charac­teristics are:

1. Vertical motion of the airplane mass with respect to the landing surface.

2. Vertical motion of the "unsprlmg" mass (wheel, tire and piston) with respect to the landing surface.

,. Fore c:md aft horizontal motion of the unsprung mass with respect to an airplane reference axis.

4. Rotation ot the wheel and tire assembly about its axJ.e.

'!'he first two of these are, of course, first order motions with respect to the prilBry function of the landing gear. The third and fourth, while not strictly first order motions with respect to the shock absorbing characteristics of the landing gear, are responsible tor S.aIle of the critical landing gear design cOJl41tions, and may, in addition, have 1DIportant effects on the shock strut characteristics through their effect on friction forces.

Landing Gear Equations

i'he laMing gear system was idealized as shown in Figure 1. This figure also aefiDes the symbols used in the following discussion. The effect of drag deflection on geClDetry is neglected. The airplane mass, Mll is assumed to be canstra1Ded to move vertic~ without rotation. The mass, ~, is constrained to lIOVe relative to lower portion of the gear in the "Z" direction only.

The equations of motion for the idealized gear are:

t= 5in 8 + S I<z cos 8 + Mz h - Po + J<.~ n 2 0 {<,v + MzV +SKI.5;n 8 - ~cojB =0

M, X + r: C05 8 - (J - L ) W : 0 and the displacements are def'ined as


h· y.sin B +zCOj8 0 " • V - $ 5i n 8 + !:J CO.5 e ®

!be torce resisting compression of' the oleo is the sum of' an orif'ice torce, a gas pressure torce, and a r.riction force,



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HYdraulic Orifice Force

The orifice force was assumed to be

wherei is the velocity of strut closure and B is proportional to net orifice area. B is constant in a strut with a plain orifice but variable with strut position when a metering pin is used. The direction o't this force is always such that it resists piston motion, i.e., it bas the same sign as i. Gas Pressure Force

The gas pressure force is a function of shock strut stroke, y, and is defined by the following equation:

® where E is the ~ extended shock strut volume divided by the strut area, A, and n defines the type of caupres s ion • Reference 1 suggests that n = 1.1 is a gOod approximation for most gears, and that value was used in this investigation. In the canputer, Eq. 8 was approximated by three straight lines using limiters as shown in Figure 2. This force always acts to extend tHe piston and hence is always positive.

Shock Strut Friction Force

The drag force applied to the shock strut piston produees a shear force and a maaent in the piston, and in addition, the vertical forces produce a acaent in the piston. These forces are reacted by the upper and lover bear1Dgs in the oleo. The bearing loads will, of course, vary with strut stroke since the reactiDs manen.t arms change. The friction force reSisting closure ot the oleo is the result of these bearing :toads, and may be defined as

® See Figure 3. A value of' .05 was~ed for the coefficient of friction, ).12' on the. basis o't scme ,limited data collected on other struts. The friction.torce always acts to resist motion of the piston and ~ce has the same sign as r. Fore and Aft Drag Force

In an 'airplane landing during the traction ot a second after CClDtact, the landing gear wheel assembq is accelerated in rotation trom zero to a peripheral speed equal to the airplane forward velocity. In drop tests in the laboratory this phenomenon is s:1mulated by rotating the wheel assembly backwards before dropping, and this procedure vas assumed in the caaputer. In this tashion the same wheel speed change and hence ener&y exchange is obtained as in a landing. The gear drag forces are caused by this wheel acceleration, which in turn, is caused by the friction force between the tire and the landing surface. The coefficient of friction is assumed to be constant for design purposes but varies considerably in practice. See Reference 2.


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The triction force is defined as

KlV being the normal force between the tire and landing surface. Since the torque produced by this force is r~cted by the wheel assembly inertia, the gear feels this force as being applied at the axle as indicated in Figure 1. The Eq. of rotational motion of the wheel assemblY is

Po (R-v) • Iw ® and

w =fwdt When the wheel speed change is canpleted, the tire no longer slides relative to the surface and Pn becanes zero. In the canputer setup this was accanplished by using Eq. 10 for Pn until W changed sign and then making PD equal zero.

After spin-up, as the gear oscillates fore and aft, the wheel rolls or slides, and this motion, plus any damping in the gear, absorbs energy fran the drag • oscillation. These effects were lumped as the K3h term of' Eq.l.

Fore and Aft Oscillation Frequency

The natural :rrequency of the gear in the drag direction varies with the position of the piston in the shock strut, the system being much stiffer ~hen the piston is bottcmed than when it is tully extended. Some available test data suggest tbat a gear will be approxmately three times as stiff ful~ compressed as when tully extended and that a linear variation with strut stroke is a reasonable a~t1on of the variation. Lacking better information, the fore and aft spring constant, 12, is de~ined tor these tests as

~% ~ /{FE (1 + ~;,,,) @ DdaconttDuities in Shock Strut Action

A landing gear has several discontinuities in its action, mathematically speaking. InitiallY the air force and the friction force hold the shock strut tully extended asatnst mechanical stops until applied force exceeds the preload, i.e., the shock strut bas one less degree of freedom during this period. This tact permits the use of Eq. 2 for defining the strut force, Fl, during the initial period. In the computer, the strut force, F, used in the differential equations (Eq. 1, 2 and 3) was Fl tram Eq. 2 until Fl - F2 changed sign; then, by means ot a relay, F was taken as F2, the force resisting closure of the strut.

Another discontinuity occurs when the shock strut bottoms • '!'his discontin­uity was s:lmulated by the very steep line in the limiter generation ot the air torce which had the effect of making the strut very stiff and forcing any downward motion ot Ml into tire deflection.

A discontinuity in the fore and aft motion occurs because in an actual landing gear there is SaDe looseness or slop in the system which appears as deflection without load change as load direction is reversed. Such slop will generally


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increase the ~c cauponent of the drag load. This cbaracteristic was simul.ated with a limiter by relating the motion of ~ relative to the piston, Z, to the drag spring deflection, S, as shown in Figure 4.

Ccmputer Set-Yp

Following normal differential analyzer practice, the basic system equations were solved for the highest derivative of each variable. The circuit used for generating and relating the variables is shown in FigUl"e 5. The .. computer work was done in the Mathematical Analysis Group using tour of their Boeing electronic analogue canputers, a Miller phototormer, and Gooayear servo multipliers. Data were collected as a £'unction of time on a two-channel Brush recorder and load vs. strut stroke curves were plotted on a Dumont 304H oscilloscope and photographed with a Land camera.

Test Landing Gear

The test landing gear is shown in Figure 6, installed tor drop testing. The shock strut is metered by a fixed orifice. The axle centerline passes through the strut axis but the center of the tire is 16.1 inches to the side of the strut axis. This value was used for L3. 'file system constants used in the canputer simul.ation are tabulated in Table I.

The system was set up on the canputer and the constant, B, in the orifice equation was adjusted for best. agreement with the drop test vertical load VB. strut stroke curve for a 29,500 lb. drop weight, 10 -rt/sec drop in the nose down attitude. The drag spring constant, KFE, was then adjusted to match the fore and aft natural frequency indicated by the drop test data for this same drop. A slop of ±1/8 in. was found to produce about the same discont1nuity in passing through zero drag load, as indicated by the drop test data. The constant, K3, in Eq. 1 was adjusted to match the drag load decay rate after spin-up for the reterence drop. The drop tests of this gear were made on a concrete reaction surface. As the coefficient of friction developed by this surface varied during each drop, an R-C circuit was adjusted to provide a variation in the applied drag load, 11>, more close~ simul.atiDg the drop tests. See drag force comparisons 1n Figures 16 and 17.

With the system adjusted to match this one drop test, data were obtained for a range of contact velocities at a 29,500 lb. drop weight, Dose up and Dose down, and at 33,750 and 38,500 lb. drop weights in the nose down attitude. Plots caaparing the canputer and the drop test data are presented in Figures 7 through 17.

In these figures, it is seen that the s1llulation of vertical load character­istics is rather good, although the further the test condition gets frQl the drop for which system was adjusted, the larger the differences between the caaputer and drop test data. This is particularly noticeable at the' high drop weight where the strut force climbs well up the air pressure curve near strut bottaa1ng. Part of the error in this region may be explained as poor silllulation of the air curve in the computer. See Figure 2. The drag load aata caaparisons show that the charac-ter of the spin-up and springback phencaenon was fairly well silllulated but that the magnitudes of the drag loads in the cCIIIpUter are consistently lower than in the drop tests. .


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The detail reasons for these differences are ·not known but are probably of two types: (1), it was necessary for lack of better intormation to make same unsubstantiated estimates of SaDe of the system constants, and (2), there is very little detail information on the various phenomena present in a gear d\U'"ing landing so tbat SaDe of the equations describing the system are at best only rough approx­:tma.tions. In addition, it bas been shown (Ref. A) that variations as high as l5~ may be expected in conducting so called identical drop tests, so SaDe scatter of results would be expected in any case.

In view of these factors, it is felt that, in the present state of the art, the simulation of the test landing gear is quite good.

Discussion of Results

The significant result of this investigation is the successtul practical solution of landing gear mathematics describing landing gear action in detail. Any lack of accuracy in the simulations was due to lack ot knowledge ot the gears and not due to limitations of the cauputer. In other words, g1 yen an accurate functional knowledge ot landing gears, accurate simulations of a given gear can be expected on the computer.

Most exper1mental work with landing gears in the past has been directed toward determining the overall characteristics ot a given gear under specif'ied test conditions. Very little work bas been done investigating the detaIl opera­tion of J and 1 ng gears because little practical use cowl.d be made of the 1nf'orma­tion if it were available. ~is investigation suggests that the differential analyzer provides a means ot overcamiDg the problem of handling landing gear mathematics and hence emphaSizes the need for more basic information on landing gears.

In setting up the gear simulations, it was apparent that more knowledge was needed of the follov1ng gear phenaaena:

1. The relation between the orifice torce and fluid velocity through the orifice.

2. The exponent to be used with the air caupression equation.

:5. The source of' strut friction and the raDge of variation ot strut bear iDs coef'ticients ot friction.

4. Correspondence between e:f.'f'ect1ve and calculated tire mcaent o't inertia.

5. Variation ot drag rigidity with strut stroke.

6. The amount of' slop'to be expected with different gear configurations.

7 • The magnitude of' damping ot f'ore and af't oscillations when the tire i8 on the ground.

Most ot these items can be rather simply evaluated during drop testa. After such information has been obtained in specitication drop testing ot a nUlliber ot gears, it seems probable that landing gear installations may be rather accurately evaluated during the early stages of design, and it w1ll probably be possible to confine testing of specific gears to the determination of accurate gear constants,

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after which broad range survey tests -can be done in the computer where it will be pOssible to include other airplane structure beyond the landing gear.


1. NACA TN 2477, Sept., 1951, "Investigation of' Air - Canpression Process During Drop Tests of' an Oleo Pneumatic Tanning Gear. It

2. "Friction Surfaces for Spin-Up S1mulation in Landing Gear Drop Tests, II by D. W. Drake" Trans. ASME" Oct." 1952.





~O"e L t------+------I-------I-------+-------

Lb~. A 7700 ~-------- - .-- _.- -----------. '-- --------- ---- f----- -----

ins. E 17.4G f-----. - ----- -- ---'---

ins. LI '~.7 ---4------4--------- --------- .--

ins. L2, 22.0 t------+------t----- 1--------- --- .. --.. -----

inS. L ~ __ _____ _ 1~1.1 f---------

ins. 'R '28i.~ ------------. - I

YmaY.. I6~O -------.------ --- --f- -----,-


None )11,25 -- --- --

None ___ +---,--)l_...::2=--~_ f-- _____ ---+--_,_05 __ +--_--+ in.- Lbs.- se~ I 419

1-------+-----+------ ----- ---------f---~

lb·An. KFE 5000 ~~~-,:-w-_+_--------- f-------- - f--------- -.---1------

lbs.·,eCr M2 '2.6~ In. _-+_._~

None n 1.1 1-----\:1. •.• ~. K~ ---I-- ~ I--_~in':.-----t __ -"----- ----- --- -- - -- ---- -- f----

Lbs. ~~ W_~i~ht 29, SC?O ~~) 150 ~S) soo

- - -- ---, ----

~i~·· __ f- ____ Ml .--r--.1'~~-- __ 81.5 ~~.8 Lbyfn. K, 8,400 101'200 12,100_

Figure 1 - Landing Gear Schematic Diagram


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! -- -- , 80

60 j

~ r

M'l ~ ""T'W

&EAC i ~ EQ.8 ~r--.. 7~

20 ~ ~

- -==-== r""""""""

0 o 4 8 12 16


Figure 2

Approximation Used for Gas Pressure Force

-s :--------------

Figure 4 S:1mulation of "Slop" in Fore and Aft Motion

Figure :3


Schematic Diagram Defining Friction Force


Figure 5 - Electronic Analog Simulation of Landing Gear


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°O:-~~4--~~8----~12~~~I~ STRUT STROKE (in.)

~r~~--------~--~~~ 114., .•. CONTACT \lt~OCITY

I ! i- _+_~---I

.L_ !. I •

_. -+---t---I --+ WINS ~n

F1gure 7 - Vert1cal Load Versus Shoclt strut stroke 29,500 !bs. Test We1ght - Bose Down Attitude

Figure 6 - Photograph of Test Land1Dg Gear "Installed in. Drop 'lest 'lower


~~--~~--r--r~--~~~ l~_tL~~~::..t a --I ~~~~--r--~~~~--+

--+--+-----t -~+. - -!--­iWII'UFT

4 8 12 II 5nUT snOKE (In.)

4 a 12 STiUT snOKE (In.)


Figure 8 - Vertical. Load Versus Shock strut stroke 29,500 Lbs. Test We1ght - Nose Up Att1tude

..-;;-~ g

t:l g ..J

~ ~ > ~ ~

60 NOsE DOWN ! I

....J. 50

k:: V r 40 /v v Lt I WING ,LlFT-~ 3:

K 2 J. : .,v ,!WINGLlf( 20 .."

I 10

1 ! I o 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 I 12-INITIAL CONTACT VtLOCITY (Ft-/sec.)






: L~ I

L~V ! ! I----~--f---

V LiWINGLIFT ./" ~ j

I i

10 j I

0 I ! j

4 5 , 7 8 9 10 II 12 'NITIAL CONTACT VELOCITY (Fi.jSec)

Figure 9 - _~imam Vert1cal. Load Versus Contact Vel.ocity 1000 RPM Init1al Wheel Speed 29,500 Lb. '!'est We1ght


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AA U,j

16 ... " e 4






'" ~ 1010

Figure 10 - Maximum Vertical Load Versus 'Test Weight 1000 RFM Wheel Speed - Nose Down Attitude

;u CQN ~ vtl.OCr- S,Ep.L 50 CONT~T Vl.LOCITV - 10 ~;.. ••

~ -"'-~ .. "'"

... ~

- / ,\j !{

10 .~




4 V /

4 -..... [7 V -



.... 6 8 10 \ '

~ ","C) ~ ~ I ~~ V \~ I

\ , C


I I / I I'-~ ~-

I "'"" V I V' Fa j

' ...... / /1 ~ --:"--..... .......


I jV F. ~!7 :

FF~ ~r' I F., L# 20 ~ ~ !.I j.,"

-~ ~'

Fa ~ V ~ / Fa

10 ~

4 8 I~ S1'R.UT STROKE (In.)

16 ... & 12-STRUT STROKE (In.)



Figure 11 - Composition of Shock strut Force 1000 RPM Wheel. Speed Nose Down Attitude 29 .. 500 Lb. Test Weight (Cc:m.tPUter Data)

Fiaure 12

Maximum Axle Drag Load Versus Contact Velocity 1000 RPM Wheel Speed 2/3 Wing Lift '29 .. 500 Lb. Weight }fose Down Attitude



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.... .... 20









" 20


o DROP lilT ~T~ --au.t~T~

I ) I

~ --I

----~-, . r-- INITIAL CONT~CT VELOCITY· f.1to'. 4 6 8 10' I


'\ ~ ....I~

" ~ V \~ \ \

I :

28 -~=~~A ~:rA~_~ __ -+--

24 +~~--20 • -- --t--



Figure 13

Ma.x1Dmm. Axle Drag Load versus Ccmtact Velocity' 1000 :RPM Wheel Speed 2/3 Wing Lift 29,500 Lb. Weight Bose Up Attitude

.0 I*)p Tl.5T ~T~ -MAC DATA

20 .. t-o IOf';',. D ItO'

V 4 0

~ ~ "- ..... ~ ,~", 'DROP V .....


~ V I


I 200 400 GOO aoo 1000 I I -_.--t. ~ 1-'-- - Ii' 4) \ i i ~l

~i'.. Vi ! X l\ }. I "I~" ~OP . ~ V ---\0.1 J r"1\ \ £po" DROP- f----

~\l-,v )~ .


P1pr8 14 - Max1Jaum .Azle Drag Load versus Wheel. Speea 2/3 WiDg l+1f'e 29,500 Lb. Test Weight .oae Down Attitude

Figure 15 - Max:slaum Axle Drag Load versus Wheel Speed 2/3 Wing Lift . 29,500 Lb. Weight Bose Up Attitude


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- ''''~ JIIlIII; 'fII,

10 ,.-I I.-

o U "'- ........ . - it r-, cu:. CiI_r:..~ 0S2 ~O

-... ,~ • aWL. I I ! I

1 1-"111 ! 1 I

JI"\ 1\ I -to

ljl\, II) t\ ~ hi lIN:

If ,~V 1\\ 'l 1\\ """'" 0

f- " ~ --- -- -- r-- - - - , D

: -- - GIl OM 0.:12 0i1O

... 10,...

~~I ~ J -'~f ( ,-- ....


I ~ ~ I IA [J ~ J rt\l 0 ~ J I: ' \ I , \U \'1' 10

J -., - Gli OM a. 0.10

Fig. 17 Applied and Resultant Axle Drag LOad VB. Time 1000 RPM Wheel Speed 29,500 Lb. Test Weight Nose Up Attitude.


~--- t--


vI \. I{ ~




1 - 051

i ! -j

r> ~ t'\.

V \ If i\.J

; ~




1 I

Fig. 16 Applied and Resultant Axle Drag Load VB. Time.

"' '" ~IIN

1000 RPM Wheel Speed 29,SOO Lb. Test Weight Nose Down Attitude.

0111 ca:. - GiM Q.'II 010

''''a_ CONncT t

ID :[~,+n·-

200 0.

20 10 fp.s. CONTACT VEL. j

~ /. __ -1-----' -_____ __

~ .. 10 ~~ ,g

Q.G4 0:72 o.ao


~ O~~~~4_----~--~----------~

~ sIN)

97 o

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R. H. HacNeal Celifornia Institute of Technology

Pasadena, California


In discussing elastic shells one must be careful to state clearly the type of shell being dis~lsse0. Although a complete description together with re­strictive assllmptions will be given later, it is well to state at the outset thnt the type of shell discussed in this paper is the type to be found in air­craft fusele.ge construction. Such a shell has an elongated shape and consists of a thin skin supported by rings and longitudinal members. In analyzing such shells it is the universal practice to replace the elastic supporting rings by rigid bulkheads in order to simplify the analysis. This assumption 'Will not be made in this paper.

The means of annlysis to be used in this peper is an electric analog com­puter of the "direct. analogy" type. Any complicated system, if it is to be annlyzed. on such a computer, must have its equations 'formulated in a very special way. Essentially one seeks for laws of equivalence between the system being analyzed and a lurlped constant electrical network. The basic laws of equivalence bet~Teen the equations of elasticity and the equations of an electrical circuit are well known. In fact there are two alternative sets of laws depending on whether force is made analogous to current or to voltage. If the former alter­native is chosen the laws of equivalence are: foroe is analogous to current; displacement is analogous to voltage; Hooke's Law is analogous to Ohm's Law; equations of ec:uillbriun are analogous to Kirchhoff's Law for the sum of currents entering a node; and the equations conoerning the compatibility of strains are analogous to Kirchhoff's Law for the voltages around a loop.

HmJever much comfort these basic laws of equivalence may give they are usually insufficient to detennine the form of a lumped constant electrical network that is analogous ~o a given structure. For one thing elastic structures are continuous rather than "lumped", and sQme means must be found for replacing the r-;iven continuous elastic structure by an idealized lumped one before an electrical analogy can be found. This "l~ing" consists either of replacing the differential equations governing the structure by finite-difference equations, or of employil1g other devices such as conoentra.ting nomal stress carrying area . into equivalent f:anges and shear carrying area into equivalent panels. In the an~lysis of stiffened structures this latter approach is reinforced by the fact that much of the structure is in fact so concentrated. In this paper both of the methods mentioned will be used.

In deriving an electrical analogy for an elastic structure an effort should be made to preserve a one-to-one correspondence between the properties of the electrical circuit find the properties of the idealized structure. This corres­pondence me[ins, for exeJIlple, tha.t the current in resistor A is equal to the force in.f1~nge A' multiplied by a scale factor, or that the voltage at node B is equal to the vertical displacement at panel point B' multiplied by a scale


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