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Ajax on Rails

Stuart Halloway and Justin GehtlandCopyright 2005-6 Relevance, LLC

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License To Sample Code

This presentation is Copyright 2005-6, Relevance LLC. You may use any code you find here, subject to the terms below. If you want to deliver this presentation, please send email to [email protected] for permission and details.Sample code associated with this presentation is Copyright (c) 2005-6 Relevance, LLC (www.relevancellc.com), unless otherwise marked. Code citations from other projects are subject to the license(s) appropriate to those projects. You are responsible for complying with licenses for code you use.Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.

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Rails's Role in Ajax

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Prototype Support

Ajax requests


UI observers

Scriptaculous Helpers



JavaScript Generation



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What is Prototype?

Core Support for Dynamic Web Apps

Hides Browser Oddities

Used by Scriptaculous and Rico

Driven and Inspired by Ruby on Rails

Simple and Elegant

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Prototype's Role in Ajax

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Example: Ajax Search

Create a No-Op Form

Prototype Helper Observes User Action

Prototype Helper Submits Ajax Request

Server Renders a Partial

Update innerHTML of a Single Page Element

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Creating a No-Op Form

<%= start_form_tag('javascript:void%200', {:method=> 'filter'}) %>

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Observing a Field By DOM ID

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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Frequency to Check for Field Changes

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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DOM ID to Update With Results

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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Show/Hide Progress Indicator

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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Query Parameters

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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Server URL

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

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Why Full Path?

<%= observe_field :search, :frequency => 0.5, :update => 'ajaxWrapper', :complete=>"Element.hide('spinner')", :before=>"Element.show('spinner')", :with=>"'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value)", :url=>{:action=>'search', :only_path => false} %>

Pragforms Intended for Cross-Site Scripting

Most Ajax Apps Will Not Need This

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Rendered HTML + JavaScript

<input id="search" name="search" type="text" value="" /><script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[new Form.Element.Observer('search', 0.5, function(element, value) { Element.show('spinner'); new Ajax.Updater('ajaxWrapper', 'http://localhost:3010/user/search', { onComplete:function(request){ Element.hide('spinner'); }, parameters:'search=' + encodeURIComponent(value) })})//]]></script>

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Server Side Renders a Partial

def search if params[:search] && params[:search].size>0 @user_pages, @users = paginate :users, :per_page => 10, :order => order_from_params, :conditions=>User.conditions_by_like(params[:search]) logger.info @users.size else list end # params[:action] lets search and sort get _search and _sort render :partial=>params[:action], :layout=>false end

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Server Side Implementation Does Not Use Layout

def search if params[:search] && params[:search].size>0 @user_pages, @users = paginate :users, :per_page => 10, :order => order_from_params, :conditions=>User.conditions_by_like(params[:search]) logger.info @users.size else list end # params[:action] lets search and sort get _search and _sort render :partial=>params[:action], :layout=>false end

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Generalizing From The Search Example

Rails Providers Helper Methods Like observe_field

Helpers Generate JavaScript Code

Options Passed Through to Prototype/Scriptaculous

ruby hashes become JSON notation

Helpers Share Many Common Options

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XHR Helper Methods

Method Trigger

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link_to_remote user clicks a linkform_remote_tag user submits a formremote_form_for user submits a formobserve_field user changes a fieldobserve_form user changes any field in a formsubmit_to_remote user clicks button

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Degradable Ajax

Ajax Apps That Also Function as Plain Old Web Pages

'Same URL' Strategy

pass Ajax-specific header

use partial for Ajax

wrap partial in template/layout for POW

'Different URL' Strategy

Ajax requests to one URL

Non-Ajax requests to a different URL

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Degrading on Same URL

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Degrading to Different URL

<%= link_to_remote('link', {:update=>'jscheck'}, :href=>url_for(:action=>'no_javascript')) %> <%= form_remote_tag(:update=>'jscheck', :url=>{:action=>'yes_javascript'}, :html=>{:action=>'no_javascript', :method=>'post'}) %>

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What is Scriptaculous?

Effects and Widgets Library

Builds on Prototype

Driven and Inspired by Ruby on Rails

Simple and Elegant

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Scriptaculous's Role in Ajax

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Popup List of Choices

Load Possible Matches While User Edits

Several Helper Methods

Simplest Version Assumes AR-Style Model Object

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Text Input

<%= text_field 'user', 'favorite_language' %></p> <div class="auto_complete" id="user_favorite_language_auto_complete"></div> <%= auto_complete_field :user_favorite_language, :url=>{:action=>'autocomplete_favorite_language'} %>

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DOM ID To AutoComplete

<%= text_field 'user', 'favorite_language' %></p> <div class="auto_complete" id="user_favorite_language_auto_complete"></div> <%= auto_complete_field :user_favorite_language, :url=>{:action=>'autocomplete_favorite_language'} %>

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Placeholder DIV For Suggestions

<%= text_field 'user', 'favorite_language' %></p> <div class="auto_complete" id="user_favorite_language_auto_complete"></div> <%= auto_complete_field :user_favorite_language, :url=>{:action=>'autocomplete_favorite_language'} %>

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Ajax Options (URL Required)

<%= text_field 'user', 'favorite_language' %></p> <div class="auto_complete" id="user_favorite_language_auto_complete"></div> <%= auto_complete_field :user_favorite_language, :url=>{:action=>'autocomplete_favorite_language'} %>

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Server Returns Simple HTML List

<ul class="autocomplete_list"> <% @languages.each do |l| %> <li class="autocomplete_item"><%= l %></li> <% end %></ul>

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Drag and Drop

Mark Elements as Draggable

Mark Elements as Drop Targets

Specify Callbacks

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Naming Convention: Model_Id

<ul id='pending_todo_list'> <% @pending_todos.each do |item| %> <% domid = "todo_#{item.id}" %> <li class="pending_todo" id='<%= domid %>'><%= item.name %></li> <%= draggable_element(domid, :ghosting=>true, :revert=>true) %> <% end %> </ul>

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Show Ghost Image While Dragging

<ul id='pending_todo_list'> <% @pending_todos.each do |item| %> <% domid = "todo_#{item.id}" %> <li class="pending_todo" id='<%= domid %>'><%= item.name %></li> <%= draggable_element(domid, :ghosting=>true, :revert=>true) %> <% end %> </ul>

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Snap Image Back After Drag

<ul id='pending_todo_list'> <% @pending_todos.each do |item| %> <% domid = "todo_#{item.id}" %> <li class="pending_todo" id='<%= domid %>'><%= item.name %></li> <%= draggable_element(domid, :ghosting=>true, :revert=>true) %> <% end %> </ul>

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DOM ID of Drop Target

<%= drop_receiving_element('pending_todos', :accept=>'completed_todo', :complete=>"$('spinner').hide();", :before=>"$('spinner').show();", :hoverclass=>'hover', :with=>"'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())", :url=>{:action=>:todo_pending, :id=>@user})%>

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Only Accept Drops With Certain CSS Styles

<%= drop_receiving_element('pending_todos', :accept=>'completed_todo', :complete=>"$('spinner').hide();", :before=>"$('spinner').show();", :hoverclass=>'hover', :with=>"'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())", :url=>{:action=>:todo_pending, :id=>@user})%>

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Various Ajax Options

<%= drop_receiving_element('pending_todos', :accept=>'completed_todo', :complete=>"$('spinner').hide();", :before=>"$('spinner').show();", :hoverclass=>'hover', :with=>"'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())", :url=>{:action=>:todo_pending, :id=>@user})%>

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Set This CSS Class When a Valid Droppable Hovers

<%= drop_receiving_element('pending_todos', :accept=>'completed_todo', :complete=>"$('spinner').hide();", :before=>"$('spinner').show();", :hoverclass=>'hover', :with=>"'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())", :url=>{:action=>:todo_pending, :id=>@user})%>

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Query Follows Naming Convention

<%= drop_receiving_element('pending_todos', :accept=>'completed_todo', :complete=>"$('spinner').hide();", :before=>"$('spinner').show();", :hoverclass=>'hover', :with=>"'todo=' + encodeURIComponent(element.id.split('_').last())", :url=>{:action=>:todo_pending, :id=>@user})%>

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Distinct Style for Drop Areas

<style>.hover { background-color: #888888;}#pending_todos ul li, #completed_todos ul li { list-style: none; cursor: -moz-grab;}#pending_todos, #completed_todos { border: 1px solid gray;}

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Distinct Style for Valid Drops on Hover

<style>.hover { background-color: #888888;}#pending_todos ul li, #completed_todos ul li { list-style: none; cursor: -moz-grab;}#pending_todos, #completed_todos { border: 1px solid gray;}

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JavaScriptGenerator and RJS Templates

Added to Edge November 2005

Call Ruby Methods on Server-Side page Object

Generates JavaScript to Execute on Client

Methods for Prototype and Scriptaculous

Easy to Add Your Own

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Some Basic Generator Calls

RJS Expression (Server) Generated JavaScript on Client

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page.alert('someMessage') alert("someMessage");page.redirect_to(:action=>'foo') window.location.href = "http://www.example.com/foo";page.call('myFunc', 'a_string', 42) myFunc("a_string", 42);page.assign('myVar', 42) myVar = 42;

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Some Prototype Generator Calls

RJS Expression (Server) Generated JavaScript on Client

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page.show('someDomId') Element.show("someDomId");page.hide('someDomId') Element.hide("someDomId");page.toggle('someDomId') Element.toggle("someDomId");

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Uses For JavaScriptGenerator

Update More Than One DOM Element

Update Element And Apply Behavior

Server Takes Control of The Page

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Rendering JavaScript From the Controller

render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'pending_todos', :partial => 'pending_todos' page.replace_html 'completed_todos', :partial => 'completed_todos' page.sortable "pending_todo_list", :url=>{:action=>:sort_pending_todos, :id=>@user} end

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Drag Move Updates More Than One Element

render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'pending_todos', :partial => 'pending_todos' page.replace_html 'completed_todos', :partial => 'completed_todos' page.sortable "pending_todo_list", :url=>{:action=>:sort_pending_todos, :id=>@user} end

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Drag Move Resets Sortable Behavior

render :update do |page| page.replace_html 'pending_todos', :partial => 'pending_todos' page.replace_html 'completed_todos', :partial => 'completed_todos' page.sortable "pending_todo_list", :url=>{:action=>:sort_pending_todos, :id=>@user} end

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Invoking UI Effects

def update_many(options) render :update do |page| options.each do |k,v| page.replace_html k, :partial=>v page.visual_effect :highlight, k end end end

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RJS Templates

View Files That End in .rjs

Same Object Model as render :update

Invoke Methods on page

Generated JavaScript Executes on Client

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JSON Support

Rails Adds to_json to Objects

implemented in ActiveSupport::JSON

Used For Model-Centric Ajax

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JSON Example: Periodically Updating Chat

class ChatJsonController < ApplicationController def retrieve_chats headers['Content-Type'] = "text/json" @chats = get_chats render :text=>@chats.to_json endend

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ResourcesCodecite (Presentations and Code Samples), http://www.codecite.com

Relevance Consulting and Development, http://www.relevancellc.com/main/services

Relevance Training, http://www.relevancellc.com/main/training

Relevance Weblog, http://blogs.relevancellc.com

Projects CitedAjax Labs, http://codecite.com/projects/ajax_labs.zip

Rails Exploration Application, http://codecite.com/projects/rails_xt.zip

Pragmatic Chat Sample Application, http://codecite.com/projects/pragmatic_chat.zip

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