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Page 1: ALC June Messenger


The mission of the American Lutheran Congregation is to bring people of

different nations and denominations together, and in the English language,

empower them into becoming fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ.

The ALC Messenger Volume 57 Issue 6 June /July 2013

“The heart of man plans his

way, but the Lord establishes

his steps.” Proverbs 16:9

Page 2: ALC June Messenger


American Lutheran Congregation

Pastor: Timothy Stewart

Office secretary: Rie Melhoos

Council President: Robert Sebro

Messenger Editors : Mel Engebretsen, Rie Melhoos.

Visiting address: Fritzners gate 15, 0264 Oslo, Norway

Mailing Address: PO Box 3012 Elisenberg, 0207 Oslo,


Phone: + 47 22 44 35 84

Fax: +47 22 44 30 15

Email: [email protected]

Webpage: www.alcoslo.org

Bank account number for offerings :5081.07.47827

The ALC Messenger Monthly Newsletter for the American Lutheran Congregation







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PAGES 14-15









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Pastor’s Corner

Dear Friends,

In the traditional liturgical calendar there is marked a set of days throughout the year.

These days have no particular meaning to the secular world. But to me, and to the com-

munity of faith from which I come, these days commemorate different people who

throughout the history of the church have witnessed to the power of the Gospel of Jesus

Christ by the personal example of their lives. They come from all different races, times

denominations and regions of the world.

This Monday is the commemoration day shared by Columba, died 597; Aidan, died

651; and Bede, died 735; renewers of the church. Tuesday is the Festival of Barnabas,

Apostle. Friday is given over to Basil the Great, Bishop of Caesarea, died 379; Gregory,

Bishop of Nyssa, died around 385; Gregory of Nazianzus, Bishop of Constantinople,

died around 389; and Macrina, theologian, died around 379. They are a diverse bunch,

but what they have in common is a love of God and a story which can serve to inspire

the rest of us.

I also carry around with me, not written in my calendar but

rather on my character, the names of another set of ‘saints’

of a more personal nature: Dr. Fred Prosh, Mrs. Clemmens

and Miss Zeidler from my childhood and Mamma Lloyd

and Trip Smith from when I was a teenager. There are

other names as well – all people who have in some way

been an inspiration to me in my faith journey.

They are the Sunday School teachers, the Youth Group

Advisors, the Choir Directors of my childhood and youth. They are the larger than life

adults who had time for me when I was a kid. There is no commemoration day for them,

and they are virtually unknown beyond the small circle of the church communities they

belonged to and the people in those communities whose lives they touched. But it would

be difficult to overestimate what they have done to serve the Gospel in the lives of

scores of young Christians.

That is how it is in the community of faith: we raise up disciples through the hard work

of ministering to those God has sent to us. There is little or no fanfare to accompany the

work, and often the seeds we plant bear fruit years after our paths have diverged. But

the work is important. In our caring attitudes and undivided attention; in our willingness

to listen, to teach, to share, to accompany; in our very lives we bear witness to a loving

God who listens, teaches, shares and accompanies. Through our lives others learn about

God and His gift of love and life to the world.

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On Sunday, 9 June, we say thank you to our Sunday School teachers at the ALC who have

served the children and youth of our congregation this past year. These are the folks who

have stepped up to share their time and gifts to serve the Gospel by teaching and nurturing

our young people. The seeds they have planted will bear fruit in the years to come and are

all grateful for their generosity of spirit and faithful commitment. Thank you to each and

every one of you.

As much of the congregation heads out over the coming weeks for the summer holiday,

our Sunday School will go on hiatus now until September. In August you will start to hear

and read a call to the congregation for Sunday School teachers and workers to pick up this

essential ministry again. However, I wish to close today by encouraging you to start lis-

tening for the Spirit’s nudging now. Perhaps it is you who will nurture faith and plant

seeds in our young people in the year ahead? Something to pray about.

May the love of God show through your life and give light to those you meet.

In Christ,

Pastor Tim Stewart

Pastor’s Corner (continued)


If you have prayer concerns, please contact our

Prayer Chain administrator, Gillian Holby, at

[email protected] or the church office.

Thank you.

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President’s Corner

Summertime is upon us, school is out soon, and vacations are in

their final stages of planning. For some this is also a time when

you will be packing up and moving away. Although this can be a

challenging process, historically it?s the way our congregation

works. God directs you through our doors, together we worship, pray and have

fellowship, and you become a part of the ALC church family.

Each person is an important part of making our congregation complete. Our

goal is to fulfill our Mission statement as it is stated on the front page of this

Messenger. If you happen to be moving on, we are thankful for your time with

us, please keep us in your thoughts and prayers, and keep us updated on your

whereabouts so we can stay in touch. We will miss you but wish you God?s


As new people come through our doors this summer, take time to greet them,

make them feel welcome, and invite them to Hansen Hall after the service, this

is how we work to bring people together?!

“Proverbs 16:9. The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his


The first week of June, we had our first committee evening; a time where our

committee chairmen and their committee members could work together. This

also gave us the chance to work on our upcoming fall programs. Mark your


God’s Spa, women’s retreat 30th and 31st of August

Sunday school registration and Ice cream social September 1st.

Congregational Retreat at Østmarkakapellet September 20th.

Many of our committees need more members, so if you have some time or gifts

to share let Pastor or I know. Take the summer to think about how and where

you can be more active this fall. There are a great number of ways to serve, and

your support is important!

Safe travels to all and have a great summer.

Soli Deo Gloria

Bob Sebro

ALC president

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We have turned our Norwegian calendars from May to June, some of us for the first

time having seen two holidays – Kristi Him-

melsfartdag and Pinse (Whitsuntide) Mon-

day – huh?

The first, Kristi Himmelfartsdag (divide

the last word into three, roughly translated

as himmel= heaven; farts= toward; dag=

day, so toward heaven day), or Ascension

Day, is celebrated on the 40th day after

Easter Sunday (always a Thursday). The

altar cloths remain white, as Ascension Day

is always with the Christian Easter season.

After 40 days of revealing himself to his apostles post-Easter, the risen Christ, in the

sight of His apostles, ascended bodily into Heaven (Luke 24:51; Mark 16:19; Acts 1:9

-11). During these 40 days John records Jesus’ promise of “another Counselor … the

Spirit of truth.” The Holy Spirit lives with you and will be with you always. Amen!

The second Christian holiday (Norwegian Constitution Day, May 17th, of course, was

in between this year) we celebrated in May this year, Whitsuntide (White Sunday), or

Pentecost (pente coming from Greek for fiftieth), was originally a Jewish holiday held

50 days after Passover. Pentecost was one of three major feasts during the Jewish year,

celebrating Thanksgiving for harvested crops.

Today, for Christians, Pentecost is the 50th day after Easter (always a Sunday, with

Monday being the observed holiday in counties which do so). The term, White Sun-

day, refers to the white robes, that, historically, have been worn in some Christian

communities, as adults new to the Christian faith are baptized on this day. Addition-

ally, some churches also celebrate Confirmation Sunday on Pentecost, when young

people, also in white robes, having been instructed in basic Christian doctrine, confess

their faith in the presence of the church, having accepted the power of the Holy Spirit.

Pentecost is about Christ’s promise for “the Spirit of Truth” having been fulfilled.

After Christ’s Ascension, his disciples prayed, now with Christ’s early presence, that

that Spirit come. The Counselor, the Holy Spirit be revealed to them.

A mere ten days later, Peter and the early Church, including the disciples and Jesus’

mother and family, were gathered in Jerusalem for the Jewish celebration of Pentecost,

when suddenly, as Luke describes, “They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that

separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy

Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them.” (Acts 2:1–4).

Kristi Himmelsfartdag and Pinse – What?

And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another Counselor to be with

you forever — the Spirit of truth. The

world cannot accept him, because it nei-

ther sees him nor knows him. But you

know him, for he lives with you and will

be in you. I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you. John 14:16–18

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The Spirit had come, the disciples grew in their con-

fidence and experience and faith. The church was

born. The transition from Christ’s time on earth

with his disciples following him, to the disciples

spreading the Gospel with the power of the Holy

Spirit. The Kingdom fulfilled, yet to come.

With Pentecost, the white altar cloths of Easter sea-

son are replaced with red, the fire and passion of the

Holy Spirit. Pentecost as the birthday of the church.

What does this mean for us today? Pentecost is

more than a memorial, a celebration of what hap-

pened 2000 years ago. It is a proclamation to create the

alive atmosphere that those gathered around Peter experienced. How do we allow the pow-

er of the Holy Spirit to work through us in manifesting God’s vision for the world? To gar-

ner the courage? To dare to dream dreams, as Peter challenges the church? To bring light

and life, hope and hospitality to the community of believers. To allow the Spirit to work

through us -- us as individuals, us as community in Christ.

The same Spirit who Christ promised two thousand years ago is the Spirit that lives

and dwells in each of us – regardless of our journeys, geographic home towns! We are

united across the globe and generations alike! So, as the light shines bright and long as summer approaches Norway, let us remember the

promise of Himmelsfartdag and the power of Whitsundtide! The promise of Christ’s


And the possibility of being able to pronounce and spell these two days come May 2014! …

Sharon Hermanson

And afterward, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your

sons and daughters will proph-

esy, your old men will dream

dreams, your young men will

see visions. Even on my serv-

ants, both men and women, I

will pour out my Spirit in those


Joel 2:28-29

The choir meets in the loft every

Sunday at 10 am.

All are very welcome to join!

Do You like to Sing?

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Remember to attend the

Scripture Union Camp Fund

Raiser on June 23rd.

Sadama will be making lunch for us

Come and support this great cause!

American Independence Day


Sunday, June 30 in Frogner Park

From 12:00 Noon to 17:00 (5PM)

For the 28h year there will be an US Independence Day celebration in the

Frogner Park. The American Coordinating Council of Norway arranges the

event, and the ALC is a member organization.

Why not plan on heading over to the park after worship on Sunday?

The ALC will have an information booth in the park, drop by and say “Hi”!




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Mark Your Calendars for Our July Women's

Gathering on

July 5th

Friday, July 5th at 18:00

There will be hot dogs on the grill in the

backyard. Bring something else to grill if

hot dogs aren’t your thing, picnic side

dishes, chips, desserts (anyone for root beer floats?) , such – or

anything as you are inspired!! ….If you aren’t able to bring

something, come anyway – there is always enough! The

evening will conclude with a brief time for gathering as a group

for conversation and discussion about several upcoming ALC

activities, projects. As always, food, fun, fellowship

Volunteers Needed!

Most of us love the waffles that

are served

after the Sunday Worship Service


We need volunteers to make them!

Please consider signing up for making

waffles one Sunday !

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2


19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA


Office Closed

USA’s Independence Day!


18:00 ALC Women’s



14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Service,

Holy Communion

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Svc

Holy Communion

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Svc

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA

July 2013

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Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2


19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA


Office Closed

USA’s Independence Day!


18:00 ALC Women’s



14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Service,

Holy Communion

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Svc

Holy Communion

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA




14:30 AA


10:30 Choir Rehearsal

11:00 Worship Svc

12:00 Fellowship


17:00 tNET

17:15 Al-Anon



19:00 Prayer Group

19:00 AA

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Living Abroad, Hopes and Fears,

United in Christ Where are you from?

A simple question to get to know someone, for someone to get to know


This question can evoke wonderful feelings. Many of us remember, as

a child, proudly being able to write our name and say our address. A great feeling of

being a grown-up.

As an adult, the question can remind us how small the world can be. We meet some-

one at church, a conference, or through mutual friends. You’re from what country?

Me too. Oh really, what part. Gosh, what city? No way, me too – and so begins one

of those wonderful serendipitous, God-filled conversations about local restaurants,

church, community, activities.

Yet, where we are from can be complicated. Where we live(d) is not the same as

where we are from. In this ever-shrinking world, the longer we live, the more compli-

cated it gets! Well, I was born in …., went to school….. my parents moved …. My/

spouse’s job has taken us to ….. Maybe we dread the question. There is so simple, “I

am a young man of Egypt.”

This is not a new question. In Biblical times, be-

fore the days of passports, retina scans, and na-

tional ID numbers, this question was the way in

which one’s reputation, status was determined.

Micah asks the question of a priest, “Where are

you from?” He replies, "I am a Levite from Beth-

lehem in Judah.” (Judges 17:9) David asks of the

servant, “Where are you from?” who replies “I am a young man of Egypt…” (1 Sam


Mark tells us that Simon (Peter) and his brother Andrew lived in (or very near) Caper-

naum 1:21-29), while John records that “the city of Andrew and Peter” was Bethsai-

da (1:44). Certainly, this can be accounted for in that Peter and Andrew were living in

Capernaum at the beginning of Jesus ministry, while Bethsaida was likely where they

established themselves as adults. Two different times. We can relate to this!

Where was Jesus from? Jesus’ birthplace was Bethlehem (Matthew 2:1), though he is

not referenced as Jesus of Bethlehem, but of his childhood home, Jesus of Nazareth

(Matthew 2:23). Interestingly, Pilate asked Jesus, “Where are you from?”, Jesus gave

him no answer.

Birthplace is straightforward. “Hometown” gets fuzzy, and “where are you from” can

be a crazy labyrinth! Perhaps this unveils that the English vocabulary needs some new

words for a changing world!

Birthplace is straightforward. Hometown gets fuzzy.

Where you are from can be a crazy labyrinth.

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As Christians, we can grapple with, laugh about, struggle with how to answer this

question, how we feel about multiple addresses, home(s) away from home, lacking a

simply answer.

A question we are assured about is who we are from. We are from God. God, the

creator, who wants nothing more than to be in relationship with us, who God creat-

ed. During this season of Pentecost, let us be reminded that no matter our address

(es), how complicated our answer to “where we are from,” We are assured who we

are from. God gives us the gift of the Holy Spirit always and everywhere. Praise the


Through Christ, with Christ, in Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, all glory and

honor is yours, almighty Father, forever and ever. Amen.

Hymn of the Month: Bless Now, O God, the Journey Hymn of the Month: Bless Now, O God, the Journey Words: Sylvia Dunstan, Born 1955

Music: Welsh, 19th century

Bless now, O God, the journey that all your people make,

the path through noise and silence, the way of give and take.

The trail is found in desert and winds the mountain round,

then leads beside still waters, the road where faith is found.

Bless sojourners and pilgrims who share this winding way;

your hope burns through the terrors, your love sustains the day.

We yearn for holy freedom while often we are bound;

together we are seeking the road where faith is found.

Divine eternal lover, you meet us on the road.

We wait for lands of promise where milk and honey flow,

but waiting not for places, you meet us all around.

Our covenant is written on roads, as faith is found.

Consider how you might contribute to this ALC ongoing dialogue on living abroad.

Do you have experience with a Christ-centered website, book, resource? A ques-

tion, a challenge, a success? Please share with our ALC community.

Submissions, sharings, joys, concerns:

Sharon Hermanson [email protected]

Pastor Tim [email protected]

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God Bless You on Your Special Day! June Birthdays

1- Elin Swedberg

2 - Anne Siri Greenquist,

2 - Sofie Lilja Donker

2 - Tani Sebro

2 – Joshua Morland

2 - Giovanna Pompa Mellilo

3 - Lightness Mamashita

4 - Mimi More,

4 - Matthias Ansgar Hultgren

4 - Peace Flood,

4 - Elisabeth Vestrum

5 - Arne Dag Johansen

5 - Kristine Wold

6 - David Lee Brock

6 - Warren R. Flood

6 - Nicola Rao

7 - Anna Kumwenda

7 - Tore Tøtdal,

7 - Janis Berzins

8 - Linda Kumwenda

10 - Emma Limseth

11 - Audrey Faykus Sjøstedt

11 - Mark Riding

13 - Dora Akudago

13 - Eric Mandeville

13 - Aleksander J. Brataas

14 - Kevin L. C. Herrera

17 - Maja Elizabeth Donker

17 - Lily Anne Donker

18 - Knut Killmer

18 - Minken A. Austad

19 - Paul Martin

20 - Astrid Bando Herkules

20 - Olivia Aleksandra Wang

21 - Abraham John Kumar

21 - David Mauk

22 - Knut Døhlen

23 - Janet M. Østrem,

23 - Karen Espegren

24 - Rolleiv Solholm

24 - Angelina Thomas

24 - Beatrice Abbey

26 - Paige Elisabeth Brown

28 - Jim Nelson

28 - Benedikte Jakobsen

29 - Elias Granerud

29 - Erik (E.J.) Odd H. Mandeville

29 - Paul Helge Grønn

30 - Ann Thune,

30 -Fegxian Li

1- William Ghonsal, Nariman Farshad

3 - Henry Liam, Naser Qawe

6 - Christi Limseth

7 - Eirik Grove

8 - Sudama Kajal

9 - Jacob Greenquist

10 - Alexander Staff

11 - Jannelle Nicolaisen Brataas

12 - Elizabeth Bell Mandeville

14 - Grace W. Horn

15 - Richard Blucher

16 - Adam Joseph Plato

17 - Grace Lubega

17 - Birikiti Mihretab

18 - Maria Østrem

20 - Thomas Sjøstedt,

20 - Mehdi Neyayati Pedarsani

22 - Rachel Martin

22 – Khabonina Grace Ngwenya

23 – Selma Sofie Nakken Olsen

24 - Sushma George

24 - Fahrad Mozafar

25 – Angel Faith Mdala

28 - Amsalework Tameru Flood

29 - Lars Lunde

29 – Karin Mandeville

29 - George Smefjell

29 - Andreas Kjeldahl Crouch

29- Anders Marstrander

31 - Kaia Aas Grove

July Birthdays

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Save the date!

The weekend of

September 20th!

Is the

2013 Congregational

Retreat at Østmarkskapellet

Last year we had a great turn out for the

Congregational Retreat. Over 40 of you made it

to the beautiful chapel in Østmarka.

We hope that you will take part this year too. As

with last year we will have the possibility for

limited transportation for those who might have

difficulties walking. So don’t let that stop you.

We will have more information in the August


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Ministry/Volunteer Opportunity

We are exploring creating a booklet/resource of some type that is

helpful to newcomers to Oslo. The goal is to provide a booklet/

resource to “shorten the learning curve” in transitioning to life in Nor-

way. Some information is out there in various places, some will come

from your experiences – the goal is that ALC have a one booklet “go-

to” guide as a helpful guide/service/ministry for newcomers to Oslo.

Kristi Sandven has graciously stepped up to offer her energy, exper-

tise, and skills to this potential project. However, for this project to get underway, we

need 2-3 more people to join in to help her co-coordinate things. The vision is to

create a short, straight-forward booklet to assist folks as they relocate to Oslo.

Topics might include (and/or any ideas you have!):

Cultural Adjustment

Tips, observations, etc. for the newcomer to Oslo

Helpful publications, books, news sources

Relocation Advice, Checklists (some examples might include):

Checklist in preparing to come to Oslo

Choosing where to live


Phone/cable/Internet service

Postal service

Financial and Legal Information

Banking/Paying Bills

Medical Information

Emergency care

Non-emergency care

Transportation in Oslo

Public transportation

Driving, biking, walking

Children: Schools, Childcare and Activities

Food and Cooking, Eating Out


Culture and Entertainment

Important Emergency/Contact Numbers

Useful Websites/Community Resources, etc.

Useful Norwegian Words/Phrases

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What we need? Volunteers with ideas, energy, experience willing to:

2-3 folks willing to help Kristi in co-coordinating

Numerous folks willing to commit to writing but a few short paragraphs on one or

more of the above topics (or one we haven’t thought of!) -- the nature of the book-

let and what it will include depends on YOU!

Everyone to share booklets, brochures, pamphlets, any information that you found

helpful in making the transition –simply pass it along to Kristi, Sharon Hermanson,

or the ALC office

Questions – if you are new to Oslo, we can use your “real-life” questions to learn

how to create a booklet that is convenient and helpful.

Anecdotes – if you are a long-termer, we would love to include contributions, indi-

vidual experiences, resources, ideas, those things that you wish you have known

about early on in your transition to Norge!

Someone with computer skills/an eye for formatting, creating a document that is

user-friendly. Perhaps even experience in publishing?

Contributions, big and small appreciated!

If this sounds like something that you would like to offer your time, talents, contributions,

great! Questions? Contact: Kristi Sandven ([email protected]) and/or Sharon

Hermanson ([email protected]))

Bible Study on Break until the Fall

Today the Monday Morning Bible Study group completed

their study of the Book of Revelation. Due to upcoming

vacations and travels during the coming weeks, this group

will take a break now until the fall. Watch the Messenger

and your email inbox for more information in August.

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Attended: Bob Sebro, President, Mel Engebretsen, Secretary, Mark Lanham, Volun-

teers, Sarvo Martin, Membership, Ingrid Fossland and Hakon Berger, Fellowship, Amalia

Diana Prodan, Education, John Chamberlain, Properties, Bjorn Radtke, Outreach; Timo-

thy Stewart, Pastor

Special welcome and Introductions for Ingrid Fossland and Hakon Berger our new

Fellowship chairs.

Treasurers Report March 2013

Offerings are still down. Coins and paper money were sent in which amounted to a

significant amount. DNB is making it difficult to cash in coins. It is much better if peo-

ple use net banking for offerings. This saves the church time and effort.

We paid the accountant in March

NOK 216,000 was paid out for the lift.

We are down NOK 168,000 after our first quarter compared to the budget. We have

reached 14% of our budget where we should have reached 25% by the end of the first


Bob will give a “temple talk” on Sunday – He will inform the congregation about the

problems that we have with cash. We must look into providing bank card machine in

the church. Gain access to Square which connects through paypal

Stewardship Education - Possible letter this spring to our members to let them know

that we really do need the money now.

We can reach out to temporary workers and Alumi who have gone back to their home

countries. (AFCU)

Alumni in the US can give money to the ALC through the ELCA. This would allow

their contribution to be tax deductible in the US

We must find a way to become a national congregation so that we qualify for monies

from the State.

We have not paid out the benevolences yet – NOK 90,000 under accrued expenses

Sending out a quarterly report over giving

Pastors report

Discussion about types of membership – We are losing money from the government

because of the way our membership is classified. We want to encourage everyone to

be a full member.

Perhaps we should encourage those who have State church membership in Norway to

choose Associate member but if they have membership in another country then

choose full membership.

Committee plans, discussion and feedback

Membership - Sarvo

Celebration of new members in the coffee hour

Membership Directory - Mary Ann did the last directory in 2011. Now it is time for a

new one.

Summary of Council Approved Minutes April 2013

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Make little information brochure and send it out.

Made a draft of what they are going to send out.

Check with Woody to see if the committee email accounts are working. Email

accounts for each committee were set up previously

Sarvo discussed the need for the membership committee to have keys so that they

can take those interested in membership to the church for a cup of coffee instead of

taking them out which of course costs money.

Volunteers - Mark

Jumbo Sale/ Bring & Buy – May 4th – Remember we need help especially to set

up on Friday night.

The point was made that there are people who can’t come to church because they

need to be picked up – elderly, bad timing with buses, definitely in the winter

time. In addition the cost of coming to church can be a problem so some people.

To come to church for As for example costs 180 NOK.

Mark will write a short piece for the Messenger. In addition a notice could be put

on the bulletin board asking if people needed rides.


Agenda item, paying substitute organists – NOK 1250 is the amount that we will

pay substitute organists. The going rate is 1650. We will try to go half way.

We need to pay this amount 5 times a year when Brad has vacation.

HES Report – John

Exits from the windows for the day care. Should not be less than 50 CM. Our

windows are not that large. There are ways to get around that. John will send the Oslo

Fire Inspector two reports from Multiconsult -2003 and 2004 which will show what

has been done.

April 25th there will be an HMS review of the church. We will walk through the

church that day.

Additional Discussion Greeters - We need a roster of greeters. We have security people every Sunday to

monitor the doors. They also welcome people but we also need specific people to act

as greeters.

We should have at least two people signed up as greeters each Sunday.

We could also set up families to greet

The greeters names could be put in the Bulletin

Next Meeting is scheduled for May 23

The meeting ended at 9:20 PM

Summary of Council Approved Minutes (Continued)

Page 20: ALC June Messenger


Our Facilitator -----------------

“Caroline illuminated the room with her energy, insights, and faith-filled focus. As an ex-pat, she understands and lives the day-to-day stresses and challenges of life abroad. As a Christian, she seeks answers in God-centered prayer.” Caroline Corda-Razat has over a decade of experience leading women’s faith-based retreats, small groups and leadership meetings. Her brand of humor, au-thenticity and energy brings insight to God’s truth and encourages and equips listeners to develop a deeper relationship with God. Although she earned an MBA from New York University, she counts it all joy to replace her ambition for dealing in the world’s international business with taking part in God’s eternal business. Caroline now lives in Paris with her American/French family of four. She continues to be actively involved in Moms in Prayer International and is a founding member of the ministry in France. As a docent, she has the oppor-tunity to share the gospel regularly with tourists in the very center of Paris, using a real “power” point presentation: the images at Notre Dame Cathedral.

God Spa Be filled, revived, and

renewed as we enjoy a God’s SPA:

S --- Sit P --- Pray A--- Allow

What: Women’s Retreat: a precious gift of time of rest and renewal.

When: August 30th & 31st Friday (17.00 - 20.30), Sat (9.00 - 17:00)

Where: American Lutheran Church – Hanson Hall Who: Women of all ages, journeys in life who desire a faith-filled weekend of discovering renewal of body and soul.

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