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  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Alexandre Sheldon-DuplaixService historique de la defense, Vicennes, [email protected]

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  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Naval forces are chess pieces that

    may exert a political influence

    through their capabilities and

    disposition without actually havingto fight

    To win one hundred victories in

    one hundred battles is not the

    acme of skill. To subdue the enemywithout fighting is the acme of


    Sun Tzu

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    The PLA completes the former Soviet aircraft carrier

    Varyag in Dalian to serve as a training platform in the

    neighboring academy.

    The PLA has been sending military personnel to the

    Ukrainian carrier pilots training facility of Saki in

    Crimea and has signed an agreement with Brazil forcarrier pilot training.

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Early involvement of the

    Chinese government from the

    purchase ofVaryags hull inUkraine, allegedly to be

    turned into a floating casino

    in Macau where the waters

    were too shallow. Beijings trade concessions to

    the Turkish government

    allowed the Varyag to be

    towed through the Bosporus.

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix





    According to an official sources, the future aircraft

    carrier converted in Dalian, is designated "aviation

    training ship." The ship belongs to the Naval Academy,

    hull number 83, ship name "Shi Lang.The Shi LangQing government recovered Taiwan

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    In effect the former Varyag will play the same role

    as its sistership the Kuznetsov in the Russian Navy

    except that China will call it a training ship

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Chinese researchers underline that in a globalised

    world, war at sea is less and less advantageous for

    the initiator: the military method to solve maritime

    geo-strategic issues has gone through two phases. Thesea originally was a space where mighty countries could

    invade markets and rob resources. The sea has now

    become a space to exchange resources and marketsIf

    one country launches a war by using the sea blockade

    to seek a certain political or security objective, this

    country will pay the price in the political and economic


    Characteristics of Chinas geo-strategic security and its historical

    changes , Zhongguo junshi kexue (Military Science), 1/2007, pp.22-29

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Open ocean-area defense is an essential shield oflong-term national interests.

    In the future, some maritime powers may employ long-range

    strike weapons to attack into the depths of China. The vast,

    unobstructed character of the naval battlefield is favorablefor military force concentration, mobility, force projection,

    and initiating sudden attacks.

    The maritime security threat comes from the open

    ocean. This requires the navy to cast the field ofvision of its strategic defense to the open ocean.[Xu Qi, NWCR 2006]

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    China sees Taiwan like Japan and thePhilippines - as an outpost of Americas military

    presence on its shores. General Wen Zongren called for the breaking

    of the international forces blockade againstChinas maritime security to enable Chinas

    rise. Various incidents with the USN in Chinas ZEE

    A stauncher Japan calls Taiwan a strategicconcern .

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Liu Huaquing, the navy commander

    (1982-87) and admirer of Gorshkovsblue water navy drew a map for

    future naval operations up to the

    first and second chain islands in the

    Western Pacific.

    In the aftermath of the UNCLOStreaty creating the economic

    exclusive zone [EEZ], China issued in

    1985 a new strategic doctrine of

    offshore defense.

    primacy of near-seas operations () and middle- and far-

    seas operations as [only] supportive

    and auxiliary ()

    [quoted by Nan Li and Christopher

    Weuve, NWCR, Winter2010]

    First Island Chain

    Second Island Chain

    middle and far seas ()

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Washington spectacular victory in the 1991 Gulf

    War against an entrenched army resembling the

    PLA, and new doctrine to win local wars underconditions of modern technologies.

    Despite the Tiananmen embargo, the end of the Cold

    War meant the lifting of the COCOM restrictions on the

    export of Western dual use technologies andresumption of military cooperation with Russia.

    For Liu Huaquing, the development of science and

    technology for national defense was not a technological

    issue but a strategic issue.

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Trained as an electrical engineer and a former Minister ofElectronics Industry, President Jiang Zemin initiated an information

    revolution on military affairs in his capacity as the chairman of the

    Central Military Commission [CMC].

    break the barriers between the services and create an integrated

    system of operating units [Land, Sea, Air, Space and ElectronicWarfare] sharing common elements for ISR [Information,

    Surveillance and Reconnaissance], C4 [Command, Control,

    Communications and Computer], K [Kill/ Digitized and

    Interconnected Weapons Platforms] and Integrated Logistics.

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    6 FFG Type 054A

    2 DDG Type 051 C

    2 DDG Type 052 C2 DDG Type 052 B

    General Li Jinai, the head of Chinas General Armaments Department, called in

    2003 the marked improvement in national defense scientific research and

    production the best period of development ever in the countrys history .

    2 weapons test ships 891-892

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    In 1945 the KMT had asked the US forescort carriers; in 1979, there had beendiscusions between the UK and the PRC for

    selling the Harrier to China.

    Liu Huachings visit onboard the Kitty Hawk

    in May 1980, prompted the Chinese carrier

    program: Liu was deeply impressed by its

    imposing magnificence and modern fighting


    He advocated the development of aircraftcarriers to the PLA General Staff, created a

    course for future carriers captains.


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    When we were focusing on theTaiwan strait issue [1994] werealized that using land basedaviation was a waste because wewould increasingly need more

    planes and more air bases. And Ifwe developped an aircraft carrier,we would not need to increase thetotal number of planes. We wouldjust need to modify themThe

    aircraft carrier would become aforce multiplier, augmenting thefire power of the whole force .

    Memoirs, 2004


    L d b d f iliti

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    In addition to four ships (Melbourne, Kiev,

    Minsk and Varyag), China obtained several

    carriers blueprints including those of anotherNevskoye design (possibly Ulyanovsk), Spanish

    (Bazan) designs and CSSC worked on a model.

    2CV model on a CSSC movie 1997

    Minsk, Kiev, Melbourne (1984)

    Land based facilities

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    All members of the United Nations SecurityCouncil possess carriers, except China.

    Major-General Qian Lihua: "The navy of any

    great power has the dream to have one or more

    aircraft carriers". "The question is not whetheryou have an aircraft carrier, but what you do

    with your aircraft carrier,"."Even if one day we

    have an aircraft carrier, unlike other countries,

    we will not use it to pursue global deployment

    or global reach."

    Financial Times, 11-11-08; Experts defend China'snaval rights to possess aircraft carriers


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Chinas new


    New Jiangnan :Shangxi : onecarrier visible on

    the official model


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    India:2013: 1

    2020: 2

    21 CTOL Mig 2913 hel

    16 CTOL Mig 29LCA, 10 hel

    Korea2007: 1

    2020: 3

    19 000 tpc22 nds

    Japan2009: 12011: 22020: 4

    Lik l i t d ti f

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Likely introduction ofF-35 on Japanese andKorean DDH/LPH

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    In March 2009, Chinese media reported that Defense

    Minister General Liang Guanglie and his Japanese

    counterpart Yasukazu Hamada had discussed the

    carrier issue. Members of a Project 048 Engineering

    Command responsible for developing special largemilitary ships were said to be present at their

    meeting on 20 March. Financial Times, 11-11-08;

    Experts defend China's naval rights to possess aircraft

    carriers http://www.jamestown.org/programs/chinabrief; Volume: 9 Issue:7, April 2, 2009

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    A future national carrier said to have been ordered at

    the new Changxi shipyard.

    the training facility in Wuhan supports a Varyag design

    Most likely based on Varyag

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    A Chinese semi

    stealth national

    naval fighter underdevelopment

    Purchase of an early Su-27K in Ukraine and development ofthe national J13

    Projet national

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix

    27/38Based on the Ulyanovsk?

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Original design?

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    we will not use it to pursue global deployment orglobal reach."

    To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Nan Li and Christopher Weuve propose 5 missions for a

    Chinese carrier

    1. SLOC protection.

    2. Deployment to overseas crisis locations.

    3. Exclusive economic zone/territorial enforcement.

    4. Humanitarian aid and disaster relief.

    5. Taiwan contingency.

    It seems however, that the main mission for a Chinesecarrier would be closer to Soviet/Russian bastion

    defense concepts in relation with Taiwan and other

    sovereignty issues. Deployment to overseas crisis

    location seems very unlikely unless under the

    auspices of the UN.

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    58 000 tpc302x70 m4 TV : 29 nds12-32 CTOL SU-33 /18 heli12 SSM (500 km)

    75 000 tpc

    320x72 mNucl. : 30 nds40 CTOL SU-33/24 heli2 catapults for CTOL AEW12 SSM (500 km)

    Missions: shoot down anti-submarine airplanesStrike aircraft carriers, tracksubmarines

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Underwater weapons represents a main dimension of Chinas anti-

    access architecture. China sees the submarines - the poisonedarrow [Shashou jian] - as an answer to delay the progression of

    U.S. naval forces while the PLA would try to secure victory in


    Espousing Russian concepts, a Chinese Varyag could provide an air

    defense umbrella for submarines operating east of Taiwan andparticipate in the missiles strikes against an incoming US fleet.

    Maritime patrol aircrafts would be at risk

    SSN Type 093 SHANG

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Missions:air war over Taiwans East coastSoviet bastion defense concept

    anti-ship and anti-land strikes

    with32 YJ-63 cruise missiles (250 km)

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    China is building a new

    strategic submarine

    base in Hainan/Sanya

    the Chinese carrier

    could provide airdefense over the

    strategic submarine

    patrol zones near


  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    A Chinese carrier answers President Hu

    Jintaos November 2003 call forstrengthening the system to defend

    the sea rights and interests of our

    country. Tang Fuquan, Ye Xin Rong, Wang Daowei,On the strategy of defending Chinese sea rights,

    Zhongguo junshi kexue (Military Science), 6/2006, pp.56-67

    A carrier will be a decisive tool to

    further convince Taiwan to move

    towards reunification and support

    sovereignty claims in the disputedareas of the South China Sea where

    local navies will be checkmated

    Vietnams vision

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    China already has thedestroyers and supportships to escort the former

    Varyag.If China decides toacquire two or threeaircraft carriers, it will

    have to increase thenumber of fleet supportships and antiaircraftdestroyers

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    The justification given by Chinese officials for

    Chinese future carrier developments

    Hideaki Kaneda, a retired Japanese admiral,

    supports the String of Pearls theory. Accordingly,

    China would establish bases along its sea lanes to

    support a Mahanian Sea Power strategy

    For the time being, it seems unlikely that China

    would contemplate deploying a carrier following

    Western practises to exert pressure on a distant


    Toshi Yoshihara, James R. Holmes, Japanese Maritime Thought : if not

    Mahan, who ? Naval War College Review, Summer 2006, Vol. 59, No. 3

  • 8/3/2019 Alexandre Sheldon Duplaix


    Chinas White Book on defense for 2008 emphasizes thefact that China is engaged in a phase of peaceful

    development and has made repeated pledges that its

    forces were purely defensive.

    One Chinese researcher suggests self restraint andpatience towards the United-States; mutual

    assistance with Russia; cooperation with Japan and

    reconciliation with India. One can notice that during

    two maritime incidents with Russia and the United-States, in March 2009, the Chinese government

    perhaps fearful of a nationalistic reaction from its

    public opinion - has played down its protests.http://merln.ndu.edu/whitepapers/China_English2008.pdf, p.1 Sea

    P d Chi 2008


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