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  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan


    Aargh Matey!

    Miss Rabe’s 1st Grade Classroom

    Classroom Management Plan

     Julie RabeCurriculum and Pedagogy

    Dr. Beisser able o Contents

    Classroom OrganizationPhysical Layout…………………………………………………. Pg. 3

  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan


    Record Keeping…………………………………………………. Pg. 4

    Welcoming Ne !tudents……………………………………….. Pg. 4

    Classroom "elpers……………………………………………….. Pg. #

    Cleaning $as%s………………………………………………….. Pg. #

    &es% Cleanliness………………………………………………… Pg. #

    &isplaying Wor%…………………………………………………. Pg. #

    !eating 'rrangement………………………………………........... Pg. (

    &isciplinary Policies and Policies and Pro)essional *thics*sta+lishing ,roup Rules-*pectations………………………….. Pg. (

    Conse/uences……………………………………………………... Pg. 0

    1inor 2n)ractions………………………………………….. Pg. 0

    1idLeel 2n)ractions………………………………………Pg. 5

    *tremeLeel 2n)ractions………………………………….Pg. 5

    6ncompleted Wor%…………………………………………………Pg. 5

    Pro)essionalism 7 *thics………………………………………… Pg. 5

    Classroom Routines and Procedures$eacher 2ntroduction and 8irst &ay………………………………… Pg. 9

    ,reeting !tudents &aily…………………………………………….. Pg. :;

    $a%ing Roll Call…………………………………………………….. Pg. :;

    1orning &aily Routine Calendar 7 Weather……………………… Pg. :;

    !tudent !haring………………………………………………………Pg. ::

    8ree $ime………………………………………………………….... Pg. ::

    "anding in Papers-&oing "omeor%………………………………. Pg. ::

    *tra $ime 'ctiities………………………………………………... Pg. ::

    Passing out Papers-$a%e "ome 8older……………………………… Pg. :<

    Classroom Nesletter……………………………………………….. Pg. :<

    &ismissal )or Recess= Lunch= !pecials and *nd o) the &ay…………. Pg. :<

    >athroom Procedures…………………………………………………Pg. :3

    ,etting a &rin%………………………………………………………. Pg. :3

    &i))erentiation Policy...................................................................... Pg. :3

    >rain >rea%s and *nergizers…………………………………. Pg. :4

    !u+stitute $eacher ……………………………………….................. Pg. :4Re)erence……………………………………………………………….. Pg. :(

    Classroom Organization


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    #elcome to Miss Rabe’s classroom! he $rst you %ill noticebeore e&en %al'ing into the door is the (irate theme ) ha&e or my$rst graders.

    *tudents %ill 'ee( their coats+ bac'(ac's and belongings in theirloc'ers that are located outside o the classroom. #hen entering the

    classroom students %ill notice all o the bright colors designed to(ro&ide a cheerul and e,citing learning en&ironment. he des's are set u( in grou(s o our %ith enough sitting or "-

    students. he des's are strategically (laced in ront o the %hiteboardso all students are able to see %ithout any issues. My des' is (laced inthe bac' right corner o the classroom so ) see all students %hen theyare %or'ing inde(endently. At my des' ) %ill ha&e my o%n la(to(com(uter that can be mo&ed to be used or the (roector system /greybo, located in middle o room0 to sho% mo&ies+ &ideos etc. ilingcabinets are near teacher’s des' or $ling student records. he bluecabinets located on the east %all are or storage and the outside o

    cabinet doors also doubles as our %ord %all and %here %e (ut ourlearning goals.

    At the ront o the classroom in ront o the %hite board %ill beour 2Meeting Room3 this is %here students %ill come sit u( on the rugand teacher %ill sit in the chair. here is an easel or teacher to teachlessons. #e %ill meet here right a%ay each morning to do attendanceand lunch count. #e %ill go o&er our daily schedule and this area %illalso be used or teacher read aloud and many other things!

    A cou(le o di4erent learning centers are (laced through out theclassroom. he table on the east %all %ill be our %riting center. het%o tables on the %est %all %ith - gray rectangles %ill be our

    classroom com(uter centers. he table on the east %all closest to thereading corner %ill be a learning center that ) %ill rotate rom math+science+ creati&e arts etc. throughout the year. )n bet%een thecom(uters and learning center on the east %all there is a tan' or ourclassroom (et. )t’s a turtle named ran'lin! *tudents %ill hel( beres(onsible to get him ne% %ater and eed him. his %ill be assignedto a di4erent student or each day as one o their 2daily obs3.

     he reading corner is a un area %ith a couch+ chairs andbeanbags or students to $nd a comortable s(ot %hile they read. heboo'shel %ill be loaded %ith boo's rom di4erent genera’s andreading le&els to meeting all students’ interests. he acti&ity table is

    located in the south%est corner o the room. his is %here ) %ill %or'%ith small grou(s. here are shel&es along the bac' %all or moreteacher storage and to hold materials or small grou( acti&ities. A e%(lants %ill sit on to( o the shel&es.

     he (hone is located at a small table ne,t to the reading cornerboo'shel. his is %here all communication is done %ith the o5ce andother teachers. he 6 is located in the (roector system that %ill hoo'


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    u( %ith the teacher’s la(to( to sho% &ideos+ mo&ies+ and games. he(roector screen %ill (ull do%n in ront o the %hiteboard.

    #astebas'ets and recycling %ill be located at t%o di4erent s(otsin the room. 8ne set o bins at the ront o the classroom as you %al'in /Red and Blac' s9uares0 and ne,t to the teacher’s des'. here is a

    (encil shar(ener on the counter %here the sin' is located. he sin'%ill (ro&ide an area %here students can %ash hands and allo% orclassroom cleanu(. #indo%s are located on the *outh %all in bet%eenthe acti&ity table and teachers des'.

    :astly+ #orld and ;* ma(s %ill be (ull do%n at the ront oclassroom. /green line in northeast corner0 *tudents %ill ha&e access toglobes and (ersonal %orld and ;* ma(s that can be handed out to useat their des's. Bulletin boards are located throughout the classroom%alls to hang classroom rules+ charts and dis(lay students %or'./)denti$ed as red lines along %alls.0

    Record KeepingBeore the $rst day o school e&en begins+ ) %ill ha&e my student

    record boo' set u(. #ithin the record boo' each student %ill ha&eenough s(ace to trac' attendance+ scores on daily tas's

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     he most im(ortant thing %hengetting a ne% student is to ma'e them eel&ery %elcome. Coming to a ne% school is a&ery scary time or a child. #hen ) get thene%s o a ne% student coming to my

    classroom ) %ant to match them %ith oneo my current students %ho (ortrays aleadershi( role. *omeone %ho ) 'no% %illma'e the ne% student eel &ery %elcomeby letting them sit %ith his

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    ) belie&e a clean %or' (lace is 'ey to eliminate distractions andengage students to (erorm their best. @ach day students %ill be gi&ena minute to clean out e,tra (a(ers they do not need. his is in ho(es to'ee( do%n on (a(er buildu( and maor messy des's. 8nce a month )%ill gi&e students =1 minutes to actually clean and organi?e their

    des's. ) %ant to try and eliminate the lose o im(ortant (a(ers so bystaying on to( o des' cleanliness %ill be 'ey to (re&enting this romha((ening.

    *tudents %ill 'ee( all o their belongings inside their des's sothey ha&e a com(letely clean %or' (lace atall times. All (encils+ noteboo's+ boo's+%or'boo' and other (ersonal belongings %illbe 'e(t inside their des's. @ach student %illha&e their nametag %ith their studentassigned number ta((ed on their des's. hestudents %ill be assigned numbers to hel(

    %ith record 'ee(ing.

    Displaying Work *tudents should be (roud o their %or'

    and by dis(laying their %or' throughout theclassroom %ill gi&e them a chance to see ho%(roud )’m also o their %or'. ) %ill ha&e a bulletin board dedicated todis(laying student’s %or'. #e are also allo%ed to dis(lay %or' on the%alls outside our classroom. his %ill gi&e their (eers+ (arents+ otherteachers and building &isitors a chance to see all o the hard %or' theyha&e done.

    ) %ill be sure to change the %or' dis(layed each month %ith adi4erent theme and rom di4erent subect areas. his %ill gi&e thestudents a chance to be e,cited to see multi(le (ieces o their %or'.Art %or'+ short stories+ science (roects are ust some o the %or' that%ill be dis(layed. ) a student does not e&er eel comortable %ith their%or' and chooses not to ha&e it dis(layed+ ) %ill res(ect their choice tonot dis(lay. ) belie&e it is &ery im(ortant that all students areres(ected.

    Setting ArrangementBeore the school year starts ) %ill arrange des's into grou(s o -

    to . Because ) %on’t 'no% much about my students and their beha&ior) %ill try to sit them %ith an e&en amount o girls and boys at eachgrou(. he $rst day o school ) %ill tell students at some (oint in theschool year they %ill each ha&e sat by e&ery one o their classmatesonce. )t %ill be im(ortant or them to 'no% that it does not matter tome i they do not li'e that (erson or i they don’t %ant to sit ne,t tothem because they are a boy

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    Ater the $rst month or t%o ) %ill 'no% %hat students can andcannot be sat together. )t %ill al%ays ha((en that a e% students ust%ill not %or' %ell ne,t to each other. ) %ill 'ee( record o settingarrangement and ma'e sure all students are sat ne,t to someone ne%e&ery time des's are rearranged.

    All des's %ill be (laced so they are able to see the ront o theclassroom clearly. ) belie&e that setting students in grou(s %ill allo% oran en&ironment %here students can %or' together. hroughout theyear ) may try to do a large ; arrangement to change things u(.

    All grou(s %ill ha&e a (irate shi( hanging abo&e them %ith anumber on it. his %ill be ho% each grou( is called to line or gi&en(raise or being good role models. @,am(le> 2) see all members ogrou( - ha&e their noteboo's (ut a%ay+ they all ha&e clean des' to(sand they are sitting 9uietly. *o grou( - may go line u( or lunch.3

    *ome students %ill need to al%ays be (laced in a certain locationo the room do to beha&ior+ &isual or hearing im(airment. he seating

    assignments are ne&er set in stone and can change at in (oint o theday due to any conict.

    Disciplinary Policies and Proessional !t"ics

    !sta#lis"ing $roup Rules%!&pectations his is a $rst grade classroom so rules %ill be (racticed and

    enorced e&eryday. or the $rst month /or ho% e&er long is necessary0%e %ill s(end time going o&er rules each day so students %ille&entually remember and 'no% e,actly %hat is e,(ected. 8ne thing toremember is that good classroom management s'ills %ill minimi?e my

    disci(line (roblems. /#ong E #ong+ "F0. All e,(ectations %ill be1 (ositi&e. he main rules that ) %ill ocus on %ill be> be res(ectulto others+ raise your hand beore s(ea'ing+ eyes on the s(ea'er+listening ears+ ollo% directions 9uic'ly+ and hands and eet to yoursel.) %ill ha&e rules dis(layed at the ront o the room so students andteacher can reerence to them %hen needed.

    8ne o my main e,(ectations ) %ant my students to 'no% is that) belie&e in e&ery single one o them. ) do not (ic' a&orites and ) %illtreat them all the same. ) belie&e that they all are able to gro% andlearn in my classroom no matter %hat the circumstances are.

    Conse'uences) %ill be using the 2Ho Io Io3 themed beha&ior cli( chart to trac'

    beha&ior and determine conse9uences. @&ery day all students %ill startout at on the 2All Aboard3 section o the chart. As students stay(roducti&e and on tas' they %ill climb the chart to%ards the to(.

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    As students begin to brea' rules orare not ollo%ing directions they %illmo&e do%n the chart. #hen a studentreaches the 2#al' the Plan'3 section+they %ill ha&e a one=on=one meeting %ith

    me to discuss %hat the student %asdoing and ho% they %ere brea'ingclassroom e,(ectations. ) the studentsma'es it do%n to the 2Da&y Jones:oc'er3 (arents %ill recei&e an email or(hone call. he (arent+ student and ) %ill%or' together to ma'e a (lan in ho(e tocorrect and %or' on the (roblem.

    @ach day e&ery student %ill starton 2All Aboard3 no matter %hat sectionthey had ended on the (re&ious day.

    @ach day is a ne% chance to sho% theyare res(onsible and 'no% ho% to ollo% classroom rules.

    (inor )nractions)t is my ho(es that ha&ing the cli( system im(lemented in my

    classroom %ill minimi?e minor inractions. )’m a%are that it %ill notcom(letely eliminate minor inractions rom occurring. )n the instancethat minor inractions do occur ) %ill (ri&ately s(ea' %ith students toaddress the issue and go o&er classroom rules. ) needed ) %ill utili?eMac'en?ie and *tan?ione a((roach or Recess Academy. /"10 ) %illtry to stay a%ay rom ta'ing a%ay recess as much as (ossible because

    ) strongly belie&e that students need that time to get out and e,ercise.)nstead o ta'ing recess time ) %ill ha&e student get time ta'en a%ayrom Preerred Acti&ity ime.

    ) a student brea's a rule on the (layground /e.g. not ollo%inggame rules0 they %ill be gi&en a %arning. ) %ould state that i thebeha&ior is re(eated+ he or she %ouldn’t be allo%ed to (artici(ate inthat acti&ity during recess. ) the beha&ior is re(eated+ that student %illbe as'ed to lea&e the acti&ity and not allo%ed to (lay or the ne,t t%odays. ) %ill e,(lain e,actly %hy ) am im(lementing the conse9uenceand ) %ill encourage the student to ma'e better choices.(id*+e,el )nractions

    *ome situations may in&ol&e a more ser&er inraction thenbrea'ing a relati&ely minor rule. ) a student is &erbally disres(ectul+o4ensi&e+ or disru(ti&e to mysel or to other students+ they %ill beas'ed to re(ort to an area designated as a time=out area /Mac'en?ie E*tan?ione+ "10. ) %ill tell them %hy they are being sent there andthat it is no acce(table in my classroom. he student %ill be as'ed tostay in this area or a designated amount o time /no longer than $&eminutes0 to demonstrate that there is a set conse9uence or anyone


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    %ho is disres(ectul. Ater their time is u( they %ill be as' to reoin therest o the class. During %or' time ) %ill as' student to ha&e a 9uic'meeting %ith me to discuss their beha&ior and to demonstrateunderstanding o classroom rules. he student %ill be as'ed toa(ologi?e to either the student or %hom e&er they %ere disres(ecting.

    !&treme )nractionsMy $rst (riority in my classroom is ma'ing sure my students are

    sae. )t is im(ortant to ha&e an action (lan i

  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan


    Classroom Routines and Procedures

    /eac"er )ntroduction and t"e 0irst Day

    Beore the school year starts+ ) %illsend each o my students and(arents a (ersonal letter to theirhome. )n this letter ) %ill %elcomestudents to 1st grade+ gi&e an insighton %hat they %ill learn or the year+and ho% e,cited ) am to be ha&ingthem in my classroom. ) %ill alsoinclude a list o my classroom rulesand e,(ectations so (arents 'no%beore day one %hat is e,(ected in

    my classroom. ) %ill also include all o my contact inormation+ su((lies listand im(ortant dates.

     he online grading system %ill bee,(lained and a login )D %ill be gi&en.) %ill e,(lain to (arents ho%im(ortant it is or them to bein&ol&ed in their child education. ) %ill

    so e,(lain that their child %ill be bringing a old home each night and(arents are encouraged to loo' through it or im(ortant inormationand sign to be returned the ne,t day.

    8n the $rst day o school+ ) %ill stand outside my classroomunder our big 2#elcome Aboard3 (oster greeting students. ) %ill besure to smile and say hello to each student and %elcoming them to$rst grade. A %arm greeting gi&en %ill ho(eully ma'e the students eelcomortable+ e,cited and %elcome right a%ay.

    As students enter the room they are encouraged to $nd the des'%ith their name on it. hey are %elcome to (ut their su((lies they ha&ebrought to school %ith them inside their des's and get organi?ed.*tudents are as'ed to e,(lore the classroom library by getting a boo'o their interest to loo' at beore %e start the day.

    8nce the day $nally starts on the $rst day+ ) %ill s(end timegetting to 'no% my students and telling them about mysel. Allo%ingstudents to as' me 9uestion about mysel %ill ho(eully ma'e studentseel that ) am a((roachable and are al%ays encouraged to come to meor any 9uestions. #e %ill also ta'e a classroom tour and s(end mosto our day going o&er (rocedures+ rules and classroom e,(ectations.


  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan


    $reeting Students Daily@&ery day ) %ill stand outside my classroom door %elcoming

    students as they enter. ) eel this is a great %ay to be able to monitor%hat is going on in the hall and also ma'e sure students are ta'ing

    care o their arri&al tas's. *aying hello to each student by name orgi&ing high $&es as they %al' into my classroom is a (ositi&e %ay tobegin beore e&en starting our day together. his %ill also sho%students that )’m e,cited and ha((y to be there to teach them e&eryday.

    /aking Roll Call@ach day ) %ill ta'e roll rom lunch count. 8nce students ha&e

    entered the room and (ut their olders in the mail bo, they are to $ndtheir coin %ith their name on it and either (ut it in the 2:unch romIome3 treasure bo, or the 2:unch rom *chool3 treasure bo,.

    #hoe&ers coins are let still sitting out %ill be double chec'ed to ma'esure they ha&e not orgotten then counted absent. @ach morning ) %illlay coins out or students to $nd their name to re(eat the (rocess eachday. he coin conce(t %ill be more e5cient then calling names eachmorning.

    (orning Daily Routine* Calendar1 Weat"er and Num#ers he morning routine %ill begin

    beore the students e&en enter theclassroom. he $rs thing ) %ill do isset out all coins or students to (ut in

    treasure chests. Le,t+ ) %ill ma'esure all classroom obs are assignedor the %ee'. ) %ill (ut u( ourschedule or the day that %ill be onthe %hite board so students 'no%e,actly %hat %ill be going onthroughout the day. ) %ill also be%riting the *#BA obecti&e< learning goals on the board or 9uestionso the day.

    *tudents %ill (ut their bac'(ac's and other belonging in theirloc's out in the hall%ay. #hen they enter the room the $rst thing they

    are to do is bring the returned 2ta'e home older3 in their mailbo,. hen they are to go and $nd their name on a coin and (ut it into eitherthe hot or cold lunch treasure chests. hen they may e,(lore theclassroom library until the bell rings.

    8nce the bell rings students are e,(ected to $nd their s(ot onthe rug at the ront o the room. ) %ill start the day o4 by %elcomingthe students+ going through our schedule or the day and mo&ing on tocalendar. #e %ill correct the date and then %e %ill all re(eat the


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    month+ day and year aloud. #e %ill mo&e right along to discuss%eather. ) %ill use a %eather a((lication on my (hone to determine thecorrect tem(erature or the day. ) %ill mo&e our large classroomthermometer to the correct degree and ha&e the students determine iit is sunny+ cloudy+ rainy+ sno%ing.

    #e %ill also use stra%s to count %hat day o school it is+ once %eha&e ten ) %ill bundle the stra% to build counting by tens once %e getmore into the school year.

    inally+ %e %ill ta'e a minute to loo' bac' at the schedule or theday to (re(are the students or transition. ) %ant to ma'e sure studentsare com(letely a%are o %hat the day %ill loo' li'e %ith no sur(rises.

    Student S"aring) belie&e letting students share something s(ecial or something

    un is a great %ay to get to 'no% student and ha&e students get to

    'no% each other. @ach day ) %ill set aside 1 minutes or students toshare something s(ecial. *tudents are encouraged to &erbally share.*tudents %ill be told the day beore to gi&e them (re(aration time tobrainstorm something to share. *tudents %ill be on a rotation to shareso e&eryone gets an e&en amount o times to share. ) encouragestudents to L8 bring things in or sho% and tell in ho(es o a&oidingany un(leasant situation that may arise such as thet o ha&ing s(ecialtoys bro'en.

    0ree /ime) and %hen %e ha&e a chance or ree time students are

    encourage to $nish any uncom(leted assignments. ) they ha&e allassignments com(leted and turned in students %ill be encouraged tos(end this time to ree read. )t’s oten that students are not gi&enenough ree reading time each day so this %ill be a built in %ay toma'e sure my students are gi&en that time each day.

    During the ree time+ ) %ill %al' around the classroom+ hel(ingstudents $gure out %hat they need to be %or'ing on or ans%ering9uestions.

    Handing )n Papers%Doing Homework8n my des' ) %ill ha&e a tray or

    turning in home%or'. he tray %ill belocated on my des' because it is a clearlocation or the students %ho needreminders to turn in home%or' orreminder to actually do their home%or'.*tudents %ill be e,(ected to turn in(a(ers once they ha&e been com(letedand beore transitioning into the ne,t acti&ity or the day. *tudents %ho


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    need e,tra time to %or' they %ill be gi&en until the end o the day. )students need an e,tension they are to discus %ith me to get a((ro&al.*tudents are allo%ed to turn in assignments at the end o the day toinsure they are doing their best %or' and not rushing throughassignments.

    !&tra /ime Acti,ities hough it %ont ha((en oten gi&en the occasion %hen students

    ha&e sho%n res(ect and are ollo%ing rules they %ill be re%arded %ithha&ing game time. *tudents %ill be gi&en the choice to do a literacygame %ith a grou( or (artner+ read silently or %riting acti&ities. Allacti&ities are literacy dri&en because in 1st grade they are %or'ing hardto become the best readers they can be.

    During the ree time+ ) %ill %al' around the classroom+ hel(ingstudents $gure out %hat they need to be %or'ing on+ (ro&idingguidance %ith games or ans%ering 9uestions.

    Passing out Papers%/ake Home 0older@ach student %ill be gi&en a ta'e home older to $ll %ith

    com(leted assignments+ ne%sletters or (roects. he olders %ill beused as an e,tra orm o communication. ) the (arent or ) need to senda note it %ill be (laced in these olders. o insure (arents are chec'ingolders each night ) %ill ta(e a calendar inside and (arents are to signon the day the older comes home. )t is my ho(es that the olders %ill

    'ee( (arents in&ol&ed in their child’s academics.olders %ill be (assed out at the end o the day along %ith all

    com(leted assignments and other inormation. *tudents %ill line u( atthe door %ith olders in hand to ma'e sure they are ta'en home eachnight.

    Classroom Newsletter@ach %ee' ) %ill send a classroom ne%sletter home

    %ith students. he letter %ill include %hat theirchildren are learning+ im(ortant u(coming dates or

    (roects and try to include a (icture o any acti&ities%e ha&e done or been %or'ing on in class. By sendinga ne%sletter home each %ee' to 'ee( (arents u( todate %hat is going on inside our classroom.


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    Dismissal or Recess1 +unc"1 Specials and !nd o t"e Day*tudents %ill not be allo%ed to transition until the %or' (lace is

    cleared. All garbage is in the trashcan des'to(s are clear and they aresitting 9uietly. ) %ill dismiss students by theirgrou( number. he grou( that is $rst to

    demonstrate all the abo&e %ill be as'ed to getin line. ) %ill allo% e,tra time or students tograb their coats i they are heading out orrecess de(ending on the %eather.

    #hen students are lined u( at the door )%ill lead them in our hall%ay (oem. 8nce thehall%ay (oem is done they are to be 9uiet+ha&e their hand by their sides as ) %al' them tolunch or s(ecials.

    At the end o the day ) %ill allo% or 1minutes to (ass out (a(ers and ta'e home

    olders. *tudents %ill line u( at the door %ith ta'e home olders in theirhands. his is al%ays their e,it sli( each day to ma'e sure they areta'ing them home or (arents to see. #e %ill also sign a goodbye songand students %ill be dismissed.

    2at"room Procedures) %ill ha&e t%o bathroom (asses or students to use throughout

    the day+ one or the girls and one or the boys. *tudents %ill be as'edto raise their hand and cross their $nger i they need to use therestroom. ) %ill gi&e (ermission %ith eye contact and a nod instead ointerru(ting the lesson.

    8nce student is gi&en (ermission they are to go and grab thea((ro(riate (ass and set it on their des'. his %ay ) %ill 'no% %hatstudent is in the bathroom at any gi&en time. Also+ students %ill (lace(asses on their des' to a&oid germs rom the bathroom being broughtbac' into the classroom.

    *tudent %ill al%ays be allo%ed to use the bathroom i it is anemergency+ e&en i another student is out using the (ass. ) student isout using the restroom they 'no% they are to return as 9uic'ly as(ossible. ) %ill monitor ho% many times a student is lea&ing theclassroom each day to use the restroom to a&oid hall oaters.

    ) %ill also remind students to use the restroom during or right

    ater recess. hey %ill be encouraged to use the restroom (assesduring transition time.

    $etting a Drink Classroom drin' (rocedure %ill be similar to bathroom (rocedure.

    *tudents are to raise their hands and hold u( t%o $ngers to indicatethey need a drin'. eacher %ill ma'e eye contact and nod to eliminate


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    disru(tion. *tudent is to go 9uietly to the classroom sin'+ get a drin'and return to acti&ity.

    *tudents %ill al%ays be allo%ed to bring a %ater bottle $lled %ith%ater only to 'ee( at their des'. )’m a big belie&er that students shouldstay hydrated and %ill al%ays encourage a %ater bottle to demonstrate

    healthy habits.

    Di3erentiation PolicyDi4erentiating material or students %ith di4erent abilities is

    truly a mar'o an e,cellent teacher. :earning is not the same or e&ery studentthus+ teachingshould ne&er be a one=si?e=$ts=all a((roach+ as ad&ocated by Rogers/"0. Assisting all students to learn at there o%n (ace re9uires

    modiying assignments and instruction to $t their needs as best as(ossible.

    or students %ho struggle %ith material+ ) %ill modiyassignments so that they are relati&ely the same as the generalassignments but include e%er 9uestions+ 9uestions %ith more basicmaterial or ans%er bo,. ) %ill still hold a high e,(ectation or students%ho need e,tra hel(+ but my e,(ectation %ith be adusted to %ithintheir ability le&el. ) %ill utili?e rotating grou( stations or a((ro(riatesubects so that ) ha&e a chance to %or' %ith small grou(s o strugglestudents.

    *tudents %ho e,cel %ill also need s(ecial attention. ) %ill createmore com(le, assignments or gited students so they can di&e dee(erinto the material. ) %ill no rely on a greater 9uantity o 9uestions butocus on gi&ing them more in de(th 9uestions to gi&e gited students achance to e,tend their o&erall 'no%ledge. ) %ill (ro&ide a greateramount o material to utili?e in (roects and assignments. ) %ill (ro&ideinormation and material i a student is gited in a certain subect areaor has a high interest in a certain to(ic to e,(lore outside o theclassroom.

    As ) get to 'no% students on a dee(er le&el+ ) %ill better 'no%their gited and struggling areas. )n class+ ) %ill use e,ible grou(ingstrategies to grou( students in a &ariety o %ays de(ending on theacti&ity and de(ending on their ability le&el in certain subects /Rogers+"0 #hen %or'ing in grou(s during class+ it may hel( to ha&estudents %ho are at slightly di4erent abilities (laced together so theycan all hel( each other and contribute in di4erent %ays.

    2rain 2reaks and !nergizers


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    )t is im(ortant that throughout the daythat the students get u( and mo&e atersitting or long (eriods o time. ) %ill (lan "=7times throughout the day %here thestudents can mo&e around and be acti&e.

    Brain brea's %ill be used %hen ) noticestudents are starting to get tired or gettingantsy. Brain brea's %ill allo% the students toget u( and mo&e+ um(+ dance and yoga.Research has sho%n that by (ro&idingenergi?ers and brain brea's+ students aremore ca(able and %illing to learn in aclassroom setting. ) %ill ha&e a brain brea'buc'et and (ull 7 acti&ities or students toget mo&ing. Also+ using the %ebsite htt(>students %ho %or' %ell

  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan



    Mac'en?ie+ R. J.+ E *tan?ione+ :. /"10. *etting :imits in theClassroom> A Com(lete Guide to @4ecti&e Classroom Management %itha *chool=#ide Disci(line Plan /7rd @d.0. Le% Hor'> hree Ri&ers Press.


  • 8/20/2019 All Aboard- Management Plan


    Rogers+ N. B. /"0. A Menu o 8(tions or Grou(ing Gited *tudents.#aco+ O> Pruroc' Press+ )nc.

    #ong+ I. N.+ E #ong+ R. . /"F0. he irst Days o *chool> Io% to Bean @4ecti&e eacher. Mountain 6ie%+ CA> Iarry N. #ong Publications+



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