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All Aboard With TPTs

Total Participation TechniquesAvon Grove School District Inservice Days

Fall 2011

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AM: Tracy Litchfield, Nancy Rowan

PM: Jennifer Russell, Mary Teresa Maule Alft

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Purpose: To understand how Total Participation Techniques can facilitate equitable student participation and provide opportunities to assess understanding.

Participants will learn a variety of TPTs and plan how to incorporate TPTs into daily classroom instruction.

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Word Splash!

What do you think of when you hear “Total Participation Technique?”

Jot down nouns, verbs, or short phrases to describe a TPT.

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Total Participation Techniques (TPTs) are teaching techniques that allow for all students to demonstrate, at the same time, active participation and cognitive engagement in the topic being studied.

Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student An Active Learner, Pérsida & William Himmel, ASCD, 2011

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Pérsida and Bill Himmele suggest that TPTs….

… “…are essential for ensuring active participation and cognitive engagement by all of your learners.”

…provide you with effective ongoing formative assessments.

…create opportunities for all students to demonstrate active engagement at the same time.

…allow the learner to actively process what has been presented and create linkages between what they know and how that is related to concepts presented in class.

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…are effective when teachers continually ask themselves: Will all of my students learn during this lesson? How will I know? What can I do to get instant evidence that all students are

engaged and processing the concepts being presented?

…support the second language learner.

…need to be deliberately infused in our lessons so that students can process, reflect, question and interact with each other.

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Word Splash Revisited!

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Let’s form new groups…

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What Would You Do?

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Time for a Debate!

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Managing the Materials

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Full Steam Ahead…

TPTs are only for elementary age students.

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TPTs require a lot of planning and materials.

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TPTs encourage higher level thinking.

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TPTs can lessen the achievement gap.

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Every activity we demonstrated and presented today was a TPT.

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The four types of TPTs are hold ups, movement, note-taking and quick writes.

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TPTs work best when addressing literal content.

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I will attempt a TPT -- or a new TPT -- in my classroom next week.

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My understanding of a TPT has changed.

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Find TPT resources on the AGSD wiki…• AGSD Resource Page

• AGSD Teacher Resource Wiki• Inservice Day Resources

• http://agsdinservice.pbworks.com/w/page/45935655/FrontPage

•Drs. William & Pérsida Himmele• Total Participation Techniques: Making Every Student an

Active Learner• The Language-Rich Classroom

• http://www.ascd.org/publications/books/111037.aspx


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Exit Ticket

I used to think....but now I know....

One question I have....

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