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• My name is Melony Munoz. I am a compassionate, out-going, funny & creative young girl who loves interaction. Whether it be with animals or humans; I work well with adults and very well with kids!! I have Spanish ethnicity & can speak the language. After evaluating my profile, I think you will come to realize that I would be a remarkable asset and addition to a corporation.

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• I am a quick learner and enjoy problem solving; which is amazing advantage to have.

• I have a fun spirit who isn’t afraid to go out and talk to new people or speak my mind in a matter.

• I also have an eye for color; design is a great feature that I think should be used more often.

• One of my best skills is through my writing, I can articulate myself very well using diction & tone.

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• Dedication is something that I find to be a good trait. It involves loyalty and trust. The ability to have dependability on someone is awesome. It takes one more thing to worry about off your mind

• Communication in any relationship is key; whether it be with a friend, spouse, colleague or boss. In order to have a 2-way street of respect and mutual understanding on the topic, you need to communicate in some way with the other party.

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• My mother had always taught me from a young age that organization skills & staying on task is imperative! Being efficient and maintaining order in a courteous manner.

• Knowing the meaning of teamwork is a must too, after all “teamwork makes the dream work“; in order to attain your goal, you need to know how to play nicely with others and get to know who you’re working with.

• One other detail would be reasoning, which to me is the icing on the cake. Small choices may make the biggest difference, reasoning’s just good to keep in the back of your mind.

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• The letters that I chose for my Holland Code Test were: 1. Artistic: an innovative ability who likes to work in an

unstructured situation, using their imagination and creativity on a daily basis.

2. Investigative: someone who enjoys to observe, learn and analyze and then evaluate/solve problems.

3. Social: working with people to enlighten or inform, help, train or cure them; usually skilled with words as well.

My results came out to be SAI-Substance Abuse & Behavioral Disorder

Counselors AIS- Poet, Lyricists ISA-


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• Description: Counsel and advise individuals with drug problems & gambling or eating disorders as well. They may do individual sessions or family/group too.

• This taps into my social interest and well as my problem solving skills. It also allows me to give back to my community

• I have good methods of communication and well as insight. Time management is not much of a problem for me either.

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• Description: to create original works such as scripts, prose, poetry or song lyrics for publication and performance.

• Giving the fulfillment to the artist within me, this involves frequently working with templates, designs & patterns. They often require self-expression and the work can be done without following a clear set of rules.

• Not only do I appreciate the gift of creative writing but I myself find it to be relaxing and a good coping method as well.

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• Description: To diagnose, treat & help prevent any disorders of the mind using various types of methods.

• One must be investigative in order to be working with ideas that need an extensive amount of thinking. This occupation may also involve searching for facts & using critical thinking to mentally solve a specific situation.

• I would perfectly fit this career because not only am I socially capable but I enjoy problem solving and whatnot.

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• Blue: People with blue interests like

job responsibilities and occupations that involve creative, humanistic, thoughtful, and quiet types of activities. Blue interests include abstracting, theorizing, designing, writing, reflecting, and originating, which often lead to work in editing, teaching, composing, inventing, mediating, clergy, and writing. Which would be compatible with my artistic, free spirited personality.

• Yellow: People with yellow styles perform

their job responsibilities in a manner that is orderly and planned to meet a known schedule. They prefer to work where things get done with a minimum of interpretation and unexpected change. People with a yellow style tend to be structured, loyal, systematic, methodical & organized, and usually thrive in a predictable, established, controlled & orderly environment. This co-exists with my well-thought out & committed characteristics.

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The life of a psychologist is extremely demanding & at times it can be nerve-racking, too. But at the end of the day, it is a pretty rewarding job! Not be mention so incredibly remarkable considering all of the things you have to do. Such as performing exams that study every aspect of the human mind (a pretty scary place sometimes). One can land a career in various types of jobs. Like counselor & educators yet most goals are usually just to do a private practice of the career. And if you want to go a step further, you can get a government job in psych as well; which would obviously be having a bit more of a grueling schedule along with emotional demands regardless. None the less, “the best thing about this job is that people open up their lives to you-that’s a great responsibility but also an honor!” , as said by a psychologist.

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• Being a professional mediator is all about conflict resolution, and so the job demands a person with excellent reasoning, problem-solving, and peace-making abilities. While many are suspicious of lawyers and attorneys, mediators are more often attributed with qualities of wisdom, trustworthiness, and neutrality. Unlike lawyers and judges, who evaluate, assess, and decide for others, mediators help participating parties evaluate, assess, and decide for THEMSELVES. Parties wishing to avoid the delays, high costs, publicity, and ill will brought on by litigation look to mediators as a more peaceful, inexpensive, and expedient alternative. The mediator’s job is to listen, sort through differences between the two parties involved in a dispute, and find common ground upon which to ascertain a solution. A good mediator is honest, encouraging & again, neutral, they’re also good listeners; and have excellent communication skills. Mediation is considered a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). It’s the more popular approach to a disagreement and overall a better take for your money in the end too.

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• Leadership is a trait that I unfortunately do not have right now because I feel that it’s a huge burden to carry and be responsible for the work of others as well. In my eyes, I think that one should be extremely confident with themselves before taking on a major role such as this one. (2 qualities in 1)

• Another characteristic would have to be the ability to be working with computers. With today’s modern technology constantly advancing we need to know how to be able use ways of communication & research as well as presentation.

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