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  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine August 2013 Issue


    AEEC | October 2011 1

    Alpha Eritrean Engineers CommunityAUGUST 2013

    VOL 4NO. 2






    We congratulate the new

    mathematician who

    developed three new

    theorem and called one

    of them, a + c = b

    as "Eritrean formula". P.9

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    AEEC | August2013 1























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    Consumer Defines Value

    Ever since I was young, I was interested inelectricity, electrical circuits and gadgets. Growing

    up I always wished to alleviate the power shortage

    that our society, Developed and specially

    Developing Countries, faced and wished to

    improve the quality of life through technology.

    After migrating to Centralia which is in

    Washington State I initially attended a community

    college to receive an associate degree in general


    Soon after completing my associate degree, I

    realized how quickly modern technology was

    changing and decided to continue my education. I

    enrolled at Oregon State University (OSU) in

    Corvallis, Oregon and completed my degree

    focusing on electrical and computer engineering,

    specializing in semiconductor processing and

    manufacturing. During my third year at OSU, I

    worked with a company called Planar Systems,

    which manufactures medical, industrial and

    commercial display. While working at the


    I did research looking at thin film

    (Electroluminescent) and light emitting diode (LED).

    The focus of this research was to discover which ofthese two electronics products would be better for

    back lighting on computers, televisions and mobile

    devices. As part of my research, I looked at Thin film

    electronic circuitry components that are etched onto

    a thin wafer of silicon.

    Thin film transistor liquid crystal display circuits

    which are made on a thin layer of specially

    formulated silicon applied to a glass plate. Each TFT

    LCD, Thin-Film-Transistor Liquid-Crystal-Display,unit contains the transistors, wiring and other

    components necessary to turn an LCD on or off,

    blocking or releasing light. Colors are thus produced

    with built-in color filters. Light Emitting Diodes

    (LED) is specially formulated semiconductors that

    produce light when their electrons are prompted

    into moving from a high-energy state to a lower one.

    Light is, as a result, produced with much less energy

    than light bulbs or CRTs, Cathode Ray Tube- a

    vacuum tube containing one or more electron guns

    (a source of electrons or electron emitter) and a

    fluorescent screen used to view images. Like TFT

    LCDs, LED displays can contain thousands of units

    working together to form an image. Individual LED

    units can be colored and you can control the

    brightness of LED displays in the same way you can

    dim a light bulb. At the conclusion of my research, it

    is evident that LED for backlights improves the

    quality of display color and image contrast

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    AEEC | August2013 3

    compared to thin film. LED backlights also allow

    thinner display packages, more tolerant viewing

    angles, less energy consumption and longer product

    life. As seen today, products that use LEDs such as

    flat panel LCD and LED TVs, mobile devices,

    calculators, and other medical and commercial

    products dominate the market presently.

    After completing my study at OSU, I worked as a

    product engineer in marketing and sales branch

    interacting directly with consumers to find out what

    requirements and needs were present in this fast

    growing technology sector. While I was working in

    marketing, I began to research and work on my Lean

    Six Sigma which is a set of tools and strategies for

    process improvement, or a powerful, proven

    method of improving processes efficiency and

    effectiveness that focuses customer satisfaction.

    During my research, I discovered a partner that had

    the same interest in Lean Six Sigma. We bother want

    to help customers get products they need as fast as

    possible and with full customers satisfaction. To do

    this, both my partner and I created an enterprise


    Lean-Agile is a business strategy based oncustomer satisfaction and delivering quality

    products and service that are: 1) Exactly what

    the customer needs, 2) When the customer

    needs the product, 3) The amount the customer

    requires, 4) Based upon an agreed price and

    5)Accomplished with minimum resources.

    The term 'Lean' in a business or manufacturing

    environment describes a philosophy that

    incorporates a collection of tools and techniques

    into the business process to optimize time, human

    resources, assets, and productivity, while

    improving the quality level of products and

    services to the customers. Lean is also a principle

    that creates and maximizes value through the

    elimination of waste. Organizations thus rethink

    their end-to-end value chains and find ways to

    provide what their customers value better, fasterand with significantly fewer resources than their

    competitors and can obviously develop an

    unassailable competitive advantage by utilizing the

    Lean principle.

    My partner and I, further developed and are able to

    offer what we believe to be the most effective,

    powerful, user friendly, and affordable lean data

    management software called Lean Data System

    (LDS) or Supplier Quality System. LDS is developed

    as a primary tool designed to promote a truly lean,

    effective and uniform supplier quality effort. It is

    also meant as a single source of supplier quality

    issue details, lessons learned, and data to support

    key metrics used to identify what issues and

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    concerns suppliers need to address and in what

    order based on cost and schedule impact or both.

    Lean Data System helps companies identify and

    resolve their issues within a fraction of the time.

    LDS allows companies to focuses on what matters

    the most, Safety, Quality, Cost and Schedule inorder to give the best service and product to the

    consumer. The essential idea of our company

    (LSI) is to maximize customer value while

    minimizing waste.

    Lean creates more value for customers with fewer


    At the end of the day, companies, large, medium or

    small, who will be using this fast growing

    technology, will be defined by their customers, the

    value of their products and services.

    ~ Engineer Ermias Kahsay





    Bringing the bestand the brightesttogether

    Hard to reach doesnt have to mean hard to do

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine August 2013 Issue


    AEEC | August2013 5

    It is every one's dream to connect and discuss as Eritrean professionals are

    spreading to all corners of the world as if to fill the map. As its name

    indicates Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine is the beginning to motivate

    other professionals outside engineering to find a means of connection. It is a

    brilliant idea to be Alpha.

    There is no green light ready to welcome any one whenever you live abroad.

    Hunting professional job is the most challenging. I admit that being focused

    and working hard will change Eritrean Diaspora's life sooner or later. But

    Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine is in the right track and wish to

    congratulate those who initiate the idea.

    Estifanos Asrat Geotechnical engineering

    Thanks for sharing brother. Its so up lifting to see Eritreans in such a

    diverse and intellectual field. I am not sure if the magazine is distributed

    and how many copies are printed but since I am in the printing industry,

    anything I can do to be any assistant to you and your peers, please, dont

    hesitate to let me know.

    Dr. Awet Gherezghiher


    Comments & Suggestions





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    Born and raised in the capital city of Eritrea, I

    completed all my studies including myundergraduate degree in Asmara. I received my

    Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering

    from University of Asmara. After I completed my

    studies, I joined the Eritrea Institute of Technology

    and worked as Graduate Teaching Assistant. While

    working, not only did I have the opportunity to learn

    the challenges of Electrical Engineering but I also

    gained experience within the academic sector.

    Although my interest in Electrical engineering goes

    back to my childhood, during my undergrad studies, I

    developed a specific interest in digital electronicsand was eager to advance my studies. Thus, from

    September 2010 to May 2012, I studied

    Microsystems in Masdar Institute of Science and

    Technology and took numerous course related to

    circuit design and microelectronic fabrication.

    I was very fascinated and encouraged to do research

    in circuit design after I successfully designed and

    tested a chip during my graduateresearch work. My

    research involved digitally assisted analog/mixed

    signal circuit design.

    I was exposed to the challenges of designing an

    verification of custom analog and digital circuits. CA

    tools from Synopsys, Cadence and Mentor graphic

    were extensively utilized while working on a chip

    My research was to implement an ultra-low powe

    clock multiplier to supply a LED driver with a 2MHclock based on a 32 kHz reference. The circuit wa

    part of an ultra-low power heart rate monitorin

    system which uses pulse oximetry technique. Th

    system comprises of a photon to digital converter

    LED driver and clock generator, (Figure 1). Thre

    chips were designed and fabricated and it was a

    inspiring experience to design and test a chip a

    masters level. One of the outcomes of the researc

    conducted was presented at the International Soli

    State Circuit Conference (ISSCC 2013) [1]. Being par

    of the research group, I had the privilege tparticipate in the ISSCC 2013 conference which waheld on February, 2013 in San Francisco. I also fullcustom designed chip to appear in the conference from

    the Middle East region.


    Heartrate monitoring system based on pulse


    The novel aspect of the clock multiplier is that it ha

    digital intensive implementation based on Frequency Locked Loop (FLL) architecture whic

    allows operation at 0.5V supply voltage with les

    than 10 micro Amps of current consumption.

    Low power Clock multiplier design for heart rate monitoring

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    Power consumption is crucial in low power CMOS

    circuit design especially for portable and mobile

    devices. Scaling the supply voltage is one of the best

    techniques to lower the power dissipation. That is

    why the systems power supply was limited to 0.5V.

    Another reason is that this voltage is also available

    directly from a tiny solar cell. The problems

    encountered when designing clock generators at lowsupply voltage is the susceptibility to process,

    temperature and supply voltage (PVT) variations.

    The designed clock multiplier is robust in the

    presence of process, temperature, and supply voltage

    variations while avoiding complex calibration oranalog circuits such as band gap voltage references

    (Figure 2). It is an integer N-frequency multiplier

    based on a Frequency Locking Technique. The main

    distinction between Frequency Locked Loop and

    Phase Locked Loop is that in FLL the error signal

    generated in the loop represents frequency rather

    than phase error. In case of PLL the error signal

    would be proportional to phase. Generally the

    system could be described as a negative feedback

    system in which a change in the output frequency

    would be counteracted by the restoring behavior ofthe feedback.

    The main parameter tracked in the feedback loop i

    the frequency of the output clock. The system

    constantly keeps track of the output frequency an

    generates an error signal by comparing it with

    reference word. The system does frequenc

    multiplication given by FOUT = FREF N where FREF i

    reference frequency, FOUT is the output frequenc

    and N is an integer.


    Architecture of the designed FLL

    The forward path of the loop comprises of the digita

    comparator followed by a set of filters and a digitall

    controlled oscillator. The feedback path is formed b

    a frequency detector which generates a digital wor

    equivalent to the frequency of the output of the DCO

    The frequency detector is analogous to a divider tha

    generates a phase equivalent to the output in digitaphase locked loop. Digital circuits were heavil

    utilized when implementing the system. Digita

    circuits are immune to PVT variations as they onl

    have to determine digital logic levels of 0 or 1. Wit

    technology change the digital circuits could b

    retained. The analog part in the design was th

    Digitally Controlled Oscillator, and this part might b

    required to be redesigned when moving to anothe


    The FLL is designed to generate a clock wit

    frequency of 2.096 MHz generated by a digitally

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    controlled oscillator (DCO) as revealed in Figure 2.

    The DCO is formed by a digital to analog converter

    (DAC) and a current controlled ring oscillator. It is

    controlled by a 31 level thermometer coded word.

    The thermometer code essentially controls a set of

    PMOS switches of the DAC, and by turning on or off

    more switches the output phase and frequency of the

    DCO is modulated. Since the system is designed tokeep track of the output frequency, a frequency

    detector (FD) based on counters is implemented. The

    frequency detector counts the number of full cycles

    of output clock in one period of the reference clock.

    The output of the frequency detector is a 9-bit word

    and is added with a reference control word so as to

    generate a frequency error signal. A value 32 is

    chosen as a reference word that corresponds to the

    number of full cycles of 1.048 MHz output clock in

    one period of the reference clock with frequency

    32.768kHz (note that this frequency is available froma commercial crystal oscillators). The 1.048MHz

    signal is obtained by dividing the 2.096MHz clock

    from the DCO.

    The frequency error is accumulated and filtered to

    tune the DCO to the desired frequency. The first

    accumulator followed by an adder form a lead lag

    filter. In addition to accumulating the error signal the

    lead lag filter helps reduce the in band phase noise

    and quantization error. The output of the lead lag

    filter is fed to a second 18bit accumulator. The

    output of the accumulator drives a first order Sigma

    Delta modulator. The Sigma Delta modulator has an

    input of 18bits and output of 5bits. By its dithering

    behavior, the Sigma Delta provides a digital word

    with average value that tracks the input 18bit word.

    Prior to driving the DCO, the 5bit binary word from

    the Sigma Delta is converted to a thermometer code.

    The binary to thermometer decoder has a behavior

    to change only one bit when its input changes by

    only one value, thus insuring monotonicity. The DCOhas a CCO which integrates the filtered control signalto an output clock phase ( ).

    All the clock signals All the clock signals that operate

    the logical circuits are obtained from the referenc

    clock and the output of the DCO. The Sigma Delta i

    made to run at a higher frequency from the output o

    the DCO to enhance the noise performance of th

    system. Synchronization circuits are added in th

    system so as not to lose any information when th

    signals are traveling across the loop.

    In summary, proposed system was PVT toleran

    frequency locked loop based clock multiplier fo

    heart rate monitoring system operating at ultra-low

    power. All the circuit required were simulated at

    transistor level and the circuit layout was created. A

    chip was fabricated and tested. A test board wa

    designed as shown in Figure 3a below and the outpu

    of the chip is shown in Figure 3b and 3c. The chi

    had the desired performance with results similar t

    the post layout simulations. Furthermore, aimportant tool that was used in developing thi

    model system is called CppSim (www.cppsim.com

    which offers fast behavioral simulation systems. It i

    built in c++ based modules and various user define

    modules can easily be integrated into its platform

    This tool is helpful for Electrical Engineers especiall

    those working in circuit design.

    Figure 3a

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    The tool is called CppSim (www.cppsim.com) which

    offers a fast behavioral simulation of systems. It has

    built in c++ based modules and various user defined

    modules could be easily integrated in to its platform.

    It is a helpful tool for Electrical Engineers especially

    for those working in circuit design.

    Figure 3b

    Figure 2b

    Figure 3c


    [1] Alhawari M. et al, 0.5V

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    AEEC | February 2013 10

    A land of dreamers who walk confidently

    in the direction of their dreams

    Eritrea purely magnificent

    Civil engineering at its best!

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    My To-Do Lists

    Each day, most of us have personal goals-say,

    preparing for an exam, throwing a house party or

    going somewhere to attend a family weeding etc, and

    we have different techniques of managing our time to

    increase our productivity, but at certain point itbecomes so difficult that the tasks pile up and with

    never ending task lists you tend to procrastinate and


    I have a problem with my to-do list. Do you?

    Even though I had a difficulty with organizing my

    day; I always have a to-do list. I find that if I write

    my tasks down, I'm far less stressed because I

    know I won't forget anything. It helps me to set

    priorities and when I'm done with one task, I canmove right onto the next.

    I fall in to all kinds of traps with my to-do lists. I

    have lists all over the place. I put short and long

    time lists and when I occasionally review them

    with my pen against the finished ones I found most

    of them are not done or partially done. And the

    feeling that I wasn't accomplishing anything

    frustrates me some times.

    For instance, I always plan to start my day bywaking up at six in the morning, go to Gym or do

    some running and then do the rest according to my

    to-do lists. But I found walking up at six is really

    difficult for me. I've been struggling with this for

    years. I dont know why it is always in the first of

    my to-do lists. I know I am not going to wake up

    but I write it as my first morning task. Why bother

    when I can't do it?

    In the morning I think that I can do all my to-do

    lists for the day. Once I start checking my e-mail I

    get distracted and I spend more time on some o

    the tasks that are not listed. So, something goe

    wrong with my todays tasks.

    Consequently I can't finish my to-dos and I feel likI haven't done enough for the day. On the othe

    hand, there are days that my to-do lists goes we

    and I feel that I achieved something and I fee

    contented. It boosts me to do more for the nex


    Im more organized at work than at home or mor

    productive outside than at home. More organize

    when I am doing some other peoples busines

    than my own. If cleaning or organizing my home ione of my short to-do lists, most of the time

    procrastinate to do it unless someone is coming t

    my house. I am sure most of us do, especiall

    single people homes are more clean and organize

    when they invite someone.

    I think keeping your lists fairly short helps manag

    your tasks easily. Its so disappointing at the end o

    the day when I see my to do lists with a number o

    items on it has only a few or maybe non

    accomplished. Being able to manage small achievmore makes me very happy. It works for me and

    hope it will work for you too!

    ~ Engineer Samson Gonets

    Only put off until tomorrow what you

    are willing to die having left undone

    Pablo Picasso

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    AEEC | February 2013 12


    Glass Half Full

    Someone who sees a partially filled glass as half full is an

    often cited definition of an optimist. Someone who sees

    the same glass as half empty is taken to be a pessimist. Ithas been said that someone who sets the glass as poorly

    designed, because it is twice as large as it needed to be,

    is surely an engineer.

    . Sense of humor from engineers prospective

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    Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine

    A E E M

  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine August 2013 Issue


    AEEC | August2013 14

    Current Job OpportunitiesCompanies or Government Jobs Location & Number Closing D

    Electrical Engineering


    Innovation Center Project Engineer4/5, 13-1011857, Everett, WA;

    October 21, 2



    Multi-Function Project

    Manager/Integrator, 13-1011060,

    Everett, WA; October 07, 2https://jobs.boeing.com/JobSeeker/JobView?reqcode=13-


    Electrical Design and Analysis

    Engineer 3/4, 13-1014135, Hill

    AFB, UT

    September 2


    Flight Engineering


    Aerodynamics Engineer, 13-

    1010779, Huntington Beach, CA September 12013https://jobs.boeing.com/JobSeeker/JobView?reqcode=13-010025

    Propulsion Engineer 4/5,

    13-1010025, North Charleston, SC

    September 0



    Propulsion Engineer 3/4, 13-

    1010026, North Charleston, SC

    September 0


    Software Engineer



    Software Engineer 2/3, 13-

    1013533, Herndon, VA November 01, https://jobs.boeing.com/JobSeeker/JobView?reqcode=13-


    Software Engineer, 13-1013176,

    Springfield, VAOctober 24, 2



    Software Engineer 2/3, 13-

    1012530, Saint Louis, MOSeptember 1


    Software Engineer 3, 13-1012576,

    Springfield, VA September 12013Information Technology



    Computing Security & Information

    Protection Specialist 3, 13-

    1014008, Saint Louis, MOSeptember 0



    Network Support Analyst, 13-

    1013542, Bristol, United Kingdom

    September 3


  • 7/30/2019 Alpha Eritrean Engineers Magazine August 2013 Issue


    AEEC | August2013 15

    The authors

    Ermias [email protected] AS from Centralia community College in

    General Enginering in 1994 & BS from Oregon

    State University in Elecrical, Electronics and

    Computer Engineering in 2002. Currently he

    owns company (business) called Lean Services

    International works as senior consultant and

    President of Operations.

    Temesgen [email protected] his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from

    University of Asmara & MS in Micro-systems in

    Masdar Institute of Science and Technology, Abu

    Dhab. Currently he is employed by Masdar Istitute

    of Science and Technology as a research engineer.

    Samson [email protected] received his B.S. in CivilEngineering from San Francisco State University in

    California and currently he is studing and in a

    process of abtaining a Professional Engineer

    licence (PE).

    If you need an updated information,

    discussions or got an Engineering

    experiences that you want share

    your knowledge or ideas with your

    fellow professionals.

    You will find us on







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