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Page 1: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBELthe atlantan | modern luxury brides atlanta | men’s book atlanta | charity & social datebook

3 2 8 0 p e a c h t r e e r o a d n e s u i t e 2 3 0 0 at l a n ta , g a 3 0 3 0 5 4 0 4 . 4 4 3 . 0 0 0 4

jezebeL is atlanta’s go-to publication for all that’s hip and happening. from social coverage to inside the resto and nightlife scenes, jez is always in the know. shopping, style, beauty, design, celebs, who’s who,

travel and what’s trending locally—it’s all found within jezebeL’s pages. part of the award-winning modern luxury network of regional publications, jezebeL is about the best of the best in atlanta life.

plus, thanks to a renowned team on the ground with its pulse on the market, interactive digital brand extensions and unrivaled events, jezebeL excels in capturing the metropolitan lifestyle, making it a valuable partner for

companies wishing to reach the city’s most affl uent consumers.

Page 2: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

t h e m a r k e t

The GreaTer aTlanTa area is a leadinG markeT for

affluence in The us

40.4 million

Visitors to atlanta

in 2012 (a 28% increase over

the past decade)

atlanta is the premier, luxury shopping destination of the south with the world’s most fashionable brands housed in Lenox Square, PhiPPS PLaza and soon, the new

oliVer mcmillan deVelopment, Buckhead atLanta.

atlanta’s cultural scene is booming with the atLanta oPera, the

atLanta BaLLet, aLLiance theatre, Woodruff artS center, the high

muSeum, the fox theatre, the Buckhead theater, atLanta hiStory

center, atLanta BotanicaL gardenS, PhiLiPS arena and many more!

source: atlanta convention & Visitors bureau

atlanta is considered an

and is the 9th largest metropolitan area in the united states

alpha world citysource: gawc 2010 and atlanta Journal constitution

#1hartsfield-Jackson is the world’s busiest

airport by passenger traffic since 1998.

source: cnn 2012

forBeS ranked atLanta aS #22 in BeSt PLaceS for BuSineSS and careerS.

atlanta is home to many fortune 500 companies such as home dePot, uPS, coca-coLa, deLta, afLac, Southern, SuntruSt, neWeLL ruBBermaid and mohaWk induStrieS.

Page 3: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

t h e m a g a z i n e

jezebel delivers The ambiTious millennial markeT like no oTher

luxury lifestyle, affluent influencers, the best neighborhoods.we reach our print audience with an unmatched blend of direct residential mail, controlled commercial,

luxury hotel, newsstand, subscriber and event distribution throughout the atlanta area. this happens selectively in only the top neighborhoods and retail zones and delivers an unparalleled audience.

millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017, but

advertisers continue to underestimate the purchasing power of these consumers

nearly one in five americans are in the millennial generation and they spend upwards of

$300 billion annually

[diGiTal savvy] c o n t e n t t h at e n g a g e S a f f L u e n t, e d u c at e d c o n S u m e r S

sources: cbs news 2010; cbs news 2013; ipsos mendelsohn 2012 affluent adults hhi $100k+; 2011 gfk mri the atLantan reader profile study, audience 25-34yo

$83,900 median household income

hold col l ege degrees : 91%hold post-grad degrees: 41%

haVe Visited or contacted

an adVertiser98%

modern luxury magazines are the exclusiVe magazines aVailable in the suites at Turner Field and PhiliPs arena, and the modern luxury lounges at PhiPPs Plaza and in the luxury wing of lenox

square proVide respite—and reading material—for the elite and affluent consumers of atlanta.

we have a higher number of app downloads and more interaction

with our apps than any other local luxury lifestyle magazine. our extensive email

database and a thriving social network of active facebook fans and twitter and instagram followers further enhance our

digital engagement with readers.

Page 4: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

W h o i S r e a d i n g j e z e b e l ?

appealinG To The mosT

acTive aTlanTa consumers

male/female .........................................................................................45%/55%

aVerage age ....................................................................................................33

college grad ...............................................................................................91%

post-grad degree ........................................................................................41%

own their own home ...............................................................................68%

married/partnered ......................................................................................44%

Jezebel readers are......engagedreaders per copy ...........................................................................................3.7

median time spent with an issue .........................................................70 min.

haVe read 3 out of 4 copies ......................................................................66%

...affLuentmedian household income ................................................................$83,900

median net worth ..............................................................................$250,000

median home Value ............................................................................ .$452,100

...activeas a resuLt of reading Jezebel

Visited or contacted an adVertiser ........................................................98%

Visited an adVertiser’s website ..................................................................44%

...SociaL trendSetterSattended a charity eVent in the past year ..............................................56%

attended a design eVent ...........................................................................39%

went to a bar/nightclub .........................................................................69%

regarded as tastemakers in dining/entertainment/nightlife ..........78%

chose “top-shelf” brands when indulging in alcohol .....................88%

source: 2011 gfk mri the atLantan reader profile study, audience 25-34yo. aam audited.

69%of our readers prefer to buy

luxury brands

62%of our

readers find jezebeL resourceful

when keeping up with fashion and

style trends

Page 5: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

r e S u Lt S

WhaT our adverTisers are sayinG

abouT jezebel

modern luxury and its team is continually brainstorming new ideas of where our community, savoy at town brookhaven, can be featured in jezebeL and the

modern luxury magazines to get the most out of our advertising and recently, was tremendous in helping us prepare and execute our grand opening event. they always go above and beyond in exceeding our advertising

expectations and are a pleasure to work with.

Tara BroWnmarKeTinG manaGer,

ashTon Woods homes, aTlanTa

modern luxury not only anticipates our needs, but continues to exceed any expectations we have had. print advertising is

just the beginning - from events in our ballroom to photo shoots on-site, there’s endless opportunities to explore.

we’re so excited to continue to work with modern luxury, and can’t wait to see what the future brings us!

lindsay morrisonmarKeTinG manaGer, W aTlanTa – BuCKhead

as a pr professional i am cognizant of my clients’ roi, which is why i always steer them

to the modern luxury model. case in point is here to serve restaurants, a group of 14 concepts that range from the elegant prime steaks and sushi to the causal noche tapas and tequila with a mix of everything in between. modern luxury has a magazine

that speaks to all of our audiences: with the high-brow atLantan to the fun and sassy

jezebeL; trendy Men’s booK and the special event location bible brides atLanta. there is no greater coverage of my city than

modern luxury.lisa rayner

PuBliC relaTions, here To serve

partnering with Jezebel is pr marketing and branding royalty. every interaction we have with Jezebel is excellence combined with beauty trend and luxury. since partnering, we have measurable increase in new sales and new sales distribution channels, gains in niche markets,

continually network with highly talented and dedicated atlantans in the heart of the hottest spots in the city, and gain exposure with stunning ads and editorials in print and online. partnering with Jezebel and the other connected magazines, gives an immediate and quantitative spike to

brand image and recognition. at least once a week, there are fantastic events and opportunities to keep our marketing and sales on a forward strategic momentum and our brand exposure and pr relevant and cutting edge. with signature events, social media marketing, interactive contests, gift bag opportunities and more, our customers are excited, and we are excited to do more and more and more with Jezebel!

samanTha diCKeyoWner, dirTy BeauTy

Page 6: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

d i S t r i B u t i o n

TarGeTinG The mosT affluenT

readers in aTlanTa and


30%controLLed commerciaL

top-tier salons, private golf clubs, select retailers, medical and professional offices and private jet terminals are among the premier public locations

displaying copies, adding significant breadth to our audience.

25%direct reSidentiaL maiL

these copies are direct-mailed to homes in the most affluent zip codes in the atlanta area.

15%Luxury hoteLS

placed in-room and with concierges in the finest hotels, these copies reach the discerning traveler.

10%SeLect neWSStand

with targeted precision, our magazines are out to get the most exposure from airports, barnes & nobles, and boutique newsstand placement

throughout the city.


these copies are mailed to our loyal group of subscribers throughout metro atlanta and the southeast.

10%event diStriBution

our magazines will always be at the most important, most exclusive, can’t-be-missed events throughout the year.

★ digitaL diStriBution

tablet devices and smartphones are reinventing how our readers consume content. accordingly, jezebeL is available

in both app and digital edition formats.

source: 2011 gfk mri the atLantan reader profile study, audience 25-34yo. aam audited.

o u r m o d e L

a custom survey conducted by mri reveals a reader profile that embodies what most luxury retailers and markets would call

“the perfect luxury demographic,” a highly engaged audience with a strong interest in fashion, style and luxury goods that earns more and spends more than the readers of

any other local magazine.



Page 7: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

fuLL-Service cuStom PuBLiShing

• custom print and digital ad design services

• custom print and digital advertorial layout design, photography and creation

• print and digital high impact unit concept and creation

• photography for special events

digitaL advertiSing

• online advertising on modernluxury.com and through custom–designed microsites and videos

• digital editions with interactive links and enhanced advertising options

• email marketing via weekly e-newsletter or dedicated e-mails deployed to our curated subscriber list

• mobile apps with customized in-app interactivity

• social media campaigns reaching our dedicated facebook fans and twitter followers

eventS & Promotion

• event creation—exclusively tailored events for highly targeted local infl uencers

• signature events presented throughout the year, designed to generate sales, build brand awareness and create strategic alliances

among leading upscale brands

• event sponsorships that leverage our high-profi le local and national partnerships. jezebeL offers advertisers affi liations

with complementary organizations and generates additional brand exposure to a broader, more involved audience.

m a r k e t i n g

a 360-deGree plaTform for

brandinG impacT

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e d i t o r i a L c a L e n d a r

ulTimaTe in-The-knoW access To a

luxury lifesTyle

January | ultimate traVel issuead Close: deC 1, 2013 | maTerials due: deC 1, 2013 | on sale: Jan 1

feBruary | 101 must-try tastes, a culinary adVenture in a-townad Close: Jan 1 | maTerials due: Jan 1 | on sale: FeB 1

march | spring fashion issue ad Close: FeB 1 | maTerials due: FeB 1 | on sale: mar 1

special promotional section: the Luxury boutique collection

aPriL | best of atlanta issuead Close: mar 1 | maTerials due: mar 1 | on sale: aPr 1

may | arts and entertainment guidead Close: aPr 1 | maTerials due: aPr 1 | on sale: may 1

special promotional section: the Luxury nightlife collection

June | weekend escapes issuead Close: may 1 | maTerials due: may 1 | on sale: Jun 1

JuLy | 100 best restaurantsad Close: Jun 1 | maTerials due: Jun 1 | on sale: Jul 1

auguSt | most eligible atlantansad Close: Jul 1 | maTerials due: Jul 1 | on sale: auG 1

SePtemBer | fall fashion issuead Close: auG 1 | maTerials due: auG 1 | on sale: seP 1

special promotional section: the Luxury boutique collection

octoBer | best in class auto and breast cancer awarenessad Close: seP 1 | maTerials due: seP 1 | on sale: oCT 1

special promotional section: Who’s Who of atlanta Medical professionals

novemBer | anniVersary issue and most beautiful atlantansad Close: oCT 1 | maTerials due: oCT 1 | on sale: nov 1

decemBer | ultimate gift guidead Close: nov 1 | maTerials due: nov 1 | on sale: deC 1

special promotional section: jezebeL’s holiday hot List

i n e v e ry i S S u e

neW+nextof the moment people, places and things

music, arts scene and calendar

SociaL circLeScharity and exclusive event coverage

hotshots wedding 2 degrees of atlanta

Voyeur with Q100's Jeff dauler

a-LiStexclusive one-on-one celebrity interviews

celebrity spottings in the city

LookBook and StyLeinside atlanta’s fashion scene

photographic fashion expressions for men and women

fashion trends and how to get the lookbest dressed atlantans & style on the street

vanity+oBeSSeSionnew and innovative products,

procedures & spasprofi le of a beauty maven

mind+Bodystylish gear & fi tness tips

health, wellness & nutrition

SPaceS+deSigndecor, furniture trends & chic homes

expert profi les and tips

meet+greetintroducing atlanta's most in-the-know peeps

tweet elite

eat+drink+Partynew restos & cool cuisine

nightlife, wine, beer & spirits

rideStoday’s hottest automobiles

get outta toWntop spots in the most well-traveled cities

weekend getaways exotic vacation getaways

hotShotSatlanta’s cool set captured out and about

Page 9: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

e v e n t S

siGnaTure affairs WiTh access To

aTlanTa’s eliTe social circles

feBruary | Jezebel pre-Valentine’s party (neW in 2014!)a party for all lovers, single or spoken for, we come together for a night to celebrate love with Jezebel’s sexy and infl uential atlantans. this is your chance to meet your match or fi nd a date for V-day. or just have fun watching it all go down.

march | Jezebel st. patrick’s day party (neW in 2014!)it’s time to get green with Jezebel for the best st. patrick’s day party in the city. private Vip party for Jezebel’s readers and entry into the east andrews block party.

march | Jezebel best of the city party (neW in 2014!)hosted by editor-in-chief allison mitchell, the event will bring together some of the brightest stars in culture, fi ne dining, design and fashion while celebrating atlanta’s most esteemed, creative and eclectic as we announce the winners of the 2014 best of the city.

may | Jezebel influential insiders under 35 (neW in 2014!)Jezebel celebrates atlanta’s infl uential insiders of atlanta with a party in their honor. young business professionals will mix and mingle to expand their business networks.

June | Jezebel 100 best restaurantsJoin Jezebel as we toast to the city’s best, most fabulous restaurants with a party to announce the winners of the 100 best restaurants in atlanta.

JuLy | fit & fabulous in atlantathe atlantan in partnership with Jezebel gives health and wellness a facelift with an event focused on helping our readers be as fit and fabulous as they can be. doctors, trainers, stylists, nutritionists (just to name a few) will be on site to give expert advice and offer tips and tricks for healthy living.

auguSt | Jezebel’s most eligible mixerour 2014 most eligibles will have the chance to meet & mingle, and just maybe become un-eligible.

auguSt | Jezebel’s most eligible partyJust when you thought it couldn’t get any hotter, here comes this year’s class of most eligible atlantan’s. come rub elbows with the 20 most eligible, fun-loving, intelligent, attractive men and women of 2014.

octoBer | Jezebel’s halloween partycontinuing from last year’s successful event, Jezebel hosts the city’s largest and most talked about halloween party, yet again!

novemBer | Jezebel’s most beautiful mixerour 2014 most beautiful atlantans will be honored with a meet and greet just for them and all the beautiful Vips of atlanta

novemBer | Jezebel’s anniVersary partyit’s only fi tting that atlanta’s luxury lifestyle magazine celebrates its birthday by honoring the city’s most beautiful people. this november, the men and women who defi ne the image of outer and inner beauty help Jezebel celebrate its 18th anniversary.

decemBer | Jezebel Vip holiday mixeryoung professionals mix and mingle one last time before the year comes to an end.

Page 10: also From The PuBlishers oF JEZEBEL - Modern Luxurymedia.modernluxury.com/mediakits/jezebelmediakit.pdf · millennials are expected to outspend the baby boomer generation by 2017,

a d v e r t i S e r S


brand parTners

5 paces inn/Village tap77 12th atlanta

a legendary eventabove atlanta

academia women’s healthadvanced aesthetic surgery

(dr. thomas lintner)agave restaurant

american heart association amrest (la tagliatella)

amura buckheadandrews entertainment district

anheuser busch (atlanta)asbury automotive group

ascot diamondsashton woods realty

atlanta beachatlanta braves

atlanta center for holistic and integrative medicine

atlanta decorative arts centeratlanta dermatology and laser

surgeryatlanta food & wine festival

atlanta hawksatlanta history centeratlanta plastic surgery

atlanta tennis championshipsatmosphere restaurant

aurum loungebacardi usa (atlanta)

barnsley gardens resortbeaty facial plastic surgery

beauty bar of buckheadbebe

beige boutiquebelk

bella bagbella couture events

bevello - atlblackberry/rim

bloomingdale’sbodies the exhibitbouchic boutique

boutique fashion freek llcbridge boutique

buckhead facial plastic surgerybuckhead life restaurant group

buff her house of exfoliationbutler tire

cadillac (southeast)campbell family medicine

centraarchy restaurant groupchanges, a Journey to

beautiful skinchastain wellness studio

che’s hair saloncibo e bevecmt agency

cobb energy performing arts center

cocanailscook hall gastropub

corner taverndance 101 inc.

davio’sdea salon & boutique

defi ned sugaring studiodermatology consultants

dickason law firmdifrancesco plastic surgery

dillard’s (corporate)dirty beauty

divan & tantra restaurantdoggies on the catwalk

dr. James davisdr. Jeffrey gallups

dr. John connors, mdeast west Jewelersemly benham incemory healthcare

european wax center

(brookhaven)everything but water atl

fab’rikfido fido

fin’s atlantaflatz

fox theatrefrolic

georgia dental implant centergeorgia’s own credit union

girlfriendz boutiqueglorious events

gold room/privegoldstein dental center

goldstein garber & salamagreystar propertieshavana nightclubheineken (atlanta)henry James salon

here to serve restaurant grouphong kong tailorshorseradish grillhuff harrington

huff harrington fine artice sculpture, inc.

imagine it! childrens museum of atlanta

infi niti of south atlantainnovations furniture and lightingintegrative wellness & aesthetics

Jim ellis audi atlantaJim ellis porsche

Judith brightJuicy tan club

legacy article 14legacy game on (game-x)

legacy glenn’s kitchenlegacy statslips atlanta

lizard thicketloews hotel corporate

love on top matchmakingluxor fine Jewelry

m crowd restaurant groupmacy’s (corporate)

meant spa & loungemezzo marketing, llc.moreland photographymountain high outfi tters

my hometown realty groupnatural health atlanta

northside facial cosmetic surgerynorthside hospitalnouvelle nails llc

ocean prime (atlanta)ona atlanta

one on one matchmakingone sound entertainment

open hand atlantapanacea plastic surgery

partnership against domestic Violence

pernod ricardplastic surgery center of the south

premium outletsprogressive medical center

pupcakes playcarepure barre atlanta

ra sushired barons

renu cosmetic clinicrepublic of couture

roc house fitness spaross-simons

ruth’s chris steakhousesaks fifth avenue

salon 1580sandler hudson gallery

sandpipershane company

shops around lenox, llc

signature plastic surgeryskyhouse

spray studio atlantasteve hightower


suit supply - atlsun in my belly

sunny’s hair & wigsswatch group (omega)

tag heuer tappan street restaurant group

ted’s montana grill (atlanta)the big ketchthe cheetah

the eye gallery atlanta (aos)the iVy

the mastery by esanithe one sushi

the perfect browsthe pet set

the robinson financial groupthere brookhaven

three sheetsthree-13 salon, spa, and

boutiquetongue & groove

transition chiropractictrio custom clothiers

ubatubaurban tangles

Vanquish loungeVein innovations

Velocity motorsportsVintage & Vogue

w hotel buckhead marketingw hotel fort lauderdale

women’s institute for heath woo skincare & cosmetics

yogli mogli

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t h e m o d e r n L u x u ry

n e t W o r k

naTional reach,

communiTy experTise

modern luxury is the preeminent luxury lifestyle publisher in the us with 45 titles spanning the top markets in america. whether it’s a revealing celebrity profile, a special feature on the chicest trends in design, cutting-edge fashion spreads or an in-depth review of city hot spots, modern luxury excels in capturing the urbane metropolitan lifestyle. modern luxury

benefits from the management services of cumulus media. as the nation’s second-largest broadcaster, cumulus media operates more than 500 radio stations in 120 us cities, reaching 200 million listeners each week.

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