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  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y



    Sources ofEnergy

    Midhul A Kumar

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    Sources of energysources of energy are divided in two parts.

    A non-renewable resourceis a natural resourcewhich cannot beproduced, grown, generated, or is a resource that does not renew itselfat a sucient rate, once depleted there is no more available forfuture needs. Also considered non-renewable are resources that areconsumed much faster than nature can create them.


    Fossil fuels(such as coal, petroleum, and natural gas)

    nuclear power(uranium)

    Renewable source- enewable source is natural source whichdoes not have a limited supply. enewable energy can be usedagain and again, and will never run out.






  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    Alternative Sources of%nergy

    $ind %nergy

    #eothermal %nergy



    Solar %nergy

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    $ind %nergy

    Wind poweror wind energyisthe energye'tractedfrom windusing windturbines toproduce electrical power

    A typical wind tower consists to blades which turn a shaft increasingrotation speed and converting intoelectrical energy.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *$ind %nergy

    +he potential energy of wind isconverted into inetic energyas electricity.

    hina, SA and #ermany are

    top three wind powergenerators of the world.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y



    "ydroelectricity has been generated from/owing water for many years.

    %lectricity is generated from storing waterin a reservoir and releasing it to turbines,run-o0 iver and pumping water at

    height and releasing it to turn the turbine. 1t is the most widely used form of

    renewable energy, accounting for 23percent of global electricity generation

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    !io Fuel

    !iofuel, alternative source ofenergy, has been used toreplace conventional fuels.

    +hese fuels are made by abiomassconversion(biomass refers to recentlyliving organisms, most oftenreferring to plantsor plant-derived materials

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *!io Fuel

    +his new biomass can be usedfor biofuels. !iofuels haveincreased in popularity becauseof rising oil pricesand the needfor energy security.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    #eothermal %nergy

    "eat of the earth can be asource of electricity nown asgeothermal energy.

    #eothermal reservoir made up

    of hot water heated by magmadeep inside the earth, is asource of electricity.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *#eothermal %nergy

    Steam rising from the hot wateris used to turn the turbineproducing electricity.

    4ore than 5 countries of the

    world are producing geothermalenergy and S is the largestproducer.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *#eothermal %nergy

    1celand has highest potentialof geothermal energy and36 of the electricity isproduced from geothermal

    energy in the country.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    Solar %nergy %lectricity produced from solar

    energy is alternative to 7nitesources of energy such as coaland oil.

    Solar power installation athome or small oces has beenincreasing in the past decades.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *Solar %nergy

    4icro scale solar powergeneration is e0ective toreduce fossil fueldependence, minimi8eenvironmental pollution andmeet increasing energydemand.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y


    *Solar %nergy

    "ousehold energy production hasadvantages of reducing energylosses during the transmissionfrom central power station.

    Silicon is used as a

    semiconductor material in thesolar cells.

  • 7/26/2019 Alternative Source Nrg y



    +hey are ine'haustible 9 they will always beavailable 9 they are renewable

    +hey are clean and will not damage the %arth

    +here are several types 9 so one or more of them

    is present in each country 4ost natural sources can be used on a small scale

    and serve local needs therefore cutting costs oftransmitting the energy

    1t :ust re;uire a one time big investment.

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