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ALTUS ALLIANCE 2016Customize your communications using CRM data

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Your PresentersMelissa AlvaresDirector of Marketing & CommunicationsJoined Altus in 2015

Chris CarreBusiness Development ExecutiveJoined Altus in 2012

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Agenda• Why collect all this data?• What should I be collecting?• How should I collect it?• What should I do with it?

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Why collect all this data?

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Secure your Institutional Memory• Staff turnover can be high at times• Critical that important data is out of the heads of staff

and into a central, accessible location • Anyone can have the same experience with a

stakeholder as the person that knows them the best• Instant relationship history for a new hire

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Enhance their experience

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Less wasted marketing effort.• Your email clicks and opens

will improve• More donations with less

emails• Build more trust• Less likely to appear as SPAM

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What should I be collecting?

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Data that helps you segment• Everyone isn’t the same, and they now “expect” to be

treated differently• Create personas to understand different types of

stakeholders• What questions would you ask to determine which

persona they belong to?• What data are you going to action on?• What data truly differentiates them?

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Segmenting your data• New vs Regular Donors• You don’t talk to an acquaintance the same way as an old pal

• Annual Giving Level• Not more important, but want to see bigger impacts/strategy

• Potential major gift donors• Who is already engaged with similar organizations?

• Matching gift donors• Have an employer match program at work

• Event Attendees

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Segmenting your data• Geography• If national, do you share stories that are more local to them?

• Age group• Affects finances, way they communicate, etc.

• Job/Employer• Do they have skills that are valuable as a volunteer?• Does their employer have matching or volunteer days?

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What’s their WHY?Demographics are great, but what drove them to get involved?

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How should I collect it?

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Don’t overload them• Collect over time• Registrations for events• Talking on the phone• Donation forms• Blog Subscription• Quick research

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How does it fit with CRM?• Internal Solutions• Click Dimensions • Formerly: CoreMotives• Power Objects Modules

• External Solutions • Small

• Constant Contact• Mail Chimp

• Medium• Marketo

• Large• HubSpot

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“quick” research• Google• Twitter• Facebook • LinkedIn

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What should I do with it?

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• Was sent out at intermission of the show and had a 67% open rate!• Followed up by a

call, 50% purchased another ticket

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Keep your data clean• Bounce rates can affect your overall ranking• Don’t waste sending mail to people not there• Time and effort is costly• “unfriend” /Facebook cleanse

• Why do we do Facebook cleanse? We don’t want to waste time having online relationships with people that just send us candy crush requests all day.

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Before you click send• Why am I sending this?• Who will receive this email?• Does a segment deserve a different

message?• Am I missing a group that would care?

• What’s in it for them?• Where am I sending them after?• How am I using personalization?

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ALTUS ALLIANCE 2016Altus IdeasThe new way for you to submit feature requests to us.

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ALTUS ALLIANCE 2016Altus AdvocatesMembership has it rewards. Enroll today.

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ALTUS ALLIANCE 2016Submit your evaluations to win!

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Thanks for coming!@altusdynamics


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