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Established in 1983, Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL) has been fulfilling the security needs of the business, private and government sectors throughout the region for thirty years.


AND SECURITY SOLUTIONS across the Caribbean

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Headquartered in Macoya, ASSL has more than 3,000

employees, a fleet of 250 vehicles and strategically

positioned offices throughout the Caribbean.

Unique selling pointWith a far-reaching footprint, a dedicated workforce and

numerous security solutions, Regional Development Director Brian

Ramsey believes that ASSL differentiates itself from other security

providers for various reasons.

“There is not one single unique selling point, in fact there are

several,” he asserts. “If a customer comes to us because they need

a solution like guarding services, he or she is also aware that with

issues like cash, employees or investigations, they can turn to us. It

gives customers an assurance that we are a security one-stop-shop


ASSL is also devoted to answering difficult customer questions

whatever the particular problem might be. “Even if we don’t have

the answers or resources in-house, we have relationships with

With a vast portfolio of products and services which includes human and asset protection, electronic security, integrated systems, vehicle tracking, off-site data storage, human guarding and cash services to name but a few, ASSL provides the customer with comprehensive security solutions.


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associations and institutions to find a solution,” notes Ramsey. “We

have highly responsive management teams, in St Lucia, Barbados,

Grenada and Trinidad, whose primary focus is on customer

satisfaction and quality assurance.”

Industry specific servicesWith a customer base that includes hotels, schools, residential

properties and financial institutions, ASSL is able to provide tailor-

made security services for various industries. “Our staff have the

experience of dealing with a wide variety of situations and customer

types,” notes Ramsey. “Our guarding operations are responsible for

the protection of more than sixteen billion US dollars annually.”

With an in-depth understanding of the region, ASSL is on-hand to

provide extensive protection for the most significant industries.

“Tourism is of particular importance on many of the islands being

the main foreign currency earner and employing a large segment of

the population,” adds Ramsey. “We provide hotels with international

best practice with an understanding of Caribbean circumstances.”

ASSL’s strong and long-lasting relationship with regional

governments is also testament to the company’s professional


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business operation. For many years, ASSL has provided services that

include cash handling, response and patrol, electronic security and

prisoner transportation.

Secret to successIn addition to being well and truly dedicated to its customer base,

ASSL also believes in employee empowerment. Numerous members

of staff have been with the organisation for an extremely long time

and ASSL recognises this loyalty, helping the workforce progress and

increase their skill set. This is one of the many reasons why ASSL has

remained successful for several decades.

“Our objective is to have staff that are committed both to ASSL

and the customer and who believe the job provides them with a long-

term future,” notes Ramsey. “We therefore are not only concerned

with the recruitment process but also with the employee’s welfare.

“We make the effort to upgrade the scales of an individual in the

organisation. Because of training, there are opportunities to improve,

so employees stay with us. We have an extended institutional memory

within the organisation that helps us in situations we have faced

before. This is one reason for the success of the business.”

Sagicor Life Inc. is proud to be associated with

Amalgamated Security Services Limited (ASSL).

Sagicor offers a wide range of financial services

including life and health insurance, annuities, pensions,

property and casualty insurance, residential and

commercial mortgages as well as investment services.

Both companies strongly believe that our employees

are our most valuable asset. Sagicor is pleased to be

ASSL’s provider of choice.

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award ceremony is there to demonstrate, not only to the winning

recipients, that ASSL recognises hard work and endeavour.”

Along with awards handed out to long serving personnel and

outstanding employees at this year’s suit and tie gala event, ASSL’s

workforce also enjoyed entertainment from singers and comedians.

Recent developmentsOne of the most significant recent developments for ASSL has

been the introduction of polygraph testing. “In certain instances, it is

very difficult to tell if someone is telling the truth,” asserts Ramsey. “So

one thing we have done internally is polygraph testing and we now

recognise the value of this method.”

So much so that ASSL believes this new form of protection can be

yet another security service the company provides to its clients. “We

have recently sent staff abroad

to be trained and certified as

examiners. So we can now offer

these services in recruitment

exercises or for investigation


The futureLooking forward, ASSL

believes its knowledge and

expertise of security services has

huge potential in markets outside

of the Caribbean. This wealth of

experience is easily transferable

and can be of huge benefit to a

brand new customer base.

Ramsey says: “Our systems

and methods of operation, the

way we interact with customers

and build relationships is

something we can take elsewhere


Employee recognition

It is also important for

ASSL to acknowledge the

daily contribution employees

are making, which is why the

company holds an annual

awards ceremony exclusively for

members of staff.

“Employees want to feel

that the management and

organisation appreciate their

efforts,” reveals Ramsey. “The

“Our systems and methods of operation, the way we interact with customers and build relationships is something we can take elsewhere and use in successfully building a business elsewhere.”

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and use in successfully building

a business elsewhere. We have

found that our methods of

operations are different to other

businesses in the market. Our

customers see these differences

and how they are beneficial.”

ASSL has been monitoring

markets in South America for

several months and is now in the

regulatory approval process for a

new venture in Guyana.

Besides expansion in a

regional sense, the company is

also looking to grow its range of

products and services. “We are

slowly building our investigative

capacity which began last year,”

says Ramsey. “We also expect

our services for burglary and

fraud will be expanded.

“Computer forensics and

networking security is going

to become a big part of our

business as well. We are not yet

sure whether this will be through

organic growth or acquisitions,

but fully expect this will feature

in our business portfolio within

the next five years,” concludes


Based in Marabella, the petroleum capital of Trinidad, we supply a wide range of quality office and school products with value for money in mind.The company has been in operation for the past twenty (20) years and has gained extensive knowledge supplying large state and private sector organizations.


868-658-21664 Reserve RoadMarabella Trinidad

Proudly supporting Amalgamated

Security Services

1B Munroe Road, Cunupia, Trinidad W.I.T: +1 868 291 5444, +1 868 693 2908

F: 18686931079, E: [email protected]

Vehicle MaintenanceFor Increased Reliability “Our objective is to have staff that are

committed both to ASSL and the customer and who believe the job provides them with a long-term future.”

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