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Monthly DEC/EC Report

______________________________________________________________________________________ Jurisdiction: Month: Year SANTA FE AND SAN MIGUEL COUNTIES January 2014 (SFARES)____ _(SMARES)______________________________________________________________________


Total number of ARES members: SFARES 38 Change since last month: SFARES same (+,-, or same) SMARES 16 SMARES same Local Net Name: SFARES Net, NM ARES HF SSB & Digital Nets Total sessions 8 Northern NM Amateur Radio Net, NM D-Star Net NTS liaison is maintained with the Roadrunner Net, High Noon Net, Indiana & Minnesota ARES Digital Nets, Southern Territory SATERN Digital Net, NM Breakfast Club, Rusty's Raiders Nets, NM D-STAR Net Number of drills, tests and training sessions this month: SFARES - 8 Person hours SFARES 275 SMARES – 1 Person hours SMARES 24 Number of public service events this month: SFARES - 0 Person hours 0 Number of emergency operations this month: SFARES - 0 Person hours 0 Total number of ARES operations this month: 9 Total Person hours 299 Comments: (SEE DETAILS BELOW FOR SFARES AND SMARES) Signature: __________________________ Title: (EC or DEC) DEC Call sign: N4VIP Please send to your SEC or DEC as appropriate by 2

nd of the month FSD-212 (1-04)

Santa Fe ARES January 2014 Group Activities

1. The regular SFARES Net was held on 7 January 2014 beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was N4VIP and SFARES participants included: KF5QGD, AG5S, N5XDF, KE5TFU, KN5RL, K5SDC, NR5ON, N6ZZT and K9GAJ. K5GJB from San Miguel ARES also participated. In addition to using the SFARES Group Roster for roll-call, the upcoming SFARES January meeting draft agenda was discussed. Additionally, AG5S noted increased sunspot activity that was posing a challenge for HF communications. [D, 11]

2. The NM D-STAR Net met at 2000 MST on 2 January 20143 on Reflector 055A. The net had 11 participants and 1 latecomer: KF5SMH, N9GWP, WW6USA, WB0IZO, N5BGC, KA8JMW, WD8JLP, KD5KSI, AE5HEH, KD5NLN and AD5RB. REF055A had nine repeaters linked in: K5URR B, K5URR C, NM5WR B, W5ELP C, W5GB B, W5MPZ B, W5SF C, W5URD B and W6DHS B. The questions up for discussion included new equipment, New Year's resolutions, use of D-STAR HF capability for ARES, and status of the high speed backbone and Farmington repeater system. There were comments about the new 7100s, 3' dish from Ubiquity for initial testing of backbone links, a 1.2 GHz data module for W5MPZ, a 9100, an 880, a Tar heel Screwdriver antenna, a DHAP, and a Raspberry Pi. DSTAR on HF would likely be very useful for ARES, based mostly on WW6USA experiences with the national net. There are participants in small adjacent states that can talk to each other indicating that NVIS would work satisfactorily. D-Rats should work OK on HF as well. About this time the



NM5WR repeater started unlinking and being very difficult to re-link. After awhile I noticed a red light on the Century Link modem going on and off, leading me to believe we were experiencing an intermittent network outage on the DSL modem. As a result I switched over to the W5MPZ repeater to close the net. [D, 12]

3. SFARES (N4VIP) participated in an After-Action Conference on 10 January 2014 for the Table Top Exercise entitled "December Rain" at the City EOC held on 12 December 2013. The exercise contained 4 modules (Beginning, Initial Operational Period, Operational Period 2, and EOC Demobilization). There were a series of recommendations contained in the After-Action Report. [D, 1]

4. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 11 January 2014, at the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Posse Building. It started at 0830 for new members’ initial orientation and was led by the Orientation Process Leader, Ollie Eisman. The regular meeting for all members started at 0900. There were 15 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Alan Hill (N5BGC); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Warren Jarrett (KF5WUZ); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Ken Robinson (KE5TFU); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); Ollie Eisman (AJ1O); Rick Levine (N6ZZT); Sonny Maile (KF5SGT); Ron Patton (KM5HH); and Richard Derr (will take Technician test soon). Graham Bowkett (K5GJB), from San Miguel ARES, participated in the meeting. The following activities were updated as follows: • Santa Fe City, Saint Vincent Hospital EOCs and DOH – The meeting was informed of SFARES participation in

the Santa Fe City Table Top and efforts to purchase EOC radio equipment. The meeting noted that visits would be made with personnel at Saint Vincent Hospital and the DOH in the near future.

• New digipeater – The meeting was informed that a new digipeater operating on 145.01 MHz had been installed in the Posse Building. A BBS was also implemented (W5SAF-1). The node call sign is W5SAF-7 and alias is SAF.

• Farmington D-RATS training - The meeting noted that N4VIP would go to Farmington and provide D-RATS training on Saturday, 18 January 2014.

• Distracted Driving Law – The meeting recalled a recent article in the Santa Fe newspaper concerning distracted driving. As anticipated, distracted driving legislation had once again been pre-filed within the New Mexico legislature for the short session that was to commence at the end of January and once again it contained broad definitions that posed a potential unintended threat to certain amateur radio operations. The legislation is currently being reviewed by ARRL and potential courses of action assessed. For now, there is NO call for action by the ARRL membership or ham community. Further information as well as requests for coordinated action will be sent to New Mexico's ARRL membership as needed.

• SAR Comm activations - The meeting was informed that there are two new Field Commanders in the Santa Fe area who have been briefed on SFARES and thus there was a strong possibility for more activation requests. 5. In accordance with the Santa Fe ARES Training and Activity Schedule for 2014, the SFARES January

Meeting focused on D-RATS training. Many SFARES members at the meeting brought their laptop with D-RATS installed. Wireless access was available for the training by the new Verizon hotspot. The training session covered five main areas: • D-RATS installation and configuration; • CHAT (instant messaging); • FILES (file transfer); • MESSAGES (emails by 3 different modes); • MAPS (map download and overlays). [D, 54]

6. The NM D-RATS Training Net started at 1930 MDT on Wednesday, 15 January 2014 on RATflector W5MPZ, w5mpz.org, 9000, (NM Statewide ARES). The eighteen (18) participants (a near record of participants) were: KB5HPT - (from El Paso, Texas), N5BGC, N4VIP, AD5RB, W5OXK (from San Juan County), WB0IZO (from San Juan County), KF5SMH (from San Juan County), KC7KPG (from Cibola County), KF5QGD, KC5KH (from ABQ), N5EYS, KF5TFU, K5GJB (from San Miguel ARES), W5JZ (from Texas), KA5JNJ, KE5ILI, AC7DS (from Tucson, AZ) and NM5PH (from San Juan County). The 15 January Net focused on Quick Messages and QSTs, functions available in the CHAT window. Quick Messages allow storage of commonly used phrases when communicating via text, e.g. "Great working with you this PM. See you in 2 weeks." QSTs are broadcast messages and various types of bulletins can be sent periodically. QSTs, may contain: a string of text, the contents of a text file, your current position, the position of a station or static location in the map window, the current temperature at an airport, or an RSS or CAP feed. [D, 18]



7. D-RATS is a program that integrates most all software functions needed for ARES groups, especially at an activation in an EOC or SAR Incident Base. The software utilizes internet or radio or both. "Or" means it doesn't require a radio but can use one. Thus D-RATS is doubly useful as was demonstrated on 18 Dec.

8. All NM ARES members are strongly encouraged to participate in NM D-RATS Nets. The D-RATS software is free (http://www.d-rats.com) in Windows, Linux or MacOS with detailed instructions in the files section D-RATS Operating Guide 0.3.3.pdf and a Quick Set Up.pdf for the basic settings you need to get started using D-RATS. The URL for the latest update to the D-RATS Operating Guide is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/d-rats_group/files/D-RATS_Operating_Guide_Addendum_02232012.pdf. It is recommended to install the latest release for D-RATS, Daily Build 02232012. One can find the Daily Builds for Linux, MAC and Windows at: http://dev.d-rats.com/drats_daily/daily-02232012/.

9. An intensive one-day D-RATS training session was held in Farmington, New Mexico, at the request of the San Juan County Emergency Manager. There were 20 participants and N4VIP conducted the training. The training syllabus covered: Introduction (need for dedicated email address and a WINLINK address); SFARES Toolkit (Situations (EOC, SAR, DOH, Skywarn, Public Service), Systems (Internet, VHF/UHF repeaters, HF, Winlink 2000 System) and Software; D-RATS Installation and Configuration; CHAT; FILES; MESSAGES; MAP including Map Downloader; RF Segment with D-STAR radios; Trouble shooting; and Resources. At the end of each session, practical hands-on experiences were made available to all participants. A PDF version of the training session can be found on the Yahoo Group for D-RATS - A communication tool for D-STAR <http://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/d-rats_group/conversations/messages> files section. [D, 160]

10. A “call-down” drill was called for by the Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC) for all SFARES members. The following information was requested: Total call time for the SFARES Group; Number of Stations notified; Number of Stations missed; method used for notification; and Reporting Station call sign. The SFARES Call Out Procedure (SOP-003) was utilized. AG5S was the Reporting Station. All members were contacted within 3 minutes. [D, 17].

11. SFARES members (KN5RL, N5EYS and N4VIP) participated in a Stakeholders Meeting for the Triennial Full-Scale Santa Fe Municipal Airport Emergency Exercise on 29 January 2014 at the New Mexico Army National Guard Building for Exercise to be held in April 2014. Representatives from City and County Police, Fire, Law, TSA, 2 hospitals and Emergency Managers were present. [D, 6]

San Miguel ARES January 2014 Group Activities

12. San Miguel ARES held its monthly meeting on 27 Jan 2014 and 8 members were present. Upcoming plans for 2014 were discussed and procedures for emergency notifications. A practice net on two meters was held on 23 Jan 2014 and 6 members checked in to the net. [D, 24]



Santa Fe ARES December 2014 Group Activities

1. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 13 December 2014, at the Santa Fe

County EOC. The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager hosted the meeting and welcomed the group to the EOC. There were 16 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Alan Hill (N5BGC); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Evelyn Ward (KE5GLR); Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Bobb Barnes (K5RVR); Gene Murski (K5ZX); Jim Norvell (KN5RL); Graham Bowkett (K5GJB); Martin Vigil (KE5CEN); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Mark Rowley (KE5GZR); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); Ray Wallace (NM5RW) and Ollie Eisman (AJ1O). Two new SFARES members, Frank Mulholland (KD45DQC) and Richard Honig (K0KKR), also attended the meeting. The meeting discussed proposed expenditures for 2015 to support SFARES. The proposal included $400 for the move to the new radio room at the Fire Station on the NM State Penitentiary, $400 for expenses related to the SAR communications truck and $700 towards bring the SFARES Mesh net to an operational status. During discussions on proposed expenditures for 2015, it was decided that SFARES would investigate costs for liability insurance offered by the ARRL since SFARES was recognized to be an ARRL Affliated Body. The following activities were updated as follows:

• Santa Fe City EOC drill will be held in the March 2015 timeframe; • The Skywarn group leader (Gene Murski) described his visit to the NWS Office in

Albuquerque; • The SFARES Mesh status was discussed and the meeting noted that there are five

operational nodes (KF5QGD, K5RKD, N5BGC, BTI and AJ1O QTHs). The meeting noted that one SFARES goal for 2015 would be to bring the SFARES Mesh to an operational status including new nodes at SVH, the SF County EOC, and the radio room at the NM State Penitentiary. The meeting also noted that an HSMM-Pi node had been programmed onto a Raspberry Pi. Such a node would provide short range links into the main SFARES Mesh;

• The meeting was briefed by the County Emergency Manager on the status of the radio room at the NM State Penitentiary. The meeting noted that great progress had already been made with the prospect for more progress in the near future. It was anticipated that future SFARES meetings could be held in the radio room in the January-February timeframe.

• Chemical Suicide – The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager provided a lecture on chemical suicide. In addition to SFARES members, members from several Santa Fe County Fire Stations were also present. The County Emergency Manager described the growing use of chemicals in suicides and highlighted the potential danger to SFARES members who might be exposed to such incidents, for example in approaching a car during a SAR mission.

• The meeting discussed SFARES Training and Activities for 2015. It noted that there were three areas SFARES would focus in 2015. The three areas were: the move into the radio room in the NM State Penitentiary; operational status for the SFARES Mesh; and training in the radio room including utilization of the SFARES mesh on all digital modes for HF, VHF and UHF frequencies. [D, 54]

2. SFARES participated in SAR Mission 14-01-14 on 1 December 2014. Mission call-out

was initiated at 1526 (3:26pm). Subject was reported to be a 61 year old female whose vehicle was found in the SF Ski Area parking lot by law enforcement sometime around November 25th,

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but was not connected to a missing person report until the subject was reported as missing to State Police on Monday afternoon, December 1st. Serving as IC was Richard Goldstein and responding to the Mission from SFSAR were Jim Daniels, Jim Knight, Tom Merchat, Ann Stewart and Charlie Whiteley who filled various IB positions. Responding and on standby for a second operational period on Saturday were Yvonne Gillespie and Cheryl Haskin. Also supporting the Mission were Terry Morton handling COMM and four members of ASAR. [E, 6]

3. The SFARES SkyWarn Group Leader (K5ZX) visited NWS in Albuquerque on

Saturday morning, 6 December 2014. K5ZX was given a tour of the facility and explanation of various computer screens and the different agencies that are served by the office. NWS welcomes any report given to them involving flash floods, snow report and severe thunderstorms or tornadoes. At the moment, there is only one licensed amateur radio operator currently assigned to the NWS ABQ office. The office does have an HF radio in addition to the VHF/UHF radio. [D, 8]

4. The SFARES Monthly net was opened at 2000T on the Tesuque ARES Repeater,

147.02 MHZ. Seven stations checked in: N5BGC, AG5S, K9GAJ, KE5GZR, KF5QGD, NR5ON, and N4VIP. This repeater was selected to verify its viability in the Santa Fe ARES area and familiarize local ARES members with its use. Following the check-in, stations were invited to QSY to the linked repeaters maintained by the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club. In addition to the seven aforementioned stations, we had further check-ins by: KE5GLR, K5RKD, and KE5ZBG. AG5S checked the link with the Mt. San Antonio repeater, which was excellent, and with that the net closed at 2024 local. [D, 10]

5. SFARES members participated in the NM D-STAR Net on 18 December 2014. The

Net had 10 participants with 12 repeaters linked to REF055A. The participants were WX1DER, W5DVC, AG5S, N5BGC, WB0IZO, KF5ZBL, KB5HPT, KD5NLN, KD5KSI and AD5RB as net control. The States represented included Arkansas, Texas and New Mexico. The linked repeaters were K5URR B, K5URR C, KF5VBE A, NM5WR B, W5AQA B, W5AW C, W5ELP C, W5FC C, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, W5SF C, and W6DHS B. The question for the evening concerned the desirability of linking D-Star networks with DMR, IRLP, Echolink or other networks. The essentially unanimous opinion was that this is a bad idea. The automatic station identification and user authentication inherent in D-STAR was considered very important and there is simply no apparent way of retaining this when linking to other networks. During the Net, the subject of other nets came up and WX1DER offered to contribute a list of related nets as follows:

Sunday: International D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 1 Charlie; Southeast US D-Star Weather Net, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 2 Alpha; Texas Interconnect Team K5TIT D-Star Users Group, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 33 Bravo. Monday: Mid-Atlantic D-Star Net, 6pm Mountain Time, Reflector 20 Alpha; El Paso D-Star Net, 7:15pm Mountain Time, Reflector 55 Alpha; Raspberry Pi D-Star Technical Net, 8pm Mountain Time, Reflector 35 Charlie. Tuesday: Arklatex D-Star Net, 6:30pm Mountain Time, Reflector 48 Bravo; Texas D-Star Net, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 4 Bravo; Alabama D-Star Net, 7:30pm Mountain Time, Reflector 58 Bravo; PAPA System D-Star Net, 9pm Mountain Time, Reflector 12 Alpha.

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Wednesday: Ham Nation Twit TV Show D-Star Net, Reflector 14 Charlie, immediately after the Ham Nation Twit TV Show concludes, or just before its conclusion. The start time varies each week; Illinois D-Star Net, 8pm Mountain Time, Reflector 1 Bravo. Thursday: Florida D-Star Net, 7pm Mountain Time, Reflector 46 Charlie; Citizens Emergency Response Team (CERT) D-Star Net, 7:30pm Mountain Time, Reflector 67 Bravo (You don't have to be a CERT member to check in, but becoming a CERT member is encouraged).New Mexico D-Star Net, 8pm Mountain Time, Reflector 55 Alpha; PAPA System D-Star Roundtable Net, 9pm Mountain Time, Reflector 12 Alpha. Friday: Memphis D-Star/D-Rats Net, 7:30pm Mountain Time, Reflector 60 Bravo. (Access the Memphis Chat Room on D-Rats, with Chat, Join Channel, and type Memphis. It will show up as #Memphis in the status bar.) [D, 20] 6. Two SFARES members (K9GAJ and NR5ON) participated in the ARRL Rocky Mountain

Division IRLP/Echolink monthly net on Wednesday, 10 December 2014. [D, 4] 7. SFARES members (N5XDF, KE5ZBG and NR5ON) provided communications utilizing

their Bronco-based communications center for SAR mission 14-01-15 (1st Operational Period) on Saturday, 13 December 2014. Incident Base (IB) was at the Overlook near Ski Santa Fe. [E, 36]

8. The SFARES Skywarn group made wind and snow reports directly to NWS Albuquerque

for five storms in accordance with Spotter requests contained in the Winter Weather Warnings. [E, 25]

9. At the request of the American Meteorological Society (AMS), N4VIP (as a Fellow of the

AMS) prepared a description of SFARES involvement in Skywarn activities. The description was sent to AMS, ARRL Headquarters and the World Meteorological Organization, the intergovernmental organization responsible for meteorology. ARRL Headquarters indicated that it would use the description in an upcoming ARRL ARES Newsletter. AMS will use the description at a roundtable discussion at its annual meeting in Phoenix in January. A copy of the description is attached to the activities report. [D, 10]

San Miguel ARES December 2014 Group Activities

10. No activity in Dec 2014

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Santa Fe ARES February 2014 Group Activities

1. The regular SFARES Net was held on 5 February 2014 beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was KF5NQF and SFARES participants included: N5BGC, KM5HH, N5XDF, NR5ON, N6ZZT and KE5ZBG. [D, 7] 2. The NM D-RATS Training Net started at 1930 MDT on Wednesday, 5 February 2014 on RATflector W5MPZ, w5mpz.org, 9000, (NM Statewide ARES). The eleven (11) participants were: KB5HPT - (from El Paso, Texas), N5BGC, N4VIP, AD5RB (from Los Alamos County), WB0IZO (from San Juan County), KF5SMH (from San Juan County), KC7KPG (from Cibola County), N5EYS, N5XDF, K5GJB (from San Miguel ARES) and KA5JNJ (from San Juan County). The 5 February Net focused on Filters, Channels and Private Chat, functions available in the CHAT window. Incoming Chat text from all active ports goes to Main area in the chat window. For large amounts of activity, it may be desirable to sort incoming Chat text using Filters. Filter strings are used to parse incoming text and divert it into other areas in the chat window. Filters (when established) appear as Tabs at the bottom of the Chat window. Filter tabs may be dragged and dropped to change their order. A variation on the filter concept allows you to create “channels” within the Chat window. Multiple stations with a similar task may be grouped together or communications with a specific location can be separated from the Main traffic area. The third version allows you create a “private” channel with another station. Click "Open Private Chat", select a Station name from the Station's Panel and hit enter. [D,11] 3. D-RATS is a program that integrates most all software functions needed for ARES groups, especially at an activation in an EOC or SAR Incident Base. The software utilizes internet or radio or both. "Or" means it doesn't require a radio but can use one. Thus D-RATS is doubly useful as was demonstrated on 18 Dec. 4. All NM ARES members are strongly encouraged to participate in NM D-RATS Nets. The D-RATS software is free (http://www.d-rats.com) in Windows, Linux or MacOS with detailed instructions in the files section D-RATS Operating Guide 0.3.3.pdf and a Quick Set Up.pdf for the basic settings you need to get started using D-RATS. The URL for the latest update to the D-RATS Operating Guide is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/d-rats_group/files/D-RATS_Operating_Guide_Addendum_02232012.pdf. It is recommended to install the latest release for D-RATS, Daily Build 02232012. One can find the Daily Builds for Linux, MAC and Windows at: http://dev.d-rats.com/drats_daily/daily-02232012/. 5. The weekly NM D-STAR Net was held on Thursday, 6 February 2014, beginning at 2000 hours on D-STAR Reflector 055A. There were eleven linked D-STAR repeaters (W6DHS, W5URD, W5SF (2), W5MPZ, W5GB, W5AQA, K5URR (2), NM5WR and NO5RM. Net Control was N4VIP and Net participants included: N5BGC, AD5RB, WW6USA, KM5TP, KF5SMH, AG5S, KD8LJP, KD5KSI and WB0IZO. A system problem with linking and unlinking on the quarter and three quarter hour was discussed. WW6USA indicated that the problem is being worked on. The Net closed at 2023. [D,10]

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6. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 8 February 2014, at the Santa Fe Sheriff’s Posse Building. It started at 0830 for new members’ initial orientation and was led by the Orientation Process Leader, Ollie Eisman. The regular meeting for all members started at 0900. There were 19 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Alan Hill (N5BGC); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Ken Robinson (KE5TFU); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); Ollie Eisman (AJ1O); Marla Dwire (KD5IGW); Jim Norvell (KN5RL); Ted Price (N5EYS); Marlita Reddy-Hjelmfelt (KF5LCN); Martin Vigil (KE5CEN); John Zoltai (KF5REI); Sonny Maile (KF5SGT); Ray Wallace (NM5RW) and Richard Derr (will take Technician test soon). Graham Bowkett (K5GJB), from San Miguel ARES, also participated in the meeting. The following activities were updated as follows: • SFARES Monthly Net Control: Drew Johnson (KF5NQF) was Net Control for the Monthly

SFARES Net held on 4 February 2014 in which 7 SFARES members participated. • RMS WL2K Gateway: Ron Nelson (NR5ON) briefed the meeting on the development

status for the new SFARES Winlink 2K gateway (W5SAF-10). The gateway was running on a Raspberry Pi and had been initially tested at NR5ON’s QTH. Further testing was required and the gateway would eventually be moved to the Santa Fe County EOC. Until the move, W5SAF-10 would not be in an operational status. The meeting agreed that a training guide should be prepared covering the various hardware and software configurations and procedures for any member to access the WL2K system.

• DOH: The group was informed of a meeting at NM DOH Headquarters during which the upcoming Northeast DOH exercise in August would utilize SFARES as back-up communicators to the EMS Comm system. Alan Hill (N5BGC) and Martin Vigil (KE5CEN) informed the group on the EMS Comm history and structure.

• Farmington D-RATS training: The group was informed on N4VIP’s recent training session in Farmington with 20 members of San Juan County ARES on the use of D-RATS.

• Distracted Driving Law: The group was informed on an Amateur friendly amendment made to the new NM state law on distracted driving. The effort to modify the law was spearheaded by Ed James (KA8JMW).

• Stakeholders’ Meeting at the Airport: The group was informed that 3 SFARES members (N5EYS, KN5RL, N4VIP) had attended a Stakeholders’ meeting for the Triennial Emergency Exercise at the Santa Fe Municipal Airport. The exercise is scheduled for 26 April but no further details were known.

• Need for Call-Multiplier Groups: The group discussed the recent state-wide ARES exercise for each local group to contact all its members. SFARES utilized the Call-Multiplier system and was able to contact all 17 involved members in 3 minutes. The group agreed that all SFARES members should be included in the Call-Multiplier system.

• NM SAR Council Communications Committee: The group was informed of activities within the NM SAR Council Communications Committee. The group noted that a Strategy with a Goal and 4 guiding Principles had been developed with an associated Work Program. Efforts would now be concentrated on the Work Program.

• Donated equipment: Ray Wallace (NM5RW) briefed the meeting on radio gear donated through Santa Fe SAR from Ted Liveridge. The gear was available to SFARES and SFARES members.

7. SFARES Proposed Spending Plan for 2014: The meeting discussed a proposed spending plan for 2014. The meeting agreed to provide N4VIP with candidate items and that a consolidated list would be submitted to the SFARES Inc. President for consideration.

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A limit of $1000 would be spent in 2014. Candidate items already identified included: a Mesh Node; solar panels, 100 Ah deep cycle Gel battery and battery booster for the deployable SAR Comm battery system; and an APRS beacon system. 8. In accordance with the Santa Fe ARES Training and Activity Schedule for 2014, the SFARES February focused on ICS, EOC Command Post familiarization. Ted Price (N5EYS) discussed the various functions (similarities and differences) for the State, County, City and DOH EOCs. Martin Vigil highlighted the role and EOC played in the ICS system. [D, 57] 9. The NM D-RATS Training Net started at 1930 MDT on Wednesday, 19 February 2014 on RATflector W5MPZ, w5mpz.org, 9000, (NM Statewide ARES). The eleven (11) participants were: KB5HPT (from El Paso, Texas), N5BGC, N4VIP, AD5RB (from Los Alamos County), WB0IZO (from San Juan County), N5EYS (from Tucson, AZ), N5XDF, AG5S, KF5QGD, N3TSZ (from Pennsylvania) and KA5JNJ (from San Juan County). The 19 February Net focused on the Map Window and Map functions including how to create overlays. The Net agreed to develop at least one overlay before the next Net. The Net was informed of the near future implementation of two RATflectors. [D,11] 10. The weekly NM D-STAR Net was held on Thursday, 20 February 2014, beginning at 2000 hours on D-STAR Reflector 055A. There were eleven linked D-STAR repeaters (W6DHS, W5URD, W5SF (2), W5MPZ, W5GB, W5AQA, K5URR (2), NM5WR and NO5RM). Net Control was N4VIP and Net participants included: N5BGC, AD5RB, WW6USA, AG5S, N7EXB, and KB5HPT. The roundtable discussion focused on N5BGC's visit to El Paso, Texas to observe the MeshNet planned for use during the Susan Coleman Race for the Cure. KB5HPT also described the setup and noted they are planning on using Raspberry Pi's and a mesh network built with Ubiquity radios flashed with recently released software. A system problem with linking and unlinking on the quarter and three quarter hour was also discussed. WW6USA indicated that the problem is being worked on. The Net closed at 2030. [D,11]

San Miguel ARES February 2014 Group Activities

11. San Miguel ARES held a practice net on the 147.3 MHz repeater on 18 Feb 2014. Seven members checked in. We held our monthly meeting on 24 Feb 2014 with 10 members present. We reviewed net procedures, we began the process of setting up a phone tree for notifying members of future emergencies and we discussed individual preparations for emergency deployments. Information was given to each member for their go kit or jump kit. The wildfire season has begun in our location and the SM Office of Emergency Management has indicated this wildfire season could be severe. Three members (AC6MH, KF5VHE, K5GJB) attended the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) meeting on 12 Feb 2014 as representatives of SM ARES. SM ARES has offered its services to all local first responders to help with emergency communications if needed. [D, 54]

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Santa Fe ARES February 2015 Group Activities

1. The February, 2015 SFARES monthly net was held on February 10 beginning at 2000 hours (0300

UTC). Ken Bateman KF5QGD served a net control. The following members checked in: NR5ON, N5EYS, N5BGC, K9GAJ, KF5GLR, AG5S, KN5RL, K5RKD, N5XDF AND WA7HGM. There was no traffic for the net. A discussion was had concerning the Wouxun 920 and the difficulty in mounting the control head in a vehicle due to the extension connection located in the back of the head rather than the side. KN5RL and K5ZX had both found a solution for their vehicles. Only NR5ON N5XDF and KF5QGD reported that they have a 920 with the necessary ARES frequencies. The Net concluded at 0823. [D, 10]

2. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 14 February 2015, at the Santa Fe County EOC. The

Santa Fe County Emergency Manager hosted the meeting and welcomed the group to the EOC. There were 16 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Alan Hill (N5BGC); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Gene Murski (K5ZX); Graham Bowkett (K5GJB); Martin Vigil (KE5CEN); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); Frank Mulholland (KD5DQC); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Marlita Reddy-Hjelmfelt (KF5LCN); Mark Rowley (KE5GZR); Rich Derr (K5RKD); Richard Honig (K0KKR); Ted Price (N5EYS); and Ollie Eisman (AJ1O). The following activities were updated as follows: Santa Fe City Emergency Manager – Andrew Phelps has accepted a new job as the Emergency Manager for Oregon. The position for a new Santa Fe City Manager has been advertised. The previously scheduled Santa Fe City EOC drill will be held at a date sometime after March in 2015; SFARES will sponsor a plaque for the upcoming New Mexico QSO Party to be held on 11 April 2015. Fred Homuth (K9GAJ) will also sponsor a second plaque for the New Mexico QSO Party; Progress has been made with the electrical wiring in the radio room in the NM State Penitentiary. More work is expected to be accomplished the last week in February; and standardized memory settings for SFARES members’ radios was discussed. It was noted that the standardized memory settings weren’t mandatory and members could program their own radios as they deemed appropriate. [D, 54]

3. SFARES members participated in the NM D-STAR Net on 19 February 2015. The Net had 11

participants with 11 repeaters linked to REF055A. The participants were WX1DER, KA2BSM, KE5RSI, KF5ZBL, N5BGC, KB5HPT, WB0IZO, AD4LC, KC5ALH, AD5RB and N4VIP as net control. The States represented included Arkansas, Texas, Kentucky, Tennessee and New Mexico. The linked repeaters were K5URR B, K5URR C, NM5WR B, W5AQA B, W5ELP C, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, W5SF C, K7RST, W5AW and W6DHS B. The question for the evening concerned tools used by Net Control. Priority traffic by WX1DER before discussing Net tools alerted the Net to changing weather in New Mexico in the next few days including high winds and fire danger. During discussions on tools used by Net Control, several participants noted the use of the DPLUS Report and WINDV (especially if it were linked to REF055A during the Net). [D, 11]

4. SFARES members participated in the NM D-STAR Net on 26 February 2015. The Net had 13

participants with 11 repeaters linked to REF055A. The net began at 2000 MST (03:00 UTC, 27 February 2015) with AG5S as net control. Check-ins included WX1DER, KE5RSI, W5UMQ, WB0IZO, KF5ZBL, N5BGC, AD5RB, WJ5Z, W5CO, KB5HPT, KF5HGU, KG5FLG, and KD5HLN. The Net’s discussion topic was "In addition to this net, what other net do you check into?" In addition to the many replies on the net, Daryl, odWX1DER, has a list if nets and related information in PDF format. If you would like a copy, email him a request at [email protected]. The Net concluded at 2042 MST (03:42 UTC). [D, 13]

5. SFARES members attended a ceremony at the New Mexico Legislature Session on Friday, 27

February. The ceremony recognized the volunteers of New Mexico Search and Rescue for the invaluable service they provide to the State, its citizens and visitors alike so “that others may live” (Legislative Certificate of Recognition attached). The SFARES members were: Gary Cascio (KE5CJX and a NM SAR Area Commander); Rich Derr (K5RKD); Richard Levine (N6ZZT); Terry Morton (N5XDF and the SFARES SAR Comm Leader); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Erik Nelson (KE5ZBG); Ray Wallace (NM5RW and also a member of Santa Fe SAR); and Don Hinsman (N4VIP). [D, 24]

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San Miguel ARES February 2015 Group Activities

6. San Miguel ARES held its monthly meeting on 23 Feb 2015 with 7 members in attendance. We also held a practice net on 17 Feb 2015 with 7 members checking in. AC6MH met with the newly elected County Sheriff, Gary Gold, on 13 Feb 2015 and briefed him on the capabilities of SM ARES. A PowerPoint presentation has been developed to give to anyone interested in SM ARES activities. [D, 28]

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Santa Fe ARES January 2015 Group Activities

1. The SFARES Monthly net was opened at 2000T on the Tesuque ARES Repeater, on

the evening of Tuesday, January, 2015, 8pm MST. Richard Honig, KØKKR, was Net Control and eight other SFARES members participated in the Net. The subject of the possibility to protect UHF/VHF emergency radio equipment was discussed. Protection from the effects of an electro-magnetic pulse bomb was cited as a possible scenario and such protection could help to preserve our ability to provide emergency services in the aftermath of such an occurrence. [D, 9]

2. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 10 January 2015, at the Santa Fe County EOC. The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager hosted the meeting and welcomed the group to the EOC. There were 16 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Alan Hill (N5BGC); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Evelyn Ward (KE5GLR); Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Gene Murski (K5ZX); Jim Norvell (KN5RL); Graham Bowkett (K5GJB); Martin Vigil (KE5CEN); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Ray Wallace (NM5RW); Rich Derr (K5RKD); Richard Honig (K0KKR); Ted Price (N5EYS); and Ollie Eisman (AJ1O). The meeting then reviewed nominations for SFARES Inc. Officers and Board Members. Noting that there was a quorum and in accordance with the SFARES Bylaws, an election was held and the following were selected, by acclamation, Ted Price as President, Alden Oyer as Vice-President, Ollie Eisman as Secretary/Treasurer, and Ken Bateman and Gene Murski as members of the Board of Directors. The following activities were updated as follows:

• The Santa Fe City EOC drill will be held in the March/April 2015 timeframe. It is anticipated that the drill will occur over two days, one day for setup and one day for demonstration of a functioning EOC. The meeting also noted that that the carrying of weapons (irrespective of a Concealed Weapons Permit) at the Santa Fe City EOC would not be allowed.

• The SFARES Emergency Coordinator had held preliminary discussions on MOUs with the Santa Fe City and County Emergency Managers. Preliminary discussion on a MOU has been proposed with Saint Vincent Hospital (SVH). The meeting noted that all health-related requests for activations from the NM DOH or SVH would be sent to the City and/or County Emergency Managers as a resource request.

• The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager reported on progress in the establishment of the radio room at the NM State Penitentiary. SFARES were invited to visit the radio room immediately following the January meeting. The County Emergency Manager also described the need for a rapid response capability for situations that didn’t require a full activation of the EOC. Such a rapid response capability could support a Command Post.

• The Skywarn group leader reported on the status of available amateur radio operators at the NWS Forecast Center in Albuquerque. Presently, there were seven NWS staff members with amateur licenses and during severe weather events MEGALINK was monitored.

• The meeting had a discussion on standardized memory settings for SFARES members’ radios taking into consideration NIFOG Version 1.5 dated January 2014. The meeting recalled that it had previously agreed to use RT Systems software for programming SFARES radios. It also reviewed recently developments for suggested frequencies for NM SAR Teams and at Incident Base. The meeting agreed that a new set of recommended memory channels for SFARES was appropriate. It was, therefore, agreed that initial sets would be distributed for review to all SFARES members. Final approval for the recommended memory channels would occur at the February meeting.

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• The meeting was reminded that the Pajarito Mountain repeater (145.19 MHz), maintained by the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club, would soon be updated with a PL of 162.2 Hz. [D, 54]

3. SFARES members participated in the NM D-STAR Net on 15 January 2015. The Net

had 14 participants with 9 repeaters linked to REF055A. The participants were WX1DER, KA2BSM, KE5RSI, K5ZX, KE7UUJ, N7ABC, KF5ZBL, KK6CUI, AG5S, N5BGC, KB5HPT, KD5NLN, AD5RB and N4VIP as net control. The States represented included Arkansas, Texas, Tennessee, Wyoming, California and New Mexico. The linked repeaters were K5URR B, K5URR C, NM5WR B, W5AQA B, W5ELP C, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, W5SF C, and W6DHS B. The question for the evening concerned usage of the new NM D-STAR list-servers. The net was in favor of the new list-servers including its value as a place for information exchange. However, the net stressed that it was necessary to moderate the messages and that this would require a lot of effort. [D, 14]

4. SFARES members participated in the NM D-STAR net on 22 January had 9 participants,

WX1DER, WJ5Z, KA2BSM, KF5ABL, N5BGC, WB0IZO, KE5RSI,KB5HPT and AD5RB as acting net control substituting for AG5S. REF055A had 12 repeaters linked in for this net, K5URR B, K5URR C, K7RST C, NM5WR B, W4LET B, W5AQA B, W5AW X, W5ELP C, W5FC C, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, and W6DHS B. Participants came from four states, Arkansas, New Mexico, Tennessee, and Texas. The discussion centered on Skywarn activities in this area and was motivated by a story written by our Don Hinsman N4VIP about Skywarn activities in Santa Fe County. The article appeared in the ARRL ARES E-Letter dated January 21st. This topic brought out a lot of different viewpoints from the participants and most seemed to be involved in their local Skywarn activities. The continuing need for local spotters was emphasized because of the lack of radar coverage at the ground level, even in the less mountainous areas. Although smart phones and social media apps, such as Facebook and Twitter, are being promoted by the Weather Service they do not fill in all the gaps because of limitations on cell phone coverage. Darryl, WX1DER, mentioned a smart phone app, mPing, for linking to the National Severe Storms Laboratory, while Lew, KB5HPT, mentioned a website WXSpots - Severe Weather Now! Featuring WXWarn Free Weather Software! where you can download software to follow severe weather alerts nationwide. I have not had time to check these out in detail, but they do look interesting. [D, 14]

5. SFARES members participated in the January 29 New Mexico D-STAR net began

promptly at 8:00pm MT on REF055A with 14 repeaters/modules linked in: K5URR B, K5URR C, K7RST C, KD0CGR B, NM5WR B, W4LET B, W5AQA B, W5AW C, W5ELP C, W5FC C, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, W5SF C, and W6DHS B. Additionally, the following stations were linked into REF055A via DVAP/DVD/Hotspot: WX1DER, KF5ZBL, W9WSW, KJ5RM. The following visitors checked in to the net: W5CO - Stanton Albuquerque, NM; W9WSW - Scott East Lansing, MI; KB5HPT - Lew El Paso, TX; N5BGC - Alan Santa Fe, NM; KF5ZBL - Bill Dallas, TX; AG5S - Alden Santa Fe, NM; W5LND - Lloyd Big Spring, TX; KE5RSI - Mike El Paso TX;W5EMA - Gary Memphis TN; AD5RB - Richard Los Alamos NM; and N5ZGT - Brian Albuquerque (net control). Topics of discussion in the roundtable formatted net included (1) the upcoming inaugural (and annual henceforth) New Mexico TechFest (http://www.rmham.org/wordpress/new-mexico-techfest), (2) the development of a modeled propagation coverage map for all of New Mexico and El Paso’s D-STAR repeaters, and (3) this Saturday's Albuquerque tailgate swapfest (https://caravan-club.squarespace.com/s/winter_tailgate_flyer-Jan15.pdf). The net lasted for almost an hour, concluding at 8:50pm MT. Our D-STAR friends in El Paso, TX provided a reminder about their weekly net, which everyone is welcome to participate in as well. The El Paso D-STAR net

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occurs every Monday night beginning at 7:15pm MT on REF055A. For those of you who were unable to make tonight’s net, please join the New Mexico D-STAR net every Thursday evening beginning at 8:00pm MT on REF055A. [D, 14]

San Miguel ARES January 2015 Group Activities

6. SM ARES held a meeting on 26 Jan 2015 with 8 people in attendance. Bob, AC6MH, had a discussion of antennas for Ham applications. A practice net was held on two-meters with 5 hams checking in. We are rotating Net Control duties among the members to give each person experience in this area. [D, 28]

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Santa Fe ARES July 2014 Group Activities

1. The fourth and final session of the NM D-RATS Training Net on “The Fundamentals”

was held on Wednesday, 2 July 2014. . Participants were: N4VIP, KF5SMH, N5EYS, N3TSZ from PA and KB5HPT from El Paso. The training Net included a review of configuration and sending three types of emails (1) to other users on D-RATS at the same time, (2) to an internet email address and (3) to the Winlink 2000 System.. D-RATS is also a WL2K gateway so testing the Winlink 2000 System proved the utility of D-RATS in an ARES Group toolbox. The next Net will be 6 August and consist of 4 sessions for Advanced Use. [D, 10].

2. SFARES participated in the 3 July New Mexico D-STAR net on REF055A. There were

seven net participants, WX1DER, W5CSG, KD5KSI, N5BGC, KB5HPT, AG5S and ADRB. It appears from the logs that KC8FQV also tried to check in after the net was formally closed. We had eight repeaters from around NM linked to REF055A, K5URR B, K5URR C, NM5WR B, W5AQA B, W5MPZ B, W5SF B, W5SF C, and W6DHS B. A major part of the net discussion concerned the weather that day, and the weather during Field Day, starting with a report by Darryl WX1DER about forecasts for heavy rains in NM and preparations for hurricane Arthur on the east coast. Richard, AD5RB, net control. [D, 7]

3. The July monthly Santa Fe ARES Net met on July 8th, at 1900 and had 11 participants.

Traffic included a reminder of SFARES' upcoming served event Zozobra, and also of the agenda for Saturday's monthly meeting, including crossroads. Net control was KE5ZBG and check-ins were as follows: AG5S, K5RVR, K9GAJ, KE5GLR, KF5QGD, KN5RL, N4VIP, N5EYS, NM5RW, & NR5ON. [D, 11]

4. SFARES (N4VIP) participated in a Santa Fe City Emergency Operations Planning

meeting on 10 July 2014 as the first step in developing an update to the existing EOP. An outline of the new EOP’s sections, responsibilities and a timetable for its development was presented by the Santa Fe City Emergency Manager. During a declared emergency, SFARES responsibilities will be to staff the Communications Unit at the EOC. There are plans to hold an EOC drill in November 2014. [D, 3]

5. SFARES participated in the 17 July New Mexico D-STAR net on REF055A with eight

repeaters linked in as follows: K5URR (Albuquerque), KF5VBF (Farmington's new 1200 MHz D-STAR repeater), NM5WR (Los Alamos), K3PDR, W5AQA (Socorro), W5MPZ (Sandia Crest), W5SF (Santa Fe), and W6DHS (Alamogordo). The following visitors checked into the net: AC5VB – John (Albuquerque); KA1VY – Ernie (Santa Fe); N5BGC - Alan (Santa Fe); N4VIP - Don (Santa Fe, Net Control); KB5HPT - Lew (El Paso, TX); AD5RB - Richard (Los Alamos); AG5S – Alden (Farmington Connecticut); K2RUH – Phil (Pennsylvania) and KF5SMH - Al (Farmington). Topics of discussion in the net included participation in the upcoming Duke City Hamfest. Additionally, KB5HPT noted that the new D-RATS RATflector N1KXJ had changed its address to N1KXJ.DDNS.NET:9000. The Net closed at 2033. [D, 9]

6. Three SFARES members (Ken Bateman - KF5QGD; Erik Nelson - KE5ZBG; and Don

Hinsman – N4VIP) provided support to the Run On The Caldera 10K and half marathon races on 27 July in the Valles Caldera. SCARES was the main organizer for communications. [D, 30]

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7. On 27 July 2014, the Santa Fe County Emergency Manager requested SFARES to provide situational awareness support for possible flooding events in the Santa Fe County area from 2000 until midnight. SFARES members were activated and requested to make severe weather reports from their QTH to the Santa Fe County Skywarn Coordinator (Don HInsman – N4VIP) who was mobile. Both cell phone and the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system (TesLink) were used to provided area information to the County Emergency Manager. [D, 120]

8. The August monthly Santa Fe ARES Net met on 29 July, at 1900 and had 14

participants. Traffic included a reminder of SFARES' upcoming served event Zozobra, and also of the agenda for Saturday's monthly meeting, including one hour of training activites. Net control was N5XDF and check-ins were as follows: K5RVR, KE5GLR, KF5QGD, KN5RL, N4VIP, N5EYS, KF5REI, N9KW, N6ZZT, K5SDC, N5BGC, KE5ZBG & NR5ON. [D, 14]

9. SFARES (N4VIP) participated in a Santa Fe City Planning meeting on 29 July for the

Monte Sereno Evacuation Drill on 13 September. SFARES will provide situational awareness for the Drill. [D, 3]

San Miguel ARES July 2014 Group Activities

10. San Miguel ARES held its monthly meeting on 28 Jul 2014 with nine members present. SM ARES voted to apply to be a communications resource for the county SAR group. Three SM ARES members gave 10 hours of volunteer time to work with the Sapello/Rociada Volunteer Fire Department to troubleshoot problems they were having with their dispatch repeater radio. The faulty equipment was identified and replaced with backup equipment so they could get on the air. [D, 28]

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Santa Fe ARES March 2014 Group Activities

1. The regular SFARES Net was held on 4 March 2014 beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was KF5QGD and SFARES participants included: N5BGC, NR5ON, N4VIP, AJ1O and KE5ZBG. N9NPF recently moved to Santa Fe and also joined the Net. [D, 6]

2. The NM D-RATS Training Net started at 1930 MDT on Wednesday, 5 March 2014 on

RATflector W5MPZ, w5mpz.org, 9000, (NM Statewide ARES). The new Taos RATflector ( was also available. The thirteen (13) participants were: KB5HPT (from El Paso, Texas), N5BGC, N4VIP, AD5RB (from Los Alamos County), WB0IZO (from San Juan County), N5EYS (from Tucson, AZ), N3TSZ (from Pennsylvania), KC7KPG, KF5SMH, NB5R, KE5ILI, KF5INE and KA5JNJ (from San Juan County). The 5 March Net focused on the use of ICS Forms including building new Forms. The Net agreed to develop at least one new Form before the next Net on 19 March. The Net was informed of the new Taos RATflector and a soon-to-be operational Santa Fe RATflector. [D, 15]

3. D-RATS is a program that integrates most all software functions needed for ARES

groups, especially at an activation in an EOC or SAR Incident Base. The software utilizes internet or radio or both. "Or" means it doesn't require a radio but can use one. Thus D-RATS is doubly useful as was demonstrated on 18 Dec.

4. All NM ARES members are strongly encouraged to participate in NM D-RATS Nets. The

D-RATS software is free (http://www.d-rats.com) in Windows, Linux or MacOS with detailed instructions in the files section D-RATS Operating Guide 0.3.3.pdf and a Quick Set Up.pdf for the basic settings you need to get started using D-RATS. The URL for the latest update to the D-RATS Operating Guide is: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/d-rats_group/files/D-RATS_Operating_Guide_Addendum_02232012.pdf. It is recommended to install the latest release for D-RATS, Daily Build 02232012. One can find the Daily Builds for Linux, MAC and Windows at: http://dev.d-rats.com/drats_daily/daily-02232012/.

5. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 8 March 2014, at the Santa Fe Sheriff’s

Posse Building. The meeting started at 0900. There were 12 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Alan Hill (N5BGC); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); John Zoltai (KF5REI); Rick Levine (N6ZZT); Bobb Barnes (K5RVR) and Erik Nelson (KE5ZBG). Una Smith (KE5CEP), from Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC) and Gene Dunn (N7CDJ) also participated in the meeting.

6. The following activities were updated as follows:

• SFARES Monthly Net - The regular SFARES Net was held on 4 March 2014 beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital

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and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was KF5QGD and SFARES participants included: N5BGC, NR5ON, N4VIP, AJ1O and KE5ZBG. N9NPF recently moved to Santa Fe and also joined the Net. During the Net, participants described their types of emergency power.

• Distracted Driving Law – The meeting was informed of the recently enacted law (SB19) by the New Mexico Legislature concerning distracted driving. Through efforts by many amateur operators, notably Ed James (KA8JMW), an amendment to the law was adopted to “exclude amateur radio equipment operated by a licensed amateur radio operator”.

• Airport Exercise on 26 April – The meeting was informed of the schedule conflict between the rescheduled Airport Exercise and ESCAPE. The SFARES Emergency Coordinator had informed airport officials of the conflict and that it may not be possible for sufficient number of SFARES members to participate.

• Call-Multiplier Groups - The meeting was informed that, regardless of Subgroup participation, all SFARES members would be contacted through the Call-Multiplier system if it were necessary to contact all SFARES members.

• NM High Speed Data Network – Alan Hill demonstrated pro-type mesh nodes that could become the Santa Fe metropolitan mesh net component of the NM High Speed Data Network. In particular, there were four (4) individual nodes functioning as a mesh whereby all were connected on a Wi-Fi frequency allocated to amateur radio operators. Additionally, Alan Hill had connected a digital camera and its data were transmitted through the mesh to allow a remote viewer to see imagery. In addition to imagery, digital files could be exchanged through D-RATS based clients.

• Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC) communication van – John Zoltai and Una Smith made a presentation describing the recently updated LAARC communication van including its capability to support SAR Incident Base and EOC functions. As representatives of LAARC, they expressed a desire for possible collaborations between LAARC and SFARES on SAR and EOC missions. The meeting was strongly in favor of such partnerships and agreed that a joint meeting should be convened, in the near future, to develop areas of mutually agreeable support that could be described in a Memorandum of Understanding.

NM QSO Party Preparations

In accordance with the Santa Fe ARES Training and Activity Schedule for 2014, the SFARES March meeting discussed preparations for the NM QSO Party. It noted the benefits for participation in intensive radio communications situations, such as the NM QSO Party, and their benefits and relevance to emergency communications. Furthermore, it recalled that the NM QSO Party would occur on 12 April and be the focus for the SFARES April meeting. Given that the NM QSO Party would cover the time period from 0800 until 2000 local, the meeting agreed that the W5SAF station would be one component of SFARES’s participation, the other component being individual NM QSO Party participants who would list SFARES as their Club. The meeting also recalled that K9GAJ and SFARES were sponsoring two awards for the NM QSO Party and that it would be desirable for SFARES members to win those awards. Thus, it was necessary to develop a time schedule for all SFARES participants to ensure that there would be at least three (3) SFARES members present in the Posse Building, as a Team, between 0800 and 2000 on 12 April. A two hour time slot for each Team was suggested.

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Additionally, the meeting agreed that it would be advantageous to hold a potluck dinner at the Posse Building starting at 1600 on 12 April for all SFARES members and family and friends.

7. The NM D-RATS Training Net started at 1930 MDT on Wednesday, 19 March 2014 on

two Internet RATflectors (W5MPZ [Type: Network, Host address: w5mpz.org, Port: 9000] and W5SF [Type: Network, Host address: W5SF.dstargateway.org, Port: 9000]). The nine (9) participants were: KB5HPT (from El Paso, Texas), N4VIP, WB0IZO (from San Juan County), KC7KPG (from Cibola/McKinley County, KF5SMH (from San Juan County), KA5JNJ (from San Juan County), K5GJB (from San Miguel County), W5TMP (from Leesville, LA) and KC2FF (from Fort Polk, LA). The 19 March Net's focus was a continuation of the previous Net on the use of ICS Forms. The 19 March Net practiced importing new Message templates for 7 ICS Forms and their associated .doc files that would be attachments to new Messages. [D,9]

8. The weekly NM D-STAR voice net for March 20th on REF055A starting at 8:00 PM MDT

had 9 checkins from New Mexico, Texas, Tennessee, and Australia. The call signs recorded were N5BGC, V4TUX, N4VIP, KB5HPT, W5EMA, KD5KSI, WD8LJP, KA2BSM and AD5RB as net control. We discussed the proposed under $200 D-STAR radio under development by Jerry Wanger and a number of related topics. We were also invited to participate in a new weekly net, the Memphis D-RATS net at 8:30 PM Fridays. The repeaters connected to REF055A for this net included K5LET C, K5URR B, K5URR C, NM5WR B, W5AQA B, W5GB B, W5MPZ B, W5SF C, W5URD B, and W6DHS B. [D,9]

San Miguel ARES March 2014 Group Activities

9. San Miguel ARES had a practice net on 2-meters on 25 Mar 2014. Seven members checked in. SMARES had its our monthly meeting on 30 Mar 2014 and nine members attended. Preparations for the wildfire season were discussed, provisions for backup power at several operating locations and a fun "quiz" of frequently used abbreviations in communications were discussed. SMARES is trying to get away from using abbreviations and ham jargon in communications since it may get called upon to provide communications on Homeland Security frequencies and the receiver of SMARES communications will probably not be a ham. [D, 54]

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Santa Fe ARES May 2014 Group Activities

1. The regular SFARES Net was held on 6 May 2014 beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was N4VIP and SFARES participants included: N5BGC, N5EYS, KF5QGD, NR5ON, K5SDC, N5XDF, AJ1O, N6ZZT, KF5PKI (from San Miguel ARES in Las Vegas, NM), AG5S and K9GAJ. In addition to normal check-in procedures, the Net discussed preparations for the forthcoming SFARES monthly meeting on 10 May. [D, 11]

2. A new NM D-RATS Training Net on “The Fundamentals” started at 1930 MDT on

Wednesday, 7 May 2014, on RATreflectors w5mpz.org, 9000, and W5SF.dstargateway.org, 9000. Participants were: KF5QGD, KF5LCN, K5RSJ, W1PCG, WB0IZO, AC7DS and KF5SMH. The drill was Session 1 and included initial configuration and Chat. The next Net will be 21 May.

3. D-RATS is a program that integrates most all software functions needed for ARES

groups, especially at an activation in an EOC or SAR Incident Base. The software utilizes internet or radio or both. "Or" means it doesn't require a radio but can use one. Thus D-RATS is doubly useful.

4. All NM ARES members are strongly encouraged to participate in NM D-RATS Nets. The

D-RATS software is free (http://www.d-rats.com) in Windows, Linux or MacOS with detailed instructions in the files section D-RATS Operating Guide 0.3.3.pdf and a Quick Set Up.pdf for the basic settings you need to get started using D-RATS.

5. SFARES members (Jim Norvell KN5RL; Ron Nelson NR5ON; Erik Nelson KE5ZBG;

Richard Derr KG5BCH and Don Hinsman N4VIP supported the Santa Fe Century 20, 50 and 100 mile bike races on Sunday 18 May. [D, 48]

6. SFARES participated in the May 15 New Mexico D-STAR net on REF055A with nine

repeaters linked in as follows: K5URR (Albuquerque), KF5VBF (Farmington's new 1200 MHz D-STAR repeater, being burnt in by Ed KA8JMW in Albuquerque prior to deployment), KG7FOJ (Medford, Oregon), NM5WR (Los Alamos), W5AQA (Socorro), W5GB (Las Cruces), W5MPZ (Sandia Crest), W5SF (Santa Fe), and W6DHS (Alamogordo). Additionally, the following stations were linked into REF055A via DVAP/DVD/Hotspot: KB5HPT, W5TWY, KA8JMW, WX1DER, KJ5RM, KF5SMH, W5BK. The following visitors checked into the net: WX1DER - Daryl (Little Rock, AR)KA8JMW - Ed (Albuquerque)N5BGC - Alan (Santa Fe)N4VIP - Don (Santa Fe)KB5HPT - Lew (El Paso, TX)KD5KSI - Jim (Albuquerque)AD5RB - Richard (Los Alamos)KF5SMH - Al (Farmington)W5BK - Brad (Big Spring, TX)N5ZGT - Brian (Albuquerque, net control). Topics of discussion in the roundtable formatted net included D-STAR activities occuring at the ongoing Dayton Hamvention; upcoming D-STAR and mesh networking activities planned for the 2014 ARRL Rocky Mountain Division Convention in Albuquerque, NM (Aug 8-10; <www.dukecityhamfest.org>; the Farmington area's new D-STAR repeater systems; and more. An enjoyable roundtable discussion lasted for an hour, until 9:00pm MT. [D,10]

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7. SFARES participated in the May 22 New Mexico D-STAR net on REF055A with eleven

repeaters linked-in including: K5URR (Albuquerque), KF5VBF (Farmington's new 1200 MHz D-STAR repeater, being burnt in by Ed KA8JMW in Albuquerque prior to deployment), KG7FOJ (Medford, Oregon), NM5WR (Los Alamos), W5AQA (Socorro), W5GB (Las Cruces), W5MPZ (Sandia Crest), W5SF (Santa Fe), and W6DHS (Alamogordo). The following fifteen (15) visitors checked into the net: WX1DER - Daryl (Little Rock, AR); KA8JMW - Ed (Albuquerque); N5BGC - Alan (Santa Fe); N4VIP - Don (Santa Fe and Net Control); KB5HPT - Lew (El Paso, TX); AD5RB - Richard (Los Alamos); KF5SMH - Al (Farmington); WB0IZO – Dave (Farmington); WW6USA – Larry (Alamagordo); AG5S – Alden (Dayton, Ohio); W5OXK – Floyd (Farmington); N3TSZ – Pat (Pennsylvania); W1CPG – Prescott (Socorro): N7JEI – Dave; and WJ5Z (East Texas). Topics of discussion in the roundtable formatted net included D-STAR activities occuring at the ongoing Dayton Hamvention; WB4QDX – John Davis’s recent interview on Fox News; the use of D-STAR in the upcoming Field Day; and information concerning the Socorro Hamfest to be held on 18 October 2014. An enjoyable roundtable discussion lasted until 2045 MT. [D,15]

8. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 10 May 2014, at the Santa Fe Sheriff’s

Posse Building. It started at 0830 for new members’ initial orientation and was led by the Orientation Process Leader, Ollie Eisman. The regular meeting started at 0900. There were 20 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Richard Derr (KG5BCH); Marla Dwire (KD5IGW); Ollie Eisman (AJ1O); Alan Hill (N5BGC); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Sonny Maile (KF5SGT); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Rudy Polaco (KF5OCQ); Steve Crawford (K5SDC); John Zoltai (KF5REI); Rick Levine (N6ZZT); Ted Price (N5EYS); Ray Wallace (NM5RW); Evelyn Ward (KE5GLR); and Bobb Barnes (K5RVR). Gene Dunn (N7CDJ) also participated in the meeting. The meeting noted that Ken Robinson (KE5TFU) had moved to Texas and would no longer serve as the SAR Comm subgroup Leader. Terry Morton is the new SAR Comm subgroup Leader. Additional activities were updated as follows:

• SFARES Monthly Net Control - The regular SFARES Net was held on 6 May 2014

beginning at 1900 hours on the Santa Fe Amateur Radio Club’s linked repeater system using repeaters on Tesuque Peak (146.82, -600), St. Vincent’s Hospital (147.20, +600), Elk Mountain (147.30, +600) and San Antonio Mountain (146.76, -600). Tesuque Peak, St.Vincent’s Hospital and Elk Mountain all use an access tone (or PL) of 162.2 Hz while San Antonio Mountain uses an access tone (or PL) of 67.0 Hz. In addition, there is a 440 link atop Tesuque Peak at 442.825 MHz (+5.0 MHz, 131.8 tone). Net Control was N4VIP and SFARES participants included: N5BGC, N5EYS, KF5QGD, NR5ON, K5SDC, N5XDF, AJ1O, N6ZZT, KF5PKI (from San Miguel ARES in Las Vegas, NM), AG5S and K9GAJ. In addition to normal check-in procedures, the Net discussed preparations for the forthcoming SFARES monthly meeting on 10 May.

• ESCAPE 2014 – The meeting noted that there was no “Communications Track” during ESCAPE. The meeting considered this fact a serious shortcoming in the ESCAPE agenda.

• Santa Fe Century, 18 May – SFARES members (Jim Norvell KN5RL; Ron Nelson NR5ON; Erik Nelson KE5ZBG; Richard Derr KG5BCH and Don Hinsman N4VIP) supported the Santa Fe Century 20, 50 and 100 mile bike races on Sunday 18 May.

• National Night Out (NNO) will be held on 5 August on the Santa Fe Plaza. Through a cooperative effort with the Los Alamos Amateur Radio Club (LAARC), its communication van will be on display at the Plaza. The meeting noted that as part of its 2014 purchase

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plan, a new tent would also be available at NNO. John Zoltai and Terry Morton will coordinate NNO activities.

• SAR Mock Mission – There will be a SAR Mock Mission in the Pecos area on 16 August. Terry Morton will coordinate SFARES participation.

• MS-150, 23/24 August – The MS-150 bike races (50 and 100 miles) will be held 23 and 24 August. The meeting noted that normally the LAARC communications van was utilized during the event.

• Zozobra - The annual burning of Dr Gloom (Zozobra) will occur on Friday, 29 August and SFARES has been asked by Kiwanis to provide communication support similar to the support provided last year. However, this year there will be a 5/10 K race in the morning before the burning and SFARES has been asked to also cover the race. The meeting also noted the planned use of IP cameras on the SFARES mesh network at the Zozobra event.

• Buffalo Thunder – The meeting noted that the Buffalo Thunder ½ Marathon should occur on 14 Sept but no further information was available. Alden Oyer indicated he would contact a race organizer in order to establish a liaison with SFARES.

• Santa Fe City EOC exercise – The meeting noted that the Santa Fe City Emergency Manager was planning to hold an exercise in late July or early August as a first drill for its EOC at the Santa Fe City Convention Center. The meeting noted that the City EM had purchased communication gear as suggested by SFARES and that the radios were being programmed and battery power system was being configured.

• NIFOG Version 1.5 – The meeting noted that a new version (1.5) had been released and was available on the Web. Version 1.5 specifically noted that a Part 90 radio license does NOT authorize use of amateur radio frequencies – an individual must have a Part 97 license to operate on amateur radio frequencies.

• ARRL National Field Day Preparations - In accordance with the Santa Fe ARES Training and Activity Schedule for 2014, SFARES will participate in the ARRL National Field Day to be held on 28 June at the Saint Vincent Hospital EOC. Planning meetings with SVH staff had already occurred and an Operational Plan was being developed.

• The meeting discussed SFARES’s new mesh net. It noted that the SFARES mesh net had many possible applications for emergency services including IP cameras, VOIP, D-RATS and SkyWarn. The meeting noted that the development on these applications would be a long-term project and that as a first prior the mesh should be deployed at locations throughout Santa Fe. To expedite the deployment and develop robust coverage, two Project Leaders (Ken Bateman and Sonny Maile) were identified. The meeting agreed that, as a goal, the mesh net should achieve preliminary operational status before Zozobra in order that it could be used during the event. [D, 60]

San Miguel ARES May 2014 Group Activities

9. San Miguel ARES (SMARES) held its monthly meeting on 26 May 2014 with seven members and one visitor present. We had training on net procedures for use with a repeater. We also held our regular practice net on 20 May 2014 on the Elk Mountain 2-meter repeater with four members checking in. [D, 20]

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Santa Fe ARES November 2014 Group Activities

1. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 8 November 2014, at the Santa Fe

County EOC. The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager hosted the meeting and welcomed the group to the EOC. There were 19 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Alan Hill (N5BGC); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Evelyn Ward (KE5GLR); Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); Bobb Barnes (K5RVR); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Gene Murski (K5ZX); Jim Norvell (KN5RL); Rich Derr (K5RKD); Graham Bowkett (K5GJB); Martin Vigil (KE5CEN); Don Hinsman (N4VIP); Terry Morton (N5XDF); Ron Nelson (NR5ON); Erik Nelson (KE5ZBG); Sonny Maile (KF5SGT); Ollie Eisman (AJ1O); and Ted Price (N5EYS). A new SFARES member, Mark Rowley (KE5GZR), also joined the meeting. The regular meeting for all members started at 0900. The following activities were updated and training was conducted as follows:

• Santa Fe City EOC drill in December; • Move to Santa Fe County EOC; • Ordering Manager ICS position training for SAR; • SFARES Duty Officer responsibilities; • Potential activations in health-risk environments; • SkyWarn including the National SkyWarn Day on 6 December [D, 57].

San Miguel ARES November 2014 Group Activities

2. San Miguel ARES held a practice net on two-meters on 18 Nov 2014 and five members checked in. We also held our monthly meeting on 24 Nov 2014 and seven members were in attendance. [D, 28]

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Santa Fe ARES October 2014 Group Activities

1. SFARES participated in the 2 October 2014 New Mexico D-STAR Net on REF055A with

N4VIP as net control. Participants included: AG5S; KD5KSI; N5BGC; WB0IZO; KA8JMW; AD5RB and WA5VAH. The Net started at 2000, local time. The round table discussion focused on the upcoming Socorro Hamfest and how D-STAR could be included. Several valuable suggestions were made including the need for a guide to all D-STAR repeaters in New Mexico including automatically established links (times and days) and etiquette and protocols when using a D-STAR repeater especially for linking and unlinking. The Net also felt that the use of D-STAR, meshes and D-RATS at Public Service events should be promoted at the Hamfest. [D, 8]

2. SFARES participated in a SAR Mission on 14 Oct. The subject walked out early in the

Mission. [E. 5] 3. SFARES held its monthly meeting on Saturday, 11 October 2014, at the Santa Fe

Sheriff’s Posse Building. There were 11 SFARES members in attendance as follows: Alan Hill (N5BGC); Fred Homuth (K9GAJ); Evelyn Ward (KE5GLR); Ken Bateman (KF5QGD); John Bohnert (N9KW); Bobb Barnes (K5RVR); Alden Oyer (AG5S); Ray Wallace (NM5RW); Graham Bowkett (K5GJB) and Marlita Reddy-Hjelmfelt (KF5LCN). The regular meeting for all members started at 0900. The following activities were updated and training was conducted as follows:

• Santa Fe City EOC drill in early Nov • Move to Santa Fe County EOC • AOBD • ECHO link and ARES • D-RATS (Maps) [D, 51]

4. SFARES members (AG5S, N5BGC and N4VIP) participated in the Socorro Hamfest on

18 October including the annual ARES meeting conducted by the Section Emergency Coordinator. The SEC informed the ARES meeting that through discussions with the State Radio Bureau, it was possible that repeaters in the State-owned ARES system could be turned over to the local ARES groups to maintain a presence in the location. ARES groups were requested to indicate in an email to the SEC if they were interest. SFARES sent the SEC a request to take over responsibility and maintain a presence for the Tesuque and Cerro Pelon ARES repeaters. [D, 40]

5. On 29 Oct, two members of SFARES (KN5RL and N4VIP) briefed the new Santa Fe

Police Department Chief (Chief Erik Garcia) on SFARES and its potential and capabilities to provide communications support to the SFPD if requested. [D, 8]

6. On 31 Oct, SFARES members (AG5S, N5BGC, N4VIP, K9GAJ, KF5SGT, K5ZX,

N5EYS and N7CDJ) helped to move SFARES equipment, radios and antennas to its new location at the Santa Fe County EOC. The Santa Fe County Emergency Manager (KE5CEN) was present to assist with the move. All future SFARES meetings will be held in the Santa Fe County EOC. [D, 30]

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7. The Santa Fe ARES Emergency Coordinator prepared draft letters from the Santa Fe City and County Emergency Managers to the Honorable Representative Ben Ray Lujan encouraging him to co-sponsor and support HR 4969 - The Amateur Radio Parity Act of 2014. [D, 10]

San Miguel ARES October 2014 Group Activities

8. SMARES held its monthly meeting on 27 Oct 2014 with seven members and one guest attending. We discussed the Comm Drill we just completed that afternoon. [D,24]

9. On 27 Oct 2014 SMARES conducted a Comm Drill to help determine the useability of

two repeaters (147.3 and 147.2 MHz) and 146.52 MHz simplex for communications in the county during an emergency. The County EOC (in the County Building in Las Vegas, NM) was used as Net Control and five hams traveled around the county on five predetermined routes stopping at key locations. Net Control used a five level scale to record the quality of the communications at each location. We now have a map of communications quality in the County. 20.5 hours were used by seven ARES members during the Drill. This exercise also provided the newer hams in our group with practice with good "on air" procedures. [D, 20.5]

10. On 21 Oct 2014 SMARES held a practice net on the 147.2 MHz repeater and five

members checked in. We are using the monthly Practice Net to give all ARES members experience as Net Control on a rotating basis. [D, 5]

11. On 25 Oct 2014 San Miguel ARES provided support of the San Miguel County Office of

Emergency Management. Four ARES members accompanied the County Comm Trailer toVillaneuva, NM to provide communications for a police action and search for marijuana farms in the nearby National Forest. This was a short notice operation resulting from shots fired at law enforcement on the day before in this area of the National Forest. We did not use ham radio frequencies or ham call signs. Instead we used State Police and Homeland Security VTac channels and tactical call signs to communicate with teams in the field. We were requested to help by the Region IV Narcotics Task Force which has members from theLas Vegas Police Department who are familiar with ARES. A total of 41.5 hours were contributed by SM ARES members for this operation. [D, 28]

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