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Page 1: Amazing animals comprehension questions

Amazing Animals

Drawing conclusions

Page 2: Amazing animals comprehension questions

What do the pictures and captions on page 54 show?

• The pictures show animals. The captions tell about each animal.

Page 3: Amazing animals comprehension questions

What do they suggest the text will be about?

• It will tell what makes animals special.

Page 4: Amazing animals comprehension questions

Do you think polar bear fur looks sparkling in the sun?

• Yes, because it is like glass and looks white in the sun.

Page 5: Amazing animals comprehension questions

How does thick, white fur help polar bears live in cold, snowy places?

• It helps them keep warm and hide in the snow.

Page 6: Amazing animals comprehension questions

From what you have read so far, is this selection a true story or a fantasy? Explain

• True story• The text gives facts. The pictures show real animals.

Page 7: Amazing animals comprehension questions

Does an elephant have its trunk or tusks first? How do you know?

• Trunk • A baby elephant has a trunk. It takes many years for the

tusks to grow.

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How are elephant’s tusks like your teeth?

• They are hard and take time to grow.

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How are they different?• Tusks are much longer than our teeth, and there are only 2

tusks. We have more teeth than that.

Page 10: Amazing animals comprehension questions

What is special about camels’ eyelashes?

• There are 2 rows of thick long eyelashes.

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Where do you think camels live that they need special eyelashes?

• Camels live in sandy, windy places. The eyelashes help keep sand from blowing in their eyes.

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What is inside a camel’s hump?• Fat

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How does it help camels live in the desert?

• When camels make long trips across the desert, they can use the fat as food.

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What kind of animal is a duck?• Bird

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How do the shape of a duck’s feet and toes make it a good swimmer?

• The wide feet and toes help push a duck easily through the water.

Page 16: Amazing animals comprehension questions

The text says that a giraffe has a long neck. How does the picture help you see how tall a giraffe is and long its neck is?

• The picture shows the giraffe reaching the leaves of a tree. It shows the giraffe’s neck being much longer than the head.

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How is a long neck helpful to giraffes?• A long neck helps giraffes live. They can reach food that

other animals cannot and take better care of their babies.

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What do the quills of a newborn porcupine feel like?

• The quills are soft

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How are they different from an adult?• On a newborn, quills are soft. On the adult, they are sharp

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Why would a baby porcupine be born with soft quills instead of sharp ones?

• Soft quills would make it easier for the mother to care for the baby.

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Why would a porcupine want other animals to stay away?

• The other animals might want to hurt the porcupine.

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What is the main idea of the text that tells about turtles?

• Turtles have a very hard shell.

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What does the turtle do when an animal comes that wants to hurt it?

• The turtle pulls inside its shell.

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What doe they look like?• They look like wide, oval, pads

Page 25: Amazing animals comprehension questions

Why are all of the animals in this selection “amazing?”

• Each animal has special body parts that help it grow and live.

Page 26: Amazing animals comprehension questions

What is the author’s purpose in writing this selection?

• To give facts about animals, to show that animals and nature are interesting.

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