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  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine June 1982





    A Journal of Atheist News and Thought

    (Vol. 24, NO.6) June, 1982

    T h e O m i n o u s Sptttrt

    Religion in Government

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine June 1982



    isa non-profit, non-political,educational orgamzation, dedicated to the complete and absolute separation ofstate and church.

    We accept the explanation ofThomas Jefferson that the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States was

    meant to create a wall of separation between state and church.

    American Atheists are organized to stimulate and promote freedom ofthought and inquiry concerning religious beliefs,

    .creeds, dogmas, tenets, rituals and practices;

    to collect and disseminate information, data and literature on all religions and promote a more thorough understanding

    of them, their origins and histories;

    to encourage the development and public acceptance of a human ethical system, stressing the mutual sympathy,

    understanding and interdependence of all people and the corresponding responsibility of each individual in relation to


    to develop and propagate a culture inwhich man is the central figure who alone must be the source ofstrength, progress

    and ideals for the well-being and happiness of humanity;

    to promote the study of the arts and sciences and of all problems affecting the maintenance, perpetuation and

    enrichment of human (and other) life;

    to engage in such social, educational, legal and cultural activity as willbe useful and beneficial to members ofAmerican

    Atheists and to society as a whole. Ath . b d f i d

    eism may e e me

    as the mental attitude which

    unreservedly accepts the

    supremacy of reason and

    aims at establishing a life-

    style and ethical outlook

    verifiable by experience and

    the scientific method, inde-

    pendent of all arbitrary as-

    sumptions of authority and


    Materialism declares that

    the cosmos is devoid of

    immanent conscious pur-

    pose; that it is governed by

    its own inherent, immutable

    and impersonal laws; that

    there is no supernatural

    interference in human life; ' .-

    . that man - finding his

    resources within himself -

    can and must create his own

    destiny. Materialism restores


    . to man his dignity and his

    .-7 intellectualintegrity.Itteaches

    . that we must prize our life

    ,,0 on earth and strive always to

    improve it. It holds that man

    is capable of creating a

    socialsystem based on reason

    and justice. Materialism's

    faith is in man and man's

    abilityto transform the world

    culture by his own efforts.

    This is a commitment which

    isin every essence lifeassert-

    mg. It considers the struggle

    for progress as a moral

    obligation and impossible

    without noble ideas that

    Inspire man to bold creative

    works. Materialism holds

    that humankind's potential

    for good and for an outreach

    P.O.80x2117 AUSTIN, TX78768-2117 to more fulfilling cultural

    Send $40


    one year's

    membership and



    receive our




    development is, for all prac-


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    year 01

    AMER~CAN ATHEIST magazine.

    tical purposes, unlimited.

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine June 1982


    Vol. 24, No.6) June, 1982


    Pope Wojtyla in Fatima, Portugal Part 2

    -Jean Yves Riviere 3


    Tolerance and Intolerance - Jeff Frankel : 4

    Life and Death of a Star - G. Stanley Brown 5

    Religion's Assault on Information and Learning

    - Fred Woodworth 25


    Convention ..Atheist Style 8


    American Atheists Win a Big One 21


    Editorial: Reds - Jon Murray 2


    Madalyn Murray O'Hair

    Managing Editor

    Jon G. Murray


    Robin Murray-O'Hair

    Production Staff

    Art Brenner


    Richard Smith

    Gerald Tholen

    Gloria Tholen

    Non-Resident Staff

    G. Stanley Brown

    Jeff Frankel

    Ignatz Sahula-Dycke

    Fred Woodworth

    The American Atheist magazine is pub-

    lished monthly at the Gustav Broukal Ameri-

    can Atheist Press, 2210 Hancock Dr., Aus-

    tin, TX 78756, and

    1982 by Society of

    Separationists, Inc., a non-profit, non-politi-

    cal, educational organization dedicated to

    the complete and absolute separation of

    state and church. Mailing address: P. O.

    Box 2117, Austin, TX 78768-2117. A free

    subscription is provided as an incident of

    membership in the American Atheists or-

    ganization. Subscriptions are available at

    $25. for one year terms only. Manuscripts

    submitted must be typed, double-spaced

    and accompanied by a stamped. self-ad-

    dressed envelope. The editors assume no

    responsibility for un solicited manuscripts.

    The American Atheist magazine

    is indexed in

    Monthly Periodical Index

    ISSN: 0332-4310



    T ht O m inous

    Sp tt

    Rel ig ion in Government

    On the one hand, our cover picture for

    this month may be considered to be

    technically in error. The word spectre

    has two meanings. Religion in govern-

    ment may be described as anything but a

    non-substantive, incorporeal apparition.

    Fact is that religio-politicism is a truly

    existing blight, not only in our nation's

    capitol, but extending completely

    through our governmental and political

    system on down to our very doorsteps.

    No social planning or electoral office

    campaigning is free from its twisting


    At no time inour history has religionso

    thrust its ugly, biased self upon the

    nation as it is now doing. So bad is the

    situation that our most esteemed branch

    of federal government, the Judicial

    branch, is in immediate peril for its

    continued existence. Our citizenry ap-

    parently is not aware of the awesome-

    ness of Executive control without the

    restraints provided by the Judicial

    branch. So, ina sense, religion ingovern-

    ment is no spectre - it is a monstrous


    On the other hand, the word spectre

    suggests a source of terror or dread .

    Terror, being a product of human aware-

    ness, can be ridden from the mind - if

    people are so inclined. In this context our

    cover is correct. People have only to

    declare, through our electoral system,

    that they will no longer tolerate this

    incredible coalition. At that point the

    misty intruder willbe dispersed into the

    realm of non-existence.

    G. Tholen'

    Austin, Texas

    June, 1982

    Page 1

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    The Soviets know how to play geopolitics in a much more

    sophisticated manner than does our national (so-to-speak)

    leaders. When it comes to the theopolitical field they are,

    in many aspects, superb theological chess players. Having

    built into its constitution a complete separation of state and

    church, the nation has felt comfortable enough to permit

    churches to function - knowing as it does that without

    state tax exemption, state financial support, state favorit-

    ism, churches can only remain static and small.

    Knowing full well that the christian religions are both used

    and rewarded for being used by the United States in its

    ideological confrontation with the Soviets, that nation in

    May pulled off its own black propaganda coup. The United

    States is adept at black propaganda and recognized the

    ploy so that the White House stepped in to ask Billy

    Graham not to go to Moscow to participate in a meeting of

    several hundred of the Clergy against Nuclear War. The

    temptation of carrying the words of jesus to Atheist

    Russia was too overpowering to Graham in his basic

    fanaticism and he eschewed the warning of the White


    Courteously received and having been shown that there

    exist in the U.S.S.R. literally thousands of churches (albeit

    small ones) Graham was enthused about incipient reli-

    gious freedom in that nation. The news media of the United

    States speaking to the ploy instead of the basic issue fell

    upon the subsequent words and reports of Graham in

    regard to religion. That was NOT the name of the game.

    What the Soviets were doing was reaching out for another

    group of allies in respect to disarmament and the precluding

    of a nuclear war. It was incidental whom that group

    represented as long as it could be enlisted on the side of

    peace. What citizens of our nation do not understand is [1]

    that Russia was decimated in the First World War and her

    revolution immediately associated with that war and [2] that

    she lost 20,000,000 people and several great cities in the

    Second World War. The United States, bounded by two

    oceans, knows nothing of the decimation of a war on its own

    territory. No civilians, no cities of our nation have ever been

    plain bombed, fire bombed or nuked. The magnitude of the

    Russian lives lost has never been equalled in all of the

    combined countries of the West in any war. Russia wants

    and needs peace. Hence, she reaches out, if need be, to the'

    utmost enemy, the clergy. And, she stages the outreach by

    inviting a leader thereof into the heart of her nation:

    Moscow. That is astute geopolitical and theopolitical moxie

    The United States cannot pull off the reverse by asking

    Atheist leaders of the world to meet in Washington, D.C. to

    discuss peace by asking a foreign Atheist leader to address

    them. The United States is precluded from doing this

    because it has set up Atheism as a real fundamental

    enemy so inherently evil, allied with Satan, that the thought

    of such rapport is totally untenable politically. The

    U.S.S.R., therefore, could and did play one-upman-ship

    with elan.

    Billy Graham, whose ignorance is surpassed only by his

    Page 2

    basic fanaticism, even after the event, could only see the

    hope of a Graham crusade across the wild tundras of Russia

    with himself as a Don Quixote of our era carrying the

    word. The spectacle is pitiful.

    Meanwhile, back in the United States, Graham was

    underfire by his colleagues, perhaps as much out of envy, as

    out of Soviet hatred. The government was aghast.

    Recent media reporting of the plans of the Republican

    party for the November election indicates that a religious

    issue is planned to dominate the domestic scene during that

    autumnal imbroglio humorously known as the democratic

    process of free elections. After surveying and resurveying,

    the right -wing Republicans, now in possession of the nation,

    have found that they have overwhelming support, report-

    ed as being 65% of the nation, on one issue and one issue

    only: return of prayer to the public schools. Reagan and his

    cohorts are failing across the political front in all areas,

    hence a tried-and-true emotional issue is not only needed

    but has been found.

    The escalation of the issue started on two fronts. Within

    days of Graham's return to the United States, his reports of

    religious freedom in Russia were attacked from all quarters

    and a campaign began in the press to show that Russia was

    beginning an internal campaign to crush religion and

    reinforce Atheism. This was a clear signal then for the

    United States to begin an internal campaign to crush

    Atheism and reinforce christianity in the United States.

    Suddenly the old McCarthy issue of All Atheists are

    Communists was being resurrected, while the President

    himself opted for the return of prayer to the public schools.

    In conjunction with the president's declaration, a test was

    instituted to see how quickly a constitutional amendment

    could be passed. That the place chosen was the state of

    Tennessee has particular significance in the plot. The

    largest bible publishing house in the world is situated in

    Nashville and it is orchestrating an enormous campaign to

    sell, in millions of copies, a book which will assault the

    Murray-O'Hairs and the American Atheist organization as

    not only tools of communism, but as communists. Due to be

    released in June, the building of the campaign is scheduled

    to peak in November. That the charges are a tissue of lies

    matters little or nothing: the F.C.C. phantom petition (see



    No.5, May,

    1982 issue

    of the American Atheist,


    article titled The Phantom Phenomenon, Christ-insanity

    Strikes Again )

    has settled that to the benefit of the radical

    right. Atheists in the United States may have their charac-

    ters besmirched with impunity, public figures such as the

    Murray-O'Hairs being fair game in such an exercise. A

    roman catholic priest, alleged to be the Madalyn Murray

    O'Hair expert for that church, was placed on loan to

    Tennessee (from his Massachusetts base) to help effectuate

    the legislative coup. A bill to return prayer to public schools

    was introduced into the Tennessee congress on March 11th

    and by April 6th it had passed both houses soon to be signed

    by the governor: a three week romp. The handwriting is on

    the wall.

    June, 1982

    American Atheists

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    United World Atheists

    Jean-Yves Riviere



    Since last month (April/82), there has appeared a new

    place of pilgrimage inFrance. Its name isLa

    T alaudiere


    it lies in the suburbs of Saint-Etienne (Loire), not very far

    from La Sallette, the site of the apparition we described at

    some length in Part One of this series.

    As usual, things began with apparitions. These affected a

    14year old girl named Blandine, not illiterate and apparent-

    ly sound in mind, but for her visions. Just a detail: her

    family is a very pious one and she is very pious herself.

    One first assumption can be made. There isundoubtedly

    no clerical trick involved in this particular affair. It is a fact

    long since acknowledged by psychiatrists that for a girl,

    puberty and religious environment, possibly coupled with

    an alcoholic heredity, are classical factors of troubles

    assuming a visionary form. Moreover, the church has

    nothing to gain in calling attention to such things as phony

    miracles or apparitions just a few weeks before the trip of

    Wojtyla's Circus to Fatima. As we have already seen in our

    brief study about the affair of La Sallette, and as we are

    going to see next again about Fatima, all the recent clerical

    hoaxes have been disclosed by now.

    This could be a good and sufficient reason for the

    reluctance of the church concerning the apparitions of

    virgin mary in La Talaudiere and the interdiction of every

    sort of pilgrimage there emanating from the bishop ofSaint-

    Etienne himself.

    But there ismore to it. Among believers, there are a good

    deal of educated people who do not agree with the junk of

    the so-called miracles which, in their opinion, make the

    catholic religion a laughing stock for not only Atheists, but

    also most of the non-catholic christians. Besides, it isworth

    noticing that never did the roman catholic church proclaim

    the belief in miracles or apparitions compulsory (except for

    those mentioned in the holy scriptures). Faith in such

    matters is anyone's personal concern, even though the

    miraculous character of the fact has been acknowledged by

    the catholic hierarchy.

    At any rate, the very presence of the catholic church's

    leader in Fatima willserve to officialize the sanctity of these

    locales and a comparison with the vulgar events in La

    Talaudiere is likely to tarnish the oecumenical radiance of

    Fatima as one of the most celebrated places of the whole of

    christianity. That is why the priests have been upset by

    those new apparitions that they had neither organized nor

    even wished.

    Now let us tell a word about the facts inLa Talaudiere. As

    soon as the rumors about Blandine and her apparitions

    started to spread, excited pilgrimers hurried up by the

    thousands to the young visionary's home where the holy

    virgin, according to the girl, had appointed to her a Saturday

    (April 17) as the date for a new apparition in the kitchen

    garden. Blandine's home was a rather humble one, indeed.

    It looked like a slum more than a palace. In short, it was by

    no means a place to welcome the queen of heaven.

    In the afternoon of April 17th, in spite of the episcopal

    interdiction, a huge crowd had gathered in Blandine's

    Austin, Texas


    kitchen garden where a shanty shithouse and a statue of the

    virgin mary were the only architectural ornaments to hail

    the witness of the apparition. Among the pilgrims there

    were not only the local natives but also lots of foreigners

    (Belgians, Dutch, and so on), who had come by motor-

    coaches chartered for the spectacle. Inthe first ranks ofthe

    spectators one could see plenty of cripples in their wheel-

    chairs who recited prayers to virgin mary in order to be

    healed and reporters armed with their cameras.

    Of course, virgin mary never appeared. This can be easily

    understood as a kitchen garden is no decent place for a

    deity to show itself to its worshippers. So what do you think

    the pilgrims did? They searched with their eyes where the

    virgin could hide. And they suddenly realized there was only

    one place where she could be found. Not on the ground, of

    course, but high above their heads in the sky and, more

    precisely, in the sun.

    Thus, they began staring at the sun. After a few minutes

    they saw its color change and then - oh wonder - there

    were two suns in the sky instead of just one. The sun was

    dancing just like in Fatima sixty-five years ago.

    But, luckily, some doctors who knew about Fatima had

    foreseen the case. They had come inambulances equipped

    with loudspeakers through which they started warning the


    From viewers to non-viewers

    June, 1982

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    crowd: Take care , they said, ifyou see the sun split into

    two, this is no miracle, but a mirage. It means that your

    retinas are being burnt. Then go to the hospital at once in

    order to be treated .

    This explains why many pilgrims who had come to La

    Talaudiere with a good sight had become blind when they

    left.A sort oftopsy-turvy miracle, somehow. Italso explains

    why the church would have easily done without all this


    Asked about the reason why, according to her, the holy

    virgin had missed their meeting, Blandine retorted that it

    was on account of the presence of too many reporters and

    the lack offaith oftoo many people. So also was her father's


    And now, here are some of the predictions virgin mary

    has trusted the girl with:

    1) Paris willbe destroyed before long, because it is

    the place where the law about abortion has been


    2) The virgin of La Talaudiere willparticipate in the

    rescue of Russia .

    3) There will be earthquakes wherever morals

    become lax.

    4) Diseases will strike more and more often in the

    godless schools .

    (Quaintly reminiscent of the predictions of Fatima.)

    Moreover still, according to Blandine, virgin mary wants

    the catholic priests to wear cassocks again and say mass in

    Latin as they formerly did. (This last item was perhaps

    suggested to her through her parents by the integrist clergy,

    of which they are fiery supporters.)

    to be concluded next month

    The Angry Young Atheist

    Jeff Frankel


    Tolerance is a nice word. It conjures up good images.

    Tolerance would be a major factor in world peace. All

    tolerance means is to allow each individual to do and believe

    as he or she likes (as long as it harms no one else) without

    offering opposition or ridicule. When you look at itlogically,

    Atheists and christians should be able to co-exist peacefully

    side by side in much the same way those who likedifferent

    foods, different music, and different sports teams do. Allitis

    is a difference ofopinion and any mature person should be

    able to tolerate an opinion different from his or her own.

    Unfortunately, it just doesn't work that way when it

    comes to religion. That's because most of the major world

    religions either originated from or came to prominence as a

    result ofa political power struggle. Inpolitics, a difference of

    opinion isneither welcomed nor desired. Religion picked its

    intolerance up from the politics behind itand took itto even

    lower depths.

    Christianity in America today is big business above all

    else. It's nothing more than a commercial gambit with

    preachers promoting christ in much the same way corpora-

    tions sell their laxatives, suppositories, and toilet paper.

    Naturally, in the business world competition from another

    business is not a desired commodity. Just as General

    Motors would shed no tears if Chrysler Corporation went

    down for the count, the moguls of organized religion would

    love to see American Atheists fallflat on their faces. But it's

    not just we Atheists they'd love to see fail.We all know the

    catholics would feel no remorse if the protestant church

    collapsed, nor would the mormons care if the jehovah's

    witnesses bit the bullet. In the business world there's only

    room for one at the top, and a little thing like each of them

    supposedly getting their inspiration and morality from the

    same book can't be allowed to stand in the way.

    Tolerance has never been a christian virtue. Of course,

    when one reads the intolerance which is so common in the

    hokey babble, it's easy to see why. Christian doctrine leaves

    Page 4

    littleroom for tolerance ofnonbelievers or those who follow

    other religions. Tolerance would indeed be a hindrance in

    the narrow-minded religious opportunist's mind. In fact,

    with all the power and prestige up for grabs it would be an

    unaffordable weakness.

    The best examples of christian intolerance in history are

    the inquisition and the takeover ofthe Greco-Roman world

    which initiated the Dark Ages. The best current example is

    the moral majority. The precepts of the organization are

    heavily based on intolerance. Intolerance towards anything

    they disagree with, be it political issues like the Panama

    Canal or moral issues such as abortion. Ido not mean to

    say that being opposed to the sale of the Canal or to

    abortion means one is intolerant. But when someone

    attempts to build up the canal issue as a moral one with

    empty rhetoric to sway public opinion, or try to block the

    nomination of a Supreme Court justice on the basis of a

    biased analysis of the individual's voting record, then

    intolerance isprobably the nicest accusation you could level

    at them.

    In the name of christ unbelievers have been stoned to

    death, as have been prostitutes and adulterers. Books have

    been burned, as have people who were thought to be

    witches or demons. Women, blacks, homosexuals, and (of

    course) Atheists have been heavily persecuted (with the

    blessings of god, naturally). This may sound like something

    out of an unenlightened past, but it's not. It was only last

    year that Santa Clara, California's moral majority spokes-

    man Dean Wycoff recommended capital punishment for

    homosexuals, and rev. Charles Mcilhenny of the first

    orthodox presbyterian church of San Francisco proposed

    stoning gays to death. Those record bigots Jim and Steve

    Peters have made allusions towards violence against non-

    believers in their sermons. Look at the violence directed at

    Dr. O'Hair over the years. Can you imagine the things these

    warped religionists would do ifthey had the power to do as

    June, 1982

    American Atheists

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine June 1982


    the islamic fundamentalists who run the Iranian govern-

    ment do? I'd be shot before I could finish writing this (and

    before you could finish it).

    At this point one might accuse us Atheists ofintolerance.

    After all,we have taken the fightagainst christianity to court

    on more than one occasion. But would anybody but the

    hardest racist accuse the NAACP of intolerance for going

    to court to preserve black rights? Never, to my knowledge,

    has any American Atheist pursued any legal action which

    would hinder anybody's religious liberty. Yet, many chris-

    tians see nothing wrong with blasphemy lawsand statutes

    which prevent Atheists and agnostics from holding public

    office. We Atheists have to acknowledge a god we don't

    believe in every time we pass any U.S. currency. We must

    pay higher taxes to make up for what the churches don't

    pay, thus indirectly supporting a cause in which we don't

    believe. We are expected to sit back and watch our

    Constitution be dragged through the mud as the First

    Amendment calling for the total separation of church and

    state is violated time and time again. Christians are so quick

    to scream persecution and gripe about having their rights

    to believe as they choose violated. If they want to find out

    what persecution and rights violations are all about, they

    should become Atheists for just 24 hours. They'd develop a

    different viewpoint, I'm sure.

    Iknow of no action ever taken byany Atheist which could

    be considered unjustly intolerant of religion. That is be-

    cause no Atheist action.towards religion is unprovoked or

    unwarranted. What has any Atheist ever done but state his .

    or her disbelief? Anything further which the Atheist does is

    based on the reaction by christians or other religionists

    toward the Atheist stand. No actions taken toward Atheists

    by christians in this country that I know of have been

    provoked. To paraphrase John Lennon the Atheist is the

    nigger of the theistic world.

    I am not offended by someone being a christian. With

    maturity one learns to tolerate what one considers to be

    ignorance. What another individual believes (or doesn't

    believe) neither picks my pocket nor breaks my leg.Why

    should any christian be offended by one who holds a

    different philosophy? No logical reason exists. The only

    ,motivation behind such a reaction is ... (Idon't need to say

    it again).

    As long as religion exists, so willintolerance. The two are

    linked as closely as a toilet and a septic tank. A wise man

    once said that those who don't learn history are destined to

    repeat it. I, for one, would hate to think of the future of our

    world being nothing but one continuing religious rerun. We

    Atheists must each do our part to educate the masses in

    regard to the true nature of christianity and other such

    superstitions. Only when the world gets an equal look at

    religion and Atheism can we expect to see a decrease in

    religious influence - which would mean a decrease in

    intolerance. Wouldn't it be nice?

    Looking Up

    G. Stanley Brown



    A STAR

    In a previous paper (American Atheist, Vol. 24, No.1, p.

    21) the scientific techniques for studying stellar evolution

    were discussed. These included building mathematical

    models of stars which can be compared with observations.

    The initial collapse from a diffuse gas cloud into a spherical

    star was described. Now we may proceed with a biography

    of the changes in a star and description of a variety of

    possible terminal situations.' The past decade of research

    has revealed natural phenomena which would previously

    have been relegated to science fiction.

    Discussions of stellar evolution frequently make refer-

    ence to the Hertzsprung-Russell (H-R) diagram (see the

    previous paper), that graph of stellar brightness versus

    temperature. An oddity of this graph is that temperature

    increases to the left and decreases to the right. Brightness

    increases upward as would be expected. Mass, the amount

    of material in a star is not plotted on an H-R diagram. But it

    has a dominating effect on where a star willbe plotted on the

    diagram and on the rate of evolution. Young stars lieon the

    zero-age main sequence (ZAMS) with mass increasing from

    lower right to upper left. All stars lie somewhere on the

    ZAMS during the beginning of their stable life.

    Since mass isso important to evolution, there should be a

    real world check on how stellar mass is correlated with the

    two quantities represented on the H-R diagram. True

    Austin, Texas

    brightness is obtained from apparent brightness and dis-

    tance. Temperature is obtained from color, because blue

    stars are hot, red stars are cool, in the world of stars. Stellar

    mass can be known when two stars are observed revolving

    around each other. Such pairing is common. By measuring

    the orbital speed and separation of the stars we can

    compute their mass. The mathematics for this is an

    application of Kepler's third law, which was mentioned in

    the third paper ofthis series (American Atheist, Vol. 23, No.

    12, p. 9).


    A star may be large, having more than ten times the mass

    ofthe sun, or itmay be small, having as littleas one-tenth the

    mass of the sun. For any mass the early phases ofexistence

    are the same. The star is an enormous blob of gas, faintly

    glowing on the outside and hotter in its center than the

    apparent surface of the sun. Its position can be plotted on

    an H-R diagram on the right side about mid way up. With the

    passage of time the star radiates more energy, becomes

    smaller, and the internal temperature rises. This raises the

    external temperature, so the star moves to the left on the


    Physics and mathematics are very adept at dealing with

    June, 1982

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    large balls of gas. There isa principle which may be applied

    to them, known as the VirialTheorem. It tells us that when a

    system of mutually gravitating particles contracts, the

    gravitational potential released will be split into two equal

    halves. One half goes to radiant energy and the other half is

    used to raise the temperature of the particles. Thus a star

    which is contracting is getting very hot on the inside. The

    temperature and density in the core of a new star grows far

    in excess of any situation found on or in the earth. The star

    continues to contract and get hotter and would continue ifa

    dramatic new phenomenon did not take place. But it does; it .

    is fusion. Fusion is the merging of two atomic nuclei and

    simultaneous release of energy. It occurs in the center of


    Temperature, on the atomic scale, is-directly related to

    the speed of atoms. At temperatures found in the center of

    the sun, protons move at a speed which would carry them

    from Los Angeles to San Francisco in one second. Of

    course, they do not move that far because of collisions with

    other protons and atomic nuclei. The identical positive

    electrical charges on these particles causes them to repel

    grazing collisions. But at such speeds there is sometimes a

    direct hit and the repulsion isovercome. The protons merge

    and a different kind of force, the nuclear force ofattraction,

    dominates to hold them together. Simultaneously a quan-

    tum of radiation is emitted. This is a new source of energy

    which raises the temperature and pressure inthe core ofthe

    star. Itstops the collapse and the star settles down for a long

    period of stability. The star will fuse hydrogen into helium

    and radiate the resulting energy away into space.


    What makes a difference among stars at this stage istheir

    mass. The more massive stars have higher core tempera-

    tures so they can produce enough energy to prevent

    collapse. They also have higher surface temperatures and

    larger radii. Observations show this and extensive calcula-

    tions predict this. Stars spend the largest fraction of their

    lives on or near the ZAMS, but not the same amount of

    time. The big ones burn up their hydrogen core fuel very

    rapidly and proceed to new stages of development. Mean-

    while the small stars continue to cook. The sun has been

    doing it for 5 billion years.

    Evolution changes the chemical structure of a star.

    Whereas it was initially homogeneous throughout, the

    generation of helium takes place primarily in the center. So

    a core of helium grows, surrounded by a shell of fusing

    hydrogen. The energy generated slowly makes its way up

    through the star toward the surface. The energy


    from the upper layers of the star into space is equal to the

    energy created in the fusing shell.

    Calculations reveal some interesting behavior in stellar

    cores. The law of the Virial Theorem continues to apply; a

    core will contract and get hotter and convert half of its

    gravitational potential energy into radiation. The contrac-

    tion squeezes the electrons closer and closer to the atomic

    nuclei so that the matter changes its properties. It is said to

    become electron degenerate because of the high pres-

    sure. It can no longer expand inproportion to an increase in

    temperature. Thus, the core ofthe star loses its thermostat.

    Normally it would expand and cool when it gets too hot.

    Now the temperature rises to one hundred milliondegrees

    Page 6

    and a fusion of helium in the core begins. Beryllium and

    carbon are created with the release of more energy. This

    accelerates the burning of hydrogen inthe shell above. The

    core responds weakly to the increase in temperature

    because it is degenerate. The result is a burst of energy

    generation known as the helium flash. With this tremen-

    dous output of energy the core does expand, cool, and

    settle down to converting itself to carbon.

    These prodigious increases in energy production are

    used to expand the part of the star between the core and

    top layers. Stellar radius increases. The enclosing top layers

    are stretched, expanded, and cooled. Thus, the star

    becomes redder. It moves up and to the right from the

    ZAMS. It becomes a red giant. The most massive stars, on

    the upper left in the H-R diagram, move first. Successively

    lighter stars follow. Thus, there is a peeling off of the

    ZAMS. The point where, on the diagram, the peeling off

    occurs is a measure of the age of a cluster of stars.

    Astronomers cannot observe the above happen. But

    they can measure the size, brightness, temperature, and

    mass of stars. The calculations of the astronomers predict

    allof the things they observe. Therefore, the astronomers

    believe that the ideas that go into their calculations are a

    good approximation of reality.


    The process of fusing elements into heavier elements

    proceeds gradually with each element being created in

    abundance before still heavier elements are built. This is

    because nuclear particles carry a positive charge which is

    approximately proportional to their weight. Positive char-

    ges repel each other, in proportion to the strength of the

    charge. Hence, a greater weight means a greater repulsion

    and a greater speed required to overcome it. A greater

    speed requires a higher temperature. Stars with small mass

    are unable to develop the internal temperature required to

    build heavy elements. The sun willcreate a carbon core in5

    billion years, but cannot go on to build heavier elements.

    More massive stars can. They go through a series offlashes,

    each time adding a core of still heavier fusing atoms.

    Meanwhile the outermost layer maintains the composition

    it had when the star first formed.

    One way to verifyour understanding ofstellar evolution is

    to finddifferent clusters of stars and estimate whether they

    are young or old, in cosmic time. Our decision must be

    based on plausible arguments involving measurable charac-

    teristics. Fortunately our galaxy has many clusters of stars

    with diverse properties. Their age estimation rests on a

    scenario for the history of the entire galaxy.

    Our galaxy is a flattened rotating whorl of stars and gas

    and dust between the stars. Two major types of clusters are

    sen in our galaxy. They are known as (1) globular and (2)

    galactic. The globular clusters are found primarily outside

    the flattened part of the galaxy. The galactic clusters are

    found in the flattened part amid the gas and dust. Globular

    cluster stars have hydrogen and helium intheir upper layers

    and little else. Galactic cluster stars do have heavier

    elements. We know this because ofspectroscopy (see your


    Astronomers interpret these facts as follows. The atrno-

    spheres of globular cluster stars contain the same elements

    and proportions of elements the galaxy had when it was

    formed, perhaps 15 billion years ago. They are old. The

    June, 1982

    American Atheists

  • 8/9/2019 American Atheist Magazine June 1982


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