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Page 1: American Empire-building!

American Empire-building!

Octavian kills the Republic of Rome ancient concept of rule!


The American prairie nation on the moribund march of empire-building got shot in the Barbarian Achilles' heel, its financial meltdown with worldwide ramifications…

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American Empire-building!

By Prof. Paul S. Cutter*

Ever since the Mexican-American War of 1845, when the U.S. annexed Texas from that country, which gave rise to the Manifest Destiny Doctrine of expansion, America has consistently behaved like an empire reaching across the planetary meridians typically raising havoc in its perennial game of conflict & resolution created on foreign soil on its own terms, i.e. Washington starts the conflict then becomes the peace broker, as incredible as it sounds but it's tragically true. The word itself "imperialism" was coined in the mid-19th century to describe empire-building states across the continents. It was widely applied to our country in the 1898 Spanish-American War and in the postwar imperial occupation of the Philippines out in the Pacific Basin, our forces reaching all the way to Guam, an island which would provide a pivotal point for future conflict with the rising communist empire in the fall of tsarist Russia, 1917. One of the early critics of American policy in the Pacific, the prolific writer Mark Twain, described it such:

"I have read carefully the treaty of Paris, and I have seen that we do not intend to free, but to subjugate the people of the Philippines. We have gone there to conquer, not to redeem. It should, it seems to me, be our pleasure and duty to make those people free, and let them deal with their own domestic questions in their own way. And so I am an anti-imperialist. I am opposed to having the eagle put its talons on any other land."

— Mark Twain, New York Herald, Oct. 15, 1900.

Fig. 1. "Ten Thousand Miles from tip to tip." i.e. Empire at the Heart of US Foreign Policy –

The Philadelphia Press, 1898.

The above, 1898 political cartoon: "Ten Thousand Miles From Tip to Tip" accents the extension of U.S. domination (symbolized by our bald eagle) from Puerto Rico to the Philippines. The cartoon contrasts this with a map of the smaller United States 100 years earlier in 1798.

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Since the Spanish-American War of 1898, Marxists and the New Left tend to view impe-rialism as an unmitigated obsession. US imperialism, in their view, traces its beginning not to the Spanish-American war, but to Jefferson’s purchase of the Louisiana Territory, or even to the displacement of Native Americans prior to the American Revolution, and continues to this day. Historian Sidney Lens argues that:

"the United States, from the time it gained its own independence, has used every available means—political, economic, and military—to dominate other nations."

- Sidney Lens, The Forging of the American Empire (2003), book jacket quote.

The term "Empire" derives from the Latin "imperium", defined in C.T. Lewis' dictionary as "com-mand, order, injunction, direction..." The Imperium in Rome had two main manifestations: (1) that of a public office or magistracy, and (2) that of military authority. From the second definition it becomes clear that American military imperialism, whichever the form applied or disguises used in its dogged insistence on inheritance of Pax Romana it's the most pure and simple form of contemporary empire-building, initially devised and administered by the American eastern estab-lishment arriving on the continent mostly from Mother Lode – England. The American socio-political system is perfidious in form and totalitarian in content, for the following reasons: (a) in the greedy, ruthless, cold-blooded caprimulgus cadres system (the standard bearers) it selects to support the Ruling Elite throughout the government bureaucracy, rubber-stamped by the pervasive military-industrial complex norms, institutionalized by Max Weber's Protestant

Capitalism, it secured the legitimizing 'verve', which be-comes the operational center-piece of its ability to rule; (b) what it needed was the cementing, gluing agent – authenticity – of capitalist values for the profit motive based on "innocence" in saving the world with Germanic built-in precepts of hard work and racism as a part and parcel of Jeffersonian democracy (despite Negro slaves slaving away at the founding father's Monticello estate); and, finally (c) the real barbarian twitch: doing good for others, surfacing worldwide as a kind of an "immaculate conception", the providential reach dictated in the dastardly Manifest Destiny Doctrine of 1845, i.e. the exclusive self-assumed American right to expansionism, domestic and worldwide domination, replete.

Fig. 2. Winston Churchill's Iron Curtain Speech!

Therefrom, my condemnation that the 222 year old nation-state "in diapers" really, comparatively speaking, with a five millennia old Babylonia, America is in fact nothing more than a legitimized-illegitimacy among the community of nations!

Needless to underscore, the 1917 communist revolution in tsarist Russia negated all those newly gained values of the budding American imperial system, which germinated in the fortunes of WW-I, and established by the technological over-kill in World War-II. Instead of continuing the Allied partnership, struck with tsarist-communist Russia in that global war against Nazi Germany, the American Eastern establishment, led by one Charge de Affairs of the American Embassy in Moscow, George F. Kennan, and his Social Register colleagues, the Soviet Union was belligerently hit with the "containment doctrine" and an "Iron Curtain" charge "raised across Central Europe", the concept clichéd by Winston Churchill's speech, Sinews of Peace, delivered at Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri on March 5, 1946. The British PM was at the college to

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receive an honorary degree, and used the opportunity to describe the demarcation line of occupied continental Europe between Western powers and the Soviet Union. As such the speech marks the onset of the Cold War with Stalin's appropriate answer following suit, the wartime alliance against Nazi Germany was over, indeed, as it is it had been an association of convenience, although with a different approach; the West perhaps could have kept communism in tow if it had not launched the "containment" policy of empire-building dominance against the tsarist-communist super-power, disorientating its ideology and dislodging the vast natural-resources rich empire form competing with the West for worldwide dominance. Therefrom, the military high-tech "encirclement", an outright siege by the West, militarily enforced, around the vast Russian Empire territory with 180 military bases poised to strike any minute, including embedded radar Dew Lines in Alaska and Canada, and often vicious propaganda "hate lines" on the ideolo-gical front which created the two opposing camps polarizing the world.

To emplacement of an unprecedented siege on all fronts contained the now belligerent ally—diplomatic, economic, cultural, religious and ideological onslaught, Russia, the country that lost by various accounts from 20 to 50 million people in the war against Nazi Germany, the economy in ruins, and not only by the ravages of WW-II but the enforce-ment of a devastating internal socioeconomic reform on the political front in the face-off with the West, therefrom the rise of Marxism-Leninism-Stalinism posited as a worldwide revolution, threatening the traditional Western norms and values of capitalism, com-merce, trade and democracy itself. Consequently, under postwar Stalinism the country was depicted as a present and clear-cut danger to the West.

In response, the Soviet leader launched the "building of communism in one country" first and foremost, and therefrom the accent on military development at the awful cost of consumer goods, the food chain, free movement of people across national border and other devastating measures of isolation and conflict. Therefore, the normal economic recovery by the major superpower was curtailed, whence the rise of the Cold War and the powerful Soviet ICBM nuclear prowess, nuclear attack submarine fleet and a modern Air Force to be reckoned with across the global meridians. The result, a 12-year long lead over the West or NATO Pact nations, in rocketry: nuclear SSBN sub fleet, massive ground-based ICBM silos, diversified mobile rocketry systems loaded on off-road vehicles and railroad cars, large ground forces deployed along the demar-cation line in the Eastern European satellites, infantry with nuclear capability on the East German border (the Fulda Gap armored vehicles threat), chara-cterizing the suddenly surfaced mega-super power – USSR, leading the West in just about any confrontation, but for the obvious internal rabble society which paid the price for military parity.

Fig. 3. SS-9 SCARP (Mod-4 MRV) ICBM, launched into orbit on October 4, 1968, with a capability of targeting 3 multiple re-entry nuclear-tipped warheads to any desirable spot on Earth!

Presto: the beleaguered tsarist-communist Russia broke out of the encircle-ment and led the West from the Sputnik fame of 1957 to the MRV SK8 (SS-36, left) missile deployed in orbit capable of precisely targeting every point on Earth, launched on October 4,1968, which shocked the Western Alliance. The

Pentagon's secret deep-sink Kishlak Operation Center located in Central Siberia recorded the event and bore the brunt of infiltration deep behind the enemy lines deployed in Central Siberia (Irkutsk) and its ERMA leading edge surveillance antenna on

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the Kamchatka Peninsula, backed up by RC-135 surveillance aircraft based on the Shemya Island in the Aleutian chain of islands… Yes, we knew the facts, including one overriding truth: the Kremlin leadership never planned a preemptive attack on the West, it's head of state never possessed a black suitcase, hence the push of the button of destruction at his finger tips (the magic black box was our invention on the Potomac) was a clear-cut indication that the Soviet Union was not the threat our American propa-ganda machine made it out to be, of course, to beef up its budgets to feed the military-industrial complex insatiable thirst for capital and the Wall Street Stock Exchange manipulations on the world financial markets, in fact, with the longest streak of financial success ever recorded lasting until October 2007.

Short of that financial landfall characterizing the overall progress in the West, Russia compensated with the costly mistake in world affairs, i.e. the persistent ideological verbi-age of burying the capitalist West with the inescapable proletarian revolution, initially fabricated in the kitchens of the vertical Russian Creative Intelligentsia, soon to be stolen by the domestic Jewish Diaspora, which honed out the formula in the monopolized party forums across the vast country boasting 11.5 time zones from Brest-Litovsk Russian-Polish border in the West to the Chukotka Peninsula on the Baring Sea, completing the direct face-off with the arch-enemy of America in the East—the High Frontier in the northwestern Pacific – the Baring Sea Isthmus. By the mid-1950s the polarization was complete at home and abroad. Initially, the Soviet Union enjoyed considerable success worldwide, capitalizing on the natural reaction by the masses of this world from below against their capitalist masters and social planning by industrial overlords from above, harnessing working masses in the service of high-tech progress, rewarding it with the excess of Labor Value profits directly resulting in higher wages, which the communist system could not offer, inevitably falling behind in social progress. Especially visible was the disastrous results in consumer goods production, and industrial progress generally, when the Western ruling elite imposed black lists embargo of electronic innovations imports into Russia and other communist nations vis a vis its military equipment, smart bombs and guidance systems, thereby crippling the overall high-tech industrial progress in the red-East. Therefore, communism per se was precluded from competing on equal basis from the fruits of technically advanced West, eventually giving up the ghost in promoting more equitable proletarian values worldwide, capitulating with the fall of the Berlin Wall - 1989.

In the meantime, progress made in the West by the same Germanic barbarian warring breed of man, which launched WW-II (the war was only a spat among brethren, in how to divide the Western progressive pie, hence fascist Germany disappeared, only wearing a different pin in the lapel, instead of the Swastika now Stars and Stripes), it continued the wartime leadership of WesternCiv overriding all the norms and values of the old continent, indeed, eclipsing worldwide meridians with the American pop culture from Levis jeans to rock & roll music and cyberspace leading edge innovations. The high-tech empowered ruling elite (a great deal of it garnished from Nazi Germany) became the overriding administrative and cultural model of global meridians. Imbedded in the western and northwestern crescent of the industrialized continent of Europe, the plane-tary political power now became concentrated on the five Gothic rivers in the West - Rhine, Seine, Thames, Hudson and Potomac, from the Iberian Peninsula in the south via the Atlantic Wall to Scandinavia, across to the brethren in the British Isles and over in the Americas, where their progeny had fortified the war-making bastion of sheer totali-tarian and dominance military-political power on the Hudson and Potomac rivers… This is the same America, which we found last October (2007) facing the financial woes

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because of overextension of resources, bankrupted by the cost of men & materiel it deployed across the planetary meridians, paying the cost of dominance!

Needless to underscore, the German elite is still there vying to dominate the world—as of this writing earnestly planning to inflame the Islamic world in the Middle East, by invading Iran, taking over disintegrating Pakistan, while Iraq and Afghanistan, are already burning crisp to the ground (including the loss of their heads of state to the American gallows), while the thirsty gaming planners in the Pentagon, Virginia think tanks, Langley, Foggy Bottom and the congressional Hill in Washington (the H2O, the Higher Powers Hierarchy or the Shadow Government) are busy in their war-making kitchens spilling the stew all over the killing fields of the Middle East. The nincompoop behavior by this horizontal elite could easily cause the domino effect of another engulfing hot world war, which would be the last one for this still incredible vertical hominid race of Man – it can vanish with a push of the button, wherever it originates, but surely it may very well come from another creed, the beleaguered Islamic nations under hot attack; short of successful containment which might have driven the Russians to negotiate less than the propagated software proletarian revolution by economic and cultural takeover in progress, we are now frying the albeit feudal Islamic fiefdoms invented by the British imperialists as they ipso facto lost their colonial empire with the makes of their own downside in WW-II, poof popped the colonial weasel, no more muscle to hold on to the vast empire, while the two "emerging" supper powers slugged it out in the Cold War.

The de facto American Empire does exist, the term relating to the historical expansion-ism and the current political, economic, and cultural influence of the United States on a global scale, short of compliance prosecuted by the DoD, the USAF! As a classical definition of an empire it still remains subject of philosophizing debate among misled scholars, who object to the cliché, whether it can really be applied to the present-day prosperous and benign America. In contrast, serious intellectuals and theorists have written the epitaph on such semantics, proving that the United States' current influence and political behavior can be classified as ONLY imperialistic!

Despite this writer's—and Cold War soldier's condescending attitude with a pen in-hand—we can still give currency to the ongoing debate, given rise to several theories, ranging from Marxist anti-imperialism to more liberal opposition to American foreign policy.

"In Britain, empire was justified as a benevolent 'white man’s burden'. And in the United States, empire does not even exist; 'we' are merely protecting the causes of freedom, democracy, and justice worldwide."

- Henry Magdoff; John Bellamy Foster (November 2001). "After the Attack...The War on Terrorism, Monthly Review 53, November 2001 (6), p. 7.

However, numerous U.S. foreign interventions, ranging from early actions under the Monroe Doctrine to the ongoing 21st-century open warfare in the Islamic World, smacks of pure imperialism, or what this writer has clichéd "latter day colonialism," where it's all-around cheaper to dominate the world and reap the same benefits of colonial taxation, and rape of natural resources, by external pressure to join the Pax Americana cavalcade New World Order peacefully or face the consequences of Yankee unleashed "imperial" National Security, i.e. either accepting the so-called "soft power" approach by dangling American democracy at the end of the hook (prosperity via all-out infiltration and acqui-

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sition of American consumer society habits, cheap labor and purchase of American manufactured products, industrial and military equipment) or take the hot war bombing treatment from aloft, even ground forces invasion. In other words, short of docile accep-tance there is the USAF "enforcement" from aloft, and inevitable capitulation before the marching US Marines and Army Infantry high-tech units, plus the naval "cruise" missiles, imagine, titled the "Tomahawk," to pacify the "dead souls" of the 8 million murdered American Indians by honoring one of their hand-tools…

Latin America has been trying it for centuries, to become prosperous like the Big Brother up north, of course, under the brotherly tutelage to reach higher heights of Jeffersonian democrassy. But short of American "milk and honey" at the end of the ballad, the Latinos have been served clever exploitation, alas applied mostly by osmosis from afar, though protected by the 16-nch naval guns (Guatemala, 1951-54),* Nicaragua, and El Salvador, the consequent fruits of the protective Monroe Doctrine of 1834. I doubt it's the docile nature of the South American Latino, emanating from his Asian roots and Roman Catholicism are the often quoted cause for the lack of economic prosperity for the 400 million population below the border. To the contrary, it was/is the clever American exploitation with corporate investments (flight capital), cheap labor and sale of American consumer goods, industrial equipment and high-tech electronics, therefrom, let's open our eyes to the real nature of the American system and its prosperity, inveigled from abroad by hook or crook, and short of that, prosecuted by the Armed Forces of the United States. Indeed, the sacred cow of national security stops at the 3 – 12 mile limit!

However, those fortunes of clever exploitation by force of example under the cloak of the so-called "Jeffersonian Democracy" are over, for more reasons than one, i.e. the far-off nation-state out in the North American Prairie Lands – the Land of the Free and Home of the Brave – is no longer true, i.e. more than 30 nations around the world live more opulently, have a higher quality of life, and more much more to spend in conver-tible currencies firmer then the hereto famous American Dollar, which is now basically defunct, having been devalued by the current woes on the financial markets around the world, mainly due to American credit, owing money all over the world, and basically empty national treasury, with practically fewer reserves than the proverbial Timbuktu in Black Africa, whose fortunes are on the rise, at least racially as "black gold" is now on the menu overriding, its seems, most other valuables around the planetary meridians: (a) petroleum stocks and prices; and (b) one "black" legislator, Barack Obama, the US presidential candidate bound to win the hereto Caucasian "white" monopoly of the White House, the American executive mansion on 1776 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington D.C., the self-assumed 4th Rome, which could never-Ever be, so said the Russian Orthodox monk from Pskov, mid-15th century with the Fall of Constantinople – AD1453.

Good riddance! _______________________

*The Guatemala operation was codenamed, PBSUCCESS, which is an asinine cryptonym, a parade of acronyms applied to a whole spectrum of bureaucratic literature and operational manuals not so much for secrecy reasons as for comprehension; the abbreviations are remembered easier by the stupid elite… Each CIA cryptonym contains a two character prefix called a digraph, which designates a geographical or functional area in the theater of operational interest. In this case, PB stands for "Presidential Board" and with the words that followed SUCCESS and FORTUNE, simply being indicative of the general optimism and confidence amongst its planners at the CIA at the time, overestimations running rampant, as well as cover-up of failures. This varied from the normal CIA practice of choosing arbitrary or deliberately misleading words to complete a cryptonym, however, within the national bureaucracy acronyms still run rampant, the pedestrian application very revealing, indeed… We professionals in the field always knew the origin of the diagraph from the way it was configured, and presumably so did the enemy! The Ruling Elite is horizontal, often aggressive, stonewalling bunch of nincompoops, whose rule of (privatized) law and barbarian application of democratic principles has finally run-amuck! Copyright©Fall 2007, all rights reserved.

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Finally, by lexicon definition, an empire (from the Latin "imperium", denoting military command within the ancient Roman government) is a nation-state that extends dominion over populations distinct culturally and ethnically from the

culture or ethnicity at the center of power. For example, by the Law of Land, overriding the written constitution our American founding fathers, dictated the official national language (English won by a single vote over German; named the national church Protestant, hence the national cathedral downtown with 112 gargoyles that JFK couldn't stand, he told me, "those half man, half animal creatures sticking their tongues out at me, I had to go under every Christmas Day as President of the country… Paganism, I tell 'ya," with that Boston accent resonance, I still remember… However all other faiths were free to choose their own god, which is fine, short of using religion as an instrument of political power, as a nation of immigrants every one was American, and so on. Absolutely no recognition of minorities, their native languages, i.e. the Law of the Land, I must under-score, dictated that all the above elements belonged to the "leading race of Americans" – the English – guaranteed by institutional law, i.e. no other race had a legal right to abrogate the above!

In many ways, it was admirable if the leading group was to build a new centralized national government, bypassing all dissension and rights which minorities didn't have in the first place. [Kind of a Lenin's "dictatorship of the proletariat!?] Hence, it was easy to proclaim "that all the power goes to the people" – which people? Built-in inalienable rights of man belonged only to the Ruling Elite, from the very start, typical Pax Romana SOP, the lauded Roman Law, which all American legislators, being mostly lawyers, just adore, and therefore practice. Consequently, it was easy from the very start to tolerate racism, Gothic behavioral norms and values, and even empire-building, guaranteed by the Law of the Land, Monroe Doctrine, and Manifest Destiny, i.e. the rule of law of the select few over the domestic plebiscite, and geopolitics at large!

Scholars still debate about what exactly constitutes an empire, and other definitions may emphasize economic, political, or military factors. However, nowadays about the only empire aloft (with the joystick pilots behind the Stealth aircraft "stick" is the proverbial Anglo-Saxon one, Pax Americana, the self-assumed Roman Empire-West, fathered by Britain and championed by its barbarian progeny nation-state, the United States of America, the far-off Prairie Nation still in dippers just over two centuries old, now rapidly in decline as its aggressive fortunes have run-amuck, period!

The American Ruling Elite, because of its inherent barbarian behavioral norms has run its empire-building course of high-tech fortunes-amiss, the Potomac lowlands are indeed slovenly, not the proto-Slavs, whom they have in vein attempted to override on the worldwide stage of geopolitics, having lost the battle of the worlds with the Russian Imperial Law - the raw material natural resources Klondike as the leading and the only worldwide convertible currency in vogue nowadays in the limitless expanses of Siberia, the Ice Continent, or the 7th Continent on this planet Earth, where the weak and the meek shall have their biblical say-so in the well-deserved geopolitical censure of the Gothic barbarians in the West… Why, this elitist pedestrian conclave is hell bent on destruction just to have their way in world politics, despite the two-century old nation-state (USA) still diapers, comparatively speaking vis a vis all those classical countries comprising a historical common-wealth of nations.

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The self-assumed American right to world leadership is insane, it's against the Human Condition, the General Will of Man, the natural right to be free!

Please note: Selling Jeffersonian principles abroad (it should be re-called, that the 3rd American president kept over 3,000 Negro slaves on his Virginia dominions) by intimidation and bombing the planetary meridians into compliance, with the USAF and the Marines, while marshalling the weak domestic plebiscite into social apathy and foreign nations into pluralistic docility is not the way to recover the flailing dollar or to promote genuine democracy, brotherhood and international solidarity!

A new commonwealth of nations is in the making, inspired by an emerging local functional autonomy (LFA) New World Order, with firebrand concepts, to be headed by a vertical mutually selected Council of Elders, to stave-off the insane elitism and outmoded empire-building by the Anglo-Saxon establishment, those who will stop at nothing short of insane destruction to achieve their twisted Manifest Destiny… Such are the pathos of WesternCiv in decline!

On June 6, 1982, irreversibly I predicted the American crash on financial markets, hence this Hamlet essay (below) on the 26th anniversary forecast. Moreover, I also wrote how there would be a certain trend towards stability as the presidential election approaches in the fall of 2008, especially on the Wall Street exchange, however with an inescapable rapid decline with the end of the presidential 100 days Honeymoon in Washington, next Spring 2009, reverting to the fate of a regional, even local political, military and economic nation-state. Perhaps with well-deserved all-out incrimination, i.e. if events remain peaceful, international legal measures will follow with inescapable prosecution, liability and reclamation of losses suffered by other nations at the hands of brutal, aggressive and barbarian American wholesale military destruction of foreign lands: including illegal economic sanctions, outright ground, naval and air forces strikes, genocide, occupation and exploi-tation of natural resources, the belligerence seemingly with no end in sight until the crucial 2008 presidential campaign, with uncertain outcome until next spring?!

Fig. 4. Photo, prof. P.S. Cutter, June 2007, after he returned from a year-long stint in Siberia and continental Russia, completing the Cold War trilogy.

- Dali, portrait of Picasso

Copyright©17 July 2008 by prof. PSCutter, all rights reserved.

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The "bald eagle" syndrome . . .

To be, or not to be, that is the question! - Shakespeare: Hamlet, Act 3, scene 1, 55–87 [Italics mine]

If we analyze Hamlet's full speech carefully, one will notice that his notions of "being" and "not being" are rather complex. He doesn't simply ask whether life or death is preferable; it's hard to clearly distinguish the two—"being" comes to look a lot like "not being," and vice versa. To be, in Hamlet's eyes, is a passive state, to "suffer" outrageous fortune's blows, while not being is the action of opposing those blows. Hence, living, in effect, is a kind of slow death, a submission to the ruling elite's power, the individual rushing single-handed against a sea of troubles—a pretty hope-less project, if you think about it, power corrupts but complete power corrupts completely (George Santayana). On the other hand, death is initiated by a life of action, be it with a pen-in-hand, my friends… In fact, we're both fatalistic, the barbarian in our midst, and this subject at hand from the geriatric ward vis a vis my survivability in view of such overt criticism, tsk? tsk!

Surely, the pen is more powerful than the sword!

Inevitably, as I watch the passing of the political party baton to the White House pinnacle of power by the incumbent president George W. Bush, Jr. to his sico replacement-to be, the so-called maverick POW pilot, and Arizona senator, John McCain-cum GOP presidential candidate— how they plan the nation's survival despite the ongoing financial debacle these days, as the campaign nears its indubitable finale—it all reminds me of that chilling poem by Ted Hughes, "Hawk Roosting," in which the dreaded bird sits atop of a tall tree, musing:

"Now I hold all Creation in my foot - I kill as I please because it is all mine - I am going to keep things like this."

Could that bird be the American "bald eagle," eh!?


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Of course, it is – a one-year old bald eagle (left), the national symbol of a young prairie nation still in diapers, comparatively speaking vis a vis the community of nations, yet it insists on leadership and "rape" of a much more older Orient thereby endangering the Occident and world-wide security, because the pot is calling the kettle black, to say the least, while robbing the world of its resources so that its rich and famous sociopolitical elite can live in life styles beyond their means and intellect! Of course, it's run by the Social Register up on high – the Higher Powers Hierarchy, the H2O or the Shadow Government, with its Manifest Destiny Doctrine of 1845 (clichéd in Gotham City, New York's original name) to legitimize the annexation of Mexico, exercising the self-assumed right to rule over the planetary meridians acquired by hook or crook, without an iota of conscience or perception of reality vis a vis the relatively civilized world comprising the contemporary commonwealth of nations; unfortunately, hereto bamboozled by the floating myth aloft of American democracy, propriety and opulence, while at least 30 nations around the world now have a better quality of life and a higher standard of living!

However, what everyone, everywhere now sees a-high is not the "American dream" of equity, equality and prosperity enjoyed by the Middle Class (to which everyone belongs?) but the USAF bombing the worldly meridians into 'democratic' compliance, i.e. using force to secure docility among the world community of nations, a brutal act of murder, which no longer has currency it enjoyed during the Cold War by the American sociopolitical system-amiss!

In fact, this baby eagle was fathered by this kind (above) of an Aquila killer with a bald head, the nouveauriche American Goth from Bangladesh, with his claws stretched out to take it all by hook or crook?!

So, there you go, not too hard to grasp some of these facts is it – or not for continentals, in any case, but back in the American '"penal landscape," it will be an effort to become enlightened to equality, equity and liberty under a very different sun perhaps, as one "darkie" (Obama) begins to teach the plebiscite, now only in first grade, i.e. sociopolitical change according to the principles and rules of conduct of the real and natural Human Condition!


Go for it – Jim Crow… It did have to come with a bang, though I'm still not sure you will make it?!

The Barbarian in our midst always plays with a stacked deck of cards, I'm afraid… But even as a puppet, just the color will make all the difference in the world, Ok.

NOTE: Of course, I care not to argue the pros & cons of the Prince of Denmark's utterances, but for the vertically literate, I've said it all…, i.e. for those with the acumen to comprehend these lines of the British bard's greatest soliloquy… Moreover, the Hominid has never faced a point of disaster be it physical or cultural as in the next two seasons of the year – Winter & Spring of 2008-2009, just as I've predicted: can I remind you of the conclusion of the 26th anniversary forecast, for which I have ever since paid the price to be in this proclivity of vision! Simply underscored: the Germanic aggressive barbarian specie arrived on the continent en masse in AD9, just two millennia ago and via the 5th column within the ranks of the Roman legions "moled' their way into leadership positions of Imperial Power in the Eternal City, then destroyed it in order to eventually create their own Pax Americana, an illegitimate child of WesternCiv, American statehood per se, as I've often said, is a legitimized-illegitimacy!

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Even the "brain drain" didn't help (including the 'melting pot' cesspool), nor the unique prosperity now in decline—the system is moribund! Toynbee's Lessons of history:

British historian (1889-1975), whose twelve-volume analysis of the rise and fall of civilizations, A Study of History, 1934-1961, was a synthesis of world history, a metahistory based on universal rhythms of rise, flowering and decline, which examined history from a global perspective. One of the leading declinists in the modern annals of "rise and fall of civilizations," who was never too popular with his own race, the British Anglo-Saxons, for obvious reasons: overt though highly literate criticism of his own race, the Germanic Goth from the flatlands of the River Ganges, India. Arnold J. Toynbee in 1961

Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now! – Arnold Toynbee


NOTE: *Prof. Cutter is an American political scientist (ret.), senior expert in Strategic Studies, who writes profusely and critically of East-West pathos, Conflict & Resolution, hegemony, globalization and decline, with specific expertise in long-range forecasting; he lives with his native Russian wife (a painter), between Siberia (R) and Montenegro (Europe), while maintaining Stateside interests.

Copyright©6 June 2008 by prof. PSCutter; all rights reserved.

Civilization is a movement and not a condition, a voyage and not a harbor. -- Arnold Toynbee

Fortress America based on the foundation of Gotham City (New York City's original name, strategically located on the Hudson river by the British national Goths originating from the flatlands of the river Ganges, i.e. Bangladesh) is ONLY a harbor, with a branch port facility on the Potomac, both of which are stopovers for the Mongolian "drifter" (Goth), still tutored by the Mother Lode on the slippery banks of the continental River Themes… This nomadic breed's Pax Americana is moribund because of in-grained genetic impurities—hence, deviance—behavioral stupidity, greed and aggression, barbarian conduct in a modern world they helped to build? Imagine, after we, the WesternCiv Caucasoid race of Man, and our institutions, attempted at their resocialization, admittedly sometimes very successfully… NOW it's a matter of hapless recidivism or relapse to atavism, it seems, which We cannot correct with education, accultu-ration, peaceful forms of example, when the Ruling Elite reacts to everything civil, human and humane of this world with sheer force—USAF/RAF bombing escapades, implemented by the GEO wholesale bombing Doctrine (1996), ground and naval troops, hegemony and dominance "on rampage," replete! – PSC

Perhaps the pen is more powerful than the sword, eh!

Page 13: American Empire-building!


Salvador dali's commentary…

"The Birth of the New Human" – Salvador Dali, 1943. However, in Dali's private confabs that it was his commen-tary that the "new American was a bloody mess", but when I asked him whether subject in the egg was his own experience with the intellectually horizontal nationals, he just snickered and strokes his mustache.

Salvador Dali. There's no doubt that the perceptive Catalonian's best sociopolitical comment underlying the ongoing financial woes on the worldwide Financial Markets caused by the painful transfer of the continental Anglo-Saxon to the Americas., as well as on the rebirth of WesternCiv according to Goth, i.e. via the Anglo-Saxon test tube: it's a bloody mess despite the American-British high-tech prowess!

Fig. 1-2. Needless to underscore, the birth of the new American between the two Hemispheres was very painful, indeed or in fact pointless: the breed remained true to its origin – Orientally aggressive and destructive vis a vis the Greco-Roman WesternCiv, which now has to go back to the drawing board - Reconstruction of the sociopolitical and economic system, for the social fabric in the West is defective, too greedy, inequitable and socio-politically moribund - fostering a new world order, to say the least… If we make it in time, eh!?... Most of you out there, my family and friends and readers don't realize it: it is a bloody mess across the entire geopolitical spectrum botched-up by us insensitive, agressive, and wisdomless Americans. Simply, from 9 AD to 2,008 AD are just two millennia for the Anglo-Saxon barbarian to gain civility, wisdom and intellectuality and sound financial or material capability to run and lead the worldwide meridians of this still viable race of man (Hominid), fragile ecology, this precious and tender pale-blue planet Earth. . . An old acquaintance and one-time friend (until his unfortunate divorce with wife Lynda), the late astronomer Carl Sagan, he knew just exactly how unique, incredibly human and intrinsically humane we earthly souls happened to be, I mean the forgiving and giving "weak and meek" of the Bible!

Copyright©2005 as this author was facing the awesome task of writing 3,462 pages, single-spaced text, The Cold War Trilogy. –PSC

Page 14: American Empire-building!


American Empire-building: defined!

Of the twenty-two civilizations that have appeared in history, nineteen of them collapsed when they reached the moral state the United States is in now! – Arnold Toynbee

Octavian kills the Republic of Rome ancient concept of rule!

The term "Empire" derives from the Latin "imperium", defined in C.T. Lewis' dictionary as "command, order, injunction, direction..." The Imperium in Rome had two main manifesta-tions: (1) that of a public office or magistracy, and (2) that of military authority. From the second definition it becomes clear that American military imperialism, whichever the form applied

or disguises used in its dogged insistence on inheritance of Pax Romana it's the most pure and simple form of contemporary empire-building, initially devised and administered by the American eastern establishment arriving on the continent mostly from Mother Lode – England. The American sociopolitical-cal system is perfidious in form and totalitarian in content, for the following reasons: (a) in the greedy, ruthless, cold-blooded caprimulgus cadres system (the standard bearers) it selects to support the Ruling Elite throughout the government bureaucracy, rubber-stamped by the pervasive military-industrial complex norms, institutionalized by Max Weber's Protestant Capitalism, it secured the legitimizing 'verve', which be-comes the operational center-piece of its ability to rule; (b) what it needed was the cementing, gluing agent – authenticity – of capitalist values for the profit motive based on "innocence" in saving the world with Germanic built-in precepts of hard work and racism as a part and parcel of Jeffersonian democracy (despite Negro slaves slaving away at the founding father's Monticello estate); and, finally (c) the real barbarian twitch: doing good for others, surfacing worldwide as a kind of an "immaculate conception", the providential reach dictated in the dastardly Manifest Destiny Doctrine of 1845, i.e. the exclusive self-assumed American right to expansionism, domestic and worldwide domination, replete.

On June 6, 1982, irreversibly I predicted the American crash on finan-cial markets, hence this Hamlet essay (below) on the 26th anniversary forecast. Moreover, I also wrote how there would be a certain trend towards stability as the presidential election approaches in the fall of 2008, especially on the Wall Street exchange, however with an inescapable rapid decline with the end of the presidential 100 days Honeymoon in Washington, next Spring 2009, reverting to the fate of a regional, even local political, military and economic nation-state. Perhaps with well-deserved all-out incrimination, i.e. if events remain peaceful, international legal measures will follow with inescapable prosecution, liability and reclamation of losses suffered by other nations at the hands of brutal, aggressive and barbarian American wholesale military destruction of foreign lands: including illegal economic sanctions, outright ground, naval and air forces strikes, genocide, occupation and exploitation of natural resources, the belligerence seemingly with no end in sight until the crucial 2008 presidential campaign, with uncertain outcome until next spring?! Photo, prof. P.S. Cutter, June 2007, after he returned from a year- long stint in Siberia and continental Russia, completing the Cold War trilogy. _________________ *Prof. Cutter is an American political scientist (ret.), senior expert in Strategic Studies, who writes profusely and critically of East-West pathos, Conflict & Resolution, hegemony, globalization and decline, with specific expertise in long-range forecasting; he lives with his native Russian wife (a painter), between Siberia (R) and Montenegro (Europe), while maintaining Stateside interests.

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