+ All Categories

Ill"$. Promklin \1.>, T:bo JM te l!CIUao , .:tnh\nrton D.C.

I Uta..- Un . ~wlt,


! 81:1 WT"ltlnt t.o you~~ I thtns. H. la t!....., t.b• qU4att~ or tl.e ahtua or ,.,.eri<.un Rod Croo11 £Mil'1:W:'UWl U cl.artflo.i '*'"" I 't.u r ot'" • .:>-orw eto~o who oou..l4 accomJOllc.h thJ,.,

I huv6 \>oon OV'OnHtliO \Tt.tl. tlw rlcJ e\'-, .•• 1.) r,),• .. ., ''1.11'- J.I\1-o.l-h~\f. 1

hav" wattod all Ud 1 l.lr~o.~ tb loiU"'n \ll;~tltll' u ,• uO• •. ~,,cn•h• .. h II'\•• •·•" .• :~ .-..c·-., ... ,ol aN n~&~~·u.:U"!) oi" the. .or.uol .ht"Odt,~ . .'.t.-. ,,.,1.\."'.J liottt•• •·I h ilt ll ,t',h.-' • ;,. .... int.t,ton

WIA& flOCe!S'Jary : Tho c.;.u••t!l:'" or ln.Pa iC ~ .. J: · •li'J t!o,c. •• ~~ ,, n, , • ., .... 11.-"' o'\:1 . .. ti-.t:..\j• r)Jut l.n:10 . l.Aat yo•~· tt!J otUN ooJv\5•tl Ho.>t to 1>4!" lHCt'l ·• •' • ·~ lu:~• r.o. ,..,,_,....~ ~11' i' .o~

,y·ued ).'o~l:S tl•l"'l unJor 11~ola.l ~n:s~Gcr3tku l•J .:.:Ot\..,.1'Vtol (~!.l.:a L•4-ihcl ":h.:t •OJ

.toN ~ns ot the ~-.d }'Oreoo). ":Lb y".u- .tu ~ot'\1 ••··tlau:i ;•trvr._l,y to .. ~J IDt»-. '(JUC ainc• "• ·-" not &.llilabora or tho: ..u'".JO(l Yt.n"'<NN. n.-a H . .ol c.,;L!\~ion h . ...a &rison ro£i.rd1f\C our rsok6t-•· 3oi:ac oi" t.&a ... .., ... nt ~t.u :.o...o .:.Ad \Ul" r._.tll•o b1.v"! t-.'ld .<evonue boo.u..e ..-.. Al"'' not .::t1bur:J or the ,.,..,._.. .~.n"C:_,'I,. ..,;.i lt• ot' ••· pi!Cb~cs bllv~ bi•n '!"u ~~..u;;t boc:~o rreo ...!!:!. ..,.,\.oro ot t:.o .. ,....;a; :.ob~!

I h~vo ._.,.,.t "'"'"l'lc:an })10 c.~.u r~,J.d t'lll'l"t.VI'h tr. ' "'"'· '"" for...: :. ........ ,. ... at l.'\J!Kl•lnli.~._ th.ts IH'~t l'\ .. ve lul!i Of'l!!l :UWder \lhi~h illl'OI'-.t,j C.l&l l.fut t!\o; ~ o-tt"tl-lt" I.:VI

"under eo>t~hhn·:ltlon .. , tiut .,ON at:c tantlus ll(.'O.

Unt'U ~!Ol•t~out ll~f i.e t he 1ttnl1U l>f thu .:Solu l••'' h v.-.t.. If u • .j .,uaat l .. " or tl•& ovel~l)~ vot.u h ovnt• tuv~tr'.JU:cy a .. ,ttJ,.,+l ~.;.~ O.•li£.)VU!'I l , ..w 1 1 ,,-...,,· \o;:~ ,.

clti~en, lrt~h t~ o.,,t II\!' vote. I do not. "unt tn dhinuv.r ,..,,_t ! o~,!~r t.r.ut boc~o~~" *IIY l'Jt;, tuu Sn th~o~ ' ''"orio:...a. !.<JU ~'(IJ,m .\..!1 u.Jt ~o~luh)' l 1,, uu·~·l" ·.~ vnt.O . l'hl:a, I g.,ll 111'rulu, •til\ A tho o.•,e Utll6!i:6 ul)»th\11.1. .J J,•lm 1 t~ l/,u :t.tCit'lo.i.

u •• .., .I"'t l \.• .:.'. Jw, ~~of. l ... rt:it },'""-<V (lhX.alll!., • ·\.. .s'\l• :u . ...a \o"J• ....... = oi"Jl'•enl ~ervin:_ \'011119..14· ',"•'G l~ n.J~ .. ,J'I'l•t ,.,...,.."r' ,,..,u •• r.~ ;:"'·~· .. ~ . t .. t-:1 the .t.lUQM ot II<OlUlt.rw 11• ,,..,. ;;ul'Vi~t:;.- ''OV'/~t", t1 .t, • ., .. , _ \' .• tln_N 1\1

bol Lrl. o:-t.arat t.o .. ..oh OtiU ,,!' ua ,..,_. I :Ol· ~- • .,., , _, 1 ,.._ ~4•• ::, "'i.·;. t.-.. .1 • "\

t•~• Ao::olu\.aho;~Uon 1 \lotolLovo \n rw .a.:te;l.J.

( .. iuj L..ll'lOII 11. ;,, 1l Ltt•ll~ ~lu1J .~houuL··•··


.. ...... ---- -:. . -- -~ ----~ .,;...;:;; ..



, s .. ltt.hr in ruu !roat!raKtlolh Roblnaon, R.JJ. P. u. Box U) Caphol&, C.alltom.ia.

Aj"U"U 8, 191.1..

(ro:J the -.:t.tocr ot Q bey _.ho J.a • p 1•ieoner

or t.hct Japantoe Atld r.ho i a de-t.c..l.n•l.l !n t.he

rn1Upp1ne L11Ut..:uy Prison Ca.ql J/2 .

~~. kooacvall ~aka 1C any pac~­

•£'1• c•c. Ull'OudJ to t.boa.e bora'J'

Secret.uy t.o Yra. Rooanelt..

ll.lnorabl~ Uorlt4n R • .OavU ~ric~ RtJ Cr~•• W a.ehlneton, D. c •



a.lttO•At NC A DOIA i fl l t

W 4 aNINOfON I I , D. c .

April 14, 19U

Mt .. Mehlaa C. 'fb011peon Secretary to Mre. Roo1e.elt The Whtto Bo\Jse ll'a&btntton, D. c .

Dear AlUs Tho=peoo :

P.etentns to your inqu iry or A,prU 8 , I u alod to 1&7 tbat Pl;ck88U do &It t b:OOUgb \0 t.l•e prhonna 1D t he Pbilip,Pbt M.tll t e.ry Pr-t eon C..p No. 2.

S..,ppltu Ml1ppt4 on t:rcbuge ..... b In 19U were Nc:etYK lc t.be Pbilipltbea e\1 th e~:~d ot that 7 .. r atid. ec. ot t-be:: .. ,.. cUatrlbvu4 •orb tn 19() to Cup Uo. 2 . Thte c:aap bat n.Yao 011 th bl.e.l::d or llindau.o. 1'ble s. the o•p trc:.. .tltc:b the ua Aaerlc:one ••c-•peod len )'ear and h their etor1 .. the7 ..atto=-4 tbe reeelpt ot toOd percela. a.dtelce aDd a --.11 aaount or clo~btcs.

atppllu eblpped on tbe Grlpabola tc 1943 were 411·­trlbuted to tbe Pblltp)tce prteoo caapa ln Dec .. ber. Tbeae ~P• rec-ehe4 o.er U.,OOO !004 pa:roeh, .OJ"t tba.o 1,000 ouea ot drugs aad cenoho other luma. 'lo hue uo·t l"octlnd Ulit 4tLaUe ot tbh diatrlbu• uoa howner. and !So act how the naot quant ll. tee tba·t wre distributed to Camp No. 2. Ae YOll koow, •uppllte eannot be lhtppod regulerly t o the PbtlJ ppin~ cam~4 until auch t lMt na tbt 1ap8Doao ogro~ to pe~tc t.bllir lh1S"'ODt •

Porbeps Mr1. Rooeevelt would b~ 1ntt~etod i n a recont •~ry ot t he Re4 Croae otrortt ~o &14 prlaonora in tbe Far !Ott. 1 aa enoloaiQg a paopblet on tb1e ~bJtot. •n4 eleo a cop1 or the Aprll 1atue ot t.bo Pr1to=era ot War Bulletin.

f '~ 4'l Sloooroly roura,

\ ·, \

1,' f, I

{' ~ , ...

,( f'/' !£.___;,;~ ft Hor.u ft . Dnh

Ctiet 1"MA

2 ~ole • . i I ,II f ~ ' \ ,, I

•• .I

~i1a cothc~ ,w1re and childrtn, •re in tan1la •• rar as 1• ~~ al~ho~~ ertort• bJ Red ~ro•• to locate th.a ••• t.o have ta1~ . et..e.

cy c•.a.r J..r .. tbvio:

!b-•• Rox;cv·elt.. No~ n:Ji(C<I :w

t.a Mnd you the enelo.scC l ct.t.er • wl.Ul

cU.rJl1ne• A\.tl.ehc:1 , r raX. ':.i'J~ )'.:¥~& 1 •

~ )47 l':-.1raou.nt J.veti\M, Ja.o:a ttot.own,

!In '(or\: .

a.t\7' Wo~Uon :ft1U =Uct.t. bt ~olt- t o o~

\.&11\ &toout. "his b.V' ,. ~Utt-r an:J f J.. J.l7



•Hu aon in C,ina with 14t.h Air 7orce. SIJ'• Red Croe1 rt'&c.h@d thee and \.h.e first. LhJ.nr, arranted tor their ~net!\. •• a d.:i.ncc-. s.y. a.n ad:Uu1on of '-\.)0 ueh na charf.K. ll&nt.l to kno• the ruaon , tor \hi• .

Apt ll 17, 1944.

und ygu Lh• cnclo:ted l~tt.t .• r tr.:>11 tin .

"' ~tUl.U.u 1:. V~.H .J:L;gu~-~~ HyJa t"ark , tit • Yvrk •

...rs .. !toosevelt. wJ.ll •J•J•rtol.&t.e

it. vny aucJ. it /OU .Ul le~ ber IOww at.out.

I.Jd.. &IW h•n t.he enclost!d let.t.er r•t.urned

• lc.h ,-our ,..,pq ..

Vu·f· e1nccr.tly youre,

llonorable lliil''"" 11• kmcrl..:An t:eCn!rou .~thin.t t.;:,n , t. . c.

Sft-r c:t4r'J \.0 t..r•. P.oo.•valt..


+ AMERICAN RED CROSS w,..,.,_ .. o-.. o. e.

;:u. :Pn.~.:ltn !t. Jb~fNf'lt ':'ho \'h1 t~ lbutt ~.u"'-tl'l,;tlft• D.C.

~X o11(


1 ,... .. t\ T1 t h t nterf!tot ':1 ur ,...-; r':~ • ., • tht Ne\T Ou\nffl. Art. !b:ht.b\t , and r.A;..ecto1\y y_,"Jr rGtn"n~ "" t be ,...,~tl~· \7 t:ance !.alder i"rf'cHtlck n••t.;l.at a~ :-."';•e. TTa M vo now. ltteed Pvt. 0N~:""nbor•1 t' vut r.l\n ,. ,·lt.h t.l':f' uMblt '"' tb Mt1on"l l:•.at!~run tulldJn.·. l ! tl"l t M t .,., fh.G•tld. osk Rlt ;:xeel Jt"cy, ths !t1tlf~ ~G.c~r and L ~ p.,_,l\fu.z, l.n4 the ''\nhter c.nd :,..cy­Dh')n , """d o t hl'lr'11 fro:. ' l'lt J.u.tr·ltun _,'lh.·r t i n._ no,. t n "f"n.h!n; t oc t , vhf' thi • u hlt.H. Jnolu d.l4, oa~ ~·-·~ ~.,.J.• , t. r'l • nu-,.hr 21 ~~teh•• ~7 .l•u.tt" \\an •tn\Qt.-n. r.o•.ald l t , th~rf!!~!'e , 't" ov:-~•.•,..nl ent hr '"')\1 t, tntSJ ·•: c te to M 't1 tele-llb~e the ~ uuS ~r ':ft ~t •!-- ;r·,,'D ' ll 1 ¢0:318 t o our hM4'1\\•rt~r t o '"' th Ornn'bo":'cr -rt~~tn r ., tCI ~h t .,.,, ,..,1 t.:.,.,\h Nl'!'re -n~ t,··r :::~. iie J dti £. :ua Trl.. • nJ 1\ln • "3e of Q'C.r u"t. tt!'l1o.-l:'!,lat1P ry,f1l«n . t.o .. ..e a\ !he • -;e \I lilt! .

If It ~\ t '!> :- ·r c.n·r!\1.-fte•, .. ., 1 ~t <"t. ~1• ,..37 i'tlr1n the mU:tle of !'ll!n t. '"fl"k"

d ' ~ iJ I I

\ ' l ··'

, ...... .,. '*' o!­ld:u. 8 ) 'for

.t. ( ·~· \.1, ...


A,, / ! ·' If ,t I

"· f •I

J.prH 19, 11«

Detr Ur. O.'f'ia •

1 •ant t.o tell TOU t.ht toUo-1na t.ht other Clay, hut <tid no t. hue tiM enou.ah.

'ltl• hosp1t.b lllUch t 1\a_.. ,.,,_, T feel, do no\ l•awe enq.b udlstl eoah! !!_rk.re t~nd in un.r cu u they*" not the &11t: tia!ned people. I ba .. • lf!tlif\i tha \ th~fed Cr91• 11 parhapa not otter ina eno~ eel.ar1 to i4u.Ii•• ether uhr1u.

l a lao tbJ nlc tbat aa...a ~noo Ia • vmd •d~n1t \.rat.or, but I doubt '"'"T -..ch 1f •• N~llT ..WS.ntan.~ tbe need or th• rec.umtnc h.l.nd:1c:.pped - · She a not ~ Jd .. ot t reaUr . ,..U'I.ttlc and Uftdentaftlilnc ~raon. 1hb h not • crtt.lc:dea ol her •• • \Ncn.c- o! t ct.S.ftb\raU" prooechre. I t h et~~plr to at.at.e that._ . ,., no• tecinc eo. ihint:.t 1ttdcD require a c.t;.r uncl•n.tendln..~ ot a,, • tre• e " hJ ct. the•• aen e.:u.at wvt•:ovo 1n r"dJulttn.; t.o lite. ., .. :' ol tb• hAve had no ~uil*fn\ Sn t.bt p&et to 1TeJI'"' \baa tor- the crdeal and • per eon ltho ot'eo·etea enL1 helpe your peychhtrt o tocJ.el •orkPrt 1a the .. hoepitala ehoul.d b. not j~t ' · tchool t.iicher but • r e\btr t•aepttU\1117 ll'ldtrtt.lnd1n& h~_n kina, and tboore f1Wrrthin8 el .. tbtt tnould not. bt efrtld ot Le oine " '"' probh• end new Mthodt.

l hn~ relt I Of' • lon& U M that. the 1*1 Crou ••• perhepe •etker 1n t.hla br•nah than •1\Y'IIberfl elM. t htYe bHn t.old thel there ,.,.. no ~tore tn.lned trDrk,.t'e Sn Lh1 t field. J ._. 11ot q~te turt t... .. t. hn•t. • o, but I thlnk I'OiJ. 1li 11 haft to do • Uttle O¥flrhluUna at M adqu.rt,e,.. and 1n rovr tleld rt1rectore to t;@t t tab Job rHl lr • ell cbne.

Sfnee,.....ty fOW'JI , '...n. :or:--..-n f'Avts

1 oo

~an\. 1 to und booklet. •"'• ~tur1low• c.o OolLI ~l.ar ~t.h•re . Hae aenc. a tn but. doet tiO\. h.avo L.bt cout.&C1.1 t.o kt.o• -.ho t o \(f.J t.t.eo t.o 1.1"t

Htn t.o aond .uch copba •• '-hot haYIIft tl.c.

April 2:>, 1944.

ttdd you the eneloaed l et.tor and bookl ei

which wu unt. to tMr bK~~:..:!~:~ a.

P.obb, 10357 Avenue "J• . Chicaao, ltlin31t. -Ve.r;~ a.l.ncerel.J yoara.

S«:roluy t.o Ura . Rooaevelt..

l llonorable Norcnn Davit { AMri eM Rtl.! c;;o;.-----. .tut\S.t\.tt.on, D. c .

I -J


t.a brln~ to ;·our :tt.le~;lon t.he encloat.'cS

CON' or~ ltl.t.c r !'""'"\ \tr3 . l.co>n Jlcru•,y, . _____ ...... J enkin Jont~a, ::.:st. \'lr ~:;1nl..a .

,;~::.rct.:.a7 lo L.r:J. ttooscvelt.



_ .....

~~-,-~ Jv.;~ ( 2;J,..J.- i7 i > -/

l!ur. r-n ;/ ?jN ~ ~ ...-..(_...,. -:>,t- ' -4 ('?,.

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'• "':'/ / .~;;;/ ~: r-p -~ lr--rv/ ~J, 1. . '•...,. /-. ]rr ,, ... 7> ... ~..,1 ry- ~-=r-rf "":""?--

''< ,,.,.. '? "'7 ~r1 .,_,; ~-:rrr e:rrf-'r .-,7 '"l ' }/ /'-,:'Y\-< I r~-y f'?6 -("~/ ~ r?T­

'"7-'?'VJ7 rr I? r. .,.,+) -8 -t;("'/( / ~ ., r•1"'

/,""'1)"~/,p h~ n ~ ~ , ~ ?7JTY} 7.:-.~ ~ ~ ,-ryr hj. f '''"f ~/: ~ ~-:--r ~7 ~ .p1,..n ~' 'L ~ vr- -,:.;JJ<try:y p-p ;~-~~ E' .,~

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· ~'17- r~· /7 ' ;.J /J

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"Yt"' -:??" I r:; ,/ -:nr/ ;:~ ..... .-.( , ~--r ,._ .. ..,(.? 1?7 ,.,u

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("Y?->/- ..,/ --r ; h· _, )' J_ Y-:Jf,' "Vl ,f &>;1 -y1r 1

rt'"/'"~ or +P,L, 7...,~ ~?1'-t~'} .... ,-n

-p-ro. '????r' ~-"'"'~? r . ,_,-1>-?j:;, go ~ /'J,L..,'I?J-(77

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-<.( > v'-<....t v ~ ~ .{ . ~ ..... ll.r-'1!-~ ... ~ .x--t-,'- (1.. ... ._,

I L( <-l ./l. '-'-1 • ;z-4-<..,u,Lf''-"lt"' ( <- ... t'< £ "/ '/.'.l.<4/ -4':. I .. /c-ll<..c..(__;(. _{"'At'~ ,;.,~ ( It ... ~ f- jl~c /.l~/ "'·~ j\.(c.,...

{~ci(/(...L-, Y ~)J./ /~1?-n<.( C<...c- _{ ~,.._,.._,, ~'-' ? ( /. < "- "f /L ( I.< .. L .........._ y &:. d t c._,,h ,~rod .): <$. ,j~(J</" ·~ r.: . .J .L<~t<.A-.v..J ..(.. t.. r<>..,l!.l.-.._...-~1 ft<-c:/ fkc.

,.:._ ,4._,_/ .-I...Ly~ ,.....d. J ' ? IJ-j I 1/ ~ . ....J#-7 t ~ ...(..~ ~ ·t;j ~ ..(.. "'-. r y,.. .v<-~1( ,l./t '- C .:.<... ..... l.

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( /.d~/11

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April 25, 1~4

D .. r .Jr. ta.S.a 1

l h• ve a letter tr--\f.•r.c. J. ~. And•~-~. lUO ~prv.ce Str-.oet, Phil:l'rrif\f.-;-,.ennm;Mia, wbo haa " ranch in ¥ont.na . If ... t1u tuul •ocat 10\U\i lltD f tca. t.ht h,_pit.al And Ct M.l) Mer hi• CO*! U!.I!N too rec~~ope•·•t.e fr011 ill.nNa., find he te•h t.tj/.t b• wo\l.ld Ukf!' to u ye ,_, con at.nUt t.n h1t ranoh, • r •• at • tt...

f a.t tlr tU.h bo,r.t n .... .,_4,. "' t.h ht a end otftcen froa Gore n eld •td ttrut 1'J,lll. ThU b a udt t'lnc ard Oft!! tl!A" I;OU.la mlr be orr.,,..d t.o ~ te~ peopbt , bat Sf aom • orker-. tn \ h .. hOIJilUb \Mt 1C.11. k.noe •o.wt pick r.ot. thto r J &l't. peaplft and tr .. p ••ndtn, Vt-. f"Dt ootald help a Ua:t tltd n•btr ot piopl. to enJor • ftrJ ple .. • ftt conV~~Vt•e.nt pt.rlcd.

t t rou Uli nic yoo. ran not •h uaa .,, \hi t otter, phu b ·t • kn.-ow a n.c! I Will try to t1ncl .. , , of •ldnc 1o1.se or 1t.

Men. :"'nnP.rt !'lr,vJ :o ':JoiM~ot, .... ,.. ,..,,. ",-t! '"' r r-eoc


-see let.hr in filu tro~Crt. F.dwtne tl . Du~falo (9) , ti~ forte . ----- .....

l.prll 26, 191,4 ,

~~ chtv Cr. O;.y-18:

t:r a . rtoooevdt. wi ll 1\lm:rcci.M. e

1L very 4UCh if tou could l ot her ~now

ho• cney echoob h.:lve ~J~mlo:- n•d Cro .. - .. -._..._ ... ernup auJ c1r ry ~n 11. p ro11·.:m bey ond t 'Onty

Seeret..a.J7 t.o ltr$ . RooseYelt..


-~t e~!,~~~n or t~-~,. d~ ~~ •l h ~? ~~ ~~,~F.ctei . -~, '" .. "'~" -,~"" t:,c-- !&~~~ ·~"' .. ,..,~ .,\1! s"''•u .... -.r ,..,, ~·r . -, 1n

a_· ~f" ".l:"'r .,_,., J "'"~"'f ft' •'1 ·~ft ....... .-,... :•.1 .. •&1 .rr t-• ' ' -.,.,i,.- ~:~,.., .. ~ "•' ... 'r I" 1 .tl'l-~'"1 .. ~

ttn1 , o•rhane.oc~lst. th'- eh1ldctm 'r ,,.t rr"'s:1.r "'' • c -·., 1 Ol ':a '""f'tn !.au. i~t. :n~!v t.n ha :.~ .

·~ 1 "'l"e ll~jn•~,.,t 'J• r ~ '., .r ~·· ,_ f'l"0:- 1'4m ,)~ ~·jL ••l'' ' ::,..1 ,.., "'"? t-<:< t• • ,.. ,.. ~ .. ..,, ..... , 11111 • ..,, · • .. (' ..

• ,... \I'\ Qn ,.rr.,rt .. , ..... ~ ..... 'll''ll' ....... •• , . • ' 1 •l ~-·•·If .• .,t .~t'r.M l t. :.en-q" ...... ., l u•t"'l; •t.-r. .,r~'lf'nt. d\OCHOOtnna ~U r'I•)Bl-\'18l' nl~r. ilnt , !tnd

W?rdor 'r \tf' '"')8Sl1-ltl ~t.lco I;&J l•to••"'' n., .. J',,)').~oJ , II. n1ur.u \n~,. unv o~o c o n1·o,· ra-, H. I'J\ l l , "''f O'l\:ro,• , 'v l'•ftl;~tJfi~H'I 1.~ (r,~\ot t. .... e ~-•,ev ,.,r lhr aC'hO""~"lo ll r Ill' n·•up·•f'l•~t . '".'Jnt, ,,.,,,. ' h a . tnr:O•c!l wh1ch t_~ wor: •.t-:an th1P. tnto~·nal..1 nr.n' t')l' 01 t'.81..)'lt\ .,,,.,.,..,., o.es~-::t-

3t.cd 1n t.hc lr.lu!is ,ever, ,.,r .-,ua r:_.. 1&0J ~ l.h • 1 :·r :.O"l·l l.f'-r.--'ernftss'l

v~u wll, rc::u~.:n~~r ttu~ . oft.f>t . .,rl-" .·.·ar 1, .on on1 w~ .-r, -,r v\ ton anct t;~~w\11 conceived t.ht ldet .,, p.avll'lt,.. t.tce wav t.oo•ari! i)&nr.anent peace hy teachtnt t.he echo~l children )f t.hc ."'rl-1 t') l-.nt.e only t.hr "fllJ' P~ers ~nd ~.:1 wor~ t.oward f1lf'n lsb1f' ~r\1! ''nder­•tan41ne of ot!t~r nat.tona thr'lut h pract.lc:al aaalst.ance . ·:me._~· cor.­t.rlbutod bttht- cchool eh11dNn or A~,.r1ca , /.•:,t.rallo a·.~ rcat crl~­atn '-&· \aae" t:> provide chl"drer. or t.h• •or ravo.,.ed c~ur. trlea •t~n tchool """ h:opl t.al au~pltee , conva 1 eacont. c:a~.,• , ac·. "lo re~.l ""8 and atrrta ror thf' rar- &chools and rr.r..:a .rrtfntn•t lN.ters ':f~~""r-f! excha"'- ­,.d h,_t.wfl' .. n oeho:.~le all over t.hP ,:,rl4. r 6 IG'lnl 1f' r~3p>:to\b111t.y ant1 '"'\rdnese wE:rt- l~tn•l":ed thrOUt~ act.•t•l cnnt.oct. . tnce that t.l 6 t 1• nM1 ralf' ~39 wtr'l ... ned an:i devot,Qped . 'chnn1 ,,hl,d:-en ur e n~w rr:.,,.\r'lt uaet'\Jl artt cles ror retu(eeo , m11Hary ca~npo , and hJS!llt.als .

. .

~ut. t.h~ t rt"atest use to whleh the .runlor Red Cr<)&8 erHtld be p Jt &h:·mlc.l co-e after the wa~ r.as been won,tn provtd1r\t,.. a praet.1eabl e ro$.d t.owar1 better underatan~Hnc. . ,.reett ee <'*" be brt:~ken.a..,ree­~rnt.e nnll1t1ed . 1'hese c1t.1zena or t.he f•rture tuat rrefer pecee sr.~, ttl).1nt1 1 to snv benefits t.htv trD~ \nl) they :alt.hl Cl\.n thr<)tJt;.tl "·*~" · •he- ,lnnlor Red Cross la eot chlld'e play , but. the way or ":hrlet .

r venturi! t.o addrEss t..11e u, et~tton t. ) ~·>u ~•c,ntte r be!lf've tl:at 4 c!.t.tzen ' & •.rat,le lies \r. hta atnec ,"tf perf•>n::t.l t·Papona1t 111ty tow61rd hta count. rv,and beeauae I fC~e 1 th(jt. tn aMtP ~r t.lle l~tnd rtc()"'!'"~tnt'tattnn o f the Pr.::eldent at. t.ht t.l· t nr hfd ~eoss Rn11 Call tht.t. ol, AOh..,o le 11tn t.he 'Hr•l 'lf" k.t'd Cr"Jel , lt. ' ' not tcl:cn vcr\' •f!l'l"1nn1y bv 111st "~nl'l,P . Tf v111 aQu10 1,\ Vf \1. vour nn~>llc a ''f>'E·ovo1 and urf,. ~''00111" to f1 r.d ant. ml'\r& a'>:)Hl. 1 t. . t r"e1 aur-. t.hat , ts volnf'! w..,11lrl 'b~ fP1 t. a':lr. ltA r~a A1ht1 U.t~to U'"'l"'rtHJlatcd . As lt l n­clu~r" $11 school ch\"'drer. fl"'? l'trl'ler1 or1,on t .'J co"'l~Je,.anti r-eco,­n\~.•• ""' ')a rr1 e r R -. r rece 'lr rPH; t.,n.tt. ~.l)r3cell Bll t.ore 11 .... 1lt:~ f. roura . t t tea<:hea ~et t.F-r c 1 L t tftneh 1 f", '' t.h -. t. ~ 'l • :.c tr the ,.or1 \ thr..,"f h etrvlce . '!'here ar-e , or h&Vf' heen ~tn1.l1 r\'iC""l:tl•r , r:1ups ::f 1untor Red Cr:.aa ln all t.h"' -,ar L~rr. ("Ountrtoo wh1r•h rnuld be l"'e• V1V~C: In~ U01tld prOVide nstural O~f)l)r"'t.lln1ty (H QJ1t'IJ~..;ech1nt_ t.he \'OUt.h Of Lhoee nat10nl; .

p.-1 hapa a 'Wily has already been round to &et t.l',e proble!l :>f t.ho children or Gen:a.ny . I w:>u1<1 l'lc happy to l-n'11 tr anv solution haa 'oeer: round , b;.~t. . tf tt ~.ea not. . t hope you aay clnatder s·:~est~f" ... t.h,. Tur.l r ctet1 "'r"'&s .


n u's wrm 2 t 'drt

,Ira . li.clwlno I' • ' lt.i!l.ell A)) Auburn t~vcnuo ~"~n· foln (" , ,lt'w Yoi•lt •

[' om a s rr

l j l"!l • t.'-(I.S,.Velt \lro (" ..l} d ... ~ .. ¢~~ t.l; ~IU' ;u .. lint.: ll t.o t llll"! 11dvis(l Uil'.s Ctu·uu,.n a.• t.o opport..Jn1 ti<'a 1 n tJ~~t Jil<.d D-e. a •nJ ~tJux~ n r :Mk1n1.. •Pi>lie.•tton. #ho, •h• ••b 1f •c. o,. " ~o~lu S@e ht r ,.Mn ~e eo~• throw4f1 ~antneton.

Seel"''tary to

''""· \'oouv•l t

. ~ ' { \ 41.74 Cll&so A YO .

I Kiar.d Beach, Plo . \II' l April 16, l91o4

( \\\' \ I

t ' ,,

I' l, AP~ • • 11144 Wy dear •tra . Rooaovel t ,

It was sweet or you to eall us up when you wor e in M.ia.mi tor we knew that you Jtad a busy day ond your atey waa ehor~ . We appreciated very cuch your thought or ua . I have hoard eo ~ny ravoroble comnenta about your vialt rroa the woaen et the keorea~ion f1er. ?bey were greatly pleaeed and 1=preeee4 and thought it ~rveloue when you ob.erved in det&11 all the changes that had been made since r our laat v1e1t .

I am writinG to you to ask your advice on a personal matt6r . I em very en.xioue to take up eone rorm ot ect'ive war work bnd Hould greatly t'ltn>rooiato your­opinion. ?or thf'l paat four yeara I h&.vtt boon toechtng music 1n the t.ttan1 Beeoll High School and since the Arrny took over I b~ve Qpen~ most or "Y trco ttme pley-1ng the harp tor the soldiara end ""'Orl<ing at. the Ser vice..,en'a recre.at.ioo centers. Yor t'¥0 years I have bean the only Girl ~e=ber or the oll-cold1&r *Contec~" orchestra -~1ch broadeests weekly at the Pier and entertetna the aol~iera in Yl~inLO Park. This orcheatrb 1e leaving soon and I believe that most or tho eol41ora will have lett the Beach before a\tl:!:lller . I have o-e.a tly en,1oyed n:y ._·or 'I< ....-1 t.h t.hem end shall o1aa it . It is my desire now to elva up oy teacbins JOb ond onter so~ branch or eorvlce wor k . l thous,ht you .... ·oul d know or ell tho Opl)()rtun­ities nnd mlQht bo kind enough to euages~ eo~oth1ng. It seems thot tho boat tield miSht bo thnt or a hospital Hod Croaa W01"1<:er, but you m.ay 'know or aon:e opening whiob would be more suitable and whoro I would be of eroator service . Dn Chr1atma8 ~ve 1 too~ ~ Cleo Club caroling et the var1oua ho~p1tals on the Beach. At that tioe I ~e~ D~e or tho ~ed

Croaa workers and thoucnt then that I should like that typo ot work. I baYe hod. a yoor ' a tr41ntng e.s a nuree eod reel ot. he>:1o ln the hoal)ital atrosphere . I have done Junior Leeguo wor"' at. the Heort Clinic in the hospitel rlown bere and have .-:orl<t,Cl 1n the ram11y Service Bureau ot U1a~1 . I have also done library and recreationel work nt the u.s .o. canters . It mtr.bt be ot edvantac" to ttnd work 1n this nrea becauee or ny nAny contRote , o1v1c and otherwise , end ln the mu$ 1C end entel·tu1Ment tlel<l whlcJ- could be or velue .

It ~ou think thot Rod Crooo iG the beet field , throuch whn t cho.nnals should 1 me.ke ttJ>flliorltion? School closes ~ho first wook in June ond I ahbll bo l'Oody to bo,;in ony eet1v1ty by Jul~ first .

llother and l>$d plan to co Horth next 1r.onth takine Holen and the childr en with tho:!\ . Uttnoy ia grently inproved aa a roault of her $OJourn he~e . Art haa been ass1&ned porcanentl)' e.s stat iott vetorino.rio.n nt Yt. Lyers , ?lA . and e:rpects to nove his family there soon .

I hope you won't mind uy Aaklne ror your advlee . I plan to eo aortb tor e tetl weeks l'tben 1chool closes and 1r ed•Leable I could sto~ ln ashln&ton ror an loterviAw wlth an;,one v'hon you 11"-"Y recoca~nd . I shall be daeply grateful tor any su~eestton ~~lch you nay he ~l~d enoueh to offer .

t.tothar and Dad send tbllr v• 'Y boat wlahes .

Sino orely ,

f t

... ~ ... ., ~ ........ .....: ....... .



I .

t .. ll 'ri.A kOSI




WAIKUfGtO IC D C l j(JO ?IL £---A w' t '",,

!· s·n. h .n~Hn 0. l.~ ·~··\'t\1.

11,-. .. 1.1 L• Houtlt• , ·.:.Mnr·tou, r.. c.

r41111' .r . .. o?'ltnt.J.t :

Th~"l.~ -;o!)!.l !'~r t U1n:· u :~r t~ •• !.1.\ ... r. l o J r. r· . . t . t. . :_r~~r"O"!. in. '"-i..v11r "'-cnSc;~.~~ ,.u .. r .. \:'1 hnn •\\ 1 ,) \ , ·u1. ,.T L f'{r « v.\t:e~·u .. xrln \. J 'r .e . '" ,•d '-$ -,., ) ~.- !"'-~~ lt.Y n . h-o,. v.::- · r.o::.') U: t. .! J\~ A ('I l.c ••• J t. \. ('rrt. tn l t\<Jlt.'\ tn ho. ·h l \n t'-(' o't :\• r-o -.t ·,~

h l hc-•11\. atv,

11. !l'" 't~ uacM• r-- l 1 sl c ' ''I" \ \t. h ~ 1,;0 ~..:l.h ·>t:i-:era of t•,e ho: .\1 h "' I' r1tll u r r.~ ..at. 11 a Ll t..h~ ~ iJ .nU11\ o\r. ' 11n 'l11 L 1. "'"' • ~..L b \.outh lth t.ht Ho:J,1t.;..l!! t.o oe• .. , ... t. r r .• n.ttl'~' c .. & .eo.~: .... n1~o· ~tVt lo dnj>" of tl;c COf\V,.le_Qcnt. rf eOol • t I lOC"'\n 'of~ r in t.n.r. hOb"\t ... f&.. uti the r d; .. b11lt ... t~O•I +1\l,r . .~ 1n ·.,. h ... ·ll -~ l o cutL:n•! ..o .. n t..ht": mnber" or eo.w ,l.f'•N11'1t ru ~o t·•ht• hlr' c~.,..­" •l'in~ o -.'i "ers •r .. r: r•,nt.\nr , tmt. • ho •e ll•t-",. llll"•1 trJ•I ·1"\

r \ lc,t:.•n .".o 11"" e .n r~r~r t.o ~ I ' • ·•1\l!u1 ''"'

.. e or•~ ou.ct:htin)O. t.o;) tl·f, tt . Louin o.tt. e \o·u\.. l hto • ~ fit. ln t,OI"h ~.lth t.:r . ~o.nrler,•tu\ \lii'·Ctl" •1\'1 ••ho ,, ,.~ ril' ·i· \t) Jtn" t \.:1l he ·,!l.t hc.nr frop thef'l, ·n1 ' "' 1 .,, ~ ,,, nr1·;.~,. ;t.­.,t.i ,f·rt.(\1"' t n II!,. 11iUt• r · "~f•'~ t.,. ••1•l t'"'n h r to4'e.

~·lt" "'·•r f:'ei •tion L'l ~.,,, f:,r r~f·•·r1,, . 1·· oJOJI~1'rt~ 1 6 offnr t.., uu, 1 ,..,..,.b

v .


Denr ~~- P.oooeveltt

U..y 1, 19LL

I trO Since te.lking witn you I hue civtn turt.her tho~ht to

t.ht quut.lono ra1eod 1n 1our let.ter ot April 19~ concemint: t.."'o Red Cro5e procram in hoapitllll' .

rt aeee5 to me th~t a firot. tt..op vou.l.d bo l'or you to talk w1 U~. Bondy a.n~llu ~~·son. 'ltley lif.ve given auch thOI.I,i;ht too UJA r1i:t.~r, ~Uici S U '/W Wora.t.t.on 001\CIH'ning the titwa Uon es it cppeua to ua, 1nd co'i&ld ~,;tt Yt:IUr id .. s and •uacntion• for tho i111provt111ont. ot Ult ae:rvioe.

I tully •u•• aa to UM bport...n.e• or \.he ~orork and baYo hol*f that ... 11ot:n llllllclnc real Y"'O't"'· the shua~ion hae twten COftPlle.ated by v1citl1 "'"71nC po1n\.a or do.r aa .. u u by perecmnel shorts~• and oth .. r pnct.leal problt&J. 1 hAd not •••uaed. that ,... .. or our dil"ticulc.t .. ,. .. , an inadequate aU.ary seale; tl'~t., in puot.ieular • h fODt\hin' ~h1¢n l wish you 11ould diseuss with Ill". Bondy anJ: Waa Taer.on.

It )'OU &l"C ~ill.1n~~ toO ... tJ.t. I~Rol •111 let. EO l:nQw

111htn 1t. • -ou.ld be conve-nient, l at\all b. 'LIA to ft.rr~.n.~ lt .

t:.a·• · f'rtwk.l1n D. RootJOvt'l l 1., nle flh ite !iouse t r:uhint;-t.on, D. c .

Very llno~rely ;oura, J




W.t.•HINO'IOH, D. c. --..

Mre. Franklin D. Roosevelt The llhi te Rowoe Washington, D.C.

Dear Mrs . Roosevelt&

v/n;. / r'{

1 !lay 2, 1944.

l(y son , Maclin , 'lfho is Chnima.n or the Nashville, Tennessee chapter of the Aoerioan Red Croas, baa sent me a letter t ram Henry A. Boyd, one of the negro leaders ot Nashville, and active in Red Croos work, relAtivs to hnvi~ a lfi~tory Ship n8JIIsd !or his Father, the late Richard Henry Boyd. I on­close c opy of the lotter herewith.

It does seems to me that his Fathor has a tine record of accomplishment and of fine citizenship .nich should be memorial ized. I shall write a letter to Adoiral Land, but I thought that this would be of inter est to you and I hope that you may be able to do something.

Faithfully yours ,

• •

' Htnl')' A. Boyd, Cha-1nltln

Mr. Maolln Davit Stlln& Hosiery Mills )900 Chkrlottt Avenue HathYille, Tennesaee

Dur W:r. Darlat


N£&!!0 DtvlS!O!O 11ZD CROSS 1941. Dr1Ye

P~ 116, Colored Y.v.c.a. 814c. t ou,-th &r Cbarlou •• AveJ\UN

N&ahvill•• ), Tenn.

April 27, 19L.4.

lou wUl nc.t~r H•tral d.t..71 &eo I tpoke t.o you at t.he Bank Juat u you .,,,.. aoJ.nc 1nt.o \he ottic.e ot »r. Paul DaW"1a tor a apreoW ... u.oc. I did not. wa.nt. to hold 7ou 'Mc.aute I know how laport&nt lt. b t.o koep dat.•, but. Mr1. P'n.nkle Plere-e, who • ._. t.be o.tul!raan or UM wcoen•a d1vb1on to our W cro .. drl..-. and 1tho 1s pndd.ent. ot ~ Clty Yec:t.ratlon ot Colored Wa.ont Clube , hat boen •t • ork on a plan to cet one ot' the Ylot.ory Sh1PI 1\f.Md tor ay F'ath.er


the lAte Rich&rcl Renry Boyd. Th.ia ldM ••• endoruc! by Hie Excelleney, the Oo•emor, Hit Honor, tbe Uqor, by Jlr, P. D. Houet.on , S r-., t.he Preeldent.a or all t he oolleget ot th1a ctLy, our t.•o Senat.ora and three ••~bert or Congreaa , that ia, Mr. Reeat t roa Eott. tennetoeo, Mr. Priest troa t bla dtatrlot and tho Concreaa!lan t ·rocn the d iltr\ot where F'ra.n.kUn 1t located and thon Mr. Sllli~n Evant bas tAken l t up with Roar Admir3l 'Lan4, peraOMll.y.

Sho tool5 that lr you will write your rath&~ . pertonal let.t.er and ult blta to 1nt.orc.de, U. • 1U ban toat • eight beeauae he lrno-t all t.bt nobles &.round t.ht Uauont C.plt.ol &tid all the leaders ct t.ht ht.icn who e.a.n do tb!n&:•· A.ll t.ht J)tl'lonl &tnUontd doW'T'I bore ha•a l U t.bt t•ot. ab01Jt ay f"a~tr, \.he late Rloha.rd Kt1U7 So)'d - down b.ere tn \he deep aout.h d.w--lng his e1i;ht.y-rtn YMH on Mrt.b. Ht ... born a tla•t 1n 111ttl,.1ppl, rMred in tuu, apent. rortr 7't&Tt to tennttate . Re built. • .t.Wcm cloll.ar Publ-bhinc ft.ou.H, .. w.bli&t4 1.be ol.dut. Negro Bank ln U.t Unitecl St.&..., and wu PrealUn\1 orp.nh.d. t.bt Jluhrlllt Gl.obt P\lbUtbl.nc C.O..-n;r, bolpedi to orc&Aia t tbt K .. ro !ueln.to ~. 1n tact., MJ\1 o\.Mr \b1t~c• too c-.rou.. \o bW'dto you wH.h &\ Uala writlnc. l told Mrs. Pierce \bat I would apeak t.o YCIQ and t \houct\\. eun you would ca·t U.. •• ,...,, t.o 7our fat.hu ._. '/OAl h&d prcalatd at that you YCNld.

Tou.re ~~

( t-- ! ' I





Win JU.lrlna C .. Thocpson S.creta.ry to Wra .. Rooaevtlt The ltd u Hwae ll'ub1Jl.&1.on, D. C.

If¥ dear lUas 1bO!!!plon:

I '

Mr .. Darla haa aak.ct • LO atrnd t.o )'OU infon:.&Uoo about. the Junior bd Crou ~!ch wu r•qu••t.e4 b7 llrs . looaevdt..

I ~ confident that JOU. will know wha.t. !act. in the attached st6t.e!H.nt. 1M¥ be ~M.inent. to the queatlona &3ked by Vr.a .. Rooae'ltit. . L&cld..n.& a rtport.in& ayiLMl ..tli c:h 'JifOuld provide a •dlool- by- achool report on terYico act.ivit.t .. , I 8l:l eager t.o provide .Mrs . Roosevelt with any other kind or 1nfon:.at.1on llhich ahe may doeire. 'therefore, I will welcOM any opportunity to wppl.ement the intott~at.ion to.nt. &t. t.hit t.ilh.

Very tinceroly your3,

L · .~ .... nc Uvin&l""' L. Blair National Director Aatr1C60 Junior Red Ct'Oa.a

~~--------------11 YOUR RED CROSS IS AT HIS SIDE



On W&rcb )1, 1944, 129,9:>S •cbooh in t.he United S\.&tta, .Uuka t.nd lntulaT Wrrit.orita report..d tnrol.ta.nt. 1o Junior R~ Crots tor t.ht calendar yur 191;1... It. 11 poat1ble that. t.hh ligure ma.y ,. .. 1)0,000 before t.ht book• at'e cloltd on U"unt )0, 1944 . 11'111 io.tormat.ion 14 baud upon appl.ieat.iona tor enrol lmont. 'flhich come t~ the aehoolo to local Rod Crotu chapter$ .nd a.re then •ont b,y tho chaptera to the •~• ot ticea ot t.ht Red Cross.

'nle annual J\ll'\1or Red Croae tnrol.laent feu aceocpe.ny these eard•. There it no 11\d.hi~ aa:aberlhlp tee in t.ht Utrican Junior hd Cro88. Enrolla.'lt. h l:(y tc:hool ll"'U.PS ocl.7 . fht unit of .nrollMn~ 1t.l tleMnt.a1'7 achoola h tilt claaa-­ro<a. 1ttt enrol.l..JDent. f .. 11 SQj per el&III"'OOI per yea.r. In hict'J schools, .nt'Oll­lttnt. h by grou~ ot 100 high aehool p.apilt. 'nlc on.rOl.lJDent. tee tor high achool group1 ot 100 or leaa it tJ..OO per year. 'nleretore, auch Ctee aro a traction ov&r ont ptMY ptr eh.ild per yur, although we do not $peak ot Any obli gation or Ulo incU.v1d..W. to cont.ribut.o lliOTiey. Du.rina 'rforld ?.'a.r I t.hore wu t.n individual tnroll ­.:ent r .. ot 25# per yoe.r. I.Jm~dia.tely att.er the nr t.h1t tte waa eht.ngtd t.o t.he s,rwp enroll.Aw\t. plan now \lsed.

&trolh:a:tt 1n the A:ulrlca."l Junio r Red Cro:~a enUt.lu the sehoolt, t.ht t.eachtre or enrolled arou.r• and l:<lal.bere t.o t ho use or the tx1.ond,•e rac11St1t1 or Rod Crou as channela for tervice by boyt -"d girls.

The application• tor enrollment. are eards on which 1choola indicate t.he rlWQI>t'r or puplls a.nd t.he nW~~ber of clut J'OOIIIt or g;roupa enrolled. "nleee carclt carry the nNM and. addreee ot ~· print:lp&l or t.neher 1n the tchool .-.coivin& and d.1a­t.ribufwin& t.ht Ju.iior Rt<l Croaa r.ag.azir.et. 1n ol"der to cut. t.he at~eile tor add.roas­in& the aq:asinoe and 1n ord.tr to 1n.ure &&11 deliTery 41rec.t.ly to the echooh, it it necua.a.ry to have enJ"'l.l.eeftt. and aacadne ~beeription tnro,.t.ion report..d eehool b7 eehool.. Every enrolled &roup, thereto,.., receives •1-&ht h8\lea or tho A:Doriean Junior Rtld Cross ~..,.., (tor ol-.ne:nt.&.ry claurooms) or eight htues of tho Amtr1C&I'l Junior Red Cross Jo\lmlll (tor high school groups} .

Neither t.he ~ationtl Hea<lquart.ert ottiee nor t.he Area Ottlee4 receive achool by achool reports on M:f other phuo or t.ht prog:r~ a.s a recW-ar ot routine procedu.r.. llany loe&l. Rt<t Cro .. d\apt.trl aend to t.h• Area and NaUon&l offices c:oplea ot their Junior Red Cross bW.ltt.b'la or ebapt.er p.~;bltcatJ.ons. &J.ch p.lblle.aUoos trequmtl7 llat. t.h• neaes or achoola put..icipatJ.n& in eervic:e proJect• and 1n41eato the nnw-e or t.hei r tervice progrut . Bec:a.use we do not dea:ire to plaee und1..e 'burdtna on the to.ac.htre Md boe&uJe only the very l argatt. ch&pter s have paid clirector a of Junior Red Cron, wo do not uk tor achool by school Nlport.ing. " 'you kno..,., the Junior Rod Crou progr11:1e in &ll but a !ew chapt.er.t are 41reet.ed by volunteer cOIJI\J.t.t.eee ccapoltd or achool otticitle, t ·eac:horo and eOI!f"'UU'dty loaclert. "n''trerore, U. hu not been poulble to "c:uro •• IIUeh inf'onutJ.on t'f"'Gl chaJitera aa we lO.tld llit to have. 1J"''a t.ht pubUclt.y et.andpoint., t.bo ltf"Wllt.h or tho A=Arlc:an Junior Red cro .. 11 one or lt.a areaw.n ft&lcnee~ea. !ec:&U.ae w do not count. the .. rvt.cea or bo)'a .,d prl• in wrae or hour• and bec:auae we do not. dtai.roe to cake torul d1at.1nc:t.1ont bet.-..e:n leam.ln& Md tho appUcat.ion ot lea.minc, w. havt oot. oat.abl1ahtd. routir. .. ror t.he ~ae\1...-.nt or mal\7 .. r'lice aotivi.tiu. However, i t. !a clear to ue from tJ\t re­ports which we clo receive that fund r&ltina in t.he aehoole is An incident to the aerviCo programs or the Junior Red Croae in those schoolt.


there are tour JNl"POitl tor ...,ich boyl and ,g1rla Jn tho 1chools earn or c.ontrj.buu IIOf'loy to t.he Red Crolla

l. 'ftle p.e.)'tflt.nt of t.he 11111ual n&ti1)nal enrollment. reo.

2. 'lbe maintenance or the Junior Red Crou l oc.e.l etrvict fund.

:J, Vol\D"ltary cont.rlb.l.tione to the National Ch1lc1rtn1 P\.tnd.

1.. Contribut.iona t.o t.ht Red Croaa l"a.r Fund .

!ha &:IOU.nt. ot .x1t7 inYOl\'td 1.n the pap:ent of annual nat.ima.l WlroU.mt. !ttl and the pt'Ocedure tor t.r&n.-1\t.ing tbote tees haa been uplained above.

Local Junior Red Cro•• .. rvtee lUnda ~• m&lnt.&ined to finance aerviee proara=t in lilhich the membt>ra participate . For ~ph, t.htat funds are expended t.o purehue the te.xtileo, wood, met.&l and paper which are procue:ed in home eeo­nondct, art1 crattc, ~:Uld incluet.ri&l. art~ cl.a~ses and are mAdt into com.tort M d rtCN&t.ion tlrt.iele:~ for uaa in CAmpa and hospit.ala. 'the &rt.icl&t produced ha.ve bton rec<:A't.e.ndod tor production by tha Wi.lita~· and Naval Welfare S.rvico ot the .beric6n Red Cross att.sr conel.&l.tat.ion wit.h repruent.ativea o r the Ottice ot tho SUr&•~ Cel\orll of the Arm;( and t.ho &.lrgeon Ge..,eral or U'le Navy. No produet.lon h tchedult:d and coneequentl,y no 111011oy tor cat-eriUe 1• expen~ IXCI;:tt. to t:.eet ctetlnlte nuda reported. tv Rod Crou r1eld Directors and hoap1t.al 110ricera. 'lbue loc&l 1erviee tunda an &lao u.t.Wud in aa.ny other ~· t.o provldo ca~erials tor­the f'ICon41t1onin.g or equis-tt. aotn& to c~ 1:\d b&MI t.hf'O\.&h Rod Croas C..:.p and Hotpital. Counclle . l.oc.al terrlce tunds are an 1nt.ecr&l pan. or service pro­grua .tlicb P'.lt ~o uso in ~&U7 con•tru.et.ive pro&ra.~• t.he ak.ilh and talent• btin& developed in the u.hool• . ~ery naUQO.IJ.. inl"truct.ion on t.h11e tunds seeks t.o f'Oitrict. their use to J)J'Ojoct.t 1n "Which there b opportunity for • ~ of part1o1pat1on ~ bo1• and &1rle in & eorvice deaigned to meet a need. Similarly, national i.nstNctione uk that t.he IIA.lntenance or these tunda be cl.irectl,y r ol&.t.ed to A ph.n.nod progra.-:~ throuahout tho school ye.a..r. lYith but. very tow excepti.x~s. t.he monoy 1a eamod tv the boya Md a!rls thl"'U$hout the echool yMr. nua r:.ay como Croet the collection and tale ot a&lvage material•, it ~ co.~ rroa .school ent.ert.a.in:::ents &."'ld ot.hor typtt ot group ertort, or Cro. 110n1y ••mod ond con­tributed by ind.i vidll.lls. 'the app.Ucat.ion ot these t'Unde 1n eervice prog:rac:a h alao carried on throU&h<M.&t t.he tnt.iN echool 7u.r and 1n IIAI'1 ehapura t-h!'QU&hou.t t.he Uae ot t.he ~•r ne&t.ion.

the buic princ.1ple 11 to rende-r web serofice and to h•ve 8\l.ttident t\&nde t.o proVide the ma.tArialt t.o be .ruined 1o web aervice •• wUl ... t. ~ nuds. lUUt the active part.icipation or Junior a.d Crou aabera t.hro.&&h their represen­tative cou.nclls 1n the achoola and chapter eou.',cUe, echool ottichla a.nd other lliellcbora or Junior Rod Croll oCIIIait.t.eos teek to enliet at aany m.emb.ra of Junior Red Croa.s as possible in prosrut appropriate to the ago 8l"'UP· 'n'le record is f illed With evidence t.hllt counoUt and Adu.t t loadera eelect progra.ma v.tdch .ere known t.o be meet ing needs 'Mh1ch have been properly i.nvutigat.ed. It h alwa.ya Hcocrctnded Ul&t.. ~ervice ahould be rendered through or in behll t or that agency b.tt. equipped to apply the bonttitt in t.he local eoa:r.:unJ.t.y.

The M'aUon.&l 0\Uclret\t J\ln! it t:upport.d b;r Yolunt&ry contributi:ma ot the ._bert ot the Jwdor Red Croua These contr1but.1ont Utuallt ._,.. pl&Med by • a:roup and ca;e (l"QQI. ._ aroup. In 8<Dt inat.ancea t.hq ..,.. plUV;.S app:rop-riatlocll troa the local "rrlce ~. 1!\1 p.&.rpo .. or the KaUonal Q'lildrene Pund b to


provtd.e boye and &irh 1n the fCbOGb lld.t.h. an op,.-...ort.uni\)' t.o support. pro&,.... tor the bM\etit. or chlldrtn 1n ~ United State• a...,d abro.d 111'10 &aT be in nMd or t.cpo1"f.l'J auiat.&nce but. -.y not. be 1d.U\1n the reach or t.."• local aerviu J)ro&r&a:l. Btc:aua-o the Amer1un Junior W Cl"'" hu long advocated thn .:>de.m ndghbon nw~y Uve 1n another reaion or tho Unit.ed St&t.tt or may be chtldr..n in China, Ru .. ia or Sout.h A.tri ca, &embtu ot tho A:erlca.n J u.nlor Red CI"'aa are oaa;er t.o tupport Uiia t'und. Recent project.a financed through thia futld are report.ed 1n a copy or t.he Junior Red Croaa !'lle~tn whieb 1a •tt.ached.

Arter eonaWt.aUon with ..... m repr .. ent.at.i.vea or t.he eabcrthlp t.n4 att.er dheusain& the aat.t.er wtt.h ...... ~ JunJ.or lttd. Cro" CouncU:., it. wat decided t.hat boT• ~4 &1-rb 1n t.he achoob ahould not be denied \.he opportunlt.7 ot jo1rUn& wit.h &<!ulta in aupport.t.ng prograa of t.he Red Croaa W\1eh ltl"VOd ~r• ot the annod toreu and eal'rhcl fonra'l'<l m.tiii.Y other hU!:enitarlan pros~a . Soya and 1Jirl3 hove advised us un~~ualy ~at they do not desire to bt rtl~r1cted to tho .upport of progrea aolely tor tht b.noCH. of childr•n. 'lberetort, we ha.ve bean aled to penlit. IDCbon or t.ht Junior Red Cro,. to contribute to the Red C}"()ss War P\and. In t.he tint Red CTo•• War Relief 1\l:nd clrin, the ecwH.ribut.iona or bof• and. &1rlt were ••&rec.ated f"'rao the cont.ribuUona or a$.llt.a L"ld wer. appl'Opri&tAd t.hrou&Jt t..he JiaU'ft&l Ch1ldnn1 1Un4 t or Ule .apport. ot proJect.• 1n behalf or ddldren. tn the Red Crou 'lrar Fund d.rlvn Collcndni P"rl Harbor, we haYe not. a.egroegat.od theee con­t.M.buUons. ¥ill en a tew chapter-.s aho,..,.d a tendency t.o aet. arbi t:rary quot..a1 tor con­t.ribuUons ~ boys and &irla 1n t.l'!. •c.hoola1 a aategua.rd ag&1nat. thh .,. .. aont. out 1rt advance or the •uccead.ing War Fund ca.tnpaign . 'lhe Hat.l:)nal Chainnan or the Red Croae War f\md 'Wl"CCt.e t.o the War fu.nd Campaign Chairmen in o&-eh locAl. Red Crou ehAP"' t.er inatructtng thetll not. to au (lU.otat tor the ec:."'oola.

In •pita or the .. preeauUm;a and national tnat.rueU::lftt to prorlde cnl7 wen t\anda u are 1nt.epoetAd with ser'rice p.ro&rcu and pro&J'aat w1 t.'h the RIMS Croat de­d&ntd to .-et kno~ neecit, the tund Niaing pro.)eet.a or t.he Junior Red Crou a.re raore re-.dil,y recogn.1ud thM the eor"rl.ce projects which they sup;»rt.. In t.he ao­c1tty or youth u 1n t.ho toeiet.y ot adult• t.hore io a juttitiabh pride in t.ho abillt)' to earn money through individual and gl'Oup ettort. 'lhia is ea~ob.lly true ~\en the ultimate uee of t he money 4eCu~d ie tor the welt•~• of othero. Perhaps ~he aenert.l publle 1t udo 1110re awa.re or t.he tund ra.hln& e.ttort..s ot the JI.U\ior Red Crou beuu._,e o t the 1nJ.U.ous and tr.qu.enU7 Pl'Od.i&iou.• etroru or t.he boya Mel &irla to rahe -oney to a1pport their OW\ p-roq~ and tbe prog~ of t..'le Red Cro.sa •• a whole. !he .... puWe uu not. be awa.re or the .. rvteet financed b)' t.h .. e 1'\mclt . In ~ lnat.anCII \.he American Junior Red Crou 11 h•PW t.o !OI"tiO ita cla.it= t.o p.blie approval tor lu •erv1ce pro&N.U. We believe that it ia one or tht p.!"''>>fs ot the oducs.ti onal va.l.ue ot the JW11or Red Cross progrNI that the boy.t Mel cirh th~telves t requontly elect to carr y forward their proaramt ~ meet need• • evon when t.hoee prog.ra:n& are not publlci:.ed . We know, tor inat.anco, t.Mt the boy• tnd &irls U\tiUelvea have decided not to diaplA¥ la..rge eJdrlbita or articlea which they have pl"'duced !or the &nMCl tore .. bec.au .. tho .. art.lclea ._.,... needed b)' ceo in e•-p• and h.otpit&le. !her-afore, thq have be..n thJ.pped cl1.net.lJ r ... the tehooh t.o thclr des­tination ao that t.here .,.,Ud be no 4&1~ 1n put.tin& the a.n.iclu t.o use.

It is not. proper t.o burden you w1 t.h M .xhau.at.1vt tt.at.emont on Junior Rtld Crou progli&JU ae an tl.t.ernat ·e to a ti.lllph t.ntw.r to t.he quut.loM lbich Wra. Roooevolt hao &eked, Howtvor, •• do not havo a re~ord ot the n~ber o r achoole ra.ltJ.n& f'unds - other than tha payment o r t.he enroll.ment. rea - or o! t he nwa'oer

- 4-

or e~ools 1tl Mlleh tevtral ctdldren or all child.rtn &N partJ.cipaUn~ in ttrvice procram.s . I can onl;y tulnit. .. leete<t publ.iahe<l proa:ru ut.erl&la.

The two u.aa&J.nu which go t.o t.ho ~etmbert tht~Uelvca •re described by tho Bd.U .. o.r as magadnu o r 11hU111Ane letters"l 'ft\ey ttrvt to .-ot.ivato 111en\bere 11'1 &c­tionl llhieh Will ttl"VI ot.hora or 1Jl attitudes 'frhich wUl increue their capt.c1t.1U t.o solve proble:u •• world o1tJ.una. 'lbe Junior Red Crou B.ilht.in is tM .adium or com::unieation b.t.ween the National Ke~qu&rt.trl ottlee a.nd adults .tao &re re­tponei'blt tor cllf'lctinc Ute Junior Rad C!"'u procr~.~~• tn local cOCII!Illnlt.iea. tven a -oat cursory review ot ~hue publleaUont YO\lld 1n41eau the e.;,ph.ads 1n our reg-..al&r pJ.blltat.ione en oppot1.urd.t.ies tor urvice t.hro\llh the JwUor Red Crou u related to tund nielnc.

lllereaa " &ckn?wl•d&• the ;oan,y obll.gatJ.~• of cocm:niey le.&dera and the crut. rtsponaibWtlu or ed'lool t.aaehera we &lao &ck.."\\wltd,ge t.hat reporh trcn chapters are not 41.llt'1o1entl.r adequ&t.o t.o pe111lit \ll to r.port. in tull on t.he IIIM.Y contt.:ruetive atrvieee ot t.he American Junior Red Crou. Out of 3, .399 chapt.ert havi.ng Junior Red Cl"'U enroll.ment. in 194) only 1837 tillod out. as a 'l!ihole or in p.t.r t. t.ho annua.l report on J W'Iior Red Cross aot.1v1t.111. \\l1orea~ it would not. bl fair to report t.ot.tl production in all ehapt.era buod upon tho records or chap­tor• repol"tl.ng, the JW'\J.or Reid Crou 3tarr bel.ievu t.l\at the follow1.1g t.ot.ll.a reprue.nt less t.ha.n one-halt of the t.ow.l record.

~rl ~ed hn• are • r • • or the taew troa the Mn\1.&1. reports of 18)7 chapt..ra:

729 booka collect.~ tor the Yietory Book ~

Coat han.gera, a-=-• and. ot.ber an.ielta colleet.t<l tor thip:.ent to the a.nMd toreea - 2,697,29.3

War on Wute: Salva,• ot papoer, t ext.Uta, l&tt.alo, rats - 9S,4S8 ,821. pound•

Art-iclea produced tor the s,.nw,d toreea - S,/,83, 179

Nll.llber or J unior Firat .Ud eerti fioatea iuutd .. 240,1.35

Number cert.1t1ed 1.n Wat.er Safety - 41,6)9

•Uo~>or ~oWls ·~ 1n Rod Crou - Nuroins - S3,490

5\lllber COCipleUn.a t.raJ.n.ing 1n at.andard bel Crou Nutrit.ion Courae - 21..,841

N\l::lber high achool &1-rh trained and enrolled 1n recuJ.ar P.ed Crou St.&tt J. .. ht.ance Corps - 2,562

Nu::lber hl&h t chool aJ,.rls trained and f"tgu larly enrolled 1n R&d Cl"'aa Canteen Corps .. ) , 2:21

Nuaber Junior IW<l Crou mer:.b41r.s aervin& aa volW'Itoera in 0\Ud Cal"& Center• - ,,318

Nwaber ot aut.hori&ed Firat .lid Det.aehmenta ••nine 1n sehO')h - 682

- s -

I Koro 1mpr oaeive than theae figu·rea, ho'fl·ever, h the ,reeo1'd ot cany l ocAl

service projects auggosted in our publication• or cr eated to meet loeal needs . ~eau:~e or the groat diversity of these services, it i s impossible to~ ua to sug­gest a. NIJ)Ot't tom ,.;,ich li"'uld pen:dt • tinal. national tabulation . To list a.~eh local service:~ would be to extend thi!l cOCitW\.ication beyond &ny OXCWIIable length. Perhaps tho publications Which I ~ sending you will reveal & 4U/!1eient number ot examples to illdict.te the wide rMge ot 3et.i vit.iee embraced vd.thin the Junior Red Croa.s progra::~.

It ia well understood. that. the Att:.criean \led Croes pay.s t or the entire co5t of tho a<tni.n.!atra.tion and supervi.sion o.r the J unior fled Croao program and that no ehiUjles tor S\I.Cb costa 6t the <:he.pter level, at t.he ahea le\·el, or in tho nat.ion-.1. headquarter~ orti ce are =.et from tunda contributed to tho Junior Reel Crou. .Ul funds contributed by the children otl'ler thM the a.n.'"'Ual nation!tl en­l"'l..l.taont rcu ar~:~ reetricted entirely to the financing o f .snvice prograoul!l . l'!'e would want to provide any or all in.tomation which. rt~vo.al cle-arly the rel.ation­ship between tund r.rlaitlg and sorvieo aetivith3 in the Ameri can Junior Red Crost~.

A1 1# 1 WIM j,. £lwof# ""'"" , ,_,..,{, • diwux, t.in pott1U;.J#k:J of tAt N111HIIIII CbMr..,'t Pt~&l httDm• J'•«NJJ'•fh • thJ!f:flgt to }11ffkx Rt.J Cro11 lt iliii'Tt,

Tbt fw,J .tymbf}l/ut tbr b,.-JI&IIflf/1.;.,. /dub D/ RU Crou. u,u, tbt v'J~• of ,...;, -J j..-tH:iMl ttMIJI<'t, hf11T .wJ pb t8 ltzl- IIJ lhtot'#r t.blll t~ ,., li.ri:"'J of • world HI wbitb th"1 lfUUI fffttl t},, f'IMII 0/ tHW ~~·· hon i• Sttliitb Alllllf'it.-, &rDJ1', A1l.r, tmd A/rit.­•11 ~W.fl ., "~it!l1twt ;,. tlnH OCVot to•mMttiritt.



Thrte /.mt'.riun.Ju.n.iot Red Ctou 'lhlpcnet~IJ p.udlatcd by t~ Natioral Children'& Fund ue oo ch¢'ir '"T fO Wl.t·impo.,.Hi.tbed t'O'lngttm of Ct«U, Russt.. 1tld Yuph•i&. At che _,* dme, Am«iwa lted Ctou hndqu:mcn in

Nottb Africa rtporu tbc *-.f t *Jtivtl ilitle of lS,OOO pecbges ol hard tit cwdy whiCh tbt: N...-loaal O.Udtct~'• F\l.lld pr<wl&d lor JOII."S 1!Hes in tbt f tmd!. <Oio)n.Jal pOil.)ci!.IO.u..

Yupb.¥ cblld.tt11 uacuated tO the Midd!eo W • in rea-i¥c $6.000 wonh o.f fCboQI <quipcnmt whkb the Jwt.klr Rtd Ctou U ~tn.g ln resporue co • (:J.bJed f t'Cf.ldl !tOm Q Uo. Some 61:00 C'YJ(•

10r:n wiU M¥t IUC'h nsc-.ncb.b of tiNCy u paper, pttu, pendls, c:rt)'OIU, duCc;, &ncf rolen,euh mulc.tclwith a Yugoti.J¥ uw.nt· lacioo of "Gih of the- Amcdcw Juoioc R.td CtoJs." In ldd:Jdoa, the- 71fYJO wrirl~:~g ublo:u will bavc tbc Ju.nioc RN Ctou Weld 0t1 d~oe CO'I'«1 The Nuicnal Chi.klrm's Fund hu sup~ed c,hcte ~Ntcrit!l wirh 17 pwnda of pow4md cc:mptr., 300 box-a ol wtcu co1ort,. <01· 0«<1 ciWk. ~dctcd lnlc.dttwlng: p.ptr, ptOCtaClOft. U~lll&lc:s. lad cotnpqd.

The Greek- projta o( r.M Nalionsl Q ildrcc!ts FuM provides H O.OOO WQI'I_h oliOd:t and •ockin,st. h wu ktr.oed rhac cbtw t7ete chc (IOC: l1cm of dol:bll\4 miulng from a brge JbiJlll'lo«<C Jl(tp*ttd by All'l«bn Red Cto• volu.ncttn (or

Gmt chllclldl. The: Junior Red Crou •hco pure~ 141.000 pUn o( JOCks a.nd u&:JUQ&:a t0 tOu.nd oUt tbt supphn, wbkb will be c:a.uied ~o Cuoecc on .ntu • 1.rd Swedbb sbi;- and dl.tibu:ed hy lM Swcdi~·SwU. Commtuion in cooper&• don with (be l.ncc-r1»1 ional Red CrO&l-

Mct.nwhlle. thoe Nadocsal OiL:Ircn.'J Fuacl lw complecdy r.:plac«< SIO,OOO worth c( sboet dttd.ned foe boys aod girls lo the- So...ln Union. T'hc orisln.al lhipmcn1 ""'-l 10rp:odocd cn IOII(C: 110 Jt.\J.Nb lo cbct f•U or 19-4 2,

For hmbcr i.alormarion 1bour !be pto,jecn. reid l'o:"" Hope tn Thtit Eyd' ln tbt May h1lc o( chc Jua5or R.cd Crou Nl'lllt.


s- Frtmriuo,C,:.ij.-hJ;iiJC Art~ hat Q)l'll~(lf a Jp«i:IJ ttpon on Clt'cr·aU

production a.tJXI08 iu j 1;10ior Rtd. Crou mcmbt-rship lot 19-H. With dut .Uow· IIKC: for iCtml IIC'Ytr rtpon:fd by chapcc:l oEICd, t:hc: jul\lor tiiMibcnhlp at'fnlbc· leu gi•et aft iroprCJSi.,.c: plcnuc of .~UYkc 10 the tlll i(lll..

P·mie~:latl)' sisni.&mu is the iocreued ptodunion c!uting the secotld Mll of the year. from J uly ~o Ow:<:embcr, Junior

Red Ctou mtmben of d~e Fu WC'R mor~ than dou• bled d'leit oocpu• ovtr the pttiod from J•nuur 10

)vile', ctuJJ buildi_ng up 111 •~1 ol more tbw 2:,082,181 t~ccru ror the: arrfte'd loren, <MU.il disutn tad ..,.,, rtUd.

More tbut two m.iWoo of thtk ltms ~.-e for dlc a.n'DI'd (O«U. ADd of tbok, n10rt clun 'haJJ we« bollday ankles, wlc.h OuiM:mas grenlns a.rds OL'Unipo pins .u dk. eo, NMl gitlt ot the J>.d&c Am1 made owly '00.000 OtdJc. mas a«b foe \IJI:' by KtVkancn a.nd womc11. R.«m.tkla&J ankln raa a KrOn.& K'«<nd, whh a ~111«1 t:Oell or .C09.ns. Thitd wuecocrwar.tncea.nlclu, £ncWI113 m&ft1 collotertd i1ema. Com· fon mldcs lOt hofpiral prit:nu w~c: alto • tlllljof proj«t, with 1~,160 lu~m"

------. ... - - ~ -·

--­IN OICAOO AMA ~--~ ....... - ..... c:a... a..- • .._

.................... c.. ......, ............... ............ ..._ ...._ _c--._ " "'-""' .. -...a "" --­.................... ,....,.. ............. ..... __ ............ ._. ..... _ .... ,..... . ..._ _ _... ................. -......... .... __ _

................. ---· .......... - · ..... -.... ..... _........, ....... ,.....,_. .. __ -~,..--- ....... ..... ,._ w <;- --.... __ .,.....__oe..., _.._ .. ...,.._ .. ,... ..- ----. N _..._ ,_.._.,... __ _ .... ~ ..... ---· ---------....... ,...._ . ....,....""""' ___ .... ,._ .... "-................. _ ...... ,_.. .. .......... ...... <# .. nr...,... ~o..- ..... -.....,....,..,.,..._... .. ............... " .. ,..... .... c-.,._.,Ooook ,. ........ ~----~lo· ...... _ _...._ f ... I.Wiooo.ll ... .. ~ ... ... __ ........ "'_ ,.._ .............. -. ........ ........,_, .... _., ........ -........ -· ..... ......,. .. n...,.. J-- W a-................. ...... .. _


~'UlSAQ.US ,....., ......... _ _... ....................... ,..... .... 0... ..._ ..-._ .......... ... ....... ........ ...... .... J ..... W0.. .... ... ~.- ... .. _ .............. . . ........ _ .... ~ ...... _ ... _

,.... ........... ,.... wc- ...... lo.-... .................... _., ....... ~ .... . 1..- '"'-"- ....... ... ........ _ .... ..... ....,_ ...... ....... ..;..,..-.,._,

"""' -

~ ....... ---@ ....... -·~

UIIUUT$ ..,....._,__..., 0.. ...... _......,.

.........,_,. --­~u ....... ,.. ........ ~­_,_,..... .......... __ .... ,....,,...._ II ,.;p. loot ........-- • .._ _ ..... ,...,...._ ---,.. .... . J ...... a-......,_ ... _ ..... -..._ .... _ .. -....-.,__­c- ... --- .... ....~.._.._.-...ww.•---...... ......... __...., --'r-..­...__... .... ...,_ __ ,...... __ .. __ ,......_ ........ ............. ... ~~-~

-- •


'&.......,.. __ ,_.....,_ -~--......... -....---...... . __ ....... _ .... ~-.... .... T --­o...~wo-­_.. __ ......... c..

.....-·---·· ..... .,_ ........ """"' _ ......... -,.... .. -........ _ ... _ .............. ,.._ .... o-.~c-w.. .............. ...n.--•­_...,...,._,_.,_ ........... ....,._ ........

n. ........ e.-o..-• ........,~ _ ... _, _.. ... _....,.1o ..... ... .........a.-.n.-­.,_.._, ... ~ .... ........................... ..... .............. ....... _,...._ ... .. ..., .. ,...,...,.. ..... ,.. ......, ....... .. ,.,._c.. -


IT'S Biti NG DONE •• • M.-.1 /,.,_ R-' c~.u to..J/1..-s a-,. ,.U.J ~I'~

Jlii!!UI- ,. l llou ,.,.,,_ ;, t.N BuumM. o·~ l.'tUI .,, • ., l•t-'~ 10 , , ilkf.u I.Jwu..t c.lufi"'J .-.,, 1o lrJI t411 '~" Jflrrm o/ 1-fOf'IM/ iJt o.~ tN """" r.h.;uu.

KAu41 Clty, Mo,-Ju.alor led. ero. cucmhen a.p:l • IivlA!~ 1h-pll!r tt. • dt-~ tlOf't . ....... .,.. kllow

oti.w.u «bttly whu dilly 8ft' ...., to. hetph'...t .,........_ Scludlcur Hlp Sdool......,..a...a.

aod ~ t.ducba u dw cmcnlla• "'" ot me t..p.1, wMda ~ed ~ ....,.. ol )11Aior Jl.td ere.. piOducrioa fOf dlt tt.ttnotd toms.

B#bl#hntJ, P .. - CitmtfiCatT ~pib o( Ulyps:J Scbool Jl'll on a Nmll.u }'*tlior Jled Ctosa window dltpll.y t«mdy 8otb boys aod &tfb kN11td Mel wo•• Jpo "~""" ood ....J. - pold!U"' dodtJ. dl.roupouc • city to a drp.n:· mtor tiii)K ..._. ~...., ~tw won oldtc;..;or~,..

0.,.! C...,, IM.-Ia cMiof ..., o. ~ jaoior Red c... ~ of Chtt c:oo.r Owpctt b&ve fouad dlac

T.Un..llhcd hoUt.ocl doch­aai~•P (rom ttetrptd tUt:t-U ••luable for book· bindingt CNI'.Ip In tbcr

P.~6c Ares •bo have: utiUM!d lc In IMk· ina: b.iodiop lOt br.Uie teorM:$. tebool ooa pea!~ :e albwnt. •rldq port· fobos. au,p.uac: o::wttJ, rtt. . . . ... .._.C.t./- 1-""'0.. .................................. ~ pro.taaiol..., wlln dwr""'

~ .. ftaltflf"''T oU ~ lrwa chr cacp W hoi-­~ p;..J ....... ol ......

,tuldJCO OM I'"''· 0.. 2<& bows" IXII.ice. juab Rcocl Crou cdr .. ~ Nmed OUt 900 6tfllna bobbiN 10 tupplctnomt IUb.lns equi!XDf-fM whldt •lit Nmy .,.._. ahlppl.n3 ~r~tU for rtc:m• tioo JIW'1IOIC1 Tbanlu 10 the Jyo'of Jltd ~ !Ubet.mc"n.in.-n-lct •ho \1• ct.

~ if1 Soudl '-dk wredbtde wtu h.avc IOml:thins on whidlco wlftd clwlt lma eo dty. . . . &,-, q.,.~.,.. ..... lo

dw We. Vuaoa ~INidllft ntn.1 ~ ban~~ o. .a tal"' pocloc­Uoo-,. aUb ~ Nve- "'* 6o4bed nro krJC /"&:J afJfwv nw&., (fO(h KJ'IP.,

while chc bop tul'f't cwncd ow -oar boinU, wll.b whltdtd htacb. ccud burr bodi-es. a~~d chk:Scta fn.t.bcr CJib,. ro remove lnxD d'lc ml.n<b of he.· pinJjat<J kt?kubtn. whatcvu ~rict ha.'fC bcca OTt:t lookcd by Afd (Jou hoJ•

p<oJ --rkJ N.~. ,...,..._,..., a..d c.o.

... cbc pablk Jdlool "' ......... ~co&, .. dem.,.. ...U cdu:·

aano. jcJb lot -- Min­~ iq. ... ~"'"" , ..... ~ kt:d eo. a.a bt wed

wuh.in die ldlool cwdcu· lum. JJT f'lpib pttpattd • ttrift ol 60 sm..~U d.iownu drpi«il\8 YIJIOU.t ph~ O( home ll"ll.tli:'\4- 'l'bt' modeb Well Cit• hibirtd In 1 Oct Moinet d•p&nmcac 110ft. aod hrer u die P~otld MIIM\Im Ill a.Jo,.,.

r....J.J. 0"f"l--The K~UN ol ,_. .......... .... _..., __ 14 a....m.wcod lpptttlflu ....... ..

,._a..~ c.--.. .... __ _ ~ bert , .... Sor1n merdw.nc VCMd Ia

pon. Tbe J.vuian-al wu orphot.M­t'ltlged frorn II co l7 Yftl1 ol., ... Thty vil~r«< daMtooms, p&.ytd tOniC tOQ:tt,

''' l~o~t.d! ia the ldlool Q/tcttlt., 1.W III\Itttd ln. cbe IChool bflthl' pla.M. wbuc the bolkr1 e.nd hirMCitl Ndl'lf.rcd them l~ .u tlJt.

ClHd Lill •I P~k-.., Oo rau have CJ0S1Hs ()/ tbt:tc pdtiawiON 4M·

li.U~ du.p:n pt~ for IMfnlrlt~~ M'"'"" )JIOSrams fot J'OIII J~o~t~kw ll«< Co. uairt1

1 They uU you !'low, 1u1t yo..r (hapc« NCf'Cru')'

co Stc you copia. ARC 416 $11! A.!iWuJKe Cotp. ~hnua.l ARC 618 Pro,.,. fat jepCcc

ARC 621 A~~~ttioo Jwtll.or l.ftl C.0. ·Scboot ~

ARC 64J N..aon..J OLildtu • "-1 A~ uo nw ~ ...., c... .- ctw --.. ........... ......... ARC IOJl fine AW ........ P1t.oniq for

O..pm AJtC 1414 Chtpcn.sdlool o.,_ab.lion 0wt ARC 1411 AmerO. ~td CrouCoww1 Adapr­

•h&e let Hlah SdiOCil Uw




~- 1'/ , 191.! .•

~ dear Ur, Cnviaa

:~·a . nooeevelt h:!s .1 alrt<l !lie

to sc.rxl :~ou Lh" wacl..,~<.\.1 sclf~:;>lanaLo:;t 1

1~~ Ler 1'1'" ''' ;,.~,tl.r11l ~'m)l')' S . L-..nd.

Very ainc<·rel.:t )'O'JJ•n,

!lon. l:.:>n:w.n P. . u lvls Aoer1c:;.n neJ Cross \'lash.l.n;;Lon1 1) , C.

.e creL>.J'.I" t.o l!re . i!OOt;CV\:lt..




tr 11' ·' ~7 .T~ I :.Jilffl"'- J"'!fJ ,I,'' .l;w ' llf(}'IUI .

r•. i"r .. n'<lln ~ . R,..,~>ew..ll. l'h• .. uit.c 1, ,· •~e ·G'IHinrt.on , ;, C.

1 ~:' l u , 14tJ • •

Th1nk ~--,u ror ).'Our lllt.t,"'' ttr 1 ll'• 1,, 191.1, , cncl'lalnr ool'l'~tlf'>t'lntlence with '-'' · !'Or nn 11 . l),,vJa , :':htd; l'l'\'ln ()f ~he ,,l'lf'riC411 nN~ r. r ('l"'l1 I n l"'"t'·•rt1 to I hi! pot1J bi\J t.)' of n•u,l ni· A ahlp tor Richa.~l 11~nry Boyd .

:., hi\VC ::.l~ Md A let.l "'r fro" r . vt1 on t.-..h aub 1tcl. and o.a l iirotc ht"' ;-~"at.trli\,V, kil"t,,.rd JIM'Iry :;o~,J ' a .,._,.... 1\'la heen au,.. est«< t.o u:. t'r001 A ,.,_ .. ~r ~r .t.nurcra . I 11 .. >6 1'AI -, ... I t.hf' ~~.J.I) ' 1 .,1"'.1n ~ 1..0.,..1 t.Lf't tiLt f".t~~d ~er C"O'" 'litt"r't io-n t.h• r.,u\.hle a.sd,.n_"Ynt or thto ""' •, ·at. nt t.hh at. oe in t..~'-• Ubt:rt.:~ 1-t"'n ,.ro;r.r..t~.. it. it tUffir- lt. to ,..: e ·""'' \!t:flf"lte IP'I,. .... ts-s. ,...._, r.ew ~lt!t.or· ·~~~ •rr- r.ot. bein r:,,~ .. ..: •f••r r•raon• :.n.l tnerc r~in nnl•·" r .... , •• ,,., .• ~. •r"f" L\ .. crt.··a . ,.. st.Ul t~lldJ.nr. " 'O;J I' C>lf , .-.11 ~•v• n;, vt .. nn."" •r or vu·da ~rr•r ''htinrnli•h.•~ r~r-roes •"' ] .... l'l jr .. . '•"'111 1 tv • -.rlt,.- •n­dlidon tn U:b list.. 1(, "t. l&L\r tht.t, it. U r.o• .Ul. ro :'ind a phe• tor St., .1. sh •ll \~t ,. .. "' •.• '-" ·et. f., t.o•1~"t .. .1.u-, i r. • wia OJlll o..r , a. v •· f'o:rd .

,,•,__ ,, ..,pn:c\At.e :-o•1r 1nt. .. rtftt. 111 1) ,. lh\.t.er '•II ·""" l"."'r' I'COf'n'1.dt"ffr.c j lf t;~!' <.iU, rcl.lL.'I\CI ,

t • • • • l. ·~

•Her eon -.. J:la:!.ber ot ballber crew. Now f'rt.otMr of .tar a t. St.&l.oa Lut• J - G<"'""7 - St.&l.oa 7_., Co......, 0 - 3895, N .. York, H'"• York . ..r ites tda DD:k t d ce a ••U: a.nd •Mil• pac:Jap neey t.wo aont.ha:, at.e.

l:rv. fioo~ovcll J~a oaJ.ed r.:e t.o

uont! ,:ou t ho Clnclcacd l.tJI.Le r fN~~ra. Y,i'oli\Cc~ ~luo, 342) C:u•lllle !:t rcu.t •

rhllru!dph.l& (4o) , ' ' t."nM)'l\'.:t.ul.:t..

Ur: . h ;)O!.C!\'8U. won-.=tn <4b,r

l.hue'llt l l ert ~m; pada.t.'" :are r»t

t."'tt .. J.nt t..bl'<.»u.ab? hrbapa &.he addr.ee

1a .l.nc:ornet.;


Sec:rt.Wu•y t;.o Uru. Roote-velt..

I ~.r®le ~\irmt~n H. 0.1:d.s .t.ocrica.J ttec:rc-,.on--· :.fG.ahi.n41..on, t>. c.


lilly so, 1044

{: I wonder 1 t you WO</ld l>o • i lltna t o

oe lin, Al.~rt. ~- •n4'~.J\tnM~tt IIRU• . ol1 wil'i!l10 t..llc t o you •rl6U• U1e pooo1b11Hy ot a pe.•al.ooion policy • hlctl you o&il,'llt e nW>c1ote, and • hich would trM ,YOt.&r d ia pt.tta·a t.o ao oJwa d and IIOI'k 1n l i M Vi th tttl A. U. A. f' IW the Publie Hea l\h S.r "ri.oe en t.h1 queathn ot aervi ef! Cl8l1

and tlleia· • i YY ano ._&n t. addce on the a~oiftl o.t d\l.ldt'en .

1h1s aef.i:u to WJ quit e illpor\ant. beoau.e ther arw flSkiftt l or t ntorM t.i oo m d, I \bink:J !ui.Ye a rt~t to •..ave 1 t .

Kon, liOrmAn 1:\\vts l.m•rican Red Cr oss

,/ ./ t ;


11-.y }1, 1944

1 11&.1 o.nclotint: lire . Rootovtlt. ' 1 Chlok tor Sl.OO.oo, which 1• h11r u.1ur.l n:ont.hl.y c-on\..r1but.1ou to t.he American Red croe ••

lionorablu P~orra.ab Davis The Aloot'1t'"" Hod Crottt I'IUillnet.on , D.C.

SeCNl.ary to W:ra. ltooa.velt.



+ WAR FUND American l«d Crou +

Doo• Juno 2, 19U

Tbo o;..n., of Columbia a...,.,., AJiffiRICAN RBO CROSS, ----- wilh

tb1nk• cbe reoeipt 0t QJe Hundrtd l; nollQQ.­

N•m• W.n. Franklin 0. Rooaevolt.

Ool1an (S 100 00 ) frJ)m

Addrcl' Tho Wbh • Hr>u•• - 1 60<) p ennayl yanl • 'Yo tM

Wuhlng~cn 6., o.c. Dittricc of Columbia Ch•pt•r• Amerioac Red Croat

8)' 'f cJr ·· .


+ WAR FUND Ammean Red ero. +

O.t• Jub 6 . 1!\4

1M ot..n.c of Coh.abia c::a....-u. AMBRICAN RBD CROSS, Mbowltod4rh wit!t

tb.nkt dM,..,... o< a.:: Hl1tltft?D &r !10/l~-Doll•n (S 100.00 J from

N•m• Mr•. trMld 1o D Ropentlt

Addr•u 1tt !!hit.e Houu. 'Ka1hlnston 6 . p.c.

Oi~trlct of Cohambi.-Qipter, Amuloaa R.d Orou

By '/. ,/ a ca•·· I I


Mr•. iloooevel t baa a h t t.r l 'N'Ca w ~ IAI\U oolored -c.-.n • .o h n.t'll' • crk1n41 •• en auh\&nt dJreotc:r ot • IJSO Club l.o S.vanna.~, Otor~a, rro:l ""de~ the lol lowSnc '*N t!Apb U qucteds

-r to. .. tamd th!.e wort enjcylble but t •• •nld.aus r-..nd rlealf'CUIJ to • crt tn an o..r.._ \I.OJt wt th tbe .t.r!can a.d Ctwt . l 1J10uld be -.t lft\el'ul 1l' )"VU • ould hPPlT .. • Hoh the neOHtnT 1nl'~t.ton • • to t he 1'9Q4r.-nt.e l'or •clld. .. lon lnto tho Allle.rlcan Aid C'J"ou Oftneu Dl n .don ••

Wr&. Rrtole.,.lt. -c\tlrl appreci.Jte inl'oruttotl on WhJeh atut ~n belle hel" reply t4 W e oorrupondent.

Very t1neerely yc:ura,

RonorebJ. HorMn}Fil'f'i• Chu..r..n, .-n.,. PAd 0"•• IN•W\c-t.cn, D.C.



I 0



?Zf1 .. '/J;fy.

~ra . Eleanor Roosovolt T'he \'thit.o House J:ub.ingt.ort, D.C.

Deer J.:re. Roose.,•eltl

Addun hply fo 902 Yfttt •16th S t.root Saq.nnah, O~tO!"t!iA

Pri.mnrlly t.his is 4:l 11 t.h&nk ya~,a• le t t er ; one ~h.at 3h'Ould have been written eevor&l yean aao . Secondarily, t.hia 1a another :request. tar )'OUr aid.

Porhapo I should first let you know who I ""· I n 1938 I wrote you a letter oxplainin{l n,y plight ao n yonng colored girl in Chio&_go, Ill1no1D, with A dos.ire to w.:>rk !n t.hl !latior.al fouth Adm1n.1atr&t1on. I Md st.at..ed thst ~ fat.hfor ••• a dieabl.ed Uarld l a.r I Vtt..ran. You .,,.. c.tv.ite k1nd and srao10WI 1n reftrr1n,g ~ let t.tr t.o L:ra, IJuy J.lcteod Bethune . She , in turn, did bar beat to adm.lni&l.er Aid, a.nd I soon round c)'8elr wo.rkl.ng with tllb o:rganita.tion .

S!nca t.lw.t. tiD& t ha"" •ucc esatully graduat..ecl f'Toa College with a AD in Uusic fU'd haft been •orld.ne tor t.hs Unit.ed Service Organb&Uons throueh tho tl.!loney or tho llaUnnt.l C..t hoUe Community Service . I know and t eal within Q)'Oelf, that had it not beon tor you.t" inttroat in ay caee , much ot I!Q' 'l'forlc c01.tld rVOJYer haw beon done.

At. present I &l:! worlt1n& as an Asa1at.a...~t. l>t.roct.or ot • UJO Club in Sa.va.nnah, Ceot-gia. l ha.,-e found it enjoyt\~le rut I Am an­x !oua an(l d061r.oua t.o work i n nn ovor ooao unit witl1 tho A=lerican Red Cro••· I would bo II'IOst erat.otul 1t you would au.p;1ly N with the ntcessary Worcatlon •• t.o U.e A~Uire:t~DU tor &d­alssion 1Dt.o the AD!rican Red Cr :»aa Overaeaa Division.

Allow 11110 t.o t.hll.nlc you rt.Sa.in tor your ldndnoea nnd l ntoNti L you have di•pl o.yod !n l,endJ.n,g a.id to ua of the minority racelt . UiU• ewry but wtah &nil & JZ'.,-..r- for yot\N and the Prelidlnt1a good health, l cua,

' w.,~.st ........ LiL~ Rut.h ~tewa.rt. - Jor.ea .lNllt&nt. ~to:" 1 m;o


Ju.ne 10, lC)I.J. .

I t.h.1nk it .)"OU co old arr3nrt tor :.tr•. Lu•Jtn ~ ..,... Ro .. t.o t.~lk t.o ;,:o..1r c:wd1C4.l d.ircctor lt. •o • .LJ be tl.n•. they lind t.h:i. t. ~- ot t.heh p..,pl, tul t.hey hne no rG.ll aut.110rlt.y in tho tWl polio;· lllll<1nB o.nd ob•~ ~ho,y • ..,~ ~· wllc at..out. b thdr ettort. to GOka t.h• Red Cro .. O.(tl'·te trit.h t.he r ubllo Hoalth !Service 111 it.D pollcleo. T!1ey t.h1nk 10U ar• t.ho o.nlJ· ont who can hdp t.hca 011 t.td.o point. .

Very aincC!rel.y youra,

·I ' J




WA.HIH·T·o 0 . C ,

June 8, 1944

Dear lira. Roosevelt:

Upon rrr:r return to the city your note or ltay )0, 1944, aeking me to see lira. Albert Lasker anc\ 11>-. Kennoth Rose baa been brought to rq attention.

I find t hat some weeks ~go Mro. Luker tolked with some of the a:eDiooro of our starr who oxplainod to her the reaoona why the aet1v1ty in q1111ut1on had never been considered one in which the Red Cross should po.rticip~~ te .

I f you think I should talk with lire. Lasker &.."ld Ur. Rose, I ehall bo a lad to do so. However, I think H .,.ould be preferable 1f they would talk with our National !.!edicel Director, Or . G. Foard McCinnos .

Mrs. r'rMklin D. Roosevcl t Tho \lh1 to House l!'ashington, 0 . C.

Sincerely your a, ,


1hero 1• enclo~rd ~n ~xoerp~ troa * l..t.t.er ur.. fi:I.CJ~&velt. hu ~ooivfld~ .. a rrt.,.t, \.ollin.!; hur ot the duirt~ 0 1 .. Anne Hv)'lli~r to aern • U.h t llt Aed •· ~ tlrofttvelt uks 11 1o .. on. J n t.he h~plt.el •~n -'C't "-wld , ._ 58•,. Hoyniotf'l", .. 110 upe.ct. to •Pind a • •k. in luh.l n(!ton •t. the • ct.treu ..S,vena

l Honl)teblo h'or.~m :\.vie CJiliawu, me X•rrciil fluhln&ton, n , C.

~c~t.ary to *'•, :!Oo.ttwd t.

June 1-4th 19-44.

" De-.r Eleano r ,

!t never ra~a ~ut 1t oours oommun1C4t1on a tro~ a e! Yeetorday Anne heyn1!or, oldo~ dau!hAter or the gran4 neyntsere at the hea4 of borrow

School/ whom you ••• met, c~e to see ~e, hav1ns 8e~Ked for on 1nterv tew. I ho.d unjuatly) ((athere• t hat ahe want ed. a &lnmoroua Joa {lea.r t h e front, eerv111~ dou~hnutt or aomothln~. I WELl never mo re m111akenO She haa J Utt

~raduated tro e iryn Waur , hav1nt got acholarthl~a An~ wor~ei ex tremely har4 , and 15 on h~r woy to Waahin«~on , ~ ocautt her prte seor a want f; t r to to a~ply r ~r on e or the 0 .9.81 ~o~a eo cany or theae ~oll~~e ~r•~uat ea Pre hold~n& (rcGaaroh etc.) ~ut ahe h~raelt Youl4 llke to work ~~r4 ln aome hosol t a l starr a t• ~~. an4 do ean 't care •ner~, (ae ahe out 1t , •?ne • 114a or Iowa or anywhere, 10 thtt I u .11r ectly urvlna•), er.d. 1& hull~l e L,4 aU elcple a~ut ber ca~aol tlea, but tbl nk e (an• I do too) that ahe coul4 le•rn to do cecret arlal work tut r lelently caoa~ly . tv

Un tortu·.ately, I :ayul t don't know any~o'.),· 1n the Mo t '"·1 tAt 1ltr8Qtlel end ot t he Aed Crou, an4. • •• not much 800d to h er. She •111 ge t to 'ftaehln~j ton F'r1Clay evenlnt (June l? th) and will stAY a week at the KauttQann' 1 (I t.l.u.:: lOU oroUa~ly know t hem) -- U1aa Anne Koynl!er, Oare o r P. M. Kau ffmann, ?.442 loelmon t Avo. , W&ehlnt;ton, N.W •• What I wondered wtte, could you ho.ve Tor.~:ny call up ony~dy that you knot~• ln the 1\ed. Croat who would. -_, apf.r..lpr l­a te OJld nak t heo to gi ve her an appolnttt~ent, or aor:.el"t.ow call a.ttent l?n to the tac~ that the come a or stock which ahoul4 ~e counted on to ~ive r,oo • aerv1ce . She wll l ¥o twenty-two 1n a te~ we eke , • ut she 1& very pretty c.n.2. \.lend. and ~1&-eyed., an4. her looka ~ol le l1or proved &b.):l lty t or retoona1-\.1l1ty and l e&d.erahlp. She w&a (for l nttanco ) head o r her school, '-'eatover , Anc r~• alw&ya carr1e4 Jo• • through. Sha wPent a eu.Per vlth t~o Watta Int erne.tlonal l1v1n,g tour people 1n Pranc e and Sw-itz.er land, a.n~ ••• ht 1 r~e2ber rt~ntty ) pro•ptly a tke~ to he lp wlth the next s~e~ a tour ln rre~ch ~&n$d&o Anyhow, 1 8hould l\ke to ••• her ~et h t r chance . and ~e ll eve

the wtll o&ke soo4. Sorr y to \o ther you. I wlll write to • etty too. Yut she has Been tent to

• oeton, and may not ~et tlme to do anyth1n~. Wl \~t much lov e

'I [ r .... , Ill ',

' ' I · 1 r.(v'' fr ' .. , '

•.oa.nt.t t.o know to .• hoQ.:t,.o ""r1U C.!;) ttr infor.~c.ion o.obout. -nat. ,. .. haf,pw1td t.o her nephew a ~uart.tr ·••hr lu t.h• ~~~yul • .of'..-eiriauc ,.1r :'oreu who • u at.aL~ed S..\ '4.do.'t. Lo.t!. hurd ('r-«j ill "urun 194) .

I &.'!1 1enclodne 4 lec.ttrr tt'OQ

;x'uro. u. t . Selbo , 2121 Chodbourne ~v•n~v, &&adi aon (:j) , ,;bconein. ,

Ure . Rooetvelt wond~ra it ~u

c.ol.ll.d let. her know eboat. t.h11 an:! h&ve

t.ho e:ncloeod .le:tt.er ret.umeJ wlt.h 7our

r tpl..)<.

$..cret.a.ry to !:ra. nooa. vtlt..





M'A.TIOW A L •&A001A a1'1ll


Mha lllalv1na C. 1'b011pson Stcret.ry to Wra . Roosevelt The Wli1te Hou(lo Wub1nct.on t D. c .

My dear Uie• Thoopso~:

June 19, 1944

Yow- bttAr to tbe Cba.t~ ooncnDina \he dttlre or tu .. AM.e S.,-ntan to Mr.,. • 1 t.h the Rt4 Cf'Ou 1n tbe boaplt.da t.a be• nterr.d to ae.

We w1l.l b. pad to dJ.IC\lea our procru wit.b Kiss Rtl;nU&:n but • • do not. accept &Q,JOO.t as Tounc •• eht h ror th.!a aeM'tce . We •hall writ.. t.o her &:1Ying hor a.o eppo1au.aec. tor an l.oterrlew.

'fhA4klng yau for your iAt.e~Jt, lD Ol.lr PfOCraa, I &J:

Sincertlf yourt,

i -J.L (/ J. h, ..•. t;... , (~rt. 'k. s..·ift tlft.cn) i•" • · 1' AUhi..Mt,. tO t.he Dltootor of Yeraonnol

-... ..... Clippina abou~ rederat ion ot loa.n tnGlottd. Ladt ~Bin• letttr 1n !1le1. -- -- .

June .zs. l9U. .

"I 4l.t ••~d.t'J unot.her cutt.in.Q c.bout. t .h JAC.ai:Go..!,edn4t.1.on of /l'oc:.on . re A ornt" rrtl'tt'at.

j)Feoent ror clut.hinr Cor the poorer clAuee of t.ht!' coaJWli.t.y 1 nnd I wond.erod 1t yOtU" ::r a . Tho:;"(' t .)n eould ••nJ a. a llat. ot orta.nlu­t.lon• 1n Acerica to •hoo I could write a.aldna tor htt:lp. 1'ht;: ~ve t.be ..:h.i.lc!r~n Y«ernL!~"h.ave ol­~ .. at c1Nn c Idl-e F l.t.rc• aupp}Jr or elot.h.ina, b.n. l.he ne.d ia crca:t. a.nd 1 tooulAI lllte t.o aN • • tart.;/ org&niu.tlorul aa pou.Ull•. I c.» ta.ope: thb .. w not. Lt: too IIIUO:h trouble."'

'Dle Preaidcnt. mv C"'--,.tt~Ltcl t.hat. iU"a. Rooacvel1. t4kt: UU&.o U['t wlt.h )'OU o

lion. Hor'CI&tl H. [16Vit

AJJ.trlca.n Re<t cro .. Tf.u:U.nct-on, o. C.

socrctDZ"~' 1..0 Urao ROOJtVolt.o


J ,J I









I I l·•i:~ :oHt.liDl'>\ "'u!i


. F', )) , I\ ,

• I

'-·· . ...



I '

I '

I thoutJt\: I uuu t \• .. ·1 tl) !IOU t'h·•t u r c.. U to t 1:u_,;.,;. you ao muo)J t or tt.e 1nterM4t .. ou .. r • ., to.~1f'll. vvul' l.l.Q' "'uvutioJt Qt QO .. 'll"l~ t1o uorvunts trQ•:. JUI+Id-i<Jt.l ,pJ.n1; •\.Y t.'.1v \.t,IUuu !. t l.l t t:d .

I .!un .tot t.r:ll :.'0\J 1•hul. t. 'oau.ut,'ul 11tl•'··6~ton )'OUt \'1S1t t!U:.OO in Je.Jc:.1Cu , C..<llol ''U ~otnjOy IL. '"rl.o ~· !JUC1;,1 ~ ··e.Vi!IJ )'l.ioi t.o ehy til t i: us .

I ti~ouuht you wou:a.u Llu lnt~: .. ·t,t.tmt 11. t.Lu •it\t:l;.;.,-:.-.,J outtln, •bout Col~n..sl :l& .. lln . .t•• o1u t.O uuu1. 1'0.~: .,n.;].o­._rloao coo6nlll, aoo fllr.O tho 1\ul.lvu Jt: ... uiO":!nh At tl;c !usc.

! u:t enelObill~ 8ftOtht•t OUttlrt.t bi.Kl\it tLu J'U :'.I:•iCu )"c.aerat l on or ':101!1\ln , '.'llotco la U f!r.-.tlt fi"'.o~Q t.t prt.&c.Dt l'Or

clothlllG tor tbe pooNr o\&~~;~n• ot tj•'• CO:&.lUHlt.~ , Bll.;t I •.->n\1.-on"" lt y~Ul' :.:rs. T:oOCJpt:.on eoulta bt11l0 ti..J '• l J.t,t. ot orl \oflh.t.t.1cn~ l n ;. ~ rl 0&. t.O Wh~ll ! COUlu "t•h'l t.u to=.. .. ill,f l'Ur i,t: 1 (. , ' 'l.A !..b .. "Ct tha

c,;l.tl\lron ?odtn·cti on llave bll'""'Y au.n\. Q•J+rn "u1 1. u c. ldq~a :..UPFJ..J ot uluth1no , l:.mt tl.a n•..Cia. 1& c~tuat tUIJ. I ''-'Ot.l.u 11.:'-l t~, as .• tdl

1:1en.y Or~On1ZOt10nS bS pof'ltJ.LlJl-' , )" Q.O i'IOl)U L . l:J t" ill nOt 'ire t OY ~uOh trouole .

'~ow womll)rful Lt lb tlHll: tho lnvue i on l1t1D re~;~l l :,

s tarte tJ., but I e~r.~ at'ro1a \'N;l :.hull u.ll ht.. \'V to ~e pr~ptJ't"e ll. tur hea v> oe;euo lti~a. I l one tu uo 11" ::n~l~wt n-.lw.

~rc. ~lounor ~Oou5velt. ?ho :nJ lte Houae, ~:a ah l~ton a.c. u.:... . .. .

' I

• •


COLOl\U DAWN 'AMBA ADOR ~"fa. DAU..U~ who U b\ aama1'11 ol \.bot U. aa..e at F'Dfl 81DKIIl<U La no&. only AIDf11C.•'• N.Jbt.a.ty Cb~tl In Juaalc&. buL btt unoetd&l ~- of tood•UI. XC»~ ( t ut -.ro .. .,.., t 01 \be aP...-.t a\mGipbtR to •luch Jcm.aM:aoa aDd Amttican. moftd Wh~ft Lht I&U.ft' ftftt ea.me Mrt 'Tbll rtla\.iOIUhJp dA ~ :.1'\de.r.ro aey aluratoon •nul &be CCioMl'a itttnl. 'na. cbt.np- wu pbt:OOIIDttlA1. n aLarle!d at Ute tlul lt.ttlr wbtre :aaLiwe wortm an flOW &no."fd pri...Ueau •hlc:b tbq did not t:V'tft boO>e ~ ti\JO)' Tha. ...-'kua t:Ptttd 1.hc IOC'd ~ or thtlr Club. Ua:Lr aport& ftdef, a.a4 LM bam..a:M man.t~«r 1n 'li"hleh tN7 art: ~t~:ntn.lb' uuLH. bt,oed t.bt Umlta ot t.bt &Ne. TOday. OalorA:I Dai.JJ.C Ll the IDOil pepul&t Nllttary Pt:,_,.a1Uy In Jomala.

wtMn recnllUQa or fa.n:n. •wkert tor the U.l. atarted lbl.l JU.t. cr.lltl: a tt• ot OM lak'llrtn &l FOR &moocb praytd. tor tht oppOrtunity to J O. B'ilt \0 I~Yt c.rtalaty tor voct't\&.l:ltJ wu a b:c ruk. Tbdr ata"- of mtntal confUlOD wu ~red wtlh UIC n't'f!&t*l &hat but.t'l-d of .s.&ndlr:ll tn U!«u' ,...,., the Colcnd had alr-et.d7 IDG"ftd oa lbttr bthalt. As a na.u tboM •bo wt.abtcl tO co &ft1 u ta.rm 'ftll'ken. a.od !or W'boCI Ud.N coald bt a«.Urfll. wt.rt d~ to lnYt F'on IUMncls wtlhOUt ltsr Of ION ot em~m.l If tbfJ ta.llH. tboe Medka.l Tnt Thi!IM M'lf'Ct"' art <~·tn~ on ,.,., : •

J AMAICA T HIS WEEK ••.:ontmuHl num -.... l• ~ c.o Lb<' ~t. ~ rtJf'CUd arc-~ ,r-.atf'CI&I » u.ry :1tc1 ""uu In 1.ht ,,. Jwe..


) ,


'f AIWUJ O TOW IJ , D c;,

Jill¥ \0, 1941..

Mi• a »alv1na c. Thoep3on Storot.•r>' t.o !4J"B. Roosevelt 'fha •:h.1 t.e Houle 'r.uhinaton, D. c .

Ky de~u· .. in Thoupaoo :

I have the pl.ul~ ot I'Cp.1)'1nl w you.r Juu• 78\.h let;tc..r t.o wr. Uor-u.n H. Dl.vh, coocern~ Lc...a.1 ~ H~.&..,.;.izul ' :.1 • .,c-.;...i tO .Ja. R~aovelt 1n re~ t.o cloW.n. tor t.he a •• _, ot Jo.w...i '!tl; .

~ueh c:lothln,l twas •• •e hna ual \ ~bh a e re:'01lll of product.ioc bJ' OUT c.h•p._.r Yol~A\tten, .. rt ir.tendad to ~et. !'leet:S ·~ u. ror.liJl popW.&Uona rosul Un.c trOM hon.Ul th$.

Un~ar t.bo elre~taru:u, •• r.~l \hrtl -.a ~,.. un!lble to pruvl\le clot.hl.ne: tor the us• ot tho or"'-n1.:at1on r.etnt.ly rona.ed by LA"¥ Molly HU<~&inl .

t:o h11va t.alun t.he libeny , tht~r.roro or roterritlf, yoW'


letter to .:Jr. J&~:~e.a T. Brunot.. &lt60Ut.ivt 3aortt•l"Y of The President. ' & ':,'•r Roller Control Boord, tor ~lut.cvor cona14u c.t.1on he 111161\t. think ap~rOJJr'la te .

With coruiol r~:&ra~j


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