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Chapter 3Chapter 3Planting Colonies in NorthPlanting Colonies in NorthAmerica, 1588-1701America, 1588-1701

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La Villa Real de la anta !e de an !rancisco soon "no# as anta!e$ %he P&e'los (ndians #ere to 'e con)erted to Christianit*$

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Apache neigh'ors mo&nted on stolen panish

horses raided the P&e'lo )illages and panishtoo" P&e'los la'or ser)ices$ !rom 1+10 to1+80 the n&m'er o P&e'lo comm&nities ell'* more than hal rom 81 to 31 and their

pop&lation pl&mmeted '* t#o-thirds$

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i)as an (ndian sacred location or (ndian artiacts and #ritings$ .eredestro*ed '* panish /o)ernor$ (n 1+75 panish /o)ernor ro&nded &p

(ndian priests and "illed them$ Pope an (ndian #itness this in&stice$

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Pope organi2ed a re'ellion and organi2ed a conspirac*among more than t#ent* comm&nities$ ant !e 'ecamethe capital o the P&e'lo conederac* led '* Pope$ Popeorder to destro* an*thing panish in 1+75$

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panish go)ernor came in 1+4 ater Pope #as deposed$ %he P&e'losact&all* needed the panish or horses, sheep, r&it, #heat, tools andespeciall* protection rom the Apaches

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panish, !rench

and the 6&tch inNorth America

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!ranciscan missionaries &r

Lad* o Perpet&al 9elp:

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(n 1548 ;&an de nate the son o a #ealth* mining amil* oNe# pain <nanced an e=pedition made &p o (ndians andmesti2os >people o mi=ed (ndian and ?&ropean ancestr* #ithp&rpose o mining 'oth gold and so&l$ Re)i)ing !ranciscoVis@&e2 de Coronado goal to <nd a Ne# A2tec ?mpire:$ 9edid not <nd gold$

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ocial Classes in theocial Classes in theColoniesColonies

North America at id-North America at id-Cent&r*Cent&r*

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(n 1+08 am&el de Champlain esta'lish theo&tpost o Port Ro*al on the Ba* o !&nd* $ 9e

o&nd &e'ec on the t$ La#rence Ri)er andorged an alliance #ith 9&ron (ndians$ .hocontrolled rich &r gro&nds$ 9e allied #ith9&ron (ndians against <)e Nation (ro@&ois


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Co&re& 6e Bois #ere paid agents othe &r compan*$

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 %he ;es&its #ith the Ne# !rance missionaries too" a diDerentapproach #ith the (ndians in comparison o the panish$ %he ;es&itslearned nati)e lang&ages and attempted to &nderstand the (ndian#a* o lie$ Christianit* #o&ld 'e integrated into lie aterde)elopment o relationships$

 ;es&it school, archi)es in &e'ec$ Enderstand the(ndians

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Amsterdam 'ecame the #orlds <rst stoc" e=change$ %his is toda*sAmsterdams stoc" e=change$ %his #as done in the si=teenthcent&r*$ %here #ere also in)estment 'an"s and the 6&tch in)estors'&ilt the largest commercial Feet in ?&rope capt&ring the Baltic andNorth sea trade in <sh l&m'er and iron$

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6&tch .est (ndia

Compan* ga)e theEnited Netherlandst#o greatmonopolies 6&tch?ast (ndia Compan*and the 6&tch .est

(ndia Compan*com'ining na)almilitar* andcommercial strength$

 %he 6&tch .est (ndiaCompan* hired9enr* 9&dson to goto anhattan (sland$

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 %he 6&tch .est (ndiaCompan* negotiated acommercial alliance #ith the!i)e Nation (ro@&oisConederac* access to6&tch prod&cts incl&ding

metal tools, <rearms toimpro)e there stat&s inret&rn or &rs$

 %he (ro@&ois cond&cted aseries o militar* e=peditions

against their northern m#estern and so&thernneigh'ors "no# as theBea)er .ars$ %he (ro@&oisattac"ed and dispersed the

9&ron #ho had longcontrolled the Fo# o &rs

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 %he Bea)er .arsGalso "no#n as the (ro@&ois .ars or the !rench and (ro@&ois .arsGencompass a series o conFicts o&ght in the mid-17th cent&r* in eastern North America$

?nco&raged and armed '* their 6&tch and ?nglish trading partners, the (ro@&ois so&ght toe=pand their territor* and monopoli2e the &r trade and the trade 'et#een ?&ropeanmar"ets and the tri'es o the #estern /reat La"es region$ %he conFict pitted the nations othe (ro@&ois Conederation, led '* the dominant oha#", against the !rench-'ac"ed andlargel* Algon@&ian-spea"ing tri'es o the /reat La"es region$

 %he #ars #ere 'r&tal and are considered one o the 'loodiest series o conFicts in thehistor* o North America$ As the (ro@&ois s&cceeded in the #ar and enlarged their territor*,the* realigned the tri'al geograph* o North America, and destro*ed se)eral large tri'alconederaciesGincl&ding the 9&ron, Ne&tral, ?rie, &s@&ehannoc", and ha#neeGandp&shed some eastern tri'es #est o the ississippi Ri)er, or so&th#ard into the Carolinas$

 %he (ro@&ois also controlled the hio Valle* lands as h&nting gro&nd, rom a'o&t 1+70on#ard, as ar as can 'e determined rom contemporar* !rench >;es&itH acco&nts$ %he hioCo&ntr* and the Lo#er Penins&la o ichigan #ere )irt&all* emptied o Nati)e people as

re&gees Fed #est#ard to escape (ro@&ois #arriors$ >&ch o this region #as laterrepop&lated '* Nati)e peoples nominall* s&'ected to the i= NationsI see ingo$H

Both Algon@&ian and (ro@&oian societies #ere greatl* disr&pted '* these #ars$ %he conFicts&'sided #ith the loss '* the (ro@&ois o their 6&tch allies in the Ne# Netherland colon*,and #ith a gro#ing !rench o'ecti)e to gain the (ro@&ois as an all* against ?nglishencroachment$ Ater the (ro@&ois 'ecame trading partners #ith the ?nglish, their alliance

#as a cr&cial component o the later ?nglish e=pansion$ %he* &sed the (ro@&ois con@&estsas a claim to the old North#est %erritor*$

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/lo'al Competition and/lo'al Competition and

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/lo'al Competition and/lo'al Competition andthe ?=pansion othe ?=pansion o?nglandJs ?mpire?nglandJs ?mpire


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Rosen has 'een an Associate Researcherat the National B&rea& o ?conomicResearch since 1478, #here heJs oc&sedon ta=es and commerce$ S (n 1481 he#as a Visiting cholar at the 9oo)er(nstit&te, and in 148+ #as a !ello# at the?conometric ociet*$ !rom 1484-1441 he#or"ed at the Enited tates 6epartmento %reas&r* as the 6ep&t* Assistantecretar* or %a= Anal*sis$ 3S 9e ser)ed

as a mem'er o the Co&ncil o ?conomicAd)isors rom 003-005, and ser)ed asChairman in 005$ TS Rosen is c&rrentl*the ;ohn L$ .ein'erg Proessor o?conomics and B&siness Polic* atPrinceton Eni)ersit*, #here heJs

pre)io&sl* ser)ed as Chairman o the6epartment rom 1443 to 144+, and #asa Co-6irector at PrincetonJs Center or?conomic Polic* t&dies rom 1443 to011$ 5S 9is #or" at Princeton oc&seson teaching &ndergrad&ate co&rses in

p&'lic <nance, ta=ation, and introd&ctor*microeconomics, and rad&ate co&rses

9ar)e* Rosen Princeton

9ead o ?conomics6epartment

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?ngland eno* more rights than most people #ith 115agna Carta there #as a sense that o protectionagainst ar'itrar* imprisonment and sei2&re o onespropert* #itho&t d&e process o la#$ %his #as ?nglishreedom that #as s&ppose to go to the colonies$ omedid some did not$

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North America in The Seventeenth and Early Eighteenth Centuries

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 %he Chesapea"eK Virginia and ar*la


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; t

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 ;ohn mith a)es ;amesto#n


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B* the end o the <rst *ear, theoriginal pop&lation 10T hadallen '* hal$ Ne# arri)als

incl&ding the <rst t#o #omen#ho landed in 1+08 'ro&ghtthe n&m'ers &p to T00 in 1+04'&t '* 1+10 ater a #inter longremem'ered as the star)ingtime onl* +5 settlers remained

ali)e$ B* 1+1+ 80 o theimmigrant #ho had arri)ed inthe <rst decade #ere dead$

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Po#hatan Conederac*

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?nglands idea #as to Plant the ?nglish c&lt&re intothe Ne# .orld the (ndians #ere to 'e loo"ed at assa)ages$ nl* marriages 'et#een #hites and

(ndians occ&rred$ ne #as ;ohn Rol and Pocahontas>da&ghter o Virginias leading chieH

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 Jamestown and

Tobacco httpK###$*o&t&'e$com#atchM))pA5T+(o*"

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Virginia Compan* had sent +,000 settlers to Virginiaand its #hite pop&lation #as onl* 1,00$ %he ingno# had to ta"e control$ P&t ;ohn Role in charge andma"e Virginia into a to'acco prod&cing colon*

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Pocahontas married to ;ohn Role is dress in?&ropean clothes$

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As settlers ended in more and more lands andintrod&ced ne# crops and li)estoc", the nat&ralen)ironment changed in #a*s that &ndermined

traditional (ndian agric&lt&re and h&nting$ Pigsand cattle roamed reel* trampling (ndiancorn<elds and gardens$ %he need or #ood to'&ild and heat homes and to e=port ?nglanddepleted orests$

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 %he s&r)i)ing 400 colonist organi2ed themsel)es into militar* 'ands$

/o)ernor .*att stated the (ndians had oreited an* claim to the land, #em&st e= &lse the sa)a es m&st occ&r

Prosperit* occ&rred the 10 000 ?nglish immigrants #ho entered

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Prosperit* occ&rred$ the 10,000 ?nglish immigrants #ho enteredthe Chesapea"e region d&ring the se)enteenth cent&r* three@&arters came as ser)ants$ Virginias #hite societ* increased cameto resem'le that o ?ngland #ith #ealth* landed gentr* at the topI a

gro&p o small armers mostl* ormer indent&red ser)ants #ho hadmanaged to ac@&ire land in the middle and an arm* o poor$ B* 1700the regions #hite pop&lation had gro#n to nearl* 40,000

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 %o'acco 'rides arri)ed in 1+0 and 1+1 or arrangedmarriages$ B&t gi)en the demand or male ser)antsto #or" in the to'acco <elds$ en in the Chesapea"eo&tn&m'ered #omen or the 1+00s 5 to 1$ the )astmaorit* o #omen #ho emigrated to the region cameas indent&red ser)ants$ ince the* &s&all* had tocomplete their terms o ser)ice 'eore marr*ing, the*did not 'egin to orm amilies &ntil their mid-t#enties$

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Sir William Berkeley, governor of colonial Virginia

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(n 1+18 the 9o&se o B&rgess #as'&ilt or representation o thecolonists$ %he 9o&se o '&rgesses#as hardl* a model o democrac*onl* lando#ners co&ld not and thecompan* and its appointed go)ernorretained the right to n&lli* an*meas&re the 'od* adapt$

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?nglish e=changed goods #ith nati)e pop&lation and(ndians oten tra)eled thro&gh colonial settlements$!&r traders on the rontiers o settlements sometimesmarried (ndians$ ost ?nglish settlers ho#e)erremained separate rom their (ndian neigh'ors$Colonial co&rts recorded n&mero&s sales o (ndianland to go)ernments or indi)id&al settlers$ %o "eeppeace some lands #ere oD limits to settlers

h / h %h / th

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 %he /ro#th o %he /ro#th oColonialColonialAmericaAmerica

An Atlantic .orldAn Atlantic .orld

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ocial Classes inocial Classes inthe Coloniesthe Colonies

 %he Colonial?lite


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Ro'ert ing Carters home in Virginia #as thespea"er o the 9o&se o B&rgesses ac@&ired300,000 acres o land and 1,000 sla)es

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Built in the 1!"s #y Carter Bur$ell, grandson of 

the original %o#ert &'ing( Carter

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t$ Vernon the home o /eorge .ashington (s in Virginia o&tsideo .ashington the 'ac"gro&nd sho#s the Potomac Ri)er$ /eorge.ashingtons great grand ather and grand athers #ere &sticeso the peace$

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.ealth* Americans tried to model their li)es on British eti@&ette and'eha)ior and tried to em&late their #ealth$ .illiam B*rd li)ed soe=tra)agantl* that '* 1770 he had acc&m&lated a 100,000 po&ndde't$

William Byrd and hisVirginia Estate

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pots#ood, thego)ernor o Virginia#arned planters to'e )igilant$ %he

desire or sla)es#anting reedom hereminded them canWcall together allthose #ho long tosha"e oD the etterso sla)er*:$

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B* 1700 'lac"s constit&ted morethan 10 o Virginias pop&lation$!it* *ears later the* made &p50$ %he 9o&se o B&rgesses in1705 enacted a ne# sla)e code$Bringing together the scatteredlegislation o the pre)io&s cent&r*and adding ne# pro)ision thatem'edded the principle o #hites&premac* in the la#$ la)es#ere propert* completel* s&'ectto the #ill o the master$ Andmore generall* o the #hitecomm&nit*$ %he* co&ld 'e

'o&ght and sold leased o&ghto)er in co&rt

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Lord Baltimore is Cecili&s Cal)erta Roman Catholic

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Celcili&s Cal)ert, the son

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o recentl* deceaseda)orite o ing Charles ($

 %he charter made Cal)ert

proprietor o the colon*and granted him &ll, reeand a'sol&te po#er:Cal)ert imaginedar*land as a e&daldomain Land #o&ld 'e laid

o&t in manors #ith theo#ners pa*ing @&itrents tothe proprietor$ Cal)ertdisli"e representati)einstit&tions and ordinar*people sho&ld not meddle

in go)ernmental aDairs$

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Religio&s toleration accepted

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Lord Baltimore #as ta"en o&t o hisposition o proprietor or ar*land$

9e had mismanaged his territor*$Catholicism #as tolerated$ (n 1715the BaltimoreJs con)erted toAnglicanism to restore proprietar*po#er

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Bod* o Li'erties o 1+T1 made pro)ision or sla)er* in

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Bod* o Li'erties o 1+T1 made pro)ision or sla)er* inthe Bi'le Common #ealth, there #ere )er* e# sla)esin the 1+00s in Ne# ?ngland$ Nor #ere indent&redser)ants as central to the econom* as in theChesapea"e$ ost ho&seholds relied on la'or o theiro#n mem'ers incl&ding #omen$ Bod* o Li'ertiesallo#ed sla)er* in Ne# ?ngland

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A 6i)erse Pop&lation

Attracting ettlers

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a*Fo#er Compact

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* p

 Agreement Between the Settlers at New Plymouth : 1620

 IN THE NAME O !O"# AMEN$ %e# whose names are un&erwr'tten#the (oyal Su)*e+ts o, our &rea& So-ere'gn (or& .'ng /ames# )y the!ra+e o, !o&# o, !reat Br'ta'n# ran+e# an& Irelan&# .'ng# "e,en&er o,the a'th# +$ Ha-'ng un&ertaen ,or the !lory o, !o&# an& A&-an+ement o, the hr'st'an a'th# an& the Honour o, our .'ng an&

ountry# a 3oyage to 4lant the ,'rst olony 'n the northern Parts o,3'rg'n'a5 "o )y these Presents# solemnly an& mutually# 'n the Presen+eo, !o& an& one another# +o-enant an& +om)'ne oursel-es together 'nto a+'-'l Bo&y Pol't'+# ,or our )etter Or&er'ng an& Preser-at'on# an&urtheran+e o, the En&s a,oresa'&: An& )y 3'rtue hereo, &o ena+t#+onst'tute# an& ,rame# su+h *ust an& eual (aws# Or&'nan+es# A+ts#onst'tut'ons# an& O,,'+ers# ,rom t'me to t'me# as shall )e thought most

meet an& +on-en'ent ,or the general !oo& o, the olony5 unto wh'+h we 4rom'se all &ue Su)m'ss'on an& O)e&'en+e$

 IN %ITNESS whereo, we ha-e hereunto su)s+r')e& our names at a4e7o& the ele-enth o, No-em)er# 'n the 8e'gn o, our So-ere'gn (or& .'ng /ames# o, Englan&# ran+e# an& Irelan&# the e'ghteenth# an& o, S+otlan&the ,',ty7,ourth# Anno "om'n'5 1620$ Mr. John Carver 

a*Fo#er Compact

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a*Fo#er Compact

Mr. William Bradford Mr Edward Winslow

Mr. William Brewster 

Isaac Allerton

Myles Standish

John Alden

John Turner 

Francis Eaton

James ChiltonJohn


John Billinton

Moses Fletcher 

John !oodman

Mr. William Mullins

Mr. William WhiteMr. "ichard Warren

John #owland

Mr. Ste$en #o%&ins'iery (riest

Thomas Williams

!il)ert Winslow

Edmund Maresson

(eter Brown

"ichard Britteride

!eore Soule

Edward Tilly

John Tilly

Francis Coo&eThomas "oers

Thomas Tin&er 

John "iddale

Edward Fuller 

"ichard Clar& 

Mr. Samuel Fuller Mr. Christo%her Martin

"ichard !ardiner 

Mr. John Allerton

Thomas Enlish

Edward 'oten

Edward *iester 

a*Fo#er Compact

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a*Fo#er Compact



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Pl*mo&th Colon*

Altho&gh the P&ritans ne)er a'andoned

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o&g e & a s e e a'a do edthe idea that economic acti)it* sho&ldser)e the general #elare, Bostonmerchants soon came to e=ercise adecisi)e inF&ence in P&'lic ADairs$ %hego)ernment o assach&setts Ba*Colon* acti)el* promoted economicde)elopment '* '&ilding roads and'ridges, oDering 'o&nties to economicenterprise and a'andoning la#s limitingprices$ %he P&ritan e=periment #o&lde)ol)e into a merchant dominatedcolonial go)ernment$ !ree mar"etcapitalism e)ol)ed rom the Cit* on the9ill:$ /od helps those #ho help

themsel)es$ ( *o& #ere one o thechosen then /od #ill re#ard *o& onearth$ a"e mone* and in)est themone*$ %he P&ritans had great researchand de)elopment or the moti)e #as'oth religio&s and economical$ %he

P&ritans rarel* spent their pro<ts on

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%h h tt B C l

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 %he assach&setts Ba* Colon*

 ;ohn .inthrop and the

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assach&setts Ba* Colon* httpK###$*o&t&'e$com#atch


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 %here #as great )ariance indistri'&tion o #ealth$ (n?sse= Co&nt*,

assach&setts the n&m'ero poor persons #arned o&teach *ear rose rom 00 inthe 1730s to 1700 in the17+0s$ an* #eremem'ers o amilies head

'* #ido#s

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Colonial Lie 9eadright

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 ;ohn Cotton and Ann

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;9&tchinson 'oth #eree=iled rom Boston$ %here

crime #as Antinomianisma term or p&tting oneso#n &dgment or aitha'o)e 'oth h&man la#and the teachings o thech&rch$ 9&tchinsonJs

position 'eing a #omenmade her de<ance seeme)en more o&trageo&s$/o)ernor .inthrop andher #ere neither comel*in the sight o /od nor

<tting *o&r se=: #as the@&ote o .inthrop to9&tchinson$

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toic, to&gh little emotions *o&r #orld #as o gods$

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?=ample o the p&'lic conession o P&ritans

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sins$ Oo& m&st reno&nce sins to comm&nit*

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 %#o *ears 'eore 9ar)ardJs death the h tt B C l d i i t

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assach&setts Ba* Colon*Gdesiring toWad)ance learning and perpet&ate it toposterit*K dreading to lea)e an illiterateministr* to the ch&rches, #hen o&r presentministers shall lie in the d&stWGappropriated YT00 to#ard a Wschoale orcolledgeW3S at #hat #as then calledNe#to#ne$11S (n an oral #ill spo"en to his#ie1S the childless 9ar)ard, #ho hadinherited considera'le s&ms rom hisather, mother, and 'rother,citationneededS 'e@&eathed to the school Y780>hal o his monetar* estate, #ith theremainder to his #ieH5S as #ell asGandperhaps more importantl*13SGhis 30-)ol&me scholarJs li'rar*$+S (t #ass&'se@&entl* ordered Wthat the Colledgeagreed &pon ormerl* to 'ee '&ilt atCam'ridg shal'ee called 9ar)ardColledge$W3S >?)en 'eore 9ar)ardJsdeath, Ne#to#ne had 'een renamed3S

Cam'ridge, ater the ?nglish &ni)ersit*attended '* man* earl* colonists,incl&ding 9ar)ard himsel$H1TS

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 %he Ro*al and Ponti<cal Eni)ersit* o e=ico >in panishK Real *

Ponti<cia Eni)ersidad de =icoH #as o&nded on 1 eptem'er1551 '* Ro*al 6ecree signed '* Charles ( o pain, in Valladolid,pain$1S (t is generall* considered the <rst &ni)ersit* oZciall*So&nded in North America and second in the Americas >preceded'* the National Eni)ersit* o an arcos in Lima, Per&, charteredon a* 1 o the same *earH$

Ater the e=ican .ar o (ndependence it #as renamedEni)ersit* o e=ico$ (t #as closed d&ring the *ears 1833, 1857,18+1 and 18+5I the main reason 'eing that it #as not #ellregarded '* the li'erals, #ho called it an e=ample o c&lt&ral lag$6&ring the econd e=ican ?mpire, the Eni)ersit* #as reopened'* a=imilian ( o e=ico and, ater the )ictor* '* the li'erals in

18+7, closed or good$ cattered instit&tions, mainl* ci)il collegeso&nded '* the li'erals and religio&s esta'lishments o&tsidee=ico Cit*, contin&ed #itho&t interr&ption$

C ' id

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Cam'ridge,assach&setts Press$

!irst Press in NorthAmerica$ Not aZliated#ith 9ar)ard

Ro*al Eni)ersit* o e=ico is

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Ro*al Eni)ersit* o e=ico isthe oldest o the &ni)ersitiesin North America #as o&nded1551

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A orce o Connectic&t and assach&setts solders a&gmented'* Narragansett allies s&rro&nded the main Pe@&ot )illage at*stic and set it a'la2e "illing those #ho tried to escape )er500 lost their li)es in the massacre$ %his destro*ed the largesto the (ndian gro&ps$

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(ndians )ers&s territories o the assach&setts Ba*Compan*

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Concerned a'o&t the legalit* o conFicting land claims gi)en tose)eral companies incl&ding the Ne# ?ngland Compan* to thestill little-"no#n territories o the Ne# .orld, and 'eca&se o theincreasing n&m'er o P&ritans that #anted to oin the compan*,

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increasing n&m'er o P&ritans that #anted to oin the compan*,the compan* leaders so&ght a Ro*al Charter or the colon*$Charles granted the ne# charter on T arch 1+84,+Ss&perseding the land grant and esta'lishing a legal 'asis or thene# ?nglish colon* at assach&setts$ (t #as not apparent thatCharles "ne# the Compan* #as meant to s&pport the P&ritanemigration, and he #as li"el* let to ass&me it #as p&rel* or'&siness p&rposes, as #as the c&stom$ %he charter omitted a

signi<cant cla&se [ the location or the ann&al stoc"holdersJmeeting$ Ater Charles dissol)ed Parliament in 1+4, thecompan*Js directors met to consider the possi'ilit* o mo)ingthe compan*Js seat o go)ernance to the colon*$ %his #asollo#ed the Cam'ridge Agreement later that *ear, in #hich agro&p o in)estors agreed to emigrate and #or" to '&* o&t

others #ho #o&ld not$ %he assach&setts Ba* Colon* 'ecamethe <rst ?nglish chartered colon* #hose 'oard o go)ernors didnot reside in ?ngland$ %his independence helped the settlers tomaintain their P&ritan religio&s practices #ith )er* littleo)ersight '* the "ing, Arch'ishop La&d, and the AnglicanCh&rch$ %he charter remained in orce or 55 *ears, #hen, as a

res&lt o colonial ins&'ordination #ith trade tariD and na)igation

 %homas mith #as a se)enteenth-cent&r* Anglo-American marinerand artist$ 9e is the earliest painter in Ne# ?ngland or #hom aspeci<c can)as can 'eGidenti<ed his sel-portrait ><g$ 1H$ Based onst*listic similarities to that painting, <)e additional s&r)i)ing #or"s

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st*listic similarities to that painting, <)e additional s&r)i)ing #or"sha)e 'een attri'&ted to mith$ Besides his role as an artist,

interpretations o mithJs a&to'iographical painting s&ggestthat heo&ght in na)al 'attles and #as a P&ritan$ /enealogists ha)eproposed that mith came rom Berm&da a'o&t 1+50, tho&gh thattheor* is &ns&'stantiated$1 N&mero&s reerences to %homas mithe=ist in contemporar* doc&ments, '&t 'eca&se man* men shared thesame name in Boston at the time, it is e=tremel* diZc&lt to pro)ide

&rther details a'o&t the artistJs lie$mithJs st*le em'odied the arri)al o 'aro@&e taste in Americanpainting$ Pre)io&s Ne# ?ngland artists #or"ed in the ?li2a'ethanco&rt st*le, incl&ding the &n"no#n painter #ho e=ec&ted portraits othe !rea"e amil*$ %hat st*le emphasi2ed line and the decorati)e &seo color, #hereas 'aro@&e painters stro)e to con)e* the eDects o

light and shado# to create 'elie)a'le ill&sions o orms in space$mith t*pi<ed the 'aro@&e st*le thro&gh his concern #ith modeling as#ell as #ith his relati)el* som'er palette and ree 'r&sh#or"$(mportant ?&ropean protot*pes o the 'aro@&e #ere Peter Lel* >1+17[1+80H and /odre* neller >1+T8[173H, #hose #or" mith pro'a'l*"ne# rom imported prints$3

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olonies in Crisisolonies in Crisis

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Changes in Ne#Changes in Ne#?ngland?ngland

 %he Prosec&tion o %he Prosec&tion o.itches.itches

 %he alem .itch %rials %he alem .itch %rials


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alem .itch %rials

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?)ent&all* Cottonather and (nceaseathre #rote that

 &ries sho&ld not ta"e

in consideration thenotion o #itches#ith deli'erations

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 %homas mithK P&ritanartist, entreprene&r,

na)igator and #ealth*'&siness man

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An illustration from Cotton )ather*s

6issent rom P&ritanism

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9oo"er arri)ed in Boston and settled in Ne#to#n >later renamed Cam'ridgeH, #herehe 'ecame the pastor o the !irst Parish Ch&rch$ 9is parish 'ecame "no#n as Wr$9oo"erJs Compan*W$5S

9oo"er and Compan* ;o&rne*ing thro&gh the .ilderness rom Pl*mo&th to 9artord,

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p * ; * g g * ,in 1+3+, !rederic ?d#in Ch&rch, 18T+Voting in assach&setts #as limited to reemen, indi)id&als #ho had 'een ormall*admitted to their ch&rch ater a detailed interrogation o their religio&s )ie#s ande=periences$ 9oo"er disagreed #ith this limitation o s&Drage, p&tting him at odds#ith the inF&ential pastor ;ohn Cotton$ #ing to his conFict #ith Cotton anddiscontented #ith the s&ppression o P&ritan s&Drage and at odds #ith the colon*leadership,8S 9oo"er and the Re)$ am&el tone led a gro&p o a'o&t 1004S #ho, in1+3+, o&nded the settlement o 9artord, named or tones place o 'irthK 9ertord,in ?ngland$10S

 %his led to the o&nding o the Connectic&t Colon*$5S11S 9oo"er 'ecame moreacti)e in politics in Connectic&t$ %he /eneral Co&rt representing .ethers<eld,.indsor and 9artord met at the end o a* 1+38 to rame a #ritten constit&tion inorder to esta'lish a go)ernment or the common#ealth$ 9oo"er preached theopening sermon at !irst Ch&rch o 9artord on a* 31, declaring that Wthe o&ndationo a&thorit* is laid in the ree consent o the people$W1Sn ;an&ar* 1T, 1+34, reemen rom these three settlements rati<ed theW!&ndamental rders o Connectic&tW in #hat ;ohn !is"e called Wthe <rst #rittenconstit&tion "no#n to histor* that created a go)ernment$

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 %homas 9oo"ers home in 9artord,Connectic&t

 ;ohn mith

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/lo'al Competition and/lo'al Competition andthe ?=pansion othe ?=pansion o?nglandJs ?mpire?nglandJs ?mpire

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?ngland s ?mpire?ngland s ?mpire

 %he !o&nding o Carolina %he !o&nding o Carolina

 %he 9ol* ?=periment %he 9ol* ?=periment


1++4 Proposed to esta'lisha e&dal societ* #ith ahereditar* no'ilit* #ith

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hereditar* no'ilit* #ithtitles o sers and sla)es$Needing to attract settlers@&ic"l* the proprietorspro)ided or an electedassem'l* and religio&stoleration$ B* no# religio&s

toleration #as accepted inthe ne# #orld$ %he headright s*stem oDering o 150acres or each mem'er othe amil* arri)ing to the

Carolinas$ And 100 acres tomale ser)ants #hocompleted their terms$la)er* not e&dalism madeo&th Carolina a hierarchal


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/lo'al Competition and/lo'al Competition andthe ?=pansion othe ?=pansion o? l dJ ? i

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?nglandJs ?mpire?nglandJs ?mpire

 %he Con@&est o Ne# Netherland %he Con@&est o Ne# Netherland

Ne# Oor" and the Rights oNe# Oor" and the Rights o?nglishmen and ?nglish#omen?nglishmen and ?nglish#omen

Ne# Oor" and the (ndiansNe# Oor" and the (ndians

 %he Charter o Li'erties %he Charter o Li'erties

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ocial Classes inocial Classes inthe Coloniesthe Colonies

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 %he o&th Carolina Aristocrac* %he o&th Carolina Aristocrac* Po)ert* in the ColoniesPo)ert* in the Colonies

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Charlesto#n, o&th Carolina port #ith theAtlantic and Ashle* and Cooper Ri)ers

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Charleston, C 1+80 #ith Ashle* and Cooper Ri)ers

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Charleston 6istrict per capita #ealth #as ,300more than o&r times that o to'acco areas inVirginia and eight times the <g&re or Philadelphia

B t . lth i th C li hi hl

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or Boston$ .ealth in o&th Carolina #as highl*

concentrated$ %he richest 10 o the colon*o#ned hal the #ealth in 1770, the poorest @&arterless than

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Ne# Oor" and

Ne# ;erse*

ing Charles ((

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ing Charles ((a#arded the Ne#Netherlandcolon* to his

*o&nger 'rother ;ames (($ ;amesrenames this area

Ne# Oor", since ;ames #as thed&"e o Oor"$


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* and theBatter*

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Ro'ert Li)ingston had1+0,000 acres o land and

!rederic" Philipse #as gi)en40,000 acres $ B* 1700 onl*<)e amilies o#ned Ne# Oor"

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This +ortrait of the Cheney family

(n 1+83 the d&"e agreed tocall an elected assem'l*#hose <rst act #as to drat

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a charter o Li'erties andPri)ileges$ %he Charterre@&ired that elections 'eheld e)er* three *ears

among male propert*o#ners and the reeman oNe# Oor" Cit*$ (t alsoreaZrmed traditional

?nglish rights s&ch as trial'* &r* and sec&rit* opropert* as #ell asreligio&s toleration or all

P Li' i J

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A #omens #or" is ne)er done$ ar* Cooper a Long(sland #oman #rote this in her diar* in 17+4$ ( let m*athers ho&se and came here, and here ha)e ( seenlittle else '&t hard la'or and sorro

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little else '&t hard la'or and sorro#

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 %he !o&nding



6e Lance*s,Li)ingstonJs and VanRensselaers #erestrong r&ling amilies

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strong r&ling amilies

in Ne# Oor"$

Penn !amil* inPenns*l)ania

A e# landholders inthe so&th

No amil* in ColonialAmerica co&ld ri)althe amilies in?ngland as ar aspo#er and #ealth

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An early eighteenthcenturyengraving

-e+icts William .enn

/lo'al Competition and/lo'al Competition andthe ?=pansion othe ?=pansion o?nglandJs ?mpire?nglandJs ?mpire

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&a"er Li'ert*

Land in Penns*l)ania

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.illiam Penn the o&nder o Penns*l)ania on top o the Administration'&ilding in Philadelphia, Penns*l)ania

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William .enn*s Treaty $ith the /ndians

/ermans 110, in all ormed the largest gro&p o ne#comersrom the ?&ropean continent$ ost came rom Rhine Ri)er#hich is also #it2erland$ %hose #ho o&nd themsel)es#orshiping the #rong religion aced persec&tion$ /ermans

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tended to tra)el in entire amilies$ ?nglish and 6&tchtended to tra)el #ith #ell organi2ed s*stems #hich #erecalled redemption$ ost /ermans #ent to Penns*l)ania andthe so&th 'ac"co&ntr*$

A )isitor inPenns*l)ania in1750 descri'ed

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the colon*sreligio&s di)ersit*:.e <nd thereL&therans ,

Reormed,Catholics,&a"ers,ennonites,Ana'aptists,9ernh&ter,,ora)ian, e)enth6a* Baptist, ;e#sand Pagans$

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A 0uaker )eeting,

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.illiam Penns 9ome

.illiam Penn stated it #as'est to ha)e man*

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diDerent t*pes o religionssince this #ill help rom apro'lem o chec"s and'alance$ ( there are t#oreligions the chance o oneta"ing o)er the other is

great$ B&t i there areman* religions the chanceo t*rann* is less li"el*$

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B&shelJs Case arose rom a pre)io&s case in)ol)ing t#o &a"ers charged#ith &nla#&l assem'l*, .illiam Penn and .illiam ead$ %he* had 'eenarrested in A&g&st 1+70 or )iolating the Con)enticle Act, #hich or'adereligio&s assem'lies o more than <)e people o&tside the a&spices o theCh&rch o ?ngland$ %he &r* o&nd the t#o Wg&ilt* o spea"ing in/racech&rch treetW '&t re&sed to add Wto an &nla#&l assem'l*W$ %hein&riated &dge charged the &r* that the* Wshall not 'e dismissed &ntil #e

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ha)e a )erdict that the co&rt #ill acceptW$ %he &r* modi<ed the )erdict to Wg&ilt* o spea"ing to an assem'l* in/racech&rch treetW, #here&pon the &dge had them loc"ed &p o)ernight#itho&t ood, #ater or heat$ Penn protested this and the &dge ordered him'o&nd and gagged >it is not "no#n #hether this order #as carried o&tH$!inall*, ater a t#o-da* ast, the &r* ret&rned a not g&ilt* )erdict$ %he

 &dge <ned the &r* or ret&rning a )erdict contrar* to their o#n <ndings o

act$ Penn protested that this )iolated the la#s o the agna Carta and#as orci'l* remo)ed rom the co&rt$

 %he &dge o&nd the &r* in contempt o co&rt and remo)ed them to prison$?d#ard B&shel, a mem'er o the &r*, nonetheless re&sed to pa* the <ne$6ecisionedit so&rce \ edit'etaS

B&shel petitioned the Co&rt o Common Pleas or a #rit o ha'eas corp&s$ir ;ohn Va&ghan, Chie ;&stice o the Co&rt o Common Pleas, initiall* heldthat the #rit sho&ld not 'e granted, sa*ing that it #as ingJs Bench thatsho&ld iss&e #rits o ha'eas corp&s in ordinar* criminal cases and thatCommon Pleas co&ld iss&e the #rit onl* on a claim o pri)ilege o the co&rt>e$g$, i the petitioner #ere an attorne* o Common PleasHI the other

 &stices iss&ed the #rit, ho#e)er,S Va&ghan r&led that a &r* co&ld not 'e

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A ermanlanguage illustrated family record

from late seventeenthcentury .ennsylvania2

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3rigins and Status of )igrants to British North

American colonies, 1""41!

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Colonial cons&merism in a modern sense [ the massprod&ction, ad)ertising and sale o cons&mer goodsdid not e=ist '&t there #ere a #ide )ariet* opossessions #ith people$ %ea once a l&=&r* 'ecame)irt&all* a necessit* o lie$ ?)en modest armers and

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artisans o#ned 'oo"s, ceramic plates, metal c&tler*and items made o imported sil" and cotton$

At$ A 171 conerence agro&p o colonial and(ndian leaders reaZrmedPenns Chain o

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!riendship$ B&t conFictso)er land soonm&ltiplied$ %he inamo&s.al"ing P&rchase o1737 'ro&ght the

ra&d&lent deal socommon in othercolonies to Penns*l)ania$ %he Lenni Lape (ndiansagreed to anarrangement to cede a

tract o land 'o&nded '*the distance a man co&ld#al" in 35 ho&rs$/o)ernor ;ames Loganhired a team o s#itr&nner to ma"e the

(n)entions o 17-18th cent&r* America

Cotton ginBiocals

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ConFictand .ar

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Colonies inColonies inCrisisCrisis

ing Philiping Philips .ars .ar

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.ith ing Philips .ar o1+75 and BaconsRe'ellion the ollo#ing

i id d i h h

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*ear coincided #ith thedist&r'ances in othercolonies$ (n ar*land#here the proprietor LordBaltimore in 1+70 hads&ddenl* restricted theright to )ote to# o#ners o<t* acres o land$Pro'lems #ith (ndians #ithre'ellion o .esto (ndians#ho s&ppressed in in 1+80$the P&e'lo Re)ol&tion,there #as a crisis ocolonial a&thorit*$

'ing .hili+*s War

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etacom or Phillip and

. ( di

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.ampanoag (ndians #ereannihilated in 1+7+ 'eca&sethe (ro@&ois and colonistgather orces and destro*edthis .ampanoag #ar chie orsachem$ o ing PhilipJs .ar,

#as a #idespread &prisingagainst ?nglish colonists inNe# ?ngland$Philip #as @&artered hisse)ered head mo&nted on api"e at Pl*mo&th

 %his 'oo" tells the stor* o ar* Ro#landsons e=perience as a capti)e and a s&r)i)or o theNarragansett (ndians and ho# her aith ga)e her strength$ Aro&nd 1+37, ar* Ro#landson#as 'orn in a arming amil* in the so&th o ?ngland$ 9er ather, ;ohn .hite, and her mother, ;oan .hite had 'een married in 1+7$ ar* #as the <th o eight children 'orn to ;ohn and ;oan .hite$ Later, ar* Ro#llandson 'ecame #ie o Lancaster, assach&setts minister ;osephRo#landson$ he had three children at the time o her capt&re$

%he .hite and Ro#landson amilies mo)e to Lancaster lea)ing ar*s t#ent* *ear old 'rother

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 %he .hite and Ro#landson amilies mo)e to Lancaster lea)ing ar* s t#ent*-*ear-old 'rother, %homas to charge o the .enham holdings$ (n 1+75, d&ring the etacoms .ar or ing Philips.ar, ar* Ro#landson #as capt&red '* the Nipm&c, Narragnsett, and .ampanoag (ndians$ %he etacoms .ar #as not a #ar 'et#een strangers, the #ar #as one 'et#een neigh'ors$ %he (ndians and the P&ritans had 'een li)ing together and sharing the land or man* *ears$ %he #ar #as a res&lt o the diDerent approaches to land &se and land o#nership$ %he ?nglishelt that the* had a right to e=cl&si)el* o#n and &se the land and the (ndians elt that the land'elonged to all people and so all had access$

Beore the etacoms #ar starts, h&man 'eings #ere di)ided into Ci)ili2ed: and a)age:?&ropean Christians #ere ci)ili2ed: '* )irt&e o their religio&s, political, and c&lt&ralinstit&tions and practices$ Nati)e American and other #ere sa)ages: to 'e religio&sl*s&perstitio&s and lac"ed ?&ropean hallmar"s o ci)ili2ation s&ch as the nation-state andpri)ate propert*$ 6&ring the se)enteenth cent&r*, the Nati)e people, o&thern Ne# ?nglandKassach&setts, Connectic&t, and Rhode (sland o pop&lation #as more than one h&ndredtho&sand$ B&t Colonists soon 'ro&ght de)astating epidemics o smallpo= and other disease to#hich (ndians lac"ed s&Zcient imm&nit*, red&cing the pop&lation in some areas aro&nd 40$B&t o&thern Ne# ?ngland #as not #orst than the eastern coast$

Little 'eore si=teenth cent&r*, nati)e comm&nities #ere connected #ith one another tho&ghtela'orate ties o e=change$ an* o the o'ects e=changes #ere )al&ed primaril* or theirspirit&al po#ers-certain minerals li"e @&art2, or e=ample, and sea shells s&ch as the @&ahog,#hich #as &sed to ma"e scared #amp&m 'eads$

(n arch 1475, ;ohn assamon inormed /o)ernor ;o

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ar* Ro#landson, ne .hite, laterar* %alcott >c$ 1+37 [ ;an&ar* 5,1711H #as a colonial American

#oman #ho #as capt&red '* Nati)e

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#oman #ho #as capt&red '* Nati)eAmericans1SS d&ring ing PhilipJs.ar and held or 11 #ee"s 'eore'eing ransomed$ (n 1+8, si= *earsater her ordeal, %he o)ereignt* and/oodness o /odK Being a Narrati)e

o the Capti)it* and Restoration ors$ ar* Ro#landson #as p&'lished$

 %his te=t is considered a seminalAmerican #or" in the literar* genre ocapti)it* narrati)es$ (t #ent thro&gho&r printings in 1+8 and garnered

readership 'oth in the Ne# ?nglandcolonies and in ?ngland, leading it to'e considered '* some the <rstAmerican W'estseller$W

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Bacons Re'ellion and o&thern ConFicts

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.hen Ber"ele* re&sed to go against the Nati)e Americans, armers gathered aro&nd at the report o a ne#raiding part*$ Nathaniel Bacon arri)ed #ith a @&antit* o 'rand*I ater it #as distri'&ted, he #as electedleader$ Against Ber"ele*Js orders, the gro&p str&c" so&th &ntil the* came to the ccaneechi tri'e$ Atergetting the ccaneechi to attac" the &s@&ehanoc", Bacon and his men ollo#ed '* "illing most o themen, #omen, and children at the )illage$ Epon their ret&rn, the* disco)ered that Ber"ele* had called orne# elections to the B&rgesses in order to 'etter acilitate the (ndian pro'lem$8S

 %he recomposed 9o&se o B&rgesses enacted a n&m'er o s#eeping reorms$ >Bacon #as not ser)ing hisd&t* in the 9o&seI rather, he #as at his plantation miles a#a*$H (t limited the po#ers o the go)ernor andrestored s&Drage rights to landless reemen$4SAter passage o these la#s, Bacon arri)ed #ith 500 ollo#ers in ;amesto#n to demand a commission to

lead militia against the (ndians %he go)ernor ho#e)er re&sed to *ield to the press&re .hen Bacon hadhis men ta"e aim at Ber"ele* he responded '* W'earing his 'reastW to Bacon and told Bacon to shoot him

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lead militia against the (ndians$ %he go)ernor, ho#e)er, re&sed to *ield to the press&re$ .hen Bacon hadhis men ta"e aim at Ber"ele*, he responded '* 'earing his 'reast to Bacon and told Bacon to shoot himhimsel$ eeing that the /o)ernor #o&ld not 'e mo)ed, Bacon then had his men ta"e aim at the assem'led'&rgesses, #ho @&ic"l* granted Bacon his commission$ Bacon had earlier 'een promised a commission'eore he retired to his estate i he co&ld onl* 'e on WgoodW 'eha)ior or t#o #ee"s$ .hile Bacon #as at

 ;amesto#n #ith his small arm*, eight colonists #ere "illed on the rontier in 9enrico Co&nt* >#here hemarched romH d&e to a lac" o manpo#er on the rontier$10Sn ;&l* 30, 1+7+, Bacon and his arm* iss&ed the W6eclaration o the People o Virginia$W %he declarationcritici2ed Ber"ele*Js administration in detail$ (t acc&sed him o le)*ing &nair ta=es, appointing riends to

high positions, and ailing to protect rontier settlers rom (ndian attac"$Beginning to mo)e against the (ndians, Bacon and his men attac"ed the innocent >and riendl*H Pam&n"e*$ %he tri'e had remained allies o the ?nglish thro&gho&t other (ndian raids$ %he* #ere s&ppl*ing #arriors toaid the ?nglish #hen Bacon too" po#er$

(ll&stration o the '&rning o ;amesto#nAter months o conFict, BaconJs orces, n&m'ering 300-500 men, mo)ed to ;amesto#n$ %he* '&rned thecolonial capital to the gro&nd on eptem'er 14, 1+7+$ &tn&m'ered, Ber"ele* retreated across the ri)er$

11S Beore an ?nglish na)al s@&adron co&ld arri)e to aid Ber"ele* and his orces, Bacon died romd*senter* on cto'er +, 1+7+$1S13S ;ohn (ngram too" o)er leadership o the re'ellion, '&t man*ollo#ers drited a#a*$ %he Re'ellion did not last long ater that$ Ber"ele* la&nched a series o s&ccess&lamphi'io&s attac"s across the Chesapea"e Ba* and deeated the re'els$ 9is orces deeated the smallpoc"ets o ins&rgents spread across the %ide#ater$ %homas /rantham, a Captain o a ship cr&ising the Oor"Ri)er, &sed c&nning and orce to disarm the re'els$ 9e tric"ed his #a* into the garrison o the re'ellion, andpromised to pardon e)er*one in)ol)ed once the* got 'ac" onto the ship$ 9o#e)er, once the* #ere sael*ensconced in the hold, he trained the shipJs g&ns on them, and disarmed the re'ellion$ %hro&gh )ario&sother tactics the other re'el arrisons #ere li"e#ise o)ercome$

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/l i

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Re)ol&tion inAmerica

ColoniesColoniesin Crisisin Crisis

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 %he /lorio&s Re)ol&tion


Colonies in CrisisColonies in Crisis

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 %he ar*land Eprising %he ar*land Eprising

LeislerLeislers Re'ellions Re'ellion

ir ?dm&ndAndros #asappointed

go)ernor o

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go)ernor oNe# ?ngland6omination inthe mid

1+70s$ 9e&sed the(ro@&ois as his

all* indeeating theother 5 (ndiantri'es$

 %he relati)el* non)iolent /lorio&s Re)ol&tion: hadthe great contri'&tion o ha)ing the Bill o Rights:signed$ %he ne# monarchs .illiam and ar* had to'e chec"ed '* the constit&tion o ?ngland and 6i)ine

Right #as dead ?ngland had 'ecome a constit&tional

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Right #as dead$ ?ngland had 'ecome a constit&tionalmonarch*$

 ;ames ad)ocated the throne '* the Parliament$ ;amesda&ghter ar* 'etra*ed him and #ith h&s'and.illiam r&led the .illiam and ar* reign$

(n 1+84 the (ro@&ois ?nglish Co)enant Chainalliances challenged Ne# !rances &r tradeempire and in response the !rench pressed

arther #est (n the ar north the ?nglish

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arther #est$ (n the ar north the ?nglishco&ntered #ith esta'lishment o 9&dsonJsBa* Compan* a ro*al &r trade monopol* $

 %he competition in the colonies #as part o alarger conFict 'et#een ?ngland and !ranceo)er the .ar o the /rand Alliance or ing.illiams .ar$ %he !rench and their (ndian

allies attac"ed and '&rned rontiersettlements in Ne# Oor" and the (ro@&ois$?ngland 'rieF* capt&red port Ro*al$ %he #arended #ith an inconcl&si)e peace

Beore 1+84 ir ?dm&nd Androsleader o the 6ominion o Ne#?ngland #as ta"en o&t o oZce '*.illiam and ar*$ Andross actions

alienated nearl* e)er*one notdependent on his administration or

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* *dependent on his administration ora)ors$ 9e appointed local oZcials inplace o elected ones$ (mposed ta=es#itho&t the appro)al o electedrepresentati)es, declared earlier land

grants )oid &nless appro)ed '* himand religio&s tolerance #as onl* orprotestants

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 ;aco' Leisler #as /erman 'ornmarried into #ealth and #as oneo the #ealthiest people in Ne#

 Oor"$ .as er)ent Cal)inist #ho

eared that ;ames (( intended tored&ce ?ngland and its empire

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;red&ce ?ngland and its empireto poper* and sla)er*$ %he6&tch did not li"e Leislers r&le#hich the 6&tch had lost or 0*ears$ eeing the opport&nit*

to ta"e do#n Leisler the 6&tcho)ertoo" his r&le$ %he ing o?ngland #as slo# on the matterand did pardon ;aco' Leisler '&tthe papers came too slo#$ %he6&tch "illed Leisler and the

conFict in Ne# Oor" has 'eenLeisler )ers&s Anti-Leisler$

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This +iece of china$as made inEngland

 %he Bill o Rights laid o&t certain 'asic rights or >at the timeH all ?nglishmen$ %he Act set o&t that there sho&ld 'eKno ro*al intererence #ith the la#$ %ho&gh the so)ereign remains the o&nt o

 &stice, he or she cannot &nilaterall* esta'lish ne# co&rts or act as a &dge$no ta=ation '* Ro*al Prerogati)e$ %he agreement o the parliament 'ecamenecessar* or the implementation o an* ne# ta=esreedom to petition the monarch #itho&t ear o retri'&tionno standing arm* ma* 'e maintained d&ring a time o peace #itho&t the consent

o parliament$7Sno ro*al intererence in the reedom o the people to ha)e arms or their o#n

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no ro*al intererence in the reedom o the people to ha)e arms or their o#ndeence as s&ita'le to their class and as allo#ed '* la# >sim&ltaneo&sl*restoring rights pre)io&sl* ta"en rom Protestants '* ;ames ((Hno ro*al intererence in the election o mem'ers o parliamentthe reedom o speech and de'ates or proceedings in Parliament o&ght not to 'eimpeached or @&estioned in an* co&rt or place o&t o ParliamentWgrants and promises o <nes or oreit&resW 'eore con)iction are )oidno e=cessi)e 'ail or Wcr&el and &n&s&alW p&nishments ma* 'e imposedCertain acts o ;ames (( #ere also speci<call* named and declared illegal '* theBill o Rights, #hile ;amesJ Fight rom ?ngland in the #a"e o the /lorio&sRe)ol&tion #as also declared to 'e an a'dication o the throne$Also, in a prel&de to the Act o ettlement to come t#el)e *ears later, the Bill oRights 'arred Roman Catholics rom the throne o ?ngland as Wit hath 'een o&nd'* e=perience that it is inconsistent #ith the saet* and #elare o this Protestant

"ingdom to 'e go)erned '* a papist princeWI th&s .illiam ((( and ar* (( #erenamed as the s&ccessors o ;ames V(( and (( and that the throne #o&ld pass romthem <rst to ar*Js heirs, then to her sister, Princess Anne o 6enmar" and herheirs and, &rther, to an* heirs o .illiam '* a later marriage$ %he monarch #as&rther re@&ired to s#ear a coronation oath to maintain the Protestant religion$

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Euro+ean settlement and ethnic diversity on the

Atlantic coast of North America, 15"

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%he /ro#th o%he /ro#th oColonial AmericaColonial America

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 %he Cons&mer %he Cons&merRe)ol&tionRe)ol&tion

Colonial CitiesColonial Cities

Colonial ArtisansColonial Artisans

ing .illiams .ar

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'ing William ///, a +ortrait#y an unkno$n

artist, +ainted around 1562

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ocial Classes inocial Classes inthe Coloniesthe Colonies

 %he iddle Ran"s %he iddle Ran"s

.omen and the 9o&sehold.omen and the 9o&sehold

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.omen and the 9o&sehold.omen and the 9o&sehold?conom*?conom*

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rand Councilof the /ro7uois Nations

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Colonial cities

e=ico had

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100,000people, Bostonhad +,000 andNe# Oor"T,500 ?ightcities in

e=ico #erelarger thanAmericancolonial cities$


9&s'andr* reportedthat little

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* pthat littlereeholders #ho li)e&pon their o#npropert* made &pthe pop&lation oAmerica$ %his #as

ar diDerent thanthat o ?ngland

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Credit #as &sedand &sed #ell '*the colonist$ People

&sed credit ore)er*da* sense o

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* *lie$ No# #e loo" atcredit as anentitlement$ eechart

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