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Page 1: American Neutrality

American Neutrality

The United States Responds Cautiously

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This political cartoon by Dr. Seuss depicts the issue of the people ignoring Hitler and his various iniquities, and not getting involved to stop him from conquering different countries. Some of the text on the sign says, “Forget the terrible news you’ve heard. Your mind’s at ease in an ostrich head!” and “Relieves Hitler headache!” This is describing why they are buying these ostrich bonnets. They do not want the issue with Hitler weighing on their mind so they have decided to be like ostriches. For those who do not know, when an ostrich senses danger, it buries its head. (Actually, they just flop on the ground, but their head and neck blend in with the ground so it looks like their head is buried, but that is irrelevant at this time.) On the right, you can see people lined up sticking their heads in the ground. This shows how the American people just chose to ignore the issue and stay neutral and isolated. On the left are more people eagerly lining up, with twinkling eyes and wide smiles in anticipation, to get this wonderful hat to eradicate their woes. These isolationists figure, hey, Hitler is not attacking on our soil, I do not want to get involved, so I will just ignore it and act like this is not happening right now. The fine print also reads, “Lindy Ostrich Service Inc.” at the bottom of the sign. This “Lindy” refers to Charles Lindbergh. In World War II, Charles Lindbergh believed neutrality was best for the American people. In various articles and speeches, Charles Lindbergh preached about isolationism and that is was the right path. Many Americans believed this idea of isolationism and merely buried their heads in the sand such as they are in the cartoon. In conclusion, this cartoon’s purpose is to show others how stupid it is to just bury their heads in the sand and not get involved.

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• America First Committee, founded in September 1940, was the most powerful isolationist group in America before the United States entered World War II. It had over 800,000 members, who wanted to keep America neutral. It tried to influence public opinion through publications and speeches. America First disagreed with another powerful group, the Committee to Defend America by Aiding the Allies. Both groups wanted to build American defenses and keep America out of the war. But the Committee to Defend America argued that the best way to remain neutral was to aid Britain. America First thought it more important to stay out of the war than to assure a British victory. America First was dissolved four days after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.

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Clinging to Isolationism

Kellogg-Briand Pact

WWI Nonintervention

in Latin America Reciprocal Trade

Agreement Act Neutrality Acts

Page 8: American Neutrality

Neutrality Breaks Down

Abraham Lincoln Brigade FDR and Neutrality

China continuation of supplies and forces

Page 9: American Neutrality

The German Offensive


Page 10: American Neutrality

The Phony War

Sitzkreig Soviet Union

Page 11: American Neutrality

France and Britain Fight on

Page 12: American Neutrality

The Fall of France

Page 13: American Neutrality

The Battle of Britain

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