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Page 1: American Politics

American Politics

Two-Party System

Page 2: American Politics

History… There were no political parties when George

Washington and the Framers started our first government.

The Constitution does not say anything about political parties.

George Washington warned against the “baneful(very harmful) effects of the spirit of the party.”

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Party Politics Sec. of State Thomas Jefferson wanted to

limit the power of the government and give more power to the states because they were closer to the people.

Sec. of Treasury Alexander Hamilton believed individual rights were at risk if the government was too weak. o He believed in a strong national


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First Political Party System Those who favored Thomas Jefferson

were Democratic-Republicans.

Those who favored Hamilton were Federalists.

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Second Political System

The Federalists fell out of favor.

The Democratic-Republican party split which then formed the Democratic Party, which supported presidential nominee Andrew Jackson.

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Second Political System

The Whig Party formed in opposition to the Democratic Party.

The Republican Party did not form until the 1850’s when those who opposed slavery formed the Republican Party.

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Two-Party System Beliefs

Democrats Liberal Symbol-Donkey Color-Blue More Government

Involvement Less military spending It is the responsibility of the

government to care for its people.

Famous President-Franklin D. Roosevelt, Bill Clinton, J.F.K.

Republicans Conservative Symbol-Elephant Color-Red Less Government

Involvement More military spending Each Person is responsible

for themselves Famous President-

Abraham Lincoln, Teddy Roosevelt, Bush’s

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Role of Parties Political Parties play a large role in the decisions

made by the government.

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Role of Political Party 1. National Organization

o Each party has a national committee that is in charge of raising funds for presidential election’s and the national convention.

o National Convention-held every four years • Where party members nominate their candidates for

president and vice president o Each party has their own platform-series of statements

expressing their beliefs or positions. • Ex. Republican Platform

o Each individual part of the platform is called a plate. • Ex. Economics

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Role of Political Party 2. Nominating Political Candidates

o Primary Electionso Closed Primary• Republicans can only vote for

Republicans • Dems. For Dems.

o Open Primary • You can vote for someone of either


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Role of Political Parties 3. Inform Citizens

o Advertisements o Debates/Speecheso Platforms/Plankso Campaigning

4. Operate the government o Candidates are elected into office and are to represent

the people 5. Act as a watchdog

o Political party not in power will watch over the party in power to make sure they do not make any mistakes.

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Joining a political party When you register to vote in OH you have the

option to join a political party. o Republican, Democrat, or Independent

Major Political Parties today o Republican Party-John Boehnero Democratic Party-Barack Obama o Green Party

• Grass-roots democracy, eco-friendlyo Libertarian Party

• Individual has sole responsibility for their own life- no gov. intervention

o Constitution Party• Government limited to Constitution

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Third Parties Single-issue

o Ex. Prohibitionist Party-wanted to stop the sale of alcohol

Ideological o Ex. Libertarian Party-Maximum Freedom,

Minimum Gov. Independent Candidates

o Ex. Wealthy business owner H. Ross Perot challenged Democrats and Republicans in the 1992 election.

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