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Page 1: AmeriCorps State 2013-14  Pre-Proposal Conference



AmeriCorps State 2013-14

Pre-Proposal Conference

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Welcome and Introductions

Robert Earley, VDSS Office of General Services

OVCS Staff Amanda Healy, Program Manager Tanisha Dorsey, Program Officer Kim Brown, Program Officer Jim Davidson, Fiscal Officer Matt Fitzgerald, Program Officer

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AmeriCorps at National Level

• Administered by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) www.nationalservice.gov

• AmeriCorps includes VISTA, State/National, and National Civilian Community Corps (NtripleC)

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AmeriCorps State in Virginia

Office on Volunteerism and Community Service www.vaservice.org

Within Virginia Department of Social Services

OVCS administers Virginia’s AmeriCorps*State funds, and is the ‘base’ of the Governor-appointed State Service Commission

Last year approximately $2.9 million was distributed to 23 Programs

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Overview of 2013-14 RFP

The entire document is available at www.vaservice.org .

Page 1 Proposal deadline is March 7, 2013 at 3 p.m.

Mandatory e-Grants training February 7, 2013 at 10 a.m. (to be discussed in Sections 4.1 and 4.2)

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Page 3, Section 1.1--Purpose

To solicit proposals to establish Formula full-time Operational AmeriCorps*State Programs in Virginia 12-month initial contract Possible renewal for up to 2 years New proposal after 3 years

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Virginia priorities (Section 2.1.2, pages 3 and 4)

Virginia priorities Strengthening Families (use VDSS Practice Model and

Protective Factors) must be first item in Rationale and Approach


Volunteer Recruitment (# and hours of volunteers) second item in R & A narrative

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CNCS priorities (Section 2.1.2, Page 4)

CNCS priorities (Main focus of remainder of R & A narrative) Economic Opportunity Education Disaster Services Veterans and Military Families Healthy Futures Environmental Stewardship

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CNCS Performance Measures

CNCS National Performance Measures Tool to show success/outcomes in priority areas

All applications must include a Tier 1 or Tier 2 Measure

Two online resources: Performance measurements in broader CNCS context AmeriCorps specific performance measurement informati


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Types of Operating Grants

Cost reimbursement Open to new and re-competing applicants Requires match Flexible member slots (less than full-time) Full documentation of all program costs $13,300 per MSY maximum

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Pilot Project Operating Grant

Fixed amount grant Only for re-competing applicants No specific match requirement Full-time members only $13,000 per MSY maximum Only for member support costs Must notify OVCS by 5:00 p.m. February 1, 2013 by e-

mail at [email protected]

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Minimum MSY request

MSY is Member Service YearFull-time member is 1700 service hoursPrograms must request at least 5 MSYSee Table 4 on Page 25 for more info on MSY

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Mandatory e-Grants and budget planning training

Participation in the February 7 training is MANDATORYSubmit a Notice of Intent to Apply, as per section 4.2, page


Proposals can only be submitted in e-Grants February 7th training will include budget planning,

and instructions for completing e-Grants application

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DUNS and SAM (Page 9, Section 5.2.1)

Applications must include a DUNS number and register with SAM

Apply for DUNS number

Register for SAM

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e-Grants (Page 9, Section 5.2.2)

This will be an overview only of this section

More in-depth discussion during the e-Grants training on 2/7/13

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Read the Narrative recommendations (III, page 11) very carefully Convince the reviewers

Can’t exceed 26 pages

Includes: Executive Summary Rationale and Approach (Program Design) Organizational Capability Cost Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy Evaluation Plan

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Executive Summary

Who, what, where, when, why in ½ page or less

See RFP template language, top of page 12

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Rational and Approach (Program Design)

Virginia priorities first

Strengthening Families Volunteer Recruitment and Utilization

CNCS priorities next

Tier 1 or Tier 2 measures you will meet in your priority area

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Rationale and Approach continued

Why are AmeriCorps members the answer to your community needs? Each subheading has leading questions that should

guide your responses Remember the Narrative Recommendations Key elements

Who would you serve and why? Need is severe? Evidence-based and Measurable Impact Well-developed (thought out) plans for recruitment,

training, supervision, development

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Organizational Capability (page 14)

Convince reviewers that you have everything you need to achieve the outcomes you are promising Staff Experience Resources (money, partnerships)

Can you keep the program compliant?

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Organizational Capability continued

Multiple sites

Prove a strong relationship or reason to expect success

First-time applicants can’t have more than 5 sites

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Cost Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy (pages 16,17)

Did you budget CNCS funds of no more than $13,300 per MSY?

Did you budget enough to adequately carry out the program?

Is the budget clear and reasonable?

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Evaluation Summary or Plan

N/A for new applicants

Re-competes must include an evaluation summary in this section And submit an evaluation report

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Performance Measures Revisited

Must select a Tier 1 or Tier 2 measure

Can include Tier 3 as well

There will be time to fine-tune after the application review process

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Documents to include that are listed in e-Grants

Evaluation (re-competes only)Labor Union Concurrence (if applicable)Federally Approved Indirect Cost Agreement

(if applicable)

These are listed on Page 19, 20, but we will discuss in “complete proposal” discussion of section 5.2.3, page 30

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Budget Instructions (begins page 20)

Match requirements Starts at 24% for new applicants, increasing gradually

However, you are held to the match amount you submit (if you say you’ll provide 42%, that becomes the requirement)

Make sure its an acceptable source of match (federal funds must be approved by federal agency)

In-kind and cash (prove availability)

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Detailed Budget Instructions (pg. 23)

Provides the categories and line items that can be included in a proposed budget

Use the budget instructions for in-depth budgeting assistance

We will only briefly discuss highlights Write down questions to ask for items that aren’t


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Program Operating Costs (section I)

PersonnelTravelSuppliesTrainingEvaluationOther Program Operating Costs

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Member Costs (section II)

Member Living Allowance (see chart page 25) Minimum full-time is $12,100, no minimum for less

than full

Member support FICA Worker’s Compensation (must include $50 per

member) Health Care

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Administrative/Indirect Costs

In-depth discussion will be during February 7th training

Have your fiscal officer sit in, the budgeting section of the training will be at the beginning of the 10 a.m. training

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“Complete” Proposal Components (page 30, section 5.2.3)

A complete proposal includes: e-Grants submission 3 signed originals of application mailed/delivered to 801 E. Main

Street, 15th Floor, Richmond VA 23219-2901 Documents scanned and e-mailed to [email protected]

3 executed certifications (attachments 1,2,3 to RFP) Executed MOU’s, MOA’s, letters of agreement with partners Executed Proposal Cover Sheet Executed Budget Analysis Checklist Executed W-9 Request for Taxpayer ID number Draft member service positions Additional documents if applicable (see page 19, V.)

Program Evaluation Labor Union Concurrence Federally Approved Indirect Cost Agreement

All Proposal Elements Due by 3:00 p.m. March 7, 2013

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Evaluation and Award Criteria

Program Design---50%Organizational Capability---25%Cost-Effectiveness and Budget Adequacy---


Additional Considerations Programs that document success in employment or

job creation services----5 points Distressed Communities----listed on page 31, 5 points Past performance----poor past performance can lead to

up to 10 point deduction

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Proposal Review Process

Numerical scoring system that awards points specifically corresponding with the items required in the RFP

Peer Review panels (include Governor’s Advisory Board members)

Staff Review of remaining applicationsScores based on average of Peer and Staff


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Time for Questions

General questions (not specific to your application) can also can be submitted to

[email protected] Questions will be posted on

www.vaservice.org , alongside the RFP. They will be updated each Friday until March 7.

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Make sure you submit Notice of Intent to Apply if you plan to attend the

e-Grants/budget training on February 7


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