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Page 1: AMSC 2013 Pre-Conference Booklet






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Content Organizing Chairperson’s Address 3

Introduction 4

Theme 5-6

Conference Schedule 7-8

Program Highlights 9-17

Post-Conference Tour 18

Accommodation and Conference Venue 19-20

Travelling in Malaysia 21-23

Fast Facts about Malaysia 24-26

Registration 27

Checklist 28-29

Country Groupings and Quota 30

Contact Us 31

Appendix 32-33

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Address from 34th AMSC Organizing Chairperson

Dear Friends,

On behalf of Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Malaysia and all my

committee members, I would like to extend a formal welcome to our beloved delegates

of 34th Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) 2013. Thanks for choosing Malaysia.

Malaysia, Truly Asia. Malaysia is renowned as a tropical paradise endowed with

breathtaking natural beauty, exotic cultures and friendly people. It is a destination that

offers you so much to see, do and experience. Throughout this conference, we guarantee

you the opportunity to experience and appreciate Malaysia’s rich historic and cultural

heritage, exotic culinary delights, shopping splendors, nature-based adventures, and

fun-filled activities. The interesting potpourri of races and cultures in Malaysia shapes

this country into a multilingual nation with Malay language as our national language

and English is widely spoken among the locals. Hence, there is no worry of language

barrier in communicating with the local people in Malaysia. On the other hand, the

warm and hospitable nature of Malaysian people will leave you with an unforgettable

memory in this conference.

With the promise of infusing new blood into the 34th AMSC 2013, making it the

most phenomenal conference you have ever experienced before, we have put in our full

commitment to go the extra miles in ensuring the accomplishment of this conference.

Hence, we look forward to welcome all of you to Malaysia with our well- known

Malaysian hospitality. We can assure you that your stay in Malaysia will be pleasant and


Yours sincerely,

Justina Teh Soh Wen

Organizing Chairperson for AMSC 2013

Asian Medical Students’ Association (AMSA) Malaysia

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34th Asian Medical Students’ Conference Malaysia

Host: Asian Medical Students Conference (AMSA) Malaysia

Date: 3rd July 2013 – 10th July 2013

Theme: The Incoming Tide of Community Medicine

Welcome to the 34th Asian Medical Students Conference. With a few months before the

curtains are raised to set stage for this long anticipated annual conference of

International Asian Medical Students Association, Malaysia is already preparing herself

to embrace and hail the arrival of all of you, our dearest and most honorable delegates

who travel across the horizons to this unique land and be part of this historical event.

Malaysia, a verdant and blooming land located in Southeast Asia with perfect blend of

racial and cultural similarities and diversity together with richly diverse landscapes will

be the home for the coming 34th AMSC in July 2013. We are glad to be given the

opportunity to host one of the biggest events for this association however we, the

organizing committees are even more gratifying towards all our delegates for providing

us with the chance to show our hospitality and present you with an unforgettable

medical conference. We sincerely hope that we could deliver you the best out of

everything and creates memory to be treasured by everyone.

Again, Selamat Datang (Welcome) ke (to) Malaysia!

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1.0 Theme

“The Incoming Tide of Community Medicine”

What is Community Medicine and why do we choose Community Medicine? With globalization, terrorism, epidemics, disasters, pollution and an ever-increasing global population, humans are more vulnerable to disease from any part of the world or even from their own risky behaviours. It has become apparent that the health of each nation depends on the health of all. Yet community-based healthcare has been pushed down the list of priorities among policy makers and even lower among the choices of careers among medical students.

Being the most populous continent of the world, Asia will see the most of impact

of this tide of global changes on community health. Even as the world sees Asia as the leader in economic growth, our health system remains in a paradoxical state, having one of the best healthcare yet having one of the unhealthiest places on earth. Medical educators have been charged recently to increase the emphasis on prevention, care of populations, public health, and community medicine. At some medical schools in the United States, there are similar attempts to bring students more closely to life conditions, especially to rural communities. Therefore, to meet this incoming tide, medical students in Asia need to develop the awareness, expertises and perception of community health and population-based medicine to become holistic, highly proficient doctors, with the intention to foster better social responsibility, become strong advocate of patient care and community leaders.

Community medicine covers a wide range of knowledge however in our

conference; we would like to incorporate 4 sub-themes together with their respective epidemiological aspects, prevention of disease and health promotion to disclose the Malaysian community health to the delegates. The 4 sub-themes are as follows.

1) Maternal and Child Care

A country’s health status is measured by the simple statistical numbers of maternal mortality and morbidity. The major causes include haemorrhage, infection, high blood pressure, unsafe abortion, and obstructed labour. A country’s healthcare system has to effectively ensure every pregnancy is a safe pregnancy and the child will grow up to be

an asset to the country.

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2) Environmental Health

Appreciation of environmental hazards such as climate change and loss of biodiversity and their influence on human health requires recognition for long-term good health in populations that rely on the continued stability and functioning of the biosphere's life-supporting systems.

3) Occupational Safety and Health

Occupational health is closely linked to public health. Determinants of workers' health, including risks for disease and injury and access to health services greatly influence the general management of the health status of the community as a whole.

4) Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases

As healthcare continues to prolong life, it sometimes prolongs the illness as well. With more people living with diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and mental disorders, the healthcare cost of countries continue to climb as years pass. It is essential to know that healthy screening and prevention is indeed much better and cheaper than the cure.

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2.0 Conference Schedule

Time Day 1 (3/7- Wed) Day 2 (4/7- Thurs) Day 3 (5/7- Fri) Day 4 (6/7- Sat)


Arrival of Delegates




Ice- breaking

(Palace of Golden

Horses, PGH)

Breakfast Breakfast- on- the- go +

Transfer Venue



0800-0830 Transfer Venue

Field Trip

(Multiple Locations)

Transfer Venue



Opening Ceremony

(Technology Park

Auditorium, TPA)

Scientific Paper & Video

Presentation: Session 1





1100-1130 Tea Break Tea Break

1130-1200 Keynote Address


Scientific Paper & Video

Presentation: Session 2

(TPA) 1200-1230

1230-1300 Plenary Session I


Transfer Venue


1330-1400 Lunch


Lunch Lunch

(TPA) 1400-1430

1430-1500 Plenary Session II


Community Service

(Multiple Locations)

Poster Presentation +

Country Exhibition



1530-1600 Transfer Venue


1630-1700 Symposium Sessions

(Universiti Kebangsaan

Malaysia, UKM)



Malaysian Street Food



Transfer Venue


Welcoming Party

(PGH- Garden)



(Multiple Locations)

Group A: Putrajaya Tour

Group B: KL City Tour



(Alamanda Putrajaya/











2330-0000 Chapters’ Meeting Transfer Venue+

Chapters’ Meeting

Transfer Venue+

Chapters’ Meeting

Transfer Venue+

Chapters’ Meeting 0000-0030

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Time Day 5 (7/7- Sun) Day 6 (8/7- Mon) Day 7 (9/7- Tues) Day 8 (10/7- Wed)

0700-0730 Breakfast Breakfast

Transfer Venue+


Back to Home Country


0800-0830 Transfer Venue Transfer Venue


0900-0930 International Medical Brain


(Preliminary Round)

(International Medical

University, IMU)

Practical Workshops


Hotel Check-in

(First World Hotel

Genting Lobby)


1000-1030 Professional Development




Social Program at

Genting Highland

Theme Park

(Genting Highland

Outdoor& Indoor

Theme Parks)

1100-1130 Group Discussion

(IMU) 1130-1200 Lunch

(UKM) 1200-1230

1230-1300 Lunch


Cultural Workshop



1330-1400 International Medical Brain


(Elimination and Final






1530-1600 Group Presentations


AMSA International




1630-1700 Closing Ceremony


Preparation for

Farewell Party


Farewell Party

(Coffee Terrace,

Maxims Hotel Genting)

1730-1800 Transfer Venue

Transfer Venue +

Preparation for Cultural




Group A: KL City Tour

Group B: Putrajaya Tour



(Alamanda Putrajaya/



Cultural Night

(PGH- Ballroom)







Farewell Sessions with


(Genting Highland)


2300-2330 Transfer Venue+

Chapters’ Meeting 2330-0000

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3.0 Programs Highlight

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3.1 Academic Programs

1) Keynotes Lectures, Plenary Sessions and Symposiums

The keynote lectures planned are of the

utmost significance regarding community

based health in Asian countries. The topics

that we wish to explore under Community

Medicine will be related to Community

Health, Family Health and Epidemiology

Study. Each lecture involves three main

components – Knowledge, Society

Awareness and Professionalism as well as

the four subthemes.

Keynote Lecture 45 – 60 minutes Dato’ Dr Narimah Awin --

Regional Adviser of WHO Western Pacific

“Emerging Public Health Issues and Challenges in

Asian Context” Plenary Sessions 45 – 60 minutes Session 1

Professor. Dato’ Dr. Syed Mohamed Aljunid – President, Public Health Medicine Specialist association of Malaysia

“Improving Community Health: Multisectorial


Session 2 Prof. Katsuyuki Miura, Director of Epidemiology Research Center of Asia, Shiga University.

Primary Prevention of Non-Communicable Diseases

Symposium Sessions (choose 1 out of 4 available sessions)

45 – 60 minutes Session 1 Prof. Jamal Hisham Hassim, Professor of Environmental Health & Research Fellow at United Nation University International Institute for Global Health (UNU-IIGH)

“Hazardous Waste and Diseases”

Session 2 Prof Noor Hashim Ismail, Professor of Occupational Health, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre

“Health Hazards and Prevention”

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Session 3 Prof. Atsunori Kashiwagi, Director of Medical Affairs, Vice President and Hospital Director of Shiga University of Medical Sciences

“Global Burden and Holistic Approach on Chronic NCDs”

Session 4 To’ Puan Safurah binti Jaafar, Director of Family Health Development Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia

“Universal Access to

Reproductive Health: Are

We Reaching It?”

2) Academic Competition

A conference is never complete without the academic competitions. In this conference, the competitions that are to be organized are as follows.

a. Scientific Paper

b. Poster



c. Public Health Video

Deadline of Academic Competitions Submissions




Scientific Public

Structured Abstract/

Video Information

1st April 2013

(via e-mail)

1st April 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

Release of

Shortlisted Results

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

1st May 2013

(via e-mail)

- -

Completed paper 1st June 2013

(via e-mail)

- - -

Power Point


Poster/ Video

3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


3rd July 2013

(at registration


*Please refer to Academic Guidelines Booklet

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3) International Medical Brain Teaser

AMSA Malaysia aims to organize the 1st International Medical Brain Teaser and etch it in the future AMSC. The aim of this quiz is to indoctrinate curiosity in medical students that are both well-versed in their respective academic curriculum and beyond. Besides that, it helps to strengthen the bond among group mates which came from different chapters as this quiz will be totally group- based instead of country- based. It will include:

a) Preliminary Multiple Choices Questions (MCQ) round (1 hour) b) Final One Best Answer (OBA) Oral round (2 hours)

4) Academic Workshop

The workshops are specially- designed by Community Medicine specialists based on the 4 sub- themes chosen (Maternal& Child Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, and Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases) involving biochemical, clinical, epidemiological and social aspects of medicine.

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5) Health Explorace – Field Trip

Health Explorace is a brand new program to be highlighted in the 34th Asian Medical Students’ Conference (AMSC) Malaysia in 2013. It aims to provide hands- on experience of the healthcare system in the host country and greater insight to how Malaysians go by their own healthcare system in the communities.

The delegates are expected to observe the situation of the setting of the field trip, practice what they have learnt in the plenary and workshop session, record down the significant findings and interact with the locals or authorities there.

6) Community Service Community service will be held at all community halls available at each sub- urban area. It will include a Health Campaign as well as Clinical Booth. This community service will be organized and set up by the organizing committees while delegates will be involved as runners.

Health Campaign session will be about promoting Healthy Lifestyle Prevents Chronic Non- Communicable Diseases. Posters and videos will be played at the community hall to educate the public. At the same time, an aerobic exercise will be taught to the locals that present on that day. Delegates and Group Modulator will help out in assisting the local communities during the exercise.

On the other hand, clinical booth will be set up to provide free health screening to the locals. Delegates will participate as the runners to carry out the screening while group modulator will be guiding them. Screening available include blood pressure, blood glucose level, BMI, blood cholesterol level and etc. Free consultation will be given to the public after the check- up.

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3.2 Social and Cultural Programs

1) Welcoming Party

This will be the first event where delegates from different countries first meet one another to start off an eight days conference. The venue for this welcoming dinner is set at the Garden of Palace of Golden Horses, one of the star rated hotels in Kuala Lumpur. The theme of tribal in an ancient rainforest will be portrayed to represent the ancient and pre-historical parts of Malaysia at the same time buffet- styled local Malaysian food and barbeque food will be prepared to pamper the taste buds of delegates. The tentative programs includes tribal dance performance, face painting, group photo taking etc.

2) Cultural Workshop It’s time for cultural immersion! Cultural workshop is always a fun and interactive

session where delegates get to experience the local cultures by doing hands-on arts and

activities under the guidance of professionally-trained Gurus. Delegates will have an

exposure on the batik-making, traditional dance, games and trying on the traditional


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3)Street Food Fiesta

Malaysian loves food and we gone wild easily whenever there is encounter with mouth-

watering dishes. Never seen a typical “Malaysian style” of eating before? This festival of

food will satisfy your curiosity and also taste buds. Various kind of local Malaysian food

including Malay, Chinese and Indian dishes will be prepared and it is a free flow form of

dining. There is no dining rules or protocol restriction, just pure enjoyment of food with

street dances and performances.

4) Genting Highland Trip and Farewell Party

After spending a week under the hot sun and warm weather in Malaysia, it is time to shift venue to the highlands located 1860 metres above sea level to enjoy the fresh and chilly air. Genting Highlands, a famous tourism site in Malaysia known by its fascinating outdoor and indoor theme parks, relaxing and chilling atmosphere, gorgeous highland lush scenery, night life and casino will be the happy ending of your journey in AMSC Malaysia 2013. Furthermore, the organizing committee has prepared another surprise for our beloved delegates—a Farewell Party themed Somewhere Over the Rainbow in the Coffee Terrace, Maxims Hotel Genting contented with dance floor and also performance from all the committees to create a beautiful reminiscence for everyone involved. It’s a night where delegates, organising committees and group modulators mingle together, share each other’s deepest thoughts and enjoy the magnificent performances prepared by our organising committee members.

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A Glimpse into Malaysia

Being the only country in the world to contain land on both the mainland of Asia

and also the Malay Archipelago, Malaysia has thirteen states and three federal

territories covering an area of 329 847 square kilometers. And among all these states,

Kuala Lumpur, the capital city of this beautiful country is selected as the main venue for

this conference. “Muddy Estuary”, is the meaning of this well-known capital city in

Malay language due to its previous niche as a tin mining town. With revolution, this

town has now prospered into a showpiece of grandeur and progress. It reflects a blend

of modern development with the rich cultures and ethnics in Malaysia and without

doubt Kuala Lumpur is the best place to introduce Malaysia to our dear delegates.

With so much excitement to be explored, our Social and Cultural team has layout

touring around this marvelous city that will bring delegates to experience the difference

between old and new Kuala Lumpur,

ranging from towering skyscraper that

reflects urbanization to the old towns

with British colonial building and also

immersion in local Malaysia culture.

One of the utmost highlight will be the

magnificent Petronas Twin Tower, a

world-renowned icon of modern

Malaysia. It is centre piece of the Kuala

Lumpur city centre (KLCC)

development, which comprises

landmarks such as Kuala Lumpur

Convention Centre, Suria KLCC shopping mall, five star-rated hotels, as well as the

immaculately landscaped KLCC Park. There is also Skybridge on the 41st floor and

Viewing Deck on the 86th floor to fill the entire scenery of Kuala Lumpur into your eyes.

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Apart from this, Central Market one of the city’s prominent heritage buildings a great

to uncover the mysterious culture of Malaysia at the same time to hunt for craft and

ornaments as souveniers. It is a fine example of the 1930s Art Deco Style with stepped

entrance design, unifying elements at the windows and doors as well as wrought iron

panels. Just outside, Kasturi Walk beckons visitors with an exciting outdoor shopping

experience. This walkway offers a variety of handicraft, souvenir items and street food.

Here is chance to tantalise your tastebuds with authentic Malay kuih, Chinese dim sum

or delicious Indian rojak.

Dataran Merdeka (Independent Square) always symbolizes the freedom from

colonial rule deep in the heart of all Malaysian. It was at this historical site on the 31th

August 1957, the Union Jack was lowered. In its heyday, the square used to be venue for

parades, cricket matches and other important occasions. Today, this historic heart of

Kuala Lumpur is preserved with beautifully manicured lawns, terraces and a fountain. A

few streets away from this memorable venue is the Golden Triangle, the main

shopping district in Kuala Lumpur, and is home to its very own rail system and some of

the best malls in Kuala Lumpur. Everything is within walking distance of everything else,

but with literally thousands of stores, you'll need a few days to get through it all.

Besides visiting Kuala Lumpur, a tour to Putrajaya, the federal administrative centre of

Malaysia allows you to have a glimpse of the Perdana Putra (office of the Prime Minister),

Seri Perdana (official residence of the Prime Minister), Putra Mosque and also a ride on the

cruise of Putrajaya Lake.

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4. 0 Post-Conference Tour

Malacca, the third smallest Malaysian state, located in the southern region of the Malay Peninsula, next to the Straits of Malacca, borders of Negeri Sembilan to the north and Johor to the south brings you one of the most historical cities in Malaysia. This historical city centre has been listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 7 July 2008. It is a living museum, with both ruins and intact buildings from bygone era right in the heart of the city.


It is the hallmark of Malacca city. It was built by the Portuguese in

1511 as a fortress and it sustained severe structural damage during

the Dutch Invasion. The British East India Company had set to

destroy it but timely intervention by Sir Stamford Raffles in 1808

saved what remains of A’ Famosa today.

Christ Church

Standing exactly as it has always been since 1753, the church is testimony to Dutch architectural ingenuity. Commenced in 1741 to commemorate a century of Dutch rule and took 12 years to complete. Take note of the church's 200 years old handmade pews, its 8 feet long ceiling beams constructed from a single tree without joins, Brass Bible rest which dates back to 1773, tombstone written in Armenian and 'Last Super' in glazed tiles.

The Stadthuys

Built in 1650 as the official residence of Dutch Governors and their officers, the edifice is an example of Dutch architecture. Preserved in its original structure and form, it now houses the History Museum and Ethnography Museum. On display daily are traditional bridal costumes

and relics from Malacca's glorious past.

The Baba and Nyonya Heritage "Straits Chinese" or the Baba and Nyonya are Chinese of noble descendants who have adopted much of the Malay culture into theirs. The public can now view the heirloom unique to this heritage at the private museum run by the Babas and Nyonyas of Melaka.

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5.0 Accommodation

5.1 Day 1-6 Hotel Accommodation: Palace of Golden Horses

To fully express our hospitality, Palace of the Golden Horses, tagged as Asia’s Most

Extraordinary Hotel and a world-class award winning luxury hotel located within the

iconic MINES Wellness City and just 20 minutes away from the heart of Kuala Lumpur,

will be the home for our 500 delegates throughout the conference period. This hotel is

only 35-minutes drive from Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) and thus

enables easy transfer of the arrival and departure of delegates. At the same time, the

garden and ballroom of the hotel will be the venue for the Welcoming Dinner and

Cultural Night respectively.

This highly-rated hotel is chosen as the quality of services and amenities provided stand

out among the other hotels following evaluation. They provide various types of basic

amenities that will ensure a comfortable and relaxing stay. Hotel amenities include the

Golden Stable Boutique, safe deposit box, laundry/valet services, courier services,

housekeeping, shoeshine, prayer mats, concierge, luggage storage, tour assistance, film

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processing, secretarial services, fax/photocopying services, outdoor pool, fully equipped

gym, water taxi, adjacent golf course, and massage services. Onsite drinks and dining

are available at the Carousel Cafe, Cavallinis Italian Restaurant, Kim Ma Chinese

Restaurant, Kin No Uma Japanese Restaurant, Grand Salon Lobby Lounge, Polo Club

Lounge & Games Room, and the Seahorse Poolside Cafe. Whereas the guest rooms

feature three dual-line telephones, voicemail, dataports, work desks with lamps, cable

TVs, in-room safes, fully stocked mini-bars, coffeemakers, hairdryers, irons, ironing

boards, and other amenities.

5.2 Day 7 Hotel Accommodation: First World Hotel Genting Highland

With 6118 rooms on offer, the First World Hotel is the largest hotel in the world by

room counts. First World Hotel is adjoined to the First World Plaza, which boasts

500,000 sq feet of indoor theme park, shopping centre and food galore. First World

remains one of the favorite hotels among holiday makers in Genting Highlands. Its

grand concept of all things under one roof is the main catalyst of its attraction among

visitors and when you check into a Superior Deluxe or World Club room in the new

tower, you’ll encounter exclusively designed spaces enhanced by all the comforts you

may need. After all, no expense should be spared for a little extra luxury.

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6.0 Conference Venues

1) University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, the main

conference venue for this 34th AMSC 2013 is one

of five research universities in Malaysia first

established in year 1970. The Cheras campus also

known as the University Kebangsaan Malaysia

Medical Centre (UKMMC) is the one of the branch

for this university and it was established in year

1997. It consists of the Medical Faculty, UKM

Teaching Hospital and also UKM Medical

Molecular Biology Institute (MMBI).

2) Technology Park Malaysia (TPA)

Malaysia's pioneer technology park, TPA is a

700- acre development that is home to more

than 150 technology companies employing

10,000 knowledge–workers. Strategically

located in Kuala Lumpur, the campus is the

premier choice of location for technopreneurs,

scientists or researchers and knowledge-

based companies.Conveniently located

between Kuala Lumpur and Federal Government Administrative Centre, Putrajaya, TPM

is within proximity to major universities and research institutes and government

agencies. Amenities available within the campus are sport amenities, shopping centres,

banks, clinics, schools, housing and commercial developments. The auditorium and

conference room of TPM will be the venue for most of our academic events.

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7.0 Travelling in Malaysia

The transportation system in Malaysia is very well-established and sophisticated, thus

delegates has no worries regarding travelling to Malaysia or roaming in the Kuala

Lumpur City.

We have well-developed air connectivity and two airports that are capable of

welcoming delegates from all horizon. Kuala Lumpur International Airport (KLIA) is one

of the largest international airports in Southeast Asia, capable of handling 35 million

passengers a year. Apart from the marvelous international airport, Malaysia also has

budget airport, Low Cost Carrier Terminal (LCCT) to cater the growing passengers of

the low cost airlines such as Air Asia, a Malaysia-

based low cost airline, which is the largest low-fare,

no-frills airline and a pioneer of low-cost travel in Asia.

As the official airlines of AMSC 2013, Malaysia

Airlines (MAS airline) offers special fare rate for

delegates and international speakers in this

conference. Details of the discount are stated in the

checklist behind. Regardless of which airport your

flight lands (KLIA/LCCT), free scheduled shuttle buses will be provided by our

committee to ensure your safety arrival at the hotel.

During the conference, any transferring of venue as stated in the conference schedule

will be handled by the organizing committee. Comfortable, air-conditioned buses with

experience chauffeurs will be provided for the safety travelling of all the delegates. In

order for delegates to experience the public transportation system in Kuala Lumpur,

some of the travelling will be via the Monorail or the Light Rail Transit (LRT). The

intracity transportation such as Monorail, Keretapi Tanah Melayu (KTM), RapidKL

and Light Rail Transit (LRT) which is in full bloom creates no worry for delegates.

This network of public transports enables you to travel to most of the tourism sites or

shopping malls in the city.

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Are you satisfied with the land transportation? Surprisingly, we have more to offer, a

river cruise in Putrajaya and also a cable car ride to Genting Highland have been

arranged so that delegates can experience all different forms of transportation in


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8.0 Fast Facts about Malaysia


AMSC organizing committee has established a collaboration with one of the

communication company in Malaysia—Tune Talk Mobile. In conjunction with this

collaboration, the company will be providing delegates with free local sim card and also

credit reloading services in the hotel lobby. They also provide promotion in which with

every top up of 10 Ringgit Malaysia, an extra 12 Ringgit Malaysia will be given.

Currency and Credit Cards

Malaysia Ringgit (MYR) is the currency of Malaysia and all the currency are issued by

Bank Negara Malaysia. The decimal system where 1 MYR equals 100 cents is applied

currently. Besides cash, delegates can also utilize major credit in Malaysia as most of our

shop will be excepting the credit system.

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The currency exchange rates are as below (7th Dec 2012, Bank Negara):

Foreign Currency Unit Exchange Rate

1 Australian Dollar 3.2014

1 Brunei Dollar 2.5024

100 Cambodian Riel 0.0760

1 Chinese Renminbi 0.4904

1 EURO 3.9505

100 Hong Kong Dollar 39.4245

100 Indonesian Rupiah 0.0318

100 Japanese Yen 3.7099

100 Korean Won 0.2824

100 Phillippine Peso 7.4652

1 Singapore Dollar 2.5024

100 Taiwanese New Dollar 10.5130

100 Thai Baht 9.9593

1 U.K. Pound 4.9015

1 U.S. Dollar 3.0555

100 Vietnamese Dong 0.0147

1 New Zealand Dollar 2.5417

100 Myanmar Kyat 0.3582

100 Indian Rupee 5.6204

100 United Arab Emirates Dirham UAE 83.1881

100 Pakistan Rupee 3.1603

100 Nepalese Rupee 3.5090

1 Egyptian Pound 0.4984


Malaysia is situated between 2 and 7 degrees to the North of the Equator line with

Peninsular Malaysia being separated from East Malaysia (Sabah and Sarawak) by the South

China Sea. Due to the position on the equator, Malaysia experiences tropical weather year-

round especially during the non-monsoon season in June and July. The weather is usually

hot and humid thus thin and light clothing are encouraged. Temperature are from 21˚C

(70˚F) to 32˚C(90˚F) and the annual rainfall varies from 2,000mm to 2,500mm. This is also

the peak season for tourist to visit Malaysia.

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Electricity in Malaysia is 240 Volts,

alternating at 50 cycles per second. If you

travel to Malaysia with a device that does

not accept 240 Volts at 50 Hertz, you will

need a voltage converter. Plugs and

sockets are widely available however

outlets in Malaysia generally accept 1 type of plugs: Two parallel flat pins with ground

pin. If your appliances plug has a different shape, you may need a plug adapter.


Malaysia is a multi-socials country and also

a global meeting point, thus there is wide

varieties of food you can find here. No

matter which kind of diet you are practicing:

vegetarian, halal diet, Western diet or

Eastern diet, all can be found easily in

Malaysia. The caterers of our conference are

specially chosen by ensuring their

experience in handling large portion preparation, vast variety of food, hygiene, and also

nutritional value.

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9.0 Registration

1. Registration for the 34th AMSC 2013 in Malaysia can ONLY be done via

respective Regional Chairperson/RC (AMSA member chapters) or Country

Representative/CR (non-AMSA member chapters).

2. This registration form obtained from RC/CR needs to be filled completely with

relevant details of the delegates and submitted together with relevant

documents as stated in the form to the Regional Chairperson of respective


3. The registration will be closed on 14th May 2013. However, those register

earlier before 8th April 2013 will enjoy the conference fee at lower rate.

4. Full payment need to be submitted together with the registration form. The

aforementioned conference fee also includes membership fee of USD16 as per

AMSA International Constitution (Revised 2011) Section 11.2. This membership

fee will be paid to Secretary of Finance, AMSA International at the end of the

conference. Conference fees are as follow:

Tier Early Registration

(7th January- 8th April 2013)

Late Registration

(9th April- 14th May 2013)

1 USD $ 520 USD $ 540

2 USD $ 480 USD $ 500

3 USD $ 320 USD $ 340

*Kindly refer country groupings

5. The conference fees are exclusive of the 2-days 1-night Post-Conference Tour

to Malacca. For those interested to join, please fill in relevant section in the

registration form and submit the extra-payment for this tour which is 200 USD

per pax.

6. Delegates kindly ensure that passports are valid for at least 6 months prior to

your arrival to Malaysia.

7. For further enquiries, kindly contact our Regional Chairperson or organizing


Page 28: AMSC 2013 Pre-Conference Booklet


10.0 Checklist for Conference:

1) Flight Ticket (available only for Malaysia Airline)

Discount from published market fares (international flights):

a. 20% discount on J class

b. 15% discount on MHflex

c. 10% discount on MHsmart

d. 10% discount on MHbasic (S class only)

* J class- business class * Others- economy class

*Methods to get DISCOUNT RATE for booking (refer to Flight Ticket Discount


a. This is the Reference Code: EZ:18/1/210

b. Go to any Malaysia Airline Office in your country (check the nearest Malaysia Airline

office to you via this website link:


c. Inform the officer the reference code while purchasing your flight ticket and enjoy

the discount rate.

2) Attire

Formal: Corporate wear. Men should wear suits with necktie whereas Ladies should

wear business suite or formal dresses. Formal attires are usually indicated for academic

programs and also programs stage in the University.

Semi-formal: Collar T-shirt, jeans and sport shoes. This is indicated for the fieldtrip and

community services.

Casual: Clothing that you are comfortable with for sight-seeing and outdoor activities.

The weather is kind of warm and humid here, so try to opt for light clothings. However,

we will be in Genting Highlands for 2 days, make sure you bring clothing for average

temperature of 23 degree celcius.

Traditional Costume: This is needed for the Cultural Night.

3) Daily needs of your own like skin care, accessories, chargers for your gadgets etc.

4) Medication (if your are on any of them)

5) Umbrella or cap, sunscreen with UV protection

6) Universal adaptor or electrical converter

7) Malaysian Ringgit or currency for exchange

8) Passport and relevant identification or travelling documents

Page 29: AMSC 2013 Pre-Conference Booklet


9) For academic presenter – Copy of your participating document (video, presentation

slides, posters)

10) Props for International Booth and also Cultural Night performances.

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11.0 Country Groupings and Quota

Tier 1 Number of Seats

Malaysia 18

Australia 32

Hong Kong 30

New Zealand 5

Japan 30

Taiwan 33

Singapore 30

South Korea 30

United Kingdom 25

*Kazakhstan 3


Tier 2

China 15

Egypt 3

India 30

Indonesia 30

Iran 3

Mongolia 15

Philippines 30

Thailand 30

Ukraine 3

*Jordan 3


Tier 3

Bangladesh 5

Cambodia 3

Myanmar 3

Nepal 5

Pakistan 5

Palestine 5

*Nigeria 3

*Sri Lanka 3


ECs of AMSA International

Australia 5

India 1

Indonesia 1

South Korea 2

Mongolia 1

Pakistan 1

Philippines 4

UK 1



* Non- AMSA member chapters: Jordan, Kazakhstan, Nigeria, Sri Lanka

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12.0 Contact Us

1) Justina Teh Soh Wen

Organizing Chairperson of 34th AMSC Malaysia 2013

[email protected]/+60122194885

2) Danny Wong Ling Siong

Vice Organizing Chairperson I of 34th AMSC Malaysia 2013

[email protected]/+60168650718

3) Seet Ruijia

Vice Organizing Chairperson II of 34th AMSC Malaysia 2013

[email protected]/+60166375607

4) Isaac Tan Yieng Ler (only for inquiries related to academic competitions)

Academic and Research Executive Officer of 34th AMSC Malaysia 2013

[email protected]/+60172819055

5) Official email: [email protected]

6) Blogspot: http://amscmalaysia2013.blogspot.com

7) Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/amscmsia2013

8) For contacts of Regional Chairperson, Country Representative and Executive

Committee, kindly refer Appendix.

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13.0 Appendix

List of Regional Chairpersons/ Chapter Representative:

No. Chapters Name of Current RC/ CR Email Address

1 Australia Aniruddha Sheth (Rudy) [email protected]

2 Bangladesh Rajesh Das [email protected]

3 Cambodia Sovannarith Oum [email protected]

4 China Wan Rou [email protected]

5 Egypt Mohamed Abdel Gaafar [email protected]

6 Hong Kong Esther Tang [email protected]

7 India Nikhil Agrawal [email protected]

8 Indonesia Nathania Sutisna [email protected]

9 Iran Reza Bakhtiari [email protected]

10 Japan Shoko Sakai [email protected]

11 Jordan Mahmoud Jaarah [email protected]

12 Kazakhstan Mukhit Kulmagabetov [email protected]

13 Korea Kwan Song Young [email protected]

14 Malaysia Lee Zheng Cong [email protected]

15 Mongolia Azjagal Baatarjav [email protected]

16 Myanmar Wunna [email protected]

17 Nepal Pradeep Raj Regmi [email protected]

18 New


Yena Kim rcnewzealand@amsa-


[email protected]

19 Nigeria Njoku Kingsley Kalu [email protected]

20 Pakistan Maryam Noor Malik [email protected]

21 Palestin Nasser Dawoud [email protected]/

[email protected]

22 Philippines Karina Santos [email protected]

23 Singapore Ang An Shing [email protected]/

[email protected]

24 Sri Lanka Chamila Lakmal [email protected]

25 Taiwan Yu-Ju Tung [email protected]

26 Thailand Nicholas Guibin Zhu [email protected]

27 Ukraine Eng Lu Sun [email protected]

28 UK Jacky Chen [email protected]

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