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University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

An ELCA Congregation welcoming ALL to the worship of our Lord. UNILU NEWS AND EVENTS August 16, 2017


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ELCA Good Gifts

From Pastor Jon

What to say? This question has been on the

hearts and minds of countless pastors these last

few days, weeks, months. The good news of

Jesus Christ is what we are called to proclaim,

and to try to live. And that gospel message of

God’s love in Jesus Christ, of Jesus’ willingness

to go to the cross, and not put others on the

cross, has real world, here and now

implications. God can free us from our

prejudices and biases. God can help us love our

neighbors as ourselves. The Holy Spirit can

transform us to “love our enemies, and pray for

those who persecute us” as Jesus taught. But

that is hard; at least for me.

These last two weeks especially have been a

study in contrasts for me. Being with our

daughter and granddaughter has been a great

joy, as was gathering in Atlanta with close to a

thousand rostered leaders for the first time since

the ELCA was formed in 1988.

But we also had the terrifying escalation of

words and actions that could provoke a new war

on the Korean Peninsula. For the first time in my

life that I can remember, people were

discussing the use of nuclear weapons as if it

were normal and acceptable. As if the horrors of

Nagasaki and Hiroshima had not happened.

We had the murder and demonstrations in

Charlottesville, VA. White supremacy, neo-

nazism reared its ugly head and “as of this

writing, President Trump has sent mixed

messages on whether he truly condemns white

supremacist ideology, the Ku Klux Klan and


So, what are we to do? What do we make of the

covenant God made with us in Holy Baptism

including asking us whether we intend “to serve

all people, following the example of our Lord

Jesus, and to strive for justice and peace in all

the earth?” We respond “we do, and we ask

God to help and guide us.”

I am still processing many of the events of the

last two weeks as I am sure many of you are. If

you’d like to talk, please contact me at 843-304-

5664 (by phone or text) or email at

[email protected] or pop by the office

some early to mid-afternoon Monday through

Thursday when I’m generally around if I’m not

out on a call.

To close on a good note, included with this

article (continued on the next page) is a photo of

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

my daughter and granddaughter, niece and

grand niece. A vision for the future that makes

my heart swell.

God’s peace & hope,

Pastor Jon

All Women of

University Lutheran

Please join us on Monday, August 28, 2017 at

6:00 p.m. for our annual pot luck supper

sponsored by the Ruth Circle. This year's event

will be hosted by Lena Jones and Rachel

Quesada and will be held in the church social

hall. Everyone is asked to bring a covered dish

to share. All women of the congregation are

invited to attend. For planning purposes please

let Lena or Rachel know you will be attending.

Look forward to seeing all of you on August 28.

LCM Cookie Drop The time of year is quickly approaching for all of the students to return. During move in on Saturday August 19, we will deliver cookies to incoming students and their roommates. If you signed up to bring cookies, please deliver them to the church before Saturday. Thank you!

Attention All Sewers We have a new ongoing service project: Scrub Hats for Greenville Children’s Hospital! Before a child has surgery, they get to pick out a scrub hat and a small toy. This helps distract them from pre-surgery jitters. These scrub hats are made by folks throughout the Upstate. However, many are made in generic floral or plain fabric. (not so fun for kids) The hospital is always looking for hats made from fun, kid fabric. UniLu has embarked on making hats for this program. We started this project in June and have donated roughly 40 hats to date. Thank you to those who have donated their time and talents!!! We are providing fabric and directions to assemble these hats. They can be found with a bin for finished hats on the kitchen counter off the Narthex. We have two nurses who work at Greenville Memorial who will deliver these hats for us! For more information, contact Judy Aikens at 724-831-8104 or [email protected]

Mutual Ministry Committee Meeting

The Mutual Ministry Committee will meet on

Tuesday the 22nd of August at 7 pm in the

sanctuary. The committee is charged with

providing pastoral support and serving as a

“listening post” for the congregation. Any

church member who has concerns and would

like the committee to address those concerns

should contact one of the committee members:

Rich Ringeisen, Rick Sanders, Kerry Smith,

Myrna Johnson, Deanie Shonka.

Myrna Johnson, Chair

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center


ELCA Outreach Sunday September 10

This is an opportunity to celebrate who we are



Lunch will be served around 12:30 PM and then

you are invited to join a service project team.

(To help us plan please sign up)



1. Making floral table decorations for Our Daily


2. Decorating place mats for nursing homes

3. Working on quilts and boxing quilts

4. Preparing LWR Personnel Kits

5. Cleaning up Abernathy Park

6. Donating spaghetti sauce and pasta for

Clemson Community Care

Questions or comments: Karen Dreher;

[email protected]

Back to

School Pool


Youth (3rd grade - high

school seniors) you are

invited to a pool party

on Saturday August

26th, 2pm -4pm, at the

home of Keith and Zoraya, Miles and Bella

Rockow, 213 Wescott Drive, Clemson.

Students and parents are welcome. Bring swim

wear and towel. Light snacks will be served.

Attention Youth

Middle Schoolers & High Schoolers

Mark your calendars and

clear the time.

1st gathering of the Youth Group

will be

Saturday September 16th,


Light dinner, with fun activities to


A Novel Bunch Reconvenes Soon

Our congregation's book club, A Novel Bunch, is waking up from its summer hiatus and looking forward to our next novel, Song of Willow Frost by Jamie Ford come September 21st. We meet on the 3rd Thursday of the month at noon in the Cry Room to the left of the narthex. From my perspective, A Novel Bunch provides a healthy dose of fellowship as we explore emotional, spiritual, and physical situational experiences in our selected novels. Such situational experiences, as many are unlikely for me, nonetheless have a definite relevance which are brought to life in my evening readings as well as in our monthly discussions. Please consider joining us! Ford's Song of Willow Frost, his 2nd novel following his much acclaimed Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet, is set in depression-era Seattle. Per the NY Times, Willow Frost is a powerful tale of two souls - a boy with dreams of his future and a woman escaping her haunted past - both seeking love, hope and forgiveness. Calvin Schoulties, Mild-mannered Reporter of A Novel Bunch

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

Family Promise


Cookbooks created by the volunteers, families,

and staff of Family Promise are available for

sale in the narthex in August. Cost: $20. Profits

benefit our ministry to homeless families in our

county. You can write a check to UniLu and put

it in the offering with the memo "Family Promise

cookbook" or give your cash to Eunice

Lehmacher or put the donation in the basket.

Thanks for your help.

Eunice. [email protected]

Grounds Maintenance

August 23rd, 8:30 – 10:30 am


1 Weed as needed

2. Deadhead petunias

Watering Schedule- Help Needed

Fellowship Hall Flower Bed: Approximate Dates (Special Request, optional - Deadhead a petunia or a mum) August 16 – Martin Schneider August 20 – John Blackmon August 23 August 27 August 30 AND/OR

“Blue Pacific” shore junipers need 1-2 gal water each. Frequency: 1X/week Week of August 21-26 Week of August 28-Sept 2

A little help please… LCM Meals Start

August 23rd Soon the college students will fill the front rows of our 11am Sunday service. Wednesday night meals can't be far behind! Each Wednesday during the 16-week semester, 50-60 students come to University Lutheran where they find a welcoming space, hugs and greetings from new friends and old friends, and a home-cooked, healthy meal. This ministry would not happen without the support of the many University Lutheran members who plan meals, tote tons of food from grocery to kitchen, prepare food by the gallons, wash dozens of dishes and dish cloths … then do the same all over again next week!! Your opportunity to catch the excitement and appreciation of these college students is here. Meal plans for the Fall, 2017 semester are posted in the Narthex. The guidelines are pretty simple:

– You can volunteer to provide a single dish or an entire meal by adding your name on the sign-up sheets.

– On Monday of your week, you will receive a phone or email reminder.

– Have your food in the Fellowship Hall kitchen by 4pm, Wednesday.

– Turn receipts in to the Church Office for reimbursement.

– If you need dishes returned, be sure your name is on each dish.

New to the meal plans this semester .... Each week contains a meatless option and a recipe is provided. Most weeks, we only need one family size portion of the meatless option. This is a great way for members who are not familiar with the Wednesday night meal ministry or who prefer to prepare a small amount of food to get involved. Something else is new this semester …. Each week includes a dish-of-the-day. This is a sample of a food that might not be familiar to the students. It might be from another culture or a traditional Southern favorite. If a recipe is needed it will be provided. Thanks in advance to all those who help in so many ways. These Wednesday night events feed the students' bodies and souls and mean a great deal to them. Want to learn more? Have questions? Contact Libby Queener at 864-637-8421 or [email protected].

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

Thank yous!

From Donna Coakley:

Thank you to Rachel Quesada for working for

me during my wonderful vacation with my

daughter and granddaughter! It was great to be

able to relax knowing that things were in her

very capable hands.

From Jean Askew:

It goes without saying that gardeners drip in the

summer and they say “many thanks” for any

cloudy days when gardening maintenance

chores are at hand. This summer several

people have dripped to help keep the ground

tidy. Please help me thank the following

individuals for their assistance this summer

either mowing, weeding, pruning, or watering:

John Blackmon, John Dreher, Freddie Waltz,

Harold Holt, Christel Loescher, Keith Rockow,

John Fulmer, David Foster, Ellen Reneke,

Carolyn Ringeisen, Martin Schneider, Judi Key,

Donna Coakley, Katie Healy, Susanne Lemcke.

If your name was not listed, please forgive the


From Bengt Berg

in Kennewick, Washington

I am doing very well living with my son. We

rented a small house surrounded by horses,

beef cows, and chickens. It’s a big change

compared to living at Clemson Downs. My son

is a good caretaker and wishes me all the best.

When our houses (in SC) are sold, Gloria, my

daughter-in-law, will join us here. I miss the

church family and I am thinking of many of you

every day. Please say hello to all my friends and

tell them that I am doing fine in my new


Best regards,


Free Items!

We will be updating the furniture in the 3rd, 4th &

5th grade classroom and the middle school

classroom. If you could use one or more of the

eleven chairs, or one or two of the tables please

contact Pastor Jon [email protected] or


If multiple people express interest, Pastor Jon

will draw names from a hat. If there are no

takers they will be recycled or dumped. Thank


Supper Club

Supper Club will start in November and continue

in January and March. There will be a signup

sheet in the Narthex during August &

September. Everyone will host once with three

couples. That seemed to work well last year. It

is a good way to meet new people and form

friendships in the congregation. This is a Parish

Life activity and letters will be sent out in

October with the schedule.

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

Sunday Worship Services

at 8:30am and 11:00am

Sunday School at 9:45am

Miss a service?

The recorded church sermons are posted weekly to the website.

Council President Jean Mehlman

[email protected]

Church Office Hours

The church office is open Monday through Friday

8am-12noon and 1pm-3pm.

Mailing Address

111 Sloan Street

Clemson, SC 29631

Phone: 864/654-4232

UniLu Web Site www.uniluclemson.org

Staff Listing

Jon Heiliger- Parish Pastor [email protected] 843/304-5664

Chris Heavner- Campus Pastor [email protected] 864/506-0080

Gene Copenhaver - Pastor Emeritus [email protected] 276/698-4471 Judi Key- Minister of Music [email protected] Rebecca Quesada- Handbell Director [email protected] Donna Coakley- Secretary/Bookkeeper [email protected] 864/654-4232

Melissa McKenzie -Custodian

can be reached through church office


Please have your information to [email protected] by Tuesday at 3 pm.

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

Mission Statement

University Lutheran is a family of faith, called by the Holy Spirit to be one ministry serving both our community

and university. The Spirit calls us to make known, by word and deed, the story of God’s love in Jesus. Our

worship together empowers us to grow as disciples as we receive, celebrate, and share God’s gifts with all of

God’s creation and created ones.

Serving this Sunday- 11th Sunday after Pentecost

Assisting Minister at 8:30 Anita Edge

Assisting Minister at 11:00 Marion Fisher

Communion Assistant at 8:30 Reed Severance

Communion Assistant at 11:00 Jan Fritz

Lector at 8:30 Dan Shonka

Lector at 11:00 Jean Mehlman

Minister of Music Judi Key

Altar Guild David Foster, Jackie Broadwell, Susanne Lemcke

Cantor at 8:30 Anita Edge

Cantor at 11:00 Pat Morgan

Greeters at 8:30 Don and Marie Lynn

Greeters at 11:00 Cindy Nelson and Nancy Turner

Ushers at 8:30 Dan and Deanie Shonka

Ushers at 11:00 Herm Spitzer and Harold Holt

Acolyte at 8:30 Erika Summers

Acolyte at 11:00

Tellers John Blackmon and Rachel Quesada

Sound Technician at 8:30/11:00 Ned Johnson/Pat Morgan

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center



Worship at 8:30am and 11am

Sunday School Rally Day and Pancake Breakfast at 9:45am

Parish Life Committee meeting at 9:45am

Stewardship Committee meeting after 11am worship


Office closed due to eclipse traffic


Mutual Ministry meeting at 7pm


Bible Conversation at 9am

Praise Band Practice at 7pm


Men’s Breakfast at Paw’s Diner at 7am



Youth Back to School Pool Party at the Rockows’ at 2pm

NEXT SUNDAY: Worship at 8:30am and 11am– LCM Welcome Back

Sunday School and coffee at 9:45am


† for University Lutheran Members, Family and Friends: Wayne Gilchrist; Marvin

Doerr; John Heyer; Gail Paul; Emma Piazza; Rilla Bartsch; Pat Wagner; Bengt Berg; Mark Smith; Ron Black;

George Harris; Joyce Lillehamer; Ken Cothran’s dad, Ken, Sr.; Linda Holt’s father, James Hollis; Linda Holts’

friend, Nancy Anderson

† for expecting parents, Marc and Abby Dedecker

Celebrating birthdays this week: Carol Miller; Diana Vetter; Chris Aurich; Sharon Runge

Celebrating wedding anniversaries this week: Ned and Myrna Johnson; Mike and Laura Scott; Rich and Carolyn

Ringeisen; Robert and Elaine Knoerr

Worship attendance last Sunday was 65 at 8:30am and 87 at 11:00am.

University Lutheran Church-Lutheran Campus Center

Prayer Fellowship

The following is a list of people for whom prayer has been requested. If you know of anyone in

need of prayer, please email [email protected] with their name, address if you’d like a card sent

to them, and the reason for the request if it is not confidential. Please also let us know if they improve and

need to be removed.

Marge Butler Don Chappelear Bill Chipps Larry Chipps Elinor Coker Mary Durnin Harold “Happy” Esler Lee Honeycutt Bob and Faye Lawson Ilse and Eberhard Lemcke Barbara Lemcke De Reed Gaye Tang Steve Thomas

Sister of John Wagner Cousin of Rosalyn Flanigan Cousin of Rosalyn Flanigan Cousin of Rosalyn Flanigan Friend of Rosalyn Flanigan Friend of Marie Lynn Friend of the Fulmers Brother of Frank Honeycutt Friends of the Sanders Parents of Susanne Lemcke Sister of Susanne Lemcke Friend of Marie Lynn Sister of Cleo Shields Friend of Ron and Laura Black

PRAYER OF THE DAY for Upcoming Sunday

God of all peoples, your arms reach out to embrace all those who call upon you. Teach us as

disciples of your Son to love the world with compassion and constancy, that your name may be

known throughout the earth, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen.

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