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An Introduction to Social Media

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

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What is Social Media?

Social media are platforms for

interaction and relationships,

not content and ads.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

Brian Eisenberg

in·ter·ac·tion - mutual or reciprocal action or influence

re·la·tion·ship - a specific instance or type of kinship //

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• Connect to people with similar interests.

• Listen, learn, and interact.

• Add value.

• Create relationships.

• Maintain and foster relationships.• Increase your network (personal or professional).

• Build your personal brand and expertise.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

What is Social Media?

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What is Social Media?

a conversation between the brand and its customers – r. meyer

// just look at barack obama’s entire campaign – i. amit

word of mouth, telling stories, connecting P2P, findability – w. brache

// social media and new marketing is about open conversation – j. king

listening, listening, listening, listening, listening - @ninjarunner

// building community based on likes/dislikes - @groovybrent

social media is the definition of marketing - @koukoupuff

// sharing caring conversations online - @activelife

no holds barred informal networking and content sharing - @thefloatingfrog

// internet media that has the ability to interact with it – r. scoble

the various activities that integrate technology, social interaction – m. kagan


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What they say… Disclaimer: this slide is intended to be crowded and overwhelming.

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What is Social Media?

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

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• Blog is derived from weblog.

• Simply a site with frequently updated commentary.

• Most blogs are focused on one, or a couple of topics.

• Commenting is generally encouraged to create “real-time” discussion.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

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• Archives: a historical compilation of posts and content.• Blogrolls: a list of links to other sites, blogs, etc.• Category: a filing system for blog posts (e.g. Marketing).• Comment: human responses based on blog content.• Content: the information, photos, videos, etc on a site.• Feeds: a reading subscription to blog content (e.g. RSS).• Permalinks: Permanent links to individual posts.• Plugins: Scripts that add functionality to your blog.• Post: an entry to the blog, the process of adding content.• Wordpress, Typepad, Blogger: platforms for blogs.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

Cheat sheet: key words and terms that you may hear in the future.

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• A social network connecting friends.

• Some “big brands” use FB to connect to a large audience.

• Messaging, status updates, photos, videos, shared links, applications, & more.

• More than 175 million active users.

• More than 3 billion minutes are spent on Facebook each day.

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• An intro to Facebook video.• Applications: add-ons to your Facebook profile (Photos,

Links, Video, Groups, Marketplace, Games, etc.)• Facebook Chat: A feature that allows you to type and

communicate in real-time with your online friends.• Mark Zuckerberg: Founder, CEO & President of FB.• Poke: Alert another user that you are thinking of them,

even Facebook admits pokes have no real use.• Privacy: Restricting access to various areas of your

profile.• Profile: a user’s personal page with photos, info, etc.

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Cheat sheet: key words and terms that you may hear in the future.

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• A business-oriented social network.• Most users connect to people they know.• Users tend to be more senior (28% VP+).• 66% of users are decision makers or

influencers.• More connections = greater the likelihood

of higher personal income – Those with personal incomes between $200K-

$350K were seven times more likely than others to have over 150 connections!

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• Applications: Add-ons (upload a blog, slides, etc.).• Completeness: Removing gaps by having an image and

informative content uploaded in your profile.• Connections: Similar to friends, your network.• Groups: a network of people with similar interests.• Profile: a user’s personal information, rendered in a

format similar to a resume.• Recommendations: Feedback on a user to further

support their professional networking.• Usage tip: Participate in discussions! It helps to build

your network and build your expertise.

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Cheat sheet: key words and terms that you may hear in the future.

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• Twitter is a social networking and microblogging service that allows you answer the question, "What are you doing?" by sending short text messages 140 characters in length, called "tweets", to your friends, or "followers."

• A great overview of Twitter at tweeternet.• Twitter allows you to listen and monitor

what people are saying about you, your company, your interest, and anything else.

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Twitter• @reply: A public response to a Twitter user; @username Insert

body of message.• #hashtag: Group popular, commonly referenced topics; IBM is

laying off more people #jobless.• Direct Messages: D username sends a direct message to that user

(referred to as a DM).• Monitter, Tweetgrid, Tweetdeck: A few of many useful Twitter tools

to help you monitor trends, interact, etc.• Retweet: Repost another user’s tweet; RT username: “Text you’d

like to retweet.”• Tweetup: a gathering of Twitter users to discuss trends, usage, and

more; usually benefitting a charity.• URL Shorteners: sites that convert links to shorter links to save

characters and add analytics in some cases.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

Cheat sheet: key words and terms that you may hear in the future.

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• A social bookmarking site that aggregates the number of bookmarks for any link.

• Bookmark and tag links that you like for easy web access.

• Each bookmark will have a number beside it indicating other users with the same link.

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• “A place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web.”

• Post content and other users that like the content “Digg” it, voting it up in the ranks.

• Valued at $200 million (BusinessWeek).• The Digg Effect: a flood of traffic to a site

based on have lots of “Diggs.”• Notable competitors include Reddit and


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How to use Social Media

• It’s all about BALANCE.– Time, Resources, Goals, Outlets used, etc.

• Focus: Align the social media outlets you use with your goals and add value.

• Anticipate: Find where you think your goals will lead you and be proactive.

• Interact: Social media is about community, build yours, and join others.

• Listen: You can’t add value if you don’t know what is being said. LISTEN.

What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

From Why Companies FAIL at Social Media in One Word by Chris Moody

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What is it? | Blogging | Facebook | LinkedIn | Twitter | Delicious | Digg | How to use it?

Chris Moody // [email protected]

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