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Page 1: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

An Irresponsible Act

The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It was a torrential downpour. I tossed left and right hoping to find a comfortable spot on my scratchy bed. I have been living in SPCA for nearly two months now. Every day brought new hopes and aspirations. It was the same for me too. But unfortunately, nothing I hoped for came true…I just wanted a new home! Honestly, is that too much to ask?

Every day I would lie down, hoping and waiting but nobody would ever come. I almost gave up hope on myself until the day James entered the SPCA. When we saw him, we all started barking loudly, hoping that he would take us home. But of all the other dogs, guess who he chose? It was ME! Yay! I was over the moon. My heart swelled with so much joy that I thought that it may burst.

James brought me home and took great care of me. We spent plenty of time playing and exercising together. He was the best owner that a dog could ever ask for. Until one day, a flamboyant looking lady appeared at our doorstep. She dragged James out of the door even before I could wave goodbye.

A few months later, they got married and had a child. The child cried incessantly. Once, I got curious and decided to find out why. I stood beside the child’s crib hoping to get a good look at him. But I was shooed away by James’s wife. She looked at James squarely in the eye and said,’’ Your dog is so annoying!’’

‘’It is you who is being unreasonable!’’ he retorted. They squabbled. This went on for many days. And finally, James decided to get rid of me.

The next day at dawn, James drove me to a grassy patch under a big shady tree. I thought he was bringing me on a play-date so I started jumping up and down with excitement, my heart leapt for joy and I grinned from ear to ear. When I was playing with the soft grass, James drove off. ‘’Hey! Wait! Take me with you!’’ I cried. Awhile later, I realized that I had been abandoned. That night, since no one was there to give me dog food, I had to find scrapes from the dustbin to stop my growling stomach. This is the worst day of my life! I thought. I went to sleep under the shady tree.

Every day, I would stay at the same spot, hoping that James would come back for me. But nothing ever changed, until the day James returned.

It was a new day. I was miserably lying under the bottom of the tree, thinking about all the times we had together. Just then, a red car pulled up in front of the tree, just meters away from where I was lying. It looked like James’s car so I got up and started barking excitedly. The next few moments were the best moments of my life. James got out from his car door. He scooped me up gave me a big hug and said, ’’I missed you! I am so sorry that I abandoned you! And then he continued explaining about how he had ironed it out with his wife and how she had agreed to let me go home

Page 2: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

again. But, I was not listening to what he was saying. I was just thinking of the warm and cozy home. My unlimited supply of dog treats…

In a blink of an eye, we had finally reached home! My heart was leaping with joy. James and his wife did everything they could to make it up to me. They played with me, bought me new toys and even gave me more dog treats than usual. From that day onwards, they learnt their lesson and started treating me better.

Pets are living things and we have feelings too, so treat us with respect!

Ashlynn Jahangeer 4 Respect

Page 3: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Not Following Instructions

"Hmm...? What are we baking today? I hope it will be yummy," Jade wondered with anticipation. Jade was in a baking class. She and her best friends, Yining, Clarise and Cally were learning how to bake. This was their first lesson.

Soon, the class started. "Students, today we will be baking a...cake!" the teacher announced and then went on to give instructions. But Jade was busy talking to Yining, Clarise and Cally. All the instructions had fallen on deaf ears!

After the teacher had given instructions, it was time to bake. Jade was like a cat on hot bricks. She did not know what to do! A woman suggested that Jade should ask the instructor. But Jade was too scared to ask the instructor. She calmed herself down and just simply mixed everything together. She added a whole box of baking soda and set the oven temperature at the maximum. Just then, Jade saw the instructor walking around, checking on the students and making sure that they were okay. "Oh, you have to add two tablespoons of baking soda and the oven's temperature should be at 180 degree," the instructor said to a lady.

WHAT! I added a whole box of baking soda and set the oven's temperature to the maximum! Jade hurriedly dashed to the oven. But it was too late! Everyone was bolting out of the room. Smoke was coming out of the oven and the cake mixture. Jade tried to run to the exit but the fire was blocking the exit. Jade smashed the nearby emergency button as hard as she could.

After awhile, the firefighter and paramedics arrived. The brave firefighters put out the fire and saw Jade and several other participants of the class lying motionless on the floor. They were immediately sent to the hospital for treatment. Jade woke up in a white room feeling dizzy. She saw her parents beside her and tried to hug them but felt a searing pain on her right arm!

As the saying goes," Sow what you reap!" Jade had learnt an important lesson about paying attention and following instructions- AT ALL TIMES! Lu Yining 4 Respect

Page 4: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Sport Day

It was a sunny day at the Woodlands Stadium. The sun was shining brightly. I was brimming with excitement but at the same time I felt like a cat on hot bricks. It was my first sports day at a stadium. My parents and my class were at the spectators stand cheering loudly for me.

I was in the 100-metre race against three others- Aurick, Ryan and Isaac. I was a bundle of nerves. A shiver ran down my spine and I was trembling like a leaf. Can I do it? I thought.

Soon the horn sounded. Honk! I ran as light and soon, I found myself leading. Just as I was almost at the finish line, I heard a loud thud. Aurick had fallen down! He gripped his injured leg and moaned in excruciating pain. The crowd was shocked. I stopped in my tracks. Then I ran to help Aurick up and brought him to a teacher.

Ryan came in first in the race and Isaac was second. For me, I did not feel too good as I had lost my chance of winning. Tears streamed down my eyes but Aurick came forward and cheered me up.

Although I did not complete the race, I felt as happy as a lark because I had done the right thing. Well, after all, Sports Day is not all about winning. It is about the spirit of sportsmanship. I think I can proudly say that I have displayed that quality. Haven’t I?

Zev Jayden Wang 4 Respect

Page 5: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

An act of kindness

“Yummy! Ice Cream!” John exclaimed as he took a bite of the ice cream. It was a gift for a good deed he had done. It was a memorable incident that would be etched in his mind forever. John asked his mother if he could go out to the park with his friend Ben to play at the playground. John’s mom said, “NO!” John was sad. He begged on his knees and pleaded till his mother agreed. When his mother finally agreed, John leaped in the air in joy as his mother seldom allows him to go out and play. Without saying a goodbye, John bolted out of the house. On the way to Ben’s house, he met Uncle Joe at his lift lobby. He greeted Uncle Joe politely, “Hey! How’s your day, Uncle Joe?” Just then, one of Uncle Joe’s bag’s tore. All the tin cans dropped onto the floor and rolled into a drain.

Without hesitation, John swiftly rushed to Uncle Joe’s aid. He retrieved the tin cans for Uncle Joe. “Thank you so much! You are my hero!” said Uncle Joe. After that, John continued his journey to Ben’s house

Later that evening, when John got home. His mother handed a tub of ice cream to him. Why would my mom give me an ice cream? John thought. John’s mother said, “It was from Uncle Joe as he wanted to show gratitude to you for helping him pick up his tin cans when it dropped on the floor.” John’s mother felt proud of him and gave him a big thumbs up. Matthias Ang Zi Shyan 4 Respect

Page 6: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A TRAFFIC ACCIDENT Should I call the ambulance and the police or should I just help them? thought John anxiously. The weather was enchanting. Birds were flying and it was all peace and quiet. “Bye Mom! I'm heading for school!” shouted John.

“Bye sweetie! Hope you have a good day today.” replied John's mom. As he walked out of his house door, a breeze of refreshing air hit him. John was heading for school, not expecting anything out of the ordinary would happen. It was just another normal school day, just the way John likes it. No bullying, no fighting, no injuries and no arguing. John went to the lift, “Oh man!”John moaned, “Not again! Why is the under-repairs again! Oh well. I have to take the stairs then!” It was unfortunate for him as he lived in the tallest level of their block!

After awhile, he reached down the stairs with a tired look on his face because his bag was as heavy as fifty bricks. He walked slowly to school to conserve energy so he would not be too exhausted during Physical Education today. He heard a loud yell. “John! Over here! I'm Sam!” shouted his best friend who was standing just the opposite of where he was. “I brought my phone! Do you want to play with it?”

“No thanks!” replied John. “We're not supposed to play with it. It’s only for

emergency uses.” John went to the nearest traffic light to cross the road. Just then, a shiny orange sports car passed and zoomed past the red light! It looked like it had gone out of control. It shrieked, swerved left and right to avoid colliding into the other vehicles on the road. Sounds of horn blaring echoed in the air. But to no avail. BANG! It plowed into another car. The two drivers sustained cuts and bruises and were groaning in pain. Luckily, Sam had a phone. He dialed 999 and reported the incident.

In a few minutes, the paramedics and police arrived. The paramedics picked up the two men while the police asked the two men questions. John and Sam realised that it was important to help people in need. When they got home, there was a letter for them. “Thank you for calling us. Thanks to you. We were able to help them thanks to you.” from Officer Ryan Kok Kar Lok 4 Respect

Page 7: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Kind Act

“This is so tasty!” exclaimed Justin, feeling contented. The bag of chips was a present for Justin. It was a gift of gratitude for the good deed he had done.

“Hey, Dude! Do you want to come over to my place and play some video games?” asked Jason eagerly.

Justin jumped in joy and replied, “Well, why not?” After getting permission from his mother, Justin dashed out of his house as happy

as a lark as his mother rarely allows him to hang out with his friends. When he stepped out of the lift. He saw Uncle Bob, his neighbour. Uncle Bob was clad in his usual white cotton t-shirt and black jeans. He was panting and struggling with two heavy bags of metal tin cans that he had bought from the supermarket nearby. He looked tired and had perspiration trickling down his forehead.

“Hi, Uncle Bob!” greeted Justin politely. “Do you need some assistance? You look

drained out,” Justin offered his help kindly. But, before Uncle Bob could reply, one of his bags tore and his tin cans dropped onto the floor. Clink! Clank! Uncle Bob could do nothing but looked helplessly as his cans rolled away. Without any hesitation, as quick as lightning, Justin rushed to his aid and helped pick up the tin cans.

Uncle Bob’s face lit up and he said, “Thanks, Justin, for helping me pick up the

cans. You’re my hero!” Justin then offered to carry Uncle Bob’s bags of groceries back to his house. Gently, Justin took the bags from Uncle Bob’s hands. After that, they began to walk back to Uncle Bob’s home. Upon reaching the doorstep, Uncle Bob praised Justin for being a kind and helpful boy. Soon, Justin continued his journey to meet up with Jason.

When Justin arrived home in the evening, his mother handed him a bagful of chips. Justin was puzzled as his mother rarely gives him treats. At that moment, his mother told him that it was from Uncle Bob. Uncle Bob was thankful for what Justin had done and decided to buy him a bag of chips to express his gratitude. Justin grinned from ear to ear as he was as proud as a peacock. As he ate the chips, he felt a sense of satisfaction wash over him. Justin said, “Kindness makes the world go round. You never know when you might need help from others.” Zxac Ho Yu Loong 4 Respect

Page 8: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Good Deed

“What an awesome toy car! I love it!” exclaimed Jag, feeling jubilant. He would never ever forget that he had done a good deed. “Hey, Bro! Want to come to my house to play Roblox?” asked Mary. “Sure! Why not?” Jag answered. After seeking permission from his mother, Jack ran out of the house and made a beeline to Mary’s house. Feeling as if he was on cloud nine, Jag stepped out of the lift, whistling a merry tune. This will be the best day ever! He thought. Meanwhile, he saw Grandpa Tan perspiring profusely. He was in his usual white singlet and old black pants. He was struggling with two heavy bags. “Hello, Grandpa Tan! You look exhausted. Need any help?” Jag asked politely. “It’s okay. I can handle it.” Grandpa Tan answered. Just then, Clink! Clank! One of the bags tore and the tin cans dropped onto the floor. Grandpa Tan looked at the tin cans helplessly as they rolled away. “Oh no!” he gasped. Without hesitation, Jag rushed to Grandpa Tan’s aid and picked up the rolling cans on the floor. “Thanks, Jag! I am lucky to meet you!” Grandpa Tan thanked Jag profusely. “Nah. Not a big matter, just happy to help!” Jag also help Grandpa Tan to carry the bags to his house. Upon reaching the doorstep, Grandpa Tan thanked Jag once more and complimented him. Jag blushed at his compliments and continued his journey to Mary’s house. Later that day, when Jag arrived home, he noticed a toy car on his bed. It was the one he had always wanted. He was puzzled. Why would mum buy me such a gift? It is not my birthday... He thanked his mother anyway. At that point, his mother explained that it was a gift from Grandpa Tan. He wanted to thank Jag for his good deed. Jag blushed and said, “Well, kindness makes the world a better place to live in.” Cally Tan Lining 4 Respect

Page 9: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Nasty Accident

After breakfast, I went to fetch the newspaper. Just as I was about to open it,

something at the headline caught my eye “TOP NEWS: CAR CRASHED INTO ROAD

DIVIDER.” Suddenly, memories of that horrid incident came flooding into my mind…

“7.20 ALREADY! I’m going to be late!” I screamed in horror, while looking at my

clock. I changed into my work clothes frantically. Beads of perspiration trickled down my

forehead. My heart beat like a drum. It was raining. Oh-no! I thought to myself. I took an

umbrella and jolted into the car. I hope I will make it on time!

I sped recklessly down the road like a racing sports car. Fast and furious. I stepped

on the accelerator and beat the red lights.

“7.30! I am really late!” I gasped. Out of the blue, a car turned, blocking my path.

To avoid it, I made a sharp left turn and… CRASH! I had hit the road divider! The impact

sent me flying out of the car and landing on the side of the road with a loud thud. Fresh

crimson blood gushed out of my wounds like waterfall. Stunned and shocked, I fell

unconscious. All I heard was someone calling for the ambulance…

The moment I opened my eyes, I saw myself on a bed. I was in a treatment room.

I heard voices. I was confused. Where am I? Soon, the scenes of the incident… flying out

of the car, losing consciousness and fountains of blood gushing out of wounds came back

to my mind…

“Jane, are you alright?” I snapped out of my flashback, coming back to the present.

Indeed, the accident taught me a valuable lesson: Never speed and be careful on

the road. Whether you are a pedestrian or a cyclist, you have a part to play to prevent


Alicia Ang 4 Respect

Page 10: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Snatch Thief

"Let's have a papaya after dinner!'' Mary told her children chirpily. Mary bought the papaya as to show gratitude to a papaya seller at a fruit stall in Chong Pang for what he did that afternoon. It was an ordeal that will always be etched in her mind.

Mary, a lady with silky brown hair was strolling around like a curious cat searching for the supermarket, Giant. She wanted to buy some eggs for tomorrow's breakfast. Her lovely handbag glittered under the hot sun. It was a present from her husband and it cost a bomb.

When she reached Giant, the aroma of her favourite food - cheeseballs, wafted in the air. It made Mary's tummy growl and rumble like an earthquake. She followed the aroma which led her to the stall, Old Chang Kee. Immediately, she hastened her steps towards the queue. She could not wait to sink her pearly teeth into the delectable cheeseballs.

Unfortunately, unknown to her, Mary's handbag caught the eye of a malicious

robber. He looked suspicious with his dark shades. Stealthily, he approached Mary. When the coast was clear, he grabbed her handbag and ran hell for leather.

Mary’s face ashen as she shouted at the top of her lungs, "CATCH THAT THIEF!''

Fortunately, the owner of a papaya stall that was just beside Old Chang Kee stall had a brainwave. Without hesitation, he hurled a gargantuan papaya at the robber like a beefy shot-putter.

The enormous papaya flew through the air and landed on the thief's head. The impact was so great that he tumbled onto the floor. Passers-by pinned him down like a stack of dominoes, making him powerless. Feeling squashed and enraged, the robber begged for mercy but no one listened to his cries. Everyone was waiting eagerly for the police to arrive.

Soon, siren was heard and the men in blue finally came. With a slap of the metallic handcuff, they apprehended the robber and whizzed him to the police station.

Fortunately, Mary's handbag was retrieved. She was filled with gratitude for the quick-witted papaya seller. In appreciation, she bought a huge papaya from him and lumbered home with it.

Once bitten twice shy, Mary learned that she ought to be alert at all times and never to flaunt her jewellery. Kayenne Sim Jia En, 4 Respect

Page 11: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

The Presentation

"Okay, Class! I am going to put you into groups of six for your presentation!" said Mrs Tan. The sun shone mercilessly in the sky. It was a Friday morning. My teammates and I were discussing about our presentation for a Social Studies project.

While we were deciding on the presenter, James's hand suddenly shot up and volunteered. "You know, I've attained a high mark for Oral-SA1!"James bragged.

On the day of the presentation, James was under the weather. He had lost his voice due to wolfing down four pieces of McSpicy chicken wings the night before. Our group had no choice but to find someone to replace him.

While discussing about this, a shiver went down my spine. A thought raced through my mind. What if they were to choose me? Maybe I should excuse myself and dash to the toilet.

Ten minutes later, when I was in the toilet, I noticed a shadow creeping outside the cubicle. When I opened the door, I saw Jerry, one of my teammates. He asked me why I was here and explained that one of my teammates had sent him to check on me.

Back at the classroom, Gina, another teammate, announced that I was the new presenter. As soon as I heard that, my mouth was agape and I was speechless.

During the presentation, my teammates spurred me on by encouraging me. At first, adrenaline traveled passed my veins and my heart was beating wildly. Then,I took a deep breath. I mustered up my courage and started my speech. At first, I was stuttering and stammering. But by the time I had finished the second sentence, I realized that speaking in front of an audience is not that terrifying. Slowly but steadily, I finished the presentation.

My teammates gave me a wink and the whole class clapped raucously. I was in seventh heaven. I could not believe what just happened.

From this day onwards, I always volunteer to be the presenter. This day will be forever etched in my mind as it is a day when I overcome my fear of public speaking. Tan Jin Tien 4 Respect

Page 12: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

An Irresponsible act Just another day in a dog’s life, I thought to myself as I yawned. Three months have passed since I was born. I have been missing my mother.

Suddenly, I heard the sound of keys clinking. Tom, the shop assistant, unlocked the entrance of the pet shop. He was late. The first two customers had already been waiting eagerly to enter the pet shop. Once opened, the boy ran straight towards me. “Mommy, I want this puppy for my birthday present!” He pointed excitedly. I could not believe my ears. I stood up on all four legs excitedly and looked at the Mum with hopeful eyes.

“But…you cannot even take care of yourself. How are you going to take care of a dog?” his mother replied.

“But you said I could have anything I want,” he cried loudly. In the end, his mother agreed reluctantly. From that day onwards, Tim was my owner. My heart swelled with happiness and my eyes lit up in joy. I wagged my tail excitedly as Tim scooped me out of the cage. Little did I know that I was going to go through the worst time of my life…

Several weeks later, Tim began to neglect me. I was left alone most of the time and I was not fed well. I don’t want to a home anymore. I want freedom.

One fateful afternoon, when Tim had returned home from school, he was so tired that he had left the door opened. Yes! Here’s my chance! I decided to sneak out of the house. The next minute, I was out on the street. I was amazed by the scenery and buildings around me. Without realising, I walked into the road. The sound of blaring horns filled the air. I stood rooted to the ground, petrified. The next thing I knew, I was hit by a car which sent me flying away a few metres away.

When I woke up, I felt pain searing through my head. I did not know where I was. I saw someone seated beside my bed. Who is she? I wondered. Next to her was a lady in white. She told me that she was a vet and that I had been involved in an accident. It was the lady beside me who brought me to the veterinary. The lady had also contacted my owner through the address that was imprinted on the tag that I was wearing.

A month later, I recovered and Tim brought me home. He called the lady who had rescued me and thanked her profusely. She told Tim how it all happened and that he should take better care of me. Tim was very sad that I was injured due to his negligence. He promised that he would not neglect me again and will try to learn to be a more responsible pet owner from now on. Gerald Tan Kai Hao 4 Respect

Page 13: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Snatch theft

“Snatch Theft at Woodlands MRT Station. Passer-by Helped victim.” Upon seeing the headlines, Mrs Wong started to recall what had happened one year ago…

Sounds of blaring horns filled the air in the morning. Mrs Wong was on her way to Crystal Jade Shopping Mall, the newest shopping mall near her home. She had heard in the advertisement that there was a great discount. She could not wait to arrive at the shopping mall.

I’m going to buy the latest XYZ bag at a discounted price! I’m also going to buy… Mrs Wong was thinking about what she could buy at the mall. She was so deep in thoughts that she did not realise two motorcyclists zooming towards her. Upon nearing Mrs Wong, the pillion rider stretched out his hands and snatched Mrs Wong’s handbag. They then sped off in a blink of an eye.

Mrs Wong’s heart missed a beat and her jaws dropped wide open. After a few seconds, she regained her senses and cried for help, “HELP! MOTORCYCLISTS SNATCHED MY HANDBAG!”

Fortunately, a passer-by who witnessed the whole incident, took down the appearance of the thieves and convinced Mrs Wong to call the police.

Soon, wails of sirens could be heard from a distance. The men in blue finally came. They asked for information from the passer-by and Mrs Wong. After which, they advised Mrs Wong to go home while they investigate and search for the motorcyclists.

A few days later, Mrs Wong received a phone call from the police. He said that the snatch thieves had been arrested. However, unfortunately, her handbag was not found.

“Mummy! Read this book to me!” said Mrs Wong’s son. That snapped Mrs Wong out of her momentary stupor. It was an unfortunate incident that she will never forget. Carol Chai Ke Rou 4 Respect

Page 14: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Kind Act

This is the best noodles that I have ever eaten! Ethan thought as he ate his fresh and hot noodles. It was a gift from Uncle Koh to express gratitude for something that he had done.

“Let’s, meet at the field! Don’t be late!” my friend, Lucas, reminded. My heart pounded with excitement as I hardly get to meet my friends. I immediately changed into my sports cloths and shoes.

As I got out of the lift, I saw my neighbor, Uncle Koh. As usual, he was clad in his white and black striped shirt and blue pants. Uncle Koh was carrying two heavy bags. He was panting away.

Just as I was about to help Uncle Koh, one of his bags tore and all the tin cans in the bag dropped and rolled away. Without hesitation, I ran up and picked up all the cans and returned them to Uncle Koh. I also volunteered to walk Uncle Koh back to his home. That evening, when I arrived home, my mother brought me my favourite bowl of noodles. She told me it was a gift from Uncle Koh. He wanted to thank me for helping him.

A little act of kindness, no matter how small, matters. That day, I have deeply understood the meaning of this quote. Darrel Wong Khai Kit 4 Respect

Page 15: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Traffic Accident

Ring...! The telephone rang when Jill was about to go to the kitchen to get a cup of water. '' Hey. How is your injury? Are you feeling better?” Joe, his best friend, asked, feeling concerned. After hanging up, Jill sat on the sofa and began to recall what had happened last month... ''Oh no! I am going to be late for work!'' Jill panicked. She stepped on the accelerator and drove recklessly. She was not taking care of her safety as she did not see the car right in front of her. Bang! Both cars crashed and screeched to a halt. Soon, many onlookers started to crowd around the scene when Jill and the other driver whose car had been crashed by Jill moaned in pain. Some onlookers dialed 995 and waited for the ambulance to arrive while others stood rooted to the ground, their eyes widened in horror. Soon, sirens could be heard. The paramedics attended to Jill and the other driver. They were then rushed to the hospital.

Once bitten twice shy. After this incident, Jill always remember that it better to be safe than sorry. Tiffany Tan Le Ying 4 Respect

Page 16: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Sports Day

It was a scorching hot day at the Woodlands Stadium. The sun was shining mercilessly at the track, making it look like it was sizzling. The Upper Primary classes, including my class, were at the stadium. It was our school's Annual Sports Day. The air was filled with enthusiasm. Parents were buzzling with excitement and pupils were cheering boisterously for their classes.

"8x50-metre boys, get ready at the participants' stand!" a teacher announced.

"Guys, we have to get ready now!" I whispered to my teammates.

My teammates and I had butterflies in our stomach and our hands turned cold and clammy as we made our way to the participants' stand. I took a glance at the competitors. Some were beaming with pride while some were pretty nervous. I was at the starting point, my heart was throbbing rapidly and there were beads of perspiration trickling down my forehead.

Bang! The air gun sounded! The first runner in my group ran as fast as Usain Bolt. At the speed of light, he dashed towards the second runner who sprinted down the track. All was well and our team is in the lead!

"Go! Run! You are in the lead!" boisterous cheering could be heard in a distance.

Soon it was my turn. I grabbed the baton and pushed myself forward. I have to do this ! I have to win! When I was almost at the finishing line, I turned back and noticed my competitors catching up with me

"Oh no! What should I do?" I murmured to myself. Just at this moment, I tripped over my loosened shoelace. I fell! I felt a sharp pain sear through my ankle and I groaned in excruciating pain. A sense of disappointment washed over me as all my hopes of winning was dashed.

"John! You can do it!" my teammates cheered me on and thunderous claps could be heard. I was touched.

Determined to finish the race, I gritted my teeth and pushed myself up. I dashed with all my might, enduring the sharp pain at my ankle and ran across the finishing line… Felicia Soong Yen Ling 4 Respect

Page 17: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Sports Day It was a scorching hot Friday. The whole stadium was bathed in the warm glow of

the sun. My class and the other Primary 4 pupils were extremely excited as it was our first sports day at the stadium. Many of us, parents and teachers were cheering raucously for the competitors. There was excitement in the air.

Soon it was the first event, the 100-metre race. As soon as Mr Tan, the principal, blew the whistle, all the competitors began to sprint towards the finish line. My classmate, Frankie, dashed towards the finish line at the speed of light. ”Go! Frankie, Go! Go! Frankie, Go!” My class shouted. But sadly, someone overtook him and won. Frankie felt unhappy and tears welled up in his eyes.

The next race was the 2 by 50-metre relay. My classmates, John and Shawn, were

up next. As they walked up towards the starting line, a shiver went down their spine, their hands turned cold and clammy and beads of sweat trickled down their foreheads.

John got ready to run. He had the baton in his hands. Mr Tan shouted,” On your mark, get set. Go!” John sprinted like the wind. My class was cheering raucously. But suddenly, John tripped. My classmates gasped in horror. However, determined to win the race, John got up and hobbled towards Shawn and passed the baton to him. Shawn then dashed as fast as a bullet towards the finish line. He charged like a bull, overtaking the rest of the competitors and won the race.

Shawn punched the air in jubilation and shouted delightedly.” Yes! We won the

race! Yay! ” My class and I jumped up and down in joy.

During prize-presentation ceremony, Mrs Chong, the guest of honour presented the medals to John and Shawn. John and Shawn beamed with pride and smiled from ear the ear.

This day will forever be etched in Shawn’s and John’s mind. They also learnt to

not give up and always do their best. Soh Jun Hui 4 Respect

Page 18: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

An Irresponsible Act

I wish Jake did not abandon me! I thought sadly in my new home. Even though I

am in a new home and I have a new owner, I still remember my previous owner, Jake. I

miss him terribly. Tears begin to roll down my cheeks. This was what happened…

It was a gloomy afternoon. Dark clouds filled the sky. It seemed as though it would

pour any minute. I was in the pet store, in a cage. I was rolling around in my scratchy bed

trying to get comfortable. I’ve had enough of this! Dogs are meant to sleep in kennels! I

want a new home! All I want is a nice home with a nice owner. Is that too much to ask?

Just then, a boy with his mum came into the pet store. Spritely, the boy skipped towards

my cage and said, “Mummy! I want this for my birthday!”

Uh….what! Did I hear him wrong? M….me! My heart swelled with happiness and

my eyes lit up in joy. I sprang up on all fours and wagged my tail excitedly. His mum

nodded and paid the cashier. Then, gingerly, the boy scooped me up from the cage.

Ah…..the warmest hands of all! I snuggled up in his arms comfortably. Life is only going

to get better… or was it?

Well, life was great! I had plenty of snacks, drinks and fun every day. During the

night, I would fall comfortably asleep in Jake’s arms. However, little did I know that this

comfortable life would come to an end.

Years passed and Jake was a married man with a family. He did not play with me

anymore and his wife certainly did not like me. One day, I accidentally spilled some hot

coffee on their children. “JAKE! GET THAT DOG OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!” Jake’s wife,

Jenny, hollered at the top of her lungs. I let out a soft whine as Jake reached out his arms

to catch me. Those arms…. those comforting arms. Jake caught me tightly and brought

me to the car. He drove me to a random street and dropped me off.

“I am so sorry, Snowy!” He then got back to his car and drove off.

J…Jake! W….wait! Don’t leave me alone! I barked as I chased after Jake’s car.

But to no avail. He did not turn back.

Months passed by, I was dying of hunger and thirst. I was quivering at a corner of

the street, all scruffy and scrawny. Please! Please! I want a new home and an owner.

Someone, please help me! I thought, with tears welled up in my eyes. Just then, I noticed

a van right in front of me. The driver got out of it and walked towards me. Without a word,

he scooped me up gingerly and put me at the back of the van.

Woof! Woof! There were many dogs in the van! They were all skin and bones, just

like me. “Hi! Don’t worry! I think this man is sending us to an animal shelter,” a dog

consoled me. After a long drive, the van stopped. The doors finally opened and one at a

time, the driver brought us to a place. There were so many dogs and other animals in it.

This is an animal shelter!

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Just then, a little girl walked up with her mum. Her mum asked pointing at me, “May

we adopt this dog?” The man told her that he had just picked me up from the street and

that I needed a vet to check on my health before she could adopt me.

Fortunately, after the check-up, I was fine and good to go. All I needed was proper

care and love. Before I knew it, I was in the little girl’s hands. Soon, I was on to see my

new home…

Cheryl Tang Ting Yue 4 Respect

Page 20: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Kind Deed

“It is so sweet!” exclaimed Sam as he took a bite of the chocolate mint ice cream,

which is his favorite. The ice cream was a gift for a good deed he had done .This is how

the story begins…

It was a bright day. The sun was glittering high. Sam was playing his handphone

game when the phone rang. It was his best friend, Jack. Sam answered the phone. ”Hey,

Bro! Want to go to the park to catch some legendary Pokémons?” Jack asked.

Sam answered, “Why not?” After Sam seeked permission from his mother, he

dashed out of the house. He was walking with a spring in his step and whistling a happy

tune as his mother hardly ever allows him to play with his friends.

Just then, he saw Grandpa Low. He was huffing and puffing. He was walking as

slow as a tortoise because he was carrying two bulky bags. Before Grandpa Low could

say hello to Sam, one of the bags dropped onto the floor. He looked at it helplessly.

Immediately, Sam rushed to help Grandpa Low. Grandpa Low thanked Sam for his

kindness and said that Sam had a heart of gold. Sam then continued his journey to meet


Later that evening, when Sam arrived home, his mother handed him an ice cream

and said that it was a gift from Grandpa Low. It was to thank him for his kindness. Sam

felt proud of himself. “One good turn deserves another. Sometimes you may also need

help from others!” said Sam.

Tang Wai Xuan 4 Respect

Page 21: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Sports Day

The sun was shining brightly on my back as sweat trickled down my forehead. My team and I were going to take part in the 6 x 50-metre relay race. We all had butterflies in our stomachs as our event was going to start soon. The spectators were buzzing with excitement and cheering boisterously. “Let’s go, 4Respect, let’s go!”

“Participants in the 6 x 50-metre relay race, take your positions on the track now!”

the announcer hollered into the microphone. As my team and I were heading to the track,

thunderous claps filled the air.

“4 Respect, GO! 4Respect, GO!” the spectators roared as they waved their props

and cheered for us. I took my starting position on the track and waited for the race to start.

“On your mark...get set…” the announcer hollered. BANG!!!! The starter gun

sounded. Swiftly, I glided through the wind, with my eyes fixated at the next runner.

Suddenly, I lost my pace and tripped over my right foot. I fell onto the ground with

a thud. I gripped my knee in pain as I felt a sharp pain searing through it. I looked up and

saw the other runners overtake me. One by one…

A thought flashed through my mind. I thought about my classmates and my coach

who cheered me on and encouraged me throughout the race. “I must not let them down!”

I mumbled to myself. Not willing to give up, I slowly stood up and with gritted teeth, I

dashed forward. I ran past three runners and passed the baton to my classmate.

“And in the 3rd position we have…4Respect!” my team and I were as happy as a

dog with two tails and tears of joy streaked down our cheeks as we received our bronze


“Good job, John!” My coach even praised me for not giving up despite the fall. I

learnt that I should practice more so as to be less careless during a race. This is truly a

Sports Day that I will not forget!

Low Yew Kuan

4 Respect

Page 22: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

A Group Presentation “Good morning, class! We are going to have group presentations either on ‘How to be Environmentally Friendly’ or ‘How Should Children Spend Their Holidays’. Please get into your usual groups. First, choose a topic, then, pick a presenter. After which, you may start discussing,” announced Mrs. Lee. The whole class broke into excitement once we heard what Mrs. Lee had just announced. There was enthusiasm in the air as everybody began to get into their groups. Gina, Jack, Albert formed a group. After much discussion, my group members decided that I should be the presenter. We also decided on the topic “How to be Environmentally Friendly” and began our discussion. After many days of discussing and rehearsing, we felt extremely ready. But to my horror, the night before the group presentation, I had a sore throat. Oh dear! What should I do? Should I tell my group members? Well…maybe I will feel better tomorrow…I decided not to tell my group members about this situation… Finally, it was the day of the presentation, my group members were thrilled and elated to see me. “Good morning, Maria! I hope you would do well for the presentation later!” my best friend, Gina placed her arm on my shoulder and greeted me with a warm smile. “Good morning, Gina…” my voice sounded frail and hoarse. “What happened to your voice?” Gina asked, looking extremely worried. “I…I have a sore throat…I…I’m sorry!” tears welled up in my eyes. The rest of my group members panicked when they heard the bad news. To my surprise, they were not even mad at me at all. Instead, they consoled me and wasted no time in choosing another member to replace me. After discussing, we decided on Jack to replace me as we wanted to give him a chance to speak. Jack began to panic and looked puzzled.” Why me?” he muttered. “I…I can’t!” However, after much encouragement, he agreed and began to rehearse. “Time’s up!” Mrs. Lee announced. “The first group, we have…Gina’s group!” “It’s our group!” my group exclaimed nervously. “Jack you can do it!” As for me, I gave him a thumb’s up and flashed a handwritten note that said, “You can do it!” With the encouragement that my group members and I had given him, Jack bravely walked towards the front of the class. He stammered at the start of the presentation and he broke into cold sweat. I could literally hear his heart throbbing loudly. However, after a while, he gained even more confidence because of our encouragement and began to speak louder. To everyone’s astonishment, Jack completed the

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presentation in a breeze. The whole class applauded loudly for Jack. He felt as if a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Jack learned that public speaking is not that difficult, embarrassing or even threatening. As the saying goes, “If you never try, you will never know. It is always good to try as you might discover your hidden talent upon trying! Clarise Ooi Kai Xuan 4 Respect

Page 24: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Public Speaking

“Good morning, Ladies, Gentlemen, Boys and Girls! I am Jill. Today, I am going to present about ‘The Most Visited Places For Children’! Number one on the list is…” Jill’s eyes lit up as she presented confidently. It was a jubilant morning as the blistering crimson sun shone across the classroom. Birds were chirping a melody. The classroom was as quiet as a mouse as everyone was paying attention to Jill’s presentation. She was articulating fluently and expressively. Soon after Jill’s presentation, everyone clapped and cheered in unison, shattering the tranquility. Jill held her chin up as she took big strides back to her seat. “Well done, Jill!” her group members praised her.

It was break time and only Jill’s group was done. The rest of the groups, including mine, headed back to our seats. We wanted to make good use of the break time practising. We wanted our presentation to be perfect. However, I was like a cat on hot bricks. I felt nervous and uneasy. I felt as if something bad was going to happen…

“Z…oe,” I heard someone calling me.

“Yes?” I asked, startled.

“It… i…is…m…e,” Jeff squeaked softly, gesturing me to meet him at the corner of the classroom.

“What is it, Jeff?” I asked him politely.

Jeff told me that he had a sore throat and a bad cough. He was really sick and every time he swallowed, there would be a burning sensation in his throat.

”Oh dear! You do look pale! And your voice … sounds…hoarse!” I exclaimed.

“We’ll have to replace you with another presenter!” I said, feeling a little stressed

out. Something bad has happened indeed!

Astonished by the bad news, my group members’ mouth went agape! Jeff apologised profusely for causing trouble. Then, Terry suggested that Joe should be the replacement.

Joe cupped his hands over his mouth in shock. Joe was a withdrawn, introvert and shy boy. However, after discussing, we felt that Joe was the most suitable person.

“Though he is shy, he has a good voice and reads fluently with expressions!” said


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“Zoe’s group, you may present now,” said Miss Joanne.

Joe was frozen stiff and blood drained from his face till it was extremely pale.

“G…good…m…morning! Today…” Joe stammered in fear and his hands trembled like a leaf.

“You can do it, Joe!” I encouraged him and showed him a thumbs-up.

Joe got the hang of it! Gradually, his voice grew louder in confidence! Everyone in class was in awe. Their jaws dropped and their eyes widened in astonishment. They applauded raucously. Joe’s face turned as red as a tomato from embarrassment.

“Well done, Joe! You did it!” my group members and I praised Joe incessantly!

I was thankful that Joe pulled the presentation off and did a good job. Thank you, Joe! Ang Yu Xuan 4 Respect

Page 26: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

The Presentation

“Guys, finally! It’s the day of the presentation!” Jim, one of our group members, said enthusiastically. My group and I were waiting for the class presentation. All of us were thrilled with excitement. We have been looking forward to this presentation for a week!

Just then, Jim noticed Tom, our presenter, coughing badly. He looked under the weather and his voice sounded hoarse.”Tom, are you okay? Can you still present?” Jim asked, looking concerned. Tom’s eyes welled up as he shook his head.

“It’s okay, Tom! We can always get another member to present,” I comforted Tom as I gave a gentle pat on his shoulders.

After much discussion, we decided to have Jake as our new presenter. Jake broke into cold sweat, his stomach clenched and waves of acid welled up in his belly. “B… but I have not done any presentation before!” Jake exclaimed, looking as pale as a sheet.

“G…g…good m…morning! T...today…o…our group…”Jake stammered and avoided eye contact with the audience.

“Come on, Jake! You can do it!” my group and I cheered him on.

Gradually, Jake’s voice became clearer and he managed to finish the presentation with confidence. Our jaws dropped as we were well impressed. We applauded raucously.

Jake gave an audible sigh of relief. He stood on the stage beaming with pride as our teacher showed him a thumbs-up. Caden Ang Kai Jun 4 Respect

Page 27: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Sports Day

It was a bright Friday morning. Magnolia white clouds dotted the azure blue sky. I was thrilled as this was the Primary 4 students’ very first time having sports day at the Woodlands Stadium and we were excited about it.

“400-metre relay will start soon, please get into your positions!” Mr Khoo announced. Every runner taking part in the 400-metre relay race trudged towards the track reluctantly as they were afraid that they might not win the race. However, for me. I could not wait for the race to begin. I was eager and determined to finish the race. With big strides, I got onto the track. Anytime now, the air horn will sound. As I was on the track getting ready to start the race, unlike a few seconds ago, I began to feel butterflies in my stomach and my heart palpitated wildly. Calm down! Calm down! I can do this! I encouraged myself.

Honk! The race was on! Like a bullet being shot out of a pistol, I charged down the lane at lightning speed. Just when I was only thirty metres away from the finishing line… Thud! I tripped and fell to the ground. The spectators gasped in horror.

NOOO!!! My hopes of winning were dashed! I crouched in pain. I was on the verge of giving up when I recalled watching a documentary about a sprinter who completed a 100-metre race despite suffering from excruciating pain. I must complete this! I must not give up! I can do this! Determined to finish the race, I stood up and charged for the finishing line. I dashed across it. Am I the first? Am I the second? Did I win? I wondered.

Just then, I heard the announcement. “Jovan from Class 4A, second place!” What!? I had come in second despite the fall! My mouth went agape and my jaw

dropped. I was shocked that I was second.

I went up the podium, beaming with pride. I received a shiny, glossy silver medal. With my heart swelling with happiness, I went back to my class. Tears of joy filled my eyes.

I finally understood what it means by ‘Don’t give up! Do your best and put in your best effort in everything!’ Although I was delighted to have won the second place, I was even prouder as I had shown the spirit of persevering and not giving up! Evan Tay Yi Rong 4 Respect

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The Presentation

"Let's start with Masie for our presentation!" exclaimed Mrs Tan. All the groups were feeling nervous. There were butterflies in their stomachs. However, at the same time, they were feeling excited. There were a total of five groups in the class. Tom's group was the last to present and they had encountered a problem. Their presenter, John, said that he had a horrible sore throat. His throat was as dry as a bone. "OH NO! What are we going to do?" Tom's group members shouted in shock. There was a moment of silence until one of the group members, named Jenny, came up with a solution. She suggested that they should have a replacement. Suddenly, Jamie pointed at Tom and asked, "Tom! Why don't you give it a try?” Tom looked at them in disbelieve and said, "M..me?" "Yes, you!" shouted the group members.

Tom had no choice but to be the replacement for John. His hands turned cold and

clammy. He trembled like a leaf and beads of respiration trickled down his forehead. Tom was a nervous-wreck but he knew he had to do it no matter what.

"Group 5! It's time for you to present !" announced Mrs Tan. Tom took a deep breath and slowly trudged to the front of the class. Looking as pale as a sheet, he began his presentation, quivering with fear. However, he mustered up his courage and presented in a loud and clear voice! To his surprise, he pulled it off! The audience gave Tom a rousing applause as he walked back to his group. John thanked Tom for replacing him. Tom felt like he was on cloud nine. He was proud of himself. He felt like a huge weight had been lifted off his shoulders. Tom learned that speaking in front of the class is not as terrifying as it seems! Everything is possible as long as you are willing to try. Indeed, perseverance is the key to success! Joann Yeo Rou En 4 Respect

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午餐。妈妈和我买了两碗面,去找座位坐下来吃。 我们看到一位叔叔在桌前吃面。我和









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以后再也不会这样做了。” 我对他们两个保证。 吃完了面,我和妈妈都觉得很不好意思


所谓“ 经一事,长一智”,经过这个教训,我再也不敢犯同样的错误了。


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常说要让位给需要的人。于是,我站了起来说:“老奶奶,请您坐这里。” 老奶奶听


子!” 我听了,心里乐开了花,笑得见牙不见眼。


的好孩子!” 我开心地笑了起来,和妈妈抱在一起。




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“铃。。。” 放学铃声响了,原本鸦雀无声的课室,突然传来了同学们的欢笑声。大










包拿起来放在地上,让那位小女孩坐下来!” 我和妈妈听了,脸立刻红了起来,像熟透的







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SHAN TITAI 4 Respect

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Teh Kai Qi

4 Respect

Page 39: An Irresponsible Act - Endeavour Primary School · 2018-11-20 · An Irresponsible Act The sky was filled with tumultuous, dark and ragged clouds. It was raining cats and dogs. It

Lif rosak

Matahari bersinar terang. Ali dan Abu baru habis bermain bola keranjang. Mereka berjalan ke arah lif yang berada di kolong blok. Mereka ternampak Tuk Ghani, jiran Ali dan Abu, dan juga Makcik Saloma. Tuk Ghani dan Makcik Saloma baru balik dari pasar. Abu memicit butang lif ke tingkat lima kerana mereka semua tinggal di tingkat yang sama. Tiba-tiba, lif berhenti. “ Alamak! Lif ini rosak!” kata Abu. Tuk Ghani panik. Dia takut. Ali cuba menenangkan Tuk Ghani. Makcik Saloma cuba menolong Ali. Abu segera memicit butang kecemasan meminta tolong.

“Sesiapa yang ada di dalam lif jangan khuatir ya? Kami akan segera dapatkan bantuan,” kata suara yang kedengaran dari luar lif itu. Abu dan Ali menarik nafas lega mendengarkan kenyataan itu. “Sabarlah Tuk. Sebentar lagi kita akan keluar dari lif ini,” kata Ali cuba menenangkan Tuk Ghani yang kepanasan. Kemudian pintu lif terbuka. Mereka sudah terselamat. Tuk Ghani berasa lega. “Terima kasih,” kata Abu kepada jurutera lif itu.

Batrisyah Khairiany Bte Mohamed Fareed

P4 Respect

Semangat berlumba

Adi seorang murid yang rajin dan baik. Dia suka berlari-lari. Adi tidak sabar untuk berlari pada hari sukan sekolah. Semua murid di stadium itu kepanasan. Murid-murid bersorak untuk kawan mereka. Adi dan murid-murid meregangkan badan di belakang garisan permulaan. Mereka berasa seronok. Beberapa minit kemudian, para peserta bersedia di garisan permulaan, Adi tidak sabar untuk berlari. Murid-murid bersorak lagi kuat untuk kawan mereka. “ 1, 2, 3, lari!” Para peserta berlari dengan laju. Adi berlari dengan gembira. Dia di depan para peserta yang lain. Tiba-tiba, Adi terjatuh. Dia tahu dia tidak boleh berputus asa. Dia berdiri dan lari sekali lagi. Kelasnya bersorak nama Adi. Dia sudah dekat dengan garisan penamat. “Adi! Kamu boleh menang! Jangan putus asa!” kata kawan Adi. Adi berlari dan dia pemenang kedua. Kelas Adi bersorak lebih kuat daripada kelas yang lain. Adi mendapat tempat kedua. Adi pulang ke rumah dengan besar hati. Ibu bapanya berasa gembira. Adi dipelajari yang dia tidak boleh berputus asa.

Claudia Amanda Binte Sahlan

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Di Pusat Makanan

Ali seorang budak yang cerdik. Dia selalu mendapat markah penuh. Guru dan ibu bapanya selalu memujinya. Pada suatu hari, ibu Ali membawanya ke sebuah pusat makanan. Mereka memesan sup bebola ikan. Mereka duduk di sebuah meja yang ada seorang lelaki duduk keseorangan di situ. Ali meletakkan begnya di kerusi kosong di sebelahnya. Dia menghirup sup yang panas itu. “ Sedapnya sup ini!” teriak Ali. Dia dan ibunya tidak menyedari bahawa seorang budak perempuan sedang mencari tempat duduk di situ. Budak perempuan itu menunjukkan muka yang masam. Lelaki muda yang duduk semeja dengan Ali berasa kasihan kepada budak perempuan itu. Ali dan ibunya tidak mempedulikan hal itu. Mereka asyik makan. Lelaki itu hendak memberi tempat duduk di sebelahnya tetapi beg Ali menghalangnya. “ Beg siapakah ini?” tanya lelaki itu. Ali berasa bersalah. Dia dan ibunya berasa malu. Mereka meminta maaf. Ali mengangkat begnya dan meletakkannya di pangkunya. Budak perempuan itu tersenyum dan duduk di situ. Ali dan ibunya meninggalkan tempat itu dengan segera setelah menghabiskan makanan mereka. “Ingat! Jangan letak beg di kerusi apabila berada di tempat awam!” nasihat lelaki itu sebelum mereka pergi.

Sofia Binte Rahmad

P4 Respect

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