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Page 1: An Overview of our Ministry

An Overview of our Ministry

Page 2: An Overview of our Ministry

World Renew, compelled by God's passion for

justice and mercy, joins

communities around the world to

renew hope, reconcile lives, and restore creation.

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Who is World Renew?

Who is World Renew?

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World Renew provides disaster response

and community transformation around the world on behalf of the

Christian Reformed Church and other denominations.

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We target poor and neglected communities, disaster areas, and


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In many areas around the

world including

North America, Asia, Latin America

and Africa.

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Together, with our partners, we

provide transformation in a

variety of ways including: literacy education, poverty

alleviation, food security, farming

education, HIV/AIDS education, clean water, and health

and hygiene improvement.

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World Renew approaches ministry

from a Christian biblical standpoint

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Strengtheningand equipping communities and church

leaders to become


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And offering opportunities to be God’s hands and feet.

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World Renew provides immediate emergency assistance following a


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Who is World Renew?

How does World Renew do the work?

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World Renew’s training programs improve lives with education and


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We complete needs assessments in a community before beginning hands-on


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World Renew’s field staff provide local partners with training and


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By focusing on the abilities in the community, we work together to get

the job done.

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This includes help from the local people to rebuild and repair


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Providing local leaders

the tools needed

to achieve their goals

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And partnering with local Christian

groups for long term success.

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World Renew also uses the help of volunteers.

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Who is World Renew?Where do the funds come


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People like you!

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World Renew receives

donations from churches

and individuals, depending

on the regular support of

God’s people.

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Funds also come through grants from private and governmental


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Who is World Renew?How can you


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Spread the news of World Renew activities

in your area by becoming a “Champion”.

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Join a Discovery Tour and spend one to two weeks with our overseas staff

around the world. Join the global volunteer program and take part in

an overseas mission trip.

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World Renew offers internships ranging

from 2 to 24 months in length.

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Join SWAP – a new volunteer program for young people ages


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Join a team to respond to North America disasters through World Renew Disaster Response

Services, also known as the “Green Shirts”.

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The “Green Shirts” do construction, painting, cooking, needs assessment

and more, usually for 2-3 weeks at a time.

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Who is World Renew?

All of our service opportunities can be

set up for individuals or groups.

Signing up is a fairly simple process. Just give us a call and we'll walk you through

the steps.

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World Renew also offers ministry partnerships for churches to partner

with communitiesthrough prayers, letters, and support.

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Your church can sponsor a refugee family or


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You or your church can help a family

lead a life of hope by participating in

World Renew’s Free A Family® program.

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World Renew seeks justice by speaking to government leaders

on behalf of children, widows, and the poor.

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We are here to support and encourage your congregation as

you seek justice.

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One way to join World Renew in speaking up is participating in a

“Show of Hands”.

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Who is World Renew?

What is a “Show of Hands”?

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A “Show of Hands” is a

program your church

can do to speak up for success in

the Millennium

Development Goals.

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Who is World Renew?

What are the Millennium

Development Goals (MDGs)?

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The MDGs are eight measures to overcome the barriers that keep the

poor powerless, voiceless, and vulnerable.

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World Renew is working with the global community to achieve these

goals by 2015.

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Will you join us to help bring hope to those living in poverty and


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Who is World Renew?Learn more at


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