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St. Number : 1501070021

Tarbiyah Faculty

English Education Department


1440 H / 2019 M

Page 2: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph







Presented as a Partial Fulfillment of the Requirement For The Degree of Sarjana

Pendidikan (S.Pd) In English Education Program



Student Number : 1501070021

Tarbiyah Department

English Education Study Program

1st Sponsor : Dr. Mahrus As’ad, M.Ag


Co-sponsor : Ahmad Subhan Roza,M.Pd


1440 H / 2019 M

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The objective of this research is to know whether of Herringbone Startegy

to increase the Narrative Ability in teaching learning process. The object of this

research was twenty-six students of eight graders of the SMP IT Bina Insani of

Metro. The this research was done in two cycles. Each cycles is done in five

meetings. Each cycle is consist of planning, action, observation, and reflection.

In collecting data, the writer uses test, that are pre-test and post-test,,

documentation, observation, and interview. The purposes of pre-test and post-test

are to know the students writing ability before and being given the treatment.

The result in cycle I showed that the average percentage of active students

60% and in the cycle 2 is 70%. The average of pre-test and post-test show that

there is an increase from pre-test and post-test. The average of post-test is higher

than Pre-test and post-test show that there is an increase from Pre-test and post-

test. The average of post-test is higher than pre-test. The average pre-test is 53.2

and the post-test is 69.6. So there is progress 16.4 points. It is clear that based on

the result pre-test and post-test, it can be said herringbone strategi has positive

increase in learning writing narative ability. By using Herringbone as strategi, the

students are easier and undersand in following the class. So they enjoy doing the

task. It also makes them excited in studying the material.

Referring to the analysis of the students score above, it can be said

Herringbone Strategi is one of strategi can be increase towards the students

writing narative ability.

Keywords: Herringbone Startegi, Writing, Narrative Paragrap

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Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui apakah

Strategi Herringbone ini dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis naratif siswa

dalam proses pembelajaran. Objek dalam penelitian ini adalah 26 siswa kelas 8 di

SMP IT BINA INSANI of Metro. Penelitian ini dilakukan dalam 2 tingkatan

(siklus). Masing-masing siklus terdiri dari empat tahapan, yaitu perencanaan,

pengamatan, dan penerimaan.

Dalam pengumpulan data, penulis menggunakan tes, yaitu tes awal dan tes

akhir, dokumentasi, observasi, dan interview. Tujuan dari tes awal dan tes akhir

adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan menulis paragraf naratif siswa sebelum dan

sesudah dilaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas.

Hasil dari siklus 1 menunjukkan bahwa presentasi keaktifan siswa 60%

dan pada siklus 2 adalah 70%. Sedangkan nilai rata-rata dari tes awal dan tes akhir

menunjukkan bahwa ada peningkatan dari tes awal dan tes akhir. Nilai rata-rata

tes awal adalah 53.2 dan tes ahir adalah 69.6. Jadi disana ada peningkatan 16.4

poin. Hal ini jelas bahwa berdasarkan tes awal dan tes ahir dapat dikatakan bahwa

strategi heringbone ini memiliki peningkatan yang positif dalam pembelajaran

naratif strategi. Dengan menggunakan strategi heringbone siswa lebih mudah dan

paham dalam mengikuti proses pembelajaran di kelas. Sehingga mereka lebih

tertarik dalam menerima pelajaran.

Berdasarkan hasil analisis siswa di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa strategi

herringbone adalah salah satu startegi yang dapat meningkatkan kemampuan

menulis naratif siswa.

Kata Kunci : Startegi Herringbone, Menulis, Paragraf Naratif.

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“I highly dedicate this undergraduate thesis to my beloved parents and all whom I love.

Furthermore, to my almamater, State Institute for Islamic Studies of Metro”

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As human being who constantly have faith to Allah the Almighty, let us

continuously offered our praise to Him for all abundant blessing, especially the

precious health to the writer that he can accomplish this Undergraduate Thesis.

Sholawat and Salam be upon our prophet Muhammad SAW, the great leader of

moral awakening in the world.

In this occasion, the researcher would like to express her greatest

appreciation, honor and gratitude to his beloved parents (Mr. Suparudin and Mrs.

Sriwahyuni), for all their valuable supports and moral encouragement in

motivating the researcher to finish his research.

The researcher also would like to express his deepest gratitude to his

sponsor and co-sponsor, Dr Mahrus As‟ad, M.Ag and Ahmad Subhan M.Pd for

their advice, guidance, correction, and suggestion in finishing this undergraduate

thesis. Her gratitude also goes to:

1. Prof. Dr. Enizar, M.Ag, the Rector of State Institute for Islamic Studies of

Metro (IAIN Metro).

2. Dr. Akla, M.Pd, the Dean of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training Faculty.

3. Ahmad Subhan Roza, M.Pd, the Head of English Education Department.

4. All lecturers of English Education Department who have taught and

educated the researcher during his study at IAIN Metro.

5. Intan Carita, S.Pd., the Headmaster of SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO,

who has allowed the researcher to conduct the research in his school.

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6. All teachers and staff of SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO. Especially,

Bhekti Amanah, S.Pd, the English teacher of VIII A SMP IT BINA INSANI


7. My beloved sister Mey siti Anisah and My brother Agus Holidin,M.Pd who

support the researcher to finish this undergraduate thesis.

8. My beloved best friends, Nana Puspita Dewi, Mirna Wati Dewi, Reza

Arlikah, Eka Setiawati, Putri Desi Wulandari, Abdurahman Ibrahim , Bagus

Ragil Pratama, Misbhakhul Munir, Muliya Rahmawati, Sri Haryati , Dwi

Agus Saputri, Reza Sandi Prasetya and Yohana Kusumawaningtyas for

sharing knowledge, cares, motivation, time, supports, laugh and happiness.

9. My Big family of scout of Racana Radin Inten II dan Putri Kandang Rarang

IAIN Metro Lampung who cares and supports the researcher to finish the


10. My beloved friends in TBI 15, for giving cares and supports.

11. Any other person who cannot be mentioned one by one for their

contribution to the researcher during finishing his undergraduate thesis. The

words are not enough to say any appreciation for their help.

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COVER ........................................................................................................... i

TITLE.............................................................................................................. ii

APPROVAL PAGE ....................................................................................... iii

NOTA DINAS ................................................................................................. iv

NOTIFICATION LETTER .......................................................................... v

RATIFICATION PAGE ................................................................................ vi

ABSTRACT .................................................................................................... vii

ABSTRAK ...................................................................................................... viii

STTEMENT OF RESEARCH ORIGINLITY ............................................ ix

ORISINILITAS PENELITIAN .................................................................... x

MOTTO .......................................................................................................... xi

DEDDICATION PAGE ................................................................................. xii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................. xiii

ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................. xiv

TABEL OF CONTENTS ............................................................................... xvi

LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................... xix

LIST OF FIGURES ....................................................................................... xx

LIST OF APPENDIXES................................................................................ xxi

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ................................................................... 1

A. Background of The Study ................................................................. 1

B. Problem Identifiction ........................................................................ 7

C. Problem Limitation ........................................................................... 7

D. Problem Formultion ........................................................................... 7

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E. Objective of The Reserch .................................................................. 8

F. Benefits of The Study ........................................................................ 8

G. Prior Reserch ...................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER II THEORETICAL REVIEW ................................................. 12

A. Theoretical Review ............................................................................ 12

1.Concept Of Writing ..................................................................... 12

2. Definition Of Writing Ability ..................................................... 16

3. The Concept of Writing ............................................................... 17

4. Process of Writing ....................................................................... 18

B. The Concept of Paragraph.................................................................. 21

1. Concept Of Paragraph ................................................................. 21

2. The Types of Paragraph ............................................................... 23

3. The Concept of a Narrative Paragraph ........................................ 24

4. The Structure Of Narrative Paragraph ......................................... 25

5. The Language Feature of Narrative Text .................................... 26

C. The Concept of Herringbone Strategy ............................................... 27

1. Definition Of Herringbone Strategy ............................................ 27

2. Concept Writing Narrative Paragraph and Herringbone ............ 29

3. The Procedure Teaching Narrative Paragraph by Using

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Herringbone Strategy ................................................................. 33

4. The Advantages Of Using Herringbone ...................................... 35

5. The Disadvantages Of Using Herringbone ................................. 36

D. Action Hypothesis ............................................................................. 37

CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ..................................... 38

A. Setting Of The Study ......................................................................... 38

B. Object Of The Study .......................................................................... 38

C. Classrom Action Research Procedure ................................................ 39

D. Data Collecting Method ..................................................................... 47

E. Data Analysis .................................................................................... 48

CHAPTER IV RESULT AND DISCUSSION ............................................. 50

A. Brief Description SMP IT Bina Insani North Metro ......................... 50

1. History The Establishment of IT Bina Insani North Metro ........ 50

2. Vision and Mission SMP IT North Metro ................................... 52

3 Geographical SMP IT North Metro ............................................ 55

4 North Metro SMP IT Organizational Structure .......................... 56

5 Infrastructures SMP IT State of North Metro ............................. 57

6 Teachers and Employees SMP IT state of North Metro ............. 58

7 State Junior High School Students IT Bina Insani North Metro 58

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B. Discussion of The Research ............................................................... 59

1. Pre- Test ..................................................................................... 59

2. Cycle I.......................................................................................... 61

3. Cycle II ........................................................................................ 68

C. Discussion .......................................................................................... 75

1. Cycle I.......................................................................................... 75

2. Cycle II ........................................................................................ 76

3. The Interpretation ........................................................................ 77

CHAPTER V CONCLUSION ...................................................................... 81

A. Conclusion ........................................................................................ 81

B. Suggestion ........................................................................................ 81




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1. The Result of Pra-Survey Data ............................................................ 5

2. The Total of Students .......................................................................... 38

3. The Subject of the Research ................................................................. 39

4. The Pre Survey Data ............................................................................ 41

5. The Teachers‟ Educational Background of SMP IT Bina Insani ......... 57

6. . The Students‟ Quantity of SMP IT Bina Insani ................................ 58

7. The Students‟ Score of Pre-test ........................................................... 58

8. The Students‟ Score of Pre-test ........................................................... 58

9. Frequency of Students‟ Mark of Writing Ability Pre-test ................... 59

10. The Meeting Schedule of Action in Cycle I ........................................ 62

11. The Students‟ Score of Post-test 1 ...................................................... 64

12. Frequency of Students‟ Mark of Writing Ability Post-test 1 ............... 65

13. Frequency of Students‟ Activities in the Cycle I ................................ 66

14. The Meeting Schedule of Action in Cycle II ...................................... 69

15. The Students‟ Score of Post-test 2 ...................................................... 70

16. Frequency of Students‟ Mark of Writing Ability Post-test 2 .............. 71

17. Frequency of Students‟ Activities in the Cycle II ............................... 72

18. The Students‟ Score of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2 .............. 73

19. The Students‟ Activities in the Cycle I and Cycle II .......................... 74

20. The Average of the Result ................................................................... 76

21. The Improvement of Students‟ Activities in the

Cycle I and Cycle II ............................................................................ 7

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1. Cyclical Action Research Model ......................................................... 56

2. Graph of Students‟ Pre-test of SMP IT Bina Insani ............................ 56

3. Graph of Students‟ Pre-test of SMP IT Bina Insani ............................ 61

4. Graph of Students‟ Post-test 1 of SMP IT Bina Insani ........................ 65

5. Graph of Students‟ Post-test 2 of SMP IT Bina Insani ........................ 71

6. Graph of the Average Students‟ Pre-test,

Post-test 1 and Post-test 2 ................................................................... 77

7. The Improvement of Activities in the Cycle I and Cycle 2 ................ 78

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1. Research Letter

2. An Undergraduate thesis Consultation Cards

3. Profile of the School

4. Syllabus

5. Attendance List of Pre-test

6. Pre Test Student Worksheet

7. The Assessments of the Students Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition

Essay (Pre-test)

8. Lesson Plan 1

9. Attendance List of Cycle I

10. Post-test 1 Student Worksheet

11. Observation Sheet of Students‟ Activities in Cycle I

12. The Assessments of the Students Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition

Essay (Post-test 1)

13. Lesson Plan 2

14. Attendance List of Cycle II

15. Post-test 2 Student Worksheet

16. Observation Sheet of Students‟ Activities in Cycle II

17. The Assessments of the Students Ability in Writing Analytical Exposition

Essay (Post-test 2)

18. Field Note

19. Documentation

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A. Background of The Study

Education is important in our life and inseparable from daily life.

Improvement a country based on the improvement of education in that

country. Since English is thought to be a compulsory subject in Indonesia, the

students are expected to learn English well and the teacher is required to be

able to teach it well, too English function as a means of developing students

knowledge in science, technology arts and culture.

Meanwhile, in this case, language has an important role in our life

because of the function to communicate in our life. It makes us able to

communicate with information about something that we need. English, as we

know, is one of the most important foreign language every school including

in Junior High School. In teaching in a foreign language, we deal with

language skill and components.

Moreover, one of English as communication language play a great

role in human activities, the students must be able to master English in order

to face the development of science and technology. That is why the

government of Indonesia decided English is the first foreign language that

must be taught in elementary school, junior high school, senior high school,

and university. It is hoped that the graduate of each will be able to master

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English well. One of the reasons why English is taught in Elementary School

is to make the students interested in learning it and to have basic skills for the

next level of education. Basic local curriculum 2013 for Junior High School

stated that the function of English in Junior High School is to make the

students interested in English which will support the success of learning

English in higher level Senior high school.

Furthermore, English as one of an international language to

communication and Many people communication use English language and

many books written in English. Many people transferring the information

through in writing, because through in writing the information can read more

than one times by the recipient. The writer give a knowledge about writing

ability narrative paragraph. In the students have good ability in writing

English paragraph.

“Basically, a paragraph is a group of words put together to form a

group that is usually longer than a sentence. Paragraphs are often made up of

several sentences. There are usually between three and eight sentences.

Paragraphs can begin with an indentation (about five spaces), or by missing a

line out, and then starting again. This makes it easier to see when one

paragraph ends and another begins.1

In this paper, the writer is interest in the study of the ability in

writing Narrative paragraph by using Herringbone Strategy at Eight Class of

1 Three as Donald et. Writing Clear Sentences book (newyork : writing group,1987)


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SMP IT BINA INSANI of Metro, because they have some problems about it.

On the other hands in the National Examination (UAN) every question use

English paragraph.

Based on the pre-survey data, the writer found that most of the

eighth-grade students of SMP IT BINA INSANI of METRO have difficulties

in writing ability, especially writing a paragraph are: first The students can

not make Narrative Paragraph correctly, second The students don't know

Narrative Paragraph, Third The students don't know the main idea in

Narrative Paragraph. It can be seen from the average score of the students'

daily test that was less than 60.

Furthermore, the problem above can be solve if the students have a

motivation to know what is the Narrative paragraph, on the other hands the

teacher teaching the English Paragraph with good method, so the students

will not be boring, If they can do it well, the result can get well at the end of

the teaching-learning process, this strategy which is use by teachers less

interest, because the students feel afraid a make narrative paragraph.

Therefore, the writer chooses herringbone strategy to increase

narrative paragraph because of teaching in the junior school different from

teaching English in elementary school or pra elementary school, the writer

must grow their motivation in order to easy study. Increasing writing ability

through herringbone strategy to help the students understand to make a

narrative paragraph with this strategy, students are supposed to be able to

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know about writing By using this strategy and giving drills to the new

knowledge to help the students in remembering them, the writer assumes that

the teaching-learning process in the classroom can be interesting and


Moreover, in this research, the writer will use the strategy for

teaching writing. The strategy is called "herringbone". Herringbone is

strategy to differences main idea, body and conclusion this is easier to make it

writing ability like a narrative paragraph. This strategy is easy to be taking to

the class and Herringbone can be used as a strategy to transfer the knowledge

of the narrative paragraph.

Meanwhile, in teaching English, the writer also has to improve her

teaching ability by implementing a suitable strategy. It is done because of the

teacher weakness strategy in teaching narrative paragraph. Besides that, the

condition of a teaching-learning process in there still done traditionally. The

teacher only gave the students an explanation and gave the test, So, the

students felt bored, it is caused the students to need the new strategy and low

motivation. By improving the teacher's teaching skill, it is expected that the

students writing ability will increase.

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Table 1

The pre-survey data of daily test on November 05, 2018 at the first semester

of the eighth grader of junior high school Bina Insani of Metro.

No Name Score Grade

1 A1 34

2 A2 54

3 A3 66

4 A4 46

5 A5 58

6 A6 54

7 A7 60

8 A8 56

9 A9 70

10 A10 68

11 A11 76

12 A12 40

13 A13 52

14 A14 32

15 A15 50

Average Score 54

Highest score 76

Lowest Score 32





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Source: The score of the students‟ ability in writing an narrative

pragraph on November 05th

, 2018.2

The strategy is one way that is use by the teacher in a teaching-

learning process. There are many strategies that can be used to teach or to

increase students narrative paragraph, such as contextual learning, and

teaching, etc. it makes the students interested in learning English and to be

able to communicate" English, the teacher must create a good atmosphere in

the classroom, select relevant materials and apply a suitable strategy in order

to make the teaching-learning process run well.

The statements above indicate that most of the students often find

difficult in studying English. They found difficult to make what a narrative

paragraph because they do not know to easy write. In this research, the writer

uses herringbone strategy as an alternative strategy in teaching English to

increase the students' writing ability. Based on the statement to inspired to

know in detail through narrative paragraph the students can increase their

writing ability. Besides that, the students will be more interest' in learning

English, especially in learning writing. The writer research about: "the use of

herringbone strategy to increase the students' narrative paragraph writing

ability among the eighth graders of the SMP IT BINA INSANI of METRO.

2 Documentation SMP IT BINA INSANI of METRO November 05, 2018

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B. Problem Identification

Referring to the background above, the problems of this research can

be identified as follows:

1. The students have not ability to writing in narrative paragraph

2. The students have low motivation to writing subject

3. The students are lack vocabulary to writing in narrative paragraph

4. The students don‟t know the structure of the writing , especially an

narrative paragraph.

5. The students have low interest in learning process

6. The students have not an idea of the narrative paragraph

C. Problem Limitation

Based on the problem identification in number one and four, the

researcher limits the problem to: The student have not ability to write in

narrative paragraph and student dont know the structure in narrative


D. Problem Formulation

The writer uses Herringbone strategy as teaching narrative text

which one for teaching writing focus on the problem, as follow: "can

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Herringbone strategy increase the student writing ability at the eighth graders


E. Objective of The Research

Based on the problem formulation above, objective of the research is

to know whether herringbone strategy can be use to increase the

narrative paragraph writing ability among the eight grders of the SMP IT

BINA INSANI of Metro .

F. Benefits of the Study

In every research, they will be aims and purposes. At the end of this

research, the writer hopes that will have some advantages to broaden teaching

and learning process. Besides that, this research will give a contribution to the

lectures, students and writer his self.

1. The Teacher

The teacher will improve their experience in giving herringbone

strategy to the students. The teacher can solve the problem of teaching and

learning process by giving attention to the students' ability in narrative

paragraph writing. By using herringbone strategy, The result of this study

will be an input for the teacher to improve and develop the teaching-

learning process in herringbone strategy toward the students' narrative

paragraph writing ability.

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2. For The Students

The students can understand narrative paragraph writing. They will

get an easy method to increase ability narrative paragraph writing by using

herringbone strategy.

3. For The Writer

The writer will know the students' ability in narrative paragraph

writing by using herringbone strategy. And the writer can improve his

knowledge and also the writer will get some experiences in controlling

teaching and learning situation.

4. For the institution, it can be used as information to improve learning

English activity in the future.

G. Prior Research

The researcher has found three prior researches which are related to

this research:

The first is taken from Zulkifli‟s research which entitled “The Use of

herringbone strategy to Increase writing ability of the Second Year Student at

SMAN 2 Bangko”3. In this research, Zulkifli uses herringbone strategy to

increase the students‟ writing ability. This research consists of one cycle

of classroom treatment. The proficiency test (Pre- and Post-tests) is used for

measurement, and also a set of observation sheets and field notes were

3 Zulkifli Mahdum Jismulatif, “The Use of Herringbone startegy to Increase writing

ability of the Second Year Student at SMAN 2 Bangko”, Academic Journal, (Riau: Riau


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used to gain the record of the classroom activity. The results show that

the level of students‟ ability at the post test is better than the pre-test. It means

that there is increase achieved by students after they are taught the use of

herringbone strategy to increase the students‟ writing ability. It means

that the research is successful to help the students increasing their ability in

writing ability by using herringbone startegy.

The second research is taken from Iswardati‟s research which

entitled “The Implementation of herringbone strategy to Increase the

Students‟ writing Skill”.4 This research is to know how

herringbone strategy increase the student‟s participation in writing of

second grade students of SMA 2 Samarinda, and what the obstacles are in the

implementation of herringbone strategy. The instruments use to collect the

data are observation, checklist, field-note, and speaking test. After the

implementation of herringbone strategy through two cycles, the research is

known that herringbone strategy can increase the students‟ speaking ability.

The third, the prior research is taken from Mayasari which have

similar focus on this research. The title of Mayasari‟s research is “The Use of

herringbone strategy to Increase Students‟ Ability in Writing Skill on

Recount Text”.5 The aims of Mayasari‟s research is to investigate the

implementation of herringbone strategy to increase students‟ writing

organization of Recount text and to what extent is the increase of students‟

4 Iswardati, “The Implementation of Herringbone startegy to Increase the Students‟

Speaking Skill”, Dinamika Ilmu, (Samarinda: IAIN Samarinda), Vol. 16 (2) / 2016 5 Rina Mayasari, “The Use of Herringbone startegy to Increase‟ Ability in Writing Skill

on recount Text”, Encounter, (Semarang: IAIN Walisongo Semarang), Vol. 3 (2) / 2012

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writing organization of Recount text after being taught through herringbone

strategy. This research focuses on the students‟ ability in organizing the

recount of the text. The instrument use to collect the data is observation

and test. The result shows that the implementation of herringbone strategy is

increase of learning tool, motivates students in doing work or jobs.

Based on the prior researches above, it is known that all of prior

researches have the similarity with the research that conducted by the

researcher. The similarity is known in the use of herringbone strategy.

However, the first prior research use herringbone strategy for the

increase of the students‟ writing ability that is contrast from this research

which use herringbone strategy in increse students‟ ability in writing narrative

paragraph. Then, the second prior research it is known that the use of

herringbone strategy is to improve the students‟ writing skill. While, the

focus of the third prior researches is same as this research in using

herringbone strategy to improve the students‟ ability in writing recount text.

Nonetheless, in the third prior researches is focus on the students‟ ability in

organizing the arguments of the narrative paragraph while the researcher

focus on the students‟ ability in mastering the structure of narrative paragraph

to make the students be able to write narrative paragraph completely.

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A. The concept of Writing

This chapter contains the theories which support the research. It includes

the concept of writing, Concept of Paragraph, Concept of Narrative Paragraph,

The Concept of Herringbone Strategy, Concept Writing Narrative Paragraph

and Herringbone Strategy, The Procedure of teaching narrative paragraph by

using herringbone strategy. And the explanations of each sub-topic are as


1. Definition of Writing

Based on Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, writing is the

activity of writing, in contrast to reading, speaking.6

Writing is a process of communication using conventional graphics

to convey a message to the reader. Writing skill deals with the ability to

arrange the graphics system such as. Letter, words, and sentences of

certain language being used in written communication in order that the

reader can understand the message or information. Furthermore, Rimes

says that writing is “a skill in which we express ideas, feelings, and

6 Raims,ann, Managing In Teaching Writing Introduction Teaching English Esc Classe,

New York: oxford university press, 1983 p.76

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thoughts which are arranged in words, sentences, and paragraph using

eyes, brain, and hand.7”

Thus, writing is basically the process of expressing ideas and

organization, vocabulary and mechanic. In order words, teaching writing

guides the students not only to write sentences in a paragraph but also

ideas in written form.

According to David Nunan, writing is a physical act of committing

words or ideas to some medium, whether it is hieroglyphics inked into

parchment or an e-mail message typed into a computer on the other hand.

writing is the mental work of investing ideas, thinking about how to

express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that

will be clear to a leader.8

Moreover, Franklin states that writing can be a powerful instrument

in social organization, in the maintenance and exercise of authority. It can

amplify the „voice‟ of those who control its contents and dissemination,

carrying that voice across huge distance and preserving its resona2nce

every time.9 It can help to sustain networks of communication outside the

narrow local community, or to accumulate and convey orders and rules, or

7 Raims,ann, Managing In Teaching Writing Introduction Teaching English Esc Classe,

New York: oxford university press, 1983 p.76 8 David Nunan, Practical English Language Teaching, ( Singapore: McGrawHill, 2003),

p.87. 9 Simon Franklin, Writing Society and Culture in Early Rus,C,950-13001, (Cambridge:

University Press, 2004), p.129.

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to fix the memory of individual transactions; it can be stored for the future,

and retrieved in cases of dispute.

Mean while, Sharples states that writing is a demanding mental

activity, yet some people appear to write without great effort.10


involves both engagement and reflection and Writing is also analytic,

requiring evaluation and problem solving, yet it also a synthetic,

productive process.

Furthermore, Mike and David explain that writing is a powerful mea

ns of self-and social expression, potentially communicating to an

increasingly wide audience through formal or informal publication, easy

and quick copying, and information and communication technology.11

Writing is also an important controlling mechanism, a means of achieving

orderly discipline in many lessons.

On the other hand, Javed said that writing is one of the basic skills of

the English language. It is generally considered one of the most difficult

that other skills for foreign language students.12

Even native speakers feel

difficulty in showing a good command of writing.

Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that writing is

one of the non-verbal communications that requires linguistic skill. It is

10 Mike Sharples, How We Write, (London: Routledge, 1999), p.10.

11 Mike Fleming and David Stevens, English Teaching In The Secondary School,

(London: Routledge, 2010), p.89. 12

Muhammad Javed et Al, A study of Students’ Assessment in Writing Skills of the

English Language. International Journal of Instruction. Vol.6, ( Malaysia: University Sains

Malaysia, 2013), p.130.

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used by people to share their thoughts, feelings, and ideas with others. It

needs a composing process in order that it produces a good product.

Moreover, Davies said that “writing is probably the linguistic skill

that is least used most people in their native language”13

. It means that

writing learning process needs a specific skill to be successful in writing

such as content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, and mechanic.

As one of four basic skill of language, writing is very important

because it constitutes the clarification of someone‟s through and feeling.

Through this skill, the students can explore their own thinking, a various

feeling, and also the concept by using word or papers. In writing indeed,

the students can express their ideas, thoughts, and fact in well-formed


According to Davies, “good writing skills usually develop from

extensive reading, some specific training, and a good deal of practice.

Writing involved the following basic skills: handwriting or typing,

spelling, constructing grammatical sentences, punctuating.”14

The writer

aim is the beautiful written need the knowledge which gets from reading,

training writing and also the practice of writing itself and it has the basic

skill which develops writing, for an instant, the handwriting or typing,

spelling, the grammar, punctuation.


Paul Davies and Eric Pearse, Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,

New York. 2002, p. 96 14

Paul Davies and Eric Perse, Success in English Teaching, Oxford University Press,

New York. 2002,

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Based on the statement above, it infers that in writing a person can

arrange letters, words, sentences, and paragraph by using the knowledge of

structure systematically in written forms and hopes the reader understand

what he means.

Referring to the previous statement, in writing, a person puts down

graphic symbols that have meaning and they should be in the right rules.

And here the writer will more focus on narrative paragraph writing.

2. Definition of Writing Ability

Writing is the activity of writing, in contrast to reading, speaking,

etc. or a group of particular of writing, especially by a particular person or

on a particular subject.15

According to Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary, the ability is

the fact that somebody or something is able to do something. And

according to Wikipedia “the ability can be defined as the quality or state of

being able; power to perform, whether physical, moral, intellectual,

conventional, or legal; capacity; skill or competence in doing; sufficiency

of strength, skill, resources, etc. in the plural, faculty, and talent”.


Oxford Advanced Learner‟s Dictionary New York: Oxford University Press, 2003, p.


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3. The Concepts of Writing

Etymologically, the word “writing” is derived from the word

“write” and it can be defined as:

a. Make letters or numbers on a surface, especially with a pen or pencil.

b. Produce something in written form so that people can read, performs

or use it.16

Moreover, the meaning of “writing” in Oxford Learner‟s Pocket

Dictionary is:

a. The activity of writing, for example, books, articles.

b. Written works of an author.17

Terminologically, there are so many experts that have different

definitions for writing, but here the writer will take several definitions

according to the experts as follows:

Crimmon states “writing is an opportunity: to convey something

about yourself, to communicate ideas to people beyond your immediate

vicinity, to learn something you did not know.18” It means that writing is

a process of communication to convey something to the other people


Oxford University, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, New York: Oxford University

Press, 2003, p. 502 17

Ibid., 18

Mc. Crimmon, Writing with Purpose, New York: Houghton, 1983, p. 6

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about yourself or beyond your environment, moreover to learn what you

did not know.

Moreover, Bram states:” in principles, to write means to try to

produce or reproduce written messages. Before we write, we need to

determine what we write; we should have something meaningful to

convey.19” In another word, to write means to produce a piece of a

written text about a topic. It means that before we write, we need to

determine what we want to talk about in our writing.

Based on the quotations above, the writer can infer that writing is a

process of communication that involves a specific skill since it uses of

the graphics system and also the aspects of languages (vocabularies,

idiom, and punctuation).

4 Process of Writing

According to Brown, the writing process divided into three


They are prewriting, while writing (drafting), and post writing


a. Planning

“Planning is a series of strategies designed to find and produce

information in writing.21”


Barli Bram, Write Well, Yogyakarta: Kanisius, 1995, p. 7 20

H. Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive to Language Pedagogy 2nd

Edition, (New York: Addison Weasley Longman, 2001), p.348.

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The planning is as the beginning of writing, it has enabled to

identify several subjects and encouraged to gendering information on

those subjects from different perspectives.

Planning is an essential step in the writing process which doing

before the writer is going to write. It puts critical thinking into action.

Before start writing, the writer is asserted to find ideas to write about.

This way is known as brainstorming. It can help the writers get started

when they have no topic to develop. It also can identify information

which needed to support the point of view quickly. In other words,

brainstorming is one of several different ways to begin writing.

When planning, the writer has to think about three main issues.

The first is the purpose of the writing, it includes the type of the text

the writer wants to the product, the language the writer use, and the

information the writer chooses. The second is the audience, who is the

reader of the writing. So the writer must attend the choice of the

language informal or formal writing. The last is the content structure

that is how to sequence the facts, ideas, or argumentation which the

writer decided to include.22


Mc. Crimon, Writing With A Purpose, Houhton Miffin, New York, 1983, p. 10 22

Jeremy harmer, How To Teach Writing, Pearson Longman, England, 2007, p. 5

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b. Drafting

“Drafting is a series of strategies designed to organize and

develop a sustained piece of writing.23”

Drafting is the time when the writers have been writing. It is

commonly known as the drafting process. It is started by the write

down the objective or the main idea. Ideally, this should be in one

sentence. After deciding the main idea then the writers include

additional pieces of information they need as the supporting idea. In

addition, the writer needs to develop their thought in order that

enhances their writing.

The drafting is as the selection of a subject and organizing the

information about the subject into meaningful clusters. Also, it is

finding the connection among those clusters and discovers the

relationship that links the connection.

c. Revising

“Revising is a series of strategies designed to re-examine and

evaluated the choices that have created a piece of writing.24”

After that, it completed the preliminary draft, it needs to stand

back of the text and decide what action would seem to be most


Ibid p. 5 24

Jeremy harmer, How To Teach Writing p. 11

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productive. It has to begin upon global revision-a complete re-creation

of the world of the writing.

Before finishing their writing, the writers need to asses their

draft in order that they produce good writing. They accomplish

proofreading before. They also make corrections directly in their first

draft to make it clearer and more convincing. This step called the

process revising. They ought to consider some facets in the text such

as content, clarity, form, errors in grammar, and punctuation. The

writer might change that order or insert additions to make appropriate


Based on the explanations above, in this research, the writer

focuses her research on the planning of the writing which identifies

the several topics and encourages gathering information on the topic

from many perspectives in the writing activity by using the technique

in descriptive writing.

B. The Concept of Narrative Paragraph

1. Concept of Paragraph

According to Joy M. Reid “, a paragraph is a series of sentences

that develop one idea”25

. According to Regina L. Smalley and Mary K.

Ruetten, a paragraph is a group of sentences and that the first sentence of

this group is intended; that is, it begins a little bit more to the right of the


Reid, Joy M. The Process of Composition. USA: Prentice-Hall, Inc. 1982, p.8

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margin than the rest of the sentences in this group and develops one main

idea or a topic.26

The paragraph in an Etymologically, the word “paragraph” in

Oxford Learner‟s Pocket Dictionary can be defined as the division of a

piece of writing, started on a new line.27

Terminologically, there are so many experts that have different

definitions for a paragraph, but here the writer will take several

definitions according to the experts as following:

Furaidah, et al. states “a paragraph is a group of related sentences

which develops one main idea or one main topic.”28

In other words, a

paragraph is a series of sentences that related one to teach others about

the main idea.

Furthermore, Zemach and Islam define “ a paragraph is a group of

about 6-12 sentences about one topic.29

It means that all of the sentences

in a paragraph must discuss the same topic. If the writer wants to write

the other main topic, he can write in a new paragraph.


Smalley, Reginal L. et.al., Refining Compositon Skills, New York: Macmillan

Publishing Company University of New Orleans, 1986, p.3. 27

Oxford University, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, New York: Oxford University

Press, 2003, p. 309 28

Furaidah et.al, Advanced Writing, Jakarta: Universitas Terbuka, 2002, p. 1.26 29

Dorothy E Zemach and Carlos Islam p. 9

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In perfectyourenglish.com, paragraph is the smallest unit of prose

composition and a group of sentences relating to a single topic, or

developing a central idea.30

Based on definitions above we can conclude the definition of a

paragraph is a group of sentences or the smallest unit of prose that

contain relevant information about one main or central idea and consist

of three parts; they are beginning, the body, and the ending.

In English paragraph, there are kinds of the paragraph, such as

definition paragraph, classification paragraph, description paragraph,

compare and contrast paragraph, sequence paragraph, choice paragraph,

explanation paragraph, analysis paragraph, analogy paragraph, and

narrative paragraph. In this case the writer focus on the narrative


2 The Types of Paragraph

Wishon and M. Burks explain four types or forms of paragraph,

such as description, argumentation, narration, and exposition.

Furthermore, the explanations of the types or forms of writing as



http://WWW.perfectyourenglish.com/writing/paragraph-writing.htm(Agustus 15, 2018) 31

George E, Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, Canada: Van Nostrand

Reinhold Ltd, 1980, p. 377

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a. Narration

The narration is a type of paragraph that the writer tries to

recount an event. It tells the readers what happened in the story

according to a natural time sequence.

b. Description

In a description type, uses a lot of visual words, such as the feel,

sound, taste, and smell to help the readers see the person, place or

thing that the writer is writing about. It tries to make the readers feel

that they are there or can visualize in their mind what the writer is


c. Exposition

In exposition paragraph, the writer intends to inform, explain,

describe or define their subject in orders the readers believe or

disbelieve something.

d. Argumentation

Argumentation is designed to convince or persuade somebody

that something is true or should be done.

3 The concept of a Narrative Paragraph

A paragraph is usually about a single topic, part of a larger subject

perhaps, but still a self-contained topic by itself. Although a paragraph

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may include several ideas about this topic one idea will be more important

than the others. This is the main idea. It is sometimes called the central or

controlling idea. This main idea is usually stated in the topic sentence.

This often, but necessarily, the first sentence of the paragraph. Where the

topic sentence is placed depends upon the kind of pattern the writer

chooses to develop his paragraph.

Moreover, Narrative paragraph is a paragraph in which a writer

recounts an event to his readers. It can be about biographies,

autobiographies, historical events, instructions, and processes. In this case,

as a product of writing, the text functions to recount what is being narrated

to the readers.

Furthermore, the narrative paragraph usually refers to the telling of

a story, the term is used here to describe the relating of an experience. That

experience may be in the past (past narration), or it may be a typical

experience (what people usually do), or it may be going on now (present


4 The Structure of Narrative Paragraph

a. Orientation : It is about the opening paragraph where the characters of

the story are introduced.

b. Complication : Where the problems in the story developed.


Smalley, Regina L., et.al., Refining Compositon Skills, New York: Macmillan

Publishing Company University of New Orleans, 1986 p.24

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c. Resolution : Where the problems in the story is solved.

d. Coda / reorientation (optional) – lesson from the story.

5 The Language Feature of Narrative Text:

a. Past tense (killed, drunk, etc)

b. Adverb of time (Once upon a time, one day, etc)

c. Time conjunction (when, then, suddenly, etc)

d. Specific character. The character of the story is specific, not general.

(Cinderella, Snow White, Alibaba, etc)

e. Action verbs. A verb that shows an action. (killed, dug, walked, etc)

f. Direct speech. It is to make the story lively. (Snow White said, ”My

name is Snow White”). The direct speech uses present tense.

True Friends

Orientation Once upon a time, there were two close

friends who were walking through the

forest together. They knew that anything

dangerous can happen any time in the

forest. So they promised each other that

they would always be together in any case

of danger.

Complication Suddenly, they saw a large bear getting

closer toward them. One of them climbed a

nearby tree at once. But unfortunately the

other one did not know how to climb up

the tree. So being led by his common

sense, he lay down on the ground

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breathless and pretended to be a dead man.

Resolution The bear came near the one who was lying

on the ground. It smelt in his ears, and

slowly left the place because the bears do

not want to touch the dead creatures. After

that, the friend on the tree came down and

asked his friend that was on the ground,

“Friend, what did the bear whisper into

your ears?” The other friend replied, “Just

now the bear advised me not to believe a

false friend”.

Re- Orientation A true friend in need is a friend indeed.

C. The Concept of Herringbone Strategy

Visual organizer provides students a framework or making the decision

about main ideas and important supporting details in material that they are

writing, and the students use the information from the paragraph that answers

these questions to formulate a sentence that states the main idea. So,

Herringbone Strategy will solve the students‟ problem.

1. Definition of Herringbone Strategy

Therefore, Herringbone Pattern is use to help the students identify

the main idea and the related supporting ideas of the lesson, text, or concept.

It contains six questions that help students organizes the detail of the text.

The visual pattern of the Herringbone creates a framework for students to

take notes and sort information. When modeling, teachers should remain the

students to look for and identify the answer to the six questions. After all the

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six questions have been answered; the information can be used to create a

main idea sentence. Stress that the main idea always includes specifically

“Who…did what.” Some of the other information may be included.

Moreover, the story grammar strategy is used to brainstorm ideas for

writing a story. It involves seven cues Question that help to stimulate the

writer‟s ideas of things to include in the story.

The Herringbone technique develops comprehension of the main

idea through the use of a visual diagram of the fish skeleton. The diagram

enables the students to plot WHEN, WHO, WHERE, WHAT, WHY, HOW


Using the answers and question, the student writes the main on the

diagram. The question is implemented by:

a. An appropriate reading level expository text is selected.

b. A visual diagram of the Herringbone is provided below.

c. The students read to find the answers to the following question and

records them on a larger version of the diagram above:

1) WHO is the author talking about?

2) WHAT did they do?

3) WHEN did they do it?

4) WHERE did they do it?

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5) HOW did they do it?

6) WHY did they do it?

d. After the students have recorded his answers to the question, he/she

uses the information to write a sentence about the main idea. The tutor

should guide the students through this process until the students are able

to do it independently. Younger students might dictate answers to the

tutor who could copy them for the students.

e. The diagram is then used as a tool for discussion of the material.

2. Concept Writing Narrative Paragraph and Herringbone Strategy

In writing a paragraph the writer will need to know the difference

between a general idea and a specific detail. Between the two many levels

may exist. A paragraph can be viewed from its writing process. It is seen

from the result of inventing its main topic and controlling idea. Writing a

paragraph also involves the invention of some details for the main topic

and the controlling idea. Simultaneously it is the result of finding certain

words, phrases, clauses and sentences to express the topic with the idea.33

In addition to that, it is also the result of organizing the sentences in the

paragraph. From the viewpoint of the writing process, a paragraph as the

production of a written language skill involves some steps to express the

main topic and a controlling idea in a piece of writing.


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive to Language Pedagogy 2nd

Edition, p.348.

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The paragraph indicates the steps which a writer commonly follows

to write a paragraph. First, he or she invents the main topic of the

paragraph. He or she can select any topic from the world of his or her

experience. It can be a concrete topic, such as a person, an animal, a plant,

or an object such as a mountain, a city, a car, a book, a house, etc. It can

also be an abstract one, such as a lesson, an idea, a belief, a conflict, a

history, an objection, etc. Second, he or she invents the controlling idea of

the paragraph by which he or she views his or her main topic of the


This idea can be of his or her experience of the exploitation of his

or her mind. It is usually the condition of the topic, so the common word

used to express the idea is by using an adjective. Third, he or she will

formulate the topic sentence of the paragraph. This formulation must be

able to signals the overall organization of the paragraph. In addition to

that, it can signal the type of support for the topic sentence in elaborating

the paragraph. Fourth, he or she collects the supports. Commonly they are

called the data of the paragraph. Fifth, he or she formulates the concluding

paragraph. Sixth, he or she writes the draft of the paragraph. And last, he

or she revises the draft. so writing a paragraph from the viewpoint of its

process involves seven steps altogether.34


Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles: An Interactive to Language Pedagogy 2nd

Edition, p.340.

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In the examples below, each general word is followed by several

more specific words. All of the more specific words are equally specific

that is each is on the same level of generality. This means that each of the

more specific words is a coordinate of the word before it. Notice that a

more specific word can become a general word.

General More Specific More Specific






grizzly bear

brown bear

polar bear



assault victims

heart attack victims

accident victims

burn victims

broken bone victims

drowning victims

Each paragraph you write will contain a topic sentence and four to

eight sentence that will support the topic sentence.35

These supporting

sentences will be more specific than the topic sentence. Notice that the


George E, Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, Canada: Van Nostrand

Reinhold Ltd, 1980, p. 378


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more specific ideas are indented. A diagram of a balanced, detail

paragraph looks like this:

Topic sentence (Controlling Ideas)

a. Point number one

b. Point number two

c. Point number three

Concluding Sentence


1. General Topic Sentence Riding a bicycle is

preferable to driving a car.

a. Point number one It‟s relatively inexpensive.

- To buy

- To operate

b. Point number two It‟s healthier

- More exercise

- Less pollution

c. Point number three It‟s personally satisfying

- Enjoy the scenery

- Become part of nature

2. General Concluding

Sentence In all but

the most inclement weather,

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the bicycle is a pleasurable

means of transportation 36

Resulting paragraph:

Riding a bicycle is preferable to driving a car. First of all, a bicycle

is relatively inexpensive to buy and to maintain. While a car may cost

thousands of dollars to buy and hundreds of dollars annually, a good

bicycle will cost only a hundred dollars or so, and its annual maintenance

cost is very small. Biking is also healthier, not only does the biker get

more physical exercise than the driver but bicycles are nonpolluting. The

consequence is a person with strong legs and a strong heart whose bicycle

helps the person to get health. The driving bicycle is making personally

satisfying. They can enjoy the scenery and become part of nature. In all

but the most inclement weather, the bicycle is a pleasurable means of


3 The Procedure of Teaching Narrative Paragraph by Using Herringbone


Based on the explanation that the Herringbone strategy, the teacher

must teach the students to get the supporting detail by imagining to find


George E, Wishon and Julia M. Burks, Let’s Write English, Canada: Van Nostrand

Reinhold Ltd, 1980, p. 379 37

Oxford University, Oxford Learner’s Pocket Dictionary, New York: Oxford University

Press, 2003, p. 309

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out the main idea to make a narrative paragraph. The procedure of

teaching narrative paragraph by using herringbone strategy are:

a. Students must understand about herringbone strategy

b. Students identify text narrative paragraph by using herringbone


c. Students write a narrative paragraph by using herringbone strategy

Understanding the main idea or gist of a piece of text is a

sophisticated reading task. Textbook chapters, articles, paragraphs,

sentences, or passages all have topics, main ideas, and supporting details.

The topic is the broad, general theme, message or what some call the

subject. The main idea is the "key concept" being expressed. Details,

major or minor, support the main idea by telling how, what, when, where,

why, who. Locating the topic, main idea, and supporting details help

readers understand the point(s) the writer is attempting to express.

Comprehension is increased when a student can identify the relationship

between topics, main ideas, and details.

In narrative text, the characters' actions, motives, problems, and

personalities all contribute to the overall theme(s) of the story. The main

idea often depends on the reader; if the reader has had similar

experiences to the character, the reader is more likely to enjoy a richer,

more fulfilling reading experience. On the other hand, poems, which use

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figurative language, metaphor, and imagery, require the reader to dig

deeper for meaning; it may not be what it appears to be on the surface.

Almost every paragraph in the informational text has a key

concept or main idea. The main idea is the most important piece of

information the author wants the reader to know. Sometimes the author

will state the main idea explicitly somewhere in the paragraph either at

the beginning of the paragraph, in the middle, or at the end. The sentence

in which the main idea is stated is the topic sentence of that paragraph.

However, an author, often, will not state his/her main idea explicitly,

leaving the reader to infer what the author intended. The invention

requires readers to create rather than locate, ideas. A reader relates what

is in the text to what is already known about the topic; making

connections between significant details and making inferences that go

beyond the details explicitly stated in the text

4 The Advantages of Using Herringbone

Putra explains the advantages of using herringbone are:

a. Herringbone technique facilitates the student a fishbone pattern

that makes students active in learning process. By using this

learning tool, students are required to find the important

information while reading a text. The herringbone technique

allows them to take a note and sort information on their paper

using herringbone format.

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b. Herringbone technique are used to help the students in

organizing information of the text. As one of graphic organizer

reading strategies, herringbone technique provides the student

with a framework for making them easier to arrange their

thoughts either in the form of supporting information or main

idea of the reading material that they are reading. It can be seen

that the advantages of using herringbone are facilitates the

student a fishbone pattern that makes students active in

learning process because the students are required to find the

important information. Then herringbone provides the students

with a framework for making them easier to arrange their

thought either in the form of supporting information.

5 The Disadvantages of Using Herringbone

While the disadvantages of the herringbone technique is

when students learn material with the help of graphic presentation.

Note taking will be decreased. As a result, the lack of

comprehensive guide the students can refer to when revising

material may affect their performance.38

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D. Action Hypothesis

Based on the theoretical review above, the researcher formulates the

action hypothesis of this research. The action hypothesis of this research is

“The Use Of Herringbone Strategy To Increase The Narrative Paragraph

Writing Ability Among The Eight Grader Of The Smp Bina Insani Of


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A. Setting of The Study

SMP IT BINA INSANI METRO established on 22 March 2015, it is

located on 28 Metro Utara of Metro. The total of the teacher here is 35 and

the official is 2, the total of students are:

Table 2

The Total of Students in SMP IT BINA INSANI of METRO

No Class Students

1 VII 90

2 VIII 70

3 IX 50


Source: Documents SMP IT BINA INSANI of METRO

B. Subject of The Study

The subject of this research is the students of the eight graders of SMP

IT BINA INSANI of Metro. The researcher choose this class because all of

the students have low score in English lesson especially in writing. They

haven‟t yet pass the minimum mastery criteria at this school. Then, the

English teacher of this class is Mrs.Bekti Amanah, S.Pd.

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Below, the total students of the eight graders of SMP IT BINA INSNI of

Metro, there are 40 students who consist of 20 male and 20 female.

The subject of research is 15 students of class VIII of SMP IT BINA

INSANI of METRO. The writer has chosen this class because most of the

students are of low ability, especially in writing. They also have difficulties

make a narrative paragraph writing ability.

Table 3

The Subject of The Research

No Class



Male Female

1 VIII B 20 20 40

Total 20 20 40

C. Classrom Action Research Procedure

Bassey stated that classroom action research as an inquiry to improve

educational practice which is carried out in order to understand,to evaluate and

then to change.38

Besides that, Macintyre mentioned “ classroom action

research then, is recognised and approved way of carrying out sel-appraisal


Valsa Koshy, Action Research for Improving Practice: A Practice Guide,

(London: Paul Chapman Publishing, 2005), p. 8

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through evaluating any or all of the activities which make up classroom


Furthermore, Johnson said that classroom action research is the

systematic inquiry that is done by the teacher for themselves into one‟s own


Then, Burns stated “the central idea of the action part of classroom

action research is to intervene in a deliberate way in the problematic situation

in order to bring about changes and, even better, improvements in practice”.41

Based on several statements above, the researcher concludes that

classroom action research is the action from the teachers in the classroom

teaching learning practice to evaluate themselves and to find the problem in

practice, then to get the improvement in practice.

In this research, the researcher needs a collaborator to help him. The

researcher conducts classroom action research to observe the students‟ ability

in writing. It conducts in more than one cycles. They are including of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting.

Before the researcher does these cycles, it has already done pre- survey.

It is aimed for analyzing and identifying the students‟ problems.


Cristine Macintyre, The Art of Action Research in the Classroom, (London:

DavidFulton Publisher, 2000), p. xii 40

Craig A. Mertler, Action Research: Teachers as Researchers in the Classroom,

(California: Saga, 2009), p. 4 41

Anne Burns, Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for

Practitioners, ( New York: Routledge, 2010), p. 2

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After pre-survey is conducted, the researcher moves on the next step of

classroom action research. Here is step of classroom action research designed

by Kemmis and Mc Taggart

1. Pre-Survey

Based on the analysis from the daily examination at the eight class,

only 17,07% the students who passed for the material of learning writing

and 82,5% the students failed with the highest grade 76 and the lowest

grade 20 with the minimum mastery criteria (MMC) for English 60.

Table 4

The pre-Survey data of daily test on November 05 2018 at the first semester

of the fourth grade of state elementary school.

No Grade Explanation Frequency Percentage

1. < 60 Failed 33 82,5%

2. ≥ 60 Passed 7 17,07%

Total 40 100%

Source : The teacher graded book English at the first semester of Junior

High school Bina Insani of Metro.

2. Action

In the classroom action research, the writer would like to hold the

research in two cycles. There is a relationship between one and the other.

They are:

a. Planning

b. Acting

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c. Observing

d. Reflecting 42

Here is steeps classroom action research design:

Kemmis‟ and MC Taggart Model43

Cycle 1

1. Planning

Planning is the first steps in each activity. Without planning the

activity that the writer does will not be a focus. The planning will be a

reference in doing action.

Planning is the first step in each activity. Here is the step that the

researcher can make in planning.

a) The writer preparing the lesson plan, the material and the book as



David Kember, Action Learning and Action Research, Great Britein Bidler ltd.

Guilford un King‟s Lynn. 2000. P. 24. 43

Sukardi, Metodologi Penelitian Pendidikan, Yogyakarta, Bumi Aksara, 2002, p. 215


Plan Reflect

Act Observe


Plan Reflect

Act Observe


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b) The writer plans to give the task and evaluation.

c) The writer preparing the test (pretest and post-test)

d) The writer preparing an observation sheet to know the problem in a

teaching-learning narrative paragraph.

2. Acting

The second steps in action research are acting. It is the realization

of the planning which has made by the writer. Without the action, the

planning is just imagination that never is real. The action research will be

conducted at the eight graders SMP IT BINA INSANI of Metro, at least

for three meetings or more until achieving to criteria. The steps are as


a) Preparing

The Writer observes the students that will be the subjects in

my research, the writer wants to know the problems in the process of

learning after writer get the problems, the writer will arrange a

learning design a media and evaluation.

b) Process of Learning

The writer uses an observation sheet. It is used to make some

notes of the activities in the process of learning the narrative


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c) Evaluation

A pre-test is given to the students to know the early student's

ability before treatment and a post-test is used to know the students'

ability after they are taught a narrative paragraph. It is aimed to see

whether the students scores increase or not.

3. Observing

a) The observation is the activity of recording the event and action. In

this research, the observation will do in a learning process related to

the schedule. The observation in the teaching-learning process is

recorded by using note. The writer asked the English teacher become

observed. The collaborator observes the student activities, in this

research the writer acted as a teacher who implemented the strategy in

treatment. This is to know how far the students writing ability using

herringbone as a strategy.

4. Reflecting

The reflection is the fourth steps that were being done. In this

step, the data got from observation in each action. The writer analyzed and

discussed observation and test result during the teaching-learning process.

It was used to improve in the following cycle. After comparing the score

distribution of pre-test and post-test, the writer reviews and reflect the

student‟s attitude and teacher performance whether it is positive or

negative. And in cycle 2, is conducted mark up from cycle 1. If from cycle

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I, there are some students not successful, so the writer must conduct cycle

2. The result in cycle 1 is for evaluation material and for reflection to the

second research. The minimum cycle in Classroom Action Research

(CAR) is two cycles. If from cycle 2 all of the students were successful,

the cycle able to be stopped until cycle 2 only.

And the procedures of the research are:

a. Deciding the problem which appears in the subject of research.

b. Administering the pre-test to knowability of the students before

doing the action research.

c. Selecting materials for the treatment.

d. Implementing the strategy or the treatment learning narrative

paragraph by using the Herringbone strategy.

e. Administering the post-test to evaluate the result of action research

and conducting the assessment for the teacher.

f. Analyzing the data.

g. Reflection on the whole cycle.

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D. Data Collecting Method

Data is collected by using an instrument as below:

1. Observation

Observation is a process of watching or listening to professional

action either while it is happening, or from a taped sequence. Observation

is a data collection method by directly observing the object that is


Here, the observation method focused on the entire process of

teaching-learning narrative paragraph through herringbone strategy. In this

step, the researcher observed the process of teaching-learning by using

format observation, and the outlines of observation in this step such as,

student‟s ability in question answer, the teacher‟s participation in the

learning process, writing student‟s good participant and student‟s error.

The important things in teaching learning process were noted by the


Moreover, writer use observation as data collection method to

know how teaching narrative paragraph through herringbone strategy

works in the class, how the students respond to the technique or media and

they can increase writing ability, and how herringbone strategy can help

the students in learning English narrative strategy.

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2. Documentation

Documentation is a method that is used to acquire information

without using the instrument. The researcher will use documentation to get

detail information about the condition the teacher, employers, and

organization structure of SMP IT BINA INSANI of Metro. In this

research, writer took the data from the documentation of schools such as

the total of students, teachers, school history and the condition of the


3. Test

Webster‟s Collegiate said that: “ Test is any series questions or

exercises or other means of measuring the skill, knowledge, intelligence,

capacities of aptitudes or an individual or group”44

Tests are valuable

measuring instruments for education research. A test is a set of stimuli

presented to an individual in order to elicit responses on the basis, which a

numeral score can be assigned.

The test is divided into two parts, as follows:

a. Pre-test

The pre-test will be conducted before presenting the treatments

to know, how far the student's narrative paragraph. The type of pre-

test is an objective test, writer use the objective test in the form of


Webster‟s Collegiate, evaluation education,newyork: 2008.

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multiple choice by using this test, to be easier to measure. A total

number of test items is twenty-five. The items are based on the

material that was taught in the class.

b. Post-test

The post-test will be conducted in order to know the progress

of students Narrative paragraph by using herringbone strategy after

the treatments. The type of post-test is an objective test which consist

of twenty-five items.

4. Field Note

Field Note can be used to notification how the students in a

class during learning. Fieldnotes refer to qualitative notes recorded by

scientists or researchers in the course of field research during or after are

studuying. The notes are intended to be read as evidence that gives

meaning and aids in the understanding of the phenomenon.

E. Data Analysis

Data analysis will be conducted by taking the average score of the pre-

test, and post-test. To know students achievement after the actions are

conducted and given a test at the early and the last cycles.

The f4ormula:


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X = mean or average score

N = the total number of respondent

X = the number of students.

According to the criteria mastery learning (CML), the class can be

successful in achieving the material if 85% of the students in that class get at

least 60. So, if 85% of the students in that class get at least 60 in the post-test, it

means that the strategy through herringbone can give a positive effect on the

students‟ narrative paragraph. In this research, the reasearch have the target

that 85% of students get score 60 or more in learning narrative through

herringbone strategy.

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A. Brief Description SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

1. History The establishment of SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Integrated Islamic School is a school that implements the concept

of Islamic education which is based on the Qur'an and Sunnah. The

operational concept of Integrated Islamic School is an accumulation of the

civilizing process, inheritance and development of the teachings of the

Islamic religion, culture and civilization from generation to generation.

The term "integrated" in the Integrated Islamic School is intended as a

reinforcement of the values of Islam itself. The point is a value-niilai of

Islam intact, Integral thorough and not partial. This has become a major

passion in da'wah movement in education.

Applications in the interpreted Islamic School as school approaches

by combining the implementation of the general education and Islamic

education into the fabric of the curriculum. With this approach, all subjects

and all school activities can not be separated from the frame's teachings

and message of Islamic values. There is no dichotomy, no separation, no

"secularization" (where lessons and all loose discussion of values and

religious teachings), or "sanctification" where religion is taught out of

context the benefit (benefit) of today's life and future. General subjects,

such as Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Language, Physical


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Education or Health, and Skills dibingakai with footing, guidance and

Islamic guidance. While in religious instruction, the curriculum is enriched

with the approach of the present context, the benefit and welfare.

Integrated Islamic School also emphasizes coherence in teaching methods

so as to optimize the realm of Cognitive, Affective, and Psychomotor. The

implications of this integration of the learning process approach requires

the development of a rich, varied, and using media and learning resources

that are broad and flexible. The used emphasizes learning methods and

approaches that empower optimization trigger and stimulate the left brain

and right brain. In this sense, it should be learning in Integrated Islamic

School used an approach based on:

a. Problem solving, which trains students to think critically, systematic,

logical and solutions.

b. Creativity, which trains students to think original, supple (flexible),

smooth, and imaginative.

c. Skills, which trains students to conduct various activities that are

beneficial for themselves and their surroundings.

Integrated Islamic School also incorporates aqliyah education,

ruhiyah, and jasadiyah. That is, attempts to educate students to become

child growing sense and intellectual capabilities, improve the quality of

faith and piety to Allah SWT, terbina noble character and also has a

wellness, fitness and skills in their daily lives ISAM hari.Sekolah

combines active involvement and participation of the learning environment

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, namely: school, home and community. Integrated Islamic School seeks to

optimize and synchronize the role of teachers, parents, and the community

in school management and learning processes that occur constructive

synergy in developing the competence and character of students. Parents

are actively involved to enrich and give adequate attention in the education

process of their children.

Based on the above understanding, it can be taken a common

notion that comprehensive that the school ISAM is Islamic School

organized by blending in integrative values and teachings of Islam in

building curriculum to a learning approach that effectively and Efforts to

involve optimal and cooperative between teachers and parents, and

communities to build the character and competence of learners.

Hence Foundation The Champion Lampung, trying to present

Integrated Islamic School in Metro City with the name Isam First SMP IT

Bina Insani. With the motto "The school is the World Champion-Akherat

Successful Hunters". This is realized because the Muslims are mentioned

in the Qur'an as "Khoiru Ummah" (best Ummah), the people who should

have advantages compared with other people, this is what we interpret as a

champion in every field.

2. Vision and Mission SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Carry so embodiment of the ideals of character development, as

mandated in the 1945 Constitution, Pancasila and the opening and address

the problems national today, the government has made the development of

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the character as one of the priority programs of national development by

strengthening the cultivation of character education in all levels of the

educational unit.

The spirit was implicitly affirmed in the National Long-Term

Development Plan (RPJPN) 2005-2025, in which the characters are placed

education as the basis to realize society morals, ethics, culture, and based

on the philosophy of Pancasila.

a. Vision SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro Utara mempunyai Vision:

"Sholeh, Chief, Professional and Successful Entrepreneurship

to reach the World-judgment."

The purpose of this vision was to make the students to be the

generation that faith and fear of Allah Almighty, have the intelligence

of a mind and mastery of technology and information, has a noble

character in hanging out and communicate with the environment, and

an expert in dealing with the development of technology, Information

and Communications, and able to turn challenges into success

indicator peluang.Dengan as berikutSiswa graduates:

1) Able to memorize and / or add memorizing the Qur'an at least two


2) Accustomed and religious.

3) Able won the race academic (subjects) and non-academic (skill,

sports and arts and culture).

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4) Have an average value of the qualifying exam with A (average test

scores of more than 7.50.

5) Be accepted at top schools at the next level, at least 75% of the

total number of students.

6) Have an attitude of confidence and good at communicating

positively with their environment.

7) Behave in a polite and courteous and noble berakhlaq in daily life

both at school and in the community.

8) Being able to utilize Information and Communication Technology.

9) Having the skills (life skills)

10) Have entrepreneurship (entrepreneurship).

b. The mission of the SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

The mission of the school in achieving the vision of the chain is

as follows:

1) Provide a conducive learning environment, competitive and fun in

learning memorize the Qur'an.

2) Provide opportunities and facilities to each school community in

habituation to worship.

3) Providing training to teachers on a regular and continuous basis in

the field of teaching skills and deepening the concept of any

subject matter.

4) Implement active learning, innovative, creative, effective, and fun.

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5) Nurture a culture of healthy competition in the development of

character, potential and competence of every member of school.

6) Train educates students to dare to compete and dare to express their

opinions in front of the classroom as well as in public.

7) Familiarize polite behavior, manners and morals in everyday life.

8) Encourage each school community to produce work and appreciate

each work.

9) Facilitating activities that can improve mental attitude and

entrepreneurial every school community.

3. Geographical SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Land area of 7058 m2 own property. The location in a quiet environment

away from the noise of the city with access to the highway is in good condition

and has many opportunities for growth. The restrictions location with community-

owned housing:

a. North bordering the community-owned housing.

b. South by highway Dr. Sutomo.

c. East by the community-owned housing.

d. West by building SMP Muhammadiyah 4

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4. North Metro SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro Organizational Structure

Picture. 1

IT Organizational Structure SMP IT Bina Insani North Metro

Picture. 2

SMP IT Bina Insani Location Map Metro North

Principal Intan Caria,


Head of Administration

Rudianto, S.Pd., mTnEP

Waka curriculum

Azwar Annas, S.Pd.I

Student Waka Elly

Agustina, S.Pd

Coordinator Sarpras

zaenal Arifin, S.Pd.I

Pembina Osis Good


Coordinator Mr.

Muhammad Sofwan, S.Pd.I

PR Koordionator Diki

Mandela, S.Pd

Guardian Class Agus


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5. Infrastructures SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Success in implementing the learning activities in schools does not

terlapas of the availability of the required infrastructure, facilities and

infrastructure in education will give a good effect on improving the quality

and quality of education at the school.

Facilities and infrastructure available in the SMP IT Bina Insani of

Metro sufficient to support the learning process. Facilities and

infrastructure owned SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro can be seen in the

following table:

Table 5

Facilities and infrastructure SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

No. Type total

1. Office room 1

2. BK Lounge 1

3. Principal's office 1

4. Teacher's room 1

5. Classroom 6

6. Library 1

7. Mushola 3

8. WC Teacher 2

9. WC Learners 6

10. Administration room 1

Total 23

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6. Teachers and Employees SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Table 6

Name Master, Master Class and Class Guardian

SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Number of teachers by 27 educators, it will support successful

learning in SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro and those who make differens

with other schools here are grade teacher who was always there when the

hour classes start to finish, the class teacher always be in the classroom see

the state learners as well as teachers tahsin Tahfidz for learners.

7. State Junior High School Students SMP IT Bina Insani of Metro

Table 7

List the number of learners SMPIT Bina Insani

North Metro Academic Year 2018/2019

No. class VII class VIII class IX

Brother Akhwat Brother Akhwat brother Akhwat

1 30 20 30 26 25 20

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B. Description of The Research

This research used classroom action research. In this research, the

researcher used of Herringbone strategy tp increase the narrative paragraph

writing ability. It was conducted in two cycles which comprised of planning,

acting, observing, and reflecting for each cycles. Furthermore, the action in

cycles I and cycles II were conducted about two meeting and took 2x45

minute for each cycles.

1. Pre-test

The pre-test had been done before the classroom action research. It

was conducted on Tuesday, May 14th, 2019. It starts at 08.00 up to 08.45

A.M. There were 26 students of VIII A followed the test. The test was a

performance (writing) test. The students were asked to write an Narrative

text by choosing one of the themes that was given.

Table 8

The Students’ Score of Pre-test

No Name Score Notes

1 Adila Putri Ilham 67 INCOMPLETE

2 Agita Triyas A 56 INCOMPLETE

3 Agustina Novita Sari 60 INCOMPLETE

4 Albita Deswita Rani 78 COMPLETE

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 60 INCOMPLETE

6 Annida Putri Rahma 59 INCOMPLETE

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 59 INCOMPLETE

8 Annisa Rahmadani 34 INCOMPLETE

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 57 INCOMPLETE

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 63 INCOMPLETE

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 74 INCOMPLETE

12 Devi Kurniawati 73 INCOMPLETE

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13 Erda Anggun F 34 INCOMPLETE

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 78 COMPLETE

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 53 INCOMPLETE

16 Fisca Ramadhani 34 INCOMPLETE

17 Keysa Putri R 37 INCOMPLETE

18 Marsya Aulia 70 INCOMPLETE

19 Nabila Diva H 69 INCOMPLETE

20 Nabila Shofia R 34 INCOMPLETE

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 65 INCOMPLETE

22 Nikisha Brya P 66 INCOMPLETE

23 Nita Ambarwati 34 INCOMPLETE

24 Ririn Inayatul F 76 COMPLETE

25 Safina Rahadatul A 60 INCOMPLETE

26 Sherly Ayunda P 34 INCOMPLETE

Total 1484

Average x = Σx



Based on the activity in pre-test, the students‟ score were low.

There were only 3 students who passed the minimum mastery criteria.

Meanwhile, the others 23 students were below the criteria. Then, the data

showed that the average score of pre-test was 57.08. Therefore, the

researcher would use the strategy in the treatment to increase the students‟

writing ability. To know about percentage from the score of pre-test can be

seen on the table as follows:

Table 9

Frequency of Students’ Mark of Writing Ability Pre-test

No Mark Frequency Percentage Category

1 ≥ 76 3 12 % COMPLETE

2 ≤ 76 23 88 % INCOMPLETE

Total 26 100 %

Source: the result of pre-test on May 14th

, 2018

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Figure 3

Graph of Students’ Pre-test SMP IT BINA INSANI OF Metro

100% -----------------------------88%----------------------------

80% --------------------------------------------------------------

60% --------------------------------------------------------------

40% --------------------------------------------------------------

20% --------12%--------------------------------------------------


Complete Incomplete

Based on the table above, it could be analyzed that there were 3

students (12%) who passed the minimum score and 23 students (88%) who

failed the pre-test. The lowest score in pre-test was 34 and the highest

score was 78. It could be seen that almost all of VIII A students‟ ability in

writing Narrative Paragraph was still very low. Besides that, it was known

that the average score of the students was 57.08 so the researcher used

Herringbone as the strategy to increase the students‟ writing ability.

2 Cycle I

After analyzing and identifying the data from pre-test. The

researcher knew the students‟ difficulties and problems in learning of

writing narrative paragraph. Hence, the researcher determined to apply

Herringbone strategy in teaching writing of narrative paragraph to

overcome those problems. The implementation of the action in cycle I was

held from May 14th

2019 up to May 17th

, 2019 at VIII A grade of SMP IT

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BINA INSANI OF METRO. There were 26 students followed this

implementation. In this cycle consists of planning, acting, observing, and


a. Planning

Planning was conducted after the researcher finished the pretest.

Then, the researcher made lesson plan by selecting narrative paragraph

as the material and herringbone as the strategy of teaching and learning

English. The material includes the definition, the generic structure, the

language features and the example of narrative paragraph. Moreover,

the researcher made an observation sheet that consists of list of

students‟ name and list of the students‟ activities that will be observed

during teaching learning process.

b. Acting

Acting is the second step in this research. The researcher

conducted this cycle in two meetings. The schedule of action in this

cycle is as follows:

Table 10

The Meeting Schedule of Action in Cycle I

Meeting Day/Date Time

1st Tuesday, Nov 14

th, 2019 12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m.


Friday, May 17th

, 2019 12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m.

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting was conducted on Tuesday, May 14th


2019 at 12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m. In implementing the acting, the

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researcher acted as the English teacher who though writing

narrative paragraph by using herringbone strategy. At the

beginning of teaching learning process, the researcher greeted

students. After that, he was checking the attendance list. Then, he

conveyed learning objectives of this meeting. After he was

conveying the learning objectives, hemade the students to study in

group. The member of the group was choosing by the researcher.

Each group consists of 3-5 students. After that, each group was

asked to open the material about narrative paragraph on their book

and then they were asked to understand the material includes the

definition, the generic structure, and the language features of

narrative paragarph. Therefore, the researcher gave the example of

narrative paragarph to each herringbone. The students were asked

to investigate the content of the example that was given. Then, the

students wrote all about the result of the investigation about

function, generic structure and language feature from the example

that was given. In the next step, after the result of the narrative

paragraph was collected, the students present the material and

shared their knowledge among member of class. The students on

the class corrected their result of the investigation based on their


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2) The Second Meeting

This meeting was conducted on Friday, 17th

May, 2019 at

12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m. In this meeting, the researcher did the

opening like as in the first meeting. After that, the teaching

learning process was continuing from the first meeting. The

students studied on herringbone again. Then, they prepared the

material or the wrote result to present it. Moreover, the students

presented the result of the writer. Furthermore, after all student

finished, the researcher evaluated the presentation of all student.

Then, the researcher added the material that wasn‟t discussing on

the presentation. After that, at the end of this meeting, the

researcher gave post-test 1.

Table 11

The Students’ Score of Post-test 1

No Name Score Notes

1 Adila Putri Ilham 76 COMPLETE

2 Agita Triyas A 76 COMPLETE

3 Agustina Novita Sari 77 COMPLETE

4 Albita Deswita Rani 82 COMPLETE

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 56 INCOMPLETE

6 Annida Putri Rahma 76 COMPLETE

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 62 INCOMPLETE

8 Annisa Rahmadani 34 INCOMPLETE

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 76 COMPLETE

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 62 INCOMPLETE

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 74 COMPLETE

12 Devi Kurniawati 76 COMPLETE

13 Erda Anggun F 53 INCOMPLETE

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 66 COMPLETE

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 70 INCOMPLETE

16 Fisca Ramadhani 34 INCOMPLETE

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17 Keysa Putri R 76 COMPLETE

18 Marsya Aulia 77 COMPLETE

19 Nabila Diva H 77 COMPLETE

20 Nabila Shofia R 34 INCOMPLETE

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 70 INCOMPLETE

22 Nikisha Brya P 76 COMPLETE

23 Nita Ambarwati 34 INCOMPLETE

24 Ririn Inayatul F 76 COMPLETE

25 Safina Rahadatul A 76 COMPLETE

26 Sherly Ayunda P 59 INCOMPLETE

Total 1705


x = Σx



Related to the result of the post-test 1 that was shown on the

table of the students‟ score of post-test 1, the average score was

65.58 in which there were 13 students achieved the minimum

mastery criteria and 13 students failed. The following were the

table of students‟ score mark of posttest 1:

Table 12

Frequency of Students’ Mark of Writing Ability Post-test 1

No Mark Frequency Percentage Category

1 ≥ 76 13 50 % COMPLETE

2 ≤ 76 13 50 % INCOMPLETE

Total 26 100 %

Source: the result of pre-test on May 14th

, 2019

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Figure 4

Graph of Students’ Post-test 1 of


60% ----------------------------------------------------------

50 % ------50%-----------------50%---------------------------------

40% ----------------------------------------------------------

30% ----------------------------------------------------------

20% ----------------------------------------------------------

10 % -----------------------------------------------------------

0% Complete Incomplete

c Observing

While the treatment has given, observation was also conducted.

The researcher was as teacher and the English teacher was as a

collaborator who helped the researcher to observe the students‟

activities during teaching learning process. The observation wrote on

the observation sheet. The result of the observation can be seen on the

table below:

Table 13

Frequency of Students’ Activities in the Cycle I

No Students’ Activitas Frequency Percentage

1 The students pay attention of the

teacher explanation

17 65 %

2 The students ask/answer the question

from the teacher

10 38 %

3 The students were active in building


13 50 %

4 The students were fluent in wiriting

analytical exposition essay

13 50%

Total Students 26

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The table showed that the frequency of the students who paying

attention of the teacher explanation was 17 students (65%). Besides that,

there were 10 students (38%) who asked or answered the question from the

teacher, 13 students (50%) who active in building team work, and 13

students were fluent in writing narrative paragraph.

Based on the result above, it could be concluded that the learning

process of cycle I wasn‟t successful yet because no one activity passed the

indicator or less than 75% students were active in the learning process.

d Reflecting

Based on the result of the students‟ post-test 1 that showed 50%

students who got the score above the minimum mastery criteria and less

than 75% students were active in the learning process, the implementation

of herringbone strategy had not given satisfactory result yet on the

improvement of students‟ writing ability. Therefore, it needed to be

revised before the implementation of the next cycle so that it could achieve

the criteria of success of this research. From the result of the observation in

cycle I, there were some problems that found, as follows:

1) There were some students that were shown unenthusiastic to the

teacher‟s explanation.

2) Most of the students didn‟t ask and answer the teacher‟s questions.

3) Most of the students weren‟t active in building teamwork.

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4) Most of the students were not fluent yet in writing analytical

exposition essay.

Based on the result the reflecting step, the researcher decided to

create some revision for the cycle I. There were some revisions to be

applied in cycle II, such as:

1) The teacher gave more motivation to the students in order to study


2) The teacher gave more detail explanation and questions after

explaining the material to control the students‟ activity.

3) The teacher was regrouping the member of group in the learning

process that used herringbone strategy.

4) The teacher asked the students to create writing narrative paragraph

working when in the treatment.

In this research, pre-test and post-test 1 had done individually. It was

aimed to know the students‟ writing ability score before and after

treatment. From the result of pre-test and post-test 1, it can be analyzed

that there was an improvement from the students‟ result score. It could be

seen from the advantage score in pre-test 57.08 and post-test 1 65.58.

Although there was an improvement of the students‟ achievement, cycle I

was not successful yet because only 13 students (50%) who passed in the

post-test 1. It can be concluded that cycle I was not successful yet because

the indicator of success was not reached yet and the researcher had to

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revise the teaching and learning process in the next cycle. Therefore, this

research would be continued in the next cycle.

3 Cycle II

After finding the result from the cycle 1, the result showed that the

research should be continued in the next cycle that was cycle II. This cycle was

held from May 14th

up to Mat 24th

, 2019.

a. Planning

In this step, the researcher as the teacher in this learning process

gave some additional to the lesson plan that has been made before and

revised to be better one. The additions were the teacher gave more

motivation to the students in order to study harder, gave more detail

explanation and questions after explaining the material to control the

students‟ activity, In this cycle also used observation sheet to observe

the students‟ activity in the learning process and it used test that was

like the test in the cycle I by using different themes to be chosen.

b. Acting

Acting is the second step in this research. The researcher also

conducted this cycle in two meetings. The schedule of action in this

cycle is as follows:

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Table 14

The Meeting Schedule of Action in Cycle II

Meeting Day/Date Time

1st Tuesday, May 21

th, 2019 12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m.


Friday, May 24 th

, 2019 11.15 p.m. – 01.00 p.m.

1) The First Meeting

The first meeting conducted on Tuesday, May 21th

, 2019 at

12.15 p.m. – 01.45 p.m. In this meeting, after greeted the

students, the teacher motivated the students. After that, the

teacher asked the students to study in write narrative paraggraph

again. The theme of the write about narrative paraggraph were

different from cycle I. The student asked to use the herringbone

strategy to write narrative paragraph. After that, they should

discuss and make sure the result of their writing.

2) The Second Meeting

In the second meeting that was conducted on Friday, May


, 2019 at 11.15 p.m. – 01.00 p.m. The teacher asked the

students to check their wrote result. After the students finished,

they asked to show the presentation about their result of writer in

front of the class. The other groups paid attention to the

presentation. Then, the teacher added the material that on the

presentation. After that, at the end of this meeting, the researcher

gave post-test 2. It had similarity as the task on the post-test 1 but

in this test gave the different themes to be chosen by the students.

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The students had to create narrative paragraph by choosing the

themes that was given in 45 minutes.

Table 15

The Students’ Score of Post-test 2

No Name Score Notes

1 Adila Putri Ilham 76 COMPLETE

2 Agita Triyas A 81 COMPLETE

3 Agustina Novita Sari 82 COMPLETE

4 Albita Deswita Rani 82 COMPLETE

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 78 COMPLETE

6 Annida Putri Rahma 85 COMPLETE

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 76 COMPLETE

8 Annisa Rahmadani 63 INCOMPLETE

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 87 COMPLETE

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 76 COMPLETE

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 81 COMPLETE

12 Devi Kurniawati 80 COMPLETE

13 Erda Anggun F 77 COMPLETE

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 84 COMPLETE

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 79 COMPLETE

16 Fisca Ramadhani 60 INCOMPLETE

17 Keysa Putri R 76 COMPLETE

18 Marsya Aulia 84 COMPLETE

19 Nabila Diva H 80 COMPLETE

20 Nabila Shofia R 48 INCOMPLETE

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 81 COMPLETE

22 Nikisha Brya P 84 COMPLETE

23 Nita Ambarwati 59 INCOMPLETE

24 Ririn Inayatul F 91 COMPLETE

25 Safina Rahadatul A 81 COMPLETE

26 Sherly Ayunda P 65 INCOMPLETE

Total 1996

Average x = Σx



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Related to the result of the post-test 2 that was shown on the

table of the students‟ score of post-test 2, the average score was

76.77 in which there were 21 students achieved minimum mastery

criteria and 5 students failed. It mean that cycle II was success.

The following were the table of students‟ score mark of post-

test 2:

Table 16

Frequency of Students’ Mark of Writing Ability Post-test 2

No Mark Frequency Percentage Category

1 ≥ 76 21 81 % COMPLETE

2 ≤ 76 5 59 % INCOMPLETE

Total 26 100 %

Source: the result of pre-test on May 21th

, 2019

Figure 5

Graph of Students’ Post-test 2 of SMP IT BINA INSANI


100 % -----81%-----------------------------------------------

80% ----------------------------------------------------------

60% ----------------------------------------------------------

40% ---------------------------19%--------------------------

20 % -----------------------------------------------------------

0% Complete Incomplete

c. Observing

While the treatment has given, observation was also conducted

in this cycle. The result of the observation can be seen on the table


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Table 17

Frequency of Students’ Activities in the Cycle II

No Students’ Activitas Frequency Percentage

1 The students pay attention of

the teacher explanation

23 88 %

2 The students ask/answer the

question from the teacher

20 77 %

3 The students were active in

building teamwork

22 85 %

4 The students were fluent in

wiriting analytical exposition


21 81%

Total Students 26

The table showed that the frequency of the students who

paying attention of the teacher explanation was 23 students (88%).

Besides that, there were 20 students (77%) who asked or answered

the question from the teacher, 22 students (85%) who active in

building team work, and 21 (81%) students were fluent in writing

narrative paragraph. Based on the result above, there was more than

75% students were passed the indicator of the activity in the learning

process. Therefore it could be inferred that the learning process of

cycle II was success.

d. Reflecting

The reflecting of Classroom Action Research was carried out

after the teacher getting the score result of the post-test. The

researcher felt satisfied with the result. The students could improve

their writing ability. There were >75% of students passed the

examination. It means that the students‟ writing ability had increase.

From the result above, the researcher concluded that the research

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was success and would not be continued to the next cycle. The

students score on writing ability from pre-test, posttest 1 and post-

test 2.

Table 18

The Students’ Score of Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post-test 2

No Name Pre-tes


Pre-tes 1


Pre-tes 2



1 Adila Putri Ilham 67 76 76 IMPROVE

2 Agita Triyas A 56 76 81 IMPROVE

3 Agustina Novita Sari 60 77 82 IMPROVE

4 Albita Deswita Rani 78 82 82 IMPROVE

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 60 56 78 IMPROVE

6 Annida Putri Rahma 59 76 85 IMPROVE

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 59 62 76 IMPROVE

8 Annisa Rahmadani 34 34 63 IMPROVE

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 57 76 87 IMPROVE

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 63 62 76 IMPROVE

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 74 74 81 IMPROVE

12 Devi Kurniawati 73 76 80 IMPROVE

13 Erda Anggun F 34 53 77 IMPROVE

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 78 66 84 IMPROVE

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 53 70 79 IMPROVE

16 Fisca Ramadhani 34 34 60 IMPROVE

17 Keysa Putri R 37 76 76 IMPROVE

18 Marsya Aulia 70 77 84 IMPROVE

19 Nabila Diva H 69 77 80 IMPROVE

20 Nabila Shofia R 34 34 48 IMPROVE

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 65 70 81 IMPROVE

22 Nikisha Brya P 66 76 84 IMPROVE

23 Nita Ambarwati 34 34 59 IMPROVE

24 Ririn Inayatul F 76 76 91 IMPROVE

25 Safina Rahadatul A 60 76 81 IMPROVE

26 Sherly Ayunda P 34 59 65 IMPROVE

Total 1484 1705 1996

Average x = Σx


57.08 65.58 76.77 IMPROVE

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Based on the result above, it could be inferred that herringbone

strategy could increase the students‟ ability in writing narrative

paragraph because there was increase from average 57.08 to 65.58,

there is increase about 9 point. Then, from cycle II have progress

average score from 65.58 to 76.77 there was increase about 11 point.

In the cycle II, most of the students could increase their writing

ability. It means that cycle II was successful. Therefore, the

researcher concluded that the research was successful because the

indicator of success had been achieved in this cycle. It means that

would be stopped in this cycle. Based on the result of students‟

activities in cycle I and cycle II, the researcher indicated that

learning process in cycle II was successful. This table was described

the comparison of the students‟ activities in cycle I and cycle II.

Table 19

The Students’ Activities in the Cycle 1 and Cycle II

No Students Activities Cycle 1 Cycle II

F Percentage F Percentage

1 The students pay

attention of the teacher


17 65 % 23 88 %

2 The students ask/answer

the question from the


10 38 % 20 77 %

3 The students were active

in building teamwork

13 50 % 22 85 %

4 The students were fluent

in wiriting analytical

exposition essay

13 50% 21 81%

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Based on the result of the students‟ activities in cycle I and

cycle II was increase. The students pay attention of the teacher

explanation from 65% became 88%. After that, the students‟

ask/answer the question from the teacher 38% became 77%. The

students were active in building teamwork from 50% became 85%.

The last but not least, the students were fluent in writing narrative

paragraph from 50% became 81%.

C. Discussion

The discussion of data after implementing the action consisted of three

parts. Those are the discussion of cycle I, cycle II, and the interpretation of the


1. Cycle I

In this research, before doing the implementation, the researcher

gave the students pre-test individually for the purpose to investigate the

students writing ability. After the researcher getting the pre-test score of

the students that was only 3 students (12%) could pass the test and the

average score in this test was 57.08, so the researcher gave the treatment to

the students in cycle I.

The treatment in the cycle I was conducted by teaching the students

using herringbone strategy. Furthermore, the researcher also gave the

post-test in this cycle that was named post-test 1. Afterwards, by analyzing

the result of the post-test 1, the researcher concluded that there were 13

students (50%) who passed the post-test 1 and the average was 65.58.

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From the result of the students‟ score in the pre-test and post-test 1,

there was an improvement from the students‟ result score. It could be seen

from average score in pre-test was 57.08 and post-test 1 was 65.58.

Although there was an improvement of the students‟ achievement, cycle I

was not successful yet because only 13 or 50% students who passed the

test in the post-test 1. It means that cycle I could improve the students

ability in writing writing narrative paragraphbut it was not yet successful

because the students did not passed yet to the indicator of success.

2. Cycle 2

After analyzing the students‟ score in the post-test 1, the researcher

had to conduct the next cycle because only 13 students (50%) passed the

test and got the score that was ≥76.

In this cycle, the researcher gave the treatment and then gave post-

test 2. Furthermore, the researcher analyzed the result of post-test 2 and

inferred that there were 21 students (81%) passed the test because their

score was ≥76 and the average score was 76.77. From the result of the

students‟ score from post-test 2, it could be concluded that there were

score improvement. The improvement score could be seen on the average

score. The average score in the post-test 1 and post-test 2 were 65.58 and

76.77. In the pre-test, post-test 1 and post-test 2, the total of students who

got the score ≥76 were 3, 13, and 21 students. Because the achievement of

the students had improved enough and the indicator of success was

reached, the research was successful and could be stopped in cycle II.

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Table 20

The Average of the Test Result


Pre-test Pre-test 1 Pre-test 2

Total 1484 1705 1996

Average 57.08 65.58 76.77

Moreover, the comparison of the students‟ average score can be

seen on the graph bellow:

Figure 6

Graph of the Average of Students’ Pre-test, Post-test 1, and Post test 2

100.00 --------------------------------------------------------

80.00 ------57.08-----------65.58------------76.77-----------

60.00 ----------------------------------------------------------

40.00 ----------------------------------------------------------

20.00 -----------------------------------------------------------

0.00 Pre Test Pre Test 1 Pre Test 2

Based on the result of pre-test, post-test 1, and post-test 2, it was

showed that there was an improvement of the students‟ score. It could be

seen from the average score from 57.08 to 65.58 became 76.77.

Therefore, the researcher conducted that the research was successful

because the indicator of success in this research had been achieved.

3. The Interpretation

The students‟ learning activities data was gotten from the whole

students‟ learning activities on observation sheet. The table improvement

of this research, as follows:

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Table 21

The Improvement of Students’ Activities I in the Cycle 1 and Cycle II

No Student Activities Clcle 1 Clcle II Improvement

1 The students pay

attention of the teacher


65 % 88 % 23 %

2 The students ask/answer

the question from the


38 % 77 % 38 %

3 The students were active

in building teamwork

50 % 85 % 35 %

4 The students were fluent

in wiriting analytical

exposition essay

50% 81% 31%

Based on the table of the improvement of the students‟ activities in

the cycle I and cycle II, it can be described in the graph as follows:

Figure 7

The Improvement of Students’ Activities I in the Cycle 1 and Cycle II

100% - ----------------------------------------------------------

90 % - -------------------------88%-------85%--81%-------------

80 % - ------------------------------77%---------------------------

70% - ---65 %------------------------------------------------------

60 % - ------------50%--50%-------------------------------------------

50% - ----------------------------------------------------------

40% ------- 38 %------------------------------------------------

30% -----------------------------------------------------------

20% -----------------------------------------------------------

10% ------------------------------------------------------------

0.% Cycle I Cycle II

Pay Attention



Active in Teamwork

Fluent in Writing



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Based on the data had gotten, it can be explained as follows:

a. Pay attention to the teacher‟s explanation

The students‟ attention to the teacher‟s explanation from the

cycle I to cycle II was increase.

b. The students ask/answer questions

The activeness of the students in asking/answering the question

was increase from the cycle I to cycle II. It showed when in the

learning process the students were be able to answer the

question from the teacher and when they didn‟t understand the

material they asked to the teacher.

c. The students were active in building teamwork

The students active in building teamwork were increased. It

could be seen on the cycle I and cycle II.

d. The students‟ fluency in writing narrative paragraph

The students‟ fluency in writing narrative paragraph was

increased. It could be seen when the students were asked to do

the task for each cycle.

Based on the data above, it could be concluded that the students

felt comfortable and active with the learning process because most of

the students shown good improvement in learning activities when the

teacher used herringbone strategy to increase the students‟ writing

ability in cycle I and cycle II.

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Besides that, based on the explanation of cycle I and cycle II, it

could be inferred that the use of herringbone strategy could increase the

students‟ writing ability. There was progress average score from pre-

test was 57.08, post-test 1 was 65.58 and became 76.77 in post-test 2. It

could be seen that there was an improvement on the average score and

total of the students who passed the test from pre-test, post-test 1, and

post-test 2.

In this case, students of SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO

have low skill in writing. Therefore, the researcher has to be more

creative to make students more active in learning process especially in

writing. It was the reason why the researcher chooses herringbone

strategy to improve the students‟ writing ability. Herringbone strategy

contained some steps that made the students more active in learning.

Then, it could improve the students‟ ability in writing writing narrative

paragraphafter it was trained continuously.

Moreover, the researcher used herringbone strategy contained

of some steps in order to improve the students‟ ability in writing

analytical exposition essay. The researcher made some groups consist

of 3-5 students in each groups. The researcher asked the students to

discuss the material about writing narrative paragraph. Then, the

students were asked to investigate the content of the material. After

that, they were asked to write writing narrative paragraph based on their

knowledge in the group. Then, they did presentation in front of the class

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to show up their discussion result. In the last of learning, the researcher

gave the addition if the material that the students got that were not

complete. After that, the students were asked to do the task. The

students were asked to write an writing narrative paragraphby choosing

one of the themes that was given. The students had to create writing

narrative paragraphby choosing the themes that was given in 45

minutes. After did the cycle I and cycle II, the students‟ ability in

writing improved because the researcher used herringbone as the

strategy in the learning process.

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A. Conclusion

Based on the result, it could be concluded that the use of

herringbone strategy can increase the students‟ ability in writing narrative

paragraph at the eight graders of SMP IT BINA INSANI OF METRO.

It can be seen that the result of pre-test and post-test on cycle I to

cycle II. From the result of pre-test was lower than the result of post-test. The

average score of pre-test was 57.08, the average score of post-test 1 in cycle I

was 65.58. Then, the cycle II from the post-test 2 the average score was

76.77. Therefore, there was progress from the pre-test. It means that

herringbone strategy could increase the students‟ ability in writing narrative

paragraph. Therefore, it can be used as the alternative choice in learning


The implementation of herringbone strategy in writing research in

the cycle II was successful. That was known from the students‟ writing ability

result that was more than 75% or 21 students passed the indicator of success.

As a result the cycle II could not be conducted to the next cycle.

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B. Suggestion

Based on the result of the research, the researcher would like to give

some suggestions, as follows:

1. The students are expected to more active in learning English therefore the

students can understand and comprehend the material which teacher has

given and increase their knowledge especially in writing so that the

students‟ ability in writing will be increase.

2. It would be better for the English teacher to use herringbone as a strategy

to train the students‟ ability in writing and use to decrease the students‟

anxiety before the students do write because the benefit of herringbone

strategy can increase the students‟ ability in writing narrative paragraph

and also other skill of English.

3. The English teacher is supposed to give more motivation to the students in

order to the students can more excite in English learning since many

students regard that English is difficult subject to learn. Based on the

observation, the students will be more active after the teacher give more

motivation and positive stimulus to the students that English is not

difficult subject.

4. It is suggested for the headmaster in order to persuade the teachers to use

this strategy because it is very effective strategy to be applied for the

teacher in teaching and delivering the material.

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A. Deskripsi Singkat SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara

1. Sejarah Berdirinya SMP IT Bina Insani Metro Utara

Sekolah Islam Terpadu adalah sekolah yang mengimplementasikan konsep

pendidikan Islam yang berlandaskan Al-Qur‟an dan As-Sunnah. Konsep

operasional Sekolah Islam Terpadu merupakan akumulasi dari proses

pembudayaan, pewarisan dan pengembangan ajaran agama Islam, budaya dan

peradaban Islam dari generasi ke generasi. Istilah “terpadu” dalam Sekolah Islam

Terpadu dimaksudkan sebagai penguat dari nilai-nilai Islam itu sendiri.

Maksudnya adalah nilai-niilai dari Agama Islam yang utuh, menyeluruh dan

Integral bukan parsial. Hal ini menjadi semangat utama dalam gerak da‟wah di

bidang pendidikan.

Aplikasi di Sekolah Islam Terpadu diartikan sebagai sekolah yang

menerapkan pendekatan penyelenggaraan dengan memadukan pendidikan umum

dan pendidikan agama Islam menjadi satu jalinan kurikulum. Dengan pendekatan

ini, semua mata pelajaran dan semua kegiatan sekolah tidak lepas dari bingkai

ajaran dan pesan nilai Islam. Tidak ada dikotomi, tidak ada keterpisahan, tidak ada

“sekularisasi” (dimana pelajaran dan semua bahasan lepas dari nilai dan ajaran

agama), ataupun “sakralisasi” dimana agama diajarkan lepas dari konteks

kemaslahatan (manfaat) kehidupan masa kini dan masa depan. Pelajaran umum,

seperti Matematika, IPA, IPS, Bahasa, Pendidikan Jasmani atau Kesehatan, dan

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Ketrampilan dibingakai dengan pijakan, pedoman dan panduan Islam. Sementara

di pelajaran agama, kurikulum diperkaya dengan pendekatan konteks kekinian,

kemanfaatan dan kemaslahatan.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu juga menekankan keterpaduan dalam metode

pembelajaran sehingga dapat mengoptimalkan ranah Kognitif, Afektif, dan

Psikomotorik. Implikasi dari keterpaduan ini menuntut pengembangan pendekatan

proses pembelajaran yang kaya, variatif, dan menggunakan media serta sumber

belajar yang luas dan luwes. Metode pembelajaran menekankan peggunaan dan

pendekatan yang memicu dan memacu optimalisasi pemberdayaan otak kiri dan

otak kanan. Dengan pengertian ini, seharusnya pembelajaran di Sekolah Islam

Terpadu dilaksanakan dengan pendekatan berbasis pada :

d. Problem solving, yang melatih siswa berfikir kritis, sistematis, logis

dan solutif.

e. Kreatifitas, yang melatih siswa untuk berfikir orisinil, luwes

(fleksibel), lancar, dan imajinatif.

f. Ketrampilan, yang melatih siswa untuk melakukan berbagai kegiatan

yang bermanfaat untuk diri dan lingkungannya.

Sekolah Islam Terpadu juga memadukan pendidikan aqliyah,

ruhiyah, dan jasadiyah. Artinya, berupaya mendidik siswa menjadi anak

yang berkembang kemampuan akal dan intelektualnya, meningkatkan

kualitas keimanan dan ketakwaannya kepada Allah SWT, terbina akhlak

mulia dan juga memiliki kesehatan, kebugaran dan keterampilan dalam

kehidupannya sehari-hari.Sekolah Islam Terpadu memadukan keterlibatan

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dan partisipasi aktif lingkungan belajar, yaitu : sekolah, rumah dan

masyarakat. Sekolah Islam Terpadu berupaya untuk mengoptimalkan dan

sinkronisasi peran guru, orang tua, dan masyarakat dalam proses

pengelolaan sekolah dan pembelajaran sehingga terjadi sinergi yang

konstruktif dalam membangun kompetensi dan karakter siswa. Orang tua

dilibatkan secara aktif untuk memperkaya dan memberi perhatian yang

memadai dalam proses pendidikan putra-putri mereka. Sementara itu,

kegiatan kunjungan ataupun interaksi ke luar sekolah merupakan upaya

untuk mendekatkan peserta didik terhadap dunia nyata yang ada di tengah


Berdasarkan pengertian di atas, dapatlah diambil suatu pengertian

umum yang komprehensif bahwa Sekolah Islam Terpadu adalah Sekolah

Islam yang diselenggarakan dengan memadukan secara integratif nilai dan

ajaran Islam dalam bangunan kurikulum dengan pendekatan pembelajaran

yang efektif dan upaya pelibatan yang optimal dan koperatif antara guru

dan orang tua, serta masyarakat untuk membina karakter dan kompetensi

peserta didik.

Oleh karena itu Yayasan Para Juara Lampung, berusaha

menghadirkan Sekolah Islam Terpadu di Kota Metro dengan nama

SekolahMenengah Pertama Islam Terpadu Bina Insani. Dengan Motto

”Sekolahnya Para Juara Pemburu Sukses Dunia-Akherat”. Hal ini disadari

karena umat Islam disebutkan dalam Al Qur‟an sebagai ”Khoiru Ummah”

(Umat terbaik), yakni umat yang seharusnya punya keunggulan-

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keunggulan dibanding dengan umat lain, inilah yang kami artikan sebagai

Juara pada setiap bidang.

2. Visi dan Misi SMPIT Metro Utara

Mendukung perwujudan cita-cita pembangunan karakter

sebagaimana diamanatkan dalam pancasila dan pembukaan UUD 1945

serta mengatasi permaslahan kebangsaan saat ini, maka pemerintah

menjadikan pembangunan karakter sebagai salah satu program prioritas

pembagunan nasional melalui penguatan penanaman pendidikan karakter

di semua tingkat satuan pendidikan.

Semangat itu secara implisit ditegaskan dalam Rencana

Pembangunan Jangka Panjang Nasional (RPJPN) tahun 2005-2025,

dimana pendidikan karakter ditempatkan sebagai landasan untuk

mewujudkan masyrakat berakhlak mulia, bermoral, beretika, berbudaya,

dan beradab berdasarkan falsafah pancasila.

c. Visi SMPIT Metro Utara

SMP IT Bina Insani Metro Utaramempunyai Visi :

”Sholeh, Pemimpin, Profesional dan Entrepreneurship untuk

meraih Sukses Dunia-Akhirat.”

Maksud dari visi ini adalah ingin menjadikan peserta didik

menjadi generasi yang beriman dan bertakwa terhadap Allah SWT,

mempunyai kecerdasan akal pikiran dan penguasaan teknologi dan

Informasi, mempunyai akhlak mulia dalam bergaul dan berkomunikasi

dengan lingkungannya, dan ahli dalam menyikapi perkembangan

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Teknologi, Informasi dan Komunikasi, serta mampu mengubah

tantangan menjadi peluang.Dengan indikator keberhasilannya sebagai

berikutSiswa lulusannya :

11) Mampu menghafal dan/atau menambah hafalan Al Qur‟an minimal

dua juz.

12) Terbiasa dan suka beribadah.

13) Mampu meraih juara dalam lomba akademik (mata pelajaran)

maupun non akademik (ketrampilan, olah raga dan seni budaya).

14) Mempunyai nilai rata-rata ujian dengan kualifikasi A (rata-rata

nilai ujian lebih dari 7,50.

15) Bisa diterima pada sekolah unggulan pada jenjang berikutnya,

minimal 75% dari jumlah siswa.

16) Mempunyai sikap percaya diri dan pandai berkomunikasi positif

dengan lingkungannya.

17) Berperilaku sopan dan santun serta berakhlaq mulia dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari baik di sekolah maupun di masyarakat.

18) Mampu memanfaatkan Teknologi Informasi dan Komunikasi.

19) Mempunyai ketrampilan hidup (life skill)

20) Mempunyai jiwa kewirausahaan (entrepreneurship).

d. Misi SMPIT Metro Utara

Adapun Misi sekolah dalam rangkai pencapaian Visi adalah

sebagai berikut :

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10) Memberikan suasana pembelajaran yang kondusif, kompetitif dan

menyenangkan dalam pembelajaran menghafal Al Qur‟an.

11) Memberikan kesempatan dan fasilitas kepada setiap warga sekolah

dalam pembiasaan menjalankan ibadah.

12) Mengadakan pelatihan kepada guru secara teratur dan

berkesinambungan dalam bidang ketrampilan mengajar dan

pendalaman konsep setiap materi pelajaran.

13) Melaksanakan pembelajaran yang aktif, inovatif, kreatif, efektif,

dan menyenangkan.

14) Membiasakan budaya kompetisi yang sehat dalam pengembangan

karakter, potensi dan kompetensi setiap warga sekolah.

15) Melatih siswa didik untuk berani tampil berkompetisi dan berani

mengemukakan pendapat di depan kelas maupun di depan umum.

16) Membiasakan perilaku sopan, santun dan berakhlak mulia dalam

kehidupan sehari-hari.

17) Mendorong setiap warga sekolah untuk menghasilkan karya dan

menghargai setiap hasil karya.

18) Memfasilitasi kegiatan-kegiatan yang mampu meningkatkan sikap

dan mental kewirausahaan setiap warga sekolah.

3. Letak Geografis SMPIT Metro Utara

Luas lahan 7058 m2 milik sendiri. Lokasi pada lingkungan yang

tenang jauh dari kebisingan kota dengan akses jalan raya dalam kondisi

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baik serta memiliki banyak peluang untuk berkembang. Adapun batasan-

batasan lokasinya dengan perumahan milik masyarakat:

e. Sebelah utara berbatasan dengan perumahan milik masyarakat.

f. Sebelah selatan berbatasan dengan jalan raya Dr. Sutomo.

g. Sebelah timur berbatasan dengan perumahan milik masyarakat.

h. Sebelah barat berbatasan dengan gedung SMP Muhammadiyah 4

4. Struktur Organisasi SMPIT Metro Utara

Gambar. 01

Struktur Organisasi SMP IT Bina Insani Metro Utara

Kepala Sekolah

Intan Caria, S.Pd.I

Kepala Tata Usaha

Rudianto, S.Pd., m.T.n.EP

Waka Kurikulum

Azwar Annas, S.Pd.I

Waka Kesiswaan

Elly Agustina, S.Pd

Koordinator Sarpras

zaenal Arifin, S.Pd.I

Pembina Osis

Bagus Prayoga

Koordinator Bp Muhammad

Sofwan, S.Pd.I

Koordionator Humas

Diki Mandela, S.Pd

Wali Kelas

Agus Saputra

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Gambar. 02

Denah Lokasi SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara

5. Keadaan Sarana dan Prasarana SMPIT Metro Utara

Keberhasilan dalam melaksanakan kegiatan pembelajaran di

sekolah tidak terlapas dari tersedianya sarana dan prasarana yang

dibutuhkan, sarana dan prasarana dalam pendidikan akan memberikan

pengaruh baik pada peningkatan mutu serta kualitas pendidikan di sekolah


Sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia di SMPIT Bina Insani Metro

Utara cukup memadai untuk menunjang kelancaran proses pembelajaran.

Sarana dan prasarana yang dimiliki SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara dapat

dilihat pada tabel berikut:

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Tabel 01

Sarana dan prasarana SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara

No Jenis Jumlah

1. Ruang Kantor 1

2. Ruang BK 1

3. Ruang Kepala Sekolah 1

4. Ruang Guru 1

5. Ruang Kelas 6

6. Perpustakaan 1

7. Mushola 3

8. WC Guru 2

9. WC Peserta didik 6

10. Ruang Tata Usaha 1

Total 23

6. Keadaan Guru dan Pegawai SMPIT Metro Utara

Tabel 02

Nama Guru, Guru Kelas dan Wali Kelas

SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara

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Jumlah pendidik sebanyak 27 pendidik, hal ini akan sangat

menunjang keberhasilan pembelajaran di SMPIT Bina Insani Metro Utara

dan yang menjadikan perrbedaan dengan sekolah-sekolah lain disini ada

guru kelas yang selalu ada ketika jam pelajaran dimulai sampai akhir, guru

kelas selalu berada didalam kelas melihat keadaan peserta didik sekaligus

sebagai guru tahsin tahfidz bagi peserta didik.

7. Keadaan Siswa SMP IT Bina Insani Metro Utara

Tabel 03

Daftar jumlah peserta didik SMPIT Bina Insani

Metro Utara Tahun Akademik 2018/2019

No Kelas VII Kelas VIII Kelas IX

Ikhwan Akhwat Ikhwan Akhwat Ikhwan Akhwat

1 30 20 30 26 25 20

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Kelas : VIII A

Kompetensi Inti :

KI 1 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya

KI 2 : Menghayati dan mengamalkan prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia

KI 3 : Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

KI 4 : Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan



Materi Pokok Pembelajaran Penilaian Alokasi




1.1 Mensyukuri












Teks eksposisi


Fungsi Sosial


pendapat tentang

topik yang hangat

dibicarakan secara

bertanggung jawab

Struktur teks

a. Menyebutkan





contoh t










fungsi sosial




struktur teks




4 x 2 JP CD/ Audio/








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an perilaku





dan cinta









s fungsi



teks, dan



dari teks



, sesuai dengan



terhadap sesuatu

yang hangat


b. Menyebutkan

pandangan /


mengenai hal

tersebut beserta

ilustrasi sebagai


c. Diakhiri dengan

kesimpulan yang


kembali pendapat

terhadap hal


Unsur Kebahasaan:

- Kalimat Simple


- Conditional Claus

- Modals

rkan guru






dan unsur



Siswa belajar


n gagasan



rinci dan



dari teks







bimbingan dan

arahan guru,





tata bahasa,

kosa kata,


tekanan kata,


ejaan, dan

tulisan tangan







Bukan penilaian

formal seperti

tes, tetapi untuk

tujuan memberi

balikan. Sasaran

penilaian adalah:



jawab, peduli,


dan cinta

damai, dalam





- www.dailye













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dalam teks




tentang topik

yang hangat



an antara

lain perbedaan


berbagai teks



yang ada

dalam bahasa

Inggris, Siswa


an gagasan


informasi rinci

dan informasi




Siswa mencari












n dan menulis

teks eksposisi



siswa dalam



dalam setiap






strategi dalam








hasil tes dan


Catatan atau


penilaian diri

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Siswa berlatih




informasi rinci

dan informasi


Siswa secara



/menyalin teks


analitis dengan


n fungsi

sosial, struktur,

dan unsur


dengan runtut





kepada teman

dan penilaian



komentar atau

cara penilaian


Penilaian Diri




Bentuk: diary,

jurnal, format

khusus, komentar,

atau bentuk

penilaian lain

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teks eksposisi


fokus pada

fungsi sosial,

struktur, dan






(feedback) dari

guru dan

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teman tentang

hasil analisis



dalam kerja







berupa catatan


membaca dan




bertukar cerita


teks eksposisi



n fungsi

sosial, struktur

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dan unsur





kannya di




evaluasi diri


tertulis tentang



dalam mencari

teks eksposisi





dalam dan di

luar kelas,


kendala yang

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Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

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A. Exercise

1. Write your name, class, student number, and the theme that you choose on

the top corner of your answer sheet

2. Write an narrative paragraph by choosing one of the themes below:

a. Fable

b. Personal Experience

c. Legends

3. Remember to include the part of an narrative paragraph (generic structure

and language feature)

4. Time allocation is 45 minute.

5. Your written an narrative paragraph will be scored on these


a. Content

b. Organization (Orientation – Complication - Resolution)

c. Vocabulary

d. Language use

e. Mechanics

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No Name ASPECT Total

score Content Organization Vocabulary Language

Use Mechanics

1 Adila Putri Ilham 16 14 16 17 4 67

2 Agita Triyas A 16 13 14 10 3 56

3 Agustina Novita Sari 16 9 16 15 4 60

4 Albita Deswita Rani 26 16 14 18 4 78

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 16 13 14 14 3 60

6 Annida Putri Rahma 17 13 14 12 3 59

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 18 14 13 12 2 59

8 Annisa Rahmadani 13 7 7 5 2 34

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 17 13 13 11 3 57

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 21 17 12 11 2 63

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 21 14 17 18 4 74

12 Devi Kurniawati 21 17 17 15 3 73

13 Erda Anggun F 13 7 7 5 2 34

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 26 15 16 17 4 78

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 17 12 12 10 2 53

16 Fisca Ramadhani 13 7 7 5 2 34

17 Keysa Putri R 14 8 7 6 2 37

18 Marsya Aulia 21 14 16 15 4 70

19 Nabila Diva H 21 14 14 17 3 69

20 Nabila Shofia R 13 7 7 5 2 34

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 21 13 13 15 3 65

22 Nikisha Brya P 21 13 15 14 3 66

23 Nita Ambarwati 13 7 7 5 2 34

24 Ririn Inayatul F 25 15 16 16 4 76

25 Safina Rahadatul A 16 13 14 15 2 60

26 Sherly Ayunda P 13 7 7 5 2 34

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP IT BINA INSANI METRO

Kelas/Semester : VIII A

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Narrative paragraph (writing)

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2 x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

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B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

1.1: bahasa pengantar komunikasi International yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

2.3: Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10: Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

Narrative Paragraph tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai

dengan konteks penggunaannya.

4.14: Menangkap makna dalam teks Narrative Paragraph tentang topik yang

hangat dibicarakan umum.


Pertemuan I

Siswa dapat:

1. Memahami materi Narrative Paragraph

2. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure kebahasaan dari

Narrative Paragraph

3. Mengidetifikasi atau menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsure

kebahasaan dari contoh Narrative Paragraph yang diberikan

Pertemuan II

Siswa dapat:

1. Mempresentasikan hasil pemahaman dan analisis contoh dari Narrative


2. Menuliskan Narrative Paragraph secara mandiri sesuai dengan fungsi

social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaannya

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami materi Narrative paragraph

2. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

Narrative paragraph

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3. Menuliskan Narrative paragraph sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks Narrative Paragraph

Fungsi Sosial

Berfungsi untuk menghibur khalayak umum

Struktur teks

1. Orientation

Indroducing the participants and informing the time and the place. Pada bagian ini

kalian akan disuguhkan siapa yang memerankan cerita tersebut atau dalam bahasa

lain adalah Character dari cerita dan akan juga disuguhkan tentang latar ( dimana,

kapan, dan bagaimana cerita tersebut berlangsung)

2. Complication

Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with Pada bagian ini

konflik antar karakter mulai terjadi

3. Resolution

Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, it can be better of worse. Pada

bagian ini para tokoh atau karakter dalam cerita Narrative akan berupaya

menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi, kadang dalam menghadapi masalah

tersebut para karakter itu menyelesaikannya menjadi lebih baik atau lebih buruk.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

Language Features adalah tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam Narrative Teks,

karena Narrative Teks adalah menceritakan sesuatu maka secara otomatis teks ini

menggunakan Tenses past tense, atau masih keluarga dengan past tense atau

tenses yang menceritakan tentang masa lalu seperti Past Perfect atau Past


E. Strategi Pembelajaran

Herringbone Strategy

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

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Pertemuan I

Kegiatan dan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Greeting (mengucapkan salam dan saling tegur


2. Mengecek kehadiran siswa

3. Menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas atau


B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Mengamati (Observing)

a. Guru mengelompokkan siswa menjadi

beberapa kelompok dengan masing-masing

kelompok terdiri dari 3-5 siswa.

b. Siswa dikondisikan untuk membuka materi

Narrative paragraph dan guru membagikan

contoh dari Narrative paragraph ke masing-

masing kelompok.

c. Siswa diminta untuk memahami materi

mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsure kebahasaan Narrative paragraph dengan

berdiskusi dalam kelompok

d. Siswa diminta untuk menemukan fungsi sosial,

struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari contoh

yang dibagikan

2. Menanya (Questioning)

a. Siswa yang belum paham dengan materi,

bertanya kepada teman kelompok yang faham

dengan materi yang dipelajari

10 menit

75 menit

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3. Mengumpulkan Informasi

a. Siswa diminta untuk mencatat apa saja

pembahasan yang dianggap penting dari materi

yang mereka pelajari

b. Siswa diminta untuk mencatat hasil temuan

mereka mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaan dari contoh yang


4. Menalar (Associating)

a. Setelah hasil dari pengumpulan informasi

terkumpul, siswa secara bersama dalam

kelompok membahas temuannya atau

pemahamannya untuk saling dikoreksi oleh

teman kelompok

b. Siswa dalam kelompok memperbaiki hasil

temuannya berdasarkan diskusi yang telah


C. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan pada pertemuan

selanjutnya yaitu mempresentasikan hasil diskusi

kelompok dan kegiatan individu menuliskan

Narrative paragraph

2. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengucapkan


5 menit

Pertemuan II

Kegiatan dan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Greeting (mengucapkan salam dan saling tegur


10 menit

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2. Menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas atau


3. Memberikan motivasi belajar

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Mengomunikasikan (Networking)

a. Siswa diminta untuk mempersiapkan hasil

diskusi kelompok pada pertemuan


b. Kelompok menyampaikan

(mempresentasikan) hasil diskusi kelompok

yang telah dilakukan di pertemuan


c. Guru dan siswa lain mendengarkan dan

mengoreksi hasil presentasi kelompok yang


2. Mencoba (Experimenting)

a. Setelah semua selesai mempresentasikan

materi hasil diskusi, siswa kembali ke

diskusi masingmasing

b. Guru mengulas materi yang telah

disampaikan siswa dan menambahkan

pembahasan materi jika diperlukan

c. Setelah semua siswa paham, siswa secara

individu diminta untuk membuat Narrative

paragraph sesuai fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaannya dengan tema

sesuai dengan yang diberikan oleh guru

C. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Siswa diminta mengumpulkan hasil kerja

individu untuk diambil penilaian pada siklus


75 menit

5 menit

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2. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengucapkan


G. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris K-13

2. Silabus bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP

3. Buku bahasa Inggris kelas VIII " When English Ring a Bell"

4. Contoh Narrative paragraph

5. Kertas latihan

6. Papan Tulis

7. Spidol

H. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

1. Untuk mengukur KBM penilaian diambil dengan menggunakan field


2. Untuk hasil Performance Test (Students‟ Writing Ability) atau hasil siswa

dalam membuat Narrative paragraph digunakan scoring rubric sebagai


Score Level Criteria



30-27 Excellent to very good: knowledgeable;

substantive; thorough development of thesis;

relevant to assigned topic

26-22 Good to average: some knowledge of subject;

adequate range; limited development of thesis;

mostly relevant to topic; but lucks detail

21-17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject; little

substance; inadequate development of topic

16-13 Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject;

non-substantive; non pertinent; or not enough to






20-18 Excellent to very good: fluent expression; ideas

clearly stated/supported; succinct; wellorganized;

logical sequencing; cohesive

17-14 Good to average: somewhat choppy; loosly

organized but main ideas stand out; limited

support; logical but incomplete sequencing

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13-10 Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or

disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and


9-7 Very poor: does not communicate; no

organization; or no enough to evaluate




20-18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range;

effective word/idiom choice and usage; word

form mastery; appropriate register

17-14 Good to average: adequate range; occasional

errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage; but

meaning not obscured

13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors of

word/idiom form, choice, usage; meaning

confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor: essentially translation; little

knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word

form; or not enough to evaluate



e U


25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex

constructions; few errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,


21-18 Good to average: effective but simple

constructions; minor problems in complex

constructions; several errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

prepositions but meaning seldom obscured

17-11 Fair to poor: major problems in simple

constructions; major problems in complex

constructions; frequent errors agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

prepositions and/or fragments, run-ons,

deletions; meaning confused or obscured

10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules; dominated errors; does not

communicate; or not enough to evaluate




5 Excellent to very good: demonstrate mastery of

conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing

4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but

meaning not obscured

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3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor

handwriting, meaning confused or obscured

2 Very poor: no mastery of conventions,

deminated by errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting

illegible, or no enough to evaluate

Total Nilai=100

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

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A. Exercise

1. Write your name, class, student number, and the theme that you choose

on the top corner of your answer sheet

2. Write an Narrative paragraph by choosing one of the themes below:

a. Horror stories

b. Personal Experience

c. Science Fiction

3. Remember to include the part of an Narrative paragraph (generic structure

and language feature)

4. Time allocation is 45 minute.

5. Your written an Narrative paragraph will be scored on these


a. Content

b. Organization (Orientation – Complication - Resolution)

c. Vocabulary

d. Language use

e. Mechanics




1 2 3 4

1 Adila Putri Ilham √ √ √

2 Agita Triyas A √ √

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3 Agustina Novita Sari √ √ √

4 Albita Deswita Rani √ √ √ √

5 Alya Khoirunisa T √

6 Annida Putri Rahma √ √

7 Annida Khoirul Adila

8 Annisa Rahmadani

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum √ √ √ √

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani √

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira √ √

12 Devi Kurniawati √ √

13 Erda Anggun F √ √

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira √ √ √

15 Fatima Az-Zahra √

16 Fisca Ramadhani

17 Keysa Putri R √ √

18 Marsya Aulia √ √ √

19 Nabila Diva H √ √

20 Nabila Shofia R

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri √ √ √

22 Nikisha Brya P √ √ √

23 Nita Ambarwati

24 Ririn Inayatul F √ √ √ √

25 Safina Rahadatul A √ √ √

26 Sherly Ayunda P √

Total 17 10 13 13

Percentage 65 38 50 50

Notes: 1 The students pay attention of the teacher explanation 2 The students ask/answer the question from the teacher

3 The students were active in building teamwork

4 The students were fluent in writing Narrative paragraph

Metro, .........Mei 2019

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No Name ASPECT Total

score Content Organization Vocabulary Language

Use Mechanics

1 Adila Putri Ilham 22 16 17 17 4 76

2 Agita Triyas A 24 17 15 17 3 76

3 Agustina Novita Sari 22 16 18 17 4 77

4 Albita Deswita Rani 26 18 17 17 4 82

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 17 13 13 11 2 56

6 Annida Putri Rahma 24 16 16 17 3 76

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 18 15 14 12 3 62

8 Annisa Rahmadani 13 7 7 5 2 34

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 26 15 15 16 4 76

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 20 13 13 13 3 62

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 21 15 17 17 4 74

12 Devi Kurniawati 25 16 14 17 4 76

13 Erda Anggun F 16 3 10 12 2 53

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 17 14 14 17 4 66

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 21 14 14 17 4 70

16 Fisca Ramadhani 13 7 7 5 2 34

17 Keysa Putri R 26 15 15 16 4 76

18 Marsya Aulia 22 18 17 16 4 77

19 Nabila Diva H 22 17 17 17 4 77

20 Nabila Shofia R 13 7 7 5 2 34

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 22 14 14 17 3 70

22 Nikisha Brya P 23 16 17 17 3 76

23 Nita Ambarwati 13 7 7 5 2 34

24 Ririn Inayatul F 25 15 16 16 4 76

25 Safina Rahadatul A 23 16 17 16 4 76

26 Sherly Ayunda P 17 12 13 14 3 59

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

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Satuan Pendidikan : SMP IT BINA INSANI METRO

Kelas/Semester : VIII A / II

Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris

Materi Pokok : Narrative paragraph (writing)

Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit (2 x pertemuan)

A. Kompetensi Inti (KI)

1. Menghayati dan mengamalkan ajaran agama yang dianutnya.

2. Menghayati dan mengamalkan prilaku jujur, disiplin, tanggungjawab,

peduli (gotong royong, kerjasama, toleran, damai), santun, responsif dan

pro-aktif dan menunjukan sikap sebagai bagian dari solusi atas berbagai

permasalahan dalam berinteraksi secara efektif dengan lingkungan sosial

dan alam serta dalam menempatkan diri sebagai cerminan bangsa dalam

pergaulan dunia.

3. Memahami, menerapkan, menganalisis pengetahuan faktual, konseptual,

prosedural dan metakognitif berdasarkan rasa ingin tahunya tentang ilmu

pengetahuan, teknologi, seni, budaya, dan humaniora dengan wawasan

kemanusiaan, kebangsaan, kenegaraan, dan peradaban terkait penyebab

fenomena dan kejadian, serta menerapkan pengetahuan prosedural pada

bidang kajian yang spesifik sesuai dengan bakat dan minatnya untuk

memecahkan masalah.

4. Mengolah, menalar, dan menyaji dalam ranah konkret dan ranah abstrak

terkait dengan pengembangan dari yang dipelajarinya di sekolah secara

mandiri, bertindak secara efektif dan kreatif, serta mampu menggunakan

metoda sesuai kaidah keilmuan.

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B. Kompetensi Dasar dan Indikator

Kompetensi Dasar

Mensyukuri kesempatan dapat mempelajari bahasa Inggris sebagai

1.1: bahasa pengantar komunikasi International yang diwujudkan dalam

semangat belajar.

2.3: Menunjukkan perilaku tanggung jawab, peduli, kerjasama, dan cinta

damai, dalam melaksanakan komunikasi fungsional.

3.10: Menganalisis fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari teks

eksposisi analitis tentang topik yang hangat dibicarakan umum, sesuai dengan

konteks penggunaannya.

4.14:Menangkap makna dalam narrative paragraph tentang topik yang hangat

dibicarakan umum.


Pertemuan I

Siswa dapat:

1. Memahami materi Narrative paragraph

2. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

Narrative paragraph

3. Menuliskan contoh Narrative paragraph dalam kelompok berdasarkan

materi yang dipelajari

Pertemuan II

Siswa dapat:

1. Mempresentasikan hasil pemahaman dan contoh dari Narrative paragraph

2. Menuliskan Narrative paragraph secara mandiri sesuai dengan fungsi

social, struktur teks, unsur kebahasaannya

C. Tujuan Pembelajaran

Pada akhir pembelajaran, siswa dapat:

1. Memahami materi Narrative paragraph

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2. Memahami fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan dari

Narrative paragraph

3. Menuliskan Narrative paragraph sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur

teks, dan unsur kebahasaannya.

D. Materi Pembelajaran

Teks Narrative Paragraph

Fungsi Sosial

Berfungsi untuk menghibur khalayak umum

Struktur teks

1. Orientation

Indroducing the participants and informing the time and the place. Pada bagian ini

kalian akan disuguhkan siapa yang memerankan cerita tersebut atau dalam bahasa

lain adalah Character dari cerita dan akan juga disuguhkan tentang latar ( dimana,

kapan, dan bagaimana cerita tersebut berlangsung)

2. Complication

Describing the rising crises which the participants have to do with Pada bagian ini

konflik antar karakter mulai terjadi

3. Resolution

Showing the way of participant to solve the crises, it can be better of worse. Pada

bagian ini para tokoh atau karakter dalam cerita Narrative akan berupaya

menyelesaikan masalah yang mereka hadapi, kadang dalam menghadapi masalah

tersebut para karakter itu menyelesaikannya menjadi lebih baik atau lebih buruk.

Unsur Kebahasaan:

Language Features adalah tata bahasa yang digunakan dalam Narrative Teks,

karena Narrative Teks adalah menceritakan sesuatu maka secara otomatis teks ini

menggunakan Tenses past tense, atau masih keluarga dengan past tense atau

tenses yang menceritakan tentang masa lalu seperti Past Perfect atau Past


E. Strategi Pembelajaran

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Herringbone Strategy

F. Kegiatan Pembelajaran

Pertemuan I

Kegiatan dan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Greeting (mengucapkan salam dan saling tegur


2. Mereview materi yang telah dibahas dipertemuan


3. Memberikan motivasi belajar

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Mengamati (Observing)

a. Guru mengelompokkan siswa menjadi

beberapa kelompok berdasarkan hasil pada

pertemuan sebelumnnya dengan masing-

masing kelompok terdiri dari 3-5 siswa dan

tiap kelompok merupakan campuran dari

siswa yang memenuhi KKM dan belum

memenuhi KKM pada pertemuan sebelumnya.

b. Siswa dikondisikan untuk membuka materi

Narrative paragraph

c. Siswa diminta untuk memahami materi

mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaan Narrative paragraph dengan

berdiskusi dalam kelompok

d. Siswa yang memenuhi KKM pada pertemuan

siklus pertama diminta membantu teman

kelompok yang lain untuk memahami materi

2. Menanya (Questioning)

a. Siswa yang belum paham dengan materi,

bertanya kepada teman kelompok yang faham

dengan materi yang dipelajari

3. Mengumpulkan Informasi

a. Siswa diminta untuk mencatat apa saja

pembahasan yang dianggap penting dari

materi yang mereka pelajari

b. Siswa diminta untuk menuliskan hasil temuan

mereka mengenai fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

10 menit

75 menit

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dan unsur kebahasaan dengan cara

mengaplikasikannya dalam pembuatan contoh

dari Narrative paragraph secara kelompok

4. Menalar (Associating)

a. Setelah hasil dari pengumpulan informasi

terkumpul, siswa secara bersama dalam

kelompok membahas temuannya atau

pemahamannya untuk saling dikoreksi oleh

teman kelompok.

b. Siswa dalam kelompok mengecek ulang hasil

contoh yang dibuat secara bersama untuk

diperbaiki menjadi tulisan yang lebih baik

sesuai dengan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan

unsur kebahasaannya.

C. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Guru menyampaikan kegiatan pada pertemuan

selanjutnya yaitu mempresentasikan hasil

kelompok dalam pembuatan Narrative paragraph

dan kegiatan individu menuliskan Narrative


2. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengucapkan


5 menit

Pertemuan II

Kegiatan dan Langkah Pembelajaran Waktu

A. Kegiatan Pendahuluan

1. Greeting (mengucapkan salam dan saling tegur


2. Menyampaikan materi yang akan dibahas atau


3. Memberikan motivasi belajar

B. Kegiatan Inti

1. Mengomunikasikan (Networking)

a. Siswa diminta untuk mempersiapkan hasil

diskusi kelompok pada pertemuan sebelumnya

b. Kelompok siswa maju untuk menyampaikan

(mempresentasikan) materi Narrative

paragraph dan hasil tulisan kelompok tentang

contoh Narrative paragraph yang telah

10 menit

75 menit

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dilakukan di pertemuan sebelumnya

c. Guru dan siswa lain mendengarkan dan

mengoreksi hasil presentasi kelompok yang


2. Mencoba (Experimenting)

a. Setelah semua selesai mempresentasikan

materi hasil diskusi, siswa kembali ke bangku


b. Guru mengulas materi yang telah disampaikan

siswa dan mengoreksi contoh Narrative

paragraph yang dibuat oleh kelompok siswa

c. Setelah semua siswa paham, siswa secara

individu diminta untuk membuat Narrative

paragraph sesuai fungsi sosial, struktur teks,

dan unsur kebahasaannya dengan tema sesuai

dengan yang diberikan oleh guru

C. Kegiatan Penutup

1. Siswa diminta mengumpulkan hasil kerja individu

untuk diambil penilaian pada siklus kedua

2. Guru menutup pertemuan dengan mengucapkan


5 menit

G. Alat dan Sumber Belajar

1. Kurikulum Bahasa Inggris K-13

2. Silabus bahasa Inggris kelas VIII SMP

3. Buku bahasa Inggris kelas VIII " When English Ring a Bell"

4. Kertas latihan

5. Papan Tulis

6. Spidol

H. Penilaian Proses dan Hasil Pembelajaran

1 Untuk mengukur KBM penilaian diambil dengan menggunakan field notes

2 Untuk hasil Performance Test (Students‟ Writing Ability) atau hasil siswa

dalam membuat Narrative paragraph digunakan scoring rubric sebagai


Score Level Criteria

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30-27 Excellent to very good: knowledgeable;

substantive; thorough development of thesis;

relevant to assigned topic

26-22 Good to average: some knowledge of subject;

adequate range; limited development of thesis;

mostly relevant to topic; but lucks detail

21-17 Fair to poor: limited knowledge of subject; little

substance; inadequate development of topic

16-13 Very poor: does not show knowledge of subject;

non-substantive; non pertinent; or not enough to






20-18 Excellent to very good: fluent expression; ideas

clearly stated/supported; succinct; wellorganized;

logical sequencing; cohesive

17-14 Good to average: somewhat choppy; loosly

organized but main ideas stand out; limited

support; logical but incomplete sequencing

13-10 Fair to poor: non-fluent; ideas confused or

disconnected; lacks logical sequencing and


9-7 Very poor: does not communicate; no

organization; or no enough to evaluate




20-18 Excellent to very good: sophisticated range;

effective word/idiom choice and usage; word

form mastery; appropriate register

17-14 Good to average: adequate range; occasional

errors of word/idiom form, choice, usage; but

meaning not obscured

13-10 Fair to poor: limited range; frequent errors of

word/idiom form, choice, usage; meaning

confused or obscured

9-7 Very poor: essentially translation; little

knowledge of English vocabulary, idioms, word

form; or not enough to evaluate



e U


25-22 Excellent to very good: effective complex

constructions; few errors of agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,


21-18 Good to average: effective but simple

constructions; minor problems in complex

constructions; several errors of agreement, tense,

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number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

prepositions but meaning seldom obscured

17-11 Fair to poor: major problems in simple

constructions; major problems in complex

constructions; frequent errors agreement, tense,

number, word order/function, articles, pronouns,

prepositions and/or fragments, run-ons,

deletions; meaning confused or obscured

10-5 Very poor: virtually no mastery of sentence

construction rules; dominated errors; does not

communicate; or not enough to evaluate




5 Excellent to very good: demonstrate mastery of

conventions, few errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing

4 Good to average: occasional errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing but

meaning not obscured

3 Fair to poor: frequent errors of spelling,

punctuation, capitalization, paragraphing, poor

handwriting, meaning confused or obscured

2 Very poor: no mastery of conventions,

deminated by errors of spelling, punctuation,

capitalization, paragraphing, handwriting

illegible, or no enough to evaluate

Total Nilai=100

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

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A. Exercise

1. Write your name, class, student number, and the theme that you choose

on the top corner of your answer sheet

2. Write an Narrative paragraph by choosing one of the themes below:

a. Slice of Life

b. Historical Narratives

c. Adventure Stories

3. Remember to include the part of an Narrative paragraph (generic

structure and language feature)

4. Time allocation is 45 minute.

5. Your written an Narrative paragraph will be scored on these


a. Content

b. Organization (Orientation – Complication - Resolution)

c. Vocabulary

d. Language use

e. Mechanics

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1 2 3 4

1 Adila Putri Ilham √ √ √ √ 2 Agita Triyas A √ √ √ √ 3 Agustina Novita Sari √ √ √ √ 4 Albita Deswita Rani √ √ √ √ 5 Alya Khoirunisa T √ √ √ √ 6 Annida Putri Rahma √ √ √ √ 7 Annida Khoirul Adila √ √ 8 Annisa Rahmadani √ √ 9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum √ √ √ √ 10 Assifa Dwi Meilani √ √ √ 11 Daffa Azka Zhafira √ √ √ √ 12 Devi Kurniawati √ √ √ √ 13 Erda Anggun F √ √ √ √ 14 Fany Indi Aisyafira √ √ √ √ 15 Fatima Az-Zahra √ √ √ 16 Fisca Ramadhani √ 17 Keysa Putri R √ √ √ 18 Marsya Aulia √ √ √ √ 19 Nabila Diva H √ √ √ √ 20 Nabila Shofia R √ 21 Nayla Ayu Safitri √ √ √ √ 22 Nikisha Brya P √ √ √ √ 23 Nita Ambarwati √ 24 Ririn Inayatul F √ √ √ √ 25 Safina Rahadatul A √ √ √ √ 26 Sherly Ayunda P √ √

Total 23 20 22 21 Percentage 88 77 85 81


1 The students pay attention of the teacher explanation

2 The students ask/answer the question from the teacher

3 The students were active in building teamwork

4 The students were fluent in writing Narrative paragraph

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

Page 173: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph





No Name ASPECT Total

score Content Organization Vocabulary Language

Use Mechanics

1 Adila Putri Ilham 22 16 17 17 4 76

2 Agita Triyas A 26 17 17 17 4 81

3 Agustina Novita Sari 25 17 18 18 4 82

4 Albita Deswita Rani 26 18 17 17 4 82

5 Alya Khoirunisa T 24 16 16 18 4 78

6 Annida Putri Rahma 26 18 18 18 5 85

7 Annida Khoirul Adila 24 15 16 17 4 76

8 Annisa Rahmadani 17 14 14 15 3 63

9 Annisa Rahma Ningrum 27 17 18 21 4 87

10 Assifa Dwi Meilani 24 16 15 17 4 76

11 Daffa Azka Zhafira 25 17 17 18 4 81

12 Devi Kurniawati 26 18 14 18 4 80

13 Erda Anggun F 25 16 15 17 4 77

14 Fany Indi Aisyafira 28 17 17 17 5 84

15 Fatima Az-Zahra 26 17 15 17 4 79

16 Fisca Ramadhani 18 13 14 12 3 60

17 Keysa Putri R 26 15 15 16 4 76

18 Marsya Aulia 26 18 18 18 4 84

19 Nabila Diva H 25 17 17 17 4 80

20 Nabila Shofia R 17 10 11 7 3 48

21 Nayla Ayu Safitri 14 18 18 17 4 81

22 Nikisha Brya P 27 18 17 18 4 84

23 Nita Ambarwati 16 9 16 15 3 59

24 Ririn Inayatul F 27 19 18 22 5 91

25 Safina Rahadatul A 26 17 16 18 4 81

26 Sherly Ayunda P 19 13 13 17 3 65

Collaborator Metro, .........Mei 2019

Page 174: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Page 175: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Page 176: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Page 177: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Page 178: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


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Treatment Cycle I (First Meeting)

Treatment Cycle I (First Meeting)

Page 181: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Treatment Cycle I (Second Meeting)

Post- Test I

Page 182: AN UNDERGRADUATE THESIS THE USE OF HERRINGBONE STRATEGY TO INCREASE THE NARRATIVE ...repository.metrouniv.ac.id/id/eprint/46/1/Skripsi 005... · 2019. 9. 18. · the narrative paragraph


Treatment Cycle II (First Meeting)

Treatment Cycle II (First Meeting)

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Treatment Cycle II (Second Meeting)

Treatment Cycle II (Second Meeting)

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Post- Test 2

Post- Test 2

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The writer was born in Endang Rejo, on Oktober

28, 1997. She is the daughter of happy family of Mr.

Suparudin and Mrs. Sri Wahyuni. She lives in Endang

Rejo, Seputih Agung Central Lampung.

She began her study at kinder garden at TK LKMD on 2002 – 2003 She

took her Elementary School at SD N 03 Endang Rejo, on 2004-2009 and Junior

High School at SMP N 1 Seputih Agung, on 2010-2012. And then, in period of

2013-2015 she continued her study at Senior High School at SMA N 1 Seputih


After she graduated from Senior High School, she choose IAIN Metro to

continue her education. She was registered as student of S1 English Education

Study Program of State Institute for Islamic Studies Metro (2019).

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