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Anabolic Steroids 101

Understanding anabolicsPresented by


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What are Anabolic Steroids?• Anabolic steroids are synthetic substances

that are made up of testosterone.

• They can be taken orally or injected into the veins.

• Most people use steroids to enhance their performance and build muscle.

• Anabolic steroids are often referred to as stackers, pumpers, gym candy and juice.

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Usually taken by people like this

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The History of Steroids• Most sources suggest that scientists began to experiment with synthetic

testosterone in the late 1880s.

• The first steroid was synthesized in 1938.

• The Health Organization of the League of Nations immediately recognized Anabolic steroids as performance-enhancing drugs.

• However, health companies did not begin to regulate steroids until the late 1990s.

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Famous Athletes and Steroids• There are a number of famous athletes who

have admitted to using steroids. Marion Jones is one of those athletes.

• Marion Jones won five medals in the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games.

• However, she was stripped off all her titles in 2007 when she admitted that she had used steroids to enhance her performance.

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Ben Johnson & Steroids• Ben Johnson, who competed in the Olympics during the 1980s, was

caught using steroids.

• He tested positive just three days after winning the gold medal for completing the 100 meter dash in 9.8 seconds.

• He was stripped of his gold metal, and he was also stripped of his 1987 World Championship title.

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More Celebrity Athletes Taking Roids

• Furthermore, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons have been accused of using steroids, but they have yet to confirm those allegations.

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Dangers of Taking Anabolics• Taking anabolic steroids has many health risks and it is considered

dangerous to take them.

• Risk and side effects include (but are not limited to):– Dizziness– premature balding– high blood pressure– heart disease– Mood swings a

• Those are just a few of the many problems that can result from taking steroids.

• Additionally females who take steroids may develop masculine characteristics, such as facial hair and deepening of the voice.

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