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Analysing Celebrity Endorsement in Adverts

Page 2: Analysing celebrity endorsement in adverts

Bradley Cooper


Bradley Cooper starred in a Haagen Daz commercial which is a brand of ice-cream, it was released in 2013, 3 rd May. The advert is based in an elegant party where men are wearing suits and women are wearing ball gowns, Bradley Cooper is shown eating the ice-cream whilst making eye contact with an attractive female who begins to walk towards him. They then playfully walk into a private room and the women leans over him and walks out and locks the door, she then shows him the ice-cream she took off of him and they both laugh, he was fooled. In terms of the overall message to this advert, it is trying to imply that you only need a tub of Haagen Daz. I believe that Bradly Cooper was chosen for this advert as he is a respectable actor and is very charming which would catch a women's attention when shown on screen, this commercial seems as if the target audience is women and is trying to say that you do not need a man, just a tub of this ice-cream. If they did not use a celebrity like Bradley Cooper and just an ordinary charming guy, I do think that it would still have a good impact on the target audience; however, using Bradley Cooper who is an accomplished actor and gentlemen must have helped a lot to boost the sales, especially if the advert is implying that this women does not need Bradley Cooper and just a tub of Haagen Daz ice-cream.

Page 3: Analysing celebrity endorsement in adverts

Kim Kardashian


Kim Kardashian is in an Carl’s Jr cranberry apple walnut chicken salad which was released in 2009, 16th December. The advert shows Kim opening the doors to her room to lay down on the bed whilst eating the salad whilst saying “everything's got to be clean, crisp and tasty”. She then gets into the bath whilst eating an apple slice whilst she says “its fun to get clean”. I believe that this advert appeals to both men and women, I say this because men will find her attractive and be mesmerised and women may want to be like her or be influenced by her. If they would have used an ordinary women in this commercial I believe that it would still appeal to men; however, the sales would not be as high like when using Kim. Kim Kardashian is perfect for this advert as she is known as a sex symbol already so making salad “sexy” fits her perfectly.

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Peter Andre


Peter Andre was in an Iceland advert just promoting Iceland in general which was released in 2014, 5th November. The advert shows people mesmerised by Peter and then he says something back to them which makes them happy, until they realise he is talking about the products in Iceland around Christmas time. I believe that Peter has been chosen for this advert because he is known in the past for his one song and now for television personality meaning that families who have not got a lot of money may have seen him on day time television in the past as they weren’t at work so they remember him from that and are happy to know that he shops at Iceland. If they used an ordinary person in an advert like this, it would not have the same effect and the sales would not be nearly as high. The overall message of this advert is that the food is cheap and you can get some great bargains so get down to your local store.

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Lenny Henry


Lenny Henry features in an advert promoting the hotel Premier Inn which was released in 2011, 17th January. The advert shows him being hesitant about going to this hotel and then being completely satisfied with it as soon as he goes inside and then he says “everything is premier, but the price”. Lenny who is a comedian and television presenter most known for his charity work which automatically makes people like and trust him a lot more. I believe that he fits the role perfectly as it is aimed at middle aged people and parents who will need to stay in a hotel at some point. I think that the advert would not be as believable if it was an ordinary person promoting it as they would just see it as another advert; however, using Lenny makes it seem much more legit. Therefore, the celebrity has an impact on the sales.

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