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Page 1: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.
Page 2: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? • Ancient Egypt

lasted for 3500 years due to factors in:

• Geography• Politics• Social structure• Education• Economy• Religion

Stability was goal and change slow and cautious

Page 3: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

What was the “SOUL” of

Ancient Egypt?

• THE NILE was considered the SOUL as it was the source of life and path to immortality

• Egyptians lived on Eastern side but were buried on Western side

• River was symbol of passage of one life to next (eternity)• Creation story began in swirling waters of the Nile when god

Horus gave power to Pharaohs

Click here for Creation Story

Page 4: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

A View of Egypt by Satellite

A View of Egypt by Satellite

Page 5: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Fertile Nile Valley

The Fertile Nile Valley

Page 6: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Annual Flooding of the Nile

The Annual Flooding of the Nile

Page 7: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Nile Irrigation-the Shaduf

Nile Irrigation-the ShadufIrrigation means to

bring water to farm lands.

Page 8: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.
Page 9: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.
Page 10: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Nile floodplain

Farming in the Nile floodplain

Felucca boats

Page 11: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

What determined Egypt’s economic prosperity?


• Agriculture made up most of Egypt’s wealth – grain, vegetables, fruit, cattle, goats, pigs, and fowl

Economy•Simple economy based on agriculture and minerals from desert•Access to the Mediterranean allowed for trade•Trading was done by bartering goods (grain, oil, wheat)•Extensive trading made Egypt a powerful influence on culture, art, ideas and technology•Trade eventually grew and expanded, bringing new ideas and goods into Egyptian society

Page 12: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Geography: Populated Areas1. The Nile Valley Sole source of water for EgyptPredictable flooding provided rich fertile soilBoth revered and feared (too much flooding or


2. The Nile Delta Area where Nile empties into Mediterranean SeaLargest piece of fertile landEncompassed major centers of Egypt

3. FaiyumLake Moeris lies at end of branch of Nile is

centerof oasis called FaiyumIrrigation from Nile made Faiyum the third most

populated land

Page 13: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Geographic Effects on Egypt’s stability and


• Fertile soil

• deserts provided protection and shelter from outside influences

• Access to Mediterranean increased and expanded trade and culture

• culture was one of stability and not rapid change

• Deserts were an important source of minerals and building supplies (copper, tin, gold and natron, the drying agent used in mummification)

• Video

Page 14: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.
Page 15: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Menes: Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt

Menes: Unifier of Upper & Lower Egypt

c. 3050 B. C. E. ?

c. 3050 B. C. E. ?

UNIFICATION OF EGYPT: King Menes unites Upper and Lower Egypt and wears double crown in 3100 BCE. Following Menes came 31 dynasties over 3000 years. Video

Page 16: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

A mural of Narmer or Menes conquering Lower Egypt (c.a. 3100 B.C.)

Page 17: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Professor Fekri Hassan examining ancient hieroglyphs which tell of appalling suffering. A third of the population died and the most ordered of empires was brought to chaos. This marked the end of the Old Kingdom. 

Relief showing men, women, and Relief showing men, women, and children suffering from the effects of children suffering from the effects of severe faminesevere famine

The End of the Old Kingdom

Page 18: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Pyramids• These are the Giza

pyramids, the most famous.

• Pyramids were tombs for the kings.

• These were built in 3500 B.C.E.

• How old are they?

Page 19: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Stepped Pyramid at Saqqara

Stepped Pyramid at Saqqara

Page 20: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The first pyramid built by Zoser, which exists even today, in Sakkarah, the necropolis of Memphis.

Built in the year 2650 BC by the architect Imhotep,

It is the oldest monumental work in stone known to man.

Exterior walls of white limestone.

The wall has 14 doors, 13 of them false.

In its interior lies the chamber of the Pharaoh Sneferu with pink granite and sealed with a block of stone weighing three tons

Page 21: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

“Bent” Pyramid of King Sneferu

“Bent” Pyramid of King Sneferu

Page 22: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu

Plan of the Great Pyramid of Khufu

Page 23: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.
Page 24: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The burial of the king, as well as his passage from this world to the next, was of great importance to everyone.

The ritual cycle by which the living pharaoh, the god Horus, became Osiris, Lord of the Underworld, guaranteed the survival of Egypt itself.

By building the pyramids all Egyptians believed in a single religion of ancestor worship in which the pyramids served as reminders.

Video about Pyramids

Video- Journals

Through History

Page 25: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.


• All children, regardless of social class, received some education

• Goal for education was to ensure youth exhibited self control and good manners

• At 14, young boys followed fathers in jobs, and girls learned from mothers in the household

• Children of priests were schooled more formally• Literacy was stressed for government jobs• Education respected for creating a well rounded


Page 26: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.


Page 27: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Papyrus PaperPapyrus Paper

Papyrus PlantPapyrus Plant

Hieratic Scroll Piece

Hieratic Scroll Piece

Page 28: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian MathEgyptian Math

11 1010 100100 10001000 10,00010,000 100,000100,000 1,000,0001,000,000

What number is this?

What number is this?

Page 29: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.





Page 30: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Hieroglyphics “Alphabet”Hieroglyphics “Alphabet” 24 “letters” + 700 phonetic

symbols 24 “letters” + 700 phonetic


Page 31: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

• History of Writing: 1) pictograms (sun= sun) 2) ideograms (sun = sun, daylight, warmth, light)3) phonograms: symbols that suggest a particular sound; related ideas and also sound (Sun = sun, son, Sunday)

• Each hieroglyph found in pyramids and tombs often symbolized more than one consonant. Not only that, but actual Egyptian hieroglyphs were a combination of sound-signs, pictograms, and ideograms. No wonder it was so hard to decode them!

Page 32: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

• New Kingdom= 700 hieroglyphs in common usage, while rest were phonograms

• 100 were strictly visual, while rest were phonograms

• Eventually scribes adapted hieroglyphic symbols

• By 700 BCE, script was used for secular matters such as letters, accounts and record keeping

• Video

Page 33: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Rosetta Stone • A stone with writing on it in Egyptian and Greek. It was carved in 196 BCE.

• Written in three scripts (hieroglyphs for religious documents; demotic- common script of Egypt; Greek- language of the rulers of Egypt at that time)

• Written so that the priests, government officials and rulers of Egypt could read what it said.

• Found in 1799

• Written by a group of priests in Egypt to honor the Egyptian pharaoh. It lists all of the things that the pharaoh had done that were good for the priests and the people of Egypt.

Page 34: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Middle KingdomMiddle Kingdom (2050-1653 B.C.) was characterized by a new concern of the pharaohs for the people. In the Old Kingdom, the pharaoh had been viewed as an inaccessible god-king. Now he was portrayed as the shepherd of his people.


Page 35: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Hyksos were a neighboring group that had new horse-drawn war-chariots. This invention, never seen before in Egypt, allowed the Hyksos to control this region.

They utilized superior bronze weapons and chariots to help them take control of Egypt.

Within 50 years, they had also managed to take control of the important Egyptian city of Memphis. This was the end of the Middle Kingdom.

Page 36: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Ahmose and his army driving out the Hyksos.

Starting in 1567 B.C., the pharaoh Ahmose I eventually managed to defeat and expel the Hyksos from Egypt, reuniting Egypt and establishing the New Kingdom (c. 1567-1085 B.C.). The New Kingdom was characterized by a new militaristic and imperialistic path. A more professional army was developed.

Page 37: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Queen Hatshepsut

• Ruled from 1503-1482 B.C.• Married to Thutmose II• After her husband died,

Hatshepsut dressed like a man and ruled as a pharaoh.

• She became the first female pharaoh in Egyptian history.

Page 38: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Hatshepsut’s Accomplishments

• Worked hard to increase Egyptian trade through trade routes.

• As a result:– trade expanded

– Increase of wealth in the economy

Page 39: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Results of Hatshepsut’s Accomplishments

• She used the money that was gained from trade to support the arts as well as architecture.

• A temple near Thebes was built to honor Queen Hatshepsut for the many great temples and monuments that were built during her reign.

Page 40: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Honoring Queen Hatshepsut

• Queen Hatshepsut died after ruling for 15 years.

• After her death, Queen Hatshepsut’s step-son, Tuthmosis III, took the throne and vandalized Hatshepsut’s monuments.

Page 41: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Ramses II1297 BCE - Reign of Ramses II.

He had over 200 wives and girlfriends, approximately 90 sons and 60 daughters and reigned over 67 years!

His reign saw massive building projects in Egypt. The Exodus of Jews from Egypt also may have occurred during his reign. Ramses II

1279-1212 B. C.

Page 42: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

King Ramses’ Accomplishments

• Although known for being one of Egypt’s greatest warriors, he was also known as a peace-maker, by being the first king in history to ever sign a peace treaty with his enemies, the Hittites.

Page 43: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

King Ramses’ Death

• King Ramses died in the early 1200’s BC.

• His mummy is known to be one of the best preserved.

Page 44: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Abu Simbel:Monument to Ramses II

Abu Simbel:Monument to Ramses II

1279-1213 B. C.

1279-1213 B. C.

Page 45: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Ankhenaton: First Monotheist?Ankhenaton: First Monotheist?

1352-1336 B. C.

1352-1336 B. C.

•Amenhotep IV (c. 1362-1347 B.C.) introduced the worship of Aton, god of the sun disk, as the chief god and pursued his worship with enthusiasm.

•Changing his own name to Akhenaten (“It is well with Aton”), the pharaoh closed the temples of other gods.

Page 46: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Ankh – The “Cross” of LifeThe Ankh – The “Cross” of Life

Page 47: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.


NefertitiNefertiti (ca. 1370 BC – ca. 1330 BC) was the Great Royal Wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten. Nefertiti and her husband were known for the worship of only one god.


Page 48: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Invasion of the “Sea Peoples” around 1200 B.C.Invasion of the “Sea Peoples” around 1200 B.C.

Egyptian Drawings of Two Different Tribes of Sea People

The days of Egyptian empire were ended, and the New Kingdom expired with the end of the twentieth dynasty in 1085 B.C. For the next thousand years, despite periodic revivals of strength, Egypt was dominated by Libyans, Nubians, Persians, and Macedonians.

Page 49: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian Social ClassesEgyptian Social Classes

Page 50: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Shabtis: The Pharaoh’s Servants

in the Afterlife

Shabtis: The Pharaoh’s Servants

in the Afterlife

Page 51: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Social Roles

Role of Women

• Well treated and had considerable legal rightscompared to other civilizations

• Same legal rights as men (land, property, divorce)

• Left women to be economically independent

• Primary role was in domestic life

• Bear and raise children

Role of Men• Head of the family• Men could have numerous wives

but economically men had only 1 wife

• Laborers, craftsmen• Jobs were hereditary

Jobs• Labor required for construction

projects and was mostly filled by poor serfs

• Stability of Egypt thrived as skilled trades were passed from father to son

• Children always learned the trade from parents; seldom could choose occupation

Page 52: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Scenes of Ancient EgyptianDaily Life

Scenes of Ancient EgyptianDaily Life

Page 53: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Ancient Egyptian Housing

Ancient Egyptian HousingMiddle Class

HomesMiddle Class Homes

Peasant Homes

Peasant Homes

Page 54: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

An Egyptian Woman’s “Must-Haves”

An Egyptian Woman’s “Must-Haves”




Page 55: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian ScribeEgyptian Scribe

Scribes kept records of everything. Armed with the knowledge of writing and reading, they were highly regarded and considered themselves a superior class of men. Their high standard of living reflected their exalted status.

Page 56: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

•Egypt was divided up into provinces, or nomes.

•A governor, or nomarch, was at the head of each nome and was responsible to the pharaoh.

•These governors tended to amass large holding of land and power within their nomes, creating a potential rivalry with the pharaohs.

Page 57: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian NobilityEgyptian Nobility

Page 58: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian Priestly ClassEgyptian Priestly Class

Page 59: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.


• Egyptians were led by Pharaohs.

• They were priest-kings

• There were at least four female kings. (Hatsheput is pictured)

• Pharaohs ruled for over 3500 years in Egypt.

• 31 dynasties in allhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:HatshepsutStatuette_MuseumOfFineArtsBoston.png

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How did Pharaoh's rule?

•Absolute rulers of the land

•Believed to be the earthly embodiment of the god Horus. Therefore they had the divine right to rule. People followed their orders because they believed they were from god

•No one would challenge the King’s authority and he could rule in peace

•Pharaohs owned all the land

•Second to the Pharaohs were the scribes who would record the doings of the Pharaoh

Page 61: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Valley of the KingsThe Valley of the KingsThe Valley of the Kings is a place where many pharaohs were buried.

Page 62: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Archaeologist, Howard Carter (1922)

Archaeologist, Howard Carter (1922)

Howard Carter is the archaeologist who finally discovered King Tut’s tomb. It is so famous because it was untouched by grave robbers.

Page 63: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Entrance to King “Tut’s” Tomb

Entrance to King “Tut’s” Tomb

Page 64: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Death MaskDeath Mask

1336-1327 B. C.

1336-1327 B. C.

Using computers, this image was reconstructed using his remains

Page 65: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

King TutankhamonKing Tutankhamon

Tutankhamen was the son of Akhenaten. He ascended to the throne in 1333 BC, at the age of nine or ten, taking the reign name of Tutankhamen.What caused Tutankhamen 's death has been the subject of considerable debate.


Page 66: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

King Tutankhamun’s Tomb

King Tutankhamun’s Tomb

Page 67: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Treasures From Tut’s Tomb

Treasures From Tut’s Tomb

Page 68: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

The Valley of the Queens

The Valley of the Queens

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

Temple of Queen Hatshepsut

1473-1458 B. C.

1473-1458 B. C.

Page 69: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

End of the Pharaohs

• Darius III was the past Egyptian pharaoh. Egypt was then taken over by Alexander the Great.

• After this, Egypt was ruled as a province of the Roman Empire.

Page 70: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Life and Death

Death viewed as a new beginning• Afterlife common to all, regardless of social status

• 2 Common Principles: 1) body preservation in a lifelike form2) the deceased must have items necessary for life in the afterworld

• Personal belongings were usually placed in the tomb to assist the dead in their journey into the afterlife.

• Text was read from the 'Book of the Dead' which was a collection of spells, charms, passwords, numbers and magical formulas for the use of the deceased in the afterlife.


Page 71: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Egyptian Book of the Dead

Page 72: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

This scene depicts what occurs after a person has died, according to the ancient Egyptians.

• panel of 14 judges• Ka (soul /spiritual duplicate), ba (personality) ankh (form mummy took

in afterlife / the key of life)• Weighing of the heart vs Ma’at• Judgment of scale• record of the outcome

Page 73: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Mummification • Egyptians who could afford to do so would

have themselves mummified.

• They believed in a better afterlife if their body was preserved.

• Afterlife would be spent enjoying best of life experiences

• Body wrapped in linen coated with resins and oils

• Middle Kingdom became customary to place a mask over the face

Page 74: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Mummification Process• Took out internal organs (lungs, stomach,

intestines, liver), except the heart.

• Removed organs were put in canopic jars, that were put in the tomb with the mummy.

• Jars were closed with stoppers in the shape of a human, baboon, falcon, and jackal - representing the four protective spirits called the Four Sons of Horus.

Page 75: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Mummification Process

• Did not take out the heart because it was believed to be the intelligence and emotion of the person.

• Thought the brain was worthless, so they took it out through the nose and threw it away.

• The body was packed and covered with natron (a salty drying agent). After this the body was left for 40-50 days. 

Page 76: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Materials Used in Mummification

Materials Used in Mummification

Page 77: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Preparation for the Afterlife

Preparation for the Afterlife

Page 78: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian MummiesEgyptian Mummies

Seti I1291-1278 B.

C. E.

Seti I1291-1278 B.

C. E.Queen Tiye,

wife of Amenhotep II

1210-1200 B. C. E.

Queen Tiye, wife of

Amenhotep II1210-1200 B. C. E.

Ramses II1279-1212 B.

C. E.

Ramses II1279-1212 B.

C. E.

Page 79: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Preparations for the Underworld

Preparations for the Underworld

Priests protected your KA, or soul-spirit

Priests protected your KA, or soul-spirit

ANUBIS weighs the dead person’s heart against a feather.

ANUBIS weighs the dead person’s heart against a feather.

Page 80: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Journey to the Underworld

Journey to the Underworld

A boat for the journey is

provided for a dead pharaoh

in his tomb.

A boat for the journey is

provided for a dead pharaoh

in his tomb.

The dead travel on the “Solar Bark.”

The dead travel on the “Solar Bark.”

Page 81: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Creation Story





Gods and Goddesses





ISISWebsite: Gods and Goddesses

Page 82: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Religion: How did it contribute to stability?

• Deeply religious people

• Religious roots were in the worship of nature deities – their first gods were in animal forms

• Those responsible for creation were the most important gods (Atum is the creator God)

• They later developed national gods around the Middle Kingdom (Amon- local god of Thebes; gods of Dead: Osiris, Anubis, Horus and Thoth)

• Religion was instrumental to stability of Egypt (life, social structure, education, laws, rule of Pharaoh, economy, death, afterlife)


Page 83: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

What were the legal traditions?

• Law was governed by religious principle of Ma’at

• Laws were applied equally to all classes specifically protected the family (children and wives)

• Punishments could be quite severe- (Examples: minor crimes had 100 lashes; corrupt officials had their hands amputated; crimes resulted in a death sentence could choose: devoured by a crocodile, suicide, burning alive)

Page 84: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian Inventions• Glass and Linen

• Paper and ink

• Calendar- 365 day calendar

• Clock

• Jewelry and metalwork

Page 85: Ancient Egypt: Why so stable? Ancient Egypt lasted for 3500 years due to factors in: Geography Politics Social structure Education Economy Religion Stability.

Egyptian Contributions

• Medicine- including casts, amputation, stitches

• Architecture- fluted columns, obelisk

• Mathematics-geometry, algebra, calculations, fractions

• Writing- symbols to represent sounds

Video- Journals through History

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