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Pre-Contact and Colonial Latin AmericaAncient Mexico & Peru

Latin America in the World

Whats in a Name?Latin America makes reference to LanguageRomanceLatinlanguages spoken CulturePortuguese, Spanish, FrenchColonial HistoryPortuguese and Spanish EmpiresLocationSouth of AngloEnglishCanada and United States

Location in the World


Current Political Boundaries

Colonial Latin America

Ancient Mexico and Peru

The New World

First Migrations

Out of AfricaHomo sapiens emerged 250,000 years agoBegan migrating 60,000-100,000 years agoInto EurasiaMiddle East: 51,000 years agoS. Europe: 20,000 years agoInto Australia60,000 years agoInto the Americas15,000-30,000 years agoInto the Pacific3500 years ago

Ancient MexicoBy 10000 BC, and perhaps even earlier, people had begun to settle in what is now MexicoThe first migrants were predominantly hunters and gathersThey developed spears and darts as well as the atl-atl, or spear throwerPrior to 7500 BC, they hunted large game (mammoths, mastodons, armadillos, bison, camels and horses)

Dietary ChangesBetween 7500 BC and 5000 BC, as the large game died off, they hunted reptiles and rodents to supplement their diet of insects, seeds, roots, nuts, berries, eggs and shellfish.Between 5000 BC and 2000 BC, agricultural advances were made in the Valley of Mexico and began spreading throughout the Americas


The Three SistersThe first plant domesticated by the ancient Mexicans was squash, followed by beans and maizeBy 2000 BC, these three sisters were cultivated throughout Mexico and other American regions


Social ChangesAgriculture changed the culture of MexicoThose tribes that engaged in agriculture became more sedentary, establishing permanent villagesLeisure time allowed for artistic expression in weaving and potteryComplex political systems emergedSocieties became more stratified and complex

The OlmecThe Olmec have long been considered the mother culture of MexicoThe Olmec civilization flourished from about 1500 BC to AD 400 in the Gulf coast lowlandsLa Venta, Tabasco and San Lorenzo, Veracruz are two of the most important sitesThere is evidence that the Olmec were the first Mesoamerican society to invent writing and the concept of zeroThe Olmec constructed monumental temples and building projects

Olmec Monoliths: Giant Stone Heads The negroid facial features of these giant stone heads have led some scholars to assert that Africans had contact with the Olmec. Other scholars contend that since many Native American people share similar features, it is only a coincidence.

Olmec Centers

The Olmec civilization emerged in the Gulf Coast lowlands, but its influence spread throughout greater Mexico by 600 BC (Left)The largest centers of Olmec civilization were La Venta, San Lorenzo, Laguna de los Cerros and Tres Zapotes (right)


Olmec Images of Were-JaguarsThe Olmec worshiped many deities based on animals, such as the alligator and shark. Two supernatural deities included the feathered serpent, aka Quetzalcoatl, and the were-jaguar, often depicted as babies. It has been suggested that perhaps in-breeding among elites resulted in babies born with spinal bifida or other birth defects, resulting in the cleft heads and facial features depicted in the were-jaguar sculptures. These babies may have been considered supernatural and/or offered as sacrifices.


Decorative Pottery

Each of these pottery pieces functions as both a vessel and as decorative art, indicating that the Olmec incorporated aesthetics into their everyday life.

Jade Work

In addition to pottery and sculpting stone, the Olmec also carved jade. Jade pieces seem to have ceremonial purposes (l-r: axe, celts, mask)

Ancient PeruLike Mexico, the earliest inhabitants of South America were hunter-gathers, arriving about 12500 BCBy 7000 BC some peoples had begun cultivating gourds and cottonUsed for fishing nets and floatsNorte Chico (3500BC-1800BC) considered the first civilization25 urban centers in coastal valleys of northern PeruSelf-sufficient, importing only maize from MesoamericaBelieved to have invented a rudimentary form of writing

Norte Chica-era Pyramid Remains



ChavnCeremonial centers date to 20001000 b.c.e.ca. 900 b.c.e., Chavn de Huntar became focus of religious movementlocated along trade routeselaborate temple complexbeliefs drew on desert region and rain forestsused hallucinogenic San Pedro cactusWidespread imitation across Peru and beyondDid not become an empireFaded by 200 b.c.e.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PnIoffCCyBI


Gold crown c. 1200 BCE (L); stone pendants (lower L); stone head (below)


Next Week: The Classic EraTO DO:Blackboard Assignment:Complete Map Assignment Enjoy your Labor Day weekend

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