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Page 1: And except those days should be shortened

Sola scriptura

Page 2: And except those days should be shortened

Zekeniam Y’Isra’al

Sherut haRitztzuy

(the ministry of reconciliation)

by whom we have now received the

( Atonement)

Reconciliation of the Dvar HaRitztzuy

Let this day be a day of reconciliation and regeneration

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( HaYaH (He was), Howeh (He is), and Yihyeh (He will be).




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Debarim6:4 Hear, Y’Isra'al: YaHuWaH is our ALuaHiYM! YaHuWaH Is One!

Debarim 6:5

and you shall love [long for] your ALuaHiYM with all your

heart, and with all your being, and with all your might. (me'ode)

My Memorial for generation after generation.”

Shemot 3:13-16

This is MY NAME for ever,

YaHuWaH, ALuaHiYM of your father’s Abraham, Yitzchak [Isaac], and Ya’aqob

[Jacob], has sent me to you. This is my name forever, and this is my memorial

for generation to generation." and I appeared to Abraham, to Yitzchak, and to

Ya’aqob as hashadday [the almighty]. and my name, YaHuWaH, was not well

known (famous) to them.

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The ministry of reconciliation

Message of Reconciliation

Torah sh’Bichtav

(Written Torah)

Who hath ears to hear, let him hear?

“Sola Scriptura”

(the Scriptures alone is authoritative for faith)

(in His Name)

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[Yah -hoo-Wah]

is the Name of the Creator.

(YâHuWsHúa`) is His Son

[Al-u-heem - ALHYM] means "Mighty Ones“ or "Power"

means Set-apart, Pure.

(Qodesh) also means "Set-apart"

Ruwach (Spirit) is the Ibry (Hebrew) name for His "Presence", pictured as the

Counselor, Helper, and Advocate, the One Who "proceeds from the Father"

Tehillim 27:5

For in the day of trouble He will keep me secretly in His booth. In the covering

of His Tent He will hide me. On a Rock He raises me up.

is for you too!

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Scripture speaks of a secret place where we can simply go, be alone, be

protected, pray, and hear from YâHuWsHúa. Knowing there is such a place is a

matter of faith. Going back time and again, that's a matter of building a

relationship. You need not have an advanced degree in any subject, need not

have memorized Scripture from beginning to end, but instead be aware the

YaHuWaH of Y’Isra’al has a place for each Jew and Gentile who will open their

minds and hearts to Him.

Mt 6:5-8

When you pray, you shall not be as the role-fakers, for they love to stand and

pray in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen

by men. Most certainly, I tell you, they have received their reward. But you,

when you pray, enter into your inner chamber, and having shut your door, pray

to your Father Who is in secret, and your Father Who sees in secret shall

reward you openly. In praying, don’t use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do;

for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking. Therefore don’t

be like them, don't you see that your Father knows what things you need

before you ask Him.

The truth in reality is visited in this secret place AND must be shared by those

who will live or else ... they will perish ... in darkness.

It is written

Lu 11:33

“No one, when he has lit a Lamp, puts it in a cellar or under a basket, but on a

stand, that those who come in may see the Light.

Tehillim. 119:105

Your Word is a Lamp to my feet, and a Light (aur) for my path.

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The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore when your eye is good, your whole

body is also full of Light; but when it is evil, your body also is full of darkness.

Therefore see whether the light that is in you isn’t darkness. If therefore your

whole body is full of Light, having no part dark, it shall be wholly full of Light, as

when the Lamp with its bright shining gives you Light.”

The menorah is the only symbol created by YâHuWsHúa`

With this in mind, heart soul and strength let us study together in the Raukh

And now brothers and sisters

Come out of the secret place bearing light!

who see it from afar. The Secret Place, here, shines a bit of light so many can

see from afar. The topics we have chosen are addressed to Jew and Gentile

together. We do this because that is what the Bible does. This opens the

window to make more sense of what Scripture tells us!

In the secret place is plain language, something simple to read. This is a mere

starting place for deeper consideration.

If the Raukh of YaHuWaH has moved your Raukh to seek out his word


Before the study I wish to point out that only the WORD is the TRUTH, be it

days, months, years, hence the calendar is “sola Scriptura” based.

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And it shall speak words opposing the Most High, and it will wear down

the pure ones of the Most High Ones, and it will try to change set times

(Festivals) and Law, (Lawlessness) and they shall be granted into its hand for a

time and times and half of a time.

And then I will profess to them,

‘Never did I acknowledge you: even if you are on My lap and do not do the will

of My Father Who is in heaven, out of My lap will I cast you away! Depart

from Me, all ye workers of Lawlessness!’

So that in them is fulfilled the prediction of Yshá`Yâhuw, which says: “You shall

surely hear, but you shall not understand; and you shall surely see, but you

shall not perceive! For the heart of this people has grown thick, and they do

hardly hear with the ears, and they have shut their eyes, lest they should see

with their eyes, and with their ears they should hear, and their heart should

understand, and they should return to Me and I should cure them.

The Hebrew Bible is fully aware of that. Deuteronomy declares the worship of

sun, moon, and stars as allotted by YHWH that is to all the other peoples

Dev 4:19.

And lest thou lift up thine eyes unto Shomayim, and when thou seest the

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shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and the kokhavim, even all the tz’va HaShomayim, shouldest be driven to hishtachaveh (bow down, worship) them, and serve them which Hashem Aloheicha hath divided unto kol HaGoyim under kol


Duet 4:19

"or lest you lift up your eyes to the heavens and see the sun, the moon, the stars, and all the armies of heaven, you should be impelled to bow down to

them or enslave yourselves to these [things] that YHWH has apportioned to all the nations under the whole heaven;

Anyone can see the heavenly bodies, but we have heard from YHWH. There is no “hard copy” of Him! People want something they can identify with, which

is what makes the “god-man” concept so attractive, because it makes them think they can be gods too. We can only understand what YHWH allows us to

know about Himself, and we cannot control what we cannot comprehend. Apportioned: divided, assigned, distributed; Aramaic, "designated to serve". I.e., He gave them to all the nations and they are common (contrast v. 20).

But none of them is to be identified specifically with YHWH.

Dev 4:20 But Hashem hath taken you, and brought you forth

out of the iron furnace, even out of Mitzrayim, to be unto Him an Am Nachalah (a people of inheritance), as ye are yom hazeh.

Deut 4:20. "But YHWH has selected you, and brought you out from the crucible of iron--

from Egypt--to become His own--for the purpose of being a people [that are His own] prized possession, just as [is the case] today."

Any wood placed into a furnace for smelting iron would be consumed

immediately. Egypt completely used them up, while feeding them—like pack animals. Even the products forged of iron there—chariots—were used to kill

them. Now they were going to a place that would serve them rather than consuming them. Nothing in the Tabernacle was made of iron; YHWH had no

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use for it at this point. Prized possession: How awesome! Why throw away such a rare privilege and settle for something that the nations all stoop to--

nations that He considered a mere drop in the bucket in comparison


Surely the Goyim are like a drop in a bucket, and are accounted as dust of the scales; surely He taketh up the iyim (islands) like fine dust.

Isa 40:15

See, nations are as a drop in a bucket, and are reckoned as dust on the balance. See, He lifts up isles as fine dust.

Today we see the illegitimate worship of these celestial bodies , within those

who claim to WORSHIP YHWH

How many more times will Y’Isra’al turned to HIS CREATION and not their CREATOR

Melachim Bais 23:5, |5| And he did away with hakemarim (the idol priests), whom the Melachim of

Yehudah had ordained to burn ketoret in the high places in the towns of Yehudah, and in the places around Yerushalayim; them also that

burned ketoret unto Ba'al, to the shemesh, and to the yarei'ach, and to the mazalot (constellations) and to all the Tzeva HaShomayim.

2 kgs 23:5

And he put down the black-robed priests whom the sovereigns of Yehudah had appointed to burn incense on the high places in the cities of Yehudah and in

the places all around Yerushalayim, and those who burned incense to Baʽal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the constellations, and to all the host of the


Melachim Bais 23:11 And he took away the susim that the Melachim of Yehudah had dedicated to the shemesh, at the entrance of the Beis Hashem, by the chamber of Natan-

Melech the saris, which was in the colonnades, and set eish to merkevot hashemesh.

2 Ki 23:11

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And he did away with the horses that the sovereigns of Yehudah had given to the sun, at the entrance to the House of YHWH, by the room of Nathan-Melek the eunuch, that were in the court. And he burned the chariots of the sun with


Yirmeyah 8:2 And they shall spread them out before the shemesh, and the yarei'ach, and all the tz'va haShomayim, whom they have loved, and whom they have served,

and after whom they have walked, and whom they have consulted, and whom they have worshiped; they shall not be gathered up, nor be buried in a kever;

they shall be like domen upon the surface of ha'adamah.

Jer 8:2; and shall spread them before the sun and the moon and all the host of the

heavens, which they have loved and which they have served and after which they have walked, which they have sought, and to which they have bowed

themselves. They shall not be gathered nor buried; they shall be for dung on the face of the earth.

And He brought me into the khatzer Beis Hashem hapenimit [i.e., the Court of the Kohanim], and, hinnei, at the petach (entrance) of the Heikhal Hashem, between the Ulam and the Mizbe'ach, were about five and twenty ish, with

their backs toward the Heikhal Hashem, and their faces toward the east; and they bowing down toward the east worshiping the sun.

Ezek 8:16 And He brought me into the inner court of the House of YHWH. And there, at the door of the Hĕkal of YHWH, between the porch and the altar, were about twenty-five men with their backs toward the Hĕkal of YHWH and their faces

toward the east, and they were bowing themselves eastward to the sun.

Yet in the creation story these celestial elements are simply taken as creatures like any others

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"When I found Y’Ishra’al, it was like finding grapes in the desert; when I saw

your fathers, it was like seeing the early fruit on the fig tree." Now learn this

lesson from the fig tree: As soon as its twigs get tender and its leaves come

out, you know that summer is near. Even so, when you see all these things,

you know that it is near, right at the door. I tell you the truth, this

generation will not pass away until all these things have happened.

Yâhuwchânâ´n _10:9

I am the Entrance (door): if anyone might enter in through Me, he shall be rescued, and shall go in and shall go out and shall find pasture.

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In Hebrew, this fourth letter has the numerical value of four. Daleth also represents a doorway. In other words, when the letter is placed in a word, you have to keep in mind that not only is it the letter ‘D’, it is the number 4 and symbolizes a door. a door, the door is twofold: it opens two directions: in or out. http://www.slideshare.net/keiYAH/i-am-the-door-dalet-to-yahwuahs-hei-kingdom

Most agree that this says that the generation of people who witness the fig

tree bearing leaves (Y’Ishra’al becoming a nation) will not pass away until the

Son of Man returns.

Until now that honour has been stowed on the Tribes of Benyamin;

YahuwDah, and Levi, who have made a home, in a land called Y’Ishra’al, is

correct geographically but not Familywise, we see here the beginnings the

homeward bound journey of the lost tribes

The Tribes of YahuwDah came to the HOUSE of JOSEF in 1947, and declared

a homeland in 1948 In 2018, it will be a Beginning of RIGHTEOUSNESS

again being brought on the Earth. It is written

that at the Name of יהושע every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of

those on earth, and of those under the earth, For it has been written, “As I

live, says יהוה, every knee shall bow to Me, and every tongue shall confess to

Äluahiym .” I have sworn by Myself, a word has gone out of My mouth in

righteousness, and shall not return, so that to Me every knee shall bow, every

tongue swear.

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Yet the world today not only ignores the signs of the latter days of man’s

age, but have been blinded to the truth


יהוה ,raises those who are bowed down יהוה ,opens the eyes of the blind יהוה

loves the righteous. And in that day the deaf shall hear the words of the

book, and the eyes of the blind shall see out of gloom, and out of darkness.

Then the eyes of the blind shall be opened, and the ears of the deaf be

opened. “And I shall lead the blind by a way they have not known – in paths

they have not known I lead them. I make darkness light before them, and

crooked places straight. These matters I shall do for them, and I shall not

forsake them.

“Hear, you deaf! And look, you blind, and see.

Today not only are the people of YahuwDah blind but the whole world ,

ignores a basic truth, unless HE calls, unless HE chooses you ,( all through

history we see he called men to be part of his work, chosen among the few),

you have no righteousness ( a Cloak of Light) righteousness is not what suits

you, but, what Instructions given to you ) you obey them or not that’s your

choosing, today sadly we see a worldwide surge to be Jewish and or has close

to Judaism ,yet many fail to understand that the House of Yosef is to be


How do we know

Ye are those who once were “Lo’-`Ammíy” (Not My people)

but now are YHWH’s people;

those who were “Lo’-Ruchâ´mâh” (Not pitied) (Ruchâ´mâh

/Ruakh/spirit/m/ah /life but now received mercy.

After repentance, belief brings us to immersion in the Torah, and by the

laying on of hands of his Elders the indwelling of the Raukh HaQodesh

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And do you know

Now ye are a chosen tribe, a Kingdom priesthood, a pure nation, a people for

an acquisition, so that ye might celebrate the manly valors of the One Who

called you out of the darkness into His wonderful Light!



You are ANNOITED meaning to be SET APART and CHOSENto be PART


Who are they

The dragon was enraged with the woman, and went away to make war with

the rest of her seed , those guarding Aluahiym Commandments and

possessing the Witness of YaHuWsHua HaMaSHiYaCH.

And he dreamed still another dream and related it to his brothers, and said,

“See, I have dreamed another dream, and see, the sun and the moon and the

eleven stars bowed down to me.” And he related it to his father and his

brothers. And his father rebuked him and said to him, “What is this dream

that you have dreamed? Shall we, your mother and I and your brothers,

indeed come to bow down to the earth before you?” And his brothers envied

him, but his father guarded the word.

Let us continue

so it came to be, when Yosĕph had come to his brothers, that they stripped

Yosĕph of his robe, the long robe which was on him. And they took him and

threw him into a pit. And the pit was empty; there was no water in it. And

Yehud ah said to his brothers, “What would we gain if we kill our brother and

conceal his blood? “Come and let us sell him to the Yishmaʽĕlites, and let

not our hand be upon him, for he is our brother, our flesh.” And his brothers

listened. And men, Mid yanite traders passed by, so they pulled Yosĕph up

and lifted him out of the pit, and sold him to the Yishmaʽĕlites for twenty

pieces of silver. And they took Yosĕph to Mitsrayim.

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Many years later again they sold YaHuWsHua again and said, “What would

you give me to deliver Him to you?” And they counted out to him thirty

pieces of silver. Then Yehud ah – he who delivered Him up – having seen that

He had been condemned, repented, returned the thirty pieces of silver to the

chief priests and to the elders,


This year (2015) it will be the 70 years since the great war, in 2018 the Land

of Y’Isra’al will be 70 years old. The length of a man’s life

2018 will be the Year Of Righteousness

Human life is at best brief and uncertain;

The days of our lives are seventy years; Or if due to strength, eighty years, Yet

the best of them is but toil and exertion; For it is soon cut off, and we fly


“Truly, I say to you, this generation shall by no means pass away till all this

takes place.

Men are dying creatures and all their comforts in the world are likewise

passing away with time. They should therefore stand in awe of YHWH, walk

in His ways, and with the constant apprehension of the uncertainty of life,

lest they fail to be diligent and doing their best in His service.

With the coming of the end of the AGE of MAN, The Almighty left many

footprints in the sands of time, to enable us to continue walking towards HIS


There are 7 festivals that light the way home , signpost upon the highway



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Then YHWH told Moshe, "Speak to the sons of Y’Ishra’al, and you shall

inform them of the appointed times of YHWH, which you must proclaim--

holy rehearsals. These are My appointed seasons:

And Moshe called all Y’Ishra’al, and said to them, “Hear, O Y’Ishra’al, the laws

and right-rulings which I speak in your hearing today. And you shall learn

them, and guard to do them.


Unleavened bread





The Last Great Day

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Cautionary Note

The Anointed is Äluahiym (mighty Ones)

Yâhuwchânâ´n 10

And the Feast of Chanukâ´h (Dedication) took place at Yruwshâláim and it

was winter, and is not recorded in the Festivals’ of which YHWH Spoke

And Yâhuwshúa` was walking about within the temple in the porch of

Shlomoh. Then the “Yehuwthím” encircled Him and said to Him:“ Until

when do You hold ourselves in suspense? If You are the Anointed One, tell

us plainly!” Yâhuwshúa` responded to them: “I told you, but ye do not

believe it. The works that I perform in the name of My Father, these bear

testimony about Me. Nevertheless, ye do not believe it, for ye are not of My

sheep, as I said to you. My sheep heed My voice [`Ivríyth (Hebrew): obey

Me], and I acknowledge them, and they follow Me; And I give to them

endless life, so they shall in no wise perish unto the age, nor shall anyone

seize them out of My hand. My Father Who has given them to Me is greater

than all, and no one is able to snatch out of the hand of My Father.I and My

Father are ’Echâ´th (One). ”Then the “Yehuwthím” again picked up stones in

order that they might stone Him! YâHuWsHúa` responded to them:“ Many

works of virtue I did show to you from My Father. Due to which of those

works do ye stone Me?” The “Yehuwthím” responded to Him, saying: “We do

not stone You concerning a virtuous work, rather, concerning Your scorning;

and because You, being a Son of ’Âthâ´m, make Your Self ’Äluahiym (the

mighty Ones)!”Yâhuwshúa` responded to them:“ Isn’t it written within your

Law: “I said: ‘Ye are ’Äluahiym (mighty Ones)…’”?

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Tehillim 82: 6-7

I, I said, “You are Äluahiym, And all of you are sons of the Most High. “But

as men you die, And fall as one of the heads.”

If he [’Âçâ´ph], to whom the word of YHWH came, called those ones

“’Äluahiym” (and the scripture cannot be broken),Do ye say to He, Whom

the Father holds pure and sent forth into the world: “You are scorning!

”Because I said ’HaYaH (I shall always continue being) the Son of the ’Äl

(the mighty One)?If I do not perform the works of My Father, do not believe

Me. But if I do, even if ye do not believe Me, believe the works, in order that

ye may acknowledge and may believe that

[Yshá`Yâhuw 43: 10-11]

"You are My witnesses", declares YHWH. "My servant, whom I have chosen

to know Me and trust in Me, and discern that I am He. Before Me no Äl was

formed, nor shall there be any after Me.

My servant: the Aramaic targum identifies him as the Messiah. Here it also

seems to refer to the whole nation of Y’Ishra’al, of which the Messiah is a

prime example of what it is meant to be.

"I myself am YHWH, and apart from Me there is no one to deliver. Within

Me is My Father, and I am within My Father.”.

'For what doth it profit thee to know that the world was created by YHWH, as Bbereshiyth tells us, if thou dost not adore the mercy and wisdom of the Creator? Again, how would it help thee to know that YHWH is wise and merciful if thou couldst not take to thyself the thought that He is merciful for thee, just for thee, wise for thee? And that is what it means to have truly known YHWH, but Philosophy has not attained that ultimate mode of Divine knowledge; it belongs to non-believers alone. The Raukh of the

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Tehillim truly distils that sweetness into pious minds, and this is that celestial harmony which is attuned by the Raukh of YHWH.'


Today these Feasts of Identification of who are the Y’Ishra’al’ites, are

forgotten and ignored, the very Festivals that set us apart In YaHuWsHua, are

the writings of the prophets ( O.T) with the testimony of YaHuWsHua, (

N.T) which ANNOITS us in HIS WORD, being SET APART unto HIS

KINGDOM. We look back at the Stones of the old Testament, we walk in

the way YaHuWsHua ,

The world is a far dangerous place now than it was 70 years ago, when WWII

ended, today everyone seems to be looking over their shoulder with a ?


It Is the HOUSE of YOSEF, which ENCOMPASSES all the TRIBES of

Y’ISHRA’AL, today even our home land of all is under attack from the Tribes

of YahuwDah, Benyamin and Levites, claiming the land has solely Jewish,

thereby trying to take the Kingdom of YHWH away from many, is this

Yehuwthh-of-shimwn-iy-kriywuw (Judas Iscariot) again '

The Truth is being attacked from outside manmade rules, and inside by those

who are keepers of the Torah,

“What will the nature of Israel be? A religious Jewish state? A state of all its

citizens? A secular, democratic and Jewish state? Roland Nikles says Israel’s

new proposed Basic Law to define the country as the nation state of the Jews

would provide legal cover for a system that privileges Jews over all others in

all aspects of life. Anyone who cares about the character of the state that

wields power in the name of Judaism should be paying attention In' a very

serious and very legitimate discussion, but we have to be very careful,'' said

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Natan Sharansky, the interior minister and leader of the Russian immigrants

whose arrival during the last decade has altered Israel and brought many non-

Jews to the country. ''There are people on the left and right who will take

advantage. On the left, you have people who believe Israel to be a country of

all its citizens, enough of this Jewish business. On the right, the religious

right, you have people who say Israel should shut its door to those who are

not Jewish by Jewish law.'' These same Jewish brothers live still under the veil,

for they do not has yet recognize YaHuWsHua HaMaschiyach has


According to YHWH, an Y’Ishra’alite is

Definition of a pure one

But a Yehudite is he who is so inwardly, and circumcision is that of the

heart,in Raukh, not literally, whose praise is not from men but from

Äluahiym .

Diclosure 14:12.

In this is the patient endurance of the pure ones: that is, those who observe

the commandments of YYHWH and the persuasion of YâHuWsHúa`.

This cannot be speaking of the Jewish Nation that occupies the very

homeland of Y’Ishra’al, for they have still hearts of stone

Yirmeyahu, (Hearts of stone) like the original giving of the law in stone (

Broken), a strange fact here was Yirmeyahu, was sent to the lost tribes of

Y’Ishra’al ( I see a branch of an almond tree.”)

Not like the covenant I made with their fathers in the day when I took them

by the hand to bring them out of the land of Mitsrayim, My covenant which

they broke, though I was a husband to them,” declares יהוה. “For this is the

covenant I shall make with the house of Yisra’ĕl after those days, declares יהוה:

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I shall put My Torah in their inward parts, and write it on their hearts. And I

shall be their Äluahiym , and they shall be My people. “And no longer shall

they teach, each one his neighbour, and each one his brother, saying, ‘Know

for they shall all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of ’,יהוה

them,” declares יהוה. “For I shall forgive their crookedness, and remember

their sin no more.”

The New Covenant

Book of the `Ivríym (Hebrews)

For finding fault, He says to them:“ Look! Days are coming,” declares

YHWH,“ when I will cut a new covenant with the house of Y’Ishra’al and with

the house of Yâhuwthâ´h: Not like the covenant that I made with their

forefathers on a day I took them by their hand to lead them out from the

Land of Mitsráyim because they, they broke My covenant, so I, I loathed

them, ”declares YHWH: “For this is the covenant that I will cut with the

house of Y’Ishra’al after those days –”declares YHWH,“I shall put My Law in

their center, and on their hearts I shall write it, and I shall be to them for

mighty Ones, and they, they shall be to Me as a people :And each will not

still teach his neighbor or his brother, saying: ‘Acknowledge YHWH!’ Because

all of them, from their least even unto their greatest shall acknowledge Me

Again this is found in the book of the Hebrews so is not acknowledged by

our Jewish brothers who still live under the veil of Moshe

And you shall put it before the veil that is before the ark of the Witness,

before the lid of atonement that is over the Witness, where I am to meet

with you. And when Moshe ended speaking with them, he put a veil on his

face. But whenever Moshe went in before יהוה to speak with Him, he would

remove the veil until he came out. And when he came out he spoke to the

children of Y’Ishra’al what he had been commanded,

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Every scripture inspired by YHWH is also profitable for instruction, for proof,

for rectification, to educate the one in justification. knowing this first, that

no prophecy of Scripture came to be of one’s own interpretation, for

prophecy never came by the desire of man, but men of Äluahiym spoke,

being moved by the Set-apart Raukh. And if I have prophecy, and know all

secrets and all knowledge, and if I have all belief, so as to remove mountains,

but do not have love, I am none at all.

Let no one deceive you in any way, because the falling away is to come first,

and the man of lawlessness (sin) is to be revealed, the son of destruction,

in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according

to the ruler of the authority of the air, of the Raukh that is now working in

the sons of disobedience, redeeming the time, because the days are wicked.

Because of these the wrath of Äluahiym is coming upon the sons of

disobedience, He is the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil, That lead our

ancestors away from the truth

because everyone having been born of Aluahym overcomes the world. And

this is the overcoming that has overcome the world: our belief.

Page 25: And except those days should be shortened

we are immersed into the Anointing ( set apartness) of Rabbi YaHuWsHua

Ben YHWH and become

Now ye are a chosen tribe, a Kingdom priesthood, a pure nation, a people for

an acquisition, so that ye might celebrate the manly valors of the One Who

called you out of the darkness into His wonderful Light!

Being part of this Great Nation of YHWH, means losing all citizenship of this

world, we cannot enter the kingdom on manmade principles, but must

repent, belief and immerse ourselves both Physically ( immersion) and

Raukhual ( Torah) in His words

What seems impossible by man is in all reality possible by YaHuWsHua

The door is open to all, you have the faith needed to walk the HIGHWAY


Your way, O Äluahiym, is in Set-apartness1; Who is a great Äl like Äluahiym?

The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 consonants and no vowels. The vowels

are dots and dashes added above and below the consonants.

(Äl rather than El, Äluahiym instead of Äluahiym ) Aleph- beyt

donates the “ I AM” spoken of by YaHuWsHua pointing to the oneness of

the father and the expression that became flesh and blood, so the Al

represents Alef The Alef is formed by two yuds, one to the upper right

and the other to the lower left, joined by a diagonal vav. These represent the

higher and lower waters and the firmament between them

Page 26: And except those days should be shortened

Water is first mentioned in the Torah in the account of the first day of


"And the Raukh of YHWH hovered over the surface of the water." At this

time the higher and the lower waters were indistinguishable; their state is

referred to as "water in water." On the second day of Creation YHWH

separated the two waters by "stretching" the firmament between them.

The known universe was once a universal sea,

The crystal sea, Äluahiym commands

And before the throne there was a sea of glass, like crystal. And in the midst

of the throne, and around the throne, were four living creatures, covered

with eyes in front and in back. having the esteem of Äluahiym , and her light

was like a most precious stone, like a jasper stone, clear as crystal, And he

showed me a river of water of life, clear as crystal, coming from the throne of

Äluahiym and of the Lamb.

(Imagine one clear time of a turquoise Ocean that filled the universe as a

crystal sea, with an ORB of LIGHT hanging like a Chandelier , is to understand

what YHWH sees when HE look upon creation, After 1/3 of his envoys

rebelled we see the same universe, harboring trillions of Shards of LIGHT in a

Dark Universe, so was the destruction of the war in the heavens……)

And the Raukh of Äluahiym was moving on the face of the waters. Let an

expanse come to be in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters

from the waters.” And Äluahiym made the expanse, and separated the waters

which were under the expanse from the waters which were above the expanse.

And Äluahiym said, “Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together

into one place, and let the dry land appear.” And it came to be so. And

Äluahiym called the dry land ‘earth,’ and the collection of the waters He

called ‘seas.’ And Äluahiym saw that it was good.

Astronomers have revealed the true color of the Universe - it is somewhere

between "pale turquoise and medium aquamarine".

From the First Book of ’Âthâ´m and Chauwâ´h

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On the third day, Äluahiym planted the garden in the east of the earth, on

the border of the world eastward, beyond which, towards the luminary orb-

rising, one finds nothing but water, that encompasses the whole world, and

reaches to the borders of heaven. And to the north of the garden there is a

sea of water, clear and pure to the taste, unlike anything else; so that, through

the clearness thereof, one may look into the depths of the earth. And when a

man washes himself in it, he becomes clean of the cleanness thereof, and

white of its whiteness, even if he were dark. And Äluahiym created that sea of

His own good pleasure, for He knew what would come of the man He would

make; so that after he had left the garden, on account of his transgression,

men should be born in the earth. Among them are righteous ones who will

die, whose selves (souls) Äluahiym would raise at the last day; when all of

them will return to their flesh, bathe in the water of that sea, and repent of

their sins.

In the service of the soul, as taught in Chassidut, the higher water is water of

joy, the experience of being close to YHWH, while the lower water is water of

bitterness, the experience of being far from YHWH.

where has EL, donates a Ēl written aleph-lamed, is a

Northwest Semitic word meaning "deity".


And there shall be a highway, and a way, and it shall be called “The Way of

Set-apartness.” The unclean does not pass over it, but it is for those who walk

the way, and no fools wander on it. Footnote

“As He sat on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately,

saying, ‘Tell us, when will these things be? And what will be the sign of Your

coming, and of the end of the age?’”

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And learn this parable from the fig tree: When its branch has already become

tender and puts forth leaves, you know that the summer is near. (Y’ishra’al)

A Nation is born to become a Kingdom, to have a king, a realm, subjects

and laws, remove any of these and the kingdom (albeit a nation) does not


“You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you

should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, so that whatever

you ask the Father in My Name He might give you. “If you were of the

world, the world would love its own. But because you are not of the world,

but I chose you out of the world, for that reason the world hates you. But we

ought to give thanks to Äluahiym always for you, brothers, beloved by the

Master, because Äluahiym from the beginning chose you to be saved – in

set-apartness of Raukh, and belief in the truth

Is in affect to be set apart, has was YaHuWsHua the Anointed was, and he

called those whom he set apart for HIS PURPOSE

Matthew 24:6–8

“You will hear of wars and rumors of wars. … For nation will rise against

nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines,

pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of


“Sorrows” is the English translation of the Greek word wdi/nwn

[transliterated as odin] that appears in the original text of Matthew’s Gospel.

This word more commonly means birth pangs, the painful muscle

contractions that a pregnant woman experiences during labor and subsequent


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The world has experienced these birth pangs of wars, famines, plagues, and

earthquakes for millennia. The apostle Paul noted:

Romans 8:22

“For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs

together until now”

But labor only goes on for a limited amount of time.

The birth of the “baby,” which in this case is YaHuWsHua’ return and the end

of this age, is not going to wait forever.

Let’s examine how these birth pangs have progressed in recent years.

And except those days should be shortened, there would no flesh be saved:

but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened.

27. So Aluahiym created the ’Âthâ´m in His own image.( phantom/ghost/

spirit/ Raukh) In the image of Aluahiym He created him; male and female

He created them.

’Âthâ´m had all the X and Y chromosomes within him , being born the son

of YHWH, he processed life inherent, but not life Eternal

Man: Heb., Âthâ´m , which includes the concept of a single particular person

(“him”) or the entirety of Mankind (“them”). At stage Âthâ´m was at one

with YHWH . The "Ancient Âthâ´m " once bore the "full image of YHWH",

which has in it both masculine and feminine qualities,

’Âthâ´m and Chauwâ´h ( notice the denoting the very breathe of


Male and female: the root words themselves mean "marked" and "pierced"--

the very description of the one who later did what was necessary to restore

this lost image of Aluahiym.

(Yesh./Isa. 53; Zkh. 12:10)

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And YHWH Aluahiym formed the man [Âthâ´m ah ] from the dust of the

ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man came to

be a living soul. ( Flesh and Blood)


Because we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities,

against authorities, against the world-rulers of the darkness of this age,

against spiritual matters of wickedness in the heavenlies.

Only now this day is this prophecy coming true

A third species is among us, born not af mother and father, but in a lab, (yet

another is to be counted)

I often pondered the question

How could YHWH Creation possibly think let alone carry out N act of WAR

against its own CREATOR


And the number of the armies of the horsemen was two hundred million,

and I heard the number of them.

This is not speaking of mankind, for it will be mankind that will be under the

threat of annihilation,

Cyborg/ Raukh Beings

Having breastplates as of fire, and of hyacinth, and brimstone. Or, bright red,

blue and yellow. These are the colors observed. The heads of the horses.

Strength and fierceness are implied. Out of their mouths proceedeth fire and

smoke and brimstone. This is a destroying power. It might well describe the

use of gunpowder. One looking at a distance would see the flash of fire, and

the smoke, apparently coming from the horses' heads, would smell the

brimstone odor, and would see the destructive effect.

Page 31: And except those days should be shortened

Out of their mouths proceedeth fire and smoke and brimstone. This is a

destroying power. It might well describe the use of gunpowder. One looking

at a distance would see the flash of fire, and the smoke, apparently coming

from the horses' heads, would smell the brimstone odor, and would see the

destructive effect.

By these three plagues. The fire, smoke and brimstone. These agencies slay the

third part of men. We have before found that the Old Roman world was

divided into three parts. One third part had been destroyed by the first four

trumpet invasions. A second third part was taken by the Saracens. If now the

third part was taken and destroyed by these three plagues, the symbolism

would be fulfilled.


Page 32: And except those days should be shortened

In His Name

Blessed be, in His name

YaHuWaH be with you.' and they answered him, YaHuWaH bless you.' "

Be not blind to the truth

And, hinnei, two blind men sitting by the way side, when they heard that

YâHuWsHúa` passed by, cried out, saying, Have mercy on us, O YaHuWaH,

[thou] Ben David. An YâHuWsHúa` stood still, and called them, and said, what

will ye that I shall do unto you they say unto Him, Yâ-huwah, that our eyes may

be opened. So YâHuWsHúa` had compassion [on them], and touched their eyes:

and immediately their eyes received sight, and they followed him.

His servant and yours

shalowm in Righteousness

by the GRACE of YaHuWaH




Remember me and pray for me that YaHuWaH will be gracious unto me and be

merciful unto my sins which I have sinned against him. Peace be to them that

read and that hear these things and to their servants:

Amein and Amein

Freely ye have received, freely give

A rule necessary, and of great extent. A servant in the Gospel Vineyard, though

worthy of his Comfortable support while in the work. Should never preach for

hire, or make a secular traffic of the Raukh (spiritual work): what a scandal is it

for a man to traffic with gifts which he pretends, at least, to have received from

the Raukh HaQodesh, of which he is not the master, but the dispenser. He who

Page 33: And except those days should be shortened

preaches to get a living, or make a fortune, is guilty of the most infamous


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