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Page 1: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Andrew G. West, Avantika Agrawal, Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

WikiSym `11 – October 5, 2011

Autonomous Detection of Collaborative Link Spam

Page 2: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Big Idea


Design a framework to detect link spam additions to wikis/Wikipedia, including those employing:

(1) Subtlety; aims at link persistence (status quo)(2) Vulnerabilities of recent literature [1]

And use this tool’s functionality to:

(1) Autonomously undo obvious spam (i.e., a bot)(2) Feed non-obvious, but questionable instances to human patrollers in a streamlined fashion

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• Motivation• Corpus construction• Classifier features• Classifier performance• Live implementation

• Demonstration

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External Link Spam


• Any external link (i.e., not wikilink) which violates the subjective link policy [2] is external link spam:• Issues with the destination

URL (the landing site). For example: Commercial intent, shock sites, non-notable sources.

• Issues with presentation. For example: Putting a link atop article.

[[http://www.google.com Visit Google!]]

Visit Google!


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Research Motivations

Page 6: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Motive: Social Spam


• Not entirely different from link spam in other UGC/ collaborative applications• Much literature [3]

• But wikis/WP are unique:• Not append-only; less

formatting constraints• Massive traffic in a single

installation.• Large topic space: Spam

relevant to landing site.• Mitigation entirely


Page 7: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Motive: Incentive


• Much research on wiki vandalism (link spam is a subset)• But most vandalism is “offensive” or “nonsense” [4]• Not well incentivized; whereas link spam likely serves

poster self-interest (e.g., monetary, lobbying, etc.)• Thus, more aggressive/optimal attack tactics expected

• In [1], examined the status quo nature of WP link spam:• “Nuisance”: order of magnitude less frequent than

vandalism. See also [[WP:WPSPAM]].• Less sophistication than seen in other spam domains• Subtlety: Even spam links follow conventions. Perhaps an

attempt to deceive patrollers/watch-list: Doesn’t work

Page 8: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Motive: Vulnerabilities


• Novel attack model [1], exploits human latency and appears economically viable:

Peak views/second

Highest avg. views/day

Calculated Jan.-Aug.


• High-traffic page targets• Prominent placement• Script-driven operation

via autonomously attained privileged accounts

• Distributed

• Other recent concerns:• Declining labor force [5]• XRumer (blackhat SEO) [6]

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Corpus Construction

Page 10: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Corpus: Spam/Ham


• SPAM edits are those that:1. Added exactly one link to an HTML document2. The only changes made in the edit are the link addition

and its immediate supporting “context”3. Were rolled-back by a privileged editor. Where rollback is

a tool used only for “blatantly unproductive edits”• HAM edits are those:

1. Added by a privileged user2. Meeting criteria (1) and (2) above

By relying on implicit actions, we save time and allow privileged users to define spam on case-by-case basis

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Corpus: Context (1)


Because the link was the ONLY change made. The privileged user’s decision to roll-back that

edit speaks DIRECTLY to that link’s inappropriateness.

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Corpus: Context (2)


Page 13: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Corpus: Collection


• ≈2 months of data collection in early 2011 (en.wiki)• Done in real-time viva the STiki framework [7]• Also retrieved the landing site for each link

• Be careful of biasing features!

All links collected


Links to HTML doc.

Was rolled back

Added by priv. user

only link



2,865 1,095

50,108 4,867


only link









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55+ features implemented and described in [8]

For brevity, focus on features that: (1) Are strong indicators, and (2) have intuitive presentation

Three major feature groups:(1) Wikipedia-driven

(2) Landing-site driven(3) Third-party based

Page 16: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: Wiki (1)


• Examples of Wikipedia features:

• URL: Length, sub-domain quantity, TLD (.com, .org, etc.)

• Article: Length, popularity, age

• Presentation: Where in article, citation, description length

• URL History: Addition quantity, diversity of adding users

• Metadata: Revision comment length, time-of-day

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Features: Wiki (2)


• Long URLs are good URLs:• www.example.com vs. www.example.com/doc.html• Former more likely to be promotional

• Spam is rarely used in citations• Advanced syntax implies advanced editors

Page 18: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: Wiki (3)


≈ 85% of spam leaves no “revision comment”

vs. < 20% of ham

TLDs with greater admin. control tend to be good.Also correlates well with

registration cost

Page 19: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: Wiki (4)


An article’s non-citation links “stabilize” with time(Non-cites tend to have their own section at article bottom)

Page 20: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: Site


• We fetch and process the HTML source of the landing site• Spam destinations marginally more profane/commercial (SEO?)

• Re-implement features from a study of email spam URLs [9]• Opposite results from that work

• TAKEAWAY: Subtlety and link diversity impair this analysis

Page 21: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: 3rd Party (1)


Two third-party sources queried:

• Google Safe Browsing Project: Lists suspected phishing /malware hosts

Google lists produce NO corpus matches:• So worthless during learning/training• …. So bring into force via statically authored rules

• Alexa WIS [10]: Data from web-crawling and toolbar. Including traffic data, WHOIS, load times…

Page 22: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Features: 3rd Party (2)


•#1 weighted feature•At median, ham has 850 BLs, spam has 20 BLs (40× difference).•Intuitive: basis for search-engine rank

• Continent of WHOIS registration.

• Asia especially poor • Other good, non-

intuitive Alexa feats.

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Features: Best Combo.


# FEATURE DESCRIPTION1 Number of Internet backlinks (Alexa)2 Length of the revision comment 3 Whether link was in <cite> environment4 Traffic patterns at landing site (Alexa)5 Age of the article where link added6 Vandalism history of article of appearance7 Quantity of references on article8 Whether URL appears on article talk page

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Page 25: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Perform: ADTrees


• Features turned into ML model via ADTree algorithm• Human-readable• Enumerated features

• In practice…• Tree-depth of 15• About 35 features

• Evaluation performed using standard 90/10 cross validation.

val =0.0



Y: +0.8 N: -0.4

Y: +0.6 Y: +0.2N: -0.1 N: -0.6

… … … …

if (final_value > 0): HAMif (final_value < 0): SPAM

Example ADTree:

Page 26: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Perform: Piecewise


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Perform: All


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Live Implementation

Page 29: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Live: Architecture


If spam, revert and warn

Likely vandalism

Likely vandalism



Likely vandalism

Likely innocent

STiki Client



STiki Client

Fetch Edit





Spam-scoring engine


STiki Services







STiki Client


if(score) < thresh:



• Bringing live is trivial via IRC and implemented ADTree• But how to apply the scores:

• Autonomously (i.e., a bot); threshold; approval-pending• Prioritized human-review via STiki [7]

• Priority-queue used in crowd-sourced fashion

Page 30: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Live: Demonstration


Software Demonstrationopen-source [7], [[WP:STiki]]

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Live: Screenshot


Page 32: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Live: Discussion


• Practical implementation notes• Multiple links: Score individually, assign worst • Dead links (i.e., HTTP 404): Reported to special

page• Non-HTML destinations: Omit features

• Static rules needed to capture novel attack vectors• Features are in place: Page placement, article

popularity, link histories, diversity quotients• Pattern matches result in arbitrarily high scores

Page 33: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Live: Gamesmanship


How would an attacker circumvent our system?

• Content-optimization (need for robust features)• TOCTTOU attacks (i.e., redirect after inspection)

• Rechecking on an interval is very expensive• But a practical concern; LTA case [[WP:UNID]]

• Crawler redirection• Determine our system’s IP; serve better content• A more distributed operational base

• Denial-of-service (overloading system with links) + STiki

Solutions to these kinds of problems remain future work

Page 34: Andrew G. West , Avantika Agrawal,  Phillip Baker, Brittney Exline, and Insup Lee

Conclusions• Current spam unsophisticated• New vulnerabilities have dangerous potential• Construct a detection classifier:

– 55 element feature space– Spam catch rate of 64% at 1% FP-rates– Capture novel attacks via static rules

• Live implementation online*

34* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WP:STiki

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[1] A. G. West, J. Chang, K. Venkatasubramanian, O. Sokolsky, and I. Lee. Link spamming Wikipedia for profit. In CEAS ‘11, September 2011.

[2] Wikipedia: External links. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:External_links.[3] P. Heymann, G. Koutrika, and H. Garcia-Molina. Fighting spam on social web sites: A

survey of approaches and future challenges. IEEE Internet Comp., 11(6), 2007.[4] R. Priedhorsky, J. Chen, S. K. Lam, K. Panciera, L. Terveen, and J. Riedl.

Creating, destroying, and restoring value in Wikipedia. In GROUP ’07, 2007.[5] E. Goldman. Wikipedia’s labor squeeze and its consequences. Journal of

Telecommunications and High Technology Law, 8, 2009.[6] Y. Shin, M. Gupta, and S. Myers. The nuts and bolts of a forum spam automator.

In LEET’11: 4th Wkshp. on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats, 2011.[7] A.G. West. STiki: A vandalism detection tool for Wikipedia.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:STiki. Software, 2010.[8] A.G. West, A. Agarwal, P. Baker, B. Exline, and I. Lee. Autonomous Link Spam

Detection in Purely Collaborative Environments. In WikiSym '11.[9] A. Ntoulas, M. Najork, M. Manasse, and D. Fetterly. Detecting spam web pages

through content analysis. In WWW’06: World Wide Web Conference, 2006.[10] Alexa web information service. http://aws.amazon.com/awis/.

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Backup slides (1)


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Backup slides (2)


Blacklists Patrollers Watchlisters Readers

Prevention Detection

Immediate Seconds Mins./Days ∞Latency:

LEFT: Pipeline of typical Wikipedia link spam detection, including both actors and latency

RIGHT: log-log plot showing average daily article views versus article popularity rank.

Observe the power-law distribution. A spammer could reach large percentages of viewership via few articles.

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Backup slides (3)


ABOVE: Evaluating time-of-day (TOD) and day-of-week (DOW)

AROUND: Evaluating feature strength. All features here are “Wikipedia-driven”.

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