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  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150



    What is the right word for the writer of drama? Dramatist


    Choose the correct answer:


    Complete the question: Where ________ Bill born? Was


    Complete the sentence: This time next ear ______________________________! I'll be...?


    Complete the sentence: "e is constantl _______________________ about the weather ! Talking / worrying...


    #emar$able means: Worty o! attention" striking


    The word art galler indicates a place where: Works o! art are $is%laye$ an$ sol$


    %inish the sentence: & must _______________ who did this! in$ o(t


    Complete the sentence! 'ou loo$ worried! What(s on our______? *in$

    110. "e has his own net page which is:


    Crash helmet is something ou put: +ea$


    Complete the sentence: & wish & _________ )nglish fluentl* but & don(t! ,%oke


    Complete the sentence to express intention: "e went to +erman ________________ to learnthe language!

    In or$er to


    Complete the sentence critici,ing our friend for ha-ing forgotten a friend(s birthda: 'ou_________________________ his birthda!

    ,o(l$n't a-e


    et time yo(re in a %(bli %lae" take a look aro(n$ yo(" an$ o(nt ow many %eo%le are (sing teir%ones. I an tell yo( now tat it is %robably more tan al!" weter yo(re on %(bli trans%ort" in a a!or sim%ly walking $own te street.

    Im not saying tat I am not an eam%le o! tis" b(t it always amaes me ow %eo%le an s%en$ som( time on teir %ones wito(t at(ally talking to anyone in %arti(lar. Wit te onstant (%gra$e o!tenology we an now $o %ratially anyting on a de-icewi an !it in te %alm o! o(r an$s. (tas it gone too !ar? Do we s%en$ too m( time on o(r mobiles an$ not eno(g time tal$ing to people.in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is

    ea(se it is $i!!i(lt to get a signal/ onnetion

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    $i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as teyemerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.

    Wh cannot people use texting or the &nternet when the are underground?116

    .9oo$bye s(mmer: *o-e o-er !loaty kimonos an$ seer ar$igans an$ say ello to tis season'so!!erings o! sn(ggly yet stylis winter oats. Winter oats a-e always been one o! te seasons big stylein-estments" an$ tis years as been no ee%tion. Tey a-e ma$e a omebak on te atwalk in a-ariety o! $i!!erent styles ; !rom mai lengt to rain mas" wooly" leater an$ water%roo!. Tere's %lentyo! %astel an$

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    ig;en$ s( as *iael >ors an$ *(lberry to te ig street were sen$ing tese ooon likereations $own te atwalk. Tese oats are $e!ine$ by teir loose" boy" mas(line str(t(re owe-er$on't let te mas(linity o! tese oats %(t yo( o!!: y (sing a belt at te waist tey an also be !emininean$ %retty" t(s making tem a tr(ly -ersatile%iee:

    What $ind of coats are o-ersi,ed coats?


    Complete the sentence: & want ou to meet the people ________ & wor$ with! Tat / nisto


    Complete the sentence: Can ou see the man dressed in a suit ___________________ in thecorner?

    ,tan$ing" sitting


    Complete the sentence: The music is too loud! /lease ______________________! T(rn it $own/ o!!


    Complete the sentence to express contradicting situation: ___________________ feeling ill*she went to school!



    What is the right response? The radiator isn(t wor$ing! 7... AB / I'm terribly sorry


    What is the right response? 0 computer crashed! sorry to ear tat /


    9oo$bye s(mmer: *o-e o-er !loaty kimonos an$ seer ar$igans an$ say ello to tis season'so!!erings o! sn(ggly yet stylis winter oats. Winter oats a-e always been one o! te seasons big stylein-estments" an$ tis years as been no ee%tion. Tey a-e ma$e a omebak on te atwalk in a-ariety o! $i!!erent styles ; !rom mai lengt to rain mas" wooly" leater an$ water%roo!. Tere's %lentyo! %astel an$

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    .in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is$i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as tey

    emerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.

    What do people usuall do when the are underground?


    What do ou sa when somebod sas: Would ou li$e to 1oin us? ,(re / I'$ lo-e to / ,orry I an't BI'm(syC


    The word shower curtain is an ob1ect used in: atroom / ,ower room


    9oo$bye s(mmer: *o-e o-er !loaty kimonos an$ seer ar$igans an$ say ello to tis season'so!!erings o! sn(ggly yet stylis winter oats. Winter oats a-e always been one o! te seasons big stylein-estments" an$ tis years as been no ee%tion. Tey a-e ma$e a omebak on te atwalk in a-ariety o! $i!!erent styles ; !rom mai lengt to rain mas" wooly" leater an$ water%roo!. Tere's %lentyo! %astel an$

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    and a-oid -igorous exercise* exciting boo$s* tense films and heated arguments! &f ou li$e adar$ room* ma$e sure it is dar$! +et the temperature right and the bed comfortable and switchoff our phone!

    "ow will one feel in the morning if the don(t go to sleep at once?



    When & was ounger* m father ga-e me some ad-ice:

    Whene-er ou feel li$e critici,ing or 1udging anone* he said 1ust remember that all thepeople in this world ha-en(t had the ad-antages that ou(-e had!2o & don(t usuall critici,e 8 and as a result* people often confide in me and tell me their secrets!When & came bac$ from 9ew 'or$* howe-er* & had heard enough! & wanted no more pri-ate tripsinto the human heart! & had reached a point where & didn(t care!)xcept about +atsb! & scorn e-erthing he represented* but there was something gloriousabout the man himself! "e was so ali-e to the promises of life 8 so open and so romantic! "ehad an extraordinar gift for hope* an idealistic readiness such as & ha-e ne-er found in another person! 3nd which & am not li$el to find e-er again! 'es* +atsb was all right in the end! &twas the rotten societ that fed on him and his dreams that destroed* for a while* m interest inpeople(s little 1os and sorrows!

    What did +atsb ha-e?

    n etraor$inary gi!t !or o%e" an

    I$ealisti rea$iness

    135. et time yo(re in a %(bli %lae" take a look aro(n$ yo(" an$ o(nt ow many %eo%le are (sing teir

    %ones. I an tell yo( now tat it is %robably more tan al!" weter yo(re on %(bli trans%ort" in a a!or sim%ly walking $own te street.Im not saying tat I am not an eam%le o! tis" b(t it always amaes me ow %eo%le an s%en$ som( time on teir %ones wito(t at(ally talking to anyone in %arti(lar. Wit te onstant (%gra$e o!tenology we an now $o %ratially anyting on a de-icewi an !it in te %alm o! o(r an$s. (tas it gone too !ar? Do we s%en$ too m( time on o(r mobiles an$ not eno(g time tal$ing to people.in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is$i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.

    8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as teyemerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.The word de-ice in the text refers to:

    *obile %ones


    When ou can(t sleep* two things can be guaranteed to upset ou! The first is being told to calmdown! 3nd the second is telling ourself that if ou don(t go to sleep at once* ou are going tofeel dreadful in the morning! But at 4 a!m! what are the options? +et up and wal$ around* sa the

    *ake yo( angry /(na%%y /$isa%%ointe$ / worrie$ /$ist(rb /

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    experts! #ead a boo$* listen to music* drin$ some mil$! 5nl when ou are sleep should ou gobac$ to bed* and if ou still can(t drop off* then get up again* as man times as ou need to! 3ndif this ling awa$e is getting to be a habit* then decide the next da on a plan of action!The most common ad-ice is to get into a routine! +oing to bed and getting up at the same timehelp the bod establish a pattern 6bodies li$e patterns7* and $eeping a record of our routine and

    noting down what it is that wa$es ou up and when* might help further! Winding down andpreparing for bedtime are also strongl ad-ised* 2tic$ to calming acti-ities such as warm baths*and a-oid -igorous exercise* exciting boo$s* tense films and heated arguments! &f ou li$e adar$ room* ma$e sure it is dar$! +et the temperature right and the bed comfortable and switchoff our phone!What does the word upset in the text mean?


    et time yo(re in a %(bli %lae" take a look aro(n$ yo(" an$ o(nt ow many %eo%le are (sing teir%ones. I an tell yo( now tat it is %robably more tan al!" weter yo(re on %(bli trans%ort" in a a!or sim%ly walking $own te street.Im not saying tat I am not an eam%le o! tis" b(t it always amaes me ow %eo%le an s%en$ som( time on teir %ones wito(t at(ally talking to anyone in %arti(lar. Wit te onstant (%gra$e o!tenology we an now $o %ratially anyting on a de-icewi an !it in te %alm o! o(r an$s. (tas it gone too !ar? Do we s%en$ too m( time on o(r mobiles an$ not eno(g time tal$ing to people

    .in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is$i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as teyemerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.

    "ow did the author tra-el?

    7n te t(be


    Complete the sentence expressing apolog: We are ______________________! Terribly sorry



    What is the right response? "ow(s our friend 3lice? ,e's !ine" tanks.

    ,e's not -ery well" I'm a!rai$.140

    .Complete the sentence: 2he couldn(t remember _______________ she lost her $e! Were / weter / i!


    Complete the sentence with the correct words The sell _________ in the pet shop! nimals

    142 Complete the sentence: 5nce &(d told him the truth* & ________________________! +e was -ery %lease$ /

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    . +e was a bit (%set


    Complete the sentence: 5nce &(d told him the truth* & ________________________! ;;;


    Complete the sentence: "e ______________________ of the office while the manager is awa! Is in arge o!


    Complete the sentence: This is the film ______________________________! I tol$ yo( abo(t


    Complete the sentence: What & lo-e about this countr is ______________________________! Its .... o(ntrysi$e / lakes/ mo(ntains


    Complete the question: _______ does this telephone belong ______? Wo... to


    Complete the sentence expressing habit: 2he _____________ to the par$ e-er 2aturda! B(s(allyC Walks / goes


    &n the sentence: 3nna is so childish! 2he(s alwas ha-ing temper tantrums* the wordchildish means that:

    ,e bea-es like a il$


    Complete the sentence: The meeting was boring* so he decided to____________! ,ki% / miss / not go / not atten$

    1 . Complete the sentence: 3 man is sitting on a bench* reading a newspaper and

    ________________ a sandwich!


    2 . What is the right response? The aren(t in a hurr! 2o please ______________________! Take yo(r time / a-e a seat / stay....

    3 . What is the right response? What a fantastic time we had last night It was awesome:::

    4 . What is the right response? & didn(t pass m dri-ing test! ,orry to ear tat / I'm terribly sorry

    5 . ;ela at the airport means: Te %lanes are not arri-ing / $e%arting asse$(le$

    6 . %inish the sentence: The holida this ear was a brilliant 3frican 2afari! &t was the greatest____________!

    $-ent(re / e%eriene

    # . Complete the sentence with the correct word: Tim is __________ with soap operas! "e spendshours watching T


    & . %ill the gap: The_______ of li-ing goes up and up! &t(ll ne-er go down! @ost

    ) . Complete the sentence with the correct word: The scientists are -er satisfied with the lastmedicine that shows a significant ___________ in the fight against cancer!

    Im%ro-ement / growt / ste%

    10 . Complete the sentence: & was watching T< ____________________! ...........

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    11 . Complete the sentence: 3lcohol is allowed onl for those who are _______________________! $(lts / o! age / not (n$er age

    12 . Complete the sentence: &f & hadn(t seen it with m own ees* &________________________________!

    Wo(l$n't a-e belie-e$ it

    13 . Complete the sentence expressing apolog: & am ______________________! Terribly sorry

    14 . What is the right response? 5h* not again! This computer 1ust ne-er wor$s! ............

    15 . What is the right response? & didn(t pass m dri-ing test! ...............%r.4:::

    16 . Complete the sentence expressing habit: 2he _____________ to the par$ e-er 2aturda! Walks / goes

    1# . ,eries 11 o! ,tritly @ome Daning is in its se-ent week. ,tritly is a @ Tele-ision %rogramme wiis broa$ast e-ery year be!ore @ristmas. It in-ol-es elebrities %artnering %ro!essional $aners wotea tem a $ane e-ery week. Te sow is li-e e-ery ,at(r$ay e-ening an$ te elebrities an$ teir%artners $ane in !ront o! !o(r

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    20 . What is the right response? The aren(t in a hurr! 2o please ______________________! ...............

    21 . When & came bac$ from 9ew 'or$* howe-er* & had heard enough! & wanted no more pri-ate tripsinto the human heart! & had reached a point where & didn(t care!)xcept about +atsb! & scorn e-erthing he represented* but there was something gloriousabout the man himself! "e was so ali-e to the promises of life 8 so open and so romantic! "e

    had an extraordinar gift for hope* an idealistic readiness such as & ha-e ne-er found in another person! 3nd which & am not li$el to find e-er again! 'es* +atsb was all right in the end! &twas the rotten societ that fed on him and his dreams that destroed* for a while* m interest inpeople(s little 1os and sorrows!

    3ccording to the text* what do people tell the author?

    Teir serets

    22 . et time yo(re in a %(bli %lae" take a look aro(n$ yo(" an$ o(nt ow many %eo%le are (sing teir%ones. I an tell yo( now tat it is %robably more tan al!" weter yo(re on %(bli trans%ort" in a a!or sim%ly walking $own te street.Im not saying tat I am not an eam%le o! tis" b(t it always amaes me ow %eo%le an s%en$ som( time on teir %ones wito(t at(ally talking to anyone in %arti(lar. Wit te onstant (%gra$e o!tenology we an now $o %ratially anyting on a de-icewi an !it in te %alm o! o(r an$s. (tas it gone too !ar? Do we s%en$ too m( time on o(r mobiles an$ not eno(g time tal$ing to people

    .in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is$i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as teyemerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.

    3ccording to the text* where are people using mobile phones?


    23 . ,eries 11 o! ,tritly @ome Daning is in its se-ent week. ,tritly is a @ Tele-ision %rogramme wiis broa$ast e-ery year be!ore @ristmas. It in-ol-es elebrities %artnering %ro!essional $aners wotea tem a $ane e-ery week. Te sow is li-e e-ery ,at(r$ay e-ening an$ te elebrities an$ teir

    %artners $ane in !ront o! !o(r

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    24 . When & was ounger* m father ga-e me some ad-ice:Whene-er ou feel li$e critici,ing or 1udging anone* he said 1ust remember that all thepeople in this world ha-en(t had the ad-antages that ou(-e had!2o & don(t usuall critici,e 8 and as a result* people often confide in me and tell me their secrets!When & came bac$ from 9ew 'or$* howe-er* & had heard enough! & wanted no more pri-ate tripsinto the human heart! & had reached a point where & didn(t care!

    )xcept about +atsb! & scorn e-erthing he represented* but there was something gloriousabout the man himself! "e was so ali-e to the promises of life 8 so open and so romantic! "ehad an extraordinar gift for hope* an idealistic readiness such as & ha-e ne-er found in another person! 3nd which & am not li$el to find e-er again! 'es* +atsb was all right in the end! &twas the rotten societ that fed on him and his dreams that destroed* for a while* m interest inpeople(s little 1os and sorrows!

    The word confide in the text means:

    Tr(st / sare serets

    25 . et time yo(re in a %(bli %lae" take a look aro(n$ yo(" an$ o(nt ow many %eo%le are (sing teir%ones. I an tell yo( now tat it is %robably more tan al!" weter yo(re on %(bli trans%ort" in a a!or sim%ly walking $own te street.Im not saying tat I am not an eam%le o! tis" b(t it always amaes me ow %eo%le an s%en$ som( time on teir %ones wito(t at(ally talking to anyone in %arti(lar. Wit te onstant (%gra$e o!

    tenology we an now $o %ratially anyting on a de-icewi an !it in te %alm o! o(r an$s. (tas it gone too !ar? Do we s%en$ too m( time on o(r mobiles an$ not eno(g time tal$ing to people.in real life(?or eam%le" I reently -isite$ on$on an$ tra-elle$ on te t(be wile I was tere. %art !rom te%eo%le aslee%" almost e-erybo$y else was on teir %ones" an$ bea(se o! te nat(re o! te t(be" it is$i!!i(lt not to see eatly wat tey are all $oing. 7! o(rse" being (n$ergro(n$ it is $i!!i(lt to get anysignal" wi r(les o(t teting or (sing te internet" b(t tere is still %lenty yo( an (se yo(r %ones !or.8eo%le were %laying games" rea$ing artiles an$ listening to m(si" an$ I am s(re tat as soon as teyemerge$ !rom te train station tey wo(l$ start teting or alling or eking teir emails. Tere is aonstant onnetion to e-eryone in te worl$" as long as yo( a-e a mobile %one in yo(r an$.

    "ow man people are using mobile phones in a public place?

    *ore tan al!

    26 . Which sentence shows a comparison of an ad-erb? ...........

    2# . 0 colleague is alwas lea-ing the office door unloc$ed! &t means that the action: Is a abit / is re%eate$ reg(larly

    2& . Complete the sentence: 2ue arri-ed on time* ______________________________!

    2) . Complete the sentence: B the time & am fift & ___________________ enough mone to retire! Will a-e

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    30 . Complete the sentence: 2ue(s mother as$ed her how she ___________________ her 1eans! o(gt / wases

    31 . Complete the sentence expressing habit: 2he _____________ to the par$ e-er 2aturda! ...............

    32 . Complete the sentence critici,ing our friend for ha-ing forgotten a friend(s birthda: 'ou_________________________ his birthda!

    ,o(l$n't a-e !orgotten

    33 . %inish the sentence: =ulie is not a -er _____________ person! 2he wore high>heeled shoes forour fi-e>mile wal$!


    34 . What is the right word for a famous person? @elebrity

    35 . Complete this sentence! Can ou gi-e me a ___________ of bread* please? ,lie / loa!

    36 . "e plaed so long that he bro$e two strings on: +is g(itar / -iolin

    3# . What would ou sa to this statement? & am desperate for a drin$! ..............

    3& . What is the right response? "ow(s our mother? ,e's !ine" tanks

    3) . What is the right response? & am fed up with the buses in this cit! The ne-er lea-e______________!

    7n time

    40 . What is the right response? What a fantastic time we had last night ..............

    41 . Complete the sentence expressing apolog: & am ______________________! ................

    42 . Complete the sentence: & wish & _________ run faster* but & don(t! @o(l$

    43 . Complete the sentence: 'ou are going to stud harder from now on*_____________________?

    ren't yo(?

    44 . Complete the sentence: &f ou-e finished our wor$* ________________________! Fo( an go ome

    45 . What is the right response? & li$e the latest fashion for spring! *e too:

    46 . Complete the sentence: 3 man in sitting on a bench* reading a newspaper and________________ a sandwich!


    4# . What is the right response to express disli$e? & li$e the latest fashion for spring! .................

    4& . What is the right response? The radiator isn(t wor$ing! .................

    4) . What is the right response? The aren(t in a hurr! 2o please ______________________! ..............

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    50 . What is the right response? The radiator isn(t wor$ing! ......................

    50 . What is the right response? The radiator isnt working. We should get someone to fix it

    51 . Complete the sentence: They ____________ arrived home by now. Should have / must have

    52 . Complete the sentence: o! are going to st!dy harder "rom now on# _____________________? Arent you

    53 . Complete the sentence: $ wish $ _________ %nglish "l!ently# b!t $ dont. Could sea! / so!e

    5" . To co!nt on somebody means: #ou $an trust him/her55 . &inish the sentence: 'e asked me to ____________beca!se nobody co!ld hear me. Sea! louder/u

    5% . Choose the correct answer. That was a _______________ dinner. &reat

    5' . Complete the sentence: (y "riend was homesick# and she ____________ all her "amily and "riends. Couldnt (e )ith

    5* . To get on "ine with somebody means: +ave a friendly relationshi )ith some(ody

    5, . ) b!tton has _______________ my shirt. -allen off

    %0 . Complete the sentence: They went to _______ seaside. See the

    %1 . &ood(ye summer ove over floaty !imonos and sheer $ardigans and say hello to this seasons offerings of

    snuggly yet stylish )inter $oats. Winter $oats have al)ays (een one of the seasons (ig style investments and this

    years has (een no ex$etion. 4hey have made a $ome(a$! on the $at)al! in a variety of different styles from

    maxi length to rain ma$s )ooly leather and )aterroof. 4heres lenty of astel and 6ust a hint of tartan (ut )hat

    style )ill you (e )earing7

    8versi9ed $oats stormedthe $at)al!s this season in a variety ofh!es and atterns. :veryone from the highendsu$h as i$hael ;ors and ul(erry to the high street )ere sending these $o$oon li!e $reations do)n the $at)al!.

    4hese $oats are defined (y their loose (oxy mas$uline stru$ture< ho)ever dont let the mas$ulinity of these $oats

    ut you off =y using a (elt at the )aist they $an also (e feminine and retty thus ma!ing them a truly versatile


    What does the word stormed in the te*t mean?


    %2 . Series 11 of Stri$tly Come >an$ing is in its seventh )ee!. Stri$tly is a ==C 4elevision rogramme )hi$h is

    (road$ast every year (efore Christmas. ?t involves $ele(rities artnering rofessional dan$ers )ho tea$h them a

    dan$e every )ee!. 4he sho) is live every Saturday evening and the $ele(rities and their artners dan$e in front of

    four 6udges a live audien$e as )ell as the u(li$ at home. 4he 6udges @en &oodman Craig evel +or)ood

    >ar$y =ussel and =runo 4onioli give feed(a$! and then s$ore the $ele(rities dan$es out of forty. 4he sho) is

    resented (y 4ess >aly and Sir =ru$e -orsyth. 4he u(li$ also vote for their favourite dan$ers (y hone and on

    Sunday evening a esults Sho) is sho)n )here t)o $oules dan$e again and the 6udges vote off the )orst dan$erof the t)o.

    When is the programme broadcast?

    :very )ee! (efore $hristmas

    %3 . Series 11 of Stri$tly Come >an$ing is in its seventh )ee!. Stri$tly is a ==C 4elevision rogramme )hi$h is(road$ast every year (efore Christmas. ?t involves $ele(rities artnering rofessional dan$ers )ho tea$h them a

    4he u(li$

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    dan$e every )ee!. 4he sho) is live every Saturday evening and the $ele(rities and their artners dan$e in front of

    four 6udges a live audien$e as )ell as the u(li$ at home. 4he 6udges @en &oodman Craig evel +or)ood

    >ar$y =ussel and =runo 4onioli give feed(a$! and then s$ore the $ele(rities dan$es out of forty. 4he sho) isresented (y 4ess >aly and Sir =ru$e -orsyth. 4he u(li$ also vote for their favourite dan$ers (y hone and on

    Sunday evening a esults Sho) is sho)n )here t)o $oules dan$e again and the 6udges vote off the )orst dan$er

    of the t)o.

    Who also votes "or their "avorite dancers?

    %" . When yo! cant sleep# two things can be g!aranteed to !pset yo!. The "irst is being told to calm down. )nd

    the second is telling yo!rsel" that i" yo! dont go to sleep at once# yo! are going to "eel dread"!l in the

    morning. +!t at , a.m. what are the options? -et !p and walk aro!nd# say the e*perts. ead a book# listen

    to m!sic# drink some milk. /nly when yo! are sleepy sho!ld yo! go back to bed# and i" yo! still cant drop

    o""# then get !p again# as many times as yo! need to. )nd i" this lying awake is getting to be a habit# then

    decide the ne*t day on a plan o" action.

    The most common advice is to get into a ro!tine. -oing to bed and getting !p at the same time help the

    body establish a pattern 0bodies like patterns1# and keeping a record o" yo!r ro!tine and noting down what

    it is that wakes yo! !p and when# might help "!rther. Winding down and preparing "or bedtime are also

    strongly advised# 2tick to calming activities s!ch as warm baths# and avoid vigoro!s e*ercise# e*citingbooks# tense "ilms and heated arg!ments. $" yo! like a dark room# make s!re it is dark. -et the temperat!re

    right and the bed com"ortable and switch o"" yo!r phone.

    )ccording to the te*t# what are the calming activities?

    &et u and )al! around read a (oo! listen to musi$ or

    drin! some mil! warm baths#

    %5 . What is the right response? What a "antastic time we had last night3 ?t )as a)esome

    %% . Which o" the "ollowing verbs is a phrasal verb? low (%" break (%" break inG%' . Complete the sentence: /!r ho!se ______________ in the 45thcent!ry. Was (uilt

    %* . Complete the sentence: $ was watching T6 ____________________. =efore ? )ent to (ed

    %, . Which is the correct negative "orm o" the sentence? We had to wear a !ni"orm at school. We dont have to )ear uniform at s$hool

    '0 . Complete the sentence to e*press contradicting sit!ation: ___________________ "eeling ill# she went to



    '1 . Complete the sentence to e*press intention: 'e went to -ermany ________________ to learn thelang!age. in order to

    '2 . Contaminated means: To make im%(re or (nlean by ontat or mit(re'3 . &inish the sentence: Their relationship didnt last. They____________. =ro!e u

    '" . Complete the sentence with the correct option: (om told !s to "asten o!r ______________ when we were

    leaving "or $taly.


    '5 . Complete the sentence with the correct word. /prah show is very pop!lar T6 _______ program beca!se Sho)/ tal! sho)

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    people reveal secrets abo!t their personal lives.

    '% . What wo!ld yo! say to this statement? $ am desperate "or a drink. ?m very thirsty

    @ets get a drin!

    '' . Complete the sentence: The boy ________ moved in ne*t door is "rom another co!ntry. 4hat / )ho

    '* . Complete the sentence: This time ne*t week ______________________________. ? )ill !no) my grades

    ', . What is the right response? /h# not again. This comp!ter 7!st never works. ay(e its (ro!en.

    *0 . Complete the sentence e*pressing habit: They _____________ stay !p all night when they had no 7ob. used to*1 . Complete the response: o! m!st _________________________ "or yo!r actions. 4a!e resonsi(ility

    *2 . Bext time youre in a u(li$ la$e ta!e a loo! around you and $ount ho) many eole are using their hones. ?$an tell you no) that it is ro(a(ly more than half )hether youre on u(li$ transort in a $af or simly )al!ing

    do)n the street.

    ?m not saying that ? am not an examle of this (ut it al)ays ama9es me ho) eole $an send so mu$h time on

    their hones )ithout a$tually tal!ing to anyone in arti$ular. With the $onstant ugrade of te$hnology )e $an no)

    do ra$ti$ally anything on a device)hi$h $an fit in the alm of our hands. =ut has it gone too far7 >o )e send

    too mu$h time on our mo(iles and not enough time talking to people 8in real li"e7-or examle ? re$ently visited @ondon and travelled on the tu(e )hile ? )as there. Aart from the eole aslee

    almost every(ody else )as on their hones and (e$ause of the nature of the tu(e it is diffi$ult not to see exa$tly)hat they are all doing. 8f $ourse (eing underground it is diffi$ult to get any signal )hi$h rules out texting or

    using the internet (ut there is still lenty you $an use your hones for. Deole )ere laying games reading

    arti$les and listening to musi$ and ? am sure that as soon as they emerged from the train station they )ould starttexting or $alling or $he$!ing their emails. 4here is a $onstant $onne$tion to everyone in the )orld as long as you

    have a mo(ile hone in your hand.

    What does talking to people in real li"e mean?

    4o see )hat !ind of eole they are. 4heir loo!s theirexressions et$.

    4o tal! to eole in erson

    *3 . When yo! cant sleep# two things can be g!aranteed to !pset yo!. The "irst is being told to calm down. )nd

    the second is telling yo!rsel" that i" yo! dont go to sleep at once# yo! are going to "eel dread"!l in the

    morning. +!t at , a.m. what are the options? -et !p and walk aro!nd# say the e*perts. ead a book# listen

    to m!sic# drink some milk. /nly when yo! are sleepy sho!ld yo! go back to bed# and i" yo! still cant drop

    o""# then get !p again# as many times as yo! need to. )nd i" this lying awake is getting to be a habit# then

    decide the ne*t day on a plan o" action.

    The most common advice is to get into a ro!tine. -oing to bed and getting !p at the same time help thebody establish a pattern 0bodies like patterns1# and keeping a record o" yo!r ro!tine and noting down what

    it is that wakes yo! !p and when# might help "!rther. Winding down and preparing "or bedtime are also

    strongly advised# 2tick to calming activities s!ch as warm baths# and avoid vigoro!s e*ercise# e*citing

    books# tense "ilms and heated arg!ments. $" yo! like a dark room# make s!re it is dark. -et the temperat!re

    right and the bed com"ortable and switch o"" yo!r phone.

    &et u and )al! around

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    )ccording to the te*t# when yo! cant sleep# e*perts recommend:

    *" . When yo! cant sleep# two things can be g!aranteed to !pset yo!. The "irst is being told to calm down. )nd

    the second is telling yo!rsel" that i" yo! dont go to sleep at once# yo! are going to "eel dread"!l in the

    morning. +!t at , a.m. what are the options? -et !p and walk aro!nd# say the e*perts. ead a book# listen

    to m!sic# drink some milk. /nly when yo! are sleepy sho!ld yo! go back to bed# and i" yo! still cant drop

    o""# then get !p again# as many times as yo! need to. )nd i" this lying awake is getting to be a habit# then

    decide the ne*t day on a plan o" action.

    The most common advice is to get into a ro!tine. -oing to bed and getting !p at the same time help the

    body establish a pattern 0bodies like patterns1# and keeping a record o" yo!r ro!tine and noting down what

    it is that wakes yo! !p and when# might help "!rther. Winding down and preparing "or bedtime are also

    strongly advised# 2tick to calming activities s!ch as warm baths# and avoid vigoro!s e*ercise# e*citing

    books# tense "ilms and heated arg!ments. $" yo! like a dark room# make s!re it is dark. -et the temperat!re

    right and the bed com"ortable and switch o"" yo!r phone.

    When sho!ld one decide on a plan o" action?

    When they $ant slee / )hen lying a)a!e is getting to

    (e a ha(it

    *5 . When $ was yo!nger# my "ather gave me some advice:

    Whenever yo! "eel like critici9ing or 7!dging anyone# he said 7!st remember that all the people in this

    world havent had the advantages that yo!ve had.

    2o $ dont !s!ally critici9e and as a res!lt# people o"ten con"ide in me and tell me their secrets.When $ came back "rom ;ew ork# however# $ had heard eno!gh. $ wanted no more private trips into the

    h!man heart. $ had reached a point where $ didnt care.

    %*cept abo!t -atsby. $ scorn everything he represented# b!t there was something glorio!s abo!t the man

    himsel". 'e was so alive to the promises o" li"e so open and so romantic. 'e had an e*traordinary gi"t "or

    hope# an idealistic readiness s!ch as $ have never "o!nd in any other person. )nd which $ am not likely to

    "ind ever again. es# -atsby was all right in the end. $t was the rotten society that "ed on him and his

    dreams that destroyed# "or a while# my interest in peoples little 7oys and sorrows.

    )ccording to the te*t# all the people in this world __________________.

    +avent had the advantages that youve had

    >ont have the same advantages/ $ir$umstan$es

    *% . When $ was yo!nger# my "ather gave me some advice:

    Whenever yo! "eel like critici9ing or 7!dging anyone# he said 7!st remember that all the people in this

    world havent had the advantages that yo!ve had.

    2o $ dont !s!ally critici9e and as a res!lt# people o"ten con"ide in me and tell me their secrets.

    When $ came back "rom ;ew ork# however# $ had heard eno!gh. $ wanted no more private trips into the

    h!man heart. $ had reached a point where $ didnt care.

    %*cept abo!t -atsby. $ scorn everything he represented# b!t there was something glorio!s abo!t the man

    himsel". 'e was so alive to the promises o" li"e so open and so romantic. 'e had an e*traordinary gi"t "or

    hope# an idealistic readiness s!ch as $ have never "o!nd in any other person. )nd which $ am not likely to

    >oesnt $riti$i9e

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    "ind ever again. es# -atsby was all right in the end. $t was the rotten society that "ed on him and his

    dreams that destroyed# "or a while# my interest in peoples little 7oys and sorrows.

    )ccording to the te*t# the a!thor !s!ally _____________.

    *' . Series 11 of Stri$tly Come >an$ing is in its seventh )ee!. Stri$tly is a ==C 4elevision rogramme )hi$h is

    (road$ast every year (efore Christmas. ?t involves $ele(rities artnering rofessional dan$ers )ho tea$h them adan$e every )ee!. 4he sho) is live every Saturday evening and the $ele(rities and their artners dan$e in front of

    four 6udges a live audien$e as )ell as the u(li$ at home. 4he 6udges @en &oodman Craig evel +or)ood>ar$y =ussel and =runo 4onioli give feed(a$! and then s$ore the $ele(rities dan$es out of forty. 4he sho) is

    resented (y 4ess >aly and Sir =ru$e -orsyth. 4he u(li$ also vote for their favourite dan$ers (y hone and on

    Sunday evening a esults Sho) is sho)n )here t)o $oules dan$e again and the 6udges vote off the )orst dan$er

    of the t)o.

    'ow did the p!blic vote?

    =y hone

    ** . Bext time youre in a u(li$ la$e ta!e a loo! around you and $ount ho) many eole are using their hones. ?

    $an tell you no) that it is ro(a(ly more than half )hether youre on u(li$ transort in a $af or simly )al!ing

    do)n the street.

    ?m not saying that ? am not an examle of this (ut it al)ays ama9es me ho) eole $an send so mu$h time ontheir hones )ithout a$tually tal!ing to anyone in arti$ular. With the $onstant ugrade of te$hnology )e $an no)do ra$ti$ally anything on a device)hi$h $an fit in the alm of our hands. =ut has it gone too far7 >o )e send

    too mu$h time on our mo(iles and not enough time talking to people 8in real li"e7

    -or examle ? re$ently visited @ondon and travelled on the tu(e )hile ? )as there. Aart from the eole aslee

    almost every(ody else )as on their hones and (e$ause of the nature of the tu(e it is diffi$ult not to see exa$tly

    )hat they are all doing. 8f $ourse (eing underground it is diffi$ult to get any signal )hi$h rules out texting or

    using the internet (ut there is still lenty you $an use your hones for. Deole )ere laying games readingarti$les and listening to musi$ and ? am sure that as soon as they emerged from the train station they )ould start

    texting or $alling or $he$!ing their emails. 4here is a $onstant $onne$tion to everyone in the )orld as long as youhave a mo(ile hone in your hand.

    What did the a!thor visit?

    +e visited @ondon and travelled on the tu(e

    *, . Bext time youre in a u(li$ la$e ta!e a loo! around you and $ount ho) many eole are using their hones. ?$an tell you no) that it is ro(a(ly more than half )hether youre on u(li$ transort in a $af or simly )al!ing

    do)n the street.

    ?m not saying that ? am not an examle of this (ut it al)ays ama9es me ho) eole $an send so mu$h time on

    their hones )ithout a$tually tal!ing to anyone in arti$ular. With the $onstant ugrade of te$hnology )e $an no)

    do ra$ti$ally anything on a device)hi$h $an fit in the alm of our hands. =ut has it gone too far7 >o )e send

    :veryone in the )orld

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    too mu$h time on our mo(iles and not enough time talking to people 8in real li"e7

    -or examle ? re$ently visited @ondon and travelled on the tu(e )hile ? )as there. Aart from the eole aslee

    almost every(ody else )as on their hones and (e$ause of the nature of the tu(e it is diffi$ult not to see exa$tly)hat they are all doing. 8f $ourse (eing underground it is diffi$ult to get any signal )hi$h rules out texting or

    using the internet (ut there is still lenty you $an use your hones for. Deole )ere laying games reading

    arti$les and listening to musi$ and ? am sure that as soon as they emerged from the train station they )ould start

    texting or $alling or $he$!ing their emails. 4here is a $onstant $onne$tion to everyone in the )orld as long as youhave a mo(ile hone in your hand

    )ccording to the te*t# who can yo! contact when yo! have a mobile phone in yo!r hand?

    ,0 . Series 11 of Stri$tly Come >an$ing is in its seventh )ee!. Stri$tly is a ==C 4elevision rogramme )hi$h is

    (road$ast every year (efore Christmas. ?t involves $ele(rities artnering rofessional dan$ers )ho tea$h them a

    dan$e every )ee!. 4he sho) is live every Saturday evening and the $ele(rities and their artners dan$e in front of

    four 6udges a live audien$e as )ell as the u(li$ at home. 4he 6udges @en &oodman Craig evel +or)ood

    >ar$y =ussel and =runo 4onioli give feed(a$! and then s$ore the $ele(rities dan$es out of forty. 4he sho) isresented (y 4ess >aly and Sir =ru$e -orsyth. 4he u(li$ also vote for their favourite dan$ers (y hone and on

    Sunday evening a esults Sho) is sho)n )here t)o $oules dan$e again and the 6udges vote off the )orst dan$er

    of the t)o.

    'ow long has it been on?

    Seven )ee!s / 11 years

    ,1 . &ood(ye summer ove over floaty !imonos and sheer $ardigans and say hello to this seasons offerings ofsnuggly yet stylish )inter $oats. Winter $oats have al)ays (een one of the seasons (ig style investments and this

    years has (een no ex$etion. 4hey have made a $ome(a$! on the $at)al! in a variety of different styles frommaxi length to rain ma$s )ooly leather and )aterroof. 4heres lenty of astel and 6ust a hint of tartan (ut )hat

    style )ill you (e )earing7

    8versi9ed $oats stormedthe $at)al!s this season in a variety ofh!es and atterns. :veryone from the highend

    su$h as i$hael ;ors and ul(erry to the high street )ere sending these $o$oon li!e $reations do)n the $at)al!.

    4hese $oats are defined (y their loose (oxy mas$uline stru$ture< ho)ever dont let the mas$ulinity of these $oats

    ut you off =y using a (elt at the )aist they $an also (e feminine and retty thus ma!ing them a truly versatileie$e

    What does the word versatile in the te*t mean?

    @angeable / able to adapt or be adapted to manydifferent functions or activities.

    ,2 . Bext time youre in a u(li$ la$e ta!e a loo! around you and $ount ho) many eole are using their hones. ?

    $an tell you no) that it is ro(a(ly more than half )hether youre on u(li$ transort in a $af or simly )al!ingdo)n the street.

    ?m not saying that ? am not an examle of this (ut it al)ays ama9es me ho) eole $an send so mu$h time on

    As soon as they emerge from the train station

  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


  • 8/13/2019 Angliski eksterno 1-150


    dan$e every )ee!. 4he sho) is live every Saturday evening and the $ele(rities and their artners dan$e in front of

    four 6udges a live audien$e as )ell as the u(li$ at home. 4he 6udges @en &oodman Craig evel +or)ood

    >ar$y =ussel and =runo 4onioli give feed(a$! and then s$ore the $ele(rities dan$es out of forty. 4he sho) isresented (y 4ess >aly and Sir =ru$e -orsyth. 4he u(li$ also vote for their favourite dan$ers (y hone and on

    Sunday evening a esults Sho) is sho)n )here t)o $oules dan$e again and the 6udges vote off the )orst dan$er

    of the t)o.

    When is the es!lts 2how shown?

    ,% . What does the sign

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