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Animal CommunicationLearn to Communicate with Animals

Created by Lori Ann SpagnaSent to you with Love

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 1

Animal CommunicationLearn to Communicate with Animals

Created by Lori Ann SpagnaSent to you with Love

© Copyright 2010 Lori Spagna, Animal Communication. All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise except as permitted under the 1976 United States Copyright Act without prior written permission of the publisher. Requests for permission should be emailed to Lori Spagna at [email protected]

FIRST ELECTRONIC EDITION, August 2010© Copyright 2010 Lori Spagna, www.efilsgod.com. all rights reserved.

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 2


I dedicate this eBook to all of you animal lovers who know and understand that the true secrets to love, happiness, peace and harmony can be found every time we stare into the eyes of our animals and are willing to surrender to their divine wisdom.

I also dedicate this book to Dakota and Kiko, who always remind me about all of the beautiful and wonderful things which life has to offer.

Above all though, I dedicate this book to my most amazing teacher and friend, Kenya, who taught me every one of the most important lessons in life, and who always pushed me to answer my own question of ‘Can Ya?’ with the answer ‘Yes, I can.’

I send this book to you all with love and gratitude, for all the good we can create with our love for, from and with the animals in our world.

Very best, green lights, love,

Lori Spagna, Canine Behavioral Expert, Professional Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer and Motivational Coach for the Spiritually Consciouswww.efilsgod.com - there's a god in every dog's life!www.efilsgodDogTraining.com - teaching what the dogs already know and are here to teach uswww.efilsgodSpirit.com - empowering people to tap into their true power via The Universal Source which exists in everyone to live their best lives ever!

866 388-5115

Learn to "Speak Wolf!" and The Universal Language of Love...

"In studying the traits and dispositions of the so-called lower animals, and contrasting them with man's, I find the result humiliating to me." -- Mark Twain

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 3

Table of Contents

How to Use this eBook.........................................................................................5Introduction .........................................................................................................6 What is Animal Communication and How Does It Work?...............................7Laying the Proper Foundation for Successful Communication....................10Necessary Elements to Effective Communication.........................................11Benefits of Animal Communication.................................................................13Understanding Energy and Vibration..............................................................14Energy and Animals...........................................................................................16Everything is Connected...................................................................................18Time and Space: Why Distance Communication Works..............................19Gifts from Animals..............................................................................................20Building Confidence..........................................................................................21The Procedure for Animal Communication....................................................24Calling in All Angles, Guides, Guardians and Light Beings...........................25Grounding Yourself............................................................................................26Grounding the Animal.......................................................................................28Making the Connection....................................................................................30Receiving Information.......................................................................................31Interpreting Signs, Signals, Messages...............................................................32Asking for Validation..........................................................................................33Sending Information..........................................................................................34Closing Down.....................................................................................................35Challenges and Obstacles to Overcome......................................................36Animals Who Have Passed On.........................................................................38Points To Remember .........................................................................................39How We Can Help the Animals........................................................................40About efil’s god..................................................................................................42About Lori Spagna ............................................................................................44

“When we approach animals with the awareness that they are our teachers, we become more present ourselves.” -- Unknown

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 4

How to Use this eBook

This eBook was designed as a guide to introduce you to the concepts of Animal Communication and provide with them the understanding of how Animal Communication works, as well as to demystify why it works by backing up the information herein with scientific and factual evidence.

It is intended to assist you in your process of learning to communicate with animals, and can be used in combination with any of my other training programs, which you can learn more about by visiting www.efilsgod.com and www.efilsgodSpirit.com.

Through regular and consistent study and practice, combined with the energy of love for being of service you put into your practice, you too can connect and communicate with living beings everywhere.

"There are four questions of value in life... What is sacred? Of what is the spirit made? What is worth living for, and what is worth dying for? The answer to each is the same. Only love." -- Johnnie Depp as "Don Juan deMarco"

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 5


Before we begin, it is important for me to express that the writing and teaching in this eBook are the culmination of my lifetime of study and practice and countless other lifetimes of my learning and experience, as well as the learning and experience from so many others who have shared their information and teachings with me.

If you are new to the practice of Animal Communication, I welcome you to an entire new world. If you are experienced at Animal Communication and are looking to improve your skill sets, namaste.

At the time of this writing, I believe that we are in the peak of the information age, so I support and encourage you to explore your own truths -- we are all creators of our own beliefs, experiences and truths, so please, if something in this book does not resonate as true for you, continue to search for your own truths. May you find new and undiscovered information in the process, and may that information assist others along their journey.

In the meantime, as you read this ebook, know that you are embarking on your own journey; a spiritual path to connecting with your core essence which is also connected to every other living being who exists everywhere and anywhere. It is this knowing which will allow you to step onto the threshold and connect to the animals and all of life.

"I strive to be as good a person as my dog thinks I am." -- Unknown

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 6

What is Animal Communication and How Does It Work?

When we humans think of animal communication, we usually think of it in terms of what we can see and/or hear with our physical senses -- our eyes, our noses, our mouths, our hands and our ears....animal communication is actually communicating not so much by using the physical senses, but more by using all kinds of other senses, which we might access telepathically.

This usually means that we can get clues, signs, symbols and/or signals from an animal, and we have to interpret those clues, signs symbols and signals, and then translate them into English (or another human language) so we humans can understand them, and then, translate them back to the animals, so they can understand what we humans want them to know and understand.  

The clues, signs, symbols and signals can come to us in the form of a visual clue that we see in our mind, an auditory clue which we hear in our mind, a physical sensation which we feel with our body or perhaps smell with our mind, or even something that we just know, without any doubt, to be correct (sometimes we call this a gut instinct, but really it is more of a divine knowing).

While this may seem bizarre to many humans, it is actually very real, and, I believe it to be the future of dog training.

Telepathic communication with animals is something everyone and anyone can do, although being very effective at it does require some training and practice, especially so that humans can become more and more confident in our skill sets.

The way I was trained to practice Animal Communication is via a Theta brainwave, which we all have, in addition to using certain glands: my pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, which we also all have.

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 7

Modern, Western science confirms that we do have a Theta brainwave, which is a Universal brainwave that anyone can access.  Modern science also confirms that our pituitary, pineal and hypothalamus glands, which are additional methods used for telepathic communication, are fully awakened and activated at birth, but they slowly begin to atrophy or shrink in early adulthood.  Part of the practice is to re-awaken these glands, and to build them up, just as one would do with a muscle in the body.

BTW: If you really think about it, we are also animals, and so it makes sense that even humans can (and do) communicate telepathically, we just have to develop and practice these skill sets; this is what psychic communication is, it's just that unfortunately, psychic communication has gotten a bad rap over the years.  Nonetheless, it is also very real and legitimate when practiced by a qualified and authentic practitioner.

Here are some other key points which will assist people in understanding animal communication:

•I call Animal Communication a Universal Language of Love, which every living being can learn to communicate, no matter what their breed, age, nationality, race, creed, religion or species.•Even plants, which are also living beings, can and do communicate.•Animal Communication is generally also known as telepathic communication, because when used correctly, it is also a brain to brain and/or heart to heart communication between the souls of the living beings involved in the communication.•Animal Communication is a method of relaying information in a two-way dialogue.•When we use Animal Communication, we are generally using what’s called, our 6th Sense, or senses outside of our five physical senses. These senses are often referred to as: •Clairvoyance, which is seeing with our mind’s eye •Clairaudience, which is hearing with our mind’s ear •Clairsentience, which is feeling with our bodies, including our sense of smell •Clairecognizance, which is knowing something, even though we may not have learned it in the traditional sense of learning

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 8

•We all have the ability to access and develop these skills in the same way that anyone can build any muscle in their body.•Effective Animal Communication, as well as any type of telepathic communication, requires respect for all living beings and their free will, as well as an acknowledgement of the inherent intelligence, awareness and divine nature in every living being.

"Aerodynamically, the bumble bee shouldn't be able to fly, but the bumble bee doesn't know it and goes on flying anyway." -- Mary Kay Ash

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 9

Laying the Proper Foundation for Effective Communication

Before anyone can communicate with animals, we must first learn some of the basic tenants regarding respect for all living beings, no matter who that living being is or what kind of living being it is.

Every living being, no matter what their breed, age, sex, denomination, race, creed, religion, species or origin has a soul or a spirit who lives within their physical body, and because of that, each of us has our own free will.

No one, no matter what, has the right to override another living being’s free will. No matter what. Before any kind of telepathic communication can happen, we must first understand and honor this most basic tenant, because free will reigns supreme. No gift of Animal Communication will be kept if it is not honored and respected (indeed, this is a Universal Law which applies to all areas of life).

Honoring free will means we cannot force our desires to communicate on any other living beings. We will discuss ‘honoring and respecting’ later in this book.

There are other requirements for being an effective Animal Communicator which may seem very basic, but they do require mention. These include:

•Being open minded•Having an open heart and the ability to be compassionate•Setting a clear intention to communicate effectively and accurately•Developing trust in your own self and in the messages you receive•Being able to sit quietly to send and receive messages•Being able to set aside personal beliefs, ideologies and ego desires

"We can escape the prison of our own beliefs and enter the Palace of Possibilities when we allow ourselves to be astonished by everything." -- Dr. Gary Craig

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 10

The Necessary Elements for Effective Communication

Once we understand what is required to set the proper foundation, certain other related elements must also be present. When we are able to do this effectively, the animals literally understand that they are safe and the communication sessions take on a graceful ease and flow, which in turn makes the animals more comfortable with us and us more comfortable with them. As a result, a willingness of everyone involved to open up and freely share is fostered.

The other related elements required for effective Animal Communication include:

Love•This may seem obvious, but when you really think about it, love can be very undefinable. It is important to realize that love is not only a feeling, but it is also a behavior; a way of acting/behaving before, during and after the reading.•Communicators must practice the behavior of love by literally feeling their emotions through their heart and connecting those emotions with brain, which provides the labels/words we need to identify those emotions.•Other emotions associated with love are kindness, compassion, empathy.

Mutual Trust•Trusting one another during the process is paramount. In order for that trust to exist, the Animal Communicator must come from a place of honesty and integrity.•The animals must feel safe and secure with us to open up to us, and they are so connected that they can literally feel the love as well as the honesty and the integrity.•Trust also involves trusting our own selves and the information we receive.•We also must also trust the animal we are communicating with to provide us the correct information that we need to help them or to hear their desires.

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 11

Clear Intention•Setting a clear intention before the reading is extremely important. It requires the animal communicator to step aside from his or her ego and be a channel for information to flow and a translator of that information, much in the way an effective scientist must remove his or her own desires from a scientific test’s outcome or results. •Always intend to receive and translate the truth as best as you are able and trust that we receive the truth.•Set the intention to connect with the animals at a higher level, and open the direct, two-way channel to them.•Have a purpose or goal for our communication, for example, you may want to ask specific questions.

"There are two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle." -- Albert Einstein

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 12

Benefits of Animal Communication

There are many obvious benefits to Animal Communication. Some of which include:

•The practice of Animal Communication is relaxing and soothing and calming for everyone involved, and generally leads to improved health and well being.•Animal Communication, by its very nature allows us to be more in touch with all life and all creatures. It also helps us to become better partners with our pets.•Opens our receptivity to new, interesting and exciting information from other living beings who have different, but equally valuable information and experiences to share with us.•It can assist in health related issues (although it does not remove the need for proper health care and medical attention).•It can assist in making our pets happier by meeting certain needs and desires which they have that we might not be aware of.•It escalates and enhances the incredible, sacred human and animal bond which we already share.

In addition, there are also many not so obvious benefits as well:

•It can be done with all life forms, for example, those pesky little critters eating your garden vegetables or the spider who thinks your bedroom ceiling is the perfect place for her web, or even those wasps who have created a home just outside of your home. Can you imagine how wonderful it would be to just ask them to relocate and then watch it happen?•As we recognize and relate to animals as divine, spiritual beings, our life experience opens up to new learning and understanding, and new, previously unexplored truths.•Practicing Animal Communication enables us to understand and see all life forms as valuable and worthy, including ourselves.•In my experience, we generally learn to love, accept and appreciate ourselves, our lives and one another more, which is always a good thing for everyone on the entire planet.

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.”  -- Dr. Seuss

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 13

Understanding Energy and Vibration

As an Animal Communicator, and indeed, in general, it is important to understand that everything is energy and beyond that, all energy is vibration. This is a very high level concept. We are energy and the energy that makes up our bodies has a vibration and a frequency to it.

In a nutshell, every body (human, animal and plant) is made up of cells and molecules and between all of those is a bunch of space, and between all of that space is more space, and so on. There really is nothing solid in this world -- everything is a bunch of moving particles which can never really be broken down to anything other than empty space.

This empty space appears to be real, but in point of fact, is just a lot of moving energy, and beyond that, the energy is simply moving around at different vibrational rates or speeds.

This may be easy to understand when we think of humans and animals and perhaps even objects. However, even thoughts, emotions, beliefs and feelings have energy. For example, there is an energy to the thought of love, and there is another, different energy to the thought of fear. This is easy enough for you to test simply by thinking about something you love, and how great that makes you feel and then comparing that to thinking about something you fear or dislike, and then feeling how unhappy that makes you feel.

Animals experience energy in the same way, but because they don’t have the complicated left brains that we humans do (indeed, humans have the most complicated left brains of all living beings on our planet), they can actually process the energy faster and more effectively than we humans can because it does not have to get processed though the complicated left brain of a human.

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 14

Here are some of the key points to understand about energy:

•In addition to all living beings, objects, emotions, thoughts and beliefs are energy, and have a measurable energetic frequency at which they are vibrating.•When the energy and the associated vibration is at a high frequency, the result is always going to be something which we humans perceive as good, for example, health, happiness, joy, bliss, strength, abundance, prosperity, peace and harmony, etc.•Conversely, when the energy and the associated vibration is at a low frequency, this will result in lower vibrating or unpleasant experiences, such as disease, disharmony, unhappiness, sadness, weakness, scarcity, stress, anxiety, fear, worry, doubt, etc.•Understand that our true power as communicators and indeed, as living beings, is to always resonate, as much as possible, with the higher frequency energy vibrations by focusing on those as much as possible.•Be aware that what you pay attention to, you do get more of. This is a indisputable Law of the Universe, so if you want more good in your life, you must pay attention to (and be grateful for) the good that you already have. For more information about The Laws of the Universe you can visit my web sites www.efilsgod.com and www.efilsgodSpirit.com.

“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heel that has crushed it....” -- Mark Twain

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 15

Energy and Animals

Because of their dominant right brains, animals are very sensitive to all energies including thoughts, intentions, emotions, and feelings. They have not been programmed by a constant barrage of incoming information in the same way that we humans have, so they are extremely good at knowing things more acutely, faster and with better precision than us humans are.

As an outstanding Animal Communicator, you will:

•Develop a keen awareness of your personal physical, mental and emotional energy, including your thoughts and how animals pick up on the energetic vibrations of those thoughts.•Be present in the moment, calm and aware, relaxed, quiet, attentive and grounded; ideally, the environment where you do the communication will also have this kind of energy.•Understand that frantic, chaotic, angry, stressful, rushed, frenzied, forceful, pushy energy, no matter how subtle, can and does affect the animals in the same way (and usually even greater) than it affects us.•Know that your energy will always match your intention and must be clear so that you will be able to receive and send clear communication.

Also extremely important is to understand that animals absorb energy. They innately pick up energy and try to heal or diffuse everything that is going on around them, including whatever is going on in our lives. This is part of their genetic make up, their natural survival instincts and their spiritual purpose on the planet. In fact, many animals understand this practice to be part of their purpose for being with us.

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 16

Understanding this concept and knowing that they love us so much and we love them so much makes it easier for us to realize that we must work to clear up our own energy fields.

Here are some other points relevant to helping ourselves and our animals with respect to energy:

•Realize that animals know when our emotions are in turmoil, as well as when our actions and emotions do not match. This can confuse them and add stress to their lives in the same way it adds stress to our lives.•Understand that animals take on (or diffuse) our stresses and even our illnesses to help us heal, so if we love our animals, it behooves us to heal ourselves.•Observe how animals always intuitively know when major things are happening, for example a relocation, job change, visit to the vet, a vacation, a divorce, etc. They need tender loving care and support through these times as well.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched; they must be felt with the heart." -- Helen Keller

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 17

Everything is Connected

At the highest levels of enlightenment, we are all one. Quantum mechanics/quantum science now knows this and confirms this.Everything in this world is connected, and time and space as we understand it are not real, in fact, they don’t even exist.

This may be a brand new way of understanding things, but it is and has been confirmed by modern Western science. Even our experience of linear time is not real. As quantum science explains it, we exist in a hologram. Popular (although not mainstream) movies such as ‘The Secret’ and ‘What the Bleep, Down the Rabbit Hole’ are making this information more and more accessible to the masses. It is even available in many sci-fi movies, such as ‘The Matrix’.

Given this information, we can know, beyond any doubt, the following:

•We are one with each other and there is no real difference between any of us, except the belief that we are separate, and while we are all unique expressions of the Creator, we are, essentially, one with the creator, because we know that time and space are not real and there is no-where else other than right here, right now.•Our planet and all of its inhabitants are part of the Creator and are therefore important and valuable, since the Creator created them. It is also therefore obvious that we are all worthy and equally deserving.•There is an all knowing force, source, energy field, which creates our collective consciousness, and we are all a part of it, and via the tools of Animal Communication and other intuitive communication, we can all tap into that force, source, energy field, for answers at any time.•Since we are all one, and since everything is connected, anything we do to or for others we also do to or for ourselves, and based on The Universal Law of Attraction, whatever we send out does come back to us, so we may as well send out good and enjoyable things.

“No longer is it enough to live your life the way others tell you to.  It's time to live ‘on purpose’ -- choosing what lights you up, envisioning the life you want to have, and using the Universal Laws to create it in your physical reality.” -- Unknown

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 18

Time and Space: Why Distance Communication Works

In light of the information above, it makes sense that distance communication works and is just as effective, and sometimes even more effective, due to no distractions being present, than face to face, in person communication.

Additional explanations for this are as follow:

•Practicing Animal Communication via distance usually requires a photo of the pet, ideally one where we can view the pet’s eyes. This is also what we use for a pet who has passed on. This will be discussed in more detail later in this eBook. •Practicing Animal Communication via distance is sometimes more effective because there are fewer or no physical or energetic distractions.•The animals don’t have to do anything in particular during the communication, in fact, they can be doing whatever it is they usually do.•On some occasions, but not always, the pet parent or guardian may notice a subtle difference in the animal during or after a communication.•Results are often instantaneous, but can continue to take effect over a period of weeks; it is important to remember that the physical world moves slower than the spirit world or energy field of source. Many times, something new is in place and the physical world has to catch up in terms of timing.•A huge part of the results lie in knowing and trusting that it is so, and then looking for the evidence that it is so, rather than looking for evidence that it is not so.

"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." -- Carl Sagan

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 19

Gifts from Animals

Whether people realize it or not, the animals of this planet are actually here healing us humans. They take on all of our emotional and physical pains and they actually teach us about ourselves. It’s a good thing to realize this when practicing because invariably, as we work it into our consciousness, it leaks out to the rest of the humans and becomes part of their consciousness as well.

As an Animal Communicator, one of the best things you can do is to realize and share the gifts from the animals is to cultivate a sense of gratitude and connected-ness to all living beings on the planet. A great exercise for you to do is to write down all of the ways you can think of that as many animals as you can think of have served and continue to serve our planet and all life on our planet. As you generate this list, you will develop a tremendous sense of gratitude toward the all animals, and with that sense of gratitude, you will become more and more connected to the animals, and therefore, a better animal communicator.

Some of the obvious ways that animals are of service to humans include:

•They provide unconditional, non judgmental love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness of us and others.•They allow us to be our true, authentic selves.•They teach us how to live in the moment.•They allow us to develop of our psychic/intuitive abilities.•They have also allowed us to develop our scientific, medical and governmental systems through their service to us; in fact, they have given their lives to support our causes.•They supply us with food in the food chain.•They offer us their surrender and their trust.•They support the ecosystems which allow the Earth to strive and survive.•They teach us how to be grateful for all that we have.•They assist us in our own spiritual journeys and personal awakening.

“In a wonderful and inexpressible way, God is created in his creatures.” -- Scotus Erigena

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 20

Building Confidence

One of the challenging parts about being an effective animal communicator is creating confidence in our skill sets, which are based on natural gifts we have. We must also develop confidence in our use of these gifts.

Without question, the absolute best way to build confidence is to volunteer! Yes! Volunteer your services to friends, family members and pet lovers everywhere and anywhere and develop your skill sets with people who know that you are learning. Whenever we give our services for fun and for free, purely out of love of doing that service, our skill sets get stronger.

When I first realized that I wanted to add Animal Communication to my professional repertoire (indeed, I had already been practicing animal communication informally for most of my life), I began offering my services to anyone and everyone, free of charge, just for the experience and the joy of doing it.

Here are some of my favorite personal experiences:

•While volunteering on a farm in Maui, I stopped and chatted with a pig. I distinctly heard him in my head, and we began carrying out a very pleasant conversation. I knew it was not me putting those voices and responses in my mind because they were simply coming into my mind too quickly for me to generate them myself. At one point in the conversation, I felt my mind wander, and I noticed my own thought, which said: “I can’t believe people eat these amazing animals.” At that point, the pig immediately darted in the other direction and said, “That’s it. I’m done with you.” I didn’t realize that he could still hear my thoughts, and even though I sincerely apologized, at that point, it was too late; I had lost his trust. He did leave me with one last comment. He said, “Take this lesson and use it.” ;)

•Once at a cafe in Paia, Hawaii, I connected with a flock of birds who wanted to be fed. I asked them to come to the table and join me for some of my sandwich. I allowed them to sense and feel my safety and to know that I was (and am) a practicing vegetarian and would not harm them in any way.

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While they were quite resistant and hesitant at first, within a few moments, there were as many as ten or more birds, taking turns at my table, eating the bread directly from my hand and from my fingertips, and enjoying our relationship. Within a few moments after that, I had a circle of tourists watching the entire interaction in disbelief.

•While living in Maui, Hawaii, I was assisting a horse parent who was living in Oahu, Hawaii. The horse parent and I had never met, and I had never met the horse. I only had a photo of the horse and the horse’s name; I had no other information. As I worked with the photo, I kept hearing the words, “Look below the knee.” I had no idea what this meant. I also kept hearing the words, “I’m stumped.”

I figured that was my voice in my head, because I really felt stumped (blocked) over this. Finally, I called the horse parent and explained. She told me that the horse had its lower leg amputated after an accident and they were trying to determine if they should euthanize the horse. Amazing eh?

After that, I did a second communication with the horse, now armed with additional information. This time, I knew that the horse was saying she wanted to live and that she wanted all the people who were supporting euthanasia to leave so she could get well. She also wanted more carrots!

After the communication, I relayed the information to the horse parent, who listened well to my feedback and purchased the horse a customized prosthetic device as well as lots of physical therapy. The horse is now alive and well and happily living in a lovely pasture!

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Here are some other key factors associated with creating confidence in our skill sets:

•Inner confidence has a lot to do with the knowing that any gift and skill we use requires a spiritual discipline of knowing within ourselves that what we are doing is real and legitimate.•Look to align yourself with others who are also learning and practicing these gifts, so that you can provide and receive feedback to one another.•Develop your dedication to being an outstanding animal communicator and a willingness to do the work, and know that The Universe always responds to every request with the answer yes.•Practice quieting your mind by meditating, sitting in nature, chanting or other similar practices.•Cultivate a process of getting in touch with yourself from the inside, by truly knowing yourself and being able to take full and complete responsibility for every situation and experience in your life, no matter what. This is part of the path of the true spiritual warrior; ultimately, in order to be a clear channel of communication, we must first clear ourselves out of the way. An excellent method for doing this is practicing the 12 Steps of the Alcoholics Anonymous Program, but there are countless others just like it. I encourage you to find one that works best for you.

“Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.” -- Rumi  

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The Procedure for Animal Communication

There are several distinct steps involved with animal communication, and although different animal communicators may practice somewhat differently, in general, these steps will work for you. As you develop and improve your skills, you will ease into your own process as well.

These steps include:

•Calling in the Light Beings for Support and Guidance•Grounding Yourself and the Animal•Making the Connection•Receiving Information•Interpreting Signs, Signals, Cues and Messages•Asking for Validation•Sending Information•Closing Down

“A person starts to live when he can live outside of himself.” -- Albert Einstein

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 24

Calling in the Angels, Helpers, Guardians and Light Beings for Support and Guidance

Every living being on our planet, including humans, animals and plants, has several light beings (beings without physical bodies, which can also be called angels, guides, spirits, helpers, healers, guardians, faeries, ascended masters, animals and/or relatives who have already crossed, totem animals or even electromagnetic light waves) who are available to assist us at any time as long as we call upon them. We must ask for their assistance because they always honor our free will and they will not interfere with our free will.

These light beings are ready, willing and able to assist us in our communication, healing and connection with all other living beings.

When we call on these light beings for their assistance in any communication or healing session, the process is sort of like an invocation. Keep in mind, there is no single right way to do the invocation, and over time you will develop the words which work best for you. This is the general invocation that I use:

“I call upon the Source, God the Divine, Creator of All, Love. I call upon all of the Angels, Healers, Helpers, Guides, Guardians, Faeries, and All of the Light Beings of the Absolute Highest and Best Caliber with the Absolute Highest and Best of Intentions for (name of animal to connect with). I humbly request your assistance and your guidance during this connection. I humbly request that you assist me, the communicator and translator, to get out of the way and be a clear channel of information.”

Then, in the presence of the loving support of all of the Light Beings around you, you can begin to make a safe connection with the animal.

"Nothing is so strong as gentleness." -- Ralph W. Sockman

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Grounding Yourself

Once you are surrounded in safety and protection from the Light Beings, it is important to ground yourself and the animal. Lots of animal communicators do the grounding technique even before calling in the Light Beings, and sometimes I do too, depending on the work I am doing. However, I have found that for me, I prefer to do the entire process with the presence of the light begins first, and then do the grounding. Again, there is no exact right way for any individual, and everyone ultimately finds his or her way based on what feels best to him or her.

Grounding is extremely important, especially for beginners who are just getting used to the sensations of being connected to higher dimensional realms.

The process of grounding establishes a solid energy connection with the earth and lets us feel literally grounded into the earth so that we don’t feel as if we could float away, which is a common feeling when just beginning. Rest assured, you cannot float away, and you will not leave your body and not be able to come back -- that’s why we call in all of the Light Beings for their assistance. They will not allow us to leave our bodies when we are not ready, and they will aways protect us and keep us safe, even if we might sometimes feel unsafe.

When I first started practicing animal communication after formally being trained, I spent almost an entire year feeling as if I was literally floating around out of my body. It was a very strange feeling, and sometimes, it was very scary. The process of grounding will ensure that this will not happen to you, so be certain to take as much time feeling comfortable with grounding as you need to.

When I ground myself, I first allow myself to settle into a calm yet focused state of being. I take a few deep breaths in and out, and I release any tensions or the stresses from my mind and body. I also get connected to how I feel physically, emotionally and mentally in my own body, so I don’t confuse that with any feelings I might get from the animal once I connect.

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Once I feel calm and settled, I usually focus all of my energy around my heart. Then, as I feel my heart energy, I move that energy down to my stomach/solar plexus area, then down to my lower abdomen just below my navel, then down to my root or base tailbone area, and then down my legs, feeling each part of my body and the energy of those areas, and then down into the ground, out of my feet and into the earth. I allow my feet to dig roots into the core center of the earth, scoop up the energy of the earth and let that energy come up into my body through my feet and all the way back up toward my heart, feeling each of the same energy centers along the way up, where I store up that energy.

At that point, I know that I am connected to the Earth, and all I ever have to do is remind myself that my feet are firmly planted on the Earth.

“Imagination is more important than knowledge” -- Albert Einstein

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Grounding The Animal

Grounding the animal serves the same purpose for the animal as it does for us -- it helps to keep them connected to the Earth so they do not feel the out-of-body sensation too excessively, especially if they are not entirely ready to handle the higher dimensions. It is important to note that I do not do grounding for animals who have already passed.

When I ground the animal, I generally recommend following this procedure:

•Connect to the immediate and present moment, being aware of your physical environment and declare in your mind and out loud that you are here and present with the animal (it does not matter if the animal is not physically with you, because as we have discussed, time and space are not relevant).•Set the intention to be a clear channel of communication with the animal.•Trust your inner knowing and be open to perceive and receive clearly and with integrity.•Make a very clear request to the animal by asking for permission directly from the animal to communicate with him or her. The way to do this is to call the animal’s name silently or out loud three times.•If the animal’s physical body is with you, place a hand along the animal’s side and be certain that your touch is gentle, kind and loving, and not forceful or invasive.•Use your other hand to move from the tip of the animal’s nose, to the animal’s third eye, over the top of his/her forehead, over his/her shoulder blades and down his/her front leg and imagine that his/her leg is shooting out roots into the ground and scooping up the energy from the core center of the Earth, much in the same way you did with your own body. The key is to visualize this experience and declare it to be so.•Use your visualization skills to visualize this in your mind’s eye, and include seeing the animal’s energy points, meridians and chakras (you can get more information about this at my web site). •Repeat this for all four legs. With practice, it will become something you can do very quickly and without much thought at all. •You will also learn over time that you can ground the entire body all at once, regardless if there are two or four legs.

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•Visualize the animal’s body in a circle of protective white, blue and purple light, one color at a time.•When the animal is not present, you simply do the entire procedure in your own mind.•It’s best if you can call in or literally feel the energy of love, safety and protection before during and after the process as well.•When you are complete with the grounding exercise, you are ready to begin making the connection.

"You are never given a wish without also being given the power to make it come true. You may have to work for it, however." -- Richard Bach

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Making the Connection

After the grounding is complete, I request to make a connection. This process is as simple as making a request of the animal. To do this, I only need a maximum of four pieces of information:

•The animal’s name•A photo of the animal with his/her eyes in the photo (or the animal him/herself)•The parent or guardian’s name•The geographical location of the animal (assuming the animal is not present with me at the time of the reading)

To make the request, I first hold the photo in my hands and study it for a few minutes, or else I physically touch the animal if I am able to. Then I open up to the higher dimensions by accessing a theta brainwave.

Here’s how I do that:

I visualize and feel the heart energy that I have stored up from my grounding coming up from my heart, through my neck, into the center of my forehead (between my eyebrows) and out of the crown of my head. As I do this, I push that energy out of my head by using my mind and I connect with the higher dimensional realms. At that point, I make the following request by saying these words out loud:

“(Animal’s name, animal’s name, animal’s name -- I repeat the animal’s name three times), who is guarded by (parent’s name/guardian’s name or care giver’s name), who resides in (geographical location), please come forward and connect with me here and now.”

After making the request, I imagine my energy coming down from the higher dimensional energy and greeting the animal’s spirit directly. Then, I prepare to ask and receive information.

“All the resources we need are in our mind." -- Theodore Roosevelt

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Receiving Information

The first thing to do to receive information is to ask for it! Say hello to the animal and be still. Realize that part of the communication means respecting the animal’s timing and readiness, so practice being patient.

At this point, you can ask the animal a question. In general, I keep questions relatively simple and as open ended as possible. The way I ask questions is with my mind, using english words or using visual clues and pictures in my mind that I know the animal can understand (we will discuss this more in the next section).

Questions can be anything that a parent or guardian wants or needs to know. Below are some possible questions to consider or to practice with:

•How are you? •Is there anything you want to tell me?•Is there anything you want your parent/guardian to know?•How are you feeling?•How does your body feel?•What can you tell me about your food? •What are your likes and dislikes?•What do you have to teach me? •What advice can you give me about animal communication? •Who are your friends? Who is your best friend?•What is your age? •Where is your favorite place to sleep?•What is your favorite toy? •Were you and your person together in another life? •What is your viewpoint about humans?•How can I help you? •What haven’t I understood about you? Please explain. •What is your purpose in life? •What else can I learn from you? •Is there anything else you wish to tell me?

After asking each question, sit quietly and wait for whatever experience will be to come through and be ready to interpret that experience.

“The way you see people is the way you treat them.” -- Zig Ziglar

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Interpreting Signs, Signals, Messages

The answers you will receive will likely be very quick, so you need to be fully alert and pay attention. They often come so quick and can be so fleeting that the human feels uncertain or unsure if they were received at all. So many times, humans think they imagined the message and then miss it all together. This is part of the practice and developing the skill sets.

Also worth noting is that especially when we are first learning to communicate telepathically, many people experience the communication as if they are actually hearing a little voice in their head. If this happens to you, know that you are not crazy. Animals converse in all sorts of voices and intonations, just like we do.

As we discussed in earlier sections, the messages that come to you may come in any of the following ways:

•Pictures and visual cues •Physical sensations in your own body •Feelings and emotions•Knowing •Smells (you may actually smell these with your nose, or you may smell them with your mind)•Tastes (you may actually taste these with your mouth, or you may taste them with your mind)•Sounds (you may actually hear these with your ear, or you may hear them with your mind)

Once you have received all the information you can, honor everything and write it all down. I cannot stress this enough: honor everything! Don’t ever dismiss anything, because you might dismiss something that is actually very important. The process of dismissing things is the human thinking it’s not important when it often is.

Honor it, and write it down. Ask more questions. And repeat the process.If you don’t get an answer, ask again and this time, ask for more clarity and trust.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will get you there." -- Anonymous

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Asking for Validation

Asking for validation is an important part of developing confidence and our skills. When a signal or message comes to you, you can easily ask for validation to know that your interpretation of the message is correct. There are two ways to ask for validation:

•You can ask the parent or guardian to validate something you are interpreting•You can ask the animal to validate something you are receiving and interpreting

If you are asking the human, you literally just tell the human what the message is, and then ask that human if it makes sense to him or her. If you are asking the animal for validation, the way you do that is either to literally ask the question in your mind again and this time ask for clarity, or to have a symbol which always means the same thing to you and confirms that your interpretation is accurate. We will discuss this in more detail as we continue.

If at any time you feel blocked, relax and ground yourself. Take a few deep-cleansing breaths and begin again when you are feeling like a clean slate. Remember, in the moments of feeling blocked, you can ask for some help from the Light Beings that you called in at the beginning of the session.

 "Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change." -- Dr. Wayne Dyer

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Sending Information

Sending and receiving information are two distinct processes. Sending information means that you are literally providing the animal with information, rather than just asking for information.

I find that it is most helpful for me to tailor my messages for the animals to be in the same format that each unique animal sends them to me. For example, if one animal works mostly with visual cues, when I send back information to that animal, I will use visual cues. If the animal I am working with sends feelings and emotions, I will send those back, etc.

You can do this with your thoughts or visually by getting a picture in your mind and imagining that you are sending that visual (or other) cue back to the animal’s forehead area and/or heart center.

“Nothing happens unless first we dream.” -- Carl Sandburg

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Closing Down

The closing down process is important because it allows us to formally complete the communication and provides closure for us and for the animal.

The first thing I do in the closing down process is that I honor and thank the animal for talking with me. I send a sensation of gratitude and a physical smile if the animal is physically present.

Then I disconnect our energy fields by reversing the grounding process:

•First, I imagine my energy coming back up to the Theta brainwave and going through a cleansing bath, a waterfall, or swimming in the ocean. I do this because I am literally cleaning my own energy field so I don’t pick up any other energy before re-entering my own energy space.•Then I move my energy back down into my body, first through the top of my head, then through the center of my forehead, into my throat, then my heart center, then my solar plexus or core, then into my lower abdomen, and my root or base tailbone, through my legs, into the earth, scooping up the energy of the earth, and then bringing it all the back up into my heart center again.

At that point, I generally open my eyes and with my left hand, I make a gesture as if I was zipping up a zipper over my entire body; effectively “zipping up” or closing up, my personal energy space. Immediately after, with my right arm, I push away any other energy. Then I take a deep breath, feel myself connected to the Earth, stretch out and step back into the physical world.

“Everyone proclaims love, what is love? None knows.True love is a ceaseless river that for ever flows.” -- K.C. Kanda

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Challenges and Obstacles to Overcome

In all of my experience with animal and telepathic communication, I have found that often the greatest challenges and obstacles to overcome in learning animal communication are related to learning to trust ourselves.

Using intuitive communication of any kind is the ultimate test in trust, because often, there is no outside source that can validate the information you receive. This challenge requires us to get out of the left hemisphere of our brain which wants to analyze and interpret, and instead, move into a calm certainty coupled with confident awareness which can only develop over time, with practice and humility, and is generally accessed via the right brain.

Humility is one of the most important tools to use when dealing with challenges and obstacles. When we approach each reading, indeed all of our activities in life, with an element of humility and knowing that while we do have incredible wisdom and power within us, we are also all fallible and therefore worthy of the same kindness, compassion, love and forgiveness which we extend to all living beings, our readings and communications actually become more effective.

In large part, this happens because our will to be outstanding, as well as our fear of failure, is removed from the communication mix.

Here are some additional key points when communicating with animals:

•We don’t speak to animals, we communicate with them.•We don’t own our pets, we are parents to them or we are guardians to them, as we guard their lives. We can also call them our companions. One cannot own a living being.•We don’t use the words, “He says...”, or “She says...”, instead we use the words, “As I understand this...” or “I am hearing...” or “I am seeing...” or “I am understanding...”•At the beginning of any reading, we always want to ask for validation so we know we are interpreting correctly. We will explore the concepts of asking for validation in more detail later in this eBook.

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Finally, it is a good idea to avoid the attachment to specific labels. Words are labels, and each human has their own specific interpretation of those labels. This is particularly important when we are speaking about the word God. Everyone has a different understanding and experience of what or who God is.

It is more important to recognize that no matter what our individual beliefs, ideologies, we can all agree, even scientists, that there is an all knowing, collective consciousness which connects us all, and that thing, whether we call it God, Source, Higher Power, Energy Field, Force, Creator, The One, Jesus, Buddha, or Santa Claus, does indeed exist. The label itself does not really matter, nor does the difference in our individual beliefs, thoughts and ideas about it.

"A Coward dies a thousand deaths, a brave man only one." -- Unknown

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Animals Who Have Passed On

Animals who have passed on continue to exist in the Afterlife and can be communicated with in the same way that animals who are still living in their physical bodies can be communicated with. As I mentioned earlier, I don’t ever ground an animal who has passed on since they don’t have a physical body to ground.

For more information about Animals in the Afterlife, please visit www.efilsgod.com and www.efilsgodSpirit.com. You can also purchase a copy of my eBook or audio CD called Animals in the Afterlife.

“Take care of what's in front of you, and The Universe will take care of you.”   -- Jacob Liberman

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Points To Remember

When practicing animal communication, it is important to do your best to interpret things through the animal’s perspective rather than through the human’s perspective. If you are connecting with a fish, you will have to interpret things through the perception of a fish. The same is true if you are communicating with a bird, or an insect or any other animal.

Factors to consider include:

•Size perception•Height perception•Time perception (animals don’t consider time the way we do; for them, everything is in the present moment)•Gender perception (animals don’t have the same issues of gender)•Religion, race, nationality perception (animals don’t recognize these in the same way that we humans do)•Labels and words (animals typically haven’t been formally taught the English language, or any other language for that matter)•Emotional perception (much like humans, animals can’t always understand or explain the emotions they are feeling, let alone identify every one of them with words)

Finally, here are some final points to always keep in mind when connecting with animals:

•Stay positive; just like humans, animals respond best to positive reinforcement and inspiration.•Know that in general, animals are very open and willing to communicate and are usually very grateful for the opportunity.•Stick to general guidelines; they provide safety and security for everyone involved and add to a sense of leadership, but don’t go overboard! •Know that even though an animal might not seem to be paying attention when you are communicating in the physical world, their spirit is still connected. Don’t take offense; they have different perceptions about communication etiquette than we do.•Practice as often as you can!

“Until one has loved an animal, a part of one’s soul remains unawakened.” -- Anatole France

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How We Can Help The Animals

If we are to truly make change in this world for animals, we all must do whatever we are able to. Below are some very easy and simple things that every human can do to help all animals, including themselves, everywhere:

First, recognize that everything in the human world and the animal world is rooted in a balance of three things: proper exercise, nutrition and rest (this includes meditation for you and for your pet too ;) leading to general health and well being, proper amounts of love, and quality leadership and learning/brain stimulation.  

Once these three elements are in balance from the human perspective and from the animal perspective, the result is peace and harmony for the entire pack, when these things are out of balance, the result is simply a challenge to overcome or an opportunity to change for the better.  

The pack could be a wolf pack, your family pack, your community, your corporation, the country, the planet, and on and on -- everything is connected.  We can see evidence of this in our world society today.

Second, learn to develop your own sense of self trust, and at the same time, be a student of life when it comes to your pet, your pet's well being and yourself.  Some of our old remedies, such as outdated methods of prevention like flea, mosquito and tick pesticidal drops which we use on our pets are actually more detrimental to them than good for them.   There are better, healthier and less expensive methods, but we pet parents must learn about these things and use our own inner intelligence to know what's best.  

Now more than ever, we must  question everyone and everything: we are in the midst of massive global change on this planet and our animals are going through this experience with us.  Part of that change is that we are in the peak of the information age -- there is so much information available to us, that even the experts we once used to believe were experts are no longer necessarily experts, for example, our vets and even many popular dog trainers and rehabilitators (even some of those on television).  

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We are now at a point in our lives where we must become our own best advocates in terms of our learning and our health (obviously, this applies to our pets and ourselves ;).  

A perfect example of this is a popular methodology where people flip their pets on their backs in order to correct undesirable behaviors...without going into this too much, how would you feel if some human who was bigger than you went around flipping you on your back and pinning you down until you submitted every time that human didn't approve of your way of doing something?  It's almost ridiculous that we do this to these wonderful creatures.

Finally, recognize that life, learning and behavioral training is a process which is unfolding.  Training a pet (or ourselves) is not something we do once and never have to do again.  It is a continuous, life long process which never ends, and the only way to get through it is to move with the ebb and flow of it, sort of the way the turtle wins the race: slow and steady.  As we practice patience with ourselves and with our pets, we are better able to handle the challenges that life has to offer, and we can better enjoy the love that bonds us with our pets (and one another).

Most important, remember that all animals, pets as well as farm animals, zoo animals and wild animals, are living, sentient beings with thoughts, feelings, beliefs and communication styles which are unique to them.  While we humans may think and believe that we are superior to our pets, I believe it is actually the other way around; it's just that we are sometimes too preoccupied with our need to dominate and control them that we don't always get out of the way to let them teach us what they already know ;)  and at the same time, know that our pets love and accept us in such unconditional ways that they know everything is ultimately always alright with them.

"We don't realize that somewhere within us all, there does exist a supreme Self who is eternally at peace.  That supreme self is our true identity: Universal and Divine.  Before you realize this truth, say the Yogi's, you will always be in despair." -- Elizabeth Gilbert, Author of Eat, Pray, Love

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About efil’s god

efil’s god ({spelled backward is dog’s life} because dogs are just mirror images of us, the people in their world, and because we believe that there is a god in every dog’s life ;) is dedicated to teaching us All how to speak this Universal Language of Love.

efil’s god Dog Training is a spiritual, holistic approach to understanding and respecting all animals, human and non human, via the everyday lessons we learn from our own dogs and wolf pack societies. These lessons ultimately teach us how to live in harmony and balance through a universal language of love all wolves and dogs speak, which I call “Speak Wolf!”.

efil's god Spirit focuses on communication and healing for the body, mind and soul in every living being. It is time to transform the way we interact with all animals, and animals are here to teach us how.

efil’s god started out as a dream of mine which sprung from a passion to be of service to animals and the people in their world. The amazing thing is, when you ask the Universe to allow you to be of service on a global level, which I did, the Universe came up with a plan for me. I didn’t actually know what I was asking for, but I got all that, and more. I was essentially awakened to endless possibilities and truly amazing and magnificent things.

In the years since I made that request to The Universe, I have:

•Completely rid myself of all pharmaceutical drugs, tobacco and alcohol.•Let go of 65 pounds of weight which I was carrying around.•Eliminated over $100,000 in bad debt.•Removed myself from the unhealthy relationships of my past, including past employers who were not able to see the true love, joy and happiness which exists everywhere, in everyone and established new, healthy and fulfilling relationships.•Radically transformed my thoughts, beliefs, ideologies and knowing, essentially re-programming my brain and my body for a new and higher level of experience, so that I am able to give and receive love, kindness, compassion, forgiveness, laugher and joy in ways I never knew possible.•Started a new business with no money whatsoever.

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And I did all of this in the face of my own disease, divorce, re-location, job change, massive resistance from family and friends who wanted me to conform to their beliefs and ways of doing things and the death of my most loved pet, companion and (for me, my) child, Kenya.

You can do this and more too!

I have now transformed my tiny little start up dog training business into a coaching business which incorporates Universal principles and concepts of true manifestation, energy healing for all living beings and intuitive communication with and between all animals (human and non human ;)

For more information about Lori Spagna or efil’s god, please visit the following web sites:


While visiting those web sites, you can also sign up for our newsletter and join us on Facebook.

You may also be interested in some of my other eBooks and audio CDs and workbooks including:

•Animals in the Afterlife•Understanding The Laws of The Universe and How To Use Them In Your Life•How to Manifest Like a True Master

You can also visit us on You Tube at:http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=Lori+Spagna&aq=f

"If it does not bring you joy, why are you doing it?" -- Archangel Zadkiel

Created by Lori Spagna at efil’s god Spirit, efil’s god and efil’s god Dog Training. Sent to you with love. © All rights reserved. Page 43

About Lori Spagna

Lori Spagna is founder of efil’s god Spirit, efil's god and efil’s god Dog Training, which focus on a spiritual, holistic approach to communication and healing for the mind, body and spirit in every living being. She is a Professional Intuitive, Animal Communicator, Energy Healer, and Motivational Speaker as well as a Canine Behavioral Expert for the Spiritually Conscious. Lori has over 20 years of experience serving humans, animals and their communities around the world and is certified in Reiki, Theta Healing, EFT, Animal Communication, Canine Behavioral Training and many other energy healing techniques. She provides seminars, presentations and workshops for pet professionals, animal lovers and truth seekers regarding the lessons that humans can learn from animals and how humans can better improve their lives. Lori also teaches about manifestation and leads powerful manifestation circles using The Universal Laws.

I help animals and the people in their world uncover their true power by teaching them how to communicate a Universal Love that I call, "Speak Wolf!", which exists inside of us all.  I also empower people and their pets to tap into their true power via The Universal Source within everyone to enable them to live their best lives ever!  

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