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Page 1: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Anita Zaręba


Page 2: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced

every year all over the world. For example

inhabitants of our country through away about

126,1 million tonnes of waste. This is the map

from 2003, which illustrate number of rubbish

in different regions of Poland:

Page 3: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.
Page 4: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

And this is the map about producing of waste in countries, which are belong to European Union. We can see that Great

Britain, Ireland, Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Slovakia and Estonia

produce the most rubbish

(551-700 kilos/person). Poland, Czech Republic and Latvia produce the least

rubbish (240-400 kilos/person). Remaining countries produce about 401-550


Page 5: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.
Page 6: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

People in our country produce a little waste. But a big part of them lie on the streets, in the parks, forests, lake, rivers. It’s terrible

sight! We have very bad habit that everything we through out on the

pavement, not to the dustbin on the street.

Page 7: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

If we want to reduce the number of rubbish, we should sort and recycle.

recycling – operations, which are aim at use wrappers and waste to produce new raw materials

There are a lot of things, which we can recycle. I will list only the most important of them.

Page 8: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

paper – industrial product in the form of sheets; it is producing from

wood of conifers and deciduous trees, flaxes, reeds and hemps.

When we recycle paper (old magazines, newspapers, used copybooks), we protect trees

and forests. A tonne of recycling paper rescue 17 trees. At the same time we save water, which is

needed to produce paper and we decrease pollution of air. From paper we can made toilet

paper, envelopes, newspapers and books

Page 9: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

There are two types of glass: colourless and colourful.

Colourful glass

We through out them to the green containers. We use colourful glass

wrappers to made insulating materials, which are applied in construction industry.

Page 10: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Colourless glass

It’s the most often using type of glass. Eight bottles in ten is made from

colourless glass.

Jars and bottles are dishes, which we can recycle. And These are things, which

we can’t segregate with glass: mirrors, crystal vases, glasses, porcelain, panes,

picture tubes faience und bulbs.

Page 11: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Plastic is made from petroleum – unrenewable natural recourse. Its

decomposition in natural environment can last few hundreds years. Then is reach to

pollution of water and soil. The combustion of plastic is very dangerous, because toxic and carcinogenic substances are emitted

then. The advantage of plastic wrappers is that we can use them many times.

Page 12: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Every year people all over the world use more than 220 billions cans. But they recycle

only 50% of them.

Cans are entirely fit to recycling. From metal we can made hangers, furniture, cutlery.

Page 13: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

Batteries are very dangerous for natural environment. For example one little button

battery can contaminate 1m3 of soil and 400 litre of water. That is why we shouldn’t through away

batteries. We should take them to places, where they’re collect, for example in our school.

Then they’ll be neutralized.

Page 14: Anita Zaręba III d. Billion tonnes of rubbish are produced every year all over the world. For example inhabitants of our country through away about 126,1.

I know that recycling is very needed and important, because it protect our planet.

But I must sincerely say that I don’t recycle and segregate waste at all. The only thing

I do is that I give my old clothes to the PCK. I promise myself that I will start

recycled, when I will be adult and I will have my own flat.

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