+ All Categories


Anna Voris


Bosch, Hieronymus: Detail from Death and the Miser (xI848). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite Text Figs. IIA-C

Campin, Robert, Follower of: Detail from Madollna and Child with Saints ill the Enclosed Gardell (xI646). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. S2

David, Jacques-Louis: The Emperor Napoleoll ill his Stlldy at the Tflileries (x2046). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 324

Durer, Albrecht: Madonna and Child (xI83SA). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite Text Figs. lOA, n. Reverse: Lot and his Daughters Fleeing Sodo/ll and GO/llorrah (KI83Sn), opposite p. 21.

Dyck, Anthony van: Queen Henrietta Maria with her Dwarf (xI9II). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 197

Greco, EI: Laocoon (XI413). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 212

Grunewald, Mathis: Detail from The Small Crucifixion (xI938). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 36

Holbein, Hans the Younger, Attributed to: Young Mall ill all

Orange Hat (xI892). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 37

Ingres, Jean-Auguste-Dominique: Monsieur Marcotte d'Argenteuil (xI6So). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite Text Figs. So-S2.

Master of the Saint Lucy Legend and Assistant: Detail from The Assumptioll and Coronatioll oj the Immamlately Conceived Virgill (xI689). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p.68

Memling, Hans: Detail from The Presentation ill the Temple (X2088). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. S3

Pater, Jean Baptiste: Detail from Fete Champetre (XI408). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 309

Rubens, Peter Paul: Detail from Marchesa Brigida Spillola DOTl'a (X2187). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 196

Watteau, Antoine: Allegory oj Summer (X2048). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 308

Zurbaran, Francisco de: SS. Jerome, Paula alld Eustochium (xI896). National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C., opposite p. 213


(Not included are those changes of attribution which do not involve changes of name)

Old Attribution

Aldegrever Amiens, School of Antonello da Messina, Follower of Antonello da Saliba Austrian School, c. IS2S Blaren berghe

Kress Number

X2124 K1822 K367 K367

New Attributioll

Kress Monogrammist, p. 36, Fig. 31 French Master, XV Century, p. 236, Fig. 227 Josse Lieferinxe, p. 244, Fig. 229 Josse Lieferinxe, p. 244, Fig. 229 Master of the St. Marein Altar, p. 37, Figs. 37-38 French Master, Second Half XVIII Century (Moreau I'Alne?),

p. 348, Fig. 317 Borgona, Juan de xIS84 School of Castile, c. ISOo-IO, p. 188, Fig. 191 Bruegd, Pieter the Elder KI696 Antwerp Master, Active c. IS30 (Matthys Cock?), p. 91, Fig. 90 Candido X122 Italian School, Mid-XVI Century, nJ, p. 23, Fig. 46* Carracci, Annibale K210S Pedro Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 21S Chardin K1389 French Artist, Second Half XVIII Century, p. 3S1, Fig. 32S Coello K94 Attributed to Alessandro Allori, ill, p. 18, Fig. 32* David, Gerard X2043 Netherlandish Master, c. ISOO, p. 72, Fig. S7 Flemish School, First Quarter XVI Century xw Follower of Correggio, II, p. 84, Fig. 203* Fragonard dX4S2 Hubert Robert, p. 341, Fig. 306 Fragonard dKs08 French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307 Fragonard &:137 French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII Century, p. 342, Fig. 321 Fragonard dKS49 French School, Late XVIII Century, p. 343, Fig. 309 French Painter, c. 1420 K1994, 1995 Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. IS9, Figs. ISO-lSI French Painter, XV Century KI071 Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Figs. 62-64 French School, Late XV Century K2157 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Gerard, Marguerite K1S99 French Artist (?), Late XVIII Century, p. 363, Fig. 341 Giulio Romano K1913 Attributed to J.-F. Millet II, p. 295, Fig. 260 Gossart K2002 Attributed to Bernaert van Orley, p. 82, Fig. 80 Gossart K2003 Netherlandish Master, c. IS2S, p. 82, Fig. 81 Goya K2103 Attributed to Joaquin X. Inza, p. 226, Fig. 220 Greco, EI K1797 Veneto-Cretan School, Late XVI Century, n, p. 191, Fig. 440*

* Fern Rusk Shapley, Paintingsfrolll the Samuel H. Kress Collection: Italian Schools, XIII-XVIII Century, 3 vols., 1966-73



Old Attribution

Hispano-Dutch Master. Late XV Century LabilIc-Guiard Le Paon Lotto Maratta Marmion. Studio of Master \Venceslaus Mor Mor Murillo Murillo Paolo Fiammingo Provence. School of Provence. School of Robert Schaffner Solana Tyrol Master. c. 1490 Watteau Weyden. Goswyn van der

Kress Number

K2 dK56x dK384 DI52 KI912 KI597 KI777 KI900 KI67 KI536 KI826 KII78 KI821 KI996 dD79 DI72 KI582 K I593 KI390 DI66

New Attribution

Master of the Kress Epiphany. p. 64. Fig. 59 French Artist (?). p. 351. Fig. 340 French Artist. Active 1773. p. 348. Fig. 318 Juan deJuanes. p. 190. Fig. 193 Jacob-Ferdinand Voet. p. 125. Fig. 110 Northern European Master. p. 238. Fig. 228 Follower of Gentile da Fabriano. I. p. 78. Fig. 214* Netherlandish Master (?). Active 1558. p. 96. Fig. 83 French Master. Active 1561. p. 252. Fig. 238 School of Seville (Ignacio Yriarte?). p. 221. Fig. 216 Circle of Giacomo Ceruti. III. p. 109. Fig. 204* Follower ofJacopo Tintoretto. III. p. 59. Fig. 106* Nicolas Dipre. p. 247. Fig. 232 Nicolas Dipre. p. 248. Fig. 233 Imitator of Fragonard. p. 337. Fig. 301 Barthel Beham. p. 38. Fig. 36 Aragonese Master. c. 1400. p. 158. Fig. 148 South German Master. c. 1485. p. 12. Fig. 2 French Master. Active First HalfXVrrr Century. p. 296. Fig. 264 Attributed to Jan Provost. p. 75. Fig. 68

* Fern Rusk Shapley. Paintingsfrolll the Samuel H. Kress Collection: Italiall Schools. XIII-XVIII Celltury. 3 vols .• 1966-73




Koerbecke. p. 4. Fig. 6 (?) Poussin. p. 269. Fig. 249

ABRAHAM Lieferinxe. p. 244. Fig. 229 Rembrandt. Old Copy after. p. 140. Fig. 124

ADAM Altdorfer. Circle of, p. 33. Fig. 29

*Campin. Follower of, p. 46. Fig. 47 Gallego and Assistants. p. 167. Fig. 153

*Memling. p. 57. Fig. 52

DAVID Berruguete. p. 183. Fig. 185 Koerbecke. p. 4. Fig. 6

*(?) Master of the Reyes Cat6licos. p. 181. Fig. 182 *(?) Provost. p. 74. Fig. 67

Terbrugghen. p. 128. Fig. 119

ELIAS Gallego and Assistants. p. 171. Fig. 163

EVE Altdorfer. Circle of, p. 33. Fig. 29

*Campin. Follower of, p. 46. Fig. 47 Gallego and Assistants. p. 167. Fig. 153

*German School. Second Half XVI Century. p. 43. Fig. 42 * Memling. p. 57. Fig. 52

EVILMERODACH Boucher. p. 315. Fig. 281

GIDEON Koerbecke. p. 4. Fig. 6

GOD THE FATHER Gallego and Assistants. p. 165. Fig. 152; p. 167. Fig. 153

GOLIATH Terbrugghen. p. 128. Fig. 119

HABAKKUK * Aragonese Master. c. 1400. p. 158. Fig. 148

ISAAC Rembrandt. Old Copy after. p. 140. Fig. 124


JACOB AntoHnez. Attributed to. p. 224. Fig. 219

JEHOIACHIN Boucher. p. 315. Fig. 281

LEAH *(?) AntoHnez. Attributed to. p. 224. Fig. 219

LOT Durer. p. 12. Fig. II. color pI. opposite p. 21

MELCHISEDEK *(?) Master of the Reyes Cat6licos. p. 181. Fig. 182

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


MOSES Bourdon, p. 2S9, Fig. 2S7

*Flernish Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 97, Fig. S6 Gallego and Assistants, p. 171, Fig. 163 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6

*Massys, Circle of, p. 77, Fig. 70 *Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. lSI, Fig. IS3 *Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249 *Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67 *Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

RACHEL Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

SARAH *Lieferinxe, p. 244, Fig. 229

TOBIAS (?) Yriarte?, p. 221, Fig. 216


ADORATION OF THE HOLY NAME OF JESUS Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 14So, p. 69, Fig. 63

ADORATION OF THE MAGI: EPIPHANY Juan de Flandes, p. IS7, Fig. IS9 Kress Monogrammist, p. 36, Fig. 31 Kulmbach, p. 31, Fig. 23 Master of the Kress Epiphany, p. 64, Fig. S9 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. ISO, Fig. lSI Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. IS4, Fig. IS6

ADORATION OF THE SHEPHERDS Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71, Fig. 71 Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232

AGONY IN THE GARDEN *Comelisz., Jacob, p. S3, Fig. S7

Gallego and Assistants, p. 172, Fig. 166 *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

Woensam, p. 39, Fig. 39

ALPHAEUS Strigc1, p. 26, Fig. IS

ANNUNCIATION Flemish Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 97, Fig. S6 Juan de Flandes, p. IS6, Fig. IS7 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 17S Master of the St. Marein Altar, p. 37, Figs. 37-3S Retasc6n Master, p. 162, Fig. 149

ANNUNCIATION TO THE SHEPHERDS *Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71, Fig. 71 *Juan de Flandes, p. IS7, Fig. ISS * Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. I So, Fig. I So *Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. IS4, Fig. IS6

ARREST OF CHRIST Gallego and Assistants, p. 173, Fig. 167

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

ASCENSION Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6

BAPTISM OF CHRIST Juan de Flandes, p. ISS, Fig. 190 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. S, Fig. 10 Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 2S0

BARABBAS *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

CENTURION Alfajarin Master, p. IS2, Fig. IS4 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS

CHRIST'S CHARGE TO PETER Gallego and Assistants, p. I6g, Fig. ISS

CHRIST AT THE COLUMN Castile, School of, c. IS00-10, p. IS8, Fig. 191

CHRIST AMONG THE DOCTORS Gallego and Assistants, p. I6S, Fig. ISS Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. lSI, Fig. IS2 Orley, van, p. SI, Fig. 77

CHRIST'S ENTRY INTO JERUSALEM Gallego and Assistants, p. 171, Fig. 164

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

CHRIST HEALING THE BLIND BARTIM.tEUS Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 160

CHRIST IN LIMBO German School, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43, Fig. 42

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

CHRIST AND THE MAGDALEN: See under Noli me Tangere

CHRIST NAILED TO THE CROSS *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

CHRIST AND THE WOMAN OF SAMARIA Gallego and Assistants, p. 169, Fig. IS9

CIRCUMCISION Comelisz., Jacob, p. S3, Fig. S7 Gallego and Assistants, p. 167, Fig. IS4

CLEOPHAS Strige1, p. 26, Fig. IS

CORONATION OF THE VIRGIN Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61, Fig. S4

CRUCIFIXION Alfajadn Master, p. IS2, Fig. IS4 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS Gallego and Assistants, p. 174, Fig. 171 German School, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43, Fig. 41 Griinewald, p. 19, Fig. 21, color pI. opposite p. 36 Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 21S Rubens, After, p. IlO, Fig. 99

DEPOSITION Gallego and Assistants, p. 17S, Fig. 172

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8



ASSUMPTION OF THE VIRGIN French Master, Active First Third XVI Century, p. 2S1, Fig. 23S

Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61, Fig. S4 Rubens, After, p. Ill, Fig. 100 Valdes Leal, p 222, Fig. 217

Gallego and Assistants, p. 173, Fig. 169 *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. SS

Murillo and Assistant, p. 219, Fig. 209

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


EMMAUS, ROAD TO *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

ENTOMBMENT *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8


FLAGELLATION *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Patinir, Follower of, p. 90, Fig. 79

GOD THE FATHER Juan de Flandes, p. 188, Fig. 190

*Master of the de Latour d'Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 178 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

*Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 231 Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61, Fig. 54

*Retasc611 Master, p. 162, Fig. 149

HEROD Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146

HOLY WOMEN (The Marys) Alfajarin Master, p. 182, Fig. 184 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Gallego and Assistants, p. 174, Fig. 171; p. 175, Fig. 172 Rubens, Uter, p. III, Fig. 100

IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61, Fig. 54 Ribera, p. 207. Fig. 2II Zurbacln, p. 215, Fig. 212

JOSEPH OF ARIMA THEA * Alfajarin Master, p. 182, Fig. 184

(?) Gallego and Assistants, p. 175, Fig. 172

LAST JUDGMENT Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177 Tyrolean Master, c. 1500, p. 10, Fig. 9

LAST SUPPER: EUCHARIST Gallego and Assistants, p. 172, Fig. 165

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58 Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

LONGINUS A1fajarfn Master, p. 182, Fig. 184

*(?) Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. 159, Fig. 150 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Gallego and Assistants, p. 174, Fig. 171 Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

MADONNA: MADONNA AND CHILD [not indexed except in scenes from their lives]

MAKING OF THE CROSS *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

MARRIAGE AT CANA Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Fig. 183

MARRIAGE AT CANA, MIRACLE OF Gallego and Assistants, p. 169, Fig. 157

MARRIAGE OF THE VIRGIN Dipre, p. 248, Fig. 233 Orley, van, p. 81, Fig. 76

NATIVITY Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7, Fig. 4 Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71, Fig. 71 Juan de Flandes, p. 187, Fig. 188 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 180, Fig. 180

NICODEMUS * Alfajarin Master, p. 182, Fig. 184

(?) Gallego and Assistants, p. 175, Fig. 172

NOLI ME TANGERE Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. 159, Fig. lSI

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

PENTECOST Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192

PIET A (see: Deposition)

PILATE Gallego and Assistants, p. 173, Figs. 168-169

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

PRESENT ATION IN THE TEMPLE Memling, p. 57, Figs. 52-53, color pI. opposite p. 53 Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67

REST ON THE FLIGHT INTO EGYPT Scorcl, p. 86, Fig. 85

RESURRECTION Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. IS9, Fig. ISO Gallego and Assistants, p. 175, Fig. 173

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

SALOMAS Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19

SALOME Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146

SALVATOR MUNDI Massys, Circle of, p. 77, Fig. 70

SIMEON OF CYRENE Gallego and Assistants, p. 174, Fig. 170

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

SIMON, THE PHARISEE (?) Gallego and Assistants, p. 171, Fig. 162

SUDARIUM Campin, Follower of, p. So, Fig. 46 Memling, p. 55, Fig. 51

SUITORS OF MARY Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

TEMPTATION OF CHRIST Gallego and Assistants, p. 168, Fig. IS6

TRANSFIGURATION Gallego and Assistants, p. 171, Fig. 163

VISITATION Flemish Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 97, Fig. 86

*Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 179

WAY TO CALVARY Gallego and Assistants, p. 174, Fig. 170

*Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

ZEBEDEE Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture



Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar. p. 8, Fig. 10

AGNES OF ASSISI. BLESSED (?) Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226

ANDREW Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Figs. 174, 177 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar. p. 8, Fig. 10

ANNE Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32 Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 (?) jordaens. p. II9. Fig. 109 (?) Orley, van, p. 81, Fig. 76 Provost, Attributed to, p. 75. Fig. 68

ANTHONY ABBOT Bruegel the Elder, Pieter, Attributed to, p. 93, Fig. 92 Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

ANTHONY OF PADUA * Aragonese Master. c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

APOLLONIA Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

AUGUSTINE Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

BARBARA Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47

*Franconian School, Mid-XV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5 Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225 Master ofHoogstraeten (?), p. 72, Fig. 72

BARTHOLOMEW Gallego and Assistants, p. 177, Fig. 175 Ribera, School of, p. 210, Fig. 207 - Circle of, p. 2Il, Fig. 208

BENEDICT Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig. 228

CATHERINE OF ALEXANDRIA Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91, Fig. 90 Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47 Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226 Master of Hoogstraeten (?), p. 72, Fig. 72 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

CHRISTINA *(?) Franconian School, Mid-XV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5

CHRISTOPHER Massys, Studio of, p. 76, Fig. 69 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

* Orley, van, Attributed to, p. 82, Fig. 80

CLARE Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226

DOROTHY *Franconian School, Mid-XV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5

(?) Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

ELIGIUS juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

ELIZABETH (?)Jordaens, p. II9, Fig. 109 (?) Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

ELIZABETH OF HUNGARY *Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Fig. 49

Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

EUSTACE (?) Antwerp Master, c. 1520, p. 88, Fig. 89

EUSTOCHIUM Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213

FRANCIS Greco, EI, p. 194, Fig. 195 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

GENEVIEVE * Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230

GEORGE Breu the Elder, Style of, p. 29, Fig. 27 French Master, Active First Third XVI Century, p. 251,

Fig. 235 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

HELENA (?) Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226

HUBERT Antwerp Master, c. 1520, p. 88, Fig. 89

JAMES MAJOR Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191 Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177 Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19

JAMES MINOR Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 18

JEROME Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191 Gossart, p. 78, Fig. 73 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10 Vouet, p. 259, Fig. 244 Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213

JOACHIM *Provost, Attributed to, p. 75, Fig. 68

jODOCUS Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Fig. 64

JOHN THE BAPTIST [see also Baptism of Christ] Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32 Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146 Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47 Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Fig. 62 French Master, Active First Third XVI Century, p. 251,

Fig. 235 Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177 Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251 Tyrolean Master, c. 1500, p. 10, Fig. 9

JOHN THE EVANGELIST[John the Evangelist also appears in scenes of the Crucifixion]

Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 161; p. 176, Fig. 177; p. 177, Fig. 175

Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Memling, p. 55, Fig. 50 Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


JOSEPH [joseph also appears in scenes of the Nativity, etc.] French Master, XV Century, p. 236, Fig. 227 Gallego and Assistants, p. 168, Fig. 155 Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 (?) Jordaens, p. II9, Fig. log Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Fig. 182

*Orley, van, p. 81, Fig. 77 Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

*Provost, Attributed to, p. 75, Fig. 68

JOSEPH THE JUST Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 18

JUDAS ISCARIOT *Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

JUDE (Thaddeus) Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 18

LAWRENCE *(?) Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

LAZARUS Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 161 (?) - p. 171, Fig. 162

LEONARD Pleydenwurff. Circle of, p. 6, Fig. 7

LEU (Loupe ofSens) Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig,. 230

LUCY *(?) Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

MARGARET Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225

MARK (?) Gallego and Assistants, p. 177, Fig. 176

MARTHA Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 161

MARTIN Francoruan School, Mid-xV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5

MARY CLEOPHAS Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 18

MARY MAGDALENE [Mary Magdalene also appears in scenes of the Crucifixion]

* Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148 Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. 159, Fig. 151

*Franconian School, Mid-XV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5 Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 161; p. 171, Fig. 162 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10

* Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58 .

MARY SALOME Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19

MATTHEW Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177

MAURUS Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig. 228

OSW ALD (King of England) (?) German Master, Active c. 1465, p. 6, Fig. 8

PETER Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148 Castile, School of c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191 Gallego and Assistants, p. 16g, Figs. 158-159; p. 170, Fig. 161;

p. 176, Figs. 174, 177 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6

*Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 231

PAUL * Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191 Gallego and Assistants, p. 170, Fig. 161 (?) - p. 176, Fig. 177 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6

* Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 23 I

PAULA Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213

PHILIP (?) Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177

PLACID US Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig. 228

REMY Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 231

SILVESTRE *Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230

SIMON Gallego and Assistants, p. 176, Fig. 177 Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 18

STEPHEN *(?) Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

THOMAS Gallego and Assistants, p. 177, Fig. 176

THOMAS DE VILLANUEVA Valdes Leal, p. 223, Fig. 218

URSULA *(?) Franconian School, Mid-xV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5

VERONICA Memling, p. 55, Fig. 51

VINCENT OF SARAGOSSA *(?) Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148

ZACHARIAS (?) Jordaens, p. II9, Fig. 109

* Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 179

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


ALBA, DUQUESA DE Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220


French Master, Active 1572, p. 257, Fig. 240


HENRIETTA MARIA, QUEEN OF ENGLAND Dyck, van, p. II6, Fig. 107, color pI. opposite p. 197

HILLENSBERGER [Ehrenberger] Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Fig. 66



AMSTEL (see: ploos van Amstel) Dyck, van, p. II6, Figs. 106-107, color pI. opposite p. 197

BENOZZI, JEANNE-ROSE-GUYONNE ('Sylvia') (?) French Master, Active First Half XVIII Century, p. 296,

Fig. 264


BESTE, JOSSINE DE (wife of Jean Wouters) Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Fig. 64

BOL, FERDINAND Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126

BONNIER DE LA MOSSON, JOSEPH Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

BORJA Y VELASCO, CARDINAL GASPAR DE Velazquez, Follower of, p. 2II, Fig. 204

BOURBON-VENDOME, JEANNE DE Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

CAUMARTIN, MADAME DE Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276

CLEMENT XIII, POPE Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

CLOVIS Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 231

CURTIS, MRS. DANIEL SARGENT Sargent, p. 383, Fig. 343

DAVID, MADAME JACQUES-LOUIS David, p. 358, Fig. 330

DIANE DE POITIERS (?) Clouet, Fran~ois, p. 253, Fig. 243

DORIA (see: Spinola Doria)

DORSCH, JOHANN (?) Diirer, p. 16, Fig. 17

DUPOUCH, CLAUDE La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290


FRAN<;OIS I, KING OF FRANCE *Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88, Fig. 88

FUGGER, ANTON Maler, p. 35, Fig. 3

JOHN FREDERICK, ELECTOR OF SAXONY (?) Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. 15

JOHNSTON, DAVID (?) Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327


(?) Keyser, de, p. 134, Fig. 123

LALIVE DE JULLY, ANGE-LAURENT DE Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289


Master of the de Latour d'Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

LINK, HANS (?) Diirer, p. 16, Fig. 17

LOUIS XVI, KING OF FRANCE Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 3II

LUTHER, MAR TIN Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35

MARCOTTE D'ARGENTEUIL, CHARLES-MARIE Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336, color pI. opposite Text Figs. 50-52


MARIANA OF AUSTRIA, QUEEN OF SPAIN Velazquez, Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 205


MEGHEM, VAN (?) Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Fig. 48

MELANCHTHON, PHILIPP Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35


MOITESSIER, MADAME Ingres, p. 373, Figs. 337-338

NAPOLEON David, p. 352, Fig. 333, color pl. opposite p. 324, Text Fig. 130

NORIEGA, DON ANTONIO Goya, p. 229, Fig. 224

PIUS VII, POPE GRESHAM, SIR THOMAS Ingres, p. 366, Fig. 335

(?) Mor, p. 97, Fig. 82 PLOOS V AN AMSTEL, HENRICA (wife ofDirck HAG, COUNT LADISLAUS VON Strick)

(?) Mielich, p. 42, Fig. 33 Moreelse, p. 127, Fig. n6

HEBERT, PRESIDENT ANDRE-PIERRE POSADA, DON RAM6N (?) Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223

HENRI II, DAUPHIN OF FRANCE PROVOST, JAN French Artist (?), Active XVII Century (?), p. 259, Fig. 239 (?) Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


QUARATESI French Master, Active 1561, p. 252, Fig. 23S

REMBRANDT'S SISTER, LISBETH (?) Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig. I25

ROBERT, HUBERT Fragonard, Attributed to, p. 335, Fig. 291

SCHAD VON MITTELBIBERACH (?) Belum, p. 3S, Fig. 36

SCHONFELD, GRAFIN VON Vigcc-Lcbrun, p. 362, Fig. 329

SPARRE, COUNTESS EBBA Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

SPINOLA, DONA POLYXENA (?) Dyck, van, p. lIS, Fig. 105

SPINOLA DORIA, MARCHESA BRIGIDA Rubens, p. lor, Figs. 95-96, color pI. opposite p. 196

STRICK, DIRCK Moreclse, p. 126, Fig. II5

STRICK, HENRICA (sec: ploos van Amstel)

STUART, MARY (?) Clouet, Franr;ois, p. 253, Fig. 243

TALON,OMER Champaigne, p. 2S7, Fig. 2SS

VIVALDI Christus, Petrus, p. 5r, Fig. 49

WOUTERS, ELISABETH Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. r4So, p. 69, Fig. 64

WOUTERS, JEAN Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 14So, p. 69, Fig. 62




Jordaens, p. IIS, Fig. lOS

ACIS *Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 24S

AMALTHEA Poussin, Attributed to, p. 2S0, Fig. 252

APHRODITE Jordaens, p. IIS, Fig. lOS

APOLLO *Greco, EI, p. 191, Fig. 197

ARS MORIENDI Bosch, p. 66, Fig. 60, color pI. opposite Text Figs. IIA-C

ATHENA Jordaens, p. IIS, Fig. lOS

BACCHUS Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Fig. 2S

CALLIOPE (Muse of Epic Poetry) VOllet, p. 26r, Fig. 245

CHARITY *Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193 *valdes Leal, p. 223, Fig. 21S

CUPID Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 3II

DANAE Boucher, p. 31S, Fig. 2S3

DECIUS MUS Rubens, p. 104, Fig. lor

DIANA Balen. van, and Jan Bruegel the Elder, p. 100, Fig. 94

FAITH *Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

GALATEA Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 24S

Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276

HERA (?) Jordaens, p. IIS, Fig. roS

HERCULES Millet II,J.-F., Attributed to, p. 295, Fig. 260

HERMES Jordaens, p. IIS, Fig. roS

ITALIAN COMEDIANS Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Figs. 267-269

JUPITER Poussin, Attributed to, p. 2S0, Fig. 252

LAOCOON Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

LIVY Rubens, p. 104, Fig. lor

MARS A1tdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Fig. 30 Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97

MELISSA Poussin, Attributed to, p. 2S0, Fig. 252

MINERVA *Greco, EI, p. 191, Fig. 197

PARIS Jordaens, p. lIS, Fig. lOS

PERSONIFICATION OF MUSIC Boucher, p. 316, Fig. 2S2


PHILO STRATUS, IMAGINES Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 24S

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


POLYPHEMUS Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248

SATYR Jordaens, p. lI8, Fig. 108 Millet II, J.-F., Attributed to, p. 295, Fig. 260

SUMMER (Ceres) Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266, color pI. opposite p. 308

TIME (Clzronos) Gallego and Assistants, p. 165, Fig. 152

URANIA (Muse of Astronomy) Vouet, p. 261, Fig. 245

VANITAS Beyeren, van, p. 154, Fig. 140


Argenteuil Corot, Attributed to, p. 382, Fig. 342

Paris Champs-de-Mars

French Artist, Active 1773, p. 348, Fig. 318 Ecole Militaire *French Artist, Active 1773, p. 348, Fig. 318

Hotel-Dieu Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230

Notre-Dame Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230

Saint Jean-Ie-Rond Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230

Sainte-Chapelle Master of St. Gilles, p. 241, Fig. 231

Passy, near Paris Hotel Valentinois

Perignon, p. 345, Fig. 308 Saint-Cloud, Chateau

(?) Moreau, p. 346, Fig. 315 Saint Tropez

French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII Century, p. 342, Fig. 321


Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88, Fig. 88

Rome Colosseum

Robert, Circle of, p. 339, Fig. 302 Ponte Salario

Robert, p. 338, Fig. 305 Saint Peter's

Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129 Santa Maria della Febbre

Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129 Sistine Chapel

Ingres, p. 366, Fig. 335 Tivoli, Temple of the Sibyl

Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 254 Trani, Cathedral

Desprez, p. 349, Fig. 320

NETHERLANDS Haarlem, Groote Kerk and Town Hall

Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 The Hague *Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 136 Nijmegen, the Valkhof

Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 131 's-Hertogenbosch, St. John's Cathedral

Saenredam, p. 142, Fig. 128

SPAIN Toledo

Greco, EI, p. 19S, Figs. 198-200

SCENES FROM EVERYDAY LIFE Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246


(a) Amusemellts Card Playing Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61,

Lucas van Leyden, After, p. 8S, Fig. 84 Dancing

Robert, p. 341, Fig. 310 Fete Clzampetre

Pater, p. 306, Figs. 271, 274, color pI. opposite p. 309 Games

Blindman's Buff Fragonard, p. 328, Figs. 29S, 297

Horse and Rider Fragonard, p. 331, Fig. 293

Hot Cockles Fragonard, p. 331, Fig. 294

Skittles Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 136

Music Making Gallego and Assistants, p. 165, Fig. IS2 Greuze, p. 32S, Fig. 289

Fig. S4 Molenaer, p. 135, Fig. 122 Robert, p. 340, Fig. 303 Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137 Terbrugghen, p. 128, Fig. II9

See-saw Fragonard, Imitator of, p. 337, Fig. 301

Swinging Fragonard, p. 329, Fig. 296

(b) Occupations Ferry

Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 130 Fisherman

Hals, Frans, Follower of, p. 132, Fig. 120 Hals, Frans, Imitator of, p. 133, Fig. 121

Herding Claude Lorrain, p. 28S, Fig. 2SS; p. 286, Fig. 2S6

* The figure or scene is a minor part of the picture


Kitchen Maid Chardin. p. 3Il. Fig. 278

Lawyer Ostade. van. p. 150. Fig. 138

Nurse Chardin. p. 313. Fig. 279 Fragonard. p. 333. Fig. 292


Painting French Artist (?). Late XVIII Century. p. 363. Fig. 341

Shepherd Honthorst. p. 130. Fig. 127

(c) Sport Hunting

Fyt and Collaborator. p. 123. Fig. Il3 Lancret. p. 307. Fig. 270


ABELSZ Rubens. p. 106. Fig. 98

ABRAHAMS. A.J. (?) Perrier. p. 264. Fig. 248

AGNEW AND SONS Claude Lorrain. p. 284. Fig. 254 Cranach the Elder. p. 23. Fig. 22 HaIs. Frans. Follower of. p. 132. Fig.

120 Moreelse. After. p. 127. Figs. Il7-Il8 Poussin. p. 274. Fig. 251 Strigel. p. 26. Figs. 18-19 VigCc-Lebrun. p. 361. Fig. 328 Wattcau. Attributed to. p. 300. Fig. 267

AGUADO (?) Valdes Leal. p. 222. Fig. 217

ALBA. Count of Pantoja. p. 203. Fig. 203

ALMEN AS. Conde de las (?) Master of the Reyes Cat6licos. p. 181.

Figs. 182-183


Flemish Master. Active c. 1540. p. 88. Fig. 88

AMELOT DU QAILLOU,Jacques (?) Poussin. p. 274. Fig. 251

ANONYMOUS SALES Amsterdam. 21 Aug. 1729

(?) Hals. Frans. Imitator of, p. 133. Fig. 121

London 7 March 1801

Poussin. p. 274. Fig. 251 24 Jan. 1903

Memling. Copy after. p. 60. Fig. 58 13 July 1923

Ruysdael. Salomon van. p. 145. Fig. 130

20 May 1926 Lucas van Leyden. After. p. 85.

Fig. 84 8 July 1927

Murillo. p. 219. Fig. 209

9 May 1934 Lieferinxe. p. 244. Fig. 229 Zurbaran. p. 215. Fig. 212

20 May 1953 Boucher. p. 315. Fig. 281

I July 1955 Vouet. p. 261. Fig. 245

New York 22 Jan. 1931

') Balen. van. and Jan Bruegel the Elder. p. 100, Fig. 94

Maes. p. 157. Figs. 143-144 Paris

27 March 1877 Nattier. p. 309. Fig. 275

25 March 1907 French School. p. 347. Fig. 322

21 Nov. 1908 Vincent, p. 360. Fig. 326

18 Dec. 1908 French School. p. 347. Fig. 322

18 Dec. 1920 Claude Lorrain. p. 282. Fig. 253

23 May 1930 French Artist, p. 341. Fig. 307

14-15 Dec. 1933 Moreau. Imitator of, p. 347. Fig.


AOUST. Marquise d' Rubens. p. 106. Fig. 98

ARAGO. Etienne (?) Boucher. p. 318. Fig. 283

ARD French Artist. p. 341. Fig. 307

ARENSBERG (?) Woensam. p. 39. Fig. 39

ARKWRIGHT Murillo. p. 219. Fig. 209

ARNOLD.M. Greco. El. p. 195. Fig. 200

ASCHAFFENBURG. Stift (?) Grunewald. p. 19. Fig. 21

ASHBURNHAM. Earl of Provost. p. 74. Fig. 67

ASHBURNHAM. Lady Catharine Provost. p. 74. Fig. 67

ASSCHER AND WELKER Bosch. p. 66, Fig. 60 Lucas van Leyden. After. p. 85. Fig. 84

ATRI. Ducd' Robert. Circle of. p. 339, Fig. 302

AUBERT. VicomteJoumin Mengs. Studio of. p. 44. Fig. 44

AUSPITZ-LIEBEN. Stephan von German School. Second Half XVI

Century. p. 43. Figs. 41-42

A VOGLI. Count Inza. Attributed to. p. 226. Fig. 220

AZZOLINI. Cardinal Decio Bourdon. p. 290, Fig. 259

AZZOLINI. Marchese Pompeo Bourdon, p. 290. Fig. 259

BACKUS. LeRoy M. Molenaer. p. 135. Fig. 122

BAILLIE. David Orrente. p. 204. Fig. 215

BAILLIE-HAMIL TON. Hon. Robert (?) Murillo. p. 219. Fig. 209

BALL. A. R. Breu the Elder. Style of, p. 29. Fig. 27

BALL.H. Maler. p. 35. Fig. 3

BANTING. T. and W. (?) Ribera. Circle of, p. 2II. Fig. 208

BARBERINI Vouet. p. 259. Fig. 244

BARING. Sir Thomas Watteau. Attributed to. p. 300. Fig. 267

BARR.H. Provost. p. 74. Fig. 67

BARRIO. Don Rafael Inza. Attributed to. p. 226. Fig. 220

BASAN Fragonard. p. 333. Fig. 292

BEACH, Major A. Hicks Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126

BEA TTIE, William Maes, p. 156, Fig. 145

BEA UMOND-BEYN AC, Marquis Joffroy de

La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290

BECKFORD, William (?) Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig.


BEDFORD, Duke of Beyeren, van, p. 154, Fig. 140

BEISTEGUI, Carlos Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196

BENEDICT, Dr. C. Antwerp Master, active c. 1530, p. 91,

Fig. 90

BENTINCK, G. A. F. Cavendish Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

BENTON, Lady Phyllis Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

BERGERET,Jacques-Oncsyme Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

BERGERET, Pierre-Jacques Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

BERRI, Duc de (?) Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

BERRI, Duchesse de Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Netherlandish School, c. 1500, p. 72,

Fig. 57

BERUETE Y MORET, Aureliano de Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214

BEURNONVILLE, Baron E. de Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230;

p. 241, Fig. 231 Ruisdael, Jacob van, p. 146, Fig. 132

BEV AN, Lady Cosmo Witte, de, p. 148, Fig. 135

BIANCHI, Mme. Marius David, p. 358, Fig. 330

BlESUM, Quirijn van (?) Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

BINGHAM, David Keyser, de, p. 134, Fig. 123 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

BIRCH, Charles Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig.


BIRNBAUM, Mr. and Mrs. D. Keyser, de, p. 134, Fig. 123 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

BLIGH, Edward Henry Stuart French Master, Active 1572, p. 257,

Fig. 240


BLIGH, Ivo Francis Walter French Master, Active 1572, p. 257,

Fig. 240

BLIGH, John Stuart French Master, Active 1572, p. 257,

Fig. 240

BLUMENTHAL, George Robert, p. 340, Fig. 303

BOCCAPADULI, Maria Laura dal Pozzo

Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

BOHLER,Julius Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6 Lucas van Leyden, After, p. 85, Fig. 84

BOER, Pieter de Valdes Leal, p. 223, Fig. 218

BONAPARTE, Prince Joseph Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210 (?) Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217

BOND, S. S. French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307

BONDY, Comte and Vicomtesse Olivier de

Ingres, p. 373, Fig. 337

BOROSS, Eugen AntolInez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

BOTTENWEISER, Rudolph (?) Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

BOUILLON, Cardinal de Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne

Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

BOYNTON, Mary Constance Drouais, p. 332, Fig. 285

BRACCIANO, Duca di Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

BRADFORD, Earls of Dyck, van, p. II6, Fig. 107

BRAKESPEARE, Ronald Hooch, de, p. 153, Fig. 139

BRANCAS, Duchesse de Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263

BRANDT GALLERY, Mortimer Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

BREADALBANE, Marquis of Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209

BRESLAU, Erzbischofliches Diozesanmuseum

(?) German School, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43, Figs. 41-42

BRIDGEWATER, Duke of Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrentc, p. 204, Fig. 215

BROMBERG Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19

BRONDGEEST, A. Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134


BROWN Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253

BROWN, Alfred Bouts, Circle of, p. 54, Fig. 56

BRUANT, Aristide (?) Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285

BRUNNER, Charles Ribera, Circle of, p. 2II, Fig. 208

BRYAN (?) Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257

B R Y A S, Count Jacques de Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar,

p. 8, Fig. 10

BUFFALO, Marchese del Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

B URA T, Jules Fragonard, p. 333, Fig. 292

BURDETT-COUTTS, Baroness Mor, p. 97, Fig. 82

BURLET,de German School, Second Half XVI

Century, p. 43, Figs. 41-42

BUTTERWORTH, Katherine Deere Hooch, de, p. 153, Fig. 139

BUTTET,De Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258

BYK,PauIW. (?) Alfajadn Master, p. 182, Fig. 184

BYRES, James Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

CABALLERO (sec: Perez)

CAHEN D'ANVERS, Comte Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

CAILLEUX,Jean David, p. 358, Fig. 330 La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290 Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

CAMPE, Henrich Wilhelm Scorel, p. 86, Fig. 85

CANA VERAL, Jose Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

CARCANO, Madame Landolfo Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217

CARDON, Charles Leon Koerbeckc, p. 4, Fig. 6

CARLISLE, Earl of Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

CARPENTRAS, France Cathedral

(?) Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232; p. 248, Fig. 233

CARV ALHO, Dr. Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217


CASSERES, Arthur de (?) Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 145,

Fig. 130

CASSIRER GALLERY, Paul Cranach, p. 23, Figs. 24-25 Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127 Memling, p. 55, Figs. 50-51

CASTELBAJAC, Marquis de Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 311

CASTRO, Jean de Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88

CASTRO, Dom Manoelde Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88

CASTRO, Saldanha Flemish Master, Active c.1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88

CASTRO (see also: Alvares de Castro)

CAVENAGHI, Luigi Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192

CAVENDISH BENTINCK, G. A. F. AntoHnez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

CHABEAUSSI1~RE, Barbe Fran~oise Victoire Poisson de la

Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

CHARPENTIER GALERIE,Jean Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253

CHA TEL, Marquis du Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

CHILLINGWORTH, Rudolf Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6

CHOISEUL, Due de Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

CHOISEUL, Duchesse de Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

CHOLMELEY, Major Sir Hugh Siberechts, p. 124, Fig. 114

CHOLMONDELEY, Marquess of Claude Lorrain, p. 285, Fig. 255

CHRISTINA, Queen of Sweden Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

CIUDAD RODRIGO, Spain Cathedral

GaIlego and Assistants, pp. 163-177, Figs. 152-177

CLARK Flemish School, c. 1640, p. 113, Fig. 103

CLEMEN S, Jacques Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

COINDET (?) Moreau, p. 346, Fig. 315

COLNAGHI Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203 (?) Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136,

Fig. 125


COLOGNE Carthusian Monastery of St. Barbara

(?) Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

COLON, MadameJenny Fragonard, p. 331, Figs. 293-294

CONSTANTIN Fragonard, p. 333, Fig. 292

CONTINI BONACOSSI Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Figs. 48-49 Corot, Attributed to, p. 382, Fig. 342 Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232 Dyck, van, p. 115, Fig. 105 Flemish School, c. 1640, p. 113, Fig. 103 Fragonard, Imitator of, p. 337, Fig. 301 Franco-Flemish Master, p. 263, Fig. 237 French Master, XV Century, p. 236,

Fig. 227 French Master, Active 1561, p. 252,

Fig. 238 Fyt and Collaborator, p. 123, Fig. II3 Goya, Follower of, p. 231, Fig. 222 - After, p. 230, Fig. 221 Hals, Frans, Follower of, p. 132, Fig. 120 - Imitator of, p. 133, Fig. 121 Hondecoeter, p. 156, Fig. 142 Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Figs.

65-66 Jordacns, p. II9, Fig. 109 Largillierre. Attributed to, p. 293, Fig.

261 Lieferinxe, p. 244, Fig. 229 Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192 Master ofHoogstraeten (?), p. 72, Fig. 72 Master of the Kress Epiphany, p. 64,

Fig. 59 Merian the Younger, p. 44, Fig. 43 Mielich, p. 42, Fig. 33 Mor, p. 97, Fig. 82 Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248 Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig.


- Old copy after, p. 140, Fig. 124 Ribera, School of, p. 210, Fig. 207 - Circle of, p. 211, Fig. 208 Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97 - After, p. IIO, Fig. 99 Sargent, p. 383, Fig. 343 Seisenegger, p. 41, Fig. 34 Snyders, Studio of, p. I2I, Fig. III Vemet, E.J. H., p. 381, Fig. 339 Vos, Comelis de, p. II2, Fig. 102

COOK COLLECTION Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 254 Clouet, Franljois, p. 253, Fig. 243 Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88 Gallego and Assistants, pp. 163-177,

Figs. 152-177 Greco, EI, p. 191, Fig. 197 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210 Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248 Rembrandt, Old Copy after, p. 140,

Fig. 124

Snyders, Studio of, p. 121, Fig. III Velazquez, Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 205

CORBETT, Major Cecil Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

CORBETT, Major Uvedale Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

COTILLON DE TORCY, Franljoise-J ulie

Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

COTY, Franljois Baudouin, p. 324, Figs. 286-287 Robert, p. 341, Fig. 310

COURNERIE Fragonard, p. 336, Fig. 299

COURT-REPINGTON, Colonel Charles a'

Diirer, p. 12, Figs. 11-12

CRABBE, Prosper Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262

CRANACH, Dr. von Massys, Studio of, p. 76, Fig. 69


Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

CREMER Rembrandt, Old Copy after, p. 140,

Fig. 124

CROMBRUGGE, Helena van (wife of Peter van Nieuwmunster)

Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

CROZA T, Louis-Franljois Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

CROZA T, Pierre Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

CUADRA Y OLlAG, La Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. 184,

Fig. 186

CUNLIFFE-LISTER, John Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285

CUNLIFFE-LISTER, Samuel Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285

CURRIE, Bertram W. Rubens, p. 102, Fig. 95

CURTIS, Mrs. Daniel Sargent Sargent, p. 383, Fig. 343

CYPrfmRE, Marquis de (?) Boucher, p. 318, Fig. 283 Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295; p. 329,

Fig. 296


Diirer, p. 16, Fig. 17 Memling, p. 57, Fig. 52

DAMIDOT,M. Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

DARB Y, Abraham Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248

D ARNLE Y, Earl of French Master, Active 1572, p. 257,

Fig. 240 Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203

DAVID,Jacques-Louis David, p. 358, Fig. 330

DA VID-WEILL, D. Chardin, p. 314, Fig. 277

DAVIES, F. David, p. 352, Fig. 333

DECOURCELLE, Pierre Moreau, Imitator of, p. 347, Fig. 316

DEMANDOLX-DEDONS, Comte Dipre, p. 248, Fig. 233

DEMIANI Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS

DEMIDOFF, Prince Nicolas de Memling, p. 55, Figs. SO-51

DIAS, Vaz Durer, p. 12, Figs. II-12

DIBDIN (?) Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246

DIEMEN GALLERY, Van Lucas van Leyden, After, p. 85, Fig. 84


Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91, Fig. 90

Bl:rruguete, p. 183, Fig. 185


Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91, Fig. 90

DIETRICH, Baron de Keyser, dc, p. 134, Fig. 123

DINO, Duchesse de Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282

DOETSCH, Henry Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88

DOISTAU, Felix Fragonard, Attributed to, p. 335, Fig.


DOMINGUEZ, Conde (?) Alfajarfn Master, p. 182, Fig. 184

DONALDSON, Sir George Vos, Cornelis dc, p. II2, Fig. 102

DONCQUERS, Dowager de Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262

DORCHESTER, Earl of Dyck, van, p. II6, Fig. 107

DORIA, Ambrogio Dyck, van, p. lIS, Fig. 105

DORIA, Marchese Giacomo Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95


DOUCET, Alexandre French School, p. 347, Fig. 322

DOUGLAS, Marquis of David, p. 352, Fig. 333

DOUGLAS, Sir Charles Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

DOUGLAS, Lady Margaret Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

DOW, Carola Sanford Steen, p. 151, Fig. 136


Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256

DOYLE,Mrs. Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

DREICER, Michael Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196

DREY,A.S. Kulmbach, p. 3 I, Fig. 23 Netherlandish Master (?), Active 1558,

p. 96, Fig. 83

DREY GALLERY, Paul Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig.

148 Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257 Campin, Follower of, p. So, Figs. 45-46 Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188,

Fig. 191 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Fig. 22 - Studio of, p. 25, Fig. 26 Flemish Master, Second Half XVI

Century, p. 97, Fig. 86 French Master (?), Active late XV

Century, p. 243, Fig. 236 French Artist (?), Active XVII Cen­

tury (?), p. 259, Fig. 239 French Artist (?), Late XVIII Century,

p. 363, Fig. 341 Kulmbach, p. 31, Fig. 23 Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58 Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig.

228 Provost, Attributed to, p. 75, Fig. 68 Robert, Circle of, p. 339, Fig. 302 South German Master, c. 1485, p. 12,

Fig. 2

DREYFUS, Charles-Louis Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

DURAND-RUEL Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

DURLACHER BROTHERS Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249 Terbrugghen, p. 128, Fig. 119

DUVAL DE L'EPINOY, Louis (?) La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290

DUVEEN Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256 Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285

French Master, Active 1572, p. 257, Fig. 240

Gossart, p. 78, Fig. 73 Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289 Orley, van, p. 81, Figs. 76-78 Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. 184,

Fig. 186 Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203 Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95 Velazquez, Follower of, p. 211, Fig. 204 Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

EASTHOPE, Sir John Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

EDELSHEIM-GYULAI, Comte L. Netherlandish School, c.15OO, p. 72

Fig. 57

EGER, Bohemia or Hungary Convent of the Poor Clares

(?) Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225

EGREMONT, Third Earl Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig.


EHRICH GALLERIES Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

EISECK, Lacher von Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30

ELLIS, Wynn Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210

ELST, Baron Joseph van der Bosch, p. 66, Fig. 60

EMDEN Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19

ENZENBERG, Grafvon South German Master, c.1485, p. 12,

Fig. 2

ERARD, Chevalier Sebastien, Chateau de la Muette

Claude Lorrain, p. 285, Fig. 255 Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137

ERLANGER, Arthur (?) Kress Monogrammist, p. 36, Fig. 31

ESCORIAL Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

ESQUIVEL Y ALDAMA Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214

FABRICIUS, General von Tyrolean Master, c. 1500, p. 10, Fig. 9

FANKHAUSER, H. F. Greco, EI, p. 194, Fig. 195

FAUCHIER-MAGNAN, Adrien Fragonard, p. 337, Fig. 300

FEARON GALLERIES, Walter P. (?) Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146

FEDER, Joseph Fuller Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262

FEDER, Mrs. Joseph Fuller Ribera, p. 209, Fig. 206

FEIGL, Alada Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. 15

FEILCHENFELD, Walter A1tdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30

FEROL (?) Vigee-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328

FEZENSAC (see: Montesquiou­Fczensac)

FISCHHOF, Eugene Vos, Cornelis de, p. II2, Fig. 102

FLA VIGNY, Comtesse de Ingres, p. 373, Fig. 337

FLEURY, Comtesse de Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276

FLINCK Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

FONSECA Y ZUNIGA, Manuel de (?) Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 2II

FONTAINE DE RESBECQ Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

FORCHOUDT, Guillaume I (?) Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

FOURMENT, Baron de (?) French Master, Active First Half

XVIII Century, p. 296, Fig. 264

FRANCOTT A Y, M. Ie Chevalier Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

FREDERICK THE WISE, Elector of Saxony

Cranach the Elder, Studio of, p. 25, Fig. 26

FREDERICK II, King of Prussia Lancret, p. 307, Fig. 270 Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129

FREDERICK, Sir Richard Clouet, Franc;ois, p. 253, Fig. 243

FRENCH AND CO., Inc. (?) Greco, E1, p. 195, Fig. 200 - Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 Largillicrre, p. 292, Fig. 262 Massys, Circle of, p. 77, Fig. 70 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, pp. 179-

181, Figs. 178-183 Master of the St. Lucy Legend and

Assistant, p. 61, Fig. 54 Moreelse, Mter, p. 127, Figs. II7-II8 Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214 Ribera, p. 209, Fig. 206

FROHLICH, Dr. Otto German School, Second Half XVI

Century, p. 43, Figs. 41-42

FUGGER Maler, p. 35, Fig. 3

GAINSBOROUGH, Sir Thomas Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246


GALLIERA, Duke of Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

GAL TON, Howard Maes, p. 156, Fig. 145

GARBATY, Eugene L. Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig.


GARRET A, Raphael Touzc, p. 350, Figs. 323-324

GAS C, Charles Watteau, p. 300, Fig. 265

GAVET, Emile Cornelisz.,Jacob, p. 83, Fig. 87

GELDER, Miehel van Jordaens, p. II8, Fig. 108

GENTILI DI GIUSEPPE, Francesco Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

GEORGE V, King of Hannover Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Figs.


GHERARD Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

GIRENNERIE, Ange Philibert de la Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

GOLDSCHMIDT, Dr.J. Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Fig. 22

GOLDSCHMIDT, Leopold French Master (f), Active Late XV

Century, p. 243, Fig. 236 French Artist, Second Half XVIII

Century, p. 351, Fig. 325


Ostade, p. 150, Fig. 138

GOLD SCHMITT (?) Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95

GOMAN, Madame Fragonard, p. 333, Fig. 292

GONT AUT-BIRON, Duchesse de Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

GORE, Ltd., Annesley Orley, van, p. 81, Fig. 76

GOURNAY, Marquis de (?) Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

GOWER,Earl Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

GOYON, Vicomtesse Charles de Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289

GRAFTON, Duke of (?) Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig.


GRAHAM Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

GRAMONT, Duc de Largillicrre, p. 292, Fig. 262

GRAMONT D'ASTER, Comtesse de (?) Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276

GRA Y, Edward Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97

GRECO, EI, Estate of Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200 - (f), Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196

GREVILLE, The Hon. Alwyn (?) Ruisdael, Jacob van, Attributed to, p.

147, Fig. 133

GROENINX V AN ZOELEN, C. (?) Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

GROOT, Anthonis and Stephanus de Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

GROUL T, Camille Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295; p. 329,

Fig. 296

GUINNESS, Edward Cecil Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

GUINNESS, Walter Edward Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

GUIRAUD Fragonard, p. 336, Fig. 299

GULBENKIAN, Calouste Fragonard, p. 331, Figs. 293-294

HABERMAN, Professor H. Freiherr von

Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36

HACKENBROCH Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35 Goya, After, p. 230, Fig. 221

HAMILTON, Duke of David, p. 352, Fig. 333 (?) Ribera, Circle of, p. 2II, Fig. 208

HAMPDEN, Viscount and Viscountess Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253

HANNAY, A. Arnold Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256

HAPSBURG Provost, Attributed to, p. 75, Fig. 68

HAREWOOD, Earl of (?) Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

HARMAN, Jeremiah Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

HARO, Conde de (?) Master of the St. Lucy Legend and

Assistant, p. 61, Fig. 54

HARRI S, Lionel Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. 184,

Fig. 186

HARRIS GALLERIES, Tomas Lucas van Leyden, Mter, p. 85, Fig. 84 Terbrugghen, p. 128, Fig. II9

HARTOGS, Mrs. Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126

HASKARD Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19

HAUER Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

HAUSMANN, Bernhard Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Figs.


HAWLEY, Sir Henry Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

HEARST, William Randolph Dyck, van, p. 116, Fig. 107

HEILBUTH Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220

HEINEMANN, Rudolph Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249 Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 211

HENDERCOURT, Viscomte Bernard dc'

(?) Lieferinxe, p. 244, Fig. 229

HENKELL,O. Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar,

p. 8, Fig. 10


(?) Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

HENRY Claude Lorrain, p. 285, Fig. 255

HERENC, Roger (?) Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300,

Fig. 267

HERIS Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137

HEYDT, von der Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25

HEYL, Maximilian Freiherr von Cranach the Elder, Studio of, p. 25,

Fig. 26

HIBBARD, George Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246

HIRSCHMANN, Dr. O. Keyser, de, p. 134, Fig. 123

HOHENZOLLERN Balen, van, and Jan Bruegel the Elder,

p. 100, Fig. 94 Maes, p. 157, Figs. 143-144


Netherlandish Master (?), Active 1558, p. 96, Fig. 83

HOLFORD Mielich, p. 42, Fig. 33

HONORATI (see: Vespucci Honorati)

HOOGENDIJK GALLERY, D. A. Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129; p. 142,

Fig. 128


HOPE, William Williams Claude Lorrain, p. 285, Fig. 255 Fragonard, p. 331, Figs. 293-294

HORSIN-DEON, Simon Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95

HOUMANN, Mrs. Aase Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220

HOW ARD, Walter Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256

HOZIER,J. (?) Ribera, Circle of, p. 211, Fig. 208

HUBAY, Mrs. Jena Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS

HUNTINGTON, Henry E. Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

HUTT, Sir William and Lady F. A. J. Moreelse, p. 126, Fig. 115; p. 127,

Fig. 116

IMBERT [des Motelettes] Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47

IMHOF, Willibald the Elder (?) Durer, p. 12, Figs. 11-12


Boucher, p. 315, Fig. 281 Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

ISLINGTON, Lady Witte, de, p. 148, Fig. 135

ITXASSOU, near Bayonne, France Parish Church

Saenredam, p. 142, Fig. 128

IVEAGH, Earl of Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

JOHNSTON, David, Family of Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327

JOL Y DE FLEURY Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258

KANN, Rodolphe Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36 Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19

KATZ GALLERY Claesz., Pieter, p. 154, Fig. 141 Molenaer, p. 135, Fig. 122 Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126 Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 145, Fig. 130 Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137

KA UFMANN, Otto Flemish Master, Second Half XVI

Century, p. 97, Fig. 86

KAUFMANN, Richard von Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar,

p. 8, Fig. 10

KA ULBACH, Fritz August von Rubens, p. 104, Fig. 101

KERLEY, Robert Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127


KLEINBERGER Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219 Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 Claesz., Pieter, p. 154, Fig. 141 Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480,

p. 69, Figs. 62-64 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar,

p. 8, Fig. 10 Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44 Moreelse, p. 126, Fig. 115; p. 127, Fig.

116 Vos, Cornelis dc, p. 112, Fig. 102

KNOEDLER AND CO. Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30 Bouts, Circle of, p. 54, Fig. 56 Breu the Elder, Style of, p. 29, Fig. 27 Bruegel the Elder, Pieter, Attributed to,

p. 93, Fig. 92 Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 254 Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS David, p. 358, Fig. 330 Durer, p. 12, Figs. 11-12 Dyck, van, p. 116, Fig. 107 Fyt, p. 123, Fig. 112 Gallego and Assistants, pp. 165-177,

Figs. 152-177 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223 Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200 Holbein, Attributed to, p. 32, Fig. 16 Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127 Hooch, de, p. 153, Fig. 139 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6 Massys, Studio of, p. 76, Fig. 69 Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne

Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234 Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

Memling, p. 55, Figs. SO-51 Moreelse, p. 126, Fig. lIS; p. 127.

Fig. II6 Netherlandish Master, c. 1525, p. 82,

Fig. 81 Netherlandish Master (?), Active 1558,

p. 96, Fig. 83 Orley, van, Attributed to, p. 82, Fig. 80 Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 2II Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 145, Fig. 130 Vigee-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328 Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213

KOBLER, A.J. French Artist (?), Active XVII Cen­

tury (?), p. 259, Fig. 239 Orley, van, p. 81, Figs. 76-78

KOENIGS, Franz Wilhelm Grunewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

KOETSER, David M. Beyeren, van, p. 154, Fig. 140 Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35 Hamen, van der, p. 205, Fig. 201;

p. 206, Fig. 202 Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220 Millet II, J.-F., Attributed to, p. 295.

Fig. 260


Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 21S Ostade, p. ISO, Fig. 138 Pleydenwurff, Circle of, p. 6, Fig. 7 Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67 Siberechts, p. 124, Fig. U4 Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 136 Vouet, p. 261, Fig. 24S Witte, dc, p. 148, Fig. I3S

KUFFNER, Baron Raoul de Aragonese Master, c.1400, p. 158,

Fig. 148 Castile, school of, c. ISOO-I0, p. 188,

Fig. 191 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

LA BORDE, Comte Alexandre de Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289

LABORDE DE MER13VILLE Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

LABOUCHERE, Henry Velazquez, Follower of, p. 2II, Fig. 204

LALIVE DE JULLY, Angc-Laurent de

Greuze, p. 32S, Fig. 289

LALIVE, Louise de Greuze, p. 32S, Fig. 289

LAMORELIE (?) French Master, Active First Half

XVllI Century, p. 296, Fig. 264

LANGBEHN, Dr. Karl Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig.


LANGBEHN, Mme. Marta Master of Heiligenkreuz, p.232, Fig. 22S

LANGTON CASTLE Rubens, After, p. III, Fig. 100

LAPEYRIERE AntolInez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219 Claude Lorrain, p. 28S, Fig. 2SS

LARRIEU-ESTELLE French Master, Active First Third XVI

Century, p. 251, Fig. 23S

LA SALLE,De Jordaens, p. u8, Fig. 108

LASQUIN, Georges B. Hiiet, p. 328, Fig. 288

LASSA Y, Marquis de (?) Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

LA TOUR,Jean and Jeanne de Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne

Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

LATOUR D'AUVERGNE, Prince de Master of the de Latour d'Auvergne

Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234


LATOUR D'AUVERGNE, Emmanuel Theodosius de

Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95

LE BLANC, Abbe Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 2S1


Boucher, p. 319, Fig. 284

LE BRETON, Gaston Robert, p. 341, Fig. 306

LE BRUN, Pierre Rubens, p. 104, Fig. 101

LECONFIELD, Baron Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig.


LEDERER,A. Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25

LEED S, Duke of Le Nain, p. 267, Fig. 247

LEGANES, Marques de Hamen, van der, p. 20S, Fig. 201 (?) -, p. 206, Fig. 202

LEGENTIL, Madame Alexandre Ingres, p. 366, Fig. 33S

LEON (see: Quinones de Leon)

LEOPOLD WILHELM, Archduke (?) Dyck, van, p. lIS, Fig. lOS

LESTANG-PARADE, Chevalier Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230;

p. 241, Fig. 231

LEST ANG-P ARADE, Comte Melchior de

Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230; p. 241, Fig. 231

LEUTRUM ERTINGEN, Count von Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36

LEVY GALLERIES Maes, p. 156, Fig. I4S Moreclse, p. 126, Fig. lIS; p. 127,

Fig. u6

LEWIS AND SIMMONS Moreclse, p. 126, Fig. us; p. 127,

Fig. u6

LIECHTENSTEIN Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7,

Fig. 4 Chardin, p. 3II, Fig. 278; p. '313, Fig.

279 Dyck, van, p. II4, Fig. 104 Franconian School, Mid-xv Century,

p. 3, Fig. 5 German Master, Active c. I46S, p. 6,

Fig. 8 Ruisdacl, Jacob van, p. 146, Fig. 132

LINDENAU, Bernhard von Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25

LIVINGSTON-SAMPSON, Adele Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282

LLOYD-LINDSAY, Sir RobertJames Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137

LODER, Mrs. Phyllis Diirer, p. 12, Figs. II-I2

LOEB, Charles and Julius Breu the Elder, Style of, p. 29, Fig. 27

LORENZELLI (?) Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192

LOUIS PHILIPPE, King of France Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209 Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213

LUSHINGTON, Mrs. Ruysdacl, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 130

MACLEAN (?) Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 9S

MADRAZO (?) Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158,

Fig. 148 Castile, School of, C.ISOo-I0, p. 188,

Fig. 191 (?) Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147

MADRID, Alcazar Greco, EI, p. 19S, Fig. 200

MAILLET DU BOULLA Y, M. Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282

MAILL Y, Due de Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 27S

MAITLAND, John Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 2S9 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 2IS


Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336; p. 366, Fig. 335

MARCOTTE, M. and Mme. Joseph Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336

MARECHDALE, Madame La Robert, p. 338, Fig. 30S

MARENZI, Baron de Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262


Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203

MARIENFELD, Munster Cistercian Abbey Church

Koerbeeke, p. 4, Fig. 6

MARQUISET Fragonard, p. 336, Fig. 299

MARSEILLES Secularized Monastery of the Trini.

tarians Dipre, p. 248, Fig. 233

MARTIN,A. Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219

MARTINI,M. Ostade, p. 150, Fig. 13S

MASHAM, Lord Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 2S5

MASON, George Grant Ruisdael, Jacob van, Attributed to, p.

147, Fig. 133

MASSEY,]. Bosch, p. 66, Fig. 60

MASSEY-MAINW ARING Vos, Cornelis de, p. II2, Fig. 102

MATTHIESEN GALLERY Memling, p. 55, Figs. 50-51

MAUMEJAN, M. de Vouet, p. 261, Fig. 245

MAUREGARD, Marquis de (?) Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251


(?) Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 2S0, 282

MAY,Ernest Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

MEAD, Dr. Richard (?) Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300,

Fig. 267

MEDINA-COELl, Duke of (?) Ribera, School of, p. 210, Fig. 207

MENSING, A. W. M. Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129

MERIAN-CHRI S T Bruegel, Jan the Elder, p. 99, Fig. 93

MEUNIER, Baronne Claude-Marie David, p. 35S, Fig. 330

MICHEL-LEVY, H. Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

MICHEL-LEVY, Leon Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

MI S CIA TTELLl, Marchesa Cunegonda Vernet, E.J. H., p. 3SI, Fig. 339

MOITESSIER, M. and Mme. Sigisbert Ingres, p. 373, Fig. 337

MOLESWORTH Boucher, p. 315, Fig. 2S1

MONT, Frederick Aragonese Master, First Half XV

Century, p. 159, Figs. 150-151 Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7,

Fig. 4 Bruegel the Elder,Jan, p. 99, Fig. 93 Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71,

Fig. 71 Chardin, p. 3 II, Fig. 278; p. 313, Fig. 1.79 Dipre, p. 1.48, Fig. 233 Dyck, van, p. II4, Fig. 104 Franconian School, Mid-XV Century,

p. 3. Fig. 5 French Master, Active First Third XVI

Century, p. 251, Fig. 1.35


Hooch, de, p. 153, Fig. 139 Jordaens, p. lIS, Fig. 108 Juan de Flandes, pp. IS5-188, Figs.

187-190 Lucas van Leyden, After, p. 85, Fig. S4 Patinir, Follower of, p. 90, Fig. 79 Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 1.49 Ribera, Circle of, p. 2II, Fig. zoS Rubens, p. 104, Fig. 101; p. 106, Fig. 98 - After, p. III, Fig. 100 Ruisdael, Jacob van, p. 146, Fig. 132 Scorel, p. S6, Fig. 85 Valdes Leal, p. 21.3, Fig. 218 Velazquez, Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 205 Zurbaran, p. 215, Fig. 212

MONTBLANC, Countess Bruegel, Pieter the Elder, Attributed to,

p. 93, Fig. 92

MONTERREY, Count of (?) Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 2II

MONTESQUIOU, Comtesse Louis de Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276


Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289


(?) Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295; p. 31.9, Fig. 296

Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289

MONTLLOR BROTHERS Murillo, p. 21S, Fig. 214

MONTPENSIER, Duke of Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

MORGAN,J. Pierpont Vigec-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 31.8


(?) Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209

MOUNTRATH, Countess of, Diana Dyck, van, p. u6, Fig. 107

MOUNTRATH, Earl of Dyck, van, p. u6, Fig. 107

MULLER, Gerrit Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97

MUNRO OF NOVAR,H.A.]. (?) Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

M URA T, Comtesse Joachim David, p. 358, Fig. 330

M URRA Y, Fairfax Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19

M URRA Y, General Sir John Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95

MURRAY, T. Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95

NEELD, Sir Audley Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246

NEELD, Joseph Grittleton Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246

NEELD,L.W. Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246

NEERGAARD, Brunne Saint-Aubin, p. 344, Fig. 312

NEMES, Von (?) Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

NETHERLANDS, Governor (Stadhoulder)

(?) Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

NEUMANN, Ludwig Boucher, p. 318, Fig. 283

NEW YORK, Metropolitan Museum of Art

Greco, EI, Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196

NEWHOUSE GALLERY Dipre, p. 248, Fig. 233 Durer, p. 16. Fig. 17 Franconian School, Mid-XV Century,

p. 3, Fig. 5 Rubens, p. 104, Fig. 101; p. 106, Fig. 98

NEWPORT Dyck, van, p. u6, Fig. 107

NEWTON GALLERIES, Arthur U. Yriarte (?), p. 221, Fig. 216


Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

NICHOLS, R. P. (?) Rubens, After, p. IU, Fig. 100

NICHOLSON, Arthur L. Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257 Campin, Follower of, p. so, Figs. 45-46 Yriarte (?), p. 221, Fig. 216

NICHOLSON GALLERY, John Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 131

NIEUHOF Jordaens. p. uS, Fig. lOS

NIEUWENHUYS Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95; p. 109. Fig. 97

NIEUWMUNSTER, Peter van (husband of Helena van Crombrugge)

Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. S8

NO CE, Comte de Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

NORFOLK. Duke of Fyt, p. 123, Fig. U2

NORTHBROOK, Earl of Dyck, van, p. u6, Fig. 107 Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

NORTHWICK, Lord (?) Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248

NORTON Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209

NORTON GALLERIES Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

ODESCALCHI, Livio Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

ODESCALCHI ERBA, Baldassare Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259

ORLEANS, Dues d' Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215


Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig. 125

o RLE AN S, Antoine-Marie-Philippe­Louis d'

Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

ORLEANS, Antoine-Louis-Philippe­Marie d'

Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

ORLOWSKI, Comte Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282

OSMASTON,John Bouts, CiIcle of, p. 54, Fig. 56

OTLET Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

OUDEMARD (Oudenaarde?), Comtesse de

(?) Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47

OUDRY, Alphonse Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213

OVERSTONE, Lord Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

OWEN, Richard Baudouin, p. 324, Figs. 286-287 Boucher, p. 318, Fig. 283 Desprez, p. 349, Fig. 320 Fragonard, p. 336, Fig. 299; p. 337,

Fig. 300 French School, p. 341, Fig. 307; p. 342,

Fig. 321; p. 343, Fig. 308; p. 348, Figs. 317-318

Hilet, p. 328, Fig. 288 Lancret, p. 308, Fig. 272 Moreau, p. 346, Figs. 313-315 - Manner of, p. 347, Fig. 322 - Imitator of, p. 347, Fig. 316 Perignon, p. 345, Fig. 309 Portail, p. 308, Fig. 273 Robert, p. 340, Fig. 304; p. 341, Figs.

306, 310 Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 311; p. 344,

Fig. 312 Touze, p. 350, Figs. 323-324 Vernet, C.J., Manner of, p. 349, Fig. 319 Watteau, p. 300, Fig. 265

!P ALEN CIA, San Lazaro Juan de Flandes, pp. 185-188, Figs.


P ANI, Alberto J. Berruguete, p. 183, Fig. 185

P ARAF, Louis French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307


PARIS, St.-Leu-St.-Gilles (?) Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230;

p. 241, Fig. 231

PASTRE, Comte Andre French Artist, Second Half XVIII

Century, p. 351, Fig. 325

P A TON, Richard (?) Rembrandt, Old Copy after, p. 140,

Fig. 124

PAUL OF YUGOSLAVIA, Prince Greco, EI, p. 195, Fig. 200

PAUWELS Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

PEMBROKE, Earls of Millet II, J.-F., Attributed to, p. 295,

Fig. 260

PENAMACOR, Conde de Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88

PENN, Ram6n Tyrolean Master, c. 1500, p. 10, Fig. 9

PEREIRE, E. and I. Fragonard, p. 331, Figs. 293-294


Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223


Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223

PERIGNON Fragonard, p. 333, Fig. 292

PETITPONT Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 145, Fig. 13 I

PHILLIPS, Lionel Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

PILLET-WILL, Comte Fragonard, p. 331, Figs. 293-294

PODIO Robert, CiIcle of, p. 339, Fig. 302

POLL, van der (?) Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

POLLATCHEK, Professor Netherlandish School, c. 1500, p. 72,

Fig. 57

PORTALIS, Roger Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 311

PORT ARLINGTON, Earl of Dyck, van, p. 116, Fig. 107

POTOCKI, Count Stanislaus Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 145, Fig. 131

POTTER-SOENENS,Jonkheer De Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47


Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336; p. 366, Fig. 335

-... POZZO, Cavaliere Cassiano dal

Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

POZZO, CosUno Antonio dal Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

PRA UN, Paul von (?) Durer, p. 12, Figs. 11-12 Durer, p. 16, Fig. 17

PREYER, M. A. Maes, p. 157, Figs. 143-144

QUINONES DE LEON Goya, Follower of, p. 231, Fig. 222

RAGUSE, Duchesse de Robert, p. 338, Fig. 305

RAND ON DE BOISSET Rubens, p. 104, Fig. 101

RASMUSSEN, Mrs. George Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220

REITZMANN, Canon Heinrich (?) Grunewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

REP NINE, Prince French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII

Century, p. 342, Fig. 321

REPPI, Countess (?) Rubens, After, p. 110, Fig. 99

REYNIERE, La Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

RI CHARD, Jean-Claude Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295; p. 329,

Fig. 296

RICHARD, Theodore Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

RIEDEMANN, Antonio von Scorel, p. 86, Fig. 85

RING, Grete Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

ROBINSON, Sir John Charles Clouet, Fran~ois, p. 253, Fig. 243 Greco, EI, p. 191, Fig. 197 Velazquez, Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 205

ROBIT (?) Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257

RODRIGUES, Eugene French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII

Century, p. 342, Fig. 321 Robert, p. 341, Fig. 306

ROEHN, Alphonse Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

ROERICH, Nicholas Woensam, p. 39, Fig. 39

ROSLER, Karl Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91,

Fig. 90

ROMADKA,John M. Gossart, p. 78, Fig. 73

ROMADKA, Mary Tekla Gossart, p. 78, Fig. 73

ROME, Palazzo Barberini Vouet, p. 259, Fig. 244

RO ORE, jacques de Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

ROQUET, General Comte (?) Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

ROSA, Countess Cebrian (sec: Hubay)

ROSEBERY, Earl of David, p. 352, Fig. 333

ROSENBAUM,j. Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35

ROSENBERG, Paul Ingres, p. 373, Fig. 337

ROSENBERG AND STIEBEL Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32 Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258 Clouet, Fran~ois, p. 253, Fig. 243 Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25 Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88,

Fig. 88 German School, Second Half XVI

Century, p. 43, Figs. 41-42 Greco, EI, p. 191, Fig. 197; p. 194,

Fig. 195 Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar,

p. 8, Fig. 10 Master of the St. Marcin Altar, p. 37,

Figs. 37-38 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210 Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217

ROSENTHAL, Ludwig Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35

ROTHAN, Gustave Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282 Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275

ROTHSCHILD, Sir Anthony Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97

ROTHSCHILD, Edmund de Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134

ROTHSCHILD, Baron Gustave de Claude Lorrain, p. 285, Fig. 255

ROTHSCHILD,james (?) French Master, Active First Half

XVIII Century, p. 296, Fig. 264

ROTHSCHILD, Baron Lionel de Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134

ROTHSCHILD, Baron Louis de Holbein, Attributed to, p. 32, Fig. 16

ROTHSCHILD, Baronne Wilhelm Carl R. von

Pater, p. 306, Fig. 271

ROUX Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

Rufz, Luis and Raimundo Berruguete, p. 183, Fig. 185

R uiz, Omando Massys, Circle of, p. 77, Fig. 70


RUTLAND, Duke of Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250

SABIN, Frank T. Mor, p. 97, Fig. 82 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

SACKVILLE GALLERY Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249

SAINT-MA URICE, General de (?) Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282

SAINT-NON, Abbe de Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295; p. 329,

Fig. 296

SAINT-VICTOR, Robert de Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

SALAMANCA, Augustinian Convent (?) Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 2II

SALAMANCA Y MA YOL,jose Marques de

Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 2II

SALAMON, Mathias Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. IS

SALOCCHI (?) juan de juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

SANDBERG,j. A. G. Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129; p. 142,

Fig. 128

SANFORD, Mrs. H. S. Steen, p. 151, Fig. 136

SATTERWHITE, Dr. Preston Pope Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181,

Figs. 182-183

SA V AGE, Edward Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257

SAXONY, Kings of (?) Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232,

Fig. 225


(?) Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36

SCHAFER, Karl Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225

SCHAEFFER GALLERIES German Master, Active c. 1465, p. 6,

Fig. 8 Keyser, de, p. 134, Fig. 123 Molenaer, p. 135, Fig. 122 Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126 Ruisdael, jacob van, Attributed to,

p. 147, Fig. 133 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137 Woensam, p. 39, Fig. 39

SCHANTZ, Canon Caspar (?) Griinewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

SCHANTZ, Georg (?) Grunewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

SCHARF, Alfred Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

SCHN AKENBERG, Professor Walter Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Fig. 225

SCHNITZLER, Dr. Richard von Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

SCHONE, Landrat Dr. Friedrich Grunewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

SCHONFELD, Grafvon Vigee-Lebrun, p. 362, Fig. 329

SCHW ABACH, Frau von Greco, El, p. 195, Fig. 200

SCIOLETTI, M. Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213

SEDELMEYER Ruisdael,jacob van, p. 146, Fig. 130 - Attributed to, p. 147, Fig. 132 Vos, Comelis de, p. 1I2, Fig. 102 Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

SEELY, Lady Woensam, p. 40, Fig. 40

SELIGMANN, Arnold French Artist (?), Active XVII Cen­

tury (?), p. 259, Fig. 239

SELIGMANN AND CO., Inc., jacques

Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36 Fragonard, Attributed to, p. 335, Fig.

291 Retasc6n Master, p. 162, Fig. 149 Vigec-Lebrun, p. 362, Fig. 329

SENNEVILLE, Leroy de Fragonard, p. 333, Fig. 292

SESTIERI, Enrico Voet, p. 125, Fig. 1I0

SEVILLE Cathedral

Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209 Hieronyrnite Convent of St. Paula

(?) Zurbaran, p. 216, Fig. 213

SHEFFIELD, Sir Berkeley Netherlandish Master, c. 1525, p. 82,

Fig. 81 Orley, van, Attributed to, p. 82, Fig. 80

SIBEN Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32

SIEBRECHT,j. (?) jordaens, p. 1I8, Fig. 108

SIMONETTI Ribera, p. 209, Fig. 206

SINETY, Marquis de Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263

SLADE, Thomas More Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136,

Fig. 125

SMITH Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251

SMITH,john Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137

SOLLY, Edward (?) Memling. p. S7, Fig. S2

SOMERSET, Duke of Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 2S4

SOMZEE Mengs. Studio of. p. 44. Fig. 44

SONNINO. Gabriel Vouet. p. 259. Fig. 244

SP AETH, Emil Kress Monogrammist, p. 36, Fig. 31

SP ARK. Victor D. Hamen. van der, p. 206. Fig. 202 Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 136

SPERLING. Harry G. Berckheyde. p. 149, Fig. 134

SPEYER. Sir Edgar Campin. Follower of. p. SO, Figs. 4S-46

SPIELMAN, E. Zurbacln, p. 215, Fig. 212

SPINK, C. Marshall Poussin. Attributed to. p. 280. Fig. 252

SPIRIDON,Joseph Jordaens, p. 119. Fig. 109

SPRINGFIELD. Mass., Springfield Museum of Fine Arts

Claude Lorrain, p. 286. Fig. 256

STALLFORTH Kulmbach. p. 31, Fig. 23

ST ANDISH. Frank Hall Zurbacln, p. 216, Fig. 213

ST ANLEY, Hon. Edward A. Vesey Velazquez, Follower of. p. 211, Fig. 204

STEPHENS. Lyne Vigcc-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328

STERN. Frederick A. Antwerp Master. c. IS20. p. 88, Fig. 89 Breu the Elder, Style of. p. 29, Fig. 27 Maler, p. 3S, Fig. 3 Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129

STERN, Madame Louis Robert. p. 338, Fig. 305

STEURS. Alphonse de Claesz., Pieter, p. IS4, Fig. 141

STILLWELL. Dr. John E. Ribera. p. 209, Fig. 206

STOTESBURY. Edward T. Moreelse, After. p. 127, Figs. 117-118

STUMM, Freiherr von Goya, p. 229. Fig. 224

STURGIS, W. Claude Lorrain. p. 286, Fig. 2S6

SUTHERLAND, Duke of Poussin, p. 274. Fig. 2S1

SUYCKER, Cornelius (?) Cornelisz.,Jacob, p. 83, Fig. 87


SWINTON. Lady Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 28S

SYRACUSE, COWlt of Machuca, p. 189. Fig. 192

TABOURIER,L. Watteau. p. 300, Fig. 265

TALLEYRAND (?) Mielich. p. 42, Fig. 33

TAUNTON. Lord Velazquez, Follower of, p. 211, Fig. 204

TENNYSON-D'EYNCOURT Moreelse, After, p. 127, Figs. 117-118

THIDAUDEAU Clouet. Franrrois, p. 2S3. Fig. 243

THOMAS, Katherine Maler, p. 35, Fig. 3

THUELIN. Abbe (?) French Master, Active First Half

XVIII Century, p. 296, Fig. 264

THYSSEN-BORNEMISZA, Baron Heinrich von

Altdorfer. Circle of. p. 33, Figs. 28-30 Durer. p. 12, Figs. 11-12 Memling, p. SS, Figs. So-SI Netherlandish Master (?), Active ISS8,

p. 96, Fig. 83 Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 211 Watteau, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

TOLEDO. Don Antonio de Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203

TORCY (see: Cotillon de Torey)

TREVISE, Due de Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327

TREVOR, Robert Hampden Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 2S3

TROTTI Inza, Attributed to, p. 226. Fig. 220

TRUMBULL,John Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 2S1

TUFFIER. Dr. Fragonard, Attributed to. p. 33S. Fig.


ULLMAN. Frau Direktor Albert Cranach the Elder, Studio of. p. 2S,

Fig. 26

VALENCIA Santa Catalina Martir

Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193

V ALLADOLID, Convent (?) Master of the Reyes Cat6licos,

pp. 179-181, Figs. 178-183

VAUDREUIL, Comte de Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251 ,

VEGA-INCLAN, Marquis de la Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

VENDRAMIN, Gabriel (?) Scorel, p. 86, Fig. 85

VERSTOLK V AN SOELEN, Baron Steen, p. lSI, Fig. 137


Vernet, E.]. H., p. 381, Fig. 339

VIC-LE-COMTE, Auvergne, France Cordeliers

Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

VIENN A, KWlsthistorisches Museum Patinir, Follower of. p. 90, Fig. 79 Provost, Attributed to, p. 75, Fig. 68

VIEWEG,H. Scorel. p. 86, Fig. 8S

VIVALDI (?) Christus. Petrus, p. SI, Figs. 48-49

VOLTZ Kulmbach, p. 31, Fig. 23

VORAU, Styria, Austria Monastery

Master of the St. Marein Altar, p. 37 Figs. 37-38

V 0 S, Simon de (?) Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

VRIES. R. W. P. De French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307

W ALCKIERS [Walkuers], Vicomte Edouard de

Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

WALPOLE, Horace Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

WALPOLE, Sir Robert Poussin, Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252

W AL TERS. Mrs. Henry Cornelisz., Jacob, p. 83, Fig. 87

W ANT AGE, Baron Steen. p. 151. Fig. 137

WARWICK, Earl of (?) Ruisdael, Jacob van, Attributed to,

p. 147, Fig. 133

WATEL Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230;

p. 241, Fig. 231

WATERS Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210

W ATZDORF-BACHOFF, Frau von Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25

W AUG H, Colonel Petrie Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127

WEISS, Misses Rubens, After. p. III, Fig. 100

WEITZNER GALLERY,Julius H. Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256 Cornelisz., Jacob, p. 83, Fig. 87 Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327 Tyrolean Master, c. ISoo, p. 10, Fig. 9

WENLOCK, Lord Snyders, Studio of, p. 121, Fig. III

WERTHEIMER Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285

WERTHEIMER, Asher Moreelse, p. 126, Fig. II5: p. 127,

Fig. II6 Watte:lU, Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

WERTHEIMER, Charles Rubens, p. 101, Fig. 95 Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266

WESSEL Robert, p. 340, Fig. 303

WESTFALL, Mrs. Edward A. Orley, van, p. 81, Figs. 76-78

WICKES, Forsyth Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223

WIESER, Professor F. von Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30

WILDEN STEIN AND CO. Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282: p. 319,

Fig. 284 Bourdon, p. 290, Fig. 259 Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47 Chard in, p. 3 14, Fig. 277


Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253: p. 285, Fig. 255

David, p. 352, Fig. 333 Fragonard, p. 328, Fig. 295: p. 329,

Fig. 296: p. 331, Figs. 293-294: p. 333, Fig. 292

French Artist, p. 296, Fig. 264: p. 351, Fig. 325

- (?), p. 351, Fig. 340 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223: p. 229, Fig. 224 Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336: p. 366, Fig. 335 Lancret, p. 307, Fig. 270 Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246: p. 267, Fig.

247 Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230:

p. 241, Fig. 231 Memling, p. 57, Figs. 52-53 Nattier, p. 310, Fig. 276 Netherlandish School, c. 1500, p. 72,

Fig. 57 Pater, p. 306, Fig. 271 Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250 - Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252 Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263 Robert, p. 338, Fig. 305 Saenredam, p. 142, Fig. 128 Strigel, p. 26, Figs. 18-19 Vigec-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328 Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266 - Attributed to, p. 300, Fig. 267

WILHELM II, Kaiser Lancret, p. 307, Fig. 270

WILLIAM V OF BAVARIA, Duke Griinewald, p. 19, Fig. 21

WILLIAM II, King of Holland (?) Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67

WILLYS,john North Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, pp. 179-

180, Figs. 178-181

WIMPFEN, Dr. Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32

WOLFVOET, Victor (?) Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

WORONZOW, Countess Millet II, J.-F., Attributed to, p. 295,

Fig. 260

WUYTIERS, Barchmatm Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98

YORKE, The Honourable Mrs. Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97

ZARINE French Artist (?), p. 351, Fig. 340

ZWICKY Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6


ANTWERP Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 179

BESTE,jossine de, wife of jean Wouters (?) Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Fig. 64

CASTILE AND LEON Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Figs. 182-183

BOURBON-VEND6ME,jeanne de Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

BRABANT, Duchy of Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Fig. 183

CHIARAMONTI Ingres, p. 366, Fig. 335

CROMBRUGGE, Helena van Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

ESQUIVEL Y ALDAMA, Don Diego Felix de Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214

FLANDERS, County of Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Figs. 182-183

FREDERICK THE WISE, Elector of Saxony Cranach the Elder, Studio of, p. 25, Fig. 26

FUGGER Maler, p. 35, Text Fig. 9

HALLER VON HALLER STEIN Durer, p. 12, Fig. 12, color pI. opposite Text Figs. lOA, D

HILLENSBERGER Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Fig. 66: Text Fig. 12

HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Figs. 182-183

HOL Y ROMAN EMPIRE, Grand Marshal Cranach the Elder, Studio of, p. 25, Fig. 26

LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE, Comte de,jean Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234

MEGHEM,van (?) Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Fig. 48

NIEUWENHUYSE, Van Franco-Flemish Master, p. 69, Fig. 63

NIEUWMUNSTER, Peter van Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

QUARATESI French Master, Active 1561, p. 252, Fig. 238

REZZONICO Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

ROVERE, Della Ingres, p. 366, Fig. 335

VIVALDI Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Fig. 49

WOUTERS,jean Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Figs. 62-63

lQ,1-1 KX-I RZ KX-2 KX-4 KX-S K6A.n KI6 RZ8 K39

dKS6x KII6 KI32


KI4I KI42 KI43 KI60 KI67 KI9S RZ27 RZ29 RZ39

ro42 ro43


dRZ79 ro80 ro8I ro82

K301 K3 67

dK379 dK380

K3 82 UK3 83 dK3 84 dK38S dK386 dK45 I dK4S2 dK4S6 dK4S7

K462 dK468 dK469 dK470

K484 K488A.n

dKS05 dK506 dKS07 dKs08 dK547 dKS48 dKS49 dKS88 dK589 dK590



Hondecoeter. p. IS6. Fig. 142 Mor. p. 97. Fig. 82 Master of the Kress Epiphany. p. 64. Fig. S9 Mielich. p. 42. Fig. 33 Flemish School. c. 1640. p. 113. Fig. 103 Rubens. p. 109. Fig. 97 Attributed to Isenbrandt. p. 73. Figs. 6S-66. Text Fig. 12 Master of Hoogstraeten (?). p. 72. Fig. 72 Follower of Goya, p. 231. Fig. 222 Attributed to Rembrandt, p. 136, Fig. 12S French Artist (?). p. 3SI. Fig. 340 Attributed to Largillicrre. p. 293. Fig. 261, Text Fig. 83 Fyt and Collaborator, p. 123. Fig. 113 French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII Century.

p. 342. Fig. 321 Macs. p. 157. Fig. 143 Maes. p. IS7, Fig. 144 van Balen and]an Bruegel the Elder. p. 100. Fig. 94 After Rubens. p. 110. Fig. 99 French Master. Active 1561, p. 252, Fig. 238 Circle of Borras sa. p. 160. Fig. 146 van Dyck. p. lIS. Fig. lOS After Goya, p. 230. Fig. 221 Studio of Mengs. p. 44, Fig. 44 Robert, p. 340. Fig. 303 Robert. p. 340. Fig. 304 Follower of Frans Hals. p. 132. Fig. 120 Imitator of Frans Hals. p. 133, Fig. 121 Imitator ofFragonard. p. 337. Fig. 301 Moreau, p. 346, Fig. 313 Moreau. p. 346, Fig. 314 Manner of C.]. Vernet. p. 349. Fig. 319 Alfajarin Master. p. 182. Fig. 184 Lieferinxe. p. 244. Fig. 229 Perignon. p. 34S. Fig. 308 Huet. p. 328. Fig. 288 Imitator of Moreau. p. 347, Fig. 316 Moreau (?), p. 348, Fig. 317 French Artist, Active 1773. p. 348. Fig. 318 Moreau. p. 346, Fig. 3IS Desprez. p. 349. Fig. 320 Fragonard. p. 337. Fig. 300 Robert. p. 341. Fig. 306 Touze. p. 3SO, Fig. 323 Touze. p. 3S0. Fig. 324 Sargent. p. 383. Fig. 343 Baudouin, p. 324, Fig. 286 Baudouin. p. 324, Fig. 287 Robert, p. 341. Fig. 310 Attributed to Antolinez, p. 224. Fig. 219 Petrus Christus. p. 51. Figs. 48-49 Watteau. p. 300. Fig. 26S Boucher. p. 318. Fig. 283 Manner of Moreau. p. 347, Fig. 322 French Artist, p. 341. Fig. 307 Lancret. p. 308. Fig. 272 Fragonard, p. 336. Fig. 299 French School, Late XVIII Century. p. 343. Fig. 309 Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 311 Portail. p. 308. Fig. 273 Saint-Aubin, p. 344. Fig. 312 Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256

K61S KI03S KI037 KI043 KI061 KI06S KI071

KII3 2 K1I33 K1I34 KI326 KI327 KI328 KI33S KI336 KI337 KI338 KI339 KI340 KI344 KI389


KI391 KI392 KI393 KI394 KI39S KI406 KI407 KI408 KI413

KI417 KI41!:1 KI4I9 KI420 KI42I KI422 KI43 8 KI439 KI440 KIS27 KI536 KIS42 KIS8I KIS82 KIS83 KIS84 KIS92


KI597 KI598 KI599


Follower of Campill. p. 50. Figs. 45-46 E.]. H. Vernet, p. 381. Fig. 339 ]ordaens. p. II9, Fig. 109 Attributed to Coret, p. 382, Fig. 342 Merian the Younger. p. 44. Fig. 43 Cornelis de Vos. p. II2. Fig. 102 Franco-Flemish Master. Active c. 1480, p. 69, Figs.

62-64 Moreelse. p. 127. Fig. II6 Moreelse. p. 126. Fig. II5 Maes. p. 156, Fig. 145 Greuze. p. 325. Fig. 289 Follower of Velazquez, p. 2II. Fig. 204 Drouais. p. 322. Fig. 285 Boucher. p. 319. Fig. 284 Boucher, p. 316. Fig. 280 Boucher. p. 316, Fig. 282 Fragollard. p. 331. Fig. 293 Fragonard. p. 331. Fig. 294 Fragonard, p. 333. Fig. 292 Attributed to Watteau. p. 300, Figs. 267-269 French Artist. Second Half XVIII Century. p. 351,

Fig. 325 French Master. Active First Half XVIII Century,

p. 296, Fig. 264 Poussin, p. 271. Fig. 250 Lc Nain. p. 266. Fig. 246 Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263 Vigee-Lcbrun. p. 361, Fig. 328 Nattier. p. 310. Fig. 276 Claude Lorrain. p. 285. Fig. 255 Ingres. p. 373, Figs. 337-338 Pater, p. 306. Figs. 271. 274. color pI. opposite p. 309 EI Greco, p. 195. Figs. 198-200. color pI. opposite

p. 212. Text Fig. 45 Robert. p. 338. Fig. 305 Ie Nain, p. 267. Fig. 247 Chardin. p. 314. Fig. 277 Lancret. p. 307, Fig. 270 Master of St. Gilles, p. 240. Fig. 230, Text Fig. 53 Master of St. Gilles, p. 241. Fig. 231. Text Fig. 53 Claude Lorrain, p. 282. Fig. 253 Bourdon. p. 290. Fig. 259. Text Fig. 80 Attributed to Poussin. p. 280. Fig. 252 French Master. Active 1572. p. 257, Fig. 240 Yriarte (?). p. 221. Fig. 216 Terbrugghen. p. 128. Fig. 119 Copy after Memling, p. 60. Fig. 58 Aragonese Master. c. 1400, p. 158. Fig. 148 Cirera. p. 161. Fig. 147 School of Castile. c. 1500-10. p. 188. Fig. 191 Flemish Master. Second Half XVI Century. p. 97,

Fig. 86 South German Master, c. 1485. p. 12. Fig. 2 Kulmbaeh. p. 31. Fig. 23 Studio of Cranach the Elder. p. 25. Fig. 26 French Artist (?). Active XVII Century (?). p. 259,

Fig. 239 Northern European Master. p. 238, Fig. 228 Bourdon. p. 289. Fig. 257 French Artist (?). Late XVIII Century, p. 363. Fig.



KI633 KI634 KI636 K1642-KI646

KI649 KI650

Old Copy after Rembrandt, p. 140, Fig. 124 Studio of Snyders, p. 121, Fig. II I Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248 Poussin, p. 274, Fig. 251 Follower of Campin, p. 46, Fig. 47, color pI. opposite


Ingres, p. 366, Figs. 334-335 Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336, color pI. opposite Text Figs. 50-52

KI661A,nGossart, p. 78, Figs. 73-75 KI662 Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203 KI663 Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326 KI664 Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. 184, Fig. 186 KI669 van Orley, p. 81, Figs. 77-78 KI670 van Orley, p. 81, Fig. 76 KI680 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Fig. 183 KI681 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Fig. 182 KI682 Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214 KI683 Ribera, p. 209, Fig. 206 KI684 Studio ofEI Greco, p. 201, Fig. 196 KI685 After Moreelse, p. 127, Fig. 117 KI686 After Moreelse, p. 127, Fig. 118 KI688 Circle ofMassys, p. 77, Fig. 70 KI689 Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61,

Figs. 54-55, color pI. opposite p. 68 KI696 Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91, Fig. 90, Text

Fig. 16 KI698 Circle of Ribera, p. 211, Fig. 208 KI700 Valdes Leal, p. 223, Fig. 218 KI701 Attributed to Pieter Bruegel the Elder, p. 93, FIgs.

91-92 KI702 Diirer, p. 16, Fig. 17 KI708 Berruguete, p. 183, Fig. 185 K1711 Vigee-Lebrun, p. 362, Fig. 329 KI712 Retasc6n Master, p. 162, Fig. 149 KI781 Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192 KI795 Seisenegger, p. 41, Fig. 34 KI821 Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232 KI822 French Master, XV Century, p. 236, Fig. 227 KI823 Franco-Flemish Master, p. 263, Fig. 237 KI827 School of Ribera, p. 210, Fig. 207 KI835A,nDiirer, p. 12, Figs. 11-14, color pIs. opposite Text Figs.

lOA, B, p. 21, Text Fig. 3 KI837 Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258 KI838 Chardin, p. 313, Fig. 279 KI840A,nMemiing, p. 55, Figs. 50-51 KI843 Circle of Robert, p. 339, Fig. 302 KI847 Chardin, p. 311, Fig. 278 KI848 Bosch, p. 66, Figs. 60-61, color pI. opposite Text Figs.

IIA-C, Text Fig. IIA KI849A,n,C Circle of Altdorfer, p. 33, Figs. 28-30 KI853 Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Fig. 22 KI854 After Lucas van Leyden, p. 85, Fig. 84 KI855 Jacob van Ruisdael, p. 146, Fig. 132 KI856 Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7, Fig. 4 KI857 Franconian School, Mid-XV Century, p. 3, Fig. 5 KI858 van Dyck, p. 114, Fig. 104 KI859 Master ofHeiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226 KI860 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 179 KI861 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 178 KI862 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 180, Fig. 180 KI863 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 180, Fig. 181 KI866 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210 KI867 German Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43,

Fig. 41

KI868 German Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43,

K1875 KI876 K1877 KI878 KI881 K1886

Fig. 42-After Rubens, p. III, Fig. 100 Scorel, p. 86, Fig. 85 French Master, Active First Third XVI Century,

p. 251, Fig. 235 Circle of Brunswick Master, p. 71, Fig. 71 Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249 Jacob Cornelisz., p. 83, Fig. 87 Tyrolean Master, c. 1500, p. 10, Fig. 9 Style ofBreu the Elder, p. 29, Fig. 27 Maler, p. 35, Fig. 3, Text Fig. 9

KI887 Antwerp Master, c. 1520, p. 88, Fig. 89 KI888 Salomon van Ruysdacl, p. 145, Fig. 131 KI891 Vouet, p. 259, Fig. 244 KI892 Attributed to Holbein the Younger, p. 32, Fig. 16,

K1893 K1894 KI896 KI 897 KI899

color pI. opposite p. 37 Fyt, p. 123, Fig. 112 Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 254 Zurbacln, p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213 Circle of Bouts, p. 54, Fig. 56 Cranach the Elder, p. 24, Fig. 15

KI900 Netherlandish Master (?), Active 1558, p. 96, Fig. 83 K1903 Studio of Massys, p. 76, Fig. 69 KI908 Attributed to Fragonard, p. 335, Fig. 291 K1911 van Dyck, p. 116, Figs. 106-107, color pI. opposite

p. 197 KI912 Voet, p. 125, Fig. 110 KI913 Attributed to J.-F. Millet II, p. 295, Fig. 260 KI924 Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327 KI938 Griinewald, p. 19, Figs. 20-21, color pI. opposite p. 36,

Text Fig. 4 K1942 Juan de Flandes, p. 186, Fig. 187 KI943 Juan de Flandes, p. 187, Fig. 188 K1944 Juan de Flandes, p. 187, Fig. 189 KI945 KI946 KI965

Juan de Flandes, p. 188, Fig. 190 Woensam, p. 39, Fig. 39 French Master (?), Active Late XV Century, p. 243,

Fig. 236 KI966 Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 KI967 Pieter Claesz., p. 154, Fig. 141 KI970 Follower ofPatinir, p. 90, Fig. 79 KI971 EI Greco, p. 194, Fig. 195, Text Fig. 43 KI972 KI973 KI986 K1987 KI988 K1989

Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223 van Beyeren, p. 154, Fig. 140 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 136 de Witte, p. 148, Fig. 135 van Ostade, p. 150, Fig. 138

KI990 Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67 KI993 Circle ofPleydenwurff, p. 6, Fig. 7 KI994 Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. 159,

Fig. 150 KI995 Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. 159.

Fig. 151 KI996 Dipre, p. 248, Fig. 233 KI997 Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98 KI998 Molenaer, p. 135, Fig. 122 KI999 Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129 DOOO Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I D002 Attributed to van Orley, p. 82, Fig. 80 D003 Netherlandish Master, c. 1525, p. 82, Fig. 81 D004 David, p. 358, Fig. 330 Do05 thru 2030 Gallego and Assistants, pp. 165-177, Figs. 152-

177, Text Fig. 32


K2031 Cranach the Elder. p. 23. Fig. 24 K2II7 Rubens. p. 104. Fig. 101 K20P Cranach the Elder. p. 23. Fig. 25 K2IlS Jan Bruegel the Elder. p. 99. Fig. 93 1U034 Master of the St. Marein Altar. p. 37. Fig. 38 K2II9 Zurbaran. p. 215. Fig. 212 1U035 Master of the St. Marcin Altar. p. 37. Fig. 37 K2120 de Hooch. p. 153. Fig. 139 K2041 Nattier. p. 309, Fig. 275 K2124 Kress Monogranunist. p. 36. Fig. 31 1U043 Netherlandish Master, c. 1500, p. 72, Fig. 57 K2125 Fran~ois Clouet, p. 253. Figs. 241-243 K2046 David, p. 352, Figs. 331-333, color pI. opposite p. 324, K2126 Flemish Master, Active c. 1540. p. 88, Fig. 88

Text Fig. 130 K2127 EI Greco, p. 191, Figs. 194, 197. Text Fig. 42 1U048 Watteau. p. 297. Fig. 266, color pI. opposite p. 308 K212S \Voensam, p. 40, Fig. 40 K2050 Fragonard. p. 329, Figs. 296, 298 K2129 La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290 K2051 Fragonard, p. 328, Figs. 295, 297 K2148 Boucher, p. 315, Fig. 281 K2052 Saenredam, p. 142, Fig. 128 K2152 Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193 1U053 Strigel. p. 26, Fig. 18 K2156 Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6, Text Fig. I

K2054 Strigel, p. 26, Fig. 19 K2157 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, 1U059 Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127 Fig. 234, Text Figs. 59-60 K2083 Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262 K2160 Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 211 K2087 Goya. p. 229, Fig. 224 K2166 Attributed to Provost, p. 75, Fig. 68 K2088 Memling, p. 57, Figs. 52-53. color pI. opposite p. 53 K2167 Jordeans, p. 118, Fig. 108 K2ogo Attributed to Jacob van Ruisdael. p. 147. Fig. 133 K2168 Manner of Velazquez, p. 214, Fig. 205 K2og1 German Master. Active c. 1465. p. 6, Fig. 8 K2172 Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36 K2103 Attributed to Inza, p. 226. Fig. 220 K2176 van der Hamen, p. 205. Fig. 201 1U104 Siberechts, p. 124. Fig. 114 K2177 Vouet, p. 261. Fig. 245 K2105 Orrente. p. 204, Fig. 215 K2179 Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35 K2108 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209 K2183 de Keyser, p. 134, Fig. 123 K210g van der Hamen, p. 206, Fig. 202 K2184 Circle of Rembrandt. p. 138, Fig. 126 K2I11 Valdes Leal, p. 222. Fig. 217 K2185 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137 K2114 Master of St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10 K2187 Rubens, p. 101, Figs. 95-96, color pI. opposite p. 196 K2116 Salomon van Ruysdacl, p. 145, Fig. 130


ALLENTOWN, Pa .• Allentown Art Museum Franconian School, Mid-XV Century. p. 3, Fig. 5 Hals, Frans, Follower of, p. 132. Fig. 120 Keyser. de, p. 134, Fig. 123 Kress Monogrammist. p. 36, Fig. 31 Kulmbach. p. 31, Fig. 23 Maler, p. 35, Fig. 3, Text Fig. 9 Massys, Studio of, p. 76, Fig. 6g Master of the St. Marein Altar. p. 37, Figs. 37-38 Moreelse, p. 126, Fig. 115: p. 127, Fig. 116 Netherlandish Master, c. 1525, p. 82, Fig. 81 Orley, van, Attributed to, p. 82, Fig. 80 Ostade. van. p. ISO, Fig. 138 Rembrandt, Attributed to, p. 136, Fig. 125 Ruisdacl,Jacob van, Attributed to. p. 147. Fig. 133 Snyders, Studio of, p. 121, Fig. III

Steen, p. 151, Fig. 137 W oensam. p. 40, Fig. 40

A TLANT A. Ga .• High Museum of Art (Atlanta Art Association Galleries)

Orrente, p. 204, Fig. 215

BIRMINGHAM. Ala .• Birmingham Museum of Art Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148 Flemish Master. Active c. 1540, p. 88, Fig. 88 Ribera. School of, p. 210, Fig. 207

BRUNSWICK, Me., Walker Art Museum. Bowdoin College Berruguete. p. 183. Fig. 185

CHICAGO, Ill.. David and Alfred Smart Gallery, University of Chicago

German Master, Active c. 1465, p. 6, Fig. 8 Steen, p. 151, Fig. 136

CLAREMONT, Calif., Pomona College Franco-Flemish Master, p. 263, Fig. 237

COLUMBIA, Mo., University of Missouri Rembrandt, Old Copy after, p. 140, Fig. 124

COLUMBIA, S.C., Columbia Museum of Art Boucher, p. 315, Fig. 281 Claesz., Pieter, p. 154, Fig. 141 Maes, p. 156, Fig. 145 Ribera, p. 207, Fig. 211

CORAL GABLES, Fla., Joe and Emily Lowe Art Gallery, University of Miami

Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Fig. 22 Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Figs. 65-66, Text Fig. 12 Jordaens, p. 118, Fig. 108

DENVER, Colo., Denver Art Museum Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7, Fig. 4 Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36 Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71, Fig. 71 Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Dipre, p .. 248, Fig. 233 Lieferinxe. p. 244, Fig. 229 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 180, Fig. 181 Murillo, p. 218, Fig. 214 Netherlandish Master, c. 1500, p. 72, Fig. 57 Provost, p. 74, Fig. 67 Retasc6n Master. p. 162, Fig. 149


EL PASO, Tex., EI Paso MuseWll of Art Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219 Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191 Dyck, van, p. II4, Fig. 104 Largillierre, Attributed to, p. 293, Fig. 261, Te."I':t Fig. 83 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 209 Ribera, Circle of, p. 2II, Fig. 208 Rigaud, p. 294, Fig. 263 Valdes Leal, p. 223, Fig. 218 Zurbaran, p. 215, Fig. 212

HOUSTON, Tex., Museum of Fine Arts Goya, Follower of, p. 231, Fig. 222 Hamen, van der, p. 20S, Fig. 201 Murillo, p. 219, Fig. 210 Pantoja, p. 203, Fig. 203

JACKSONVILLE, Fla., Cummer Gallery of Art Fyt and Collaborator, p. 123, Fig. II3

KANSAS CITY, Mo., William Rockhill Nelson Gallery Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 130

LA WRENCE, Kans., University of Kansas Museum of Art Maes, p. IS7, Figs. 143-144 Sargent, p. 383, Fig. 343 Woensam, p. 39, Fig. 39

LEWISBURG, Pa., Bucknell Univenity Perrier, p. 264, Fig. 248

LINCOLN, Nebr., University of Nebraska French Artist (?), Active XVII Century (?), p. 2S9, Fig. 239 Merian the Younger, p. 44, Fig. 43

MEMPHIS, Tenn., Brooks Memorial Art Gallery Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220 Voet, p. 12S, Fig. 1I0

MONTGOMERY, Ala., Montgomery Museum of Fine Arts Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480, p. 69, Figs. 62-64

NASHVILLE, Tenn., George Peabody College for Teachers Provost, Attributed to, p. 7S, Fig. 68

NEW ORLEANS, La., Isaac Delgado Museum of Art Mengs, Studio of, p. 44, Fig. 44

NEW YORK, N.Y., Mrs. Rush H. Kress Balen, van, and Jan Bruegel the Elder, p. 100, Fig. 94 Campin, Follower of, p. So, Figs. 4S-46 Claude Lorrain, p. 286, Fig. 256 Corot, Attributed to, p. 382, Fig. 342 Flemish School, c. 1640, p. II3, Fig. 103 French Master, Active IS61, p. 2S2, Fig. 238 Goya, After, p. 230, Fig. 221 Master ofHoogstraeten (?), p. 72, Fig. 72 Mielich, p. 42, Fig. 33 Mor, p. 97, Fig. 82 Robert, Circle of, p. 339, Fig. 302 Rubens, p. 109, Fig. 97 - After, p. IIO, Fig. 99 Vincent, p. 360, Fig. 326

NEW YORK, N.Y., Metropolitan Museum of Art Hondecoeter, p. IS6, Fig. 142

NORTHAMPTON, Pa., Northampton Area Joint School Board

Yriarte (?), p. 221, Fig. 216

NOTRE DAME (South Bend), Ind., University of Notre Dame Moreelse, After, p. 127, Figs. II7-II8

PITTSFIELD, Mass., Miss Hall's School Flemish Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 97, Fig. 86

PONCE, Puerto Rico, Musco de Arte de Ponce Machuca, p. 189, Fig. 192 Velazquez, Follower of, p. 2II, Fig. 204

PORTLAND, Ore., Portland Art Museum Antwerp Master, c. IS20, p. 88, Fig. 89 Comelisz., Jaeob, p. 83, Fig. 87 Millet n,J.-F., Attributed to, p. 29S, Fig. 260 South German Master, c. 148S, p. 12, Fig. 2

RALEIGH, N.C., North Carolina Museum of Art Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 Breu the Elder, Style of, p. 29, Fig. 27 Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35 Hals, Frans, Imitator of, p. 133, Fig. 121 Massys, Circle of, p. 77, Fig. 70 Master of the de Latour d'Auvergne Triptych, p. 249, Fig. 234,

Text Figs. s9-6o Pleydenwurff, Circle of, p. 6, Fig. 7 Rembrandt, Circle of, p. 138, Fig. 126 Siberechts, p. 124, Fig. II4 Terbrugghen, p. 128, Fig. II9

SAN DIEGO, Cali£, Fine Arts Gallery Alfajarin Master, p. 182, Fig. 184 Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146

SAN FRANCISCO, Cali£, M. H. De Young Memorial Museum

Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century, p. IS9, Figs. ISO-lSI Claude Lorrain, p. 284, Fig. 2S4 Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232 Fyt, p. 123, Fig. II2 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223 Greco, EI, p. 194, Fig. 19S, Text Fig. 43 Hooch, de, p. IS3, Fig. 139 Jordaens, p. JI9, Fig. 109 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 178; p. 180, Fig. 180 Osona the Elder and Assistant, p. 184, Fig. 186 Poussin, p. 269, Fig. 249 Ruysdael, Salomon van, p. 14S, Fig. 131 Scisenegger, p. 41, Fig. 34 Tyrolean Master, c. ISOO, p. 10, Fig. 9 Velazquez, Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 20S Vos, Comelis de, p. 1I2, Fig. 102

SEATTLE, Wash., Seattle Art Museum Beyeren, van, p. 154, Fig. 140 Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127 Molenaer, p. 13S, Fig. 122 Rubens, p. 106, Fig. 98 \Vitte, de, p. 148, Fig. 135

SOUTH BEND, Ind., University of Notre Dame Moreelse, After, p. 127, Figs. JI7-JI8

TRENTON, N.J., New Jersey State Museum French Artist (?), Late XVIII Century, p. 363, Fig. 341

TUCSON, Ariz., University of Arizona Museum of Art Cranach the Elder, Studio of, p. 2S, Fig. 26 French Master, Active First Third XVI Century, p. 2SI, Fig. 23 S Gallego and Assistants, pp. 16S-177, Figs. IS2-177, Text Fig. 32 Juan de Juanes, p. 190, Fig. 193 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 179, Fig. 179 Ribera, p. 209, Fig. 206 Vemet, E.]. H., p. 381, Fig. 339 Vigee-Lebrun, p. 362, Fig. 329


WASHINGTON, D.C., National Gallery of Art Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30 Antwerp Master, Active c. 1530, p. 91, Fig. 90, Text Fig. 16 Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32 Baudouin, p. 324, Figs. 286-287 Bosch, p. 66, Figs. 60-61, color pI. opposite Text Figs. IIA-C,

Text Fig. IIA Boucher, p. 316, Figs. 280, 282; p. 318, Fig. 283; p. 319,

Fig. 284 Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257; p. 290, Fig. 259, Text Fig. 80 Bouts, Circle of, p. 54, Fig. 56 Bruegel the Elder, Pieter, Attributed to, p. 93, Figs. 91-92 Campin, Follower of, p. 46, Fig. 47, color pI. opposite p. 52 Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258 Chardin, p. 311, Fig. 278; p. 313, Fig. 279; p. 314, Fig. 277 Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Figs. 48-49 Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253; p. 285, Fig. 255 Clouet, Franr;ois, p. 253, Figs. 241-243 Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 24-25; p. 24, Fig. 15 David, p. 352, Figs. 331-333, color pI. opposite p. 324, Text

Fig. 130; p. 358, Fig. 330 Desprez, p. 349, Fig. 320 Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285 Diirer, p. 12, Figs. II-14, color pIs. opposite Text Figs. lOA, B,

p. 21, Text Fig. 3; p. 16, Fig. 17 Dyck, van, p. II5, Fig. 105; p. 116, Figs. 106-107, color pI.

opposite p. 197 Fragonard, p. 328, Figs. 295, 297; p. 329, Figs. 296, 298; p. 331,

Figs. 293-294; p. 333, Fig. 292; p. 336, Fig. 299; p. 337, Fig. 300

- Attributed to, p. 335, Fig. 291 - Imitator of, p. 337, Fig. 301 French Master, XV Century, p. 236, Fig. 227 French Master (?), Active Late XV Century, p. 243, Fig. 236 French Master, Active 1572, p. 257, Fig. 240 French Master, Active First Half XVIII Century, p. 296,

Fig. 264 French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307 French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII Century, p. 342, Fig. 321 French School, Late XVIII Century, p. 343, Fig. 309 French Artist, p. 348, Fig. 318 French Artist, Second Half XVIII Century, p. 351, Fig. 325 French Artist (?), p. 351, Fig. 340 German Master, Second Half XVI Century, p. 43, Figs. 41-42 Gossart, p. 78, Figs. 73-75 Goya, p. 229, Fig. 224 Greco, EI, p. 191, Figs. 194, 197, Text Fig. 42; p. 195, Figs.

198-200, color pI. opposite p. 212, Text Fig. 45 - Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289, Text Fig. 104 Grunewald, p. 19, Figs. 20-21, color pI. opposite p. 36, Text

Fig. 4 Hamen, van der, p. 206, Fig. 202 Holbein the Younger, Attributed to, p. 32, Fig. 16, color pI.

opposite p. 37 Hilet, p. 328, Fig. 288 Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336, color pI. opposite Text Figs. 50-52;

p. 366, Figs. 334-335; p. 373, Figs. 337-338

Juan de Flandes, p. 186, Fig. 187; p. 187, Figs. 188-189; p. 188, Fig. 190

Koerbecke, p. 4, Fig. 6, Text Fig. I

Lancret, p. 307, Fig. 270; p. 308, Fig. 272 Largillierre, p. 292, Fig. 262 La Tour, p. 321, Fig. 290 Le Nain, p. 266, Fig. 246; p. 267, Fig. 247 Lucas van Leyden, After, p. 85, Fig. 84 Master of Heiligenkreuz, p. 232, Figs. 225-226 Master of the Kress Epiphany, p. 64, Fig. 59 Master of the Reyes Cat6licos, p. 181, Figs. 182-183 Master of St. Bartholomew Altar, p. 8, Fig. 10 Master of St. Gilles, p. 240, Fig. 230, Text Fig. 53; p. 241,

Fig. 231 Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant, p. 61, Figs. 54-55,

color pI. opposite p. 68 Master of St. Veronica, p. I, Fig. I

Memling, p. 55, Figs. 50-51; p. 57, Figs. 52-53, color pI. opposite p. 53

Moreau, p. 346, Figs. 313-315 - (?), p. 348, Fig. 317 - Manner of, p. 347, Fig. 322 - Imitator of, p. 347, Fig. 316 Nattier, p. 309, Fig. 275; p. 310, Fig. 276 Netherlandish Master (?), Active 1558, p. 96, Fig. 83 Northern European Master, p. 238, Fig. 228 Orley, van, p. 81, Figs. 76-78 Pater, p. 306, Figs. 271, 274, color pI. opposite p. 309 Patinir, Follower of, p. 90, Fig. 79 Perignon, p. 345, Fig. 308 Portail, p. 308, Fig. 273 Poussin, p. 271, Fig. 250; p. 274, Fig. 251 - Attributed to, p. 280, Fig. 252 Prud'hon, p. 363, Fig. 327 Robert, p. 338, Fig. 305; p. 340, Figs. 303-304; p. 341, Figs.

30 6,310 Rubens, p. 101, Figs. 95-96, color pI. opposite p. 196; p. 104,

Fig. 101 - After, p. III, Fig. 100 Ruisdael,Jacob van, p. 146, Fig. 132 Saenredam, p. 141, Fig. 129; p. 142, Fig. 128 Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 3II; p. 344, Fig. 312 ScoreI, p. 86, Fig. 85 StrigeI, p. 26, Figs. 18-19 Touze, p. 350, Figs. 323-324 Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217 Vernet, C.J., Manner of, p. 349, Fig. 319 Vigee-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328 Vouet, p. 259, Fig. 244; p. 261, Fig. 245 Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266, color pI. opposite p. 308; p. 300,

Fig. 265 - Attributed to, p. 300, Figs. 267-269 Zurbanin, p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213

WILLIAMSTOWN, Mass., Lawrence Art Museum, Williams College

Memling, Copy after, p. 60, Fig. 58

Alfajadn Master, p. 182, Fig. 184 Altdorfer, Circle of, p. 33, Figs. 28-30 Antolinez, Attributed to, p. 224, Fig. 219 AntonelIo da Messina, p. 244, Text Fig. 55 Antwerp Master, c. 1520, p. 88, Fig. 89 Antwerp Master, Active c.1530, p. 91,

Fig. 90, Text Fig. 16 Aragonese Master, c. 1400, p. 158, Fig. 148 Aragonese Master, First Half XV Century,

p. 159, Figs. 150-151 Austrian Master, Active c. 1480, p. 7,

Fig. 4

Baldung Grien, p. 29, Fig. 32; p. 30, Text Fig. 8

Balen, van, and Jan Bruegel the Elder, p. 100, Fig. 94

Baudouin, p. 324, Figs. 286-287 Beer, Jan de (?), p. 88, Fig. 89 Beham, p. 38, Fig. 36 Berckheyde, p. 149, Fig. 134 Bernat, Martin (?), p. 182, Fig. 184 Berruguete, p. 183, Fig. 185 Beyeren, van, p. 154, Fig. 140 Bloemaert, Abraham, After, p. 142, Fig.

128 Bol, Ferdinand, p. 139, Text Fig. 30 Borrassa, Circle of, p. 160, Fig. 146 Bosch, p. 66, Figs. 60-61, color pI.

opposite Text Figs. IlA-C; pp. 66-68, Text Figs. IIA-C

Boucher, p. 3 IS, Fig. 281; p. 316, Figs. 280,282, Text Fig. 109; p. 318, Fig. 283, Text Fig. IIO; p. 319, Text Figs. III­II2; p. 319, Fig. 284

Bourdon, p. 289, Fig. 257; p. 290, Fig. 259, Text Fig. 80

Bouts, Circle of, p. 54, Fig. 56 Breu the Elder, Style of, p. 29, Fig. 27 Bruegel the Elder, Jan, p. 99, Fig. 93 - and van Balen, p. 100, Fig. 94 Bruegel the Elder, Pieter, Attributed to,

p. 93, Figs. 91-92 Brunswick Master, Circle of, p. 71, Fig. 71

Caffieri,Jean-Jacqucs, After, p. 325, Fig. 289 Campin, FolIower of, p. 46, Fig. 47,

color pI. opposite p. 52; p. SO, Figs. 45-46

Castile, School of, c. 1500-10, p. 188, Fig. 191

Champaigne, p. 287, Fig. 258 Chardin, p. 311, Fig. 278; p. 312, Text

Figs. 101-102; p. 313, Fig. 279, Text Fig. 103; p. 314, Fig. 277

Christus, Petrus, p. 51, Figs. 48-49; p. 52, Text Fig. 17

Cirera, p. 161, Fig. 147 Claesz., Pieter, p. 154, Fig. 141 Claude Lorrain, p. 282, Fig. 253; p. 284,

Fig. 254, Text Figs. 77-79; p. 285, Fig. 255; p. 286, Fig. 256; p. 287, Text Fig. 76


Clouet, Franr,:ois, p. 253, Figs. 241-243 - Ascribed to, p. 255, Text Fig. 62 Cock, Matthys (?), p. 91, Fig. 90, Text

Fig. 16 Cornelisz., Jacob, p. 83, Fig. 87 Corot, Attributed to, p. 382, Fig. 342 Coysevox, After, p. 348, Fig. 318 Cranach the Elder, p. 23, Figs. 22, 24-25;

p. 24, Fig. IS - Studio of, p. 25, Fig. 26, Text Figs.

6A-D Cranach the Younger, p. 41, Fig. 35

David, p. 352, Figs. 331-333, color pI. opposite p. 324; pp. 352-355, Text Figs. 130, 132- 133; p. 358, Fig. 330

Desprez, p. 349, Fig. p.o, Text Figs. II 5-116

Dipre, p. 247, Fig. 232, Text Figs. 56-58; p. 248, Fig. 233

Drouais, p. 322, Fig. 285 Durer, p. 12, Figs. II-14, color pIs.

opposite Text Figs. lOA, D, p. 21; p. 13, Text Fig. 3; p. 16, Fig. 17

Dyck, van, p. II4, Fig. 104; p. II5, Fig. 105; p. II6, Figs. 106-107, color pI. opposite p. 197, Text Fig. 27

- (?), p. 104, Text Fig. 22

Flemish Master, Active c. 1540, p. 88, Fig. 88

Flemish Master, Second Half XVI Cen­tury, p. 97, Fig. 86

Flemish School, c. 1640, p. II3, Fig. 103 Fragonard, p. 328, Figs. 295, 297; p. 329,

Figs. 296, 298; p. 331, Figs. 293-294; p. 333, Fig. 292; p. 336, Fig. 299; p. 337, Fig. 300

- Attributed to, p. 335, Fig. 291 - Imitator of, p. 337, Fig. 301 Franco-Flemish Master, Active c. 1480,

p. 69, Figs. 62-64 Franco-Flemish Master, p. 263, Fig. 237 Franconian School, Mid-XV Century,

p. 3, Fig. 5 French Master, XV Century, p. 236, Fig.

227 French Master (?), Active Late XV

Century, p. 243, Fig. 236 French Master, Active First Third XVI

Century, p. 251, Fig. 235 French Master, Active 1561, p. 252, Fig.

238 French Master, Active 1572, p. 257, Fig.


French Master, Active Second Half XVII Century, p. 292, Text Fig. 82

French Artist (?), Active XVII Century (?), p. 259, Fig. 239

Frencll Master, Active First Half XVIII Century, p. 296, Fig. 264

French Artist, p. 341, Fig. 307


French Artist, Active Last Third XVIII Century, p. 342, Fig. 321

French Artist, Late XVIII Century, p. 343, Fig. 309

French Artist, Active 1773, p. 348, Fig. 318 French Artist, Second Half XVIII Century,

p. 351, Fig. 325 French Artist (?), Late XVIII Century,

p. 363, Fig. 341 French Artist (?), p. 351, Fig. 340 Fyt, p. 123, Fig. II2 - and Collaborator, p. 123, Fig. 113

GalIego and Assistants, pp. 165-177, Figs. 152-177, Text Fig. 32

Gertnan School, c. 1365, pp. 233-234, Text Fig. So

Gertnan Master, Active c. 1465, p. 6, Fig. 8 German Master, Second Half XVI Cen-

tury, p. 43, Figs. 41-42 Gossart, p. 78, Figs. 73-15, Text Fig. 13 Goya, p. 227, Fig. 223; p. 229, Fig. 224 - After, p. 230, Fig. 221 - Follower of, p. 231, Fig. 222 Greco, El, p. 191, Figs. 194, 197, Text Fig.

42; p. 192, Text Fig. 44; p. 194, Fig. 195, Text Fig. 43; p. 195, Figs. 198-200, color pI. opposite p. 212, Text Fig. 45

- Studio of, p. 201, Fig. 196 Greuze, p. 325, Fig. 289, Text Fig. 104 Grunewald, p. 19, Figs. 20-21, color pI.

opposite p. 36, Text Fig. 4 - After, pp. 19-20, Text Fig. 5

Hals, Frans, FolIower of, p. 132, Fig. 120 - Imitator of, p. 133, Fig. 121 Hals, Harmen (?), p. 132, Fig. 120 Hamen, van der, p. 205, Fig. 201; p. 206,

Fig. 202 Holbein the Younger, Attributed to, p. 32,

Fig. 16, color pI. opposite p. 37 Hondecoeter, p. 156, Fig. 142 Honthorst, p. 130, Fig. 127 Hooch, de, p. 153, Fig. 139 Huet, p. 328, Fig. 288

Ingres, p. 364, Fig. 336, color pI. opposite Text Figs. SO-52; p. 366, Figs. 334-335; p. 367, Text Figs. II7-I20; p. 368, Text Figs. 121-123; p. 373, Figs. 337-338; p. 374, Text Figs. 124-129

Inza, Attributed to, p. 226, Fig. 220 Isabey, pp. 352-354, Text Fig. 131 Isenbrandt, Attributed to, p. 73, Figs.

65-66, Text Fig. 12

Jordaens, p. II8, Fig. 108; p. II9, Fig. log Juan de Flandes, p. 186, Fig. 187, Text

Figs. 35-39; p. 187, Figs. 188-189; p. 188, Fig. 190

Juan deJuanes, p. 190, Fig. 193 - After, p. 190, Text Figs. 40-41

Keyser. de. p. 134. Fig. 123 Koerbecke. p. 4. Fig. 6; p. S. Text Fig. I Kress Monogr:lmmist. p. 36. Fig. 31 Kulmbach. p. 31. Fig. 23

Lancret. p. 307. Fig. 270; p. 30S. Fig. 272 Largillierre. p. 292. Fig. 262. Text Fig. S2 - Attributed to. p. 293. Fig. 261. Text

Fig. S3 La Tour. p. 321. Fig. 290. Text Fig. 106 Le LOrr:lin. Louis-Joseph. pp. 32S-326.

Text Fig. 104 Le Nain. p. 266. Fig. 246; p. 267. Fig. 247 Leonardo. School of, p. 2S4. Text Fig. 61 Le Rouge. Pierre. p. 242. Text Fig. S2 Lieferinxe. p. 244. Fig. 229 Lucas van Leyden. After. p. SS. Fig. S4

Mabuse (see: Gossart) Machuca. p. IS9. Fig. 192 Maes. p. IS6. Fig. 14S; p. IS7. Figs. 143-144 Maler. p. 3S. Fig. 3. Text Fig. 9 Masip. Vincente Juan. p. 190. Fig. 193 Massys. Studio of. p. 76. Fig. 69 - Circle of. p. 77. Fig. 70 Master ofHeiligcnkreuz. p. 232. Figs. 22S-

226; pp. 233-234. Text Fig. SI Master of Hoogstraeten (?). p. 72. Fig. 72 Master of the Kress Epiphany. p. 64. Fig. S9 Master of the de Latour d' Auvergne

Triptych. p. 249. Fig. 234. Text Figs. S!rOO

Master of the Reyes Cat6licos. p. 177. Text Figs. 33-34; p. 179. Figs. 17S-179; p. ISO. Figs. ISO-lSI; p. lSI. Figs. IS2-1S3

Master of the St. Bartholomew Altar. p. S. Fig. 10

Master of St. Gilles. pp. 239-240. 242. Text Figs. S3-S4; p. 240. Fig. 230; p. 241. Fig. 231

Master of the St. Lucy Legend and Assistant. p. 61. Figs. S4-SS. color pI. opposite p. 6S

Master of the St. Marein Altar. p. 37. Figs. 37-3S. Text Figs. lOA. B

Master of St. Sebastian. p. 244. Fig. 229 Master of St. Veronica. p. I. Fig. I Memling. p. SSt Figs. So-SI. Text Fig. 14;

p. S7. Figs. S2-S3. color pI. opposite p. S3; p. SS. Text Figs. ISA-D

- Copy after. p. 60. Fig. SS Mengs. Studio of, p. 44. Fig. 44 Merian the Younger. p. 44. Fig. 43 Mielich. p. 42. Fig. 33 Millet II. J.-F.. Attributed to. p. 29S.

Fig. 260 Molenaer. p. 13S. Fig. 122 Mor. p. 97. Fig. S2 Moreau. p. 346. Figs. 313-31S - (?). p. 34S. Fig. 317 - Manner of, p. 347. Fig. 322 - Imitator of, p. 347. Fig. 316


Moreelse. p. 126. Fig. liS; p. 127. Fig. I16 - After. p. 127. Figs. I17-US Murillo. p. 21S. Fig. 214; p. 219. Figs.


Nattier. p. 309. Fig. 27S; p. 310. Fig. 276 Netherlandish Master. c. IS00. p. 72. Fig. S7 Netherlandish Master. c. IS2S. p. S2. Fig. 81 Netherlandish Master (?). Active ISS8.

p. 96. Fig. 83 Northern European Master. p. 23S. Fig.


Orley. van. p. SI. Figs. 76-7S - Attributed to. p. 82. Fig. 80 Orrente. p. 204. Fig. 21S. Text Fig. 47 Osona the Elder and Assistant. p. 184.

Fig. 186 Ostade. van. p. ISO. Fig. 13S

Pantoja. p. 203. Fig. 203. Text Fig. 46 Pater. p. 306. Figs. 271. 274. color pI.

opposite p. 309 Patinir. Follower of, p. 90. Fig. 79 Perignon. p. 34S. Fig. 308 Perrier. p. 264. Fig. 248 Piranesi. p. 338. Text Fig. I14 Pleydenwurff. Circle of. p. 6. Fig. 7 Portail. p. 30S. Fig. 273 Poussin. p. 269. Fig. 249. Text Fig. 6S;

p. 271. Fig. 2S0. Text Figs. 69-70; p. 274. Fig. 2SI; p. 27S. Text Figs. 71-74; p. 280. Text Fig. 7S

- Attributed to. p. 280. Fig. 2S2 - After. p. 269. Text Fig. 67; p. 271.

Text Fig. 69 Provost. p. 74. Fig. 67 - Attributed to. p. 7S. Fig. 68 Prud·hon. p. 363. Fig. 327

Quellinus. Er:lSmus (?). p. 123. Fig. I13

Regnier. Nicolas (r). p. 263. Fig. 237 Rembrandt. p. 136. Text Fig. 2S; p. 139.

Text Fig. 29 - Attributed to. p. 136. Fig. I2S - Circle of. p. 138. Fig. 126 - Old Copy after. p. 140. Fig. 124 Retasc6n Master. p. 162. Fig. 149 Ribalta. p. 190. Text Figs. 40-41 Riber:l. p. 207. Fig. 2I1; p. 209. Fig. 206 - School of, p. 210. Fig. 207 - Circle of, p. 21I. Fig. 208 Rigaud. p. 294. Fig. 263 Robert. p. 338. Fig. 30S. Text Fig. II3;

p. 340. Figs. 303-304; p. 341. Figs. 306. 310

- Attributed to. p. 339. Text Fig. lOS - Circle of, p. 339. Fig. 302 Rubens. p. 101. Figs. 9S-96. color pI.

opposite p. 196. Text Fig. 20; p. 104. Fig. 101; p. 106. Fig. 98; p. 109. Fig. 97

- After. p. 101. Text Fig. 21; p. 104.

Text Fig. 22; p. lOS. Text Fig. 23; p. 107. Text Figs. 24-2S; p. 1I0. Fig. 99; p. III. Fig. 100

Ruisdael.Jacob van. p. 146. Fig. 132 - Attributed to. p. 147. Fig. 133 Ruysdael. Salomon van. p. 14S. Figs.


Saenredam. p. 141. Fig. 129; p. 142. Fig. 128; p. 143. Text Fig. 31

Saint-Aubin, p. 343, Fig. 3II; p. 344, Fig. 312

Sargent, p. 383, Fig. 343 Scorel, p. 86. Fig. 8 S Seisenegger. p. 41, Fig. 34 Siberechts. p. 124, Fig. II4 Snyders, p. 122, Text Figs. IS-19 - Studio of, p. 121, Fig. III South German Master, c. 14SS, p. 12,

Fig. 2 Steen. p. lSI. Figs. 136-137 Strigel. p. 26. Figs. IS-19; p. 27, Text

Fig. 7

Terbrugghen, p. uS. Fig. II9 Touze. p. 3SO. Figs. 323-324 Troy. Franrrois de, After, p. 293, Text

Fig. SI Tyrolean Master. C.ISOO, p. 10, Fig. 9;

p. II, Text Fig. 2

Valdes Leal, p. 222, Fig. 217; p. 223, Fig. 218

Velazquez, p. 212, Text Fig. 48 - Follower of, p. 2II, Fig. 204 - After, pp. 2II-212. Text Fig. 49 - Manner of, p. 214, Fig. 20S Vernet, C.J., Manner of, p. 349. Fig. 319 Vernet. E.J. H., p. 381. Fig. 339 Vigee-Lebrun, p. 361, Fig. 328; p. 362.

Fig. 329 Vincent, p. 360. Fig. 326, Text Fig. lOS Voet. p. I2S. Fig. I10 Vos. Cornelis dc, p. 1I2, Fig. 102 - Attributed to, p. I13, Text Fig. 26 Vouet, p. 259, Fig. 244; p. 261, Fig. 245,

Text Fig. 63; p. 262, Text Figs. 64-66

Watteau, p. 297, Fig. 266, color pI. opposite p. 308; p. 298, Text Fig. 88; p. 300, Fig. 265. Text Fig. 107; p. 301, Text Figs. 91-92, 94-100

- Attributed to. p. 300. Figs. 267-269 - After, pp. 297-298. Text Figs, 84-87;

p. 301, Text Figs. 90, 93; p. 302. Text Fig. 89

Witte, de. p. 148. Fig. 135 Woensam. p. 39. Fig. 39; p. 40. Fig. 40

Yriarte (?). p. 221, Fig. 216

Zurbaran, p. 215, Fig. 212; p. 216, Fig. 213, color pI. opposite p. 213

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