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Page 1: ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR NOV. 9-16, 2014 - Amazon S3 · 2015-01-20 · ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR NOV. 9-16, 2014 NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE for December is next Sunday, Nov. 16th. Thank you for


NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE for December is next Sunday, Nov. 16th. Thank you for your promptness. THANKSGIVING SERVICE: Join us for the Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service Tuesday, Nov. 25th, 7p.m., at the Congregational United Church of Christ, E201 23rd Street Brodhead. Pastor Krystal will be preaching! SEWING CIRCLE will meet Tuesday, Nov. 11th, at 9am. We will continue tying quilts for distribution to nursing homes at Christmas time. We can always use some extra help. Call Janice Davenport for information, at 897-8386.

MISSION NEEDS: The church is currently looking for help with our Missions team. We are in need of a coordinator for our team. Also, we are looking for people to visit our shut-ins on a monthly bases. Vicki Evenson will be compiling a list of names and you may pick those you wish to visit. Please leave your name with the office if you are able to help. JOIN US for Coffee Hour in Fellowship Hall after church every Sunday! The Fellowship Hall is in the basement. Take the elevator or stairs down one floor. SUGGESTION BOX: There is a wooden box in the Welcome Area (formerly the Library) with forms that can be filled out with constructive suggestions for any area of the church. Please sign your name so that the appropriate person/committee can contact you with questions or resolutions.


PRAYER PALS NEEDED! We will once again be in prayer for our school age children. This involves daily prayer for a couple specific children in our congregation. You may send a monthly card encouraging them. If you would like to become a prayer pal, please see Danielle or email [email protected]. We will start Dec. 1st and continue through mid-May, ending with a Cupcake Party for the girls and Bowling Party for the boys. MARK YOUR CALENDARS! Wednesday, Dec. 17th, 6-8pm: "Happy Birthday Jesus" Party! Open to the community and accepting donations for the White Gift Food Pantry. MEN’S BIBLE STUDY "Quiet Strength" will be meeting on Mondays at 7pm in the double room (23) upstairs starting Nov. 10th. If you haven't received your book yet, please see Randy Johnson or Danielle Jorgensen.

Page 2: ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR NOV. 9-16, 2014 - Amazon S3 · 2015-01-20 · ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR NOV. 9-16, 2014 NEWSLETTER ARTICLE DEADLINE for December is next Sunday, Nov. 16th. Thank you for

NEEDED: Sunday School Helpers: No prep time or teaching required, just help in the classroom for 1 hour a week to keep the kids on task. We would gratefully accept help for every other week, if your schedule needs some flexibility. Please see Danielle or email [email protected] ‘MADE TO CRAVE' BIBLE STUDY: Bring you lunch and join us at noon on Wednesdays in the Senior High room . Please email [email protected] if you are interested. “THE JOURNEY”: Journey with Adam Hamilton as he travels from Nazareth to Bethlehem in this fascinating look at the birth of Jesus Christ. Using historical information, archaeological data, and a personal look at some of the stories surrounding the birth, the most amazing moment in history will become more real and heart-felt as you walk along this road. Join us on this journey as we look at the actual road from Nazareth to Bethlehem and look closely at the characters of our nativity. Classes will be Mondays, starting on Nov. 24th and running until Dec. 22nd. We will have a 10am class and a 7pm class. The book is $15. Sign up today! YOUTH GROUP MISSION: 6th-12th grade students are fundraising for the Imagine No Malaria program. They will be attending a conference Nov. 15th at the Kalahari. Please be sure to ask them about their 'Don't Bug Me' fundraiser! Donations can also be made at the display in the Welcome Center at the back of the church.

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