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Page 1: Annual Report for Maple Grove United Church July 1, 2018 ...€¦ · 2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report for Maple Grove United Church July 1, 2018 to June 30th, 2019


Annual Report for Maple Grove United Church

July 1, 2018 to June 30th, 2019

346 MAPLE GROVE DRIVE OAKVILLE ONTARIO L6J 4V5 tel: 905-845-5721 fax: 905-842-4159 [email protected] MapleGroveUnitedChurch.org

A Congregation of the Horseshoe Falls Regional Conference, United Church of Canada

Our mission as the congregation of Maple Grove United Church is to be a vital, active, caring Christian community,

growing in faith by celebrating God’s love.

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Cover 1

Table of Contents 2

Ross Gilmour, Council Chair 4

Transition Team 5

Message from Rev. Harry Disher 6


Christian Education 7

Worship And Music 9

Choirs: Chancel, Koinonia and Cherub , Memorial Handbell Choir 9

Membership 11

Outreach 12

Caring Team 14

Prayer Shawlers 15

Centering Prayer 16

Men’s Breakfast Group 16

East Oakville Community Adult Group 17

Web Presence 17


Indoor & Outdoor Property 18

Long Term Rental 20

Building Usage 21


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Milestones 22

Finance 22

Trustees 22

Ministry and Personnel 23

Stewardship 23

Fertilizer 25

Church Council Decisions 2018-2019 26

Church Staff and Leaders 28

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This annual report contains a variety of stories about how the vibrant community of faith that is Maple Grove United Church has carried out its ministry over the past year. In August 2018 we welcomed Rev. Harry Disher as Intentional Interim Minister. Interim ministry provides for a time of discernment during which a congregation can prayerfully plan for its future. It is an opportunity to remember and celebrate past accomplishments, to think about who we are as a church and to be intentional in discerning how we want to continue our ministry. As noted in the Annual Report of the Transition Team, this work is now largely complete. We expect to begin the process of calling a new minister early in 2020. I thank Rev. Harry for his very capable leadership and guidance to the congregation as Interim Minister. Music is central to the life of Maple Grove. Dr. Deborah Henry joined us as Director of Music last September and her leadership of our music program has been outstanding. The Chancel, Koinonia, Cherub and Memorial Hand Bell choirs are a vital part of worship at Maple Grove. In addition to regular worship and Christian Education, we offer a variety of other programs including Contemplative Prayer, Meditation, Fitness for Seniors and a bi-weekly gathering of people for games and fellowship. Maple Grove is particularly well known for its outreach programs. Once again this summer Andy King, our Christian Education Leader, served as Director of the Halton Interfaith Peace Camp for youth, a program sponsored by the Interfaith Council of Halton. Over 20 young people participated in a week-long program of fun and learning about faiths different from their own. We actively participate in the Neighbour Care Network (“NCN”) in Oakville, a partnership of local churches lead by Kerr Street Mission. The volunteers on the NCN team provide advice and support to people in our community who need help dealing with serious personal issues. Our building is home to several community groups including a local Volleyball league, a community children’s indoor soccer clinic and the 4th Trafalgar Scout Group. This year, the congregation agreed to become one of six hubs in Halton Region that are available to serve the local community in the event of emergencies. Maple Grove has proudly served the Oakville community and beyond for over 60 years. We are very fortunate to have many dedicated members and friends who contribute the time, talent, financial resources and leadership that enable us to be a welcoming and active congregation. It is your dedication and generosity that make it possible for us to live out our calling as followers of Christ, in Oakville and beyond. Respectfully submitted by, Ross Gilmour Chair, Maple Grove United Church Council

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Transition Team Report

The Transition Team consists of Shannon Duffin, Ross Gilmour, Ilana Greene, Sandra Onufryk, Cameron Serles, Harry Disher, Arnaud Painvn and myself. Previous members who have contributed to the work of the team are Paul Lamont and Sheila Murray. Council and Congregation had decided that it was best to have a period between the long term Ministry of The Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes and whatever indefinite regime is to be put into place and the Transition Team was appointed to help guide the process. While no formal vote has been taken at any level, I feel safe in saying that there is a consensus to put in place a replacement long term Minister. The Reverend Harry Disher was appointed as interim Minister at the end of Spring 2018. The Transition Team, along with other bodies in the Church such as the Worship and Music Committee, have tried various procedural and operational changes with two principal aims: 1. To get the Congregation used to the inevitable process of change; and 2. To determine the future direction desired by the Congregation. In addition, we have organized various post service workshops and discussions and in service surveys. These have been informative (including introducing us to the children’s creation “Groovy P”). We have: 1. Set out Core Values 2. Determined we could stay with "Where the Spirit Soars, and the Heart Finds a Home" as a Motivating Vision.. We are currently in the process of determining a limited number of Focus areas for our congregation's endeavors in mission. We will then (our objective is by the end of October) feed our findings into the process of creating a Congregational Profile and Job Description for a new minister. Our expectation is that a small task group, appointed by Church Council, will then take these findings as part of constructing this profile and present it to the congregation for approval, sometime in November. If the Horseshoe Falls Regional Council (which replaces the old Halton Presbytery and the Hamilton Conference) approves it, Council can then select a Search Committee which will be trained and supported by a representative from the Region. They can begin their work in January 2020 with a view to calling a new minister to begin on July 1. Alan Wheable, Chair, Transition Team

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REV. Harry Disher


Thank you, Maple Grove United, for your welcome, your support, your affirmations, your critiques, and your patience. Transition times are never smooth, and easier for some than for others. For Interim Ministers there is always the live tension and climate of acceptability as we undertake both Supply Ministry and the more-focused initiatives of an interim time. It’s quite all right to both love us and hate us and receive us with mixed emotions. Transition times are never smooth or particularly easy. Some people are gung-ho to just get on with it, make changes, and prepare the ground for new longer-term ministry. Others just need time to adjust. And others have trouble letting go of what’s comfortable, familiar, and the forms of ministry and care to which they have been accustomed. Yet, overall, I have found this congregation ready, despite some places of reticence, to move forward and to move on. The process, which is not all that familiar to us, is one of being attentive to God’s Spirit and seeking to discern God’s particular calling to this community of faith at this bend in the journey. In the manner of Saint Paul, let me toss out some bouquets. My sense is that this is a quite stable congregation, though some may worry about that. I celebrate the depth and character and commitment of so many among you who are in leadership and/or who might be willing to offer leadership. I celebrate the energy and spirit of over a hundred volunteers, and gifted worshippers among children, youth, adults, and seniors. I celebrate your commitment to outreach and the several initiatives in which you truly follow through and let the rubber hit the road. I celebrate the richness of a tradition of valuing inspiring worship, the spiritual blessing of music, and the sense of caring and supportive community. In the manner of Saint Paul, let me underscore some “howevers”. My perception is that Maple Grove United is a very busy congregation. There’s always lots going on. There are lots of activities and appeals and initiatives that are often happening simultaneously. It would have been prudent for Presbytery representatives to inform you that during an Interim time it’s better to let some things have a hiatus so that there is room and time to do the reflective interim time discernment. There are times and spaces given over to renters, which, yes, generates supportive income beyond the resources of resident members and adherents; but can at times hamper or even foreclose the possibility for offering faith formation and other community-building programs and events within the congregational family itself. It is also rare to enter an Interim situation where there have already been consultants and workshops around a future vision. Those explorations, that data, those nudges were valuable in helping discern some areas for focus. But none of them were actually picked up on and driven forward prior to my coming. So, yes, thanks to all who were patient and willing enough to continue to participate in more workshops, round-table reflections, and such. During an Interim Ministry time we seek to discern and name “Who Are We?”, “What Do We Have to Offer?” and “What is the Focus for Mission to which God is Calling Us Now?”. We are calling forth this congregation’s response to that last question this month just before the September Annual Meeting. That will enable your Transition Team to provide some of the key components of a Congregational Profile and Faith Story that is required in the process of searching for new ministerial leadership. It will also help frame some of the criteria for a job description for that new lead pastor. And then … there will be time and opportunity to already make some actual shifts in how this congregation lives out its faith in God and its discipleship in God’s world. There will be time and opportunity to remain open to fresh initiatives, new co-operative possibilities with other partners and churches, and revitalized ways of continuing to be the vibrant, caring, healthful congregation you already are. May God continue to bless you, encourage you, and transform you.

Respectfully, Rev. Harry Disher

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Jesus . . . took a little child and put it by his side, and said to them, “Whoever welcomes this child in

my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me, welcomes the one who sent me” (Luke 9: 47-48)

“For where two or three are gathered in my name, I am there among them.” (Matthew 18:20)

Yes, the Spirit of the Risen Christ is among children when they gather in Jesus’ name. The presence of

God is there when even two or three young ones are engaging in their own special time of worship and learning:

closing their eyes in prayer, singing a song or two, listening to a story from Holy Scripture, being welcomed and

welcoming one another in love.

And that is what I want to celebrate in this report: that even in the small numbers of children now

attending Sunday School at Maple Grove, God’s presence is still there.

That there are diminishing numbers of the young in attendance is an inescapable fact. Our class

attendances go up when the children’s choirs sing in worship, then tend to go down in between those times.

Special Sundays such as Easter saw a dozen children in Wonder Worship (pre-K to Grade 3) and 9 in

LIGHT Connection (“Learning In God’s House Together” – Grades 4 and up); but the usual numbers are much

lower. Leaders of each class (myself for LIGHT Connection, Pat Thompson for Wonder Worship, with help this

past year from Ilana Greene, occasionally Natasha Frank and, most recently, Karyn Pershad) prepare lessons

for each week regardless of what the numbers may be. My thanks to them all!

Our other major Christian Education program for children, Messy Church, which ran on the first

Saturday evening of the month in November and December and February through April, enjoyed fairly

consistent numbers of 12 to 14 children ranging in age from pre-K to Grade 6 and, of course, equal or greater

numbers of their adult companions. Featuring a worship time (Bible story and songs), crafts and other fun

activities (typically five stations) and a fantastic fellowship meal together, Messy Church has been a wonderfully

enjoyable and educational inter-generational experience that some of the children have been asking about

(“when will Messy Church start again?”) since the spring. Once again, we could not do it without the volunteers

whose generous gifts of time, talent and energy make Messy Church possible: the teenage volunteers like

Charlotte Taylor, Simon Cloutier and Paul Turvolgyi who helped out at craft tables; Pat McKee who brings her

musicianship, her guitar, and most of all her joyful warmth and caring to lead the songs; and Pat Thompson,

Judy Lilly, Brenda Williams, and another ever-faithful youth, Sophie Taylor, who make the meals happen. I was

the fortunate recipient of guidance and encouragement from Marilyn Penley who stepped back from her crafts

support role, and in that transition I received amazing help this year from Judy Knapp and Robin Wandel in the

preparation of some of the activities. I offer my undying gratitude to them all.

Something I am equally proud of is the enthusiastic participation again this summer by some of our

Maple Grove children in the Halton Interfaith Peace Camp, of which I was again the director. Running from

9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day for a week from July 29 to Aug. 2, the Peace Camp brought together 21 children in

Grades 1 to 8 from a diversity of faiths and cultures for a week of learning, playing, exploring and developing,

and fully one-third of the participants were from Maple Grove – the largest of any single contingent (Muslim

children made up the next largest proportion). Together with teen counsellors and adult supervisors from a

variety of religious and non-religious backgrounds, and the generous support of the Halton Police Service who

provide the Peace Camp with free classroom space, we were able to provide the children with daily bus trips to

visit different faith communities, experience outdoor learning, enjoy free meals and snacks together, and

participate in many exciting arts, crafts and games.

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Maple Grove itself was one of the faith communities that played host to the Peace Camp, and for the

great lunch we were provided (maybe the best of the week!) I again want to thank some volunteers:

Pat Thompson, Judy Lilly, Judy Arndt, and Jim Lilly who set up the tables and chairs. Thanks so much!

The young, of course, were not the only Christian Education focus in the past year; adult Bible study

happened too and was well attended, and, if I may humbly say so myself, well received. Studies on the Psalms

and on the final words of Christ from the cross enjoyed a lot of support and gave me very encouraging

feedback. Al Wheable also offers always interesting, thought-provoking, well-researched presentations on

matters of religious and cultural history and we always look forward to his leadership. His support of and

participation in the trip to Israel last year was just one example.

Not all the news from the Christian Education portfolio was encouraging. Our Maple Grove Youth Group

dissolved last year, to my genuine sorrow and regret. The group had not been large to start with, and when the

new school year came, we had one departure for university, another participant moved to Burlington, a third

obtained some necessary part-time weekend work, and competing demands of arts, sports, and school kept

others too busy. And so a group that had only five to six teen attendees at the best of times came to an end.

There also was no confirmation class last year; however, I have some hope for a small confirmation class this

coming year.

I had the honour and pleasure of being able, this past year, to continue one long-standing Maple Grove

tradition: the presentation of the Jenny Award. The first presentation of this cash award, which is granted to one

or more high school students who have made significant contributions to the life and work of the congregation in

the previous year or years, was made in 1994, and since then has gone to 29 different young people. This year

we awarded it to Charlotte Taylor – thanks, Charlotte, for all you have done for us and among us (especially at

Messy Church!) and we wish you many blessings as you move on to higher learning.

Finally, it has been another year of great joy for me to be part-time staff at Maple Grove United Church.

In addition to the thanks I owe all the parents and volunteers, there are many thanks I owe to everyone who has

supported and encouraged me over these past 12 months, including invaluable support from Bobbi-Jo, our

church administrator; and our interim minister, Rev. Harry Disher; and to the whole congregation. I am deeply

grateful, and as I look forward in hope and eagerness to the coming year, I can only pray that, God willing, our

young and old together can continue to celebrate all of God’s graciously bestowed blessings in the coming year.

Respectfully Submitted by, Andy King, Christian Education Leader

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Worship and Music Annual Report

Worship during 2018-2019 was enriched by leaders Rev. Dr. Morar Murray-Hayes, Rev. Harry Disher and Andy King in his role as Staff Associate. As well, we had lay preachers over three months during the summer.

The year was marked by the departure of Rev. Morar at the end of August 2018, and the arrival of Rev. Harry as the intentional interim minister In September of 2018. Rev. Harry’s worship ministry is recognized as a transition period from Morar’s 31 year tenure at Maple Grove. During this past year Harry has tested a number of changes in the format of worship and sought feedback from the committee and congregation on each change.

The music ministry was also marked by significant change in 2018-2019. Dan Hynek announced his retirement at the end of May 2018 and Deborah Henry was selected as the music director and organist in August, 2018. Eran Rozen directed the Koinonia choir in addition to playing piano, and singing solo and in choir. Katie McGee led the Cherub choir, and both children’s choirs played a large part in the 6:30 Christmas Eve service, while also appearing regularly through the year.

The committee acknowledges Sheelagh Rowland for her work in the Chancel Guild. Much has gone into revitalizing existing materials and very professionally arranging flowers to enhance our lovely chancel. And we cannot forget the Christmas decorations not only in the sanctuary but also in many places on the main floor – trees, creches, all worth a second look.

The committee wishes to thank those volunteers in front of and behind the scenes - weekly readers and greeters/ushers, communion servers, talented choirs and soloists, the Memorial HandBell Choir, the Spirit Moves Dancers, and dedicated sound system volunteers. Thank-you to our many unseen volunteers who provide communion elements, polish communion silver and fold our service bulletins.

Submitted respectfully by the members of the Worship and Music Committee 2018-2019: Rev. Harry Disher (ex officio), Deborah Henry (ex officio), Bruce Tanaka (Chair), Karen Kerr, Arnaud Painvin,

Pau Chern Seow, Barb Duffin, Sheelagh Rowland (Chancel Guild).

Chancel Choir

In the Fall of 2018, Maple Grove Church welcomed Dr. Deborah Henry, who enthusiastically embraced her first year as our Director of Music. Deborah chose many anthems which were new to the choir, often providing arrangements of her own. The Chancel Choir sang anthems, solos, duets and trios, often with choir members enhancing the music with guitar, flute, and accordion accompaniment. Many thanks to Pat McKee, Rob Anderson, Karyn Snelling Ireland and Mike Ware for sharing their talents. Our Thursday evening practices are challenging and fun thanks to Deborah’s skills and passion for music. Again, Eran Rozen, Organist and Koinonia Choir Director, has inspired us as a pianist when he accompanies the choir and plays throughout the services. We also appreciate him singing with the male section on occasion. The Joy and Magic of Christmas Service this year was one of beautiful music and reflections. Members of both Masterworks of Oakville and the Oakville Chamber Orchestra under the leadership of Charles Demuynck joined us in celebrating the Christmas Season. Our guest this year was a very talented young award winning pianist named J.J. Bui who amazed everyone.

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The Good Friday Service was held at St. John’s United Church in downtown Oakville. Our choir joined St. John’s in presenting a meaningful and lovely service. The Anniversary Service and Variety Show in May were other highlights of this year. Choir members sang, played instruments, and showed an artistic video production. Joining in the fun were other members of the congregation offering dances, poetry readings, singing, and art work. Cherub and Koinonia Choirs sang pieces as well. It was an enjoyable evening for all ages. New members are always welcome. We look forward to continuing to praise and celebrate our faith through music. Submitted by: Carol Gilchrist, Chancel Choir President

Chancel Choir

Koinonia Choir: Yet another great year for the Koinonia Choir. As usual, the size of the choir fluctuated throughout the year, but we were fortunate enough to have 12 singers for our last performance, the May 25th Variety Show where they performed "Let It Be". We also had several brave members of the choir show off their talents by performing solos. The Christmas concert performance was slightly less confident than in years past due to a lower singer turnout and lack of familiarity with the musical selection. We will make up for it this year by combining forces with the Cherub Choir and choosing a better known song. Thanksgiving and Easter were fantastic as usual, and we were fortunate enough to include several Communion performances. We will do so again this year. This year, the Koinonia Choir is at a crossroads. 9 out of the 12 singers who performed last year are not coming back. Some of the Cherub Choir members have graduated and moved on to sing with the Koinonia Choir, but with most of the older singers gone, we don't have enough vocal power for any large-scale performances. High-quality advertising is critical at this point. Thanks to Bonnee Ware, Judy Lilly and Pat McKee for helping out this year and to Maya Radulovich, our volunteer assistant. Respectfully submitted by Eran Rozen, Mus. M., Director of Koinonia Choir

Cherub Choir The Cherub Choir experienced another successful year singing God’s praises! Rehearsals took place on Thursday evenings and the choir performed approximately once a month during the 10:30 a.m. church service as well as Christmas Eve. There were eight children in the Cherub Choir ranging from JK to grade 2. We welcomed two new singers, Aidan and Stephen, to the choir. We celebrated at year-end with an ice-cream sundae party. At year end we also wished two of our members, Evelyn and Regan, good-bye as they have graduated to membership in the Koinonia choir. Many thanks to Eran and Deborah for accompanying the Cherub Choir. Respectfully submitted by, Katie McGee

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Maple Grove Memorial Handbell Choir 2018/2019 was a great year for the Belles. Challenging, exciting and fulfilling. We enjoyed playing once a month in church and being able to help with communion music. In the fall we joined with 4 other choirs at Eden United Church for a massed practice of upcoming Festival music. A wonderful opportunity to work with the amazing director, Mark Matteson. At Christmas we accompanied the Chancel Choir on two pieces, which was a new and special experience. We also had the opportunity to play at Sunday services at Walton United Church in November and at St Cuthbert's Church this past spring. In January some of us went on a bell cruise through the Panama Canal where we connected with ringers from all over Canada and the United States and practiced new music on “at sea” days. We held a concert on board ship at the end of the cruise where two of our husbands were featured in the beginners choir (Jim Lilly and John Berg!) In April we were invited to play at the MADD Canada Annual Remembrance Vigil at the BMO Education and Conference Centre. This is a three day conference for grieving families and friends which culminates in a candlelight service of remembrance. As each person’s name is read, a bell tolls. We also played three meditative pieces, including Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah. This is an extremely moving service and always difficult. We are very honored to be asked to attend each year and hope our music gives some support to those who are grieving. In June we attended the Ontario Guild of English Handbell Ringers’ Biennial Festival at Fanshawe College in London Ontario for three days where we practiced with 40 other choirs and finished with a sold out concert. Many thanks to Robin Hayley Gillin for being a superb, gifted and easygoing co-director! And to the Belles for being the craziest most wonderful sisterhood ever! Respectfully submitted by, Jan Beddoe, Director


The Membership Committee’s past goals and activities: Welcoming weekly presence at the membership table to provide information to visitors and newcomers. Make new and replace church name tags. Assist administration in updating the membership database. Plan a membership fellowship event for all ages twice a year. Organize new member information sessions once or twice a year. If you feel that these are goals and activities that speak to you and could be a part of your “Time and Talent” at Maple Grove, Please contact the church office: [email protected] or 905-845-5721

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The United Church of Canada mandates Outreach Committees to provide outreach internationally, nationally

and locally.


Fair Trade Sale: to provide workers in the developing world an opportunity to sell their wares at fair

prices. Due to scheduling conflicts with the Fair Trade Vendors we did not hold our Fair Trade Sale this year.

We are exploring a return for fall 2019 -stay tuned.

Outreach Chili Lunch and Silent Auction: An opportunity to showcase many of the volunteer groups that

we work with. This year we invited a number of groups to participate in an information session and fund

raising event. Joining us were Kerr Street Mission, Neighbour Care Network, our own Prayer Shawlers,

Canadian Food Grains Bank and Sleeping Children Around the World (SCAW). We were able to fundraise

over $500 for SCAW. In addition over $1500 was raised to support our Outreach programs. Thanks to the

many volunteers spearheaded by Bobbi-Jo Walker, and with food and refreshments donated by the

congregation as well as Cobs Bakery.

Modern Miracle Spaghetti Dinner in support of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank to help eradicate hunger by

providing food in the developing work in times of crisis; helping people grow more food; and by

providing nutritional support to pregnant and breastfeeding mothers and their children. Another

successful event partnering with St. John’s was hosted at Maple Grove on April 28th. This year we had one of

our most successful events in recent memory with over $5,600 in total between the two churches raised in

support of this worthy cause. The ‘Room at the Table’ focus as well as the early announcements were a great

help. In addition our monthly Oatmeal sales have provided around $500 in support to this worthy cause.

Thanks to Marylyn Chamberlain for her continued leadership and drive in this worthy cause.

Monthly ‘Minute for Mission’ readings help keep us centred on the work being done by the United Church

Mission and Service which the congregation supports through givings.

Refugee Work, to support refugee families coming to Canada and settling successfully

Co-chairs: Katy Joaquim and Sandra Onufryk

Outreach Committee

Application was given to the United Church Head Office in 2018. It would have taken about 3 years for the

family to come after the application was made however a parallel tract was pursued with the Canadian section

of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees. The UNHCR is trying to establish partnerships with

Canadian institutions that provide medical and disability services. It is their hope that Maysam will be used in

the publicity of this venture. Their case was expedited and they arrived in Canada in October 2019. The family

is now living in Moncton, NB and support for Maysam is available in the area. Thanks to Sandra Onufryk for

her creativity and insatiable desire to find a resolution to this difficult situation.

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Outreach Committee

Support for Yezedi family Throughout the year we have been supporting a group of Yezedi family members who fled this area of Northern Iraq three years ago and have been rebuilding their lives in Canada. While they were in the Yezedi region ISIS overran the area and killed all the men in the town and all of the women and children were taken into captivity, separated, and sold into slavery. Our support initially was clothing, linens, personal items and emotional support to help them get established. In May of this year the ISIS stronghold was captured and one of the children remaining there was released. Work is being done through the Canadian Section of the United Nations High Commission for Refugees to secure an early transit to Canada for her however in the interim her mother has gone to the refugee camp to be reunited with her daughter. Donations are needed to help pay for flights and and extensive counselling and we have set a goal of $5000 for fundraising. NATIONAL OUTREACH First Nations Scholarship: Our Scholarship program has supported 3 Indigenous students at the University of Sudbury. The most recent recipient received a one-time bursary of $4000. She is in her second year of the Indigenous Studies program and is maintaining a high grade point average (GPA) and is recognized as a strong student. This last payment has completed the Scholarship program from the available funds on hand. We will continue to discuss if and how we want to move forward with this program. LOCAL OUTREACH NEIGHBOUR CARE NETWORK - formerly RESTORE HALTON Volunteers: John Berg (co-ordinator), Gloria Tomlinson, Jim and Judy Lilly, Jean Ann Davis, David Freeman, Brenda Lewis, Katy Board, Gay Loveland, Doug Deeth. Organization Changes:

1. Kerr Street Mission (KSM) changed affiliation from the national Restore organization to their own Neighbour Care Network (NCN). We have signed a Letter of Understanding with KSM to formalize our roles in this relationship.

2. Sandra Onufryk stepped down as co-ordinator to concentrate on other areas of need within the church

community and was replaced by John Berg. 3. We remain a small group and invite you to join us in this worthwhile cause.

Participants (term used by NCN for the people who use our services)

1. We helped two women prepare for their new births (baby furniture, clothes, friendship) 2. We continue to support a refugee family with one child who has heart issues. (driving, summer camp

fees) 3. Significant help is given to a woman as she works to find personal safety and affordable accommodation

(counselling, personal support)

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Outreach Committee

4. We continue to support one of our longer term participants with her on-going physical and mental issues (counselling, advocacy, driving)

5. A contribution of $500 was sent to KSM to help with their more severe participants which they handle

themselves. 6. We sponsored two refugee girls within our NCN families to attend the Interfaith Peace Camp.

Ongoing volunteer help needed - KSM has just sent us four more files to review and consider taking on as participants. Without more involvement from the congregation we will only be able to handle one or two of these. Kerr Street Mission: to help the less fortunate in our community to enjoy a more comfortable and productive life. Maple Grovers maintain a strong presence of volunteerism at the mission. Specific projects include:

● Christmas Wonders where groceries, pajamas and gift cards were donated by members of the congregation to support Kerr Street Mission families during the Christmas season.

● Organic B Farms continues to deliver a large box of fruit and vegetables to Kerr Street Mission on a weekly basis in exchange for using the church lobby as a food box drop for their business.

● Maple Grove members prepared and served the Thursday night dinner at Kerr Street Mission. Over 70 people enjoyed a traditional roast beef dinner. Thanks to MGUC members Richard and Deene Phaneuf, Kay and John Hamilton, Marilyn McClure, Diane Heller-Watson, Jane Moffat, Beth Mitchell, Aki Tanaka and Bill Bremner.

Financial Contribution We were blessed to receive a large financial contribution through the United Church of Canada Foundation from a congregation family to support the ongoing work of the Outreach committee. It is intended that this money be distributed as needed to various worthy causes, including where necessary to provide for rental guarantees for NCN participants. It is our intention to continue to fundraise to support the Outreach programs so that we can replenish these funds on-goingly. Members of Committee: Paul Branscombe, Marylyn Chamberland, Heather Donaldson, Katy Joaquim, Kim MacKay, Sandra Onufryk, Roger and Ruth Sholdice, Leslie Stacey Taylor and Bobbi-Jo Walker Submitted by Hugh Wanless, Chair


The Caring Team Ministry consists of 10 members. There were two resignations, Dorothy Archer and Kay Hamilton. They were thanked for their contributions to the Team. Liz Bryant was welcomed back to the Team. Lorraine Mitchell was recognized for her many years of service. Lorraine had led the Prayer Group and had sent out hundreds of cards over the years with thoughtful messages of sympathy, congratulations and encouragement. Liz Bryant has taken on the leadership of the Prayer group. The Prayer Group prays for eight families from our congregation on a cyclical basis each week as well as for other individuals who are in need of our prayers. Members of the Team will send out cards as needed. The Prayer Shawl Group led by Judy Lilly and Mary Jane Morton continues to produce shawls that are blessed and delivered to those who are ill or suffering the loss of a loved one. In November their sale and Silent Auction at the Church brought in $400.00. These monies were donated to Outreach. The group received a donation of several dozen quilts (mostly for children) from Louise Speck from Milton. The quilts are to be distributed as gifts and not sold. Tom Gilchrist continues to make the small hand held crosses that we deliver to those in hospital or those experiencing loss or illness.

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Food from the freezer was delivered to those in need - shut-ins, those recovering from illness or surgery, those experiencing the loss of a loved one. We are grateful to members of the congregation for the generous gifts of food to supply this ministry. This year the Team catered receptions for six funerals. We give special thanks to Daphne Tonellato for coordinating the volunteers, food and set up for these events. In November the Team assisted with the annual Memory Service on the Second Advent Sunday. Letters were sent to invite those who had lost loved ones during the past year. At Christmas we delivered 23 poinsettias to shut-ins, those in crisis and those in need of care. It was decided to discontinue providing a shadow for the Minister as one was no longer needed. We would also like to recognize Shelagh Leitch for her faithful service in playing the piano at the hospital services which Andy King conducts with the support of the Team several times a year. We are blessed to have Reverend Harry Disher, Andy King and Bobbi Jo Walker who keep us informed of those members of the congregation who are in need of support. Thank you for your devotion and hard work. Respectfully submitted by co-chairs, Mary Lloyd Jane Moffatt

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an integral part of the Maple Grove Caring Team, producing many creative projects including shawls, scarves, lap rugs, quilts, Baptismal stoles and chemo caps.

The items are made available to anyone who would benefit from this gift, whether it be for a time of sadness, gladness, transition, or celebration. They represent the prayers from our congregation, or simply reaching out as a friendly hug.

In what has now become an annual tradition, we offer a mini sale the first week in November, with proceeds to the kitchen renovation fund. Items for sale include Christmas decorations, hats, mitts, scarves cowls etc.

During the summer of 2018, each of the knitters worked on separate squares to prepare a sampler type afghan which was then offered by silent auction up until the Outreach sale in October. Grand winner: Mrs. Kerr!

We also have a friend of Maple Grove, Louise Speck from Milton, who kindly donated two dozen beautiful childrens’ quilts, and, in addition, our friend Tom Gilchrist carves the wooden crosses which fit so comfortably- and comforting in the palm of your hand. Both the quilts and the crosses are given freely to those in need.

By June 2019, an amazing 765 shawls have found homes in the past seven years.

We are a small, but prolific group of knitters and crocheters, and welcome anyone who would like to join us; the fourth Thursday each month. (even if you don’t knit, come for tea – we will find another job for you!) Respectfully submitted by, Mary Jane Morton and Judy Lilly, co-chairs


The Prayer Shawl Ministry

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Centering Prayer The Centering Prayer group at Maple Grove has been running since 2001 when an Introduction to Centering Prayer workshop was given at Maple Grove, sponsored by the Christian Education Committee. This workshop formed the beginnings of the Maple Grove United Church’s Centering Prayer Group. We currently have 13 members, and, although some travel frequently during the winter month, between six and ten attend most weeks. Our meetings run from mid-September to early July. We usually meet Tuesdays 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the Children’s Chapel for a twenty minute period of Centering Prayer (a form of meditation) then some informal fellowship, followed by reading together and discussing books by authors such as Cynthia Bourgeault, Richard Rohr, Father Keating and relevant others. Maple Grove was the third Centering Prayer group created in the province of Ontario. Presently, there are over forty such prayer groups throughout the province, with groups in every province and territory across Canada. This same growth is seen across the United States, as well as worldwide as people heed the need to deepen their spiritual lives through meditation and to connect with God living within us. Any inquiries about the group can be made to the email address and telephone numbers of Joan Vinall-Cox and Michella Poetz which appear in the weekly on-line Maple Grove Newsletter. A description can be found at https://maplegroveunitedchurch.org/ministries/centering-prayer/ Respectfully submitted by, Joan Vinall-Cox and Michella Poetz, Co-facilitators.

Maple Grove United Church Men’s Breakfast Group

Men from Maple Grove United Church have been meeting for a simple breakfast and fellowship once each month since October 1998. Our mandate is to provide a forum for men to discuss Christian values as they relate to families, business, and themselves. By agreement we are organized but unstructured, and we are not part of any organized United Church men’s groups. Men’s Breakfast Meetings are held on the “second Wednesday” of each month, except July and August, at 8 am at the Fifty’s Diner, corner of Fourth Line and Speers Road, Oakville. Our location provides a bright, clean and fun atmosphere. Food is good, plentiful and affordable. Service is moved along by some members gladly helping to serve coffee. We are regularly in and out in 60-75 minutes but never more than 90 minutes. Average attendance has increased to 20-22 and often as many as 24-26 members. Lively discussions arise on many topics and always in the spirit of good camaraderie. Members decided the opportunity to meet once a month to chat, share family updates and generally enjoy good conversation and friendship are the key reasons for attendance being so strong during the past year. So we took a break from scheduling speakers. However, we are always open to suggestions for speakers and presentations on interesting topics that span current economic conditions, healthcare, insurance, financial planning, and mission work throughout the world. We look forward to our new season of Breakfast Meetings starting September 11, 2019. New members are always welcome. Provide your email address and you will receive an invite email each month prior to our breakfast date. If you would like more information call the office: 905-845-5721 or email: [email protected].

Respectfully submitted by, Tom Warden

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Church Website - https://maplegroveunitedchurch.org

Maintained by Joan Vinall-Cox. Designed and set up by Dawn Comber, Digital Dialogues - [email protected]

Annual Expenses: · Domain registered at Hover - https://www.hover.com/ $18.07 x 2 = 36.14

· Hostng at WPCloud - https://wpcloud.ca/ $271.20

· Events Calendar Pro - https://theeventscalendar.com/ $89.00

· Occasional Support from Digital Dialogues - TBA

Pages – Eight main pages with many subpages covering various aspects of Maple Grove United Church · Homepage - updated weekly, usually on a Monday or Tuesday · Widgets on the homepage and other main pages · Church Information · Recorded Sermons · Current Events, including Instagram images · Links to most recent blog posts · Quick Links to United Church and other relevant websites · Events – a searchable calendar for Maple Grove, with 3 different views · Blog – with posts of events and information connected with Maple Grove United Church

Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/Maple-Grove-United-Church-557224737692085/

· Maintained by Joan Vinall-Cox · Usually a weekly posting, often a link to the Maple Grove website · Limited use. A volunteer is needed to use the many capacities Facebook provides.

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/maplegroveunitedchurch/

· Maintained by Joan Vinall-Cox · Images of Maple Grove and our functions · Posted 2 or 3 times a week. · Image contributions welcomed

Web Presence

East Oakville Community Adult Group

The group meets in the Friendship Room on the first and third Thursday of the month, from September through to the end of May. This past year we had a group of 14 to 16 people who enjoyed playing a variety of games and cards and the sociability of the group. We ended an enjoyable season with a delicious lunch at The Celadon House on May 16th. Pat Carriere has done a wonderful job organising the group throughout the year and now has passed the leadership over to Marilyn McClure. Please join us this fall as all are welcome. Refreshments are served.

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The Building and Property committee mission is pretty simple: to ensure that our building(s) and property are

safe, in good condition and meet the needs of those who use it.

As with any property that one is responsible for, keeping it this way needs constant hands on deck, and

watchful eyes. We have that in a core group of Norman and Grant Loveland, JC Berube, Jim Lilly,

Peter Williams, Judy Lang, Tom Warden, John Hamilton plus a wonderful network of folks behind the scenes

who show up and work hard when needed.

This year, as we reflect and ruminate on our future, we were able to address several key building and property


First of all, and so easy to notice, was the paving of the front end of the street driveway. What a change!

With it we tidied up the corner where the Diabetes Donation Red Box sits, as well as levelled off the back corner

between the paving and the fence, where rainwater heavily collects in a downpour.

We also had our fencing along the Weykamp property (south boundary) rebuilt. While we covered the cost of

the materials, our neighbours (the Weykamps) provided the labour and secured the installation.

The annual spring and Fall cleanups continue with many hands making wonderful results. Thank you for joining

us on these events and remember the Fall Cleanup is coming up Saturday November 16 - get your rakes


Our manse is beginning to show its age and we have had to replace some of the kitchen equipment and the

furnace. We are so lucky to have lovely tenants who have renewed their lease for two more years.

You will recall that we have suffered ongoing problems with our ‘flat roof’ over the gym room and last year we

had a specialist in to help find some solutions. George Eno has continued to watch over the roof and this year

worked on a drainage system to help pull away the continual pileup of snow/ice away from the trouble spots.

We continue to work with George and are very grateful for his continued regular checkups and quick response.

This year, we conducted a “green audit” of our building through participation in the Greening Sacred Spaces

project of the Halton Environmental Network. This is a United Church of Canada program designed to help

faith communities make energy efficient and environmental health improvements within their place of worship

and broader community. They have developed several essential tools to assist faith groups in their greening

process, one of which is the Green Audit. This service assists faith communities in identifying and prioritizing

greening opportunities in and around their sacred spaces, and then guiding them on how to make changes

towards greater energy efficiency, health and sustainability.

Your Council agreed to take part in this project and our ‘green audit’ was conducted last November.

Norman Loveland was our link and walked through the church with the “Green” auditor which took almost

four hours just for the in person part! There were also many forms and paper information documents he and

Bobbi-Jo had to locate to help with the audit .

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The audit was conducted on November 27, 2018. The report is substantial ( 24 pages) and includes a look at:

Energy efficiency (windows, doors, space/water heating, lighting, renewable


Water efficiency (usage, fixtures, faucets, wastewater mgmt., leaks)

Kitchen &Washrooms (recycling, composting, waste, dishes/cutlery)

Air Quality (furnace filters/ductwork, vacuuming, scent free policy, candles,

cleaning products, smoking)

Property (pesticide/fertilizer usage, storm water management,

landscaping, xeriscaping, gardening)

Renovations & Construction (healthy and green material selection)

Activities (financial, religious activities, secular activities)

Overall, the Green Audit found that Maple Grove United Church “is in good operating condition yet still has an

excellent opportunity in reducing electricity, energy and water consumption in several areas” and makes a

number of recommendations.

We are now in the process of applying for special funding available through the United Church to enable us to

follow up on these recommendations. We will keep you posted as we move along the process.

We are always grateful for your willingness to step up to the plate as we shepherd our building and property.

Thank you!

Respectfully submitted by, Sandra Kerr, Interim B & P Chair

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Long-term Rentals

Western Heights Montessori: The Montessori tenant is a key piece to MGUC’s financial support base. As we round the corner this fall, of our second year with Western Heights Montessori as tenant of a 5+5 year License Agreement, we have a good working relationship between Helen Mansour, Gord Penley, Bill Kerr, and Bobbi-Jo who manages day-to-day issues, and, the Building and Property team look after the physical sections and/or concerns. As part of our License agreement we offered the times 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. to be an option in the future, for the Montessori to run an after school program. This year Helen Mansour expressed interest and we explored the option, which included a need for more storage space. We discussed the need for a separate storage room, so that Montessori could house more items such as large bookcases on rollers. Building and Property reviewed the options. Approval was obtained through Council in the spring and details will be reviewed in the following fiscal year. The Manse: The Manse has become an important source of income to help cover church operations. The Manse currently rents at $3,250 a month plus the tenant pays the utilities. This is a competitive rate for the area. Normally, there are not many 4-bedroom homes for rent in our area, but over the past two years, there have been many more homes on the market for rent. In addition, not everyone wants to live on the church property but the proximity to schools is desirable. Three years ago, we were fortunate to secure a Lease agreement with the Verma family, whose son attends OT, and they are great tenants and have become part of our church community. I am happy to report that the Verma family have agreed to staying another year. Upon inspection of the building, I was told the Dishwasher and Stove were not working, and after having a repair person look at them, it was decided best to replace the two appliances. With thanks to Judy Lang, Jim Lilly, Norman Loveland, Peter Williams, and other Building and Property volunteers as well as Bobbi-Jo, who have kept the property and building in great shape. Princess Margaret Cancer Centre Home Lottery: We secured another rental agreement for the PMCCHL earlier this year for their Lottery Home located on the NE corner of Maple Grove and Devon, to use our parking lot from mid-August through to mid-November. Times are Monday to Friday 4:30 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.; and Week-ends and Holidays 1:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.. There will be parking attendants (provided by the Lottery folks) pre-sent to direct cars to the rental area which is in the back parking lot, and along the perimeter fence. Elite Volleyball Players: In January, 2016 we secured our volleyball tenants in the gym for Monday, Wednes-day, and Friday evenings, who represent our third income source from long-term rentals. This year they cut back their lease to exclude the summer months, shortened their hours, and extended for another year. Other Long Term Rentals Update: Little Kickers: Rents the Gym on Saturday mornings, September through to the end of May. They have new owners now and signed a one year lease at a time. Bell Retiree Group: renewed for another year and rent the Friendship Room 4x per year. If anyone from the congregation have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly. Kim MacKay [email protected] Long-Term Rentals Chair, MGUC

Respectfully submitted by, Kim MacKay, Long-Term Rental Chair

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Adult 50+ Exercise Basketball Bell Telephone Pioneers Belly Alchemy Centre Birthday / Anniversary Parties Centering Prayer Chinese group gatherings Children and Adult Choirs

Cubs/Scouts/Venturers East Oakville Adult Group Inner Spirit Yoga Leah’s yoga Little Kickers Soccer program MG Youth Group Meditation Group Messy Church

May Court Club of Oakville Princess Margaret Hospital Recitals (piano, flute, guitar, vocal) Soccer Shots program Spirit Move Dancers St. John’s Ambulance dog training EVP Volleyball Western Heights Montessori School

Building Usage


We continue to welcome many community members to use our building this year! Our year round renters list has grown both in numbers and days or usage hours. Below are a few details for your information. Here is the list of our current yearly renters: Western Heights Montessori Little Kickers Inner Spirit Yoga EVP Volleyball Bell Retirees Leah Nicoletta: 50+ exercise and Yoga Our own Church Groups who use the facilities: Monday evening Memorial Handbell Choir were in the Sanctuary as well as the Venturers in the upstairs

daycare room. Gym had EVP making use out of the volleyball space. Tuesday evening we had our Centering Prayer Group in the Sanctuary. Tuesday and Wednesday evenings are very busy with Scouts, Cubs, and Beavers in the gym. Thursday evenings our choirs, Cherub, Koinonia and Chancel use the Friendship Room and the

Sanctuary. The cubs make good use of the gym space. Fridays EVP are using the gym. Saturday a.m. meditation group with Zen Master, Dr. Arnaud Painvin, in the Friendship Room. Leah Nicoletta, along with Beverly White, have been very busy running her 50+ exercise classes Monday,

Wednesday and Friday. Other activities covering usage from July through June: Chinese New Year celebration with our neighbours

Five piano recitals, one dance recital

Five party rentals,

Six funerals

Two St. John Ambulance dog training sessions

Five meetings

Four dance practices

Two award ceremonies


Submitted by, Bobbi-Jo Walker, Church Administrator

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Margaret Dunlop Anne Hall Kenton Carr-Hall Ruth McKenzie Daphne Patchett Evan Morrison Ted Lewis Jessica MacKay Ronka




During the period of July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 Maple Grove United Church received donations celebrating Founding Member, Jeanne Craig's, 100th Birthday Celebration. Received In memory of; Bob McClure, Jessica Ronka, Kenton Carr-Hall, Ted Lewis and Evan Morrison.


Ian Gilchrist

Caelan Zakaria

Joshua Farley


Committee Members: Gord Penley, Peter Drake, Brian Simpson (ex officio), Susan Topp-Taylor Financial statements are published separately. Submitted by, Gord Penley, Chair


The trustees at Maple Grove United Church act on matters relating to the property of the Church. The trustees are appointed and confirmed at the annual meeting and the tradition is that they serve until replaced. Trustees duties involve an annual review of our insurance requirements and with the assistance of our Broker the trustees are ensuring that is done. We have a requirement that all tenants who sign leases provide us with evidence of their insurance. The Church Board approves all leases and acts with regard to issues eg leaky basement etc and the Property committee is in the process of reviewing the Church`s storage room requirements. The trustees meet only as required and given the administrative nature of business did not have a formal meeting this past year. Trustees: John Berg, Linda Cooper, Bill Kerr, Marilyn McClure, Lorraine Mitchell, Brian Simpson and John Stairs. Respectfully submitted by, Bill Kerr, Trustee Representative

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The Reverend Harry Disher has been with us since August 2018.As an interim minister, he is to cover the

period of transition between the retirement of Morar Murray-Hayes in August of 2018 and the appointment of a

new minister for Maple Grove United Church. This is anticipated to be between 18 and 36 months.

Committee Changes

Bruce Tanaka left the committee in June 2019 and moved over to the Worship and Music Committee.

Vanessa Morrison is Chair of M&P. The committee is now looking for a replacement .

Process Changes

Annual job reviews were conducted in accordance with the Handbook of the M&P Committee Guidelines

(2010). Inputs were sought from a variety of committees and interested parties in order to conduct individual

reviews for staff. All input was considered while conducting the reviews, and any increases to salaries were

based on this process. As a result of these reviews the committee determined that the staff were

executing ably in their positions.

Respectfully submitted by,

Vanessa Morrison

Stewardship Items:

- Our 2019 Stewardship campaign ran from Oct. 14 – Nov. 18, 2018.

- Our theme this year was “Loving Our Neighbours”, based on the theme put forward by UCC. We based

our campaign, in part, on materials provided by UCC.

- Our campaign was kicked off by Rev. Harry providing a special Stewardship message in his sermon and a

presentation by Cameron Serles of our goals for Stewardship this year:

o To ensure that everyone in the congregation knows about our mission, what we fund, what

Mission & Service is and what we fund through it.

o To speak about supporting our local mission and ministry and Mission & Service giving as a

Christian spiritual stewardship practice.

o To ask every person in our church to make giving to our local mission and ministry and to

Mission & Service a regular part of their life of faith

o To increase participation in our Stewardship campaign by at least 3 new givers

o To increase the total amount of gifts by 3.5% this year, to cover inflation and increased costs.

o To thank the whole congregation for giving to God’s local mission and ministry.

- Several members of the congregation made wonderful inspiring presentations as to why they support the


- Created Commitment cards, a Narrative Budget and a cover letter, incorporating them all into a package

that was emailed and mailed to all members of the congregation.

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Looking up to the end of June, 2019, it appears that the total number of pledges received year over year

were as follows:

Summary: the total amount donated is down slightly, which is not too bad considering that the number of

donations and donors were both down by over 10%. This is reflective of our changing demographics as well

as the common pattern of a drop in congregational givings during times of transition in leadership.

Nonetheless, it seems many people stepped up and offered an increase.

2019 Lessons Learned:

Our “why I give” stories were once again well received by the congregation and appreciated! We need to

continue to get these great stories told by motivated members of our congregation as part of future


We still need to fine tune our email address list so that we can rely almost exclusively on

communications by email to reduce costs where possible.

Our decrease in donations and number of donors invites us to make some personal efforts to seek out

new members to our church family, and to develop ways and means of creating support for our ministry

and mission from sources beyond our own membership.

A better effort for a follow up email with thanks should be made after the campaign –

somehow it fell through the cracks this year (mea culpa!).

Always looking for fresh ideas and energy to add to the Stewardship committee –

anyone interested? If so, talk to Cameron Serles.

Respectfully submitted by, Cameron Serles, Stewardship Chair

Total Amount


# Donations # Donors

2017 $275,600 2394 254

2018 $274,600 2402 256

2019 $267,215 2188 230

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Fertilizer Committee

Maple Grove United Church in Oakville completed its 59th Annual Fertilizer Sale on April 13th, 2019.

The church’s Fertilizer Committee coordinates the sale of various fertilizers and other garden products

primarily to the Oakville area. In January, the Fertilizer Committee gears up for months of planning, with

significant assistance from the congregation, towards the April sale date.

Each year, more than 100 volunteers take part in this fund-raising event including students earning their

community service hours. Congregation members volunteer to man our sales desk on Sale day, work in the

yard, and in the kitchen keeping all our volunteers well fed and hydrated. Our delivery team maps out

delivery routes and sends our volunteer drivers out to deliver products purchased by our customers prior to

the Sale day using our efficient on-line ordering website.

Green Horizons was our sole partner for 2019 that ultimately resulted in an increase in the donations made

by Green Horizons to Maple Grove United Church. We parted ways with Sheridan Nurseries this year due

to the decreasing interest in the discount coupons but we will explore other options with Sheridan for 2020

as well as research other partnerships that would complement our product offerings.

We once again provided our popular series of Gardening Tips emails via email blasts to help our customers

choose the right products and get the best results throughout the year.

We were blessed with absolutely perfect weather for our 2019 Sale day resulting in an increase in sales over

2018 when we suffered through an ice storm. Total sales for 2019 of $71,371 brought us back just under our

2017 total sales. With further efforts in expense reduction, 2019 will be a very good year for this fundraising

event when all accounting is complete. Next year will be our 60th! With our aging workforce, the biggest

challenge will be to attract younger church members to step up to assist in key areas. We want to make

2020 our best year ever.

There are so many people to thank it would be impossible to name them all. But without a long list of

volunteers who step forward every year this event would never succeed. Thank you to everyone who

contributes in any way to this successful fund-raising event.

2019 Maple Grove United Church Fertilizer Committee. [email protected]

Neil Gartshore, Co-chair Peter Williams, Co-chair

Robert Heggie Greg Pope

Joanne Sinclair Ian Taylor

Tom Warden Sieg Will

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MOTIONS APPROVED BY MGUC COUNCIL 2018-2019 SEPTEMBER 19, 2018 MOTION: by Kim Mackay that the June 30, 2018 internal financial statements be approved for presentation to the congregation on September 30, 2018; seconded by Cameron Serles Motion Carried MOTION: by Cameron Serles that the independently reviewed June 30, 2018 financial statements be approved and that the Chair of Council and the Treasurer be hereby authorized to sign the financial statements on behalf of the Council; seconded by Bill Kerr Motion Carried MOTION: by Liz Valentine that the congregation approve the re-appointment of Les Lucyk, Chartered Professional Accountant, as independent reviewer of the Church’s financial statements for the year ending June 30, 2019; seconded by Cameron Serles Motion Carried MOTION: by Sandra Kerr for approval of up to $6,000 to computerize the double door access on the west side of the Church; seconded by Kim Mackay Motion Carried MOTION: by Kim Mackay to start a Special Purpose Fund called Jessie’s Fund, which would be held by Maple Grove United Church (outside the Outreach Committee). A contract would be drawn up by Bill Kerr that will outline the administration of the Fund, and will ensure that the church is protected, etc. The purpose of the Fund is to allow people to make donations that will then flow through to the Resiliancy4Recovery group. This Fund is for a one-year term, and may be renewed with Council’s approval if another year is requested; seconded by Bruce Tanaka Motion Carried OCTOBER 17, 2018 MOTION: by Hugh Wanless that Maple Grove United Church release the monies held for the First Nations Scholarship of $4000 ($3950 + $50 from unallocated Outreach monies) and remit $4,000 to the University of Sudbury for the support of Bneshiinh McLeod, an Indigenous student currently enrolled in her second year of study; seconded by Mary Lloyd Motion Carried MOTION: by Hugh Wanless that should it be deemed necessary by the Outreach Committee, they are authorized to provide a guarantee in an amount not to exceed $24,000 to a landlord for the Tarek Al Balkhi family to acquire a lease for housing; seconded by Gordon Penley. Motion Carried NOVEMBER 21, 2018 MOTION: by Andy King that Maple Grove indicate its willingness to be a Resiliency Hub; seconded by Sandra Kerr Motion Carried MOTION: by Bruce Tanaka that Standard First Aid training with Level C CPR and AED (16 hours spread over two days) be arranged with St. John Ambulance for up to 10 Council and staff members; for two Saturdays in January in the Friendship Room; at a cost of $1,800 (no tax required); with MGUC to pay for the staff’s share of training; seconded by Kim Mackay. Motion Carried

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2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT 27

2018-2019 DECISIONS MADE BY MGUC COUNCIL NOVEMBER 21, 2018 MOTION: by Sandra Kerr that Western Academy be approved to install security cameras at: 1) Western’s main entrance, looking at the staff room; 2) staff room, looking at the entrance; 3) staff room corner, looking at the classroom hallway; and 4) infant room door, overlooking hall to stairs that go to main floor; and that Western is responsible for $500 in costs, and recorded data; seconded by Gordon Penley. Motion Carried JANUARY 16, 2019 MOTION: by Kim MacKay that MGUC agree to be the Organizational Mentor for the R4R Addiction Support Group effective immediately; seconded by Hugh Wanless. Motion Carried FEBRUARY 20, 2019 MOTION: by Sandra Kerr that we approve the quote from AB Aluminum to replace the doors facing Maple Grove Drive for $6400 + tax; seconded by Hugh Wanless Motion Carried APRIL 17, 2019 MOTION: by Sandra Kerr that we apply for the Faithful Footprints grant and the Oakville Hydro grant and that Peter Williams will proceed with the grant applications; Seconded by Gord Penley Motion Carried MOTION: by Cameron Serles that Council approve the funding for paving of the front driveway from the front of the church to the street and re-grading of the rear parking lot, by Burlington Paving, at a cost of $28,000 + HST and to be completed during the summer; seconded by Andy King Motion Carried MOTION: by Gordon Penley, that Council agree to modify the Licence Agreement with Montessori Daycare to include $750 + tax for the duration of the Licence Agreement for the use of the gymnasium from 3-6 pm Monday – Friday for 10 months of the year for the purpose of running an after-school program. Should the Daycare need to be displaced in the event of a funeral, the Friendship Room will be made available; seconded by Mary Lloyd Motion Carried JUNE 19, 2019 MOTION: by Hugh Wanless that Maple Grove United Church sign a Letter of Guarantee for 12 months’ rent in a new living accommodation and that Gordon Penley, Treasurer, be authorized to execute all documents requested an individual being supported through NCN program of Maple Grove. to a maximum of $6,000; seconded by Gordon Penley Motion Carried (note: as of September 2019 the individual has advised this support is no longer needed) MOTION: by Gord Penley: that we pay off the $23,000 still owing on the kitchen renovations; seconded by Bruce Tanaka Motion Carried

Respectfully submitted by, Karen Kerr, Council Secretary


Page 28: Annual Report for Maple Grove United Church July 1, 2018 ...€¦ · 2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT Annual Report for Maple Grove United Church July 1, 2018 to June 30th, 2019

2018-2019 ANNUAL REPORT 28

Church Staff and Leaders

Maple Grove United Church Council 2018-2019 Chair Ross Gilmour [email protected] 905-599-2540 Treasurer Gordon Penley [email protected] 905-339-1688 Secretary Karen Kerr [email protected] 905-842-1506 Trustees Bill Kerr [email protected] 905-339-6588 Past Chair Sandra Kerr [email protected] (h) 905-639-4995 (w) 416-979-5000 x 6979

Clusters: Leadership and Administration Finance Committee. Gord Penley [email protected] 905-339-1688 Ministry and Personnel Bruce Tanaka [email protected] 905- 844-7756 Stewardship Cameron Serles [email protected] 905-842-2407 Communications (technology) Al Wheable [email protected] 905-844-5469

Building & Property Outdoor/Indoor [vacant] Rentals Kim MacKay [email protected] 905-599-9745

Ministry and Mission/Congregation and Worship Support Worship and Music Liz Valentine [email protected] 905-825-1094 Caring Team Mary Lloyd [email protected] 905-845-4132 Membership [Vacant] Outreach Hugh Wanless [email protected] 905-845-2229


Office Please use office number for messages to staff *905-845-5721 Minister Rev. Harry Disher [email protected] x 221 Leader of Christian Andy King [email protected] x 223 Education Church Administrator Bobbi Jo Walker [email protected] x 221 Accountant Brian Simpson [email protected] x 224 Envelope Secretary Paula Warden [email protected] x 221 Director of Music Dr. Deborah Henry [email protected] x 221

Organist Eran Rozen [email protected] x 221



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