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Page 1: ANZAC Centenary Pilgrimage Apr - May 2015

ANZAC Centenary PilgrimageApr - May 2015

Ph: (61) 07 5530 2900


1st April - 2nd May, 2015


Page 2: ANZAC Centenary Pilgrimage Apr - May 2015


TOUR LINKTOUR LINKHosted By: Rev. Dr Geoff & Lorraine Pankhurst


ANZAC Centenary Pilgrimage with ReverendDr Geoff & Lorraine Pankhurst

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Wednesday 1st April 2015Wednesday 1st April 2015

Afternoon departure to SINGAPORE to connect with your onward flight via ISTANBUL to TEL AVIV, ISRAEL. (Meals in Flight)


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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKThursday 2nd AprilThursday 2nd April

Early morning arrival in Tel Aviv where we will be met by Inner Faith Travel Representatives and transferred to our hotel for rest and relaxation. In the afternoon we will visit the ancient city of JOPPA, home of Simon the Tanner, to stroll through the narrow streets filled with art galleries and cafes. Overnight Tel Aviv. (Meals in Flight – D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKFriday 3rd AprilFriday 3rd April

We journey north this morning for a coastal tour of the MEDITERRANEAN SEA PORTS. En route we will visit CEASAREA, site of Herod’s Palace, home of Cornelius and where Paul was brought to trial. We travel to Haifa, MT CARMEL and Muhraqa, where Elijah called down fire from Heaven to defeat the prophets of Baal. We continue passing through the MEGGIDO VALLEY, the large plain where the final battle of Armageddon is prophesied to take place. Our final destination is the beautiful Sea of Galilee for overnight. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKSaturday 4th April (Passover)Saturday 4th April (Passover)

Free day by the Sea of Galilee. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKSunday 5th AprilSunday 5th AprilToday, we explore this historical area of Galilee. Remember how Jesus walked on the water? Our special traditional sailing vessel will take us across the Sea of Galilee, stopping in the middle for a time of reflection and worship. Rejoice! Jesus is alive. We disembark at Nof Ginnosar a kibbutz located on the shores of the Galilee where we will see the remains of a boat from the time of Jesus. Arriving later to CAPERNAUM, the city of Jesus, we visit the ruins of the synagogue where Jesus performed many miracles. You will see the new excavations of ST PETER’S house and visit TABGHA, where Jesus multiplied five loaves and two fishes to feed the multitudes and later ascending to the top of the MOUNT OF BEATITUDES, we will pause to read the Sermon on the Mount. St Peters Fish lunch at a restaurant by the Sea. Overnight Galilee. (B-L-D)

Monday 6th AprilMonday 6th AprilOur journey takes us to Nazareth where Jesus grew to manhood. We visit the Church of Annunciation, which covers the boyhood home of Jesus. We spend time at Nazareth Village recreating village lifestyle during the time of Jesus experiencing the Nazareth Jesus knew! Enjoy a magnificent view from the Mount of the Precipice. Passing through Cana, where He performed His first recorded miracle, we round the crest of a hill the SEA OF GALILEE unfolds in a breathtaking panoramic scene before our eyes. Overnight Galilee. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKTuesday 7th AprilTuesday 7th AprilWe travel around the southern end of the Sea of Galilee to Gadara, where Jesus healed the possessed man called Legion. We continue to the UPPER GALILEE and the GOLAN HEIGHTS. Visiting Dan where Israel worshiped false gods and on to Banias or CAESAREA PHILIPPI where St Peter made his profession of faith that Jesus is the Messiah! Overnight Galilee. (B-D)

Wednesday 8th AprilWednesday 8th AprilOur route then takes us south, following the scenic Jordan Valley to the Decapolis city of BEIT-SHEAN where King Saul’s body was hung on the gates of the city. We visit JERICHO, the oldest known city in the world with its ancient Tel and archaeological site close by to Elisha’s Spring. Lunch in Jericho. Travelling south we pause for a photo opportunity at Qumran where the Dead Sea scrolls were discovered continuing on to Beer Sheba for overnight. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKThursday 9th AprilThursday 9th April

Light Horse History awaits us at Beer Sheba. Meet with Municipality of Be’er-Sheva representative. Places of remembrance include the Park of the Australian Soldier, Allenby’s statue, Turkish railway station and bridge, Memorial to Allies, ANZAC museum and Turkish trenches in Be’er-Sheva. Visit memorabilia of the World War 1 Heritage Society at Midreshet Ben Gurion. Gaza-Be’er-Sheva line, Ness Ziona where there is a stature in honour of the NZ horsemen. El Buggar Ridge and Shellal where the Allies fought, Yad La Banim, themunicipal hall of commemoration of war victims.Overnight Be’er-Sheva. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKFriday 10th AprilFriday 10th April

Visit Beer Sheba’s Biblical sites including Abraham’s Well, Tel Be’er-Sheva (Tel el Saba), the place of God’s covenant with Abraham in Gen 15, the place where God changed Abram and Sarai’s names, Gerar and Be’er La Hai Roi. We finish our day at the lowest point on earth, the Dead Sea. Time to ‘float’ in the medicinal waters. Overnight Dead Sea. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKSaturday 11th AprilSaturday 11th April

This morning we visit the mighty fortress of MASADA, the site of the last heroic 3-year stand of 960 Jewish defenders against the Roman Empire. From its heights (by cable car) we have tremendous views of Jordan and the Dead Sea. We visit Ein Gedi Spring, David’s refuge from Saul. We then make our memorial ascen,t through the Judean Wilderness, up to the City of God, Jerusalem. Overnight Jerusalem. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKSunday 12th AprilSunday 12th April

Touring New Jerusalem we visit the Israel Museum’s MODEL CITY, site of a quarter acre replica of Jerusalem in the time of Christ including the Jewish Temple. We enter the Shrine of the Book, which houses the DEAD SEA SCROLLS and spend time at YAD VASHEM HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL. This memorial is built in memory of the six million Jews lost in the Holocaust. Sunset visit to the Allied Cemetery on Mt Scopus, before settling in to our Jerusalem hotel for Overnight. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKMonday 13th AprilMonday 13th AprilWe awaken in the city of the Great King, Jerusalem, the geographic centre of the world. You can feel the atmosphere that sets Jerusalem apart from any other city in the world. We have a full day of touring Old Jerusalem, following in the footsteps of Jesus, including the MT OF OLIVES and the GARDEN OF GETHSEMANE. Entering into the OLD CITY through ST STEPHEN’S GATE we visit the POOL OF BETHESDA, where Jesus cured an invalid, and continue to the Ecce Homo convent to view the Lithostrotos and the Pavement and visit the PRAETORIUM, site of the public trial and condemnation of Jesus. We continue through the colourful bazaar streets of the Old City, passing the Stations of the Cross along the VIA DOLOROSA arriving at the CHURCH OF THE HOLY SEPULCHRE. We visit the WESTERN WALL, the most sacred site for the Jewish people and ascend the TEMPLE MOUNT (security permitting) to the Dome of the Rock, the site where Abraham offered up Isaac. We finish our day at the Christ Church, the oldest Protestant Church in the Middle East. Overnight Jerusalem. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKTuesday 14th AprilTuesday 14th April

This morning we are off to the GARDEN TOMB, where we will celebrate Communion Service with the empty tomb in the background. The serenity of this place makes it a spiritual oasis within this bustling city. This is the ultimate place of worship in Jerusalem. The remainder of the day is free for shopping. Overnight Jerusalem. (B)

Wednesday 15th AprilWednesday 15th April

Morning departure to the airport for our flight to Istanbul, Afternoon free to explore the Grand Bazaar with its 4,000 shops and stalls or enjoy the city view from a hill top Tea House. Overnight Istanbul. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKThursday 16th AprilThursday 16th April

City tour of Istanbul visiting Topkapi Palace, the Old City¹s underground cisterns, the Saint Sophia Basilica, the majestic Blue Mosque, the Byzantine Hippodrome. We will visit the 15th Century Macedonian Ahrida Jewish Synagogue. Overnight Istanbul (B -D)

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Saturday 18th AprilSaturday 18th April

Free time in Canakkale located on the Dardanelles Straits. Afternoon return to Istanbul for overnight. (B-D)

Sunday 19th AprilSunday 19th April

Morning cruise on the Bosporous. Overnight Istanbul (B-D)

Friday 17th AprilFriday 17th April

Drive to the Gallipoli Peninsula where we will visit Anzac Cove, Commemorative Service at Lone Pine cemeteries, see the old trenches and view the monument to Kernal Ataturk (1881-1938) the founder of the Turkish Republic. We cross the Dardanelles by ferry to the beautiful coastal city of Canakkale. Overnight Canakkale. (B-D)

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Monday 20th AprilMonday 20th AprilOn your arrival in Brussels transfer to your hotel. Overnight Brussels. (B-D)


Tuesday 21st AprilTuesday 21st AprilThis morning you board the coach and travel to the battlefield of Waterloo. On the 18th of June 1815, 191.300 soldiers fought one of the most decisive battles in the history of Europe in only one day. The Wellington army had 67,000 soldiers, Blucher’s army 52,300 and Napoleon’s army 72,000. A total of 48,500 men fell or were severely wounded on this day. After visiting the battle site you lunch in the township of Waterloo and visit the Museum. You then travel to Ypres and after booking into your hotel your evening is at leisure. Overnight Ypres. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKWednesday 22nd AprilWednesday 22nd April

Commencing your tour of the battlefield and Memorials of the Ypres Salient you visit the Ploegsteert Wood Memorial, Shot at dawn soldier Pte McBride, Christmas Truce site, The Peace Tower, Messines and the Mine Crater, the reconstructed German Trenches at Bayonwald, Hill 60 Australian Tunnel Coy Memorial and the Hooge Crater and museum.

Lunch is at Mount Kemmel and this evening you attend the Last Post Ceremony at the Menin Gate.Overnight Ypres. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKThursday 23rd AprilThursday 23rd April

After breakfast you visit Polygon Wood, the 5th Australian Division Memorial, Tyne Cot Cemetery, the largest Commonwealth Cemetery in the world, where two Australian VC winners, Capt. Jeffries and Sgt McGee are laid to rest, Broodseine where gas was first used and Poelkapelle where the youngest known soldier who was 13 years and 310 days old is buried. You lunch at Langemark and then visit Essex Farm, where the poem “In Flanders Fields” was written, Poperinge, the ‘Shooting Post’ and ‘Toc H’ and Lijssenthoek, the second largest Commonwealth Cemetery in Belgium. You return to Ypres and later walk the ancient Ramparts and visit the Flanders field Museum. Overnight Ypres. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKFriday 24th AprilFriday 24th April

After breakfast you depart Ypres for Amiens stopping on the way to visit VC Corner Australian Cemetery and Fromelles Australian Memorial Park. The central feature of the park is the statue of an Australian soldier bringing in a wounded comrade. This statue recognises the heroism of the many unknown soldiers who ventured out into no-mans land to bring in the wounded cobbers. The statue is by Peter Corlett of Melbourne and was inaugurated on 5 July 1998. It stands on the old German front line captured by the 14th Brigade and held overnight. It is a depiction of a 40 year old ex farmer from Victoria: Sergeant Simon Fraser of the 57th Battalion AIF. The Allied Command had refused to enter into any negotiations to bring in the dead and wounded. Over the next three days survivors of the 5th Division went out into no-mans land to retrieve their comrades. Whilst he was out on the battle field Fraser heard a wounded man shout out: Don’t forget me, cobber.

The injured soldier was rescued on Fraser’s next venture out. A boxed lunch is provided and after booking into your hotel in Amiens your time is at leisure for rest or sightseeing, tomorrow will be a very early start.Overnight Amiens. (B-L-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKSaturday 25th April 2015 – ANZAC DAYSaturday 25th April 2015 – ANZAC DAY

A pre dawn wakeup call will be arranged along with coffee and tea. You then depart for the dawn service at the Australian War Memorial in Villers Bretonneux. This magnificent structure carries the names of 11,000 Australian diggers who lost their lives and have no known grave. After the traditional moving service you travel into Villers Bretonneux for breakfast and then visit the Victoria school noted for the sign over the playground…Do not forget AUSTRALIA. You will also have time to visit the school museum before joining in the march to the town square. After the march you return to your hotel for a well earned rest. Overnight Amiens. (B-D)

Sunday 26th AprilSunday 26th April

Today will be a late start to allow you to recover from yesterday’s long day. Late morning you return to Villers Bretonneux to visit the Adelaide Cemetery and Australian Memorial Park at Le Hamel and the 3rd Division Memorial at Sailly Le Sec. You will also walk the Battlefields where Monash`s detailed tactics resulted in all objectives being taken in just 93 minutes.Overnight Amiens. (B-D)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKMonday 27th AprilMonday 27th April

After breakfast you retrace the footsteps of the 1st, 2nd and 4th Australian Divisions who in 45 days, launched 19 attacks and lost 23,000 men in an area of about two square miles. You then visit Albert and Pozieres where you will see the ‘Windmill’, then onto Mouquet (Mucky) Farm, Fricourt German Cemetery and the Thiepval Memorial and visitor’s centre.Overnight Amiens. (B-D)

Tuesday 28th AprilTuesday 28th April

Coach to Paris to enjoy a city tour visiting the Eiffel Tower, Champs Elysee, Opera, Arc de Triumph and Notre Dame. After checking into your hotel the remainder of the day is at leisure to discover this magnificent city. (B)

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TOUR LINKTOUR LINKWednesday 29th AprilWednesday 29th April

Day at leisure in Paris to allow you to continue your own sightseeing. (B)

Thursday 30th AprilThursday 30th April

Today your tour ends and you fly home. (B- Meals in Flight)

Friday 1st May 2015Friday 1st May 2015

In Flight

Saturday 2nd MaySaturday 2nd May

Arrival home with memories that will remain.

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SUMMARY OF TOURPrice includes Round trip airfare Australia / Israel. Flights to Turkey & Europe as per chosen options. Airport assistance, touring expenses in all countries visited, with an English speaking tour guide in modern airconditioned coaches, overnight accommodations in 3-4 star hotels, with meals (Breakfast – Dinners) where indicated. All entrance fees, Sea of Galilee boat expenses & majority of hotel and airport baggage handling.

Price does not include Drinks with meals, visa costs, Travel Insurance, airline departure & ticket taxes and tipping expenses. Single room supplement cost available on request. Additional trips must be booked and paid for 60 days before departure.

This tour is being made possible through Inner Faith Travel. Prices are subject to change at any time at the discretion of Inner Faith Travel due to currency uctuations, airfare increases, fuel surcharges etc. from time of publication 30.06.11




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Inner Faith Travel20 Grandview Terrace, Tallai, QLD 4213, Australia


Fax to (61) 07 5530 3911

(61) 07 5530 2900

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