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Page 1: Anzac Day Fact Huntngakakano.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/3/4/46349657/worksheet.pdfAnzac biscuits 14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for? Army 15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and

Anzac Day Fact Hunt1. What day is Anzac Day?


2. Which two countries observe Anzac Day?


3. What was the date of the Gallipoli landing?


4. Name one city in the country of Turkey.


5. What is a troop?


6. Men from how many countires (or groups of countries) fought at Gallipoli?


7. What is a public holiday?

___________________________________ ___________________________________

8. What events happen on Anzac Day?

_______________________________________ ________________________________________

9. Why do people wear medals on Anzac Day?

_____________________________________ ____________________________________

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Page 2: Anzac Day Fact Huntngakakano.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/3/4/46349657/worksheet.pdfAnzac biscuits 14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for? Army 15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and

Anzac Day Fact Hunt

10. How many memorials for World War 1 are there in New Zealand?


11. What instrument is a bugle like?


12. What is an important symbol of Anzac Day?


13. What did women send to soldiers in World War 1?


14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for?


15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and long-lasting?


16. What did the soldiers mix the Anzac biscuits with? Why?


17. What important qualities did Anzac soldiers have?

____________________________________ ____________________________________ ____________________________________

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Page 3: Anzac Day Fact Huntngakakano.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/3/4/46349657/worksheet.pdfAnzac biscuits 14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for? Army 15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and

Anzac Day Fact Hunt

18. When is a Dawn Service held?


19. What is a volunteer?


20. What was the land like where the soldiers landed in Gallipoli?


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Page 4: Anzac Day Fact Huntngakakano.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/3/4/46349657/worksheet.pdfAnzac biscuits 14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for? Army 15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and

Anzac Day Fact Hunt Answers1. What day is Anzac Day?

25th April

2. Which two countries observe Anzac Day?

Australia and New Zealand

3. What was the date of the Gallipoli landing?

25th April 1915

4. Name one city in the country of Turkey.


5. What is a troop?

Group of soldiers

6. Men from how many countries (or groups of countries) fought at Gallipoli?


7. What is a public holiday?

A day where people don’t have to work or go to school

8. What events happen on Anzac Day?

Dawn services and parades

9. Why do people wear medals on Anzac Day?

In remembrance of others

10. How many memorials for World War 1 are there in New Zealand?

Over 500

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Page 5: Anzac Day Fact Huntngakakano.weebly.com/uploads/4/6/3/4/46349657/worksheet.pdfAnzac biscuits 14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for? Army 15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and

Anzac Day Fact Hunt Answers

11. What instrument is a bugle like?

A trumpet or horn

12. What is an important symbol of Anzac Day?

The Poppy

13. What did women send to soldiers in World War 1?

Anzac biscuits

14. What does the second A in ANZAC stand for?


15. Why were Anzac biscuits hard and long-lasting?

So they could last the long journey to the soldiers

16. What did the soldiers mix the Anzac biscuits with? Why?

Water, to make porridge

17. What important qualities did Anzac soldiers have?

Brave, courageous, preserved, worked together

18. When is a Dawn Service held?

Early in the morning

19. What is a volunteer?

Someone who chooses to do something

20. What was the land like where the soldiers landed in Gallipoli?

Steep cliffs

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