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Page 1: ANZLTC14: Bb Analytics - Chris Eske

Data  Analy)cs:  Insight  for    Bright  Futures  

Chris Eske Analytics Specialist Blackboard International

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Not  a  Des)na)on  but  a  Journey!  

Chris Eske Analytics Specialist Blackboard International

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Agenda  •  The  Theory  •  The  Solu)on  •  The  Reality  •  Discussion  

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Data  is  not  informa)on,  informa)on  is  not  knowledge,  knowledge  is  not  understanding,  understanding  is  not  wisdom.  

Clifford  Stoll      

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Data  is  not  informa)on,  informa)on  is  not  knowledge,  knowledge  is  not  understanding,  understanding  is  not  wisdom.  

Clifford  Stoll      

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Using Analytics As a Catalyst For Change

Ask Good Questions

Unlock the Data

Dig Deeper

Drive Action

Measure Progress

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The Stumbling Block

Ask Good Questions

Unlock the Data

Dig Deeper

Drive Action

Measure Progress

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Dr  Freeman  Hrabowski  –  President  UMBC  

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Four Dimensions of Educational Analytics

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Student Learning •  How can I easily find students who are at-risk?

•  Who are the most innovative instructors?

•  How are students performing on learning outcomes over time?

•  Which instructional strategies & tools are being used in courses the most? The least? Which are most effective to enhance student engagement & success?

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Student Learning Accountability

•  What strategies to improve the quality of course design and instruction result in better student performance and course evaluations?

•  How many logins, time on task, and other metrics have occurred over time?

•  What student activities are correlated to desired outcomes, grades and course completion?

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“Given accurate and timely normed feedback, most

populations will self correct or improve with little or no direct


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Student  at  a  Glance    (student  compared  to  class  average)  

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Does  When  MaRer?  

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Does  When  MaRer?  

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Aligning  Breadth  and  Depth  with  Repor)ng  Objec)ves  

Students   Teachers   L&T  Support  

Student  Support   IT  Support   Execu7ve  

Opera7onal   ✓  

Tac7cal   ✓   ✓  

Strategic   ✓  


 -­‐  Students-­‐At-­‐Risk    

 -­‐  Course  Evalua)on  

 -­‐  Effec)ve  Course  Design  

   -­‐  Increased  Use  of  Learning  Techs  

 -­‐  Scholarship    -­‐  Resourcing  (Personnel)  


 -­‐  Resourcing  (Hardware)    -­‐  Resourcing  (Support)  

 -­‐  Reten)on    -­‐  Benchmarking    

-­‐  Trends    -­‐  Resourcing    -­‐  Audi)ng  

Self  Efficacy  

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Information Access

The Reporting Queue

Data Genius


Select  *  from  Source.PS_STDNT_CAR_TERM  stdnt_car_term      inner  join  Student.DimTerm  dim_term  on          

 stdnt_car_term.STRM  =  dim_term.SourceKey  and                                    dim_term.IncludeTermInLoad  =  1  le`  join  Source.PS_ACAD_PROG  acad_prog  on    

 stdnt_car_term.EMPLID  =  acad_prog.EMPLID  and                  stdnt_car_term.ACAD_CAREER  =  acad_prog.              stdnt_car_term.STDNT_CAR_NBR  =  acad_prog        and  acad_prog.EFFDT  <=  dim_ter                      

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Analy7cs  Solu7on  Overview  

Student Management Finance Human

Resources Financial

Aid Advancement



SunGard  Banner  

Blackboard  Learn  

Mappings from ERP

& Other Sources

Data Transformation

Data Model Relational & OLAP

Front-End Reporting

• Best Practices • Metrics • Business Rules • Derived Data

A  Comprehensive  Suite  of  Packaged  Analy:c  Applica:ons  


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Your  Data  

Grade  &  Outcome  Results  

Course  AFributes  

Student  AFributes  

Final  Grades  

Student Information


Performance Analyses Best Practices Analyses

Trend Analyses

Instructor  AFributes  User  

Ac7vity  Data   Course  

Item  Data  

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• Gradebook • Possible Score • Score • Weight • Grade Pct • Weighted • Element Count • Highest Score • Lowest Score • Improvement • Average Score • Attempts • Days To Grade

• Goals • TBD

• Course Design • Item Count • Files Attached • VTBE Objects • VTBE Characters • File Size • Folder Depth • Links • Folders

• Course Section • Subject • Department • College • Class Number • Term • Course Career/Level • Instruction Method

• Students • Birthdate • Gender • Ethnicity • Citizenship • Current Term • Primary Major • Career/Level • Academic Level • Current Academic Standing • Primary College

• Instructors • Gender • Ethnicity • Highest Education Level • Faculty Rank • Tenure Status • Primary Department

• User Activity • Sessions

• Logins • Session Minutes • Courses • Content Items • Tools • Modules • Clicks • Pages

• Course Activity • Courses Accessed • Course Access Minutes • Session Course Sequence • Content Items • Pages

• Content Activity • Content Items Accessed • Content Item Hits • Content Access Minutes • Session Sequence • Folder (or Content) Depth

• Submissions • TBD

Learn Metrics Key SIS


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Integrated in Learn

Menu-Based Reports

Self-Service Data Exploration and


Three  Ways  to  Explore  Data  

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Learn  Report  for  Students  

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Learn  Reports  for  Instructors  

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Instructors    (Lecturer)  Course  at  a  Glance  

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Course  Avg.  

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Advisor  –  Parameterized  Grade  Center  Excep)on  Report  

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Dean  Dashboard  

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Dean  Dashboard  (Change  delivery  method  using  Slicers)  

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Direct  Costs  

Faculty  Salary  

Taxes,  Health  Insurance  &  Other  Benefits  

Instruc)on-­‐Related  Opera)ng  Expenses  


Student  Tui)on  

Other  Fees  


Academic  Performance  

Reten)on  &  Gradua)on  Rates  

A4SIS:  Cost  of  Instruc7on  

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 Instructional  Costs  by  Course  Department    

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A4SIS:  Risk  Factor  Distribu7on  Report  

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The Stumbling Block

Ask Good Questions

Unlock the Data

Dig Deeper

Drive Action

Measure Progress

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The Stumbling Block

Ask Good Questions

Unlock the Data

Dig Deeper

Drive Action

Measure Progress

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The Stumbling Block

Ask Good Questions

Unlock the Data

Dig Deeper

Drive Action

Measure Progress

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Project Plan – Planning & Set up

1.   Environment  Setup    •  Server  Configura)on  

•  Remote  Server  Access  •  Checklist  document  

2.   Choose  BB  Learn  Source  Environment  •  UAT/Prod  etc  

3.   Learn  Integra7on    •  Install  Analy)cs  for  Learn  Building  Block      

•  Enable  the  Building  Block  on  the  system  

•  Select  the  execu)on  )me  for  the  background  Data  Integra)on  Task  (which  runs  once  a  day)  

•  Verify  connec)vity  between  Analy)cs  Server  and  Learn  Stats  schema  

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“If  data  is  cool  &  analysis  is  powerful,    

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“If  data  is  cool,  &  analysis  is  powerful,    

then  ac)on  driven  by  analysis  is  transforma)ve.”

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Thank You

Chris  Eske  [email protected]  

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